April 22, 2022 Newsletter

Engage, Inspire, Empower

Our goal is to support the success of our students, to promote a life-long enjoyment of reading, and to provide knowledge building experiences with 24/7 access to information in a welcoming environment that is conducive to learning.

We  strive to achieve this goal through attention to Equity, Well Being and Achievement.

Make Earth Day Everyday!

During the month of April the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) is proud to recognize Hispanic Heritage Month. Check out April is Hispanic Heritage Month

April is also Sikh Heritage Month. This year our theme is Come to learn, go to serve; the goal of education is to serve humanity. Learn more in the Interactive Slide Show prepared by TDSB.

A reminder to stay connected to the Teaching and Learning About Ukraine document for updates and make use of our Virtual Library databases for reliable current information.

Co-operation is the TDSB Character Trait for April

Are you practicing good collaboration skills ?

From our Virtual Library connect to great databases just for students at Lawrence Park C.I. 

What is Working Memory

Working memory is the mental process that allows us to hold information in our minds while performing with it. It is a type of short-term memory that stores information temporarily. Our memory provides us with the information we need to understand and navigate our world, and it has an effect on every aspect of our lives. 

The Ocean: Time to Turn the Tide

Less than twenty per cent of the world’s ocean has been explored so far. That is not a lot. But it is enough for us to know that the ocean is threatened by global warming, acidification, and pollution. Coral bleaching is just one illustration of the decline of marine ecosystems. The consequences of these changes are not just environmental. Nearly three billion people depend directly on marine and coastal biodiversity for their survival. By 2050, coastal areas that are home to 300 million people could be threatened by rising sea levels due to climate change. 

Indigenous Guardians

Indigenous Guardians are the “eyes and ears” of their territories—they are men and women who are using Indigenous knowledge and practices, blended with western science to monitor and steward their traditional lands and waters across Canada. 

The roles and responsibilities of Indigenous Guardians are unique in each community: They are on boats patrolling for illegal activities, in rivers conducting fish counts, bringing together youth and elders on the land, and in forests educating hunters and campers. They collect data to inform their leaders, other governments, and companies who manage natural resources. 

Invest in Our Planet

The Earth Day 2022 Theme is Invest In Our Planet. What Will You Do? 

We hope this newsletter will be a support to you as we read, research, and learn together at Lawrence Park C.I.

Happy Earth Day April 22!

Mrs. Zwaan