
Lesson 8 Main Text First 11 lines Completed.

Lesson 8 Main Text Completed. Exercises 2 on explanation of seven categories of noun was completed.

Key Points Covered in this class:

A noun with a indefinite noun as its مضاف إليه like كتاب طالب, بيت مدرس

Homework: Write down the Exercises 2 (Sub Section 1, 2, 3 & 4) from Lesson 8 and Submit.

Assignment Link: https://classroom.google.com/c/NjI3MzU3MjIxNjkw/a/NjQ5NTg0MDg2MzU4/details

3. Part 3 - mp3 YouTube Video (07/Jumada-Al-Akhirah/1445 or 20/Dec/2023)

Recap of the Seven Categories of Definite Noun. Completed All Exercises.