March 25, 2022 Newsletter

Engage, Inspire, Empower

Our goal is to support the success of our students, to promote a life-long enjoyment of reading, and to provide knowledge building experiences with 24/7 access to information in a welcoming environment that is conducive to learning.

We  strive to achieve this goal through attention to Equity, Well Being and Achievement.

Welcome Back from Spring Break!

A reminder to visit Days of Significance resource pages to support Greek Heritage Month.

The TDSB character trait for March is honesty. We continue to emphasize that using information ethically and legally is one way you can exercise honesty.

Catch a Good Read

Are you struggling with sleep? Sleep loss and poor sleep quality have markedly increased across the globe these last two years. Read our report to see how Canadians are sleeping… and how to get better ZZZs tonight. ParticipACTION - Home | ParticipACTION

How A Good Night Sleep Improves Your Mental Health Taking care of sleep problems could be the key to making moods more stable. Here’s why.

TEACH Magazine

Our March/April issue focuses on the importance of keeping kids healthy in both body and mind. You'll also find a list of books designed to help them take action for the health of the planet, a free lesson plan on gender equality, and more! 

We are continuing to source resources to help build understanding of the current crisis in Ukraine. We hope these links will be useful. Remember to also make good use of LPCI Virtual Library when searching for reliable information about Ukraine.

We hope this newsletter will be a support to you as we read, research, and learn together at Lawrence Park C.I.

Happy Spring!

Mrs. Zwaan