Vijayawada Meet

Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu

Had a very beneficial meeting with Br Mohammed Ali from Vijaywada (Masjid e Aqsa) in Bangalore yesterday. He highlighted a number of dawah activities being carried out in Vijaywada in their Salafi masjid. It was truly very pleasing to hear of the progress being made and Daawatus Salafiyyah being spread to the best of their capabilities. Walillaahilhamd.

We likewise discussed a number of future initiatives like yearly dawrah ilmiya of taalibul ilm and scholars in India, Joining yearly Spubs Umrah Tour, distribution of free pamphlets, publications of books (at Indian rates) - I ask Allah azzawajal to aid them in this blessed cause and make their efforts purely and sincere and aid in spreading the pure dawah of tawheed and sunnah.

Who is Masjid e Aqsa?

    1. It was established few years ago in Vijaywada (capital of Andhra - around 250km from Hyderabad) and is officially registered as an independent Trust - This is mainly managed by br Md Ali and some of the other Salafis.

    2. They have a capacity of ~200 for men and ~100 for women

    3. They conduct 5 daily prayers + Jumah Khutba

    4. They have weekly programme and lessons for the local women

    5. They conduct kids workshop educating them on basics of Islam

    6. Over the last few years they have regularly arranged Umrah Tours and joined our noble brothers at Maktabah Salafiyyah in Mecca and Madeenah - Brothers from various parts of South India join them in Hyderabad from where they all go as a group walillaahilhamd. Note: 2018 Umrah trip is planned for mid Feb. Inshaallah

    7. Our brother Mohammed Ali visited Maldives last year to attend the dawrah ilmiya of our brother Abu Khadeejah hafizahullaah

    8. They hope and aim to work with the students of knowledge and the mashaaykh over the coming years. Inshaallah

Many of their local attendees in the mosque are Rickshaw drivers or from similar professions. I know they are in need of regular donations in order to smoothly run the masjid. Their monthly costs is around 25k INR (~300 pounds) - do assist them even if it is by 100 rupees or 1000 rupees monthly donations. Inshaallah it will go a long way in assisting them and likewise we hope that Allah azzawajal would reward you for your assistance in supporting a salafi masjid.

Bank details:

Masjid E Aqsa

AhlulHadees AsSalafiyyah

State Bank of India

Current Account

Account Number: 62468232676

IFSC Code: SBIN0017029

Contact number: +91 8341666103

I hence would request brothers to get connected with them, if possible visit them, and see how best you could involve yourselves with them for the sake of Allah azzawajal. They have a number of important events coming up within the next few months so do be connected with them! their Twitter - aqsa_Masjid




Muzammil -Monday, 6th November 2017

Updated: 5th May 2019