Steps for taking part in the Virtual Book 1 Exam
1. Find a quiet place with no distractions
2. Select a suitable 90 min slot (no breaks!)
3. Download the B1 Exam Paper PDF and if possible take a print-out
4. Ensure you don;t cross 90 mins mark - Keep a stop watch or a timer handy - no smartphone allowed
5. Attempt answers in an A4 page and mark the question number clearly
6. Once complete, scan your answer-sheet using a good Scanner App (eg. Fast Scanner) and save the file as PDF
7. Submit / Upload the PDF file on the Google Classroom link (New Students, please join Google Classroom using the Code: md7wsba
Are you ready?
When ready with all the above, go ahead and download the Exam Paper PDF - We will assess your answers and provide a score / feedback bi iznillaah