
CHC2D Canadian History since World War 1 (Grade 10 Academic)

CHC2P Canadian History since World War 1 (Grade 10 Applied)

CHA3U American History (Grade 11 University Preparation)

CHW3M World History to the End of the Fifteenth Century (Grade 11 University/College Preparation

CHE3O Origins and Citizenship: The History of a Canadian Ethnic Group (Grade 11 Open)

CHT3O World History since 1900: Global and Regional Interactions (Grade 11 Open)

CHI4U Canada: History, Identity and Culture (Grade 12 University Preparation)

CHY4U World History since the Fifteenth Century (Grade 12 University Preparation)

CHY4C World History since the Fifteenth Century (Grade 12 College Preparation)

CHM4E Adventures in World History (Grade 12 Workplace Preparation)