Reading Builds Empathy

Reading Builds Empathy

'Young adult fiction is integral to helping students develop empathy'

Recent studies based on brain research show that emotional engagement with fiction is not a romantic idea, but a measurable fact. Although we know that fictional characters do not exist, our brains react to their non-existing feelings, perceptions and beliefs as if they were real. 

Reading fiction 'improves empathy', study finds

Burying your head in a novel isn't just a way to escape the world: psychologists are increasingly finding that reading can affect our personalities. 

The Value of Reading Novels

“Canadian researchers have also found that reading fiction increases our ability to be empathetic to others.”

Effects of leisure reading

 “What psychological effects are there of reading short stories and novels? By now there has been a substantial amount of research to answer this question. The consensus seems to be that reading fiction as an individual pursuit can enable people to improve their empathy and to understand others better.” Keith Oatley, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto 

Does Reading Fiction Make You a Better Person

“Oatley compared reading to being in a flight simulator: "You experience a lot of situations in a short span of time," he said, far more so than if we went about our lives waiting for those experiences to come to us.” 

Can Reading a Fictional Story Make YouMore Empathetic?

 “In August 2014, Raymond Mar, a psychologist at York University in Canada, gave a lecture titled "Fiction and Its Relation to Real-World Empathy, Cognition, and Behavior," at the American Psychological Association's 122nd Annual Convention.

In his lecture, Mar discussed how exposure to narrative fiction can improve theory of mind and someone's ability to understand what other people are thinking, feeling, and doing. 

Mar explained that when you are engaged in reading a story that your brain automatically puts yourself in the character’s shoes. Throughout the process of reading narrative fiction, the reader learns life lessons from how he or she personally experiences the journey of the protagonist and other characters in the story.”

Teaching Empathy with Young Adult Fiction

I believe as educators we have the most amazing opportunity, and in my eyes a professional and social responsibility, to teach our students to show grace, be kind, and to treat others with empathy. 

Portrayals of Bullying in Young Adult Literature: Considerations for Schools

“Through critical discussions of how bullying is presented in the books in comparison to the student’s real world experiences, students can take an active part in finding solutions to prevent bullying. This can empower students to be “agents of change” and promote an equitable and empathic school community.”

 Books that Teach Empathy

Empathic kids can put themselves in someone else's shoes. It also allows them to develop other caring character strengths, such as compassion and gratitude. 

30 Of The Best Books To Teach Children Empathy

Empathy, rather, is a starting point for understanding both ourselves and other people from the inside out.