About Abu Iyyad
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين ، وبعد
I would like to remind my brothers and sisters to go back in time and recall the year 1995 or 1996 – approximately 25 years ago. Where were we – what were we up to – what was our state? Many of us will probably fall under one of these categories
- We were not even born
- Toddler playing and running around
- Teens or youths entangled in the fitnah of dunya – desires and doubts – far away from deen
- Just started practicing the religion
- Practicing the deen but involved in some of the innovated ways
- Involved in innovated ways + even callings towards it – whether it be from tablighis, or barelwis or ikhwanis or takfiris
Whilst this was state of many, our brother Abu Iyyad hafizahullah was busy translating parts of the monumental book of Al Laalikaae known as Sharh Usool Itiqaad Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah (this book is also known as Encyclopedia of Manhaj Us Salaf)…..
How many scores of people in the East and the West, covering several large continents from Australia, Africa, Asia, Europe, North and South America, have been guided towards the pure path of Islam and Salafiyyah, firstly by permission of Allah azzawajal and then by the works and clarification done by this noble brother Abu Iyyad… His works include not just clarifying in detail the Manhaj of Salaf, status of Salaf, importance of returning back to the great scholars and their understanding but also in general defending the Muslims and the noble religion from various types of allegations such as that of Pedophilia, Extremism and terrorism, Oppression of Women, Barbaric religion which always advocates fighting and killing, backward religion not fit for 21st century etc. These clarifications, highly researched materials, highly precise in nature, very strong in their arguments such that there is no room left for the other party - are quite simply unparalleled in their quality and authenticity and it is unlikely you will be able to get such material in the English language from other sources apart from this brother or those associated with Maktabah Salafiyyah.
Let’s take a brief glimpse of some his works…
1. Works defending Islaam and Muslims from the various allegations by certain individuals
a) In defense of our noble Prophet, Prophet Muhammad may peace be upon him, from the allegations of various individuals who accused our Prophet of extremism, pedophilia, womanizer, warmonger, seeker of authority – A huge majority of Muslims in the western world were ignorant wrt how these allegations can be rebutted in a precise, complete manner and walillaahilhamd we had this extremely valuable resource - http://www.prophetmuhammad.name/
b) Muslims guide to evolution and atheism and how to understand the tricks and games played by so called sophisticated, scientific individuals who deny existence of a Creator - http://www.aboutatheism.net/index.cfm
c) Noble and lofty goals of Islamic Shariah http://www.shariah.ws/index.cfm
d) Book – Muslims guide to evolution and atheism
e) Allegations of terrorism and extremism to Islam and Quraan - http://www.islamagainstextremism.com/
f) Book – Clarifying the multiple marriages of Prophet Muhammad may peace be upon him and the noble and lofty goals behind each one of them – A strong and versatile refutation of the allegation of pedophilia and womanizer – we seek refuge in Allah from this.
g) Book – This is Islam – A very powerful book which clarifies basics of Islam and also provides the reasons and benefits of certain rules and legislations in Islam and how it benefits people, societies and countries. Likewise it clarifies some of the misconceptions about women in Islam (eg. The commonly misunderstood ruling in islam around 2 witness of a women equaling one witness of a man and other similar misconceptions) and how Islam tries to protect, honor, raise, elevate the ranks of women! A true eye opener -
2. Works clarifying the beauty of Islaam and some of its noble tenets
a. Correct belief re Prophet Jesus may peace be upon him and stance of Muslims concerning him - http://www.islamjesus.ws/
b. Work highlighting some heart rendering narrations around behavior and mannerisms of the most pious of generation - http://www.piousmuslim.com/
c. Book – Islam and its position towards extremist ideology
d. Book – A principle regarding Patience and Gratitude – from works of Ibn Taymiyah
e. Learning Arabic and its fundamentals - http://www.learnarabic.com
f. Islam and homosexuality and reasons for its prohibitions from a modern scientific viewpoint - http://www.islamhomosexuality.com/hs/
g. Maintaining Healthy lifestyle - http://www.healthymuslim.com/index.cfm
h. Principles and methodologies in understanding Fiqh in Islam and its various rulings - http://www.fiqhonline.com/
3. Works clarifying methodology of the Salaf and that which opposes it
1. Authentic translation and tafseer of the Noble quraan from well reputed scholars of tafseer such as Ibn Katheer, Tabari and Sa’di - http://www.thenoblequran.com/q/
2. Clarification of importance of Tawheed and remaining away from Shirk and its different manifestation – the most fundamental pillar of Islam - http://www.tawhidfirst.com/monotheism/
3. Work clarifying the evil belief of Shia an early sect of Islam which went to extremism in their beliefs, in praising certain individuals and in debasing the noble companions of Prophet Muhammad may peace be upon him - http://www.shia.bs/
4. Detailed clarification around the historical origin of deviations in beliefs and how it entered into the ranks of muslims and Islamic societies. And likewise a detailed treatment of the monumental subject of Names and attributes of Allah azzawajal (an area where there has been huge amounts of deviations and confusion) – www.aqidah.com
5. Clarification pertaining to detailed issues of methodology in dawah and some of the misguided individuals and how they spread their venomous deviations amongst Muslims and the way we can safeguard ourselves from it www.manhaj.com
6. The beauty and purity of Islam and the dangerous nature of innovation and how they tarnish the purity of Islam - http://www.bidah.com/index.cfm
7. One of the most dangerous sect in Islam and which has caused huge turmoil in various muslim lands and nations – a well-researched discourse on the historical background behind this movement and its leadership - http://www.ikhwanis.com/index.cfm , http://www.takfiris.com/takfir/ , http://www.nabahani.com/ , http://www.sayyidqutb.com/index.cfm , http://www.kharijites.com/kj/index.cfm
8. In defense of the noble imams and mountains of knowledge http://www.wahhabis.com/index.cfm , http://www.ibntaymiyyah.com/index.cfm , http://www.themadkhalis.com/md/index.cfm , Defense of Al Albani on the accusation of Irjaa’
9. A Very beneficial series on Historical development of Ikhwaanul Muslimeen and how it has impacted the dawah organizations and individuals in the West – A total of more than 200 pages of high quality material spread over 6 pdf docs – Highly recommended http://www.salafipublications.com/sps/downloads/pdf/MNJ180001.pdf (even though this was published in early 2000 and the status of some of the individuals mentioned (like Hajoori, Md Ibn Haadi etc.) have changed since then but nevertheless a very informative and well researched discourse)
10. Book – Mountains of Knowledge (taken from the book mentioned earlier – Sharh Usool I’tiqqad – al Laalikaae)
11. Book – Foundations of Sunnah and life of Imam Ahmad (goes into detail pertaining the great trial faced by Imaam Ahmed rahimahullah which lasted for around 20 years under different rulerships and how he patiently bore the harm and how allah azzawajal raised his rank by way of it)
And on top of that several hundred of audios on similar subjects which can be downloaded from www.Salafisounds.com or other Salafi Maraakiz websites. Eg. http://albaseerah.com/abu-iyyad-amjad-rafiq/ (27 parts on Seerah, 10 parts on virtue of Kalimah, 7 parts on Manhaj in establishing Tahweed and more recently his coverage on Maqaasid ash Shareeah)
So my dear brothers and sisters – this is in brief about our br Abu Iyyad who has strived much for the sake of Islam and muslims, insha allah, in clarifying the truth and refuting falsehood, and presenting the pure version of islam for both Muslims and Non-Muslims. In the past few years, especially since establishment of the noble CCDAWAH initiative, how many hundreds or even thousands of people have embraced Islam and often they cite the works of Abu Iyyad. CCDawah itself has established its presence in over 10 main cities of UK and some cities in Europe and Americas as well. The core foundation and material utilized by CCDawah for their propagation, then a majority of them are from the works of Abu Iyyad. He is truly a noble individual and a man of high character and personality and we don’t praise anyone beyond Allah azzawajal.
Whatever I have said and if it is correct then it is from fadl of Allah azzawajal and whatever wrong is from me and shaytaan. We ask Allah azzawajal to give us tawfeeq in recognizing true status of individuals and give them their due accordingly. Aamen
13th July 2019
9th Dhul Qa’dah 1440