Henry Leach

Chubb Leach (right) with Charlie Smirke

1907 - 1970

The son of a trainer, Henry Beresford Leach, better known as ‘Chubb’ Leach, was born on June 5, 1907. He was a younger brother of Classic winning jockey Jack Leach.

A third brother was called Felix, after their father. Felix Jr. died in 1930 during an operation for appendicitis.

Chubb was also fairly successful, riding his first winner, Southern Beauty, on Thursday, June 9, 1921, at Newbury.

He achieved his biggest victories on Rugeley in the 1924 Chester Cup and on Tommy Atkins in the 1929 Ayr Gold Cup.

He retired the following year and, in 1931, became a trainer, based at Newmarket.

Henry trained at Queensbury Lodge, as did his father, Felix Watmough Leach (1867 -1952).

Henry lived at Meddler Stud, Kentford, Suffolk, where he died, aged 62, on 12 March, 1970, leaving £8,407.

On 15 August, 1934, he was fined £10, and ordered to pay costs, for driving his car without due care and attention.

Henry's Chester Cup victory on Wednesday, May 14, 1924.

After this win, a newspaper wrote: 'It is no reflection upon the proved ability of H. Leach,

the Newmarket light-weight to say that Rugeley won the race by himself and with the

minimum assistance from the saddle. Leach only had to sit on him and lend his

assistance in taking a favourable position as opportunity occurred and reason

dictated. The horse did the rest...'