Lesson 8 Main Text First 11 lines Completed.
Lesson 8 Main Text Completed. Exercises 2 on explanation of seven categories of noun was completed.
Key Points Covered in this class:
If مضاف is المعرفة then مضاف إليه will also be المعرفة
If مضاف is النكرة then مضاف إليه will also be النكرة
The word يسلم has two meanings.
To Say Salaam to someone
To hand over or deliver something
In Arabic the following Seven Categories of definite nouns are (المعرفة)
Pronouns like هو, أنت, أنا
Proper names like أحمد, الهند
Demonstrative Pronouns like هذا, ذلك
Relative Pronouns like الذي, الذين, ما, من
A noun with the article like الكتاب, الرجل
A noun with a definite noun as its مضاف إليه like كتاب حامد, كتاب هذا
A noun with a indefinite noun as its مضاف إليه like كتاب طالب, بيت مدرس
A الْمُنَادَى (The vocative) specified by نداء (calling) like يا رجل, يا ولد
Homework: Write down the Exercises 2 (Sub Section 1, 2, 3 & 4) from Lesson 8 and Submit.
Assignment Link: https://classroom.google.com/c/NjI3MzU3MjIxNjkw/a/NjQ5NTg0MDg2MzU4/details
3. Part 3 - mp3 YouTube Video (07/Jumada-Al-Akhirah/1445 or 20/Dec/2023)
Recap of the Seven Categories of Definite Noun. Completed All Exercises.