January 21, 2022 Newsletter

Engage, Inspire, Empower

Our goal is to support the success of our students, to promote a life-long enjoyment of reading, and to provide knowledge building experiences with 24/7 access to information in a welcoming environment that is conducive to learning.

We  strive to achieve this goal through attention to Equity, Well Being and Achievement.

This week we have some new resource page for you to explore to observe Martin Luther King Jr Day. Tamil Heritage Month resources will remain archived for your use as are all the Days of Significance resource pages.

How do you feel about all this snow? We have found a few resources dedicated to the impact of snow storms. Enjoy!

Martin Luther King Jr Day is observed every year on the third Monday of January — on January 17 this year. King was an influential civil rights leader — best known for his work on racial equality and ending racial segregation in the United States. His life and achievements are remembered and celebrated on this day. 

It turns out that snow days can be good for more than snowmen and hot cocoa. Mother Nature may be doing your mind and body a favor with all those extra feet of fresh powder. Here are six ways a good old-fashioned snow day might be benefiting your health and wellbeing. 

Buried cars, power cuts, whiteouts, slippery roads and vicious winds—Canadian snowstorms can hit hard. Here are the 10 blizzards that brought us winter’s cruelest punishments.

by Christine Seifert

A follow up article for teachers

When it comes to reading, we may be assuming that reading for knowledge is the best reason to pick up a book. Research, however, suggests that reading fiction may provide far more important benefits than nonfiction. For example, reading fiction predicts increased social acuity and a sharper ability to comprehend other people’s motivations. 

We hope this newsletter will be a support to you as we enjoy all that January has to offer us.

Mrs. Zwaan and Mr. Christensen