LPCI Library Learning Commons November 17, 2023 Newsletter

Engage, Inspire, Empower

Our goal is to support the success of our students, to promote a life-long enjoyment of reading, and to provide knowledge building experiences with 24/7 access to information in a welcoming environment that is conducive to learning.

We  strive to achieve this goal through attention to Equity, Well Being and Achievement.

November is Indigenous Education and Hindu Heritage month as well as a time to recognize Treaties Recognition Week Remembrance Day, Holocaust Education, Transgender Awareness and World Kindness Day. Find resources to support these important topics on our November Resource Support Documents.

This week's virtual library tip - Explore new video titles in Teaching Resources with On-Core streaming 

At LPCI kindness is the norm every day.

My Voice is Louder Than Hate is a multimedia lesson resource designed to empower students in Grades 9 to 10 to push back against hate and prejudice in their online communities. Over the course of this program, students will: learn how to push back when they encounter hate or prejudice online; develop digital and media literacy skills to recognize and confront hate material online; and, prepare to take action as digital citizens by taking an active role in forming the norms and values of their offline communities and using digital and media tools for civic action online and offline. 

Make a Noise About Bullying

Anti-Bullying Week 2023 will take place from Monday 13th to Friday 17th November . We can make every day free from bullying.

Discover new Canadian books expertly chosen for K-12 classrooms. Top Grade: CanLit for the Classroom carefully selects from among the best new titles from independent Canadian publishers.

We hope this newsletter will be a support to you as we read, research, and learn together at Lawrence Park C.I. Library Learning Commons.

Mrs. Zwaan