
PDF: Ighafah al-Lahfan by ibn al-Qayyim

(A book of the trap and tricks of Shaytan and how to avoid them)

Link to all mp3 classes on official website

1. 21-02-1441 : 20-Oct-2019 - False beliefs of Christians (5th Category) pertaining to Esa alihis Salaam pg. 1042 to pg. 1058 - (includes ~20 Q&A) - mp3

2. 28-02-1441 : 27-Oct-2019 - Shirk with Allah, incorrect beliefs re Prophets, their innovated fasting and Eid, belief of crucification, lines of poetry re false belief of Christians pg. 1058 to pg. 1071 (last line) - mp3

3. 06-03-1441 : 03-Nov-2019 - Praying in impurity/Janaabah, corruption in muslims, impact of Sahaabas on Christians, Baab - Shaytan effect on Jews, verses re Jews, Moosa and Calf - pg. 1071 (last line) to pg. 1081 - mp3

4. 13-03-1441 : 10-Nov-2019 - Moosa and seeing Allah, Status of Moosa, Entering of Bayt al Maqdis, Food from sky for Bani Israeel - pg. 1081 to pg. 1089 mp3 (with written benefits)

5. 20-03-1441 : 17-Nov-2019 - Ungratefulness of Bani Israel, rejection/manipulation of commands of Allah, Miracles witnessed by Bani Israel, not entering Bayt Al Maqdis (after Allah commanded them), and giving the excuse of people of A'maaleeq pg. 1089 to pg. 1093 mp3

6. 27-03-1441 : 24-Nov-2019 - [...] pg. 1093 to pg. 1098 mp3

7. 22-06-1441 : 16-Feb-2020 - Deception of Shaytan on bani israeel, their ways of bypassing laws, taking of graves as masjid, killing of Prophets, the balanced way of people of truth, wisdom behind abrogation of certain laws, pg. 1097 to pg. 1103 (end) mp3