
PDF: Muntaqa al-Akhbār by Majd ad-Deen ibn Taymiyyah

(A book on the hadith connected to Fiqh rulings)

Link to all mp3 lessons on official website

1. 20-02-1441 : 19-Oct-2019 - Fiqh rules re Valeema, khamr, pictures, circumcision, duff in nikah, beautification of women, relations with women, Azl - pg. 616 H: 2745 to pg. 623 H:2782 - mp3

2. 27-02-1441 : 26-Oct-2019 - Azl, sharing of secret affairs, forbidden relations, rights of spouse, pg. 623 H:2783 - pg. 629 H:2813 (~50 Q&A) - mp3

3. 06-03-1441 : 02-Nov-2019 - Justice between wives, divorce rulings pg. 629 H:2814 to pg. 633 H:2837 (~50 Q&A) - mp3

4. 12-03-1441 : 09-Nov-2019 - Rulings of Divorce, Permissible and impermissible types, divorce due to accusation of Zina, words which are equivalent of divorce, divorce when drunk-

pg. 633 H: 2838 to pg. 638 H:2856 mp3 (with written benefits)

5. 19-03-1441 : 16-Nov-2019 - Rulings of divorce, khula pg. 638 H: 2857 to pg. 643 H:2878 mp3

6. 26-03-1441 : 23-Nov-2019 - Divorce rulings - Kitaab al I'laa, Kitaab Az Zihaar, Kitaab Al Liaan, Accusation of Zina, pg. 643 H: 2879 to pg. 648 H: 2899 mp3

7. 21-06-1441 : 15-Feb-2020 - accusing spouse of zina and inability to produce 4 witness, rulings of Mulaa'ina, association of child born out of zina, importance of preserving honor and hiding sins, brief on story of Ifk, the great merciful nature of our Prophet may peace be upon him - pg. 648 H: 2900 to pg. 653 H: 2917 mp3 (with written benefits)

1442 Lessons

8. 02-11-1442 : 12 June 2021 - YouTube

9. 09-11-1442 : 19 June 2021 - YouTube

10. 16-11-1442 : 26 June 2021 - YouTube pg. 662 H:2946 to pg. 665 H:2961

11. 23-11-1442: 3 July 2021 - YouTube