LPCI Library Learning Commons March 22, 2024 Newsletter

Engage, Inspire, Empower

Our goal is to support the success of our students, to promote a life-long enjoyment of reading, and to provide knowledge building experiences with 24/7 access to information in a welcoming environment that is conducive to learning.

We  strive to achieve this goal through attention to Equity, Well Being and Achievement.

March is Greek Heritage Month. For more resources to support the study of Greek heritage please see our Greek Heritage Resource document.

This week's virtual library tip - Encyclopedias are a great place to start your research to gain an overview.

The Solar Eclipse is only one month away! Check out this resource guide by TDSB Professional Library

See our latest publication on Supporting Multilingual Learners in the new issue of Canadian School Library Journal.

Challenge Accepted: 12 Books for “Reading Woke” – Canadian Indie Publisher Edition

What does it mean to “read woke”? Cicely Lewis explains that reading woke means reading books that

Did you know that insomnia can increase someone’s risk of long-term health problems like anxiety, heart disease, depression & diabetes? Learning good sleep hygiene is a great way to help keep your body & mind healthy. 


This is a day to acknowledge water as a basic human right and life-saving necessity. While the global target set in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for safe drinking water was met almost four years ago, we cannot rest until every child enjoys their right to water and sanitation. World Water Day UN Resources.

We hope this newsletter will be a support to you as we read, research, and learn together at Lawrence Park C.I. Library Learning Commons.

Mrs. Zwaan