
Lesson 9 Grammar Introduction. المثنى و جمع المذ كر السالم (The omission of ن of the Dual and the Sound Masculine Plural)

Lesson 9 Main text first 8 lines completed. Continuation of المثنى و جمع المذ كر السالم (The omission of ن of the Dual and the Sound Masculine Plural)

Lesson 9 Main Text Completed. Introduction of words كلا and كلتا. The أمر from أتى يأتي is ايت, it was originally ائت.

Lesson 9 Exercises Completed.

Homework: Write down Exercises 14, 15, and 16 from Lesson 9 and Submit.

Assignment Link: https://classroom.google.com/c/NjI3MzU3MjIxNjkw/a/NjYzODIwMTM1OTIz/details