Section 2 - Introduction to Inflection (Ending of Words)

باب الإعراب

الإعراب : هو تغيير أواخرِ الكَلِم،لاختلافِ العوامل الداخلة عليها لفظا أو تقديرا

Signs: ضمة, كسرة, فتحة

State: مرفؤع, مجرور, منصوب

10) Meaning of i'raab, effects of various Acting Agents on end of words & diff b/w Sarf and Nahw

11) Reason why words can have an explicit sign for a particular State or an implicit sign & impact of weak letters at the en

12) The three weak letters and their differences pertaining to whether they take an Explicit or an Implicit signs for a particular state