Carl Llewellyn (died 1994)

 Just four days before his twentieth birthday, jockey Carl Llewellyn was killed instantly in a car crash caused by black ice and ungritted roads. He was travelling along the A51 near Lichfield on February 6 1994 when the driver of a Sherpa van opposite lost control: the vehicle skidded for 30 metres and veered at an angle across the carriageway before slamming into the jockey's car. The Sherpa van driver, Dominic Shenton, said later: 'The van just went. I could not brake or steer. The van just went sideways. I could not have done anything.' Neither he nor his three passengers, all on their way to work for a building company, were injured. Carl received fatal injuries. A verdict of 'Accidental Death' was recorded. Carl had ridden several winners on the Flat but, because of weight problems, was due to switch codes.