PDF: Kitab Al Kabā'ir by Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab
Link to all mp3 Lessons on official website
1. 29-02-1441 - 28-Oct-2019 - causing fear to a muslim, spreading ones sins, accusation of zina, backbiting, pg. 137 H:149 to pg. 148 H:164 - mp3
2. 07-03-1441 - 04-Nov-2019 - removal of obstruction, spread of fawaaish, bribery - pg. 149 H:165 to pg. 154 H:170 - mp3
3. 28-03-1441 - 25-Nov-2019 - Baab ul Gulool - taking from war booty without due right, Baab Obeying the Ruler, Baab Separating from the Jamaah pg. 155 H:171 to pg. 159 H:176 - mp3 (on website date is 29-03 which is likely an error)
4. 23-06-1441 : 17-Feb-2020 - Baab ul Fitan, Fitnah in Deen, Dunya, wealth, kids pg. 160 H:177 to pg. 164 H:182 mp3