307-1. Is Jesus Allah. Part 1.


13 July 2022 (1443 AH).    


Is Jesus Allah?

Is Isa Allah?

Is Eesa Allah?

Is Esa Allah?

Is Essa Allah?

Is Isaa Allah?

Is Isah Allah?

Is Isaah Allah?

Is Issa Allah?

Is Issaa Allah?

Is Issah Allah?

Is Iesa Allah?

Is Iesaa Allah?

Is Iesah Allah?

Is Iessa Allah?

Is Iesus Allah?

Is Yasu Allah?

Is Yasuu Allah?

Is Yeshu Allah?

Is Yeshua Allah?

Is Yeshuaa Allah?

Is Yesus Allah? 


You are here 307-1. Is Jesus God Part 1. 1 - 16


307-2. Is Jesus God Part 2. 17 - 44


307-3. Is Jesus God Part 3. 45 - 53   


307-4. Is Jesus God Part 4. 54 - 65  


307-5. Is Jesus God Part 5. 66 - 68   


307-6. Is Jesus God Part 6. 69 - 72    


307-7. Is Jesus God Part 7. 73 - 84


307-8. Is Jesus God Part 8. How to help Christians understand God. How to love Christians. 85


307-9. Is Jesus God Part 9. Answers to Christian questions. 86


307-10. Is Jesus God Part 10. 87 - 91   




Is Jesus Allah Part 1.

1 to 7. 


0. Introduction and what is the Gospel Injil?. 

1. Answering the claim that “Virgin Mary sister of Aaron Harun is a mistake” in the Quran.

2. Answering the claim that “Prophet Moses Musa is the son of the wife of the Pharaoh Firon is a mistake” in the Quran. 

3. Answering the claim that “the drowning of the son of Prophet Noah Nuh is a mistake” in the Quran. 

4. Answering the claim that “the Quran says don’t say mother to someone who is not your mother and then the Quran does what it said not to do.” 

5. Answering the claim that “the story of Haman is not confirmed by Quran 3:3, Quran 12:111, Quran 26:196 and Quran 41:43 and Pharaoh Firon made pyramid towers from blocks of stone not from clay bricks baked in a fire.”

6. Answering the claim that “Virgin Mary daughter of Amram Imran is a mistake” in the Quran. 

7. Answering the claim that “the son sacrificed in the vision dream of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim is a mistake” in the Quran.



Is Jesus Allah Part 1.

1 to 16. 

0. Introduction and what is the Gospel Injil? 


1. The Virgin Mary is not the biological “sister of Aaron” but means Virgin Mary the “sister of the righteous generations” in the Quran like Jesus is not the biological “son of Allah” but means “servant of Allah” in Torah Exodus 4:22-4:23 and the four Gospels and Quran 19:93. 

      a. The expression “daughters of Aaron” was used and understood 2000 years ago in the Gospel. 


2. Moses is a son to the wife of the Pharaoh in the Quran and Moses is a son to the daughter of the Pharaoh in the Torah and Moses is a son to the Pharaoh in both the Quran and Torah meaning Moses was adopted as a son by all the family of the Pharaoh because Moses is not a biological son to the Pharaoh like Jesus the son of Allah meaning servant of Allah is not a biological son of Allah in Torah Exodus 4:22-4:23 and the four Gospels and Quran 19:93. 


3. The son of the family of Prophet Noah who drowned in the flood and Moses the son of the family of the Pharaoh and Jesus the son of Allah meaning servant of Allah are not biological sons. 


4. In the Quran “mother” can be used as a bad word and a lie in the same way as believing Jesus is a real biological son of Allah is a bad word and a lie however “mother” can also be used as a word which is not bad and not a lie in the same way as Jesus is the son of Allah meaning the servant of Allah is not a bad word and not a lie in Torah Exodus 4:22-4:23 and the four Gospels and Quran 19:93. 


5. Haman is the same in the Quran and the Jewish Hebrew Bible like Jesus is the same in the Quran and in the four Gospels where the son of Allah means the servant of Allah and not a biological son of Allah in Torah Exodus 4:22-4:23 and the four Gospels and Quran 19:93. 


6. Amram Imran is the father of Miriam the sister of Prophet Aaron and Prophet Moses 3200 years ago and Amram Imran is the father of the Virgin Mary the mother of Jesus 2000 years ago in the Quran which does not contradict the Torah or the four Gospels in the same way as “son of Allah” meaning the servant of Allah does not contradict Torah Exodus 4:22-4:23 and the four Gospels and Quran 19:93. 


7. The father and son blessed in the famous vision dream of the sacrifice of the son of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim is the same in the Quran and the Torah like Jesus is the same in the Quran and the four Gospels where the son of Allah means the servant of Allah and not a biological son of Allah in Torah Exodus 4:22-4:23 and the four Gospels and Quran 19:93. 


8. “Son of Allah” and the “children of Allah” mean the servant of Allah in Torah Exodus 4:22-4:23 and the four Gospels and Quran 19:93. 

      a. In the Torah “son of Allah” means servant of Allah and not a real biological son of Allah. 

      b. In the Quran “son of Allah” means servant of Allah and not a real biological son of Allah. 

      c. In the Gospel “son of Allah” means servant of Allah and not a real biological son of Allah.

     d. What did Jesus say? What did Jesus teach? 

      e. What did Allah say? What did Allah teach in Torah Deuteronomy 5:7 – 5:10? 

      f. Humans must respect the right of every human to choose their belief including belief in Trinity because it is not for one human to judge another human in the matter of religion.

      g. “Son of Allah” means servant of Allah and not a real biological son of Allah in the Quran.

      h. Prophet Muhammad was sent to confirm the Torah and the four Gospel which all teach “Allah is one” not three in one.

      i. In the Gospel Jesus is not Allah or part of Allah because Jesus does not know “the hour” because only Allah knows “the hour” meaning “Allah is one’ not three in one.

      j. Jesus teaches do not call Jesus Allah.

      k. Jesus teaches the first of all the commandments of Allah is “Allah is one” not three in one.

      L. If the Jews had invented Trinity then some Jews today might mistakenly think that Moses is Allah or a partner with Allah.

      m. Respect people who both believe and disbelieve in Trinity because your belief is meaningless if you do not behave respectfully to people who have different beliefs to yours. 


9. The Holy Spirit is an angel of Allah meaning the Holy Spirit is not Allah or part of Allah in the same way as Jesus is not Allah or part of Allah.

      a. The Holy Spirit and Jesus are not Allah because they do not know the hour of the Day of Resurrection because only Allah knows as proof “Allah is one” not three in one.


10. Jesus is like Moses meaning they are both the servants of Allah and the messengers of Allah but they are not Allah or part of Allah.


11. Jesus and Moses both prayed to Allah. 

      a. Jesus said do not pray to Jesus but pray to Allah. 


12. “Jesus was punished for our sins as if Jesus was us” does not make sense. 

      a. “Jesus is the only salvation” is the same meaning as “Moses is the only salvation” meaning “belief in the message from Allah” which is delivered by “a messenger of Allah” and good behaviour in the world is the “only salvation in the hereafter.” 

      b. “Jesus was resurrected from the dead without sin and therefore removed the sin of all humans who believe in him” makes no sense because people who lived before the time of Jesus were forgiven their sin in the Jewish Hebrew Bible through belief in Allah and doing good deeds in the world.

      c. The belief Jesus died for the sins of mankind.

      d. In the Torah Allah explains it is not for Allah to repent but for humans to repent.

      e. Those who sinned before, during and after the time of Jesus are saved by Allah if they repented for their sin by praying to Allah for forgiveness and by doing good deeds in the world.

      f. To say Jesus loves you very much so go to him to avoid eternal punishment has the same meaning as Moses loves you very much so go to him to avoid eternal punishment.

      g. To say Allah has come to us in the form of Jesus has the same meaning as Allah has come to us in the form of Moses.

      h. The correct understanding of the Torah with the Jews and the Gospel with the Christians and Quran with the Muslims. 

      i. Jesus and Moses talked as two persons "the son of Allah" and "the son of man.”

      j. Jesus and Moses talked as two persons "the only begotten son of Allah" and "the son of man."

      k. In Moses and Jesus and Muhammad “Allah lived” and through them we get our redemption.

      L. Why can Jesus not repent for the sins of people who are living today?

      m. Only the person who sinned has the power to repent for their sin.

      n. Allah forgave sin before the time of Jesus in the Jewish Hebrew Bible.

      p. Forgiveness in the Jewish Hebrew Bible before the time of Jesus is confirmed in the Quran which came after the time of Jesus.

      q. Today only the person who sins has the power to repent for their sin.

      r. When Jesus forgives sin Jesus is not claiming to be Allah but is only delivering the message of Allah.

      s. Jesus gave his life like Moses gave his life. 


13. Jesus warned “do not believe anyone” who says Jesus has returned to this earth. 


14. Before the crucifixion Jesus denied he is Allah.


15. During the crucifixion Jesus denied he is Allah.


16. After the crucifixion Jesus denied he is Allah.

Is Jesus Allah Part 1. 


0. Introduction and what is the Gospel Injil? 

Allah gave the good news of Isaac Ishaq twice to Prophet Abraham Ibrahim.

Nowhere in the Quran did Allah say anyone changed the written word of Allah because the proof Allah is real is that no one can change His written word in Quran 3:3, Quran 4:136, Quran 6:34, Quran 6:115, Quran 10:64, Quran 18:27 and Quran 30:30 except with their spoken words meaning in conversation for example in the story of the sacrifice of the son of Abraham Ibrahim no one could change the word of Allah except in conversations when some Muslims said the son to be sacrificed was Ishaq and other Muslims said the son to be sacrificed was Ismail.

Notice that no Muslim changed the word of Allah in the Quran except with their mouth in conversation and in the same way no Jew can change the word of Allah in the Tanakh Jewish scripture except with their mouth in conversation.

Allah gave the good news of Isaac Ishaq twice to Prophet Abraham Ibrahim.

In the story of Isaac Ishaq, Allah gave Isaac Ishaq to Prophet Abraham Ibrahim twice.

The first time Allah gave Isaac Ishaq to Prophet Abraham Ibrahim is in Quran 37:101 which is the good news of the birth of Isaac Ishaq.

The second time Allah gave Isaac Ishaq to Prophet Abraham Ibrahim is in Quran 37:112 which is the good news that Allah stopped the sacrifice of Isaac Ishaq and for a second time gave Isaac Ishaq to Abraham Ibrahim.

Why does Allah say sacrifice your only son Isaac Ishaq in the Torah Taurat?

When Allah says sacrifice your only son Isaac Ishaq in the Torah Taurat Allah is reminding Prophet Abraham Ibrahim that he already gave one son to Allah when he long ago sent Ishmael Ismail and his mother Hagar Hajar into the desert.

Allah tests Prophet Abraham Ibrahim a second time by saying sacrifice your only son Isaac Ishaq who still lives with you.

Will Prophet Abraham Ibrahim refuse Allah and say but I already gave you Ishmael Ismail and his mother Hagar Hajar?

Will Prophet Abraham Ibrahim refuse Allah and say but you promised future generations for me from Isaac Ishaq?

Will Prophet Abraham Ibrahim sacrifice Isaac Ishaq who is the only son still living with him after he had already given Ishmael Ismail and his mother Hagar Hajar to Allah in the desert?

Will Prophet Abraham Ibrahim give Allah both his sons?

When Prophet Abraham Ibrahim shows he will obey Allah then Allah stops the test and fulfils His promise because Allah always fulfils His promise.

In the story of sacrifice in Quran chapter 37 Allah only blesses Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and his son Prophet Isaac Ishaq. Allah has left no other blessing.

Prophet Isaac Ishaq is called the good news son in the Prophet Abraham Ibrahim story in Quran chapter 11, 15, 19, 29, 37 and 51.

When the Good News son is not named four times in Quran 15:53, 15:54, 15:55 and in Quran 51:28 it is Prophet Isaac Ishaq and this is the same in the story of the sacrifice in Quran 37:101 where the good news son is also not named because it is always the name Allah gives to Prophet Isaac Ishaq.

When the Good News son is named five times in Quran 11:69, 11:71, 11:74 and Quran 29:27, 29:31 it is Prophet Isaac Ishaq and this is the same in the story of the sacrifice in Quran 37:112 where the good news son is also named Prophet Isaac Ishaq because Good News is always the name Allah gives to Prophet Isaac Ishaq in the Prophet Abraham Ibrahim story in the Quran.

Allah names Prophet Isaac Ishaq as the good news son 9 times in Quran chapter 11, 15, 19, 29 and 51.

Allah names Prophet Isaac Ishaq four times in Quran chapter 37 twice as the good news son and twice by name.

In the story of the sacrifice in the Quran Allah only blesses Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and his son Prophet Isaac Ishaq. Allah has left no other blessing.

In the story of the vision dream of the sacrifice of the son of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim in Quran chapter 37 Allah only blesses Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and his son Prophet Isaac Ishaq and leaves no other blessings in the story of the sacrifice and this famous vision dream is remembered in the next chapter Quran chapter 38 where Allah blesses Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and Prophet Isaac Ishaq with the vision dream in Quran 38:45 – 38:47 and shows in the next verse that Prophet Ishmael Ismail was not the son in the vision dream and Prophet Ishmael Ismail was not living with his father during the vision dream by blessing Prophet Ishmael Ismail without his father and without the blessing of the vision dream in Quran 38:48.

This is confirmed in Quran 12:6 and in Torah Genesis 22:2.

In two famous vision dreams in the Quran Allah blesses both the father and the son with the vision dream of the sacrifice of the son in Quran chapter 38 after the story of the sacrifice in Quran chapter 37 and Allah blesses both the father and the son with the vision dream of the bowing of the Sun and the Moon and the eleven stars towards one star in Quran chapter 12 as proof the Quran confirms the Torah Taurat meaning as proof humans do not have the power to change the word of Allah in the Quran and in the Torah Taurat because if humans could change the word of Allah it would be proof that Allah did not exist.

Before Ishmael Ismail was born Allah promised his mother Hagar Hajar that Ishmael Ismail would have many descendants in Torah Genesis 16:8 - 16:11 meaning before the story of the sacrifice Allah promised that both Ishmael Ismail and Isaac Ishaq would have children. 

Allah told Abraham Ibrahim in a vision dream to sacrifice Isaac Ishaq (in Quran 38:45 – 38:47 and Quran 12:6) who was the only son living with him (in Torah Genesis 22:2) meaning Ishmael Ismail was not living in Canaan today Palestine and Israel during.the vision dream (in Quran 38:48 where Ishmael Ismail is not blessed with the vision dream and Ishmael Ismail is not blessed with his father meaning the only son living with Abraham Ibrahim during the vision dream is Isaac Ishaq in the blessing of the vision dream in Quran 38:45 – 38:47 and Quran 12:6).

Abraham Ibrahim passed the test because he did not reject Allah by saying “I will not sacrifice Isaac Ishaq because you promised future generations for me from Isaac Ishaq” or “I will not sacrifice Isaac Ishaq because I already gave you Ishmael Ismail and his mother Hagar Hajar in the desert” instead Abraham Ibrahim showed that he would give both his sons to Allah and this is when Allah stopped the sacrifice and gave Isaac Ishaq a second time to Abraham Ibrahim in Quran 37:112.

The choice of a first born animal or a first born son in a sacrifice does not apply to Allah because it is Allah who has commanded this test of faith and it is Allah who can choose anyone to be the sacrifice.

Abraham Ibrahim did not have a choice about who to sacrifice but he could only obey or disobey what Allah commanded him to do in this test.

Allah stopped the test when Abraham Ibrahim showed that after he had given his first son Ishmael Ismail and Hagar Hajar to Allah in the desert he was willing to sacrifice Isaac Ishaq who was his only son who was still living with Abraham Ibrahim in Canaan today in Israel and Palestine during the vision dream.

By stopping the sacrifice Allah saved Isaac Ishaq and fulfilled the promise that Isaac Ishaq would have children as proof that Allah always fulfils His promises and to teach humans that Allah forbids human sacrifice in Quran 17:31, Quran 16:57 - 16:59, Quran 81:8 - 81:9, Leviticus 18:21, Leviticus 20:3, Deuteronomy 12:31, Deuteronomy 18:10, Deuteronomy 24:16, Hosea 6:6, Jeremiah 7:22 - 7:23, Psalm 40:7 in Tanakh Jewish Scripture or Psalm 40:6 in Christian Bibles and Micah 6:7 - 6:8.

The proof that Allah is real is the Quran and the Torah Taurat confirming and explaining each other because "Whoever has no faith in His (Allah’s) Books then he has strayed far away (from Allah, Quran 4:136)." 

Most early Muslims believed the son to be sacrificed is Isaac Ishaq.

Most later Muslims believed the son to be sacrificed is Ishmael Ismail.

This means most early Muslims believed no one changed the Torah Taurat which confirms Quran 2:40 (telling the Jewish people to observe their covenant with Allah which is the Torah Taurat forever) and Quran 2:41 (telling the Jewish people that the Quran confirms what is with the Jewish people in the Torah Taurat) and most later Muslims believed the Torah Taurat was changed which contradicts Quran 2:40 (telling the Jewish people to observe their covenant with Allah which is the Torah Taurat forever) and Quran 2:41 (telling the Jewish people that the Quran confirms what is with the Jewish people in the Torah Taurat). 

a. Which son was to be sacrificed?



b. Library chats E7: Ismā`īl vs. Isḥāq as the sacrifice: A case study of tafsīr and scholarly influence.



c. Was Abraham commanded to sacrifice Isaac or Ishmael?



d. Quran chapter 37. The story of the sacrifice.


What is the Gospel Injil? 

Jesus did not write anything because everything Jesus taught by his mouth was already written in the Tanakh Jewish scripture meaning Jesus did not add or subtract from what is in Tanakh Jewish scripture.

The four Gospels are four reports about Jesus meaning Jesus never wrote anything and what he said was passed by mouth until it was written many years later.

Quran 5:68 says observe the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil and Quran 5:47 tells Christians to judge by the Gospel Injil (not by the other books in the New Testament because what Paul teaches contradicts what Jesus is teaching in the Gospel) meaning whatever in the Gospel Injil is confirmed in the Torah Taurat came from Jesus and whatever contradicts the Torah Taurat came from the unknown writers who are traditionally called Mark, Matthew, Luke and John in a test from Allah described in 1 Kings 13:14 - 13:24 teaching that the word of Allah will not change and do not believe anyone (for example Mark, Matthew, Luke and John) who claims the word of Allah has changed.

Jesus in the Gospel says the Tanakh will exist forever and will never change (and this is the reason that Jesus did not add or subtract from what is in the Tanakh Jewish scripture) meaning anything in the Gospel which contradict the Tanakh did not come from Allah or from Jesus.

For example when Paul in his letter says the Torah is old and will soon disappear this is opposite to what Jesus is teaching in the Gospel where the Torah is forever and will not change and must be followed forever by the Jewish people in Gospel of Matthew 5:17 - 5:20 and Gospel of Matthew 23:1 - 23:3.

Every prophet after Moses including Prophet Jesus and Prophet Muhammad reminded the Jewish people to observe the Torah forever as the Torah has commanded them and as the Gospel and Quran reminds them..  

Sometimes the Gospel contradicts the Tanakh however some publishers of the Gospels have added foot notes explaining problem verses in the past therefore Christians in the present or in future can add foot notes to show verses that cannot be true such as the claim that Jesus descended from David because it contradicts the Tanakh (where a person can only inherit a tribe like David biologically through the father and not by adoption and not through the mother and not by choice) which Jesus said will never change and must be followed forever in Gospel of Matthew 5:17 - 5:20 and Gospel of Matthew 23:1 - 23:3.

In the Quran Prophet Jesus did not claim he inherited the House of David because it is impossible for anyone without a biological father to inherit a tribe in Judaism.

There are no names on the original earliest four Gospel Injil manuscripts meaning the names Mark, Matthew, Luke and John were all added later meaning no one knows who wrote them.

Quran 5:68 says observe the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil and Quran 5:47 tells Christians to judge by the Gospel Injil meaning whatever in the Gospel Injil is confirmed in the Torah Taurat came from Jesus and whatever contradicts the Torah Taurat came from the unknown writers who are traditionally called Mark, Matthew, Luke and John in a test from Allah described in 1 Kings 13:14 - 13:24 teaching that the word of Allah will not change and do not believe anyone (for example Mark, Matthew, Luke and John) who claims the word of Allah has changed.

1. In Quran 4:157 Jesus was not killed on the cross confirms the words of Jesus 3 days after the crucifixion in Gospel of John 20:17 “I have not yet ascended to the Father (Allah, meaning I have not yet died)” ...

2. In Quran 4:158 Jesus was saved on the cross with sleep when his soul ascended to heaven in Quran 39:42 and the way Allah would save Jesus on the cross is foreshadowed before the time of the crucifixion in the Gospel Injil as follows.

Gospel of Mark 5:39 "... The child is not dead but sleeping", 

Gospel of Matthew 9:24 "... For the maiden meaning the girl has not died but sleeps ..."

Gospel of Luke 8:52 "... She is not dead but sleeping."

Gospel of Luke 8:54 – 8:55 “…"Damsel meaning girl, wake up!" And her spirit returned, and she stood up at once, and he ordered that she be given something to eat. (This was proof that she was alive and not dead and that she was a physical body who could eat food and not a resurrected spiritual body that does not need food meaning she was a physical body who woke up after sleep and not a spiritual body which was resurrected after death as described by Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:35 and 1 Corinthians 15:44).

3. In Quran 5:75 and Quran 3:144 is the natural death of Jesus 2000 years ago which is mentioned three days after the crucifixion in Gospel of John 20:17 Jesus says to her (Mary Magdalene), "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father (Allah, meaning I have not yet died); but go to my brothers (my disciples), and tell them: 'I am ascending to my Father (Allah, meaning Jesus will die like every human dies as proof to his people that he is human meaning do not let a miracle make you believe I am not a human like you) …”

4. In Quran 19:36 Jesus said “Allah is my Lord and your Lord” meaning Jesus is teaching his people that he is not Allah and this is said 3 days after the crucifixion in Gospel of John 20:17 Jesus says to her (Mary Magdalene), "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father (Allah, meaning I have not yet died); but go to my brothers (my disciples), and tell them: 'I am ascending to my Father (to my creator Allah, meaning Jesus will die like every human dies as proof to his people that he is human meaning do not let a miracle make you believe I am more than a human like you) and your Father (to your creator Allah); to my Allah (to my Lord) and your Allah (to your Lord).”

5. Allah chose the Israelites and gave them the Torah Taurat and told them to observe the Sabbath Day in all their generations forever meaning Allah decreed Judaism and the Torah Taurat forever so that the following might be fulfilled.

a. The Torah Taurat shows which verses in the Gospel Injil confirm the Torah Taurat meaning they came from Jesus and which verses in the Gospel Injil contradict the Torah Taurat meaning they came from Mark, Matthew, Luke or John in a test described in 1 Kings 13:14 - 13:24 teaching that the word of Allah will not change and do not believe anyone who claims the word of Allah has changed.

b. In the same way Allah is testing Muslims in every generation in the story of the sacrifice in a test described in 1 Kings 13:14 - 13:24 teaching that the word of Allah will not change and do not believe anyone who claims the word of Allah has changed.

1. Which son was to be sacrificed?



2. Library chats E7: Ismā`īl vs. Isḥāq as the sacrifice: A case study of tafsīr and scholarly influence.



3. Was Abraham commanded to sacrifice Isaac or Ishmael?



4. Quran chapter 37. The story of the sacrifice.


Non-canonical books like the Book of Enoch quoted in the Christian Bible are rejected in Judaism because in Tanakh angels always obey Allah meaning there are no fallen angels in Tanakh Jewish scripture.

Jesus did not write anything because everything Jesus taught by his mouth was already written in the Tanakh Jewish scripture meaning Jesus did not add or subtract from what is in Tanakh Jewish scripture as Allah commanded for the Jewish people in Torah Deuteronomy 4:2.

Torah Deuteronomy 4:2 You (the children of Israel) shall not add to the word which I (Allah) command you, neither shall you diminish (take away) from it, so that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your Allah which I (Allah) command you.

The four Gospels are four reports about Jesus meaning Jesus never wrote anything and what he said was passed by mouth until it was written many years later by four unknown people called Mark, Matthew, Luke and John.

The Quran tells the Christian to observe the Gospel and judge by the Gospel (not by the other books in the Christian New Testament Bible because what Paul teaches contradicts what Jesus is teaching in the Gospel) meaning anything from non-canonical books did not come from Jesus but came from Mark, Matthew, Luke or John in a test described in 1 Kings 13:14 - 13:24 teaching that the word of Allah will not change and do not believe anyone who claims the word of Allah has changed.

Quran 5:68 says observe the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil and Quran 5:47 tells Christians to judge by the Gospel Injil meaning whatever in the Gospel Injil is confirmed in the Torah Taurat came from Jesus and whatever contradicts the Torah Taurat came from the unknown writers who are traditionally called Mark, Matthew, Luke and John in a test from Allah described in 1 Kings 13:14 - 13:24 teaching that the word of Allah will not change and do not believe anyone (for example Mark, Matthew, Luke and John) who claims the word of Allah has changed.


1. The Virgin Mary is not the biological “sister of Aaron” but means Virgin Mary the “sister of the righteous generations” in the Quran like Jesus is not the biological “son of Allah” but means “servant of Allah” in Torah Exodus 4:22-4:23 and the four Gospels and Quran 19:93. 


Part of the story of Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa and Moses Musa and Aaron Harun are all found in Quran chapter 19 showing that Mary is the story of Jesus in Quran 19:16 – 19:36 and Aaron Harun is the story of Moses in Quran 19:51 – 19:53 so why is Mary the mother of Jesus in Quran 19:16 – 19:36 called “sister of Aaron Harun” in Quran 19:28 when it is not part of the story of Moses Musa and Aaron Harun in Quran 19:51 – 19:53?


The Virgin Mary is not the real biological sister of Prophet Aaron Harun.

In the Quran Virgin Mary Miriam is not a real biological sister of Prophet Aaron in the same way as in Torah Exodus 4:22-4:23 and the Gospel and Quran 19:93 the son of Allah is not a real biological son of Allah but means servant of Allah.


Sister of Aaron Harun means righteous person in the Quran like son of Allah means servant of Allah in the Torah and the Gospel of Jesus by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John and Quran 19:93.

Sister of Aaron is an expression for righteous person in the story of the Virgin Mary in Quran 19:27 – 19:28 where people see the Virgin Mary with a child and say with surprise “Sister of Aaron” meaning you who comes from the righteous generations after whom you are named (Mary in English is Miriam in Hebrew named after Miriam the sister of Aaron and Moses who lived 3200 years ago) so the people 2000 years ago are asking how can a righteous person like Mary (Miriam in Hebrew) have a new born baby when you were not married 9 months ago?


Quran 19:27 Koran 19:27 Then she Mary Maryam carried him (her son Jesus) to her own people. They said, “Mary Maryam, You have come with something surprising (that we did not expect from you).” 


Quran 19:28 Koran 19:28 “O Sister of Aaron (meaning O Mary Maryam the one who is a descendant from a righteous family), your father was not a wicked man nor was your mother an unchaste woman (so how could you have a new born baby when you were not married 9 months ago?).” 


Quran 19:29 Koran 19:29 Then she (Mary Maryam) pointed to him (her baby as if to signal them to ask him). And they (her people) said, “How can we talk to a baby in the cradle? (Meaning, “How can we talk to a baby who is so young that it cannot walk?)” 


Quran 19:30 Koran 19:30 He (baby Prophet Jesus) said, “I am the servant of Allah. He (Allah) has given me the Scripture and has made me a Prophet,” 


In the same chapter Quran 19:51 – 19:53 shows that the expression “sister of Aaron” used 2000 years ago in Quran 19:28 represents the righteousness of the family of Aaron the brother of Moses who lived 3200 years ago in Quran 19:53.


Quran 19:53 Koran 19:53 And We (Allah) gave to him (Prophet Moses) out of Our (Allah’s) mercy his brother Aaron (to also be) a prophet. 


Quran 19:1 shows the meaning of “sister of Aaron” used 2000 years ago for the Virgin Mary Maryam in Quran 19:28 is related to the righteousness of the family of Aaron who lived in the time of Moses 3200 years ago in Quran 19:53. 

Quran 19:1 shows how “sister of Aaron” means righteous like “Solomon Sulaiman” means wisdom. 


Quran 19:1 Koran 19:1 Kaf Ha' Ya Ain Sad (From the Tablet Lawhin containing the decrees of Allah, the word of Allah descended to Kaf Prophet Zachariah Zakariya the father of Prophet John Yahya in Quran 19:2, and the word of Allah descended to Ha' the Virgin Mary in English, Virgin Maryam in Aramaic, Virgin Mariam in Aramaic, Virgin Miriam in Hebrew the mother of Prophet Jesus 2000 years ago represented by the expression "sister of Aaron" in Quran 19:28 as a way for her people to express their surprise and to say "how could a person like you who comes from a righteous family and a people who descended from the first priest Prophet Aaron the brother of Prophet Moses have a new born baby when you were not married 9 months ago?", and the word of Allah descended to Ya Prophet Yasu in Arabic, Prophet Yeshua in Hebrew, Prophet Jesus in English, Prophet Isa in Arabic, Prophet Isho in Syriac Aramaic, Prophet Iesous in Greek, Prophet Iesus in Latin, the son of the virgin Mary Maryam in Ain the Gospel, and the word of Allah descended to Sad Prophet John Yahya represented by wisdom in Quran 19:12 through Prophet Solomon Sulaiman in the same way as the Virgin Mary Maryam Miriam is represented by righteousness through Prophet Aaron. In the Torah and in Quran 38:35 comments when Allah asked Prophet Solomon Sulaiman what Allah can give him, Prophet Solomon Sulaiman did not ask for a long life or wealth for himself or death for his enemies but his only request to Allah was for the wisdom of an understanding heart to judge people so that he may discern between good and evil. In this way Prophet Solomon Sulaiman represents the wisdom of Prophet John Yahya in Quran 19:12 in the same way as the righteousness of the Virgin Mary Maryam Miriam is represented by the expression "sister of Aaron" in Quran 19:28, and in the same way the word of Allah has descended to you Prophet Muhammad so) – 


Gospel of Matthew 1:1 A record of the genealogy of Jesus the Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham:  

Note 1. Virgin Mary “the sister of Aaron” is an expression meaning Mary who descended from a righteous people in the same way as Jesus the son of David and Abraham means Jesus who descended from a righteous people. 

Note 2. Virgin Mary is not a biological sister of Aaron in the same way as Jesus is not a biological son of David or Abraham.  


Gospel of Mark 1:1 The beginning of the good news about Jesus Christ (Christ means Messiah, the anointed one), the Son of Allah (Son means servant, Son of Allah means the servant of Allah). 

Note 1. Virgin Mary “the sister of Aaron” is an expression meaning Mary who descended from a righteous people in the same way as Jesus “the son of Allah” means Jesus the servant of Allah. 

Note 2. Virgin Mary is not a biological sister of Aaron in the same way as Jesus is not a real biological son of Allah. 


Gospel of Luke 4:22 All were speaking well of him (Jesus) and amazed at the gracious words coming from his mouth. And they were saying, "Isn't this Joseph's son?" 

Note 1. Virgin Mary “the sister of Aaron” is an expression meaning Mary who descended from a righteous people in the same way as Jesus the son of Joseph means Jesus the adopted son of Joseph. 

Note 2. Virgin Mary is not a real biological sister of Aaron in the same way as Jesus is not a real biological son of Joseph. 


To say Mary is the real sister of Aaron in Quran 19:28 would be the same error as saying Jesus is the real biological son of Allah in the Gospel of Mark 1:1 and the real biological son of David and Abraham in the Gospel of Matthew 1:1 and the real biological son of Joseph in the Gospel of Luke 4:22 and would be the same error as saying Jesus had four real biological fathers. 


Jacob is the father of Joseph and Joseph is the husband of the Virgin Mary Miriam. They were named after the father of the twelve children of Israel Prophet Jacob Yaqub and his son Prophet Joseph Yusuf in the same way as Amram Imran the father of Virgin Mary Miriam was named after Amram Imran the father of Prophet Moses and Prophet Aaron and Miriam in the same way as the Virgin Mary Miriam was named after Miriam the real biological sister of Aaron. 

To make it clear Jacob 2000 years ago (not Prophet Jacob) is the father of Joseph 2000 years ago (not Prophet Joseph) and this Joseph is the husband of the Virgin Mary Miriam 2000 years ago.

At the time of the birth of Jesus his mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph.

2000 years ago Jewish kiddushin (betrothal) could be up to one year before the full marriage.

When the Virgin Mary Miriam is seen with a child by people who knew Mary, they said “sister of Aaron” meaning how could a person like you who comes from the righteous generations have a new born child and have no husband 9 months ago comparing the Virgin Mary with the righteousness of the family of Miriam sister of Prophet Aaron and Prophet Moses. 


Gospel of Matthew 1:16 and Jacob begot Joseph, the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, the one called the Christ.  


Gospel of Matthew 1:18 This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about.  His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they consummated, she was found to be pregnant, from the Holy Spirit. 

Note 1. Jewish marriage 2000 years ago had two parts: kiddushin (betrothal) and nisuin (full marriage). 


Gospel of Matthew 1:19 But her husband Joseph, being a righteous man, did not want to make an example of her, and planned to divorce her secretly.

Note 1. To cancel the kiddushin (betrothal) requires divorce.

The husband writes a certificate of divorce and puts it in the hand of his wife and sends her out of his house and she departs from his house.

Jewish marriage 2000 years ago had two parts: kiddushin (betrothal) and nisuin (full marriage).

The time between kiddushin (betrothal) and nisuin (full marriage) is up to one year when the husband makes a home for his wife and new family but the spouses (husband or wife) do not live together in a marital relationship until the nisuin (the full marriage).

Under Jewish law 2000 years ago no rabbi or marriage authority was neccessary because marriage was a private agreement by contract between a man and a woman. Today rabbis and marriage authorities are involved. 

Kiddushin (betrothal) 2000 years ago was much more binding than an engagement as we understand it today. Today the Kiddushin (betrothal) is combined with the nisuin (full marriage) in one ceremony.

Kiddushin (betrothal) 2000 years ago occured when the woman accepts the offer by the prospective husband by a contract or money or from sexual intercourse.

Kiddushin (betrothal) 2000 years ago could only be dissolved by death or divorce but the spouses (husband or wife) did not live together in a marital relationship until the nisuin (full marriage).

The nisuin (full marriage) 2000 years ago completed the process of marriage and this is when the husband brings the wife into his home and they begin their married life together.


Gospel of Matthew 1:20 But while he was mulling these things over, an angel of the Lord appeared to him by means of a dream, and said, "Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is by the Holy Spirit. 

Note 1. In the kiddushin (betrothal) period the word “husband” and “wife” are used but they do not live together in a marital relationship.


Gospel of Matthew 1:24 And when Joseph awoke from his sleep, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him, and he took Mary home as his wife. 

Note 1. Gospel of Matthew 1:24 is similar to the words in 2 Samuel 3:14.

2 Samuel 3:14 “… Deliver me my wife Michal, whom I betrothed …” (During the kiddushin betrothal period the word “husband” and “wife” are used but they do not live together in a marital relationship).

Note 2. The Gospel of Luke 2:4 – 2:5 shows that Joseph and Mary travelled to Bethlehem and Jesus was born when the period of kiddushin betrothal had not yet ended when the Virgin Mary gave birth to a new born baby who had no biological father. In the time of the kiddushin betrothal period the Gospel of Matthew 1:24 shows that Allah blessed the marriage of the Virgin Mary and Joseph.


Gospel of Matthew 1:25 But he did not know her (sexually) until she gave birth to a son. And he called his name Jesus.

Note 1. Sexual relationship is not allowed until the period of Kiddushin (betrothal) is completed which can be up to one year.


Gospel of Luke 2:4 Thus Joseph also went up, from the town of Nazareth in Galilee, to Judea, to the town of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was from the house and line of David;


Gospel of Luke 2:5 to be registered along with Mary, the one pledged to him, who was pregnant. 

Note 1. Pledged means kiddushin (betrothal).

The process of Jewish marriage 2000 years ago had two parts: kiddushin (betrothal) and nisuin (full marriage).

The time between kiddushin (betrothal) and nisuin (full marriage) is up to one year.

Kiddushin (betrothal) 2000 years ago was much more binding than an engagement as we understand it today.


Gospel of Luke 2:6 And it came about that while they were there, the days for her to give birth were completed,

Note 1. Sexual relationship is not allowed until the period of Kiddushin (betrothal) is completed which can be up to one year.

Note 2. When Jesus was born Mary was betrothed (Kiddushin) to Joseph.

Note 3. The birth of Jesus in the Quran occurs when Mary is walking outside a town which the Gospel tells us is Bethlehem. The Quran tells us people were surprised when after walking outside the town she entered it with a new born baby.


Gospel of Luke 2:7 and she bore her firstborn son.  And she swaddled him and placed him in a feeding trough, because there was no room for them in the inn.

Note 1. The Quran and Gospel combine to tell us that when Mary gave birth to Jesus while she was walking alone outside of Bethlehem and when she returned to the town and Joseph they all stayed in a stable because there was no other accommodation at the inn (hotel) and they put Jesus in a feeding trough as his bed.


1a. The expression “daughters of Aaron” was used and understood 2000 years ago in the Gospel.  

The expression “daughters of Aaron” was used and understood 2000 years ago as show in the Gospel of Luke 1:5 and there was no confusion among the children of Israel with a person who lived 1200 years earlier in the time of Moses Musa and Aaron Harun who had only one sister Miriam (Amram Imran had only one daughter Miriam 3200 years ago) meaning in the time of the Virgin Mary this expression was understood to mean “the generations that followed after the time of Miriam.”


Gospel of Luke 1:5 It came about in the time of Herod, king of Judea, that there was a priest, Zechariah by name, of the rotation of Abijah. He had a wife from the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elizabeth. 


Gospel of Luke 1:36 And (the angel said to Mary who would be the mother of Jesus) look at Elizabeth your relative, even she in her old age, has conceived a son, and this is the sixth month with her, she who was called barren. 


See 1. In a similar way in Torah Exodus 4:22-4:23 and the four Gospels and Quran 19:93 “son of Allah” is not a real biological son of Allah but only means the servant of Allah in 8 - 44 below. 


See 2. Virgin Mary “the sister of Aaron” in Quran 19:1 and Quran 19:28 comments in Quran chapter 19.

2. Moses is a son to the wife of the Pharaoh in the Quran and Moses is a son to the daughter of the Pharaoh in the Torah and Moses is a son to the Pharaoh in both the Quran and Torah meaning Moses was adopted as a son by all the family of the Pharaoh because Moses is not a biological son to the Pharaoh like Jesus the son of Allah meaning servant of Allah is not a biological son of Allah in Torah Exodus 4:22-4:23 and the four Gospels and Quran 19:93. 


In the Quran Moses is the son of the wife of the Pharaoh and in the Torah Moses is the son of the daughter of the Pharaoh meaning Moses is a son to all the members of the family of the Pharaoh including the Pharaoh because Moses is not a biological son of the family of the Pharaoh.

The only way the daughter of the Pharaoh could keep Moses as a son in the royal palace is if her mother could make the Pharaoh allow the family to adopt Moses as a son and therefore the wife suggests to the Pharaoh “let us take Moses as our son.”


Prophet Moses Musa of the family of the Pharaoh Firon is not a real biological son of the family of the Pharaoh Firon. 

In the Quran Prophet Moses is not a real biological member of the family of the Pharaoh Firon in the same way as in Torah Exodus 4:22-4:23 and the four Gospels and Quran 19:93 the son of Allah is not a real biological son of Allah but means servant of Allah. 

Prophet Moses of the family of the Pharaoh Firon is not a real biological son of the family of the Pharaoh Firon

Moses became a son in the family of the Pharaoh Firon to the daughter and to the wife of the Pharaoh Firon exactly as described in both the Torah for the daughter and in the Quran for the wife.

In the same way as Moses is not a real biological son of the family of the Pharaoh Firon so also is Jesus the son of Allah meaning the servant of Allah not a real biological son of Allah in the Torah and the Gospel of Jesus by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John and Quran 19:93. 

Moses is the son of the daughter of the pharaoh and the wife of the pharaoh because Moses is not a real biological son of the pharaoh in the same way as Jesus is the son of Allah meaning the servant of Allah meaning Jesus is not a real biological son of Allah.


In the Torah the daughter of the Pharaoh who found Moses is “of the family” of the Pharaoh who found Moses in the Quran.

The daughter of the Pharaoh must have the permission of the Pharaoh for a son like Moses to live in the palace and this is obtained in the Quran by the daughter’s mother who is the wife of the Pharaoh talking to the Pharaoh to suggest Moses might become their son so that the Pharaoh will agree to keep the child Moses meaning understanding comes from knowing both the Torah and the Quran meaning Moses became a son to all the members of the family of the Pharaoh Firon so Moses became a son to the daughter of the Pharaoh and the wife of the Pharaoh and the Pharaoh although he is not their real biological son in the same way as Jesus is not a real biological “son” of Allah. The word “son of Allah” only means servant of Allah.


Exodus 2:4 And his (Moses) sister (Miriam) stood far off, to know what would be done to him (baby Moses). 

Exodus 2:5 And the daughter of Pharaoh Firon came down to bathe in the river; and her maidens walked along by the river-side; and she (the daughter of Pharaoh) saw the ark among the flags, and sent her handmaid to fetch it. 


Quran 28:8 Koran 28:8 And the family of the Pharaoh Firon (the king of Egypt) took him up (from the River Nile) so that he (baby Moses) might become for them an enemy and a sorrow (for the Pharaoh Firon and his soldiers as Allah had ordained). The Pharaoh Firon (the king of Egypt around 1847 – 1842 BH 1225 BCE – 1220 BCE 1225 BC – 1220 BC wanted to destroy the Jewish people) and (like the Pharaoh Firon), Haman (the Prime Minister to King Ahasuerus in Persia today Iran wanted to destroy the Jewish people around 1026 BH 404 BCE 404 BC) and their (the Pharaoh’s and Haman’s) soldiers were men of sin. 

Note 1. Exodus 2:5 and Quran 28:8 confirm Moses was saved by the family of the Pharaoh. 


Exodus 2:10 And the child grew, and she (Miriam) brought him (Moses) to Pharaoh's daughter, and he (Moses) became her son. And she called his name Moses, and said: 'Because I drew him out of the water.' 

Note 1. Moses became the son of the Pharaoh's daughter only because the mother of the daughter who is also the wife of the Pharaoh talked to the Pharaoh in a way where he would agree to keep the child Moses so that what happened is explained by knowing both the Torah and the Quran because only by knowing both do we understand more about this story meaning Moses became a son to all the members of the family of the Pharaoh Firon. 


Quran 28:9 Koran 28:9 And the wife of the Pharaoh (Firon, the king of Egypt) said. “(He, baby Moses shall be) a comfort for me and for you so do not kill him in case he may be of use to us or we might choose him for a son.” And they did not see (the consequences of their decision which Allah had ordained). 

Note 1. Exodus 2:10 and Quran 28:9 confirm each other because the daughter of the Pharaoh Firon in the Torah would not be able to have a son in the palace unless the wife of the Pharaoh Firon could convince the Pharaoh not to kill this son but to raise him as their own son in the Quran meaning both the Torah and Quran confirm each other meaning Moses became a son to all the members of the family of the Pharaoh Firon.  


See 1. In a similar way in Torah Exodus 4:22-4:23 and the four Gospels and Quran 19:93 “son of Allah” is not a real biological son of Allah but only means the servant of Allah in 8 - 44 below. 


See 2. Moses is a son to the wife of the Pharaoh in Quran 28:8 and Quran 28:9 comments in Quran chapter 28.

3. The son of the family of Prophet Noah who drowned in the flood and Moses the son of the family of the Pharaoh and Jesus the son of Allah meaning servant of Allah are not biological sons. 


The son of Prophet Noah Nuh who drowned was not a real biological son of Prophet Noah Nuh.

In the Quran the son of Prophet Noah Nuh who drowned is not a real biological member of the family of Prophet Noah Nuh in the same way as in Torah Exodus 4:22-4:23 and the four Gospels and Quran 19:93 the son of Allah is not a real biological son of Allah but means servant of Allah. 

The person called “my son” meaning “my boy” in the flood is not from the family of Noah Nuh in the same way as “son of Allah” meaning servant of Allah is not a real biological son of Allah in the Torah and the Gospel of Jesus by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John and Quran 19:93. 


Quran 11:42 Koran 11:42 And it (the Ark ship) sailed with them on waves (that were) like mountains and Prophet Noah Nuh cried to (") his son (") who was separated (from them), “My son, get on board (the Ark ship) with us and do not stay with the disbelievers.” 


Quran 11:46 Koran 11:46 He (Allah) said, “Prophet Noah Nuh, he (who you called “my son”) is not of your family (or of those that shall be saved). His conduct is evil so do not ask Me (Allah) something about which you have no knowledge (regarding saving the person you called “my son”). I (Allah) caution you (Prophet Noah Nuh so as) to save you from becoming one of the ignorant (when you ask about what you do not know, meaning, the people who are ignorant of the consequences from Allah for their actions when they support evil doers like the person who Prophet Noah Nuh had called “my son” in a matter that was only for Allah to determine. It is not for humans to ask forgiveness for someone else regarding such a matter in which humans have no knowledge and in which Allah has decreed Allah’s judgement on those who are evil doers).” (Allah confirms that the boy who was drowned was not of the family of Prophet Noah Nuh which means that when Prophet Noah Nuh used the words “my son" or "my boy" it means he was calling out to a boy he saw in the water who was brought close to his heart but was not related by blood to his family). 


Quran 11:47 Koran 11:47 He (Prophet Noah Nuh) said, “My Lord (Allah) I take refuge (from sin) with you so that I do not ask you about something for which I have no knowledge. Unless you forgive me and have mercy on me I shall be lost (from Allah’s mercy).” 

Note 1. Prophet Noah Nuh saw a boy in the water and tried to save him by claiming he was from his family but he was not his real biological son. 

Note 2. Allah told Prophet Noah Nuh “he is not of your family” and Prophet Noah Nuh asked Allah’s forgiveness. 


See 1. In a similar way in Torah Exodus 4:22-4:23 and the four Gospels and Quran 19:93 “son of Allah” is not a real biological son of Allah but only means the servant of Allah in 8 - 44 below. 


See 2. The son of the family of Prophet Noah who drowned in the flood Quran 11:46 comments in Quran chapter 11.

4. In the Quran “mother” can be used as a bad word and a lie in the same way as believing Jesus is a real biological son of Allah is a bad word and a lie however “mother” can also be used as a word which is not bad and not a lie in the same way as Jesus is the son of Allah meaning the servant of Allah is not a bad word and not a lie in Torah Exodus 4:22-4:23 and the four Gospels and Quran 19:93. 


When is a mother not a real mother and when is not a real biological mother your mother?

In the Quran men who divorce by saying “their wife is their mother” is not a real biological mother in the same way as in Torah Exodus 4:22-4:23 and the four Gospels and Quran 19:93 the son of Allah is not a real biological son of Allah but means servant of Allah.

In the Quran men who divorce by saying “their wife is their mother” is not a real biological mother in the same way as in the Torah and the Gospel and Quran 19:93 “son of Allah” meaning servant of Allah is not a real biological son of Allah.


In the Quran no one is “your mother” except the one who gave birth to you and Quran 58:2 shows how “mother” is used as a bad word and a lie in the same way as believing Jesus is a real biological son of Allah is a bad word and a lie however Quran 33:6 describes the wives of the prophet as “the mothers of the believers” meaning no one can marry the wives of the prophet after his death which is not a bad word and not a lie in the same way as Jesus is the son of Allah meaning the servant of Allah is not a bad word and not a lie in the Torah and the Gospel of Jesus by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John and Quran 19:93. 


If no one is “your mother” except the one who gave birth to you in Quran 58:2 because it is a bad word and a lie then how is calling the wives of the prophet “the mother of the believers” not also a bad word and a lie?” This is explained here:


Quran 33:6 Koran 33:6 “… The Prophet is closer to the believers than their own selves, and his wives are their mothers …” 

Quran 58:2 Koran 58:2 “… No one is their (the husband's) mother except the one that gave birth to them …” 


In the Quran those men who divorce by saying “their wife is their mother” is not a real biological mother and is a wicked use of the word “mother” in Quran 58:2 in the same way as using the word “son of Allah” to mean “a real biological son of Allah” is a wicked use of those words.


However when we say the wives of Prophet Muhammad are “the mother of the believers” in Quran 33:6 meaning no one can marry the wives of Prophet Muhammad after his death it is the same as using the word “son of Allah” to mean a servant of Allah which is the correct meaning of “son of Allah” in the Torah and the four Gospels and Quran 19:93. 


Quran 58:2 Koran 58:2 Those who divorce their wives by (the tradition of) Zihar (by saying that their wife is their mother and therefore unlawful to them as was done by Arabs in Arabia before the time of Islam should know that) they (their wives) are not their mother. No one is their (the husband's) mother except the one that gave birth to them. They (the husband) speak a bad word (by using the word mother in an evil way) and a lie (by saying something that is false about a person who is not his mother). Allah pardons and forgives (those who repent and sincerely pray for forgiveness and correct their behaviour). 


Quran 33:6 Koran 33:6 The Prophet (Muhammad) is closer to the believers (in concern for them in this world and in the hereafter) than their own selves, and his wives are their mothers (meaning the wifes of Prophet Muhammad can never remarry after the death of the prophet so talk to his wives behind the barrier which is created psychologically in the mind by regarding the wives of Prophet Muhammad as your mothers meaning by understanding that you can never be married to them). In the decree of Allah relatives have a greater right on one another (in inheritance) than to other believers (who are not related to them in Yathrib) and the emigrants (who fled Makkah to Yathrib). However you may do any good that you wish to your friends (in a will). This is written in the Book (of Decrees, the Preserved Tablet). 


See 1. In a similar way in Torah Exodus 4:22-4:23 and the four Gospels and Quran 19:93 “son of Allah” is not a real biological son of Allah but only means the servant of Allah in 8 - 44 below. 


See 2. When is a mother not a real mother and when is not a real biological mother your mother in Quran 58:2 comments in Quran chapter 58.

5. Haman is the same in the Quran and the Jewish Hebrew Bible like Jesus is the same in the Quran and in the four Gospels where the son of Allah means the servant of Allah and not a biological son of Allah in Torah Exodus 4:22-4:23 and the four Gospels and Quran 19:93. 


Haman in the Jewish Hebrew Bible is Haman in the Quran.

Haman is the same Haman in the Quran and the Jewish Hebrew Bible like Jesus is the same Jesus in the Quran and in the Gospel of Jesus by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John where son of Allah means servant of Allah and not a real biological son of Allah in Torah Exodus 4:22-4:23 and the Gospel of Jesus by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John and Quran 19:93.  


The Pharaoh Firon in the time of Prophet Moses cut big blocks of stone to build the pyramid tower in Egypt and this was well known 1400 years ago and today so what is the meaning of "light a fire for me O Haman to make clay bricks to build a tower" mean in Quran 28:38?


Quran 28:38 Koran 28:38 Pharaoh Firon (the king of Egypt around 1847 – 1842 BH, 1225 BCE – 1220 BCE, 1225 BC – 1220 BC cut stone blocks to make pyramids) said, "O Chiefs, I do not know of any Allah for you but myself so, light for me O Haman (representing the Prime Minister to King Ahasuerus in Persia today Iran who came after the time of the Pharaoh Firon around 1026 BH, 404 BCE, 404 BC, “a fire of disbelief in Allah”) on the clay (baked bricks in the furnace) and make for me a high tower (representing the tower of Babel, the tower of Babylon which was built by the people in Babylon today in Iraq in 2612 BH 1990 BCE 1990 BC before the time of the Pharaoh Firon) so that I can have a look at the Allah of Prophet Moses but I think he (Prophet Moses) is lying (like the people in Babylon believed Allah was a lie before the time of the Pharaoh Firon and like Haman believed Allah was a lie after the time of the Pharaoh Firon because the people in Babylon and Haman did not believe that anyone was greater than themselves. The people of the clay bricked tower of Babylon today in Iraq and the Pharaoh Firon in Egypt and Haman in Persia today in Iran are brought together to show how disbelief is passed and strengthen from generation to generation)." 


Quran 28.6 and Quran 28:38 is revealed in a similar way to Quran 29:39 and Quran 40:24 where 4 people are brought together to compare the arrogance of three of them Korah Qarun, Pharaoh Firon and Haman to Prophet Moses who is the only one that is righteous among them.

In the lesson that Allah is teaching about arrogant people it is not necessary for all four people to be in one event or in one historical time for us to be able to understand its meaning.

In the Torah the first to die is the Pharaoh Firon in the Red Sea, later Korah Qarun is swallowed by the earth in the Sinai Peninsula and later still Haman is hanged on the gallows in Persia today Iran.

Those who have read all of Allah’s Books know that these 3 famous people lived at different times and in different locations.

The Pharaoh Firon, Korah Qarun and Haman believed they could do whatever they wanted to do.

The Pharaoh Firon, Korah Qarun and Haman represent the passing of arrogance from generation to generation.

This shows how wisdom and knowledge come if Allah wills from study of the Torah and the Gospel with the Quran.


Quran 28:6 Koran 28:6 And to establish them (the children of Israel) on the earth, and to show the Pharaoh Firon (the king of Egypt who wanted to destroy the Jewish people around 1847 – 1842 BH, 1225 BCE – 1220 BCE, 1225 BC – 1220 BC because the Jews prayed to Allah and not to the Pharaoh Firon) and Haman (the Prime Minister to King Ahasuerus in Persia today Iran who wanted to destroy the Jewish people around 1026 BH, 404 BCE, 404 BC because one Jewish person refused to bow down and prostrate to Haman because the Jews bow down and prostrate only to Allah) and their soldiers what they (the Pharaoh Firon and Haman) feared (in humiliation) from them (the children of Israel, because the Jews refused to believe that the Pharaoh Firon and Haman were greater than Allah).  


Quran 28:8 Koran 28:8 And the family of the Pharaoh Firon (the king of Egypt) took him up (from the River Nile) so that he (baby Moses) might become for them an enemy and a sorrow (for the Pharaoh Firon and his soldiers as Allah had ordained). The Pharaoh Firon (the king of Egypt around 1847 – 1842 BH 1225 BCE – 1220 BCE 1225 BC – 1220 BC wanted to destroy the Jewish people) and (like the Pharaoh Firon), Haman (the Prime Minister to King Ahasuerus in Persia today Iran wanted to destroy the Jewish people around 1026 BH 404 BCE 404 BC) and their (the Pharaoh’s and Haman’s) soldiers were men of sin. 


Quran 29:39 Koran 29:39 And Prophet Moses came to Korah Qarun (in the Sinai Peninsula after the death of the Pharaoh Firon and to), Pharaoh Firon (in Egypt in 1847 – 1842 BH 1225 BCE – 1220 BCE 1225 BC – 1220 BC) and Haman (in Persia in 1026 BH 404 BCE 404 BC) with clear signs (of the existence of Allah which was shown to them by the children of Israel who followed the Torah of Moses) but they (the Pharaoh Firon and Korah Qarun and Haman) were boastful in the land. And they (the Pharaoh Firon and Korah Qarun and Haman) could not escape (the punishment of Allah). 


Quran 40:23 Koran 40:23 And We (Allah) sent Prophet Moses with Our (Allah’s) revelations and a clear authority. 


Quran 40:24 Koran 40:24 To Pharaoh Firon (the King of Egypt in 1847 – 1842 BH 1225 BCE – 1220 BCE 1225 BC – 1220 BC) and Haman (the Prime Minister of Persia in 1026 BH 404 BCE 404 BC through Mordecai who showed Haman the teachings of Prophet Moses Musa) and Korah Qarun (of the children of Israel in the Sinai Peninsula after the death of the Pharaoh Firon), but they (the Pharaoh Firon, Korah Qarun and Haman) said, “A (person who says that Allah is more important than us is a) fraud (a deceiver), a liar.”  


Quran 40:36 Koran 40:36 And Pharaoh Firon (the King of Egypt around 1847 – 1842 BH 1225 BCE – 1220 BCE 1225 BC – 1220 BC) said, “O Haman (the Prime Minister in Persia around 1026 BH 404 BCE 404 BC take from me the fire of disbelief and evil and) build for me a tower so that I may have the means (of looking into heaven).” – 


Quran 40:37 Koran 40:37 “(Make for me) the means (of looking) into the heavens so that I may look at the god of Prophet Moses Musa, but I think he (Prophet Moses Musa) is a liar.” In this way (of misbehavior and thinking) the evil that he (the Pharaoh Firon) did was made to seem attractive to the Pharaoh Firon, and he was turned away from the (right) path. The plan of Pharaoh Firon ended in ruin (with his destruction and the destruction of his followers).


The story of Haman in the Jewish Hebrew Bible Book of Esther is confirmed by Quran 3:3, Quran 12:111, Quran 26:196 and Quran 41:43. 


Quran 3:3 Koran 3:3 He (Allah) revealed to you (Prophet Muhammad) the Book (the Quran) of truth confirming what came before it (in the Torah Taurat and in the Gospel Injil), and He (Allah) revealed the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil.  

Note 1. The Quran confirms the story of Haman in the Jewish Hebrew Bible Book of Esther.


Quran 12:111 Koran 12:111 "... It (the Quran) is not an invented story but it is a confirmation of what came before it (in the Scriptures of the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil) ..." 

Note 1. The Quran confirms the story of Haman in the Jewish Hebrew Bible Book of Esther.


Quran 26:196 Koran 26:196 It (the revelations from Allah in the Quran) is (also) in the Scriptures of the people of the past (in the Torah Taurat that is with the Jews and in the Gospel Injil that is with the Christians). 

Note 1. The Quran confirms the story of Haman in the Jewish Hebrew Bible Book of Esther.


Quran 41:43 Koran 41:43 Nothing is said (by Allah) to you (Prophet Muhammad) except what has already been said to the messengers before you. Your Lord (Allah) is the possessor of forgiveness and severe punishment. 

Note 1. The Quran confirms the story of Haman in the Jewish Hebrew Bible Book of Esther.


Torah Genesis 11:1 And the whole earth was of one language and of one speech. 

Genesis 11:2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar (the plain of Babylon today in Iraq); and they lived there.

Genesis 11:3 And they said one to another: 'Come, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly.' And they had brick for stone, and slime they had for mortar.

Genesis 11:4 And they said: 'Come, let us build us a city, and a tower with its top in heaven …” 

Note 1. In Quran 28:38 Haman who lived after the time of the Pharaoh is told to use bricks made in a fire tobuild a tower to see heaven and Torah Genesis 11:3 – 11:4 is the building of a tower to heaven using bricks made in a fire before the time of the Pharaoh Firon and before the time of Haman and before the time of Prophet Moses Musa. 

Note 2. The literary technique in the Quran of comparing the evil of the Pharaoh Firon and Haman who lived in different times and in different places can be compared to the 14 letters at the beginning of 29 chapters in the Quran which use another literary technique. 

Note 3. Quran 3:3, Quran 12:111, Quran 26:196 and Quran 41:43 confirm Haman in the Hebrew Bible and in the Quran is the same Haman. 


Tanakh Jewish scripture Esther 3:1 After these things King Ahasuerus promoted Haman the son of Hammedatha the Agagite, and advanced him, and made his position to be above all the princes that were with him. 

Note 1. In Quran 28:6 and Quran 28:8 Haman is second in authority compared to the Pharaoh in Egypt and in Hebrew Bible Esther 3:1 and Esther 5:11 Haman is second in authority to King Ahasuerus in Persia. 

Note 2. The literary technique in the Quran of comparing the evil of the Pharaoh Firon and Haman who lived in different times and in different places can be compared to the 14 letters at the beginning of 29 chapters in the Quran which use another literary technique. 

Note 3. Quran 3:3, Quran 12:111, Quran 26:196 and Quran 41:43 confirm Haman in the Hebrew Bible and in the Quran is the same Haman. 


Esther 3:5 And when Haman saw that Mordecai did not bow down nor prostrated himself in front of him, Haman was filled with anger

Esther 3:6 But it seemed contemptible in his eyes to lay hands on Mordecai alone; for they had told him the people of Mordecai (were the children of Israel); so Haman sought to destroy all the Jews that were throughout the whole kingdom of King Ahasuerus, that are the people of Mordecai (who were the children of Israel). 

Note 1. In Quran 28:6 and Hebrew Bible Esther 3:5 – 3:6 Haman wants to destroy the Jewish people when Haman feels humiliation from the children of Israel because they bow down and prostrate only to Allah and not to him. 

Note 2. In the Quran and in the Torah the Pharaoh Firon orders the killing of every Jewish male baby born in Egypt and takes his Army against the children of Israel whom he allowed to leave Egypt and later in history in the Hebrew Bible Book of Esther Haman plans to kill all Jewish people in Persia. 

Note 3. The literary technique in the Quran of comparing the evil of the Pharaoh Firon and Haman who lived in different times and in different places can be compared to the 14 letters at the beginning of 29 chapters in the Quran which use another literary technique. 

Note 4. Quran 3:3, Quran 12:111, Quran 26:196 and Quran 41:43 confirm Haman in the Hebrew Bible and in the Quran is the same Haman.  


Esther 5:11 And Haman told them about the glory of his wealth, and his many children, and all the ways the king (King Ahasuerus) had promoted him, and how he (King Ahasuerus) had made him to be above all the princes and servants of the king. 

Note 1. In Quran 29:39 and Hebrew Bible Esther 5:11 Haman is among the boastful arrogant. 

Note 2. The Quran and the Torah warn against arrogance through the story of the Pharaoh Firon and Haman and Korah Qarun. 

Note 3. The literary technique in the Quran of comparing the evil of the Pharaoh Firon and Haman who lived in different times and in different places can be compared to the 14 letters at the beginning of 29 chapters in the Quran which use another literary technique. 

Note 4. Quran 3:3, Quran 12:111, Quran 26:196 and Quran 41:43 confirm Haman in the Hebrew Bible and in the Quran is the same Haman. 


Esther 5:14 Then Zeresh his wife and all his friends said to him (Haman): “Let a gallows be made fifty cubits (seventy five feet) in height (so that everyone can see it), and in the morning ask the king to have Mordecai hanged on it; then go happily with the king to the banquet.” And this pleased Haman and he caused the gallows to be made. 

Note 1. In the Quran 28:38 and Quran 40:36 Haman is told to build a high tower and in Hebrew Bible Esther 5:14 Haman is told to build high gallows. 

Note 2. The literary technique in the Quran of comparing the evil of the Pharaoh Firon and Haman who lived in different times and in different places can be compared to the 14 letters at the beginning of 29 chapters in the Quran which use another literary technique. 

Note 3. Quran 3:3, Quran 12:111, Quran 26:196 and Quran 41:43 confirm Haman in the Hebrew Bible and in the Quran is the same Haman.


See 1. Haman in the Quran is the same in the Tanakh Jewish scripture like Jesus in the Quran is the same in the four Gospels because in Torah Exodus 4:22-4:23 and the four Gospels and Quran 19:93 “son of Allah” is not a real biological son of Allah but only means the servant of Allah in 8 - 44 below. 


See 2. Haman in the Quran and the Bible is the same Haman. 


6. Amram Imran is the father of Miriam the sister of Prophet Aaron and Prophet Moses 3200 years ago and Amram Imran is the father of the Virgin Mary the mother of Jesus 2000 years ago in the Quran which does not contradict the Torah or the four Gospels in the same way as “son of Allah” meaning the servant of Allah does not contradict Torah Exodus 4:22-4:23 where all the children of Israel are the "son of Allah" and the four Gospels where Jesus is the "son of Allah" and Quran 19:93 where every creation is the servant of Allah. 

The name Amram (Imran) and Miriam (Mary, Maryam).

Mary is given the name of a righteous person who lived before her in the same way as her father was given the name of a righteous person who lived before him.

The Jewish tradition is to name children with the name of a righteous person from the past.

After the time of Amram Imran who was the father of Aaron and Moses and Miriam 3200 years ago other people named their children Amram Imran for example a son of Bani was named Amram Imran.

Ezra 10:34 Of the sons of Bani: Maadai, Amram, and Uel.

Amram Imran is the father of Miriam the sister of Prophet Aaron and Prophet Moses 3200 years ago and Amram Imran is the father of the Virgin Mary the mother of Jesus 2000 years ago in the Quran.


Quran 3:33 Koran 3:33 Allah chose Adam, Noah Nuh, the family of Abraham Ibrahim (in Quran 3:84) and the family of Amram Imran (3200 years ago in Quran 3:84 when his son Moses received the Torah in Quran 3:3 and the family of Amram Imran 2000 years ago in Quran 3:35 and Quran 3:84 and Quran 66:12 through his daughter the Virgin Mary Maryam to whose son Jesus received the Gospel in Quran 3:3 and Quran 3:48 and they were) above all the people (in their time). 

Note 1. The Hebrew named Miriam is the sister of Aaron and Moses and their father was Amram Imran 3200 years ago. 


Quran 3:35 Koran 3:35 Remember when the wife of Imran (who lived 2000 years ago in Quran 3:33, Quran 3:84 and Quran 66:12. The wife is not named in the Quran or in the four Gospels. The names Anna Hannah and her husband Joachim come from Christian traditions which are not in the four Gospels. She) said, "O my Lord, I have vowed to You (Allah) to dedicate for Your (Allah’s) service what (child) is in my womb so accept this from me. Surely You (Allah) hear and know all things.  

Note 1. The Hebrew name for Mary is Miriam. 

Note 2. The father of the Virgin Mary Maryam Miriam is Amram Imran 2000 years ago.  

Note 3. After the time of Amram Imran who was the father of Aaron and Moses and Miriam 3200 years ago other people named their children Amram Imran for example a son of Bani was named Amram Imran. 

Hebrew Bible Ezra 10:34 Of the sons of Bani: Maadai, Amram, and Uel.  

Note 4. Christian tradition.  

The four canonized Gospels Injil of Jesus by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John with the Christians do not name the mother or the father of Mary mother of Jesus.

According to apocryphal gospels and Christian tradition Joachim is Mary’s father and Anne or Hannah is Mary’s mother but this is not in the four canonized Gospel Injil


Quran 3:84 Koran 3:84 Say (Prophet Muhammad), "We believe in Allah and what is revealed to us (Muslims), and what was revealed to Abraham Ibrahim and Ishmael Ismail and Isaac Ishaq (this is the family of Abraham Ibrahim in Quran 3:33) and Jacob, Yaqub, Israel and the descendants (the 12 children of Israel), and what was given to Moses and Jesus (this is the family of Amram Imran in Quran 3:33 who lived 3200 years ago to produce Moses and Aaron and Mary in English, Maryam in Arabic and Miriam in Hebrew. This is also the family of Amram Imran in Quran 3:33 and Quran 3:35 and Quran 66:12 who lived 2000 years ago to produce Jesus through Mary in English, Maryam in Arabic and Miriam in Hebrew) and the Prophets (this is Adam and Noah Nuh in Quran 3:33 and all the other prophets) from their Lord (Allah). We make no distinction between any of them (meaning all the prophets had the same message to worship only the one Allah who is the creator of every creation and do goodness in this world). And we are submissive to Him (Allah)."  


Quran 66:12 Koran 66:12 And Mary Maryam the daughter of Imran, who guarded her chastity, so We (Allah) breathed into it (her womb) of Our (created) Spirit (Rue, Spirit from Us, Ruh from Us). And she believed in the words of her Lord (Allah) and His (Allah’s) scriptures and was obedient (to Allah). 


Gospel of Matthew 1:16 and Jacob begot Joseph, the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, the one called the Christ. 


The Virgin Mary Miriam (named after Miriam the sister of Prophet Aaron Harun) was the mother of Jesus Isa and the wife of Joseph Yusuf (named after Prophet Joseph Yusuf) who was the son of Jacob Yaqub (named after Prophet Jacob Yaqub) and she was the daughter of Amram Imran (named after Amram Imran the father of Miriam who was the sister of Prophet Aaron Harun and Prophet Moses Musa).


When the Virgin Mary Miriam is seen with a child by people who knew Mary, they said “sister of Aaron” meaning how could a person like you who comes from the righteous generations have a new born child and have no husband 9 months ago comparing the Virgin Mary with the righteousness of the family of Miriam sister of Prophet Aaron and Prophet Moses. 


Quran 19:28 Koran 19:28 “O Sister of Aaron (meaning O Mary Maryam the one who is a descendant from a righteous family), your father was not a wicked man nor was your mother an unchaste woman (so how could you have a new born baby when you were not married 9 months ago?).” 


See 1. In a similar way in Torah Exodus 4:22-4:23 and the four Gospels and Quran 19:93 “son of Allah” is not a real biological son of Allah but only means the servant of Allah in 8 - 44 below. 


See 2. Amram Imran in Quran 3:35 comments in Quran chapter 3.

7. The father and son blessed in the famous vision dream of the sacrifice of the son of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim is the same in the Quran and the Torah like Jesus is the same in the Quran and the four Gospels where the son of Allah means the servant of Allah and not a biological son of Allah in Torah Exodus 4:22-4:23 and the four Gospels and Quran 19:93. 


Which father and son are blessed in and blessed with the famous vision dream of the sacrifice of the son of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim in the Quran?

The only father and son blessed in the story of the sacrifice are Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and Prophet Isaac Ishaq and the only father and son blessed with the vision dream are Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and Prophet Isaac Ishaq and the only son who is both named the good news son and unnamed as the good news son is Prophet Isaac Ishaq meaning the Quran agrees with the Torah that the son in the vision dream of the sacrifice is Isaac Ishaq as proof Allah is real because Allah protected His words and no one had power to change Allah’s word.

In the same way Jesus in the Quran is the same Jesus in the Gospel because in Torah Exodus 4:22-4:23 and in the Gospel of Jesus by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John and in Quran 19:93 the “son of Allah” means the servant of Allah and not a real biological son of Allah and the Quran confirms and explains what the four Gospel narrate in the story of Jesus in agreement with the Torah so that the book of Allah before the Gospel which is the Torah and the book of Allah after the Gospel which is the Quran all support each other.     


In the story of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim Allah gave the title the good news son to Prophet Isaac Ishaq in Quran 11:69, 11:71, 11:74, 15:53, 15:54, 15:55, 19:49, 29:27, 29:31, 37:101, 37:112, 37:113 and 51:28. 


When the Good News son is not named four times in Quran 15:53, 15:54, 15:55 and in Quran 51:28 it is Prophet Isaac Ishaq and this is the same in the story of the sacrifice in Quran 37:101 where the good news son is also not named because it is always the name Allah gives to Prophet Isaac Ishaq. 


When the Good News son is named five times in Quran 11:69, 11:71, 11:74 and Quran 29:27, 29:31 it is Prophet Isaac Ishaq and this is the same in the story of the sacrifice in Quran 37:112 where the good news son is also named Prophet Isaac Ishaq because Good News is always the name Allah gives to Prophet Isaac Ishaq in the Prophet Abraham Ibrahim story in the Quran. 


Allah names Prophet Isaac Ishaq as the good news son 9 times in Quran chapter 11, 15, 19, 29 and 51.

Allah names Prophet Isaac Ishaq four times in Quran chapter 37 twice as the good news son and twice by name.

In the story of the sacrifice in the Quran chapter 37 Allah only blesses Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and his son Prophet Isaac Ishaq. Allah has left no other blessing.


Prophet Isaac Ishaq is the story of the Good News son in Quran chapter 11, 15, 19, 29, 37 and 51. 


After the story of the sacrifice in Quran chapter 37 in the next chapter Quran chapter 38 Allah blesses the father and the son in the vision dream as Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and Prophet Isaac Ishaq in Quran 38:45 and then blesses Prophet Ishmael Ismail without his father and without the vision dream to show that Prophet Ishmael Ismail was not living with his father during the time of the vision dream of the sacrifice which confirms exactly what Allah has said in the Torah which is with the Jews today. 

In the Torah Prophet Isaac Ishaq was “the only son” living with Prophet Abraham Ibrahim during the sacrifice because Allah had long ago sent Prophet Ishmael Ismail and his mother Hagar Hajar into the desert. 


Quran 38:45 Koran 38:45 And mention Our (Allah’s) servant Prophet Abraham Ibrahim, Prophet Isaac Ishaq and Prophet Jacob Yaqub Israel (who were), men with strength (of faith in Allah) and vision (to understand the will of Allah). 


Quran 38:48 Koran 38:48 And mention Prophet Ishmael Ismail and Prophet Elisha Al-Yasha and Prophet Ezekiel Zulkifl Dhul-Kifl. And all are from the best (of humans). 


Allah blesses Prophet Ishmael Ismail without his father and without the vision dream in Quran chapter 38 because Prophet Ishmael Ismail was not living with Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and Prophet Isaac Ishaq during the vision dream of the sacrifice. 


The name of the father and son in the vision dream is confirmed again in Quran 12:6.


Quran 12:6 Koran 12:6 – “And so your Lord (Allah) shall choose you (Prophet Joseph Yusuf) and shall teach you the interpretation of stories (dreams) and shall perfect His (Allah’s) favour on you and on the family of Prophet Jacob Yaqub Israel as He (Allah) perfected it on your fathers before you, (who were) Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and Prophet Isaac Ishaq. Your Lord (Allah) knows all things and is wise.” 


The vision dream is remembered again in Quran 2:124.


Quran 2:124 Koran 2:124 And when Prophet Abraham Ibrahim was tested (for his faith) by his Lord (Allah) with certain commands (in a vision dream to sacrifice his son in Quran 37:98 – 37:113 see Quran 6:60 and Quran 39:42 “Allah is the one who takes your souls at night”, Quran 17:60 “the vision” of Prophet Muhammad meaning the dream, Quran 12:6 and Quran 38:45 the vision meaning dream of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim, Prophet Isaac Ishaq and Prophet Jacob Yaqub Israel and Quran 48:27 Prophet Muhammad’s vision meaning dream) and he (Prophet Abraham Ibrahim) fulfilled them (and Allah stopped Prophet Abraham Ibrahim from sacrificing his son), He (Allah) said, “I shall make you a (religious) leader of humankind.” (Prophet Abraham Ibrahim) said, “and of my offspring” (meaning my children and my descendants, shall they also be religious leaders of humanity)?” He (Allah) said “(Yes but) My (Allah’s) covenant (agreement) does not include wrong-doers and those without faith (and in Quran 37:113 Allah blessed Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and Prophet Isaac Ishaq but of their offspring are some that do good to their souls and some that do wrong to their souls. Allah leaves no other blessing in the story of the sacrifice).” 


Quran 2:124 is the end of the story of the vision dream of the sacrifice of Prophet Isaac Ishaq and Prophet Abraham Ibrahim in this section and Quran 2:125 is the start of the story of the building of the Kabah by Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and Prophet Ishmael Ismail. 


Quran 2:125 Koran 2:125 And when We (Allah) made the House (“the House” is l-bayta, see Quran 3:97 “the House” is l-bayti, see Quran 5:97 “the Sacred House” is l-bayta l-harama for mankind which is the Kabah, see Quran 22:26 “the House” is l-bayti which is the House for mankind in Quran 22:25 called “and the sacred mosque” is wal-masjidi l-harami, Quran 22:29 and Quran 22:33 refers to the Kabah in Makkah as the “Ancient House”) a place of return (pilgrimage) for mankind and security (safety) and said “Take the place where Prophet Abraham Ibrahim stood as a place of prayer.” And We (Allah) made a covenant (agreement) with Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and Prophet Ishmael Ismail saying, “Purify (clean) My (Allah’s) House (“My House” is baytiya) for those who circumambulate (walk around it, see Quran 22:26 circumambulate “My House” is baytiya, see Quran 22:26 circumambulate “the Ancient House” is bil-bayti l-ʿatīqi) and those who seclude themselves for devotion and prayer, and those who bow down and those who prostrate (their forehead to the ground.” Allah moved people in Arabia away from stone idol worship at the Kabah and taught them the religion of Allah by giving the first Muslims a direction of prayer towards Zion for the first 13 years of Islam in Makkah and the first 17 months of Islam in Yathrib Madinah. The Jewish Hebrew Bible Psalms 84:6 – 84:8 explains that the reason the first Muslims faced towards Zion was to teach them that “Happy is the man whose strength of belief is in You Allah; in whose heart are the highways that lead pilgrims to righteousness” and to show the Jews and Christians that the Allah of Islam is also the Allah of Judaism and the Allah of Christianity as explained in Quran 2:115. Then in Quran 2:125 Allah gave Islam a new direction of prayer facing the Kabah in Makkah for the purpose of teaching that the origin of pilgrimage and circumambulation around the Kabah is for the worship of Allah and not for the worship of stone statues so that the people of Arabia might understand and turn to the worship of Allah and abandon stone idol worship). 


The vision dream of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim compared with the vision dream of Prophet Muhammad and the other prophets of Allah.

Quran 17:60 Koran 17:60 And (mention Prophet Muhammad) when We (Allah) said to you, “Your Lord has encompassed the people (meaning Allah has knowledge of everything people do and think)." And We (Allah) did not make the vision (meaning the dream see Quran 6:60 and Quran 39:42 “Allah is the one who takes your souls at night”, Quran 17:60 “the vision” of Prophet Muhammad meaning the dream, Quran 38:45 the vision meaning dream of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim, Prophet Isaac Ishaq and Prophet Jacob Yaqub Israel and Quran 48:27 Prophet Muhammad’s vision meaning dream, Quran 17:60 l-ru'ya meaning “the vision” means the dream of Prophet Muhammad’s night journey and ascension to heaven in the same way as in Quran 37:105 l-ru'ya meaning “the vision” means the dream of Prophet Abraham sacrificing his son and in Quran 48:27 l-ru'ya means “the vision” meaning the dream of Prophet Muhammad worshipping at the Kabah and in Quran 12:5 ru'yaka meaning “your vision” means your dream had by Prophet Jacob Yaqub Israel and in Quran 12:43 ru'yaya means “my vision” meaning my dream and lilrru'ya means “of visions” meaning of dreams had by the King of Egypt and Quran 12:100 ru'yaya means “my dream” had by Prophet Jacob Yaqub Israel) which We (Allah) showed you (meaning showed to your soul while your body was sleeping in Makkah) except as a trial for (the faith of) mankind and (when We took your soul Prophet Muhammad on the night journey from the blessed Kabah in Mecca Arabia today Makkah Saudi Arabia to the blessed ruins in Zion which contain the ruins of the First and Second Jewish Temples of Allah in Jerusalem Al-Quds Palestine today Israel and Palestine in the Jewish Hebrew Bible Psalms 84:6 – 84:8 and made your soul ascend up into Heaven to see) the accursed tree (called the Zaqqum Zaqqoom which is the tree with the terrible food that wrongdoers shall eat in the hereafter and is mentioned) in the Quran. We (Allah) warn (people to do what is good and avoid what is evil) and make them afraid (of Allah by describing the home for evil doers in Hell Fire in the Hereafter) but it only increases them (some of the humans) in nothing but greater disobedience against Allah (and the commandment to do what is good and avoid what is evil. This understanding of Quran 17:1 and Quran 17:60 is confirmed in Quran 53:17 which describes dreaming during sleep and by Quran 6:60 and Quran 39:42 which show that Allah does not raise the physical human body to Himself or to heaven. Only the soul is raised by Allah to Himself or to heaven. The physical human body is designed for life and death on the earth. The soul is designed for life with Allah and in heaven during sleep and after death. On the Day of Resurrection in the hereafter on a new earth meaning a new land, a new ground, the soul will be given a new physical body that can feel reward or punishment and every human will testify that death felt like nothing but a one hour sleep or a ten hour sleep or a sleep during part of a morning or part of an afternoon and no one will say that death felt like anything more than sleeping for part of one morning or part of one afternoon. Since death for every human will feel like nothing but sleeping for part of one day no one will know how long it really was between the time of their death and the time of the Day of Resurrection. See Quran 2:259, Quran 18:19, Quran 18:21, Quran 20:103, Quran 20:104, Quran 23:113, Quran 30:55, Quran 46:35 and Quran 79:46 here https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/hadith-punishment-in-the-grave  ). 


See 1. In a similar way in Torah Exodus 4:22-4:23 and the four Gospels and Quran 19:93 “son of Allah” is not a real biological son of Allah but only means the servant of Allah in 8 - 44 below. 


See 2. The sacrifice of Isaac Ishaq here 


8. “Son of Allah” and “children of Allah” mean the servant of Allah in Torah Exodus 4:22-4:23 and the four Gospels and Quran 19:93. 

“Son of Allah” and the “children of Allah” means servant of Allah and not a real biological son of Allah in Torah Exodus 4:22-4:23 and in the Gospel of Jesus by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John and in Quran 19:93. 

Jesus is the “son of Allah” means Jesus is the servant of Allah in the same way as Moses is the “son of Allah” means Moses is the servant of Allah in the same way as humans are “children of Allah” means humans are the willing or unwilling servants of Allah. 

In the Torah and Gospel and Quran 19:93 “son of Allah” means the servant of Allah and not a real biological son of Allah. 


These examples show the importance of understanding the Torah and Gospel and Quran because whoever has no faith in the Books of Allah has strayed far away from Allah. 

Quran 4:136 Koran 4:136 “... and whoever has no faith in … His (Allah’s) Books … then he has strayed far away (from Allah). 


8a. In the Torah “son of Allah” means servant of Allah and not a real biological son of Allah. 

Torah Exodus 4:22 And you (Moses) shall say to Pharaoh Firon, The Lord (Allah) says, “Israel is My son, My first born.” (Meaning, Israel is Allah’s servant because they believe in Allah). 


Exodus 4:23 And I (Allah) have said to you (Pharaoh),Let My son (meaning My servant) go so that he may serve Me (Allah) and you (Pharaoh) have refused to let him go …” 

Note 1. Jesus is the “son of Allah” meaning servant of Allah in the Gospel of Mark 1:11 like Moses is the “son of Allah” meaning servant of Allah in Torah Exodus 4:22 – 4:23. 

Note 2. The only begotten son meaning the servant with the supreme authority to speak “in the name of Allah” 2000 years ago in the Gospel was Jesus in the same way as the only begotten son meaning the servant with the supreme authority to speak “in the name of Allah” 3200 years ago in the Torah was Moses. 


The "sons of Allah" in the Tanakh Jewish scripture.

Job 1:6 Now it happened on a day that the sons of Allah (the angels of Allah) came to present themselves before the LORD (Allah) and Satan also came among them.

Note 1. Sons of Allah means the servants of Allah.


Job 38:6 Where on it were the foundations of it (the Earth) secured? Or who laid the corner-stone (that started the construction) of it (the Earth),

Job 38:7 When the morning stars sang together (meaning when the stars came into creation), and all the sons of Allah (meaning servants of Allah who are the angels) shouted for joy?

Note 1. Sons of Allah meaning the servants of Allah saw the creation of the Earth and the stars meaning the angels of Allah existed before the creation of the Earth and the stars..


8b. In the Quran “son of Allah” means servant of Allah and not a real biological son of Allah. 

Quran 19:93 Koran 19:93 There is no one in the heavens and the earth who does not come to the Most Merciful (Allah) except as a servant. 

Note 1. The Quran confirms that the only meaning of “son of Allah” in the Torah and the Gospel is servant of Allah. 


8c. In the Gospel “son of Allah” means servant of Allah and not a real biological son of Allah.

Gospel of John 20:31 these (words) have been written so that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ (messiah), the Son of Allah (the servant of Allah), and that believing (the word of Allah which was delivered by Jesus), you might have life (in Paradise in the hereafter) through his name (Jesus because everyone who believes in Jesus who is the messenger of Allah also believes in Allah because Allah sent Jesus as a prophet messenger messiah teacher and preacher).

Note 1. Son of Allah means servant of Allah and not a real biological son. 


Gospel of John 1:9 (Throughout history Allah has guided humans with prophets, messengers and messiahs, and 2000 years ago Allah sent another and so) the true light (from Jesus the messenger of Allah who delivered the Gospel), which gives light to every human being, was coming into the world. 


Gospel of John 1:10 (Throughout history Allah has guided humans with prophets, messengers and messiahs, and 2000 years ago Allah sent another and so) he (Jesus the messenger of Allah) was in the world, and though the world was made through him (Allah), the world did not recognize him (Jesus who was the messenger sent by Allah). 


Gospel of John 1:11 He (Jesus the Jew who was from the children of Israel) came to that which was his own (people, that is the children of Israel), and his own (religious authorities among the children of Israel) did not receive him (Jesus as a messenger of Allah because the religious authorities were more interested in Earthly matters than in Heavenly matters). 


Gospel of John 1:12 But to all who did receive him (Jesus the messenger of Allah), to those believing on his name (the Prophet and messenger and Messiah Jesus), he (Allah) gave the right to become children of Allah (meaning servants of Allah, believers of Allah, slaves of Allah, those who are obedient to Allah). 

Note 1. Children of Allah means servant of Allah and not a real biological son. 

Note 2. Son of Allah and children of Allah both mean servant of Allah. 


Gospel of John 1:13 (The children of Allah are humans who believe in Allah) children born, not from bloods (not born from a biological relationship), nor from body desire (nor born from a human physical desire), nor from a man's decision (nor born from a human mental decision), but born of Allah (meaning the children of Allah are born to love and obey Allah because it has been so decreed by Allah). 

Note 1. Children of Allah means servant of Allah not a real biological son. 

Note 2. Son of Allah and children of Allah both mean servant of Allah. 


Gospel of Mark 1:11 And a voice from heaven said, "You (Jesus) are my beloved Son (Son means servant. See Gospel of John 1:12 – 1:13 above, Torah Exodus 4:22 - 4:23 below and Quran 19:93 below); in you (Jesus) I (Allah) have taken good pleasure."  

Note 1. Jesus is the “son of Allah” meaning servant of Allah in the Gospel of Mark 1:11 like Moses is the “son of Allah” meaning servant of Allah in Torah Exodus 4:22 – 4:23. 

Note 2. The only begotten son meaning the servant with the supreme authority to speak “in the name of Allah” 2000 years ago in the Gospel was Jesus in the same way as the only begotten son meaning the servant with the supreme authority to speak “in the name of Allah” 3200 years ago in the Torah was Moses. 


Gospel of Matthew 16:15 He (Jesus) says to them, "And you, who do you say I am?" 

Gospel of Matthew 16:16 And Simon Peter answered, and said to him, "You are the Christ, the son of the living Allah (meaning you are the messiah anointed as the servant and messenger of Allah)." 

Gospel of Matthew 16:17 And Jesus in response said to him, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, because it was not flesh and blood (a human) that revealed this to you, but (it was the Holy Spirit sent by) my Father (Allah), who is in heaven.  

Note 1. My Father means “my creator.” 

Jesus said “Allah is my Father and your Father” meaning Allah is my creator and your creator in the Gospel of John 20:17. 


Gospel of John 20:17 Jesus says to her (Mary Magdalene), "Do not cleave (hold on) to me (Jesus, with surprise but believe that I am alive, I am not a ghost), for I (Jesus, meaning the soul of Jesus) have not yet ascended to the Father (Allah, meaning I am not yet dead because my body was only sleeping and now I have awoken); but go to my brothers, and tell them: 'I (Jesus, meaning the soul of Jesus) am ascending to my Father (who is the creator of every creation) and your Father (who is the same one creator of every creation); to my Allah and your Allah (because at the end of every human life Allah raises the soul to heaven and to Allah which is proof that I am a human like you).'" 

Note 1. Jesus is not teaching people that Allah is a Trinity of three in one. 

Note 2. Jesus in the Gospel is teaching the same as Moses in the Torah meaning “Allah is one” meaning “Allah is my Allah and your Allah” because Allah is the creator of every creation meaning Allah is not a creation. 


Jesus is the “son of Allah” means Jesus is the servant of Allah in the same way as Moses is the “son of Allah” means Moses is the servant of Allah in the same way as humans are “children of Allah” means humans are the willing or unwilling servants of Allah.

In the Torah and the four Gospels and Quran 19:93 “son of Allah” means the servant of Allah and not a real biological son of Allah. 


When Moses returned from Mount Sinai with the Ten Commandments Moses found the people worshipping an idol of a calf. 

Moses might have asked “who told you to worship a calf instead of Allah?” 


If Jesus returned today Jesus would find some people worshipping Jesus. 

Jesus might also say “who told you to worship me instead of Allah?” 

“Show me in the four Gospels where I told you to worship me instead of Allah?” 

“Did I not worship Allah only?” 

“Did I not tell you to worship Allah only?” 

“Why are you worshipping me instead of Allah?” 

“Why are you not praying to Allah only like I showed you in the four Gospels to pray to Allah only?” 


8d. What did Jesus say? What did Jesus teach? 

1. Jesus said Jesus is not Allah by teaching Allah “is greater than Jesus” (Gospel of John 14:28) the same as Moses could say. 

2. Jesus said Jesus is not Allah by teaching “why do you call me good, no one is good except Allah.” (Gospel of Mark 10:18, Gospel of Matthew 19:17 and Gospel of Luke 18:19) the same as Moses could say. 

3. Jesus said Jesus is not Allah by teaching “Allah is my Allah and your Allah” meaning my Lord and your Lord meaning my master and your master (Gospel of John 20:17) the same as Moses could say. 

4. Jesus said Jesus is not Allah by teaching “Allah is my Father and your Father” meaning my creator and your creator (Gospel of John 20:17) the same as Moses could say. 

5. Jesus said Jesus is not Allah by teaching “from myself I am not able to do a thing” (Gospel of John 5:30) the same as Moses could say. 

6. Jesus said Jesus is not Allah saying “my Allah my Allah why have you forsaken me” (Gospel of Mark 15:34 and Gospel of Matthew 27:46) the same as Moses could say. 

7. Jesus showed Jesus is not Allah when Jesus was tested for his faith in Allah by Satan (Gospel of Matthew 4:1 – 4:11) the same as every human is tested by Allah using Satan. 

8. Jesus said Jesus is not Allah when Jesus said “let not my will be done but Allah’s will” (Gospel of Luke 22:42) the same as Moses could say. 

9. Jesus showed Jesus is not Allah since Jesus does not know the hour of the Day of Resurrection because no one except Allah knows (Gospel of Mark 13:32 and Gospel of Matthew 24:36).

10. Jesus said Jesus is not Allah because Jesus said “call no one on earth Allah because there is only one Allah in heaven” meaning Jesus who is on the earth is not Allah or part of Allah (Gospel of Matthew 23:9). 

11. Jesus is not Allah but a messenger of Allah who delivered the Gospel like Moses is a messenger of Allah who delivered the Torah. 

12. Jesus teaches Jesus is not Allah or part of Allah like Moses teaches Moses is not Allah or part of Allah.

13. Jesus teaches “Allah is one” not three in one (Gospel of Mark 12:29) like Moses teaches “Allah is one” not three in one (Torah Deuteronomy 6:4).

14. Jesus teaches the Torah therefore Jesus told the people “Allah is not a man, neither the son of man that He (Allah) should repent” (Torah Numbers 23:19).

15. Jesus teaches the Torah therefore Jesus told the people “Allah is one” not three in one (Torah Deuteronomy 6:4 and Torah Deuteronomy 5:7).

16. Jesus teaches the Torah therefore Jesus told the people “You shall not make any image of Allah or image of any creation in a place of worship (Torah Deuteronomy 5:8).

17. Jesus teaches Torah Deuteronomy 5:9 therefore Jesus told the people “those that hate Allah will disobey Torah Deuteronomy 5:7 – 5:10” that “Allah is one” without form because belief that “Allah is three in one” and “making images of Allah” is to change and disobey the first commandment of Allah which was delivered by Moses and Jesus and Muhammad.

18. Jesus teaches Torah Deuteronomy 5:10 therefore Jesus told the people “those that love Allah will obey Torah Deuteronomy 5:7 – 5:10” by believing “Allah is one Allah” without a form not three in one in human form because prayer to any creation is idol worship which Allah has forbidden for those who love Allah. 


8e. What did Allah say? What did Allah teach in Torah Deuteronomy 5:7 – 5:10? 

In Torah Deuteronomy 5:7 – 5:10 Allah said if you make anyone or anything to be Allah alongside with Allah then you hate Allah. 

To say that Jesus or Mary or Moses or saints or anything else are equal to Allah is to hate Allah in Torah Deuteronomy 5:7 – 5:10. 

In Torah Deuteronomy 5:7 – 5:10 belief in Trinity is to hate Allah because Trinity makes a creation called Jesus equal to Allah. 

This is human idol worship where humans have chosen for themselves to idol worship another human as Allah.

Human idol worship is forbidden by Allah which is why Allah says those who do it hate Allah.

Trinity meaning “Allah is three in one” is a belief that Allah has forbidden in Torah Deuteronomy 6:4 and Torah Deuteronomy 5:7 – 5:10 which teach Allah is only one Allah. 

To know what Allah loves and what Allah hates look at Torah Deuteronomy 5:7 – 5:10.

To know who is guided and who is misguided look at Torah Deuteronomy 5:7 – 5:10.

To know the correct and the incorrect worship of Allah look at Torah Deuteronomy 5:7 – 5:10. 


8f. Humans must respect the right of every human to choose their belief including belief in Trinity because it is not for one human to judge another human in the matter of religion.

Only Allah is the judge of who is correct and who is in error and Allah has given a lifetime for each human to find their true belief.

Always use good words especially when discussing religion by remembering that Allah hears what you say and what you do.

Good words and good behaviour especially when discussing religion is the best behaviour.

Bad words and bad behaviour especially when discussing religion is the worst behaviour.

Maintaining good behaviour no matter what bad things are said especially when discussing religion is the best behaviour.

Replying to bad behaviour with bad behaviour especially when discussing religion is the worst behaviour.


Quran 41:34 Koran 41:34 The good deed and the evil deed are not the same (in righteousness in the sight of Allah). Repel (evil) with a better (deed, for example repel anger with patience and forgiveness), then see (what will happen, Allah willing) the person with whom you had hostility (hate and bad feelings) shall become like a close friend.

Quran 41:35 Koran 41:35 And it (the goodness in Quran 41:34) is not granted except to those who are patient and have the greatest good fortune (to turn an enemy into a close friend).

Quran 41:36 Koran 41:36 And (as a guide to achieve the good fortune described in Quran 41:34 – 41:35) if an evil suggestion comes to you from Satan Shaitan then seek refuge (protection and guidance) with Allah. He (Allah) hears and knows (everything).


8g. “Son of Allah” means servant of Allah and not a real biological son of Allah in the Quran.


Quran 19:93 Koran 19:93 There is no one in the heavens and the earth who does not come to the Most Merciful (Allah) except as a servant.

Note 1. The Quran confirms that the only meaning of “son of Allah” in the Torah and the Gospel is servant of Allah.


Quran 17:111 Koran 17:111 And say, "All praise is to Allah, who has not taken a (real biological) son (because the real meaning of son is servant) …”


Quran 19:89 Koran 19:89 Certainly you (some among the Christians, not all the Christians) have said an awful thing (when some humans say that a human such as Prophet Jesus is Allah or a real biological son of Allah who is a partner with Allah in the ruling of the heavens and the Earth), –


Quran 19:90 Koran 19:90 Whereby the heavens nearly become torn, and the earth almost becomes split apart and the mountains almost fall in ruins (when some humans say that a human such as Prophet Jesus is Allah or a real biological son of Allah who is a partner with Allah in the ruling of the heavens and the Earth),


Quran 19:91 Koran 19:91 That they (some among the Christians, not all the Christians) should attribute a (real biological) son to the Most Merciful (Allah, by mistakenly thinking that Allah has an offspring who is a partner with Allah in the ruling of the heavens and the earth. Only creations need offspring. Allah is the creator with no need for offspring because everything and everyone belongs to Allah. The meaning of Son of Allah is servant of Allah in the Torah and the Gospel and in Quran 19:93).


Quran 19:92 Koran 19:92 It is not appropriate for the Most Merciful (Allah) that He (Allah) should take a (real biological) son (by humans mistakenly thinking that Allah has an offspring who is a partner with Allah in the ruling of the heavens and the earth. Only creations need offspring. Allah is the creator with no need for offspring because everything and everyone belongs to Allah. The meaning of Son of Allah is servant of Allah in the Torah and the Gospel and in Quran 19:93).


Quran 19:93 Koran 19:93 There is no one in the heavens and the earth who does not come to the Most Merciful (Allah) except as a servant.


Quran 19:94 Koran 19:94 He (Allah) knows every one of them (meaning, Allah knows every creature Allah has created and every creature is a willing or unwilling servant of Allah).


Quran 19:95 Koran 19:95 And each one of them (humans) shall come to Him (Allah) on the Day of Resurrection, alone (unaccompanied to receive the judgement of Allah).


Quran 19:96 Koran 19:96 The Most Merciful (Allah) shall show love to those who believed and did good deeds (on the earth).


Quran 12:38 Koran 12:38 And I (Prophet Joseph Yusuf) have followed the religion of my fathers, Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and Prophet Isaac Ishaq and Prophet Jacob Yaqub Israel. It was not (correct) for us (in religion) to associate anything with Allah (such as idols because there is only one creator Allah who has the power to hear our prayers). This (religion, belief, knowledge) is from the (many) bounties of Allah to us (the generations of off spring from Prophet Abraham Ibrahim) and to all humans but most humans do not give thanks (to Allah their creator, instead they pray to the things that Allah created such as idols and humans. They associate those creations with Allah Himself but Allah and His creations are two different things, one is created and the other is the creator of everything that is created). 


8h. Prophet Muhammad was sent to confirm the Torah and the four Gospel which all teach “Allah is one” not three in one.


Quran 18:1 Koran 18:1 Praise is to Allah who has revealed the Scripture (of the Quran) to His (Allah’s) servant (Prophet Muhammad), and has not placed in it (the Quran) any deviation (from the truth).

Note 1. Truth means the Quran which the Muslim people believe confirms the Torah which the Jewish people believe and the Gospel which the Christian people believe.


Quran 18:2 Koran 18:2 – (But has made the Quran) straight, to give warning of severe punishment from Him (Allah), and to bring to the believers who do good deeds the news that they shall have a good reward (in Paradise),


Quran 18:3 Koran 18:3 In which they shall live forever. 


Quran 18:4 Koran 18:4 And to warn those (among the Christians) who say, “Allah has begotten (fathered) a (real biological) son” (to explain their reason for praying to creations such as Prophet Jesus instead of correctly praying to Allah who is the creator of every creation),

Note 1. “Son of Allah” is not a biological relationship with Allah.

Allah has no real biological son.

“Son of Allah” in Torah Exodus 4:22-4:23 and the four Gospels and Quran 19:93 means servant of Allah.

Note 2. The “only begotten son” is not a biological relationship with Allah.

The “only begotten son” means the servant of Allah with the supreme authority to speak “in the name of Allah” to the people in his time.

Jesus was the “only begotten son” 2000 years ago in the same way as Moses was the “only begotten son” 3200 years ago.

Note 3. Some Christians misunderstood son to mean a real biological son of Allah instead of the correct meaning which is servant of Allah in Torah Exodus 4:22-4:23 and the four Gospels and Quran 19:93.


Quran 18:5 Koran 18:5 They have no knowledge of it (of Allah having a real biological son because Allah created all the creations including Adam who had no mother and no father so Allah has no need to create a son for Himself), nor (had) their fathers (any such knowledge of Allah creating a real biological son for Himself). Awful is the word that comes out of their mouths (when they say Allah has a real biological son and then they pray to the created son instead of praying to Allah who created everything). They speak nothing but a lie (because everything in the Heavens and the Earth belongs to Allah so Allah has no need of a real biological son since Allah already owns everything and everyone that Allah has created).

Note 1. “Son of Allah” is not a biological relationship with Allah.

Allah has no real biological son.

“Son of Allah” in Torah Exodus 4:22-4:23 and the four Gospels and Quran 19:93 means servant of Allah.

Note 2. The “only begotten son” is not a biological relationship with Allah.

The “only begotten son” means the servant of Allah with the supreme authority to speak “in the name of Allah” to the people in his time.

Jesus was the “only begotten son” 2000 years ago in the same way as Moses was the “only begotten son” 3200 years ago.

Note 3. Some Christians misunderstood son to mean a real biological son of Allah instead of the correct meaning which is servant of Allah in Torah Exodus 4:22-4:23 and the four Gospels and Quran 19:93. 


Quran 4:170 Koran 4:170 O people, the messenger (Prophet Muhammad) has come to you with the truth from your Lord (Allah), so believe in him (Prophet Muhammad), it is best for you and if you disbelieve then know that everything in the heavens and the earth belong to Allah and that Allah is all knowing and all wise. 

Note 1. Truth means the Quran which the Muslim people believe confirms the Torah which the Jewish people believe and the four Gospels which the Christian people believe. 


Quran 4:171 Koran 4:171 O people of the Scripture (the Jews and the Christians), do not exceed the limits of your religion (do not be fanatical or extreme in your religion) nor say things about Allah but the truth. The messiah Jesus son of Mary Maryam was only a messenger of Allah, and (the creation of baby Jesus was) a command of His (Allah) which He (Allah) sent (as a blessing) to Mary Maryam, and (Allah placed baby Jesus into Mary Maryam through) a Spirit (the Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost Angel Gabriel Jibril who was sent) from Him (Allah). So believe in Allah and His (Allah’s) messengers and do not call Him (Allah, a) "Trinity (of three meaning Allah is a partnership in a Trinity between Allah and Jesus and the Holy Spirit nor as was said by some people 1400 years ago Allah is a partnership in a Trinity between Allah and Jesus and Mary Maryam). It is best for your own good (on the Day of Judgement in the hereafter) to stop saying that (Allah is a trinity of three beings) because Allah is only One Allah (not three beings who are in a partnership ruling over the creation), glory be to Him (Allah who is the creator of every creation and is far) above having a (real biological) son (or having worship of Allah being divided among three partners, two of whom Jesus and the Holy Spirit are Allah’s creations). To (one single) Allah belongs everything that exists in the heavens and on the earth (and all your prayers also belong only to Allah) and (that one single) Allah (alone who created you) is sufficient to be your guardian (protector, so pray and worship Allah alone because nothing that Allah has created has the power of Allah to hear human prayer). 

Note 1. Allah reveals why Allah is not a Trinity. 

Note 2. The word Trinity is not in the Gospel of Jesus by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John. 

Note 3. Moses in the Torah and Jesus in the four Gospel say “Allah is one” not three in one. 


Quran 4:172 Koran 4:172 The Messiah (Jesus, that some Christians mistakenly call Allah, is not Allah, in fact, Prophet Jesus) was never too proud to be a servant to Allah nor shall the angels who are near (to Allah ever be too proud that they are also servants to Allah). Whoever dislikes to worship Allah because they are too proud (as was Satan Shaitan) then Allah shall gather them all together to Himself (for punishment in the hereafter). 


8i. In the Gospel Jesus is not Allah or part of Allah because Jesus does not know “the hour” because only Allah knows “the hour” meaning “Allah is one’ not three in one. 


The teaching in the Gospel is that Jesus is not a Trinity.

If the teaching of Allah is "Allah is a Trinity" then Allah would say "no one knows the hour except Allah and Jesus and the Holy Spirit."


1. Jesus is the son of man meaning he is a human messenger of Allah and he is the son of Allah meaning he is the servant of Allah delivering the message of Allah so his mention with angels in Gospel of Mark 13:32 and Gospel of Matthew 24:36 means that angel messengers of Allah and human messengers of Allah both do not know the hour meaning do not confuse angel and human messengers with Allah because only Allah knows the hour but His angel and human messengers like Jesus and Moses do not know the hour meaning pray only to Allah and not to the angel and human messengers of Allah.


Gospel of Mark 13:32 "But as to that day or that hour (the time of the Day of Resurrection), no one knows, not even the angels in heaven (the Holy Spirit and the other angels who are servants of Allah), not even the Son (Jesus who is a servant of Allah), but only the Father (Allah, who is the Father of every creation).


Gospel of Matthew 24:36 But as for that day and hour (of the Day of Resurrection), no one knows it except the Father (Allah) alone; not even the angels of heaven (the Holy Spirit and the other angels who are servants of Allah), not even the Son (Jesus who is a servant of Allah).

Note 1. If Allah is one then the Gospel would teach that Jesus does not know the hour.

Note 2. If Allah is three in one then the Gospel would teach both Jesus and Allah know the hour.

Note 3. In the Gospel Jesus is not Allah because Jesus does not know the hour meaning the teaching that Jesus is Allah or part of Allah contradicts the Gospel meaning Trinity was invented after the time of Jesus and after the writing of the Gospels.

Note 4. There is only one Allah because no one is equal to Allah not Jesus and not the angels.

Note 5. Jesus is like the angels and other creations meaning Jesus is not like Allah.

In the Gospel Jesus is not Allah or part of Allah because Jesus does not know “the hour” because only Allah knows “the hour” meaning “Allah is one’ not three in one.

Note 6. What does Son of Allah mean?

Son means servant of Allah.

The Quran warns against misunderstanding the meaning of son because some Christians thought that son was a real biological son instead of correctly knowing that son means servant of Allah in both the Torah and in the Gospel.

Note 7. In the time of Prophet Jesus no one believed that Jesus is Allah because Jesus was delivering the words of Allah like the prophets before him who all confirmed that -

"Allah is not a man" in Numbers 23:19, 1 Samuel 15:29 and Hosea 11:9 and

"Allah is not the son of man" in Numbers 23:19 and

"Do not liken anyone or anything to Allah" in Isaiah 40:25 and Isaiah 46:5 and

The warning from messiah king David that “there is no salvation in the son of man” in Psalm 146:3.

Meaning Jesus is not Allah in the sight of all the people who saw him 2000 years ago.

The Jewish people 2000 year ago and today understood and understand the meaning of Numbers 23:19, 1 Samuel 15:29, Hosea 11:9, Numbers 23:19, Isaiah 40:25, Isaiah 46:5 and Psalm 146:3 which is explained above and that “Allah is one” which is the First of the Ten Commandments of Allah is not the same as “Allah is three in one” because adding “three in one” violates the commandment of Allah in Deuteronomy 4:2 "not to add or subtract" to what Allah has commanded in the Torah for 100,000 years which is the thousandth generation if each generation lived for 100 years in Deuteronomy 5:10 meaning forever in Deuteronomy 29:28 in Jewish Tanakh or Deuteronomy 29:29 in a Christian Bible meaning no one can add or subtract to the commandment that “Allah is one” by adding “Allah is three in one” because Allah has forbidden anyone from doing such a thing so that people can judge true prophets who confirm the word of Allah from false prophets and dreamers of false dreams who add or subtract from the word of Allah especially in the first and most important of the Ten Commandments of Allah that “Allah is one” not “three in one.”


2. “I and the father are one” describes all the messengers of Allah because they are the word of Allah made flesh (human). For example both Moses and Jesus are the word of Allah made flesh (human) because they are delivering the word of Allah which Allah has put into their mouth to deliver as described in Deuteronomy 18:18. Everyone who obeys Allah is “one with Allah.” and in the Gospels Jesus asks Allah to also make his disciples one with Him which confirms that the meaning of we are one is to obey Allah.


3. All power is with Allah and not with the messengers of Allah like Moses and Jesus.

Gospel of Matthew 20:23 He (Jesus) says to them, "My cup you will indeed drink, but to sit on my right or on my left is not mine to grant, but is only for those for whom it has been prepared by my Father (Allah)." 

Note 1. Jesus says he can not grant a request because it is Allah (not Jesus) who determines every thing.


4. Allah warns that if anyone claims Allah has changed His word it cannot be true because Allah does not change His word because only humans change their word meaning if anything changes from what Allah revealed thousands of years ago in Tanakh Jewish scripture then you can know it came from humans and not from Allah.


Video 1. Did the early Jews Believe In a Triune Allah? Rabbi Tovia slams pastor John Piper.

Progressive revelation.


Video 2. Jesus is not the way! Rabbi Tovia Singer slams Church for erecting a barrier between man and Allah. 

The teachings by some in Christianity about Jesus did not come from Judaism but from the Greek Roman world of idol worship as seen when humans pray to Jesus and Mary and dead human saints instead of praying direct to Allah as taught by every prophet in the Jewish Scriptures. Jesus prayed to Allah in all the four Gospels in the same way as all the Jews in his time all prayed directly to Allah.



Quran 5:72 Koran 5:72 Disbelievers (in Allah) are those who say, “Allah is the Messiah (Jesus), son of Mary Maryam.” (Because) the Messiah (Jesus himself denied it and) said, “O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord” (three days after the crucifixion as proof that Jesus was alive and living on the earth after the crucifixion meaning no one killed him on the cross and no one crucified him to death on the cross in Quran 4:157. Allah saved his life on the cross with sleep so that his body did not move and everyone though he was dead but he was only sleeping on the cross when his soul was raised to Allah in Quran 4:158. The soul of Jesus was returned to the earth three days after the crucifixion to wake up his sleeping body in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117, Quran 19:36 and Quran 39:42 so that Jesus could teach the people that Jesus is not Allah until his natural death 2000 years ago in Judea today in Israel and Palestine shown by comparing Quran 3:144 with Quran 5:75 and in Quran 5:117 and Quran 39:42 and confirmed in all the four Injil of Isa the Gospels of Jesus by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John that are with the Christians today as proof of the truthfulness of the Quran). Be warned that whoever worships (by praying to) partners (anyone along side with Allah), for that person (that worshipper) Allah has forbidden Paradise Jannah (instead) that person shall live in the fire (of Hell Jahannam). There shall be no helpers (in the hereafter) for those that do evil (by worshipping what Allah has created instead of worshipping Allah who is the creator of every creation). 


8j. Jesus teaches do not call Jesus Allah. 


Gospel of Matthew 23:9 And call no one on earth your Father (Allah who is the creator of every creation), because there is only one Father (Allah) for you, the heavenly one. 

Note 1. Allah is the Father of every creation. 

Note 2. Jesus is teaching humans not to worship anything or anyone that is on the earth because everything on the earth including Jesus is a creation. 

Note 3. Jesus is teaching that nothing on the earth including Jesus is Allah. 

Note 4. Jesus is teaching that the only Allah is the one Allah in heaven. 

Note 5. To show that Jesus who is on the earth is not Allah the words “Allah in heaven are used” in the expression “there is only one Father (Allah) for you, the heavenly one.”  


Quran 5:73 Koran 5:73 Disbelievers (in Allah) are those who say, “Allah is part of a Trinity”, but no one is Allah except the One Allah (that created everything). If they (those among the Christians) do not stop from saying (Allah is part of a Trinity) then a painful punishment (in the hereafter) shall fall on those of them who disbelieve. 


8k. Jesus teaches the first of all the commandments of Allah is “Allah is one” not three in one. 


Gospel of Mark 12:29 (A Jewish scribe asked what is the first commandment of Allah?) and Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments (of Allah) is, Hear (listen), O (all the children of) Israel; The Lord our Allah is one Lord (Allah). 

Note 1. Jesus and Moses both told the people the first of all the commandments of Allah is “Allah is one” not three in one. 


Quran 5:75 Koran 5:75 The Messiah (Jesus), son of Mary (Maryam), was no more than a (human) messenger (of Allah) and (all the human) messengers (of Allah) before him (Prophet Jesus) have passed away (meaning died. All the messengers before Jesus have died so would you expect that Prophet Muhammad would live forever or expect that Prophet Muhammad will not die or believe that Prophet Jesus did not die or that Prophet Moses did not die or that Prophet Abraham Ibrahim did not die? See Quran 3:144, 4:157, 4:158, 5:72, 5:75, 5:117, 19:36 and 39:42 comments). His mother was a righteous woman and they (Jesus and Mary Maryam) both used to eat food (meaning Mary Maryam and Jesus died a natural death 2000 years ago because both “used to eat food” meaning they are dead because they do not eat food today. The human body needs food. When Adam and Eve Hawa were created with a human body they ate food in heaven. If the human body of Jesus was raised to heaven as some people claim then Jesus would be eating food today which contradicts Quran 5:75 “Jesus and Mary both used to eat food” meaning Jesus and Mary both do not eat food today because they died a natural death like every human messenger of Allah before them has died in Quran 5:75 and as Prophet Jesus died in Quran 3:144 which says the messengers of Allah before Prophet Muhammad have died meaning Jesus died 2000 years ago because the messenger of Allah before Prophet Muhammad is Prophet Jesus who lived and died a natural death 2000 years ago. Allah raises the soul to heaven not the human body. The soul is alive in heaven without a human body and without the need for food. The human body is only needed on this earth. The soul without the body for Mary Maryam and Jesus are in heaven waiting for the Day of Resurrection which will come in the hereafter on a new earth after the end of this earth, the sun, the moon, the stars and the universe meaning the Day of Resurrection is after the end of this first creation. After the Day of Resurrection and Judgement the new physical human body will eat food in the hereafter only for enjoyment in Paradise Jannah and only for punishment in Hell Jahannam). (Even now when) We (Allah) make the revelations clear for them (that Jesus is not Allah but a human by showing that the soul of Jesus was raised up to Allah like every human soul is raised up to Allah by the angel of death) see how they (some among the Christians who believe Jesus is Allah) are deluded (in thinking that Jesus is more than a human messenger. Moses describes all the messengers who will come after him including Jesus in Taurat Torah Deuteronomy 18:15 – 18:22. Jesus never said "I am Allah" or "worship me" or "I am a Trinity" in the Gospel of Jesus by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John and that is why such beliefs are called "deluded" meaning they are not true because they are opposite to what Jesus is teaching in all the Gospels Injils that were with the Christians 1400 years ago and are still with them today and will be with them until the Day of Judgement as proof that Jesus never claimed he was Allah and as proof Jesus told people to pray not to him but to Allah and worship not him but worship Allah. What some people think Jesus said is opposite to the meaning of the words of Jesus which are recorded in all the Gospels Injils and this is why it is said that some Christians 1400 years ago had deluded ideas meaning untrue ideas that Jesus was more than a human or that he was Allah or that he was a partner with Allah in a Trinity. Jesus was a human who died like every human before him had died and whose soul was raised up to Allah to be in Allah’s care like the soul of every human is raised up after death to be in Allah’s care. The meaning of Quran 5:75 is that Jesus died 2000 years ago like every human messenger of Allah had died before him as proof to the people in his time that Jesus is not Allah or a partner with Allah but only a human servant who delivered the message of Allah. The natural death of Prophet Jesus 2000 years ago when Jesus was raised up to Allah by the angel of death in Quran 3:144, Quran 5:75, Quran 5:117 and Quran 39:42 is confirmed in the Injils of Isa the Gospels of Jesus by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John which is with the Christians today as proof of the truthfulness of the Quran in the Gospel of Mark 16:19, the Gospel of Luke 24:51 and the last report of the life of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew 28:20 and the Gospel of John 21:25 which all show that Jesus lived his life on this earth after the crucifixion teaching the people that he is not Allah saying "Allah is my Father and your Father" meaning Allah is my creator and your creator and teaching the people "Allah is my Allah and your Allah" meaning Allah is my master and your master meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 until his natural death 2000 years ago in Judea today in Israel and Palestine). 

Note 1. "They Mary and Jesus used to eat food" means Mary Maryam and Jesus died 2000 years ago. 


Quran 98:5 Koran 98:5 They (the Jews and the Christians) were not commanded anything (from Allah in the Torah and in the Gospel) except that they (the Jews and the Christians) should worship Allah and be faithful in religion to Him (Allah) and establish prayer (only to the one Allah who created them) and give charity (to the needy people). That is the correct religion of Allah. 

Note 1. Allah explains why Judaism with the Torah Taurat and Christianity with the Gospel Injil and Islam with the Quran are the same belief in one Allah who is the creator of every creation.

Note 2. Not all Christians and Jews and Muslims are the same meaning in every generation there are some Christians and Muslims and Jews who are correctly worshiping Allah.

The Christian and Jew who believed in one Allah like the Muslim who believed in one Allah and who did good deeds on the Earth will be successful (Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69).

Note 3. The sins of the prophets is a reminder to humans not to elevate the prophets instead of elevating Allah.

Moses Musa sinned by killing a man and the messiah king David Dawud sinned by adultery (represented in the story of a man who had one female sheep in the sin of ewe, the sin involving a female) and murder (represented in the story by another man who caused to die something that did not belong to him in the sin of ewe, the sin involving a female) and the messiah king Solomon Sulaiman sinned by marriage to foreign wives who brought idol worship to Israel so that every human who comes after them can know that when you repent and correct your behaviour God will forgive all your sins without a blood sacrifice in Psalm 32:5, Psalm 51:17 - 51:19 in Tanakh or Psalm 51:15 - 51:17 in a Christian Bible, 1 Kings 8:46 - 8:50, Ecclesiastes 7:20, Proverbs 24:16, Ezekiel 18:20 - 18:23, Isaiah 1:18, Isaiah 55:7, Hosea 6:6, Hosea 14:2 - 14:3 and Micah 6:6 - 6:8.

Note 4. Those Muslims in the past who elevated Prophet Muhammad after his death and those Jews who elevated Prophet Ezra in the time of Prophet Muhammad and those Christians who elevated Prophet Jesus Isa in the time of Prophet Muhammad will have problems because they elevated prophets instead of elevating only Allah (Quran 3:64 and Quran 4:123).

Appalled Christian Caller! "You call my religion idolatry?" Rabbi Tovia Singer responds.



Quran 5:48 Koran 5:48 And to you (Prophet Muhammad) We (Allah) revealed the Scripture (the Quran) with the truth that confirmed the Scripture that was before it (in the Gospel and the Torah) and (for you Prophet Muhammad to be) a guardian over it (the Quran). So judge between them (the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims) by what Allah has revealed (to you Prophet Muhammad) and do not let their desires move you away from the truth that has come to you. For each (community of Jews, Christians and Muslims) We (Allah) have appointed a divine law and a way (of religion). If Allah willed He (Allah) could have made you (the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims) one community. But He (Allah) tests you (the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims) by what He (Allah) has given you (in the Torah and the Gospel and the Koran Quran to show who is best in behaviour). So strive for all that is good. To Allah you shall all return and He (Allah) shall then inform you (in the Hereafter) about (the correctness of) the religious matters in which you (the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims) argue among each other. 


Quran 2:62 Koran 2:62 (In the hereafter) truly those (Muslims) who believed and those who became Jews, Christians and Sabians, whoever believed in Allah and the Last Day (The Day of Resurrection) and did good deeds, they shall have their reward from their Lord, and they shall not fear or grieve (and this is confirmed in Quran 6:158 for those in the hereafter who “believed” and did good deeds. Quran 5:69 repeats Quran 2:62 meaning stop and think about what Allah is saying in these verses confirming what is in the Hebrew Bible and the Gospel Injil of the promise of Paradise Jannah from Allah in the books of Allah on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement for those who “believed” and did good deeds. The Quran brings the same truth which Allah brought to the Jewish people in the Hebrew Bible and to the Christian people in the Gospel Injil of Jesus Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John. The Quran is a confirmer of what came before it in the same way as the Gospel Injil is a confirmer of what came before it meaning the Books of Allah confirm each other as proof Allah is real and as proof His promise is real as explained in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ3o3ybc-KA

showing that without His permission no one can change His words in His Books which are with all humans today and until the Day of Judgement so that you can believe Allah is real and His promise is real).

Note 1. The Jews who believed in Allah and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah.

Note 2. The Christians who believed in Allah and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah.

Note 3. The Sabians who believed in Allah and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah.

Note 4. The Muslims who believed in Allah and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah.

Note 5. Everyone who believed in Allah and did good deeds goes to Paradise Jannah.

Note 6. This revelation is so important that Allah has repeated it in Quran 5:69.

In Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 the promise of Paradise Jannah is not for those who “believe” but only for those who “believed” meaning who died (past tense) because it is not until the time of death that your true belief or disbelief and your good and evil deeds are judged,

Allah repeated Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 two times because it is only with Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 that there are no contradictions within the Quran and between the Quran and the Torah Taurat and between the Quran and the Gospel Injil as proof in Quran 4:82 to the Jews in the time of Prophet Muhammad who are promised Paradise Jannah in Quran 3:113-3:115 and to the Christians in the time of Prophet Muhammad who are promised Paradise Jannah in Quran 5:82-5:85 and to the stone idol worshippers 1400 years ago who are not promised Paradise Jannah in Quran 3:85 and to all people today and in the future that the Quran is from Allah because the Quran contains no contradictions.

If Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 did not exist then it would be proof that the Quran was not from Allah because without Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 the Quran would contradict its self and contradict the Torah Taurat and contradict the Gospel Injil.

Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 is good news for Jews, Christians, Sabians, Muslims and all the people in the world confirming they will all come together again in a life after death.


Quran 4:123 Koran 4:123 (Entry to Paradise Jannah) shall not be based on your (the Muslim's) desires or on the desires of the people of the Scripture (the Jews and the Christians). (Instead) whoever does wrong (on the earth) shall earn (the punishment for the wrong) and that person shall not find any protector or helper other than Allah (in the hereafter). 

Note 1. Allah will judge Muslims and Christians and Jews and every creation justly in the hereafter. 


Quran 28:53 Koran 28:53 And when it (the Quran) is recited to them (the Jews who truly believe the Torah Taurat and the Christians who truly believe the Gospel Injil), they (those Jews and Christians) say, “We believe in it (the Koran Quran). It is the truth from our Lord (Allah). Even before it (the Quran was revealed to us) we were of those (Jews and Christians) who submitted (to Allah. The English word submitter is the Arabic word Muslim. Islam the religion means submission and Muslim the believer means submitter. Submitter and submission for the Muslim people is in Quran 47:19 “…there is no Allah except Allah …” and submitter and submission for the Jewish people is in Torah Exodus 20:2 “.... You shall have no other gods before Me Allah” and submitter and submission for the Christian people is in the Gospel of Jesus Isa by Luke 4:8 “… You shall worship the Lord your Allah, and him only shall you serve” meaning Allah inspired the same belief of Islam which is an Arabic word meaning submission, to Allah in Judaism, Christianity, Islam and in others). - (Continued in Quran 28:54).

Note 1. The Quran confirms the Torah Taurat and explains the story of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark, Matthew, Luke and John.


Quran 28:54 Koran 28:54 They (the Jews who truly believe the Torah Taurat and the Christians who truly believe the Gospel Injil and also believe the Quran) shall be given their reward twice (in Quran 28:54 meaning twofold in Quran 34:37 meaning double in Quran 57:28) because they are steadfast (in their belief in Allah) and they repel evil with good (deeds) and they spend (in charity) from what We (Allah) have provided to them. (Jews and Christians who follow their Book in Quran 5:68 and also believe the Quran will receive a double reward in the hereafter in Quran 28:54, Quran 34:37 and Quran 57:28 meaning the reward for every good deed they do will be doubled because they believed the Quran which tells the Jewish people to follow the Torah Taurat which is their eternal covenant between Allah and the Hebrew people forever and tells the Christian people to follow the Gospel Injil which is explained in the Quran and tells the Muslim people to follow the Quran in Quran 2:40, Quran 2:41, Quran 2:62, Quran 2:106, Quran 3:93, Quran 4:123, Quran 5:43, Quran 5:47, Quran 5:48, Quran 5:69 and Quran 13:39).

Note 1. Jews and Christians who follow their book and also believe the Quran will receive their reward twice in the Hereafter in Quran 28:54, Quran 34:37 and Quran 57:28.

Note 2. Jews who follow the Tanakh Jewish scripture and believe the Quran are correctly observing the Torah Taurat.

Note 3. Christians who follow the Gospels and believe the Quran are correctly observing the Gospel Injil.

Note 4. Muslims who follow the Quran so that it agrees with the Tanakh Jewish scripture and the Gospel Injil are correctly observing the Quran.


Quran 57:28 Koran 57:28 All you (the Jews and the Christians in Quran 57:27 and Quran 57:29) that believe, Fear Allah and believe in His (Allah’s) messenger and He (Allah) shall give you a double portion of His (Allah’s) mercy and provide for you a Light (of righteous knowledge meaning Jews who follow the Tanakh Jewish scripture and believe the Quran are correctly observing the Torah Taurat and meaning Christians who follow the Gospel and believe the Quran are correctly observing the Gospel Injil and Muslims who follow the Quran so that it agrees with the Tanakh Jewish scripture and the Gospel Injil are correctly observing the warning from Allah in Quran 4:136 that whoever has no faith in Allah’s Books has strayed far away from Allah because the Books of Allah are the light) by which you shall walk (on the correct path in Quran 2:40 - 2:41, Quran 4:136 and Quran 28:48 - 28:49) and (in the hereafter) He (Allah) shall forgive you (of your past sins). Allah is forgiving and merciful. (Jews like Quran 3:113 - 3:115 and Christians like Quran 5:82 - 5:85 who follow their Book in Quran 5:68 and also believe the Quran will receive their reward twice in Quran 28:54, twofold in Quran 34:37 and double in Quran 57:28 in the hereafter meaning the reward for every good deed they do will be doubled because they believed the Quran which tells the Jewish people to follow the Torah Taurat which is their eternal covenant between Allah and the Hebrew people forever and tells the Christian people to follow the Gospel Injil which is explained in the Quran and tells the Muslim people to follow the Quran is confirmed in Quran 2:40, Quran 2:41, Quran 2:62, Quran 2:106, Quran 3:93, Quran 4:123, Quran 5:43, Quran 5:47, Quran 5:48, Quran 5:69 and Quran 13:39). - (Continued in Quran 57:29).

Note 1. Jews and Christians who follow their Book and also believe the Quran will be given a double reward in the hereafter.


Quran 57:29 Koran 57:29 (Jews and Christians who followed their Book and also believed the Quran will receive their reward twice in Quran 28:54, twofold in Quran 34:37 and double in Quran 57:28 in the hereafter) so that the people of the Book (the Jews and the Christians who did not believe the Quran for example if Jews did not correctly observe the Torah Taurat by keeping the Sabbath Day which is their everlasting covenant with Allah in every generation forever or if Christians did not correctly observe the Gospel Injil where Prophet Jesus said he is not Allah "Allah is my Allah and your Allah" meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord and "Allah is my Father and your Father" meaning Allah is my Creator and your Creator in Gospel of John 20:17 and that Jesus is the son of Allah means Jesus is the servant of Allah delivering the message of Allah so his mention with angels in Gospel of Mark 13:32 and Gospel of Matthew 24:36 means that angel messengers of Allah and human messengers of Allah both do not know the hour meaning do not confuse angel and human messengers with Allah because only Allah knows the hour but His angel and human messengers like Jesus and Moses and angels do not know the hour meaning pray only to Allah and not to the angel and human messengers of Allah because those who do) may know (in the hereafter) that they do not have power over anything from the bounty of Allah and that (all) the bounty is in Allah’s hand. He gives it (Allah's bounty) to whom He (Allah) wills. And Allah is the possessor of the great bounty (of Paradise Jannah).


Quran 3:64 Koran 3:64 Say, “O People of the Scripture (the Jews and the Christians) let us come to an agreement between you and us (Muslims), that we shall worship no one but Allah, and that we shall ascribe no partner to Him (meaning, there is only one Allah, we pray only to our creator the one Allah and no one else, not to sons, not to saints, not to any idol), and that none of us shall take others for Lords instead of Allah.” And if they turn away, then say, “Bear witness that we have submitted to Him (Allah).” 


8L. If the Jews had invented Trinity then some Jews today might mistakenly think that Moses is Allah or a partner with Allah. 

If the Muslims had invented Trinity then some Muslims today might mistakenly think that Muhammad is Allah or a partner with Allah.

Nowhere in the Gospel of Jesus by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John does Jesus say “Pray to me” or “I am Allah” or “I am a Trinity” because all these ideas do not come from the message that Jesus delivered in the Gospel. All these ideas came to the mind of people after the death of Jesus and are the same mistake as a Jew claiming Prophet Moses is Allah in a Trinity or a Muslim claiming Prophet Muhammad is Allah in a Trinity.


Quran 5:74 Koran 5:74 Would they (those among the Christians who say “Allah is three in one” instead of saying “Allah is one” which is the message delivered by Jesus in the four Gospels and Moses in the Torah) not like to turn to Allah and ask His (Allah’s) forgiveness? Allah is forgiving and merciful. 

Note 1. Some Christians correctly believe “Allah is one” meaning they correctly understand the Torah and the four Gospels. 


8m. Respect people who both believe and disbelieve in Trinity because your belief is meaningless if you do not behave respectfully to people who have different beliefs to yours. 

Quran 6:158 and Quran 41:8 teach that belief without good behavior on the earth is a false belief in Allah so always be good. 


Quran 6:158 Koran 6:158 "... belief in it (Allah and the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) shall not help any soul …. if in belief (he or she) did not earn good (by doing righteous deeds in their life). ....”  

Quran 41:8 Koran 41:8 “For those who believe and do good deeds, for them is an everlasting reward (in Paradise Jannah).” 

9. The Holy Spirit is an angel of Allah meaning the Holy Spirit is not Allah or part of Allah in the same way as Jesus is not Allah or part of Allah. 

The Holy Spirit is a creation not Allah who is the creator.


Gospel of Mark 1:10 And going up out of the water he (Jesus) immediately saw the heavens opening, and the Spirit as a dove (a bird, a body with wings, an angel, angel Gabriel Jibril who stands in the presence of Allah in the Gospel of Luke 1:19 who came to Jesus in the Gospel of Mark 1:10, Gospel of Luke 3:22, Gospel of Matthew 3:16, Gospel of John 1:32 like a dove meaning a bird, a body with wings, an angel. What stands in the presence of Allah is called Holy. This is why angel Gabriel Jibril is called the Holy Spirit in the same way as land in the presence of Allah is called Holy land or Holy ground. Angel Gabriel Jibril is called the Spirit and the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Allah in the Gospel of Mark 1:10 and the Gospel of John 1:32 where the dove is “the Spirit” meaning the angel and in the Gospel of Luke 3:22 where the dove is “the Holy Spirit” meaning the Holy angel and in the Gospel of Matthew 3:16 where the dove is “the Spirit of Allah” meaning the angel of Allah. Angel Gabriel in the form of a man came with news for Mary in the Gospel of Luke 1:35 and returned in his true form as “a dove,” a bird, a body with wings, an angel, the Holy Spirit in the form of an angel who stands in the presence of Allah and delivered the soul of Jesus to the womb of Mary and confirmed in Quran 2:97, Quran 16:102 and Quran 53:4 – 53:5) coming down to him (Jesus).  


Gospel of Matthew 3:16 As soon as he (Jesus) was baptized (by John the Baptizer), Jesus came up out of the water, and behold, the heavens were opened, and he saw the Holy Spirit of Allah (Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost) coming down like a dove (a bird, a body with wings, an angel, angel Gabriel Jibril who stands in the presence of Allah in the Gospel of Luke 1:19 who came to Jesus in the Gospel of Mark 1:10, Gospel of Luke 3:22, Gospel of Matthew 3:16, Gospel of John 1:32 like a dove meaning a bird, a body with wings, an angel. What stands in the presence of Allah is called Holy. This is why angel Gabriel Jibril is called the Holy Spirit in the same way as land in the presence of Allah is called Holy land or Holy ground. Angel Gabriel Jibril is called the Spirit and the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Allah in the Gospel of Mark 1:10 and the Gospel of John 1:32 where the dove is “the Spirit” meaning the angel and in the Gospel of Luke 3:22 where the dove is “the Holy Spirit” meaning the Holy angel and in the Gospel of Matthew 3:16 where the dove is “the Spirit of Allah” meaning the angel of Allah. Angel Gabriel in the form of a man came with news for Mary in the Gospel of Luke 1:35 and returned in his true form as “a dove,” a bird, a body with wings, an angel, the Holy Spirit in the form of an angel who stands in the presence of Allah and delivered the soul of Jesus to the womb of Mary and confirmed in Quran 2:97, Quran 16:102 and Quran 53:4 – 53:5), coming onto him (Jesus). 


Gospel of Luke 3:22 and the Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost) descended on him (Jesus) in the bodily form of a dove (a bird, a body with wings, an angel, angel Gabriel Jibril who stands in the presence of Allah in the Gospel of Luke 1:19 who came to Jesus in the Gospel of Mark 1:10, Gospel of Luke 3:22, Gospel of Matthew 3:16, Gospel of John 1:32 like a dove meaning a bird, a body with wings, an angel. What stands in the presence of Allah is called Holy. This is why angel Gabriel Jibril is called the Holy Spirit in the same way as land in the presence of Allah is called Holy land or Holy ground. Angel Gabriel Jibril is called the Spirit and the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Allah in the Gospel of Mark 1:10 and the Gospel of John 1:32 where the dove is “the Spirit” meaning the angel and in the Gospel of Luke 3:22 where the dove is “the Holy Spirit” meaning the Holy angel and in the Gospel of Matthew 3:16 where the dove is “the Spirit of Allah” meaning the angel of Allah. Angel Gabriel in the form of a man came with news for Mary in the Gospel of Luke 1:35 and returned in his true form as “a dove,” a bird, a body with wings, an angel, the Holy Spirit in the form of an angel who stands in the presence of Allah and delivered the soul of Jesus to the womb of Mary and confirmed in Quran 2:97, Quran 16:102 and Quran 53:4 – 53:5). And a voice from heaven said, "You (Jesus) are My Son (son of Allah means servant of Allah in the Torah and Gospel), whom I (Allah) love; with you (Jesus) I (Allah) am well pleased." 


Gospel of John 1:32 Then John testified, saying: "I have seen the Spirit come down from heaven like a dove (a bird, a body with wings, an angel, angel Gabriel Jibril who stands in the presence of Allah in the Gospel of Luke 1:19 who came to Jesus in the Gospel of Mark 1:10, Gospel of Luke 3:22, Gospel of Matthew 3:16, Gospel of John 1:32 like a dove meaning a bird, a body with wings, an angel. What stands in the presence of Allah is called Holy. This is why angel Gabriel Jibril is called the Holy Spirit in the same way as land in the presence of Allah is called Holy land or Holy ground. Angel Gabriel Jibril is called the Spirit and the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Allah in the Gospel of Mark 1:10 and the Gospel of John 1:32 where the dove is “the Spirit” meaning the angel and in the Gospel of Luke 3:22 where the dove is “the Holy Spirit” meaning the Holy angel and in the Gospel of Matthew 3:16 where the dove is “the Spirit of Allah” meaning the angel of Allah. Angel Gabriel in the form of a man came with news for Mary in the Gospel of Luke 1:35 and returned in his true form as “a dove,” a bird, a body with wings, an angel, the Holy Spirit in the form of an angel who stands in the presence of Allah and delivered the soul of Jesus to the womb of Mary and confirmed in Quran 2:97, Quran 16:102 and Quran 53:4 – 53:5), and it remained on him (Jesus). 


Gospel of Luke 1:19 In answer the angel said to him, "I am Gabriel, one who stands in the presence of Allah, and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you these glad announcements. 

Note 1. Angel Gabriel is called Holy meaning the Holy Spirit because he stands in the presence of Allah and for the same reason Jesus is called Holy because his birth is in the presence of Allah in the Gospel of Luke 1:35. 


Gospel of Luke 1:35 And in answer the angel (the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel who came in the form of a man) said to her (the virgin Mary),"The Holy Spirit (the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel who will come in the form of a dove, a body with wings, an angel) will come upon you (to deliver to your womb a soul created by Allah for your son Jesus), and the power of the Most High (Allah) will overshadow you (so that what Allah has decreed is fulfilled without failure). For this reason also, the one to be born will be called holy (the blessed), the Son of Allah (meaning the Servant of Allah, the Slave of Allah, the prophet and messenger and messiah sent by Allah). 

Note 1. Jesus is called Holy because his birth is in the presence of Allah and for the same reason Angel Gabriel is called Holy meaning the Holy Spirit because he stands in the presence of Allah in the Gospel of Luke 1:19.

Note 2. Angel Gabriel in the form of a man introduces himself to Mary so that when he returns to deliver Jesus to her womb in his true form as an angel meaning a dove meaning a body with wings Mary will not fear him.


9a. The Holy Spirit and Jesus are not Allah because they do not know the hour of the Day of Resurrection because only Allah knows as proof “Allah is one” not three in one.

In the Gospel Jesus and the angels including the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel Jibril are not Allah or part of Allah because Jesus and the angels including the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel Jibril do not know “the hour” because only Allah knows “the hour” meaning “Allah is one’ not three in one.

Jesus is the son of man meaning he is a human messenger of Allah and he is the son of Allah meaning he is the servant of Allah delivering the message of Allah so his mention with angels in Gospel of Mark 13:32 and Gospel of Matthew 24:36 means that angel messengers of Allah and human messengers of Allah both do not know the hour meaning do not confuse angel and human messengers with Allah because only Allah knows the hour but His angel and human messengers like Jesus and Moses do not know the hour meaning pray only to Allah and not to the angel and human messengers of Allah.


Gospel of Mark 13:32 "But as to that day or that hour (the time of the Day of Resurrection), no one knows, not even the angels in heaven (the Holy Spirit and the other angels who are servants of Allah), not even the Son (Jesus who is a servant of Allah), but only the Father (Allah, who is the Father of every creation).


Gospel of Matthew 24:36 But as for that day and hour (of the Day of Resurrection), no one knows it except the Father (Allah) alone; not even the angels of heaven (the Holy Spirit and the other angels who are servants of Allah), not even the Son (Jesus who is a servant of Allah).

Note 1. If Allah is one then the Gospel would teach that Jesus does not know the hour.

Note 2. If Allah is three in one then the Gospel would teach both Jesus and Allah know the hour.

Note 3. In the Gospel Jesus is not Allah because Jesus does not know the hour meaning the teaching that Jesus is Allah or part of Allah contradicts the Gospel meaning Trinity was invented after the time of Jesus and after the writing of the Gospels.

Note 4. There is only one Allah because no one is equal to Allah not Jesus and not the angels.

Note 5. Jesus is like the angels and other creations meaning Jesus is not like Allah.

In the Gospel Jesus is not Allah or part of Allah because Jesus does not know “the hour” because only Allah knows “the hour” meaning “Allah is one’ not three in one.

Note 6. What does Son of Allah mean?

Son means servant of Allah.

The Quran warns against misunderstanding the meaning of son because some Christians thought that son was a real biological son instead of correctly knowing that son means servant of Allah in both the Torah and in the Gospel.

Note 7. In the time of Prophet Jesus no one believed that Jesus is Allah because Jesus was delivering the words of Allah like the prophets before him who all confirmed that -

"Allah is not a man" in Numbers 23:19, 1 Samuel 15:29 and Hosea 11:9 and

"Allah is not the son of man" in Numbers 23:19 and

"Do not liken anyone or anything to Allah" in Isaiah 40:25 and Isaiah 46:5 and

The warning from messiah king David that “there is no salvation in the son of man” in Psalm 146:3.

Meaning Jesus is not Allah in the sight of all the people who saw him 2000 years ago.

The Jewish people 2000 year ago and today understood and understand the meaning of Numbers 23:19, 1 Samuel 15:29, Hosea 11:9, Numbers 23:19, Isaiah 40:25, Isaiah 46:5 and Psalm 146:3 which is explained above and that “Allah is one” which is the First of the Ten Commandments of Allah is not the same as “Allah is three in one” because adding “three in one” violates the commandment of Allah in Deuteronomy 4:2 "not to add or subtract" to what Allah has commanded in the Torah for 100,000 years which is the thousandth generation if each generation lived for 100 years in Deuteronomy 5:10 meaning forever in Deuteronomy 29:28 in Jewish Tanakh or Deuteronomy 29:29 in a Christian Bible meaning no one can add or subtract to the commandment that “Allah is one” by adding “Allah is three in one” because Allah has forbidden anyone from doing such a thing so that people can judge true prophets who confirm the word of Allah from false prophets and dreamers of false dreams who add or subtract from the word of Allah especially in the first and most important of the Ten Commandments of Allah that “Allah is one” not “three in one.”


Quran 43:59 Koran 43:59 He (Prophet Jesus) is no more than a servant (of Allah) on whom We (Allah) bestowed favour and We (Allah) made him (Prophet Jesus) an example (of righteousness) for the Children of Israel. 


Quran 5:116 Koran 5:116 “…You (Allah) know what is in my mind but I (Prophet Jesus) do not know what is in Your (Allah’s) Mind. You (Allah) and only You know the unseen things.” 


Some people say “the hour” is hidden in the very throne of Allah so it does not get to our level because then Satan would have known it too and that is why Jesus replied this way however this does not make sense because in the Gospel Satan told Jesus to do many things but Jesus refused to do anything Satan asked Jesus to do. 

This shows that Satan did not know what was in the mind of Jesus.

If Allah had revealed “the hour” of the resurrection to Jesus then Satan would not have known “the hour” because Satan only knows what Allah reveals to Satan.

Even the angels who are near the Throne of Allah do not know “the hour.”

Allah shows that only Allah knows “the hour” as proof that there is only one Allah who has no partners as proof that “Allah is one” and not three in one.

Allah shows that only Allah knows “the hour” as proof that the only one who knows everything is Allah.

Allah has many servants such as humans like Jesus and the angels in heaven but the servants of Allah like humans and angels do not know “the hour” because Allah will not reveal this information to any of His servants as proof that “Allah is one” not three in one.

Allah knows “the hour” because Allah is the creator of every creation.

Jesus and the angels in heaven do not know “the hour” because they are all creations and not Allah or part of Allah.

If Allah wanted humans to believe in Trinity and that Allah is “three in one” then Allah would have revealed that no one knows “the hour” except Allah and Jesus and the Holy Spirit but instead Allah is teaching humans that “Allah is one” because only Allah knows “the hour” meaning Jesus and the Holy Spirit only know what Allah wills them to know because they are all created by Allah.

10. Jesus is like Moses meaning they are both the servants of Allah and the messengers of Allah but they are not Allah or part of Allah.


Gospel of Luke 24:19 And he said to them, "What things?" And they said to him, "The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet powerful in deed and in word, in the eyes of both Allah and all the people; 

Note 1.  Jesus is a prophet in the sight of both Allah and all the people.


Gospel of Matthew 21:11 And the crowds would say, "This is the prophet Jesus, from Nazareth, Galilee."

Note 1. The people said Jesus is a prophet.


Gospel of John 6:14 Then the people, having seen the miraculous sign he (Jesus the messenger of Allah) had done, were saying, "This (Jesus) surely is the Prophet who was to come into the world."

Note 1. The people said Jesus is a prophet.


Gospel of John 9:17 Then they are talking to the blind man again: "What do you say about him (Jesus)? For it was your eyes he (Jesus) opened." And he (the blind man) said, "He (Jesus) is a prophet."

Note 1. The people said Jesus is a prophet.


Gospel of Luke 7:16 And fear (awe) took hold of all, and they praised Allah, saying, "A great prophet (named Jesus) has been raised up among us (the children of Israel)," and, Allah (through His prophet) has come to help his people (the children of Israel)." 

Note 1. When Jesus brought the dead back to life the Jews called Jesus a prophet and not Allah.

Note 2. When the dead are brought back to life the Jews thank Allah for sending Prophet Jesus to them.

Note 3. The Jewish people who saw the dead brought back to life understood the difference between a created human prophet named Jesus and Allah who is the creator of every creation.


Torah Deuteronomy 18:15 A prophet (Prophet Joshua Yusha followed by prophet after prophet, messenger after messenger) will the LORD your Allah raise up to you (the children of Israel), from the midst of you (as happened 3000 years ago with Prophet David who delivered the Psalms in your midst presence when you were in the United Kingdom of Israel and Judah today in Israel and Palestine and 2000 years ago with Jesus who delivered the Gospel in your midst presence when you were in Judea and Galilee today in Israel and Palestine), of your brethren, like (you did) to me (Prophet Moses who delivered the Torah 3200 years ago in your midst presence when you were at Mount Sinai Horeb today in Egypt); to him (the prophet after prophet that is sent to you from Allah, the messenger after messenger that is sent to you from Allah) you shall (also) listen


Torah Deuteronomy 18:18 (Therefore) I (Allah) shall raise up for them (the children of Israel) a prophet (Prophet Joshua Yusha followed by prophet after prophet, messenger after messenger) like you (Prophet Moses who delivered the Torah 3200 years ago when you were at Mount Sinai Horeb today in Egypt) from among their brothers brethren and I (Allah) shall put my (Allah’s) words in the mouth of the prophet (meaning prophet after prophet, messenger after messenger), who shall speak to them (the people) everything that I (Allah) command him” (to speak to you);  

Note 1. When you read the words of Jesus in the Gospel these are the words Allah has put in the mouth of Jesus and what Allah has commanded the messenger Jesus to speak. Every messenger of Allah speaks “the words of Allah” and this is why some people confuse the messenger and think that his words mean he is Allah. 

Note 2. To think Jesus is Allah or part of Allah would be the same mistake as thinking Moses is Allah or part of Allah.

Note 3. If you forget all the stories outside the Gospel that claim Jesus is Allah and look only at what Allah has said in the Torah and the Gospel you would conclude that Jesus is the same as Moses and you would say Jesus is described perfectly in Torah Deuteronomy 18:15 and 18:18. 

The reason you would make this conclusion is because Jesus is a human in the Gospel like Moses is a human in the Torah and both pray to Allah and both teach people to pray only to Allah and both are prophets in the eyes of both Allah and all the people in Gospel of Luke 24:19 meaning Jesus is not Allah or a part of Allah as confirmed by all the other Gospels; Gospel of Mark 13:32, Gospel of Matthew 24:36, Gospel of John 5:30 and Gospel of John 20:17.. 

The only reason you would believe that Jesus is Allah is because you believe stories claiming Jesus is Allah which are not in the Gospel. 

This is the same as believing stories that Jesus is returning to this earth even when Jesus warns “do not believe it’ in the Gospel of Mark 13:5 – 13:6 and Gospel of Mark 13:21 – 13:23 meaning the second coming is on the Day of Resurrection in the Hereafter which will be the second coming to life of every human. 


Gospel of Mark 13:5 (Jesus foretold what will happen in future after Jesus has left the Earth) and Jesus proceeded to tell them, "See that no one misleads you. 


Gospel of Mark 13:6 Many will come in my name (Jesus), saying, 'I am He (Jesus),' and they will deceive many. 


Gospel of Mark 13:21 And at that time (when people will claim to be Jesus), if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Messiah (Jesus)' or, 'Look, there (is the messiah Jesus)!' do not believe it. 

Note 1. All stories claiming Jesus is returning to this earth were invented by story tellers who used the name of the prophets and the proof is those stories are opposite to what Allah and the prophets teach in the Torah and Gospel and Quran.


Gospel of Mark 13:22 For false Messiahs and false prophets will appear, and they will do signs and miracles, trying to deceive, if possible, the elect (the righteous). 


Gospel of Mark 13:23 But you, you be watchful; I (Jesus) have told you everything ahead of time (before it happens).

Note 1. Jesus says he has “told us everything” about Jesus after his natural death that will happen on this earth before it happens.

Note 2. There is nothing in the Quran about Jesus returning to this earth meaning the Quran confirms the Gospel.

Note 3. Hadith stories that claim Prophet Muhammad said Jesus is returning to this earth are opposite to the teaching in the Quran and the Gospel meaning those hadith stories were invented by story tellers who made a living inventing stories after the death of the prophet or told by people who were deceived to believe false stories.

Note 4. Some people said Lazarus was resurrected before Jesus was resurrected meaning nothing that Jesus did was different to what other humans had experienced so Satan Shaitan whispers to some among the Christians “Jesus is returning to this earth” as proof Jesus is part of Allah in a Trinity because Jesus will do something that no other human did before him” however Jesus warns in Gospel of Mark 13:21 “do not believe anyone who claims Jesus has returned to this earth.” Satan whispers “Jesus is Allah” because anyone who believes a human is Allah is idol worshipping instead of correctly praying to Allah who is the creator of every human. In this way Satan deceives humans to disobey the first commandment of Allah that “Allah is one” not three in one and do not idol worship any creation which Allah said shall be done by those who “hate Allah” in Torah Deuteronomy 5:7 – 5:10.

Note 5. Satan Shaitan whispers to some among the Muslims “Jesus is returning to this earth because Jesus did not die a natural death 2000 years ago like every human before him and after him has died” to show who follows the story of Jesus in the Quran and the Gospel and who believes a different story which contradicts what Allah teaches in the Quran and Gospel.

In the hereafter Satan Shaitan might boast he obeyed Quran 17:88 by whispering hundreds of false hadith stories which teach the opposite to what Allah and Prophet Muhammad teach in the Quran.

Quran 3:144 (see Quran 5:75), Quran 4:157, Quran 4:158 (see Quran 39:42), Quran 5:75 (see Quran 3:144), Quran 5:117 (see Quran 7:6), Quran 7:6 (see Quran 5:117), Quran 21:95, Quran 33:40 (see Gospel of Jesus by Mark 13:5 – 13:6, 13:21 – 13:22) and Quran 39:42 (see Quran 4:158) is proof that all hadith stories about Jesus returning to this earth because he did not die a natural death 2000 years ago are false stories invented by dishonest people who made a living by claimed their stories came from Prophet Muhammad because people loved listening to stories about Prophet Muhammad or told by people who were deceived to believe false stories. Satan whispers “Jesus is returning to this earth because Jesus did not die a natural death 2000 years ago” so that Muslims do not remind Christians that after the crucifixion Jesus lived on the earth teaching the people “Allah is my Allah and your Allah” meaning Allah is my master and your master and teaching “Allah is my father and your father” meaning Allah is my creator and your creator meaning Jesus in the Gospel teaches that “Allah is one Allah” not three in one until his natural death 2000 years ago confirming what Allah inspired before the Gospel in the Torah and after the Gospel in the Quran meaning all the Books of Allah teach the same message that “Allah is one Allah” not three in one and that this is the first commandment of Allah.


Quran 17:88 Koran 17:88 Say (Prophet Muhammad), "If humans and jinn (such as Satan Shaitan) came together to help each other to produce something like the Quran, they could not do it." 


Moses and Jesus and Muhammad all delivered the same message to pray to nothing that is created on earth or in the heavens instead pray only to Allah who is the creator of every creation.


If you believe Allah is not a creation or part of a creation and Allah is the creator of every creation then you have understood the message of Moses in the Torah and Jesus in the Gospel and Muhammad in the Quran.


Moses performed miracles which means miracles are not a sign that a human is the creator.

Moses and Jesus both prayed to the creator which means both Moses and Jesus are not the creator.

Nowhere in the Torah did Moses or Jesus in the Gospels say “I am Allah” or “I am part of Allah” instead they both teach “Allah is one” not three in one.

Nowhere in the Torah did Moses or Jesus in the Gospels say “pray to me” instead they both said “pray to Allah.”

Praying to creations or worshipping humans like Moses or Jesus is called idol worship.

Moses and Jesus followed the Torah and the Torah forbids idol worship.

Moses brought the message of Allah in the Torah and Jesus confirmed the message of the existence of Allah in the Gospel.

Confusing the messenger of Allah with Allah who sent the messenger results in people mistakenly praying to a created human which is called idol worship instead of correctly praying to Allah who is the creator of Moses and Jesus and every other creation.


A prophet is not Allah or part of Allah.

A prophet from Allah is not Allah.

A prophet from Allah is a human sent by Allah to speak in the name of Allah as described in Deuteronomy 18:18 meaning every prophet is the word of Allah made flesh (human).


A messenger is not Allah or part of Allah.

A messenger is not Allah.

A messenger from Allah is not Allah.

A messenger from Allah is a human sent by Allah to deliver the Book of Allah.

A messenger from Allah speaks in the name of Allah (Torah Deuteronomy 18:18).


A messiah is not Allah or part of Allah.

A messiah is not Allah.

A messiah from Allah is not Allah.

A messiah from Allah is a human sent by Allah to lead the people to Allah.

A messiah from Allah speaks in the name of Allah.


Jesus and Moses are not Allah or part of Allah.

Jesus and Moses spoke to the people in the name of Allah.

Jesus and Moses delivered the Books of Allah.

Jesus and Moses both prayed only to Allah.

Jesus and Moses never told anyone to pray to them.

Jesus and Moses told everyone to pray only to Allah who created every creation.

Those who are correctly guided are those who pray to Allah like Jesus and Moses prayed to Allah.

Those who are misguided are those who pray to Jesus or to Moses because such pray is forbidden by Allah in Torah Deuteronomy 5:7, 5:8, 5:9 and 5:10 where Allah said these commandments forbidding prayer of any created thing can never be ignored except by those who hate Allah.


11. Jesus and Moses both prayed to Allah.

Gospel of Matthew 26:39 And then after he (Jesus) had moved forward a little, he fell on his face, praying and saying, "My Father (Allah who is the Father of every creation), if it is possible, remove this cup (task, duty, mission, assignment) from me (your messenger Jesus). Nevertheless (I will do), not as I (Jesus) will, but as you (Allah) will (me to do because every creation can only do what Allah their creator has willed and what Allah wills is in accordance to what every creation has earned from the tests and the trials of Allah and from their good and bad deeds)."


11a. Jesus said do not pray to Jesus but pray to Allah.

Jesus and Moses saved souls and showed how to pray to Allah.

Jesus saved souls by delivering the Gospel from Allah like Moses saved souls by delivering the Torah from Allah so that whoever followed the Torah or the Gospel and did good deeds on the Earth would be saved by Allah on the Day of Judgement.

Jesus and Moses received the respect of humans and both Moses and Jesus only prayed to Allah and told people to only pray to Allah and do goodness in the world.


Gospel of John 15:16 You did not choose me but I (Jesus the messenger of Allah as commanded by Allah to Jesus through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel) chose you*, and appointed you so that you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain, so that whatever you ask of the Father (Allah) in my name (meaning, “I pray to Allah in the name of Jesus who is the messenger of Allah”), He (Allah) may give to you. (Meaning that all prayer must be directed to Allah, not to Jesus who is only the messenger sent by Allah to deliver this message).


Gospel of John 16:26 In that day (when) you will make requests (to Allah) in my name (Jesus, when a human says “I pray to Allah in the name of Jesus who is the messenger of Allah”), and I (Jesus) am not saying to you that I (Jesus who is a creation) will make (your) request of the Father (Allah who is the creator) on your behalf (meaning that every human must pray directly to Allah because only Allah has the power to hear prayer, nothing that is or was a creation has the power to hear prayer or to pass your prayer to Allah because the ability to hear prayer is a power that belongs only to Allah because Allah is the creator of every creation).


Gospel of John 16:27 for the Father (Allah) Himself loves you, because you have loved me (Jesus the messenger delivering the message of Allah) and have believed that I (Jesus) came forth from the Father (Allah) (meaning that when you pray to Allah, Allah shall know that you believe in Allah because you believed the message of Allah in the Gospel that was delivered by Jesus. In the same way those in the time of Moses believed in Allah because they believed the message of Allah in the Torah that was delivered by Moses. So pray to Allah the creator and do not pray to Jesus the creation in the same way as those in the time of Moses prayed to Allah the creator and not to Moses the creation).


12. “Jesus was punished for our sins as if Jesus was us” does not make sense. 

Allah is one and Allah loves people.

Would the Allah who loves people kill an innocent man?

Would the Allah who loves people punish an innocent man?

Did Allah kill Isaac Ishaq in the sacrifice?

Did Allah kill Ishmael Ismail in the desert?

Did Allah kill Jonah Yunus in the whale?

Did Allah kill Noah Nuh in the flood?

Did Allah kill Lot Lut in Sodom?

A Allah who loves people does not punish innocent people.

Did Allah punish Isaac Ishaq in the sacrifice?

Did Allah punish Ishmael Ismail in the desert?

Did Allah punish Jonah Yunus in the whale?

Did Allah punish Noah Nuh in the flood?

Did Allah punish Lot Lut in Sodom?

A Allah who loves people does not sacrifice innocent people.

A Allah who loves people saves innocent people.

Allah saved Isaac Ishaq in the sacrifice.

Allah saved Ishmael Ismail in the desert.

Allah saved Jonah Yunus in the whale.

Allah saved Noah Nuh in the flood.

Allah saved Lot Lut in Sodom.

Allah saved Jesus on the cross.

Killing an innocent person is forbidden by Allah.

Punishing an innocent person is forbidden by Allah.


Quran 4:93 Koran 4:93 Whoever kills a believer (in Allah) intentionally (meaning whoever among the Muslims kills a believer intentionally, see Quran 4:92 which is the punishment for a Muslim who unintentionally killed a Muslim) then his recompense (result) is Hell Jahannam, staying in it forever and Allah’s wrath will fall on him and He (Allah will) curse him and He (Allah) has prepared for him a great punishment (because whoever intentionally kills one innocent person Muslim or non Muslim it is as if that person killed all of humankind in the judgement of Allah see Quran 5:32. Quran 6:158 confirms that "... belief in Allah and the Day of Resurrection and Judgement shall not help any soul …. if in belief he or she did not earn good by doing righteous deeds in their life ...." meaning belief in Allah without doing good deeds is a false belief in Allah meaning belief in Allah with good deeds is true belief in Allah).


Quran 5:32 Koran 5:32 From that time (humans were warned not to murder and) We (Allah) decreed on the children of Israel (through the inspiration of the teachers of the Jewish Talmud and confirmed for the Muslim in Quran 6:151) that whoever kills a soul (kills a life, kills a person) it is as if he has killed all of humankind (so that humans understand the great value and preciousness of one human life and to warn humans against the great evil of killing one human soul) unless it is in retaliation for murder or for misbehaviour in the land. And whoever saves it (saves a life, saves a soul, saves a person) it is as if he has saved all of humankind (so that humans understand the great value and preciousness of one human life and to teach humans the great goodness in the saving of one human soul). Our (Allah’s) messengers came to them (the children of Israel) with clear arguments but still after that many of them continued to commit great crimes (by killing humans unlawfully) in the land (so this is a message from Allah to the human not to commit the great crime of killing human life but instead to work to save human life).

Note 1. In the Judgment of Allah the saving of one human life is a great deed because in the Judgment of Allah it is like saving every human life on the earth.

Note 2. On the Day of Judgment whoever saved a life will be rewarded with a reward fitting for a person who had saved all humankind if Allah wills.

Note 3. On the Day of Judgment whoever destroyed a life will be punished with a punishment fitting for a person who had destroyed all humankind if Allah wills.

Note 4. Human life is equal in the sight of Allah. Those who save all human life are among the righteous if Allah wills.

Note 5. Human deeds are not equal in the sight of Allah. Those who do good deeds to all people are among the righteous if Allah wills.

Note 6. The saving of one life in this world no matter if that person is Muslim or non Muslim or the saving of one life by guiding a person to goodness so that they are successful in the hereafter is a great deed of goodness in the sight of Allah.

Note 7. Whoever kills a person it is a crime equal to killing all of mankind.

Note 8. Whoever saves a life has done a deed that is equal to saving all of mankind.

Note 9. Whoever kills an innocent life has committed a terrible crime in the sight of Allah.


Quran 6:151 Koran 6:151 Say, “Come, I shall recite to you what your Lord (Allah) has made a sacred duty for you: That you make nothing to be equal to Him (Allah, meaning pray to nobody but Allah) and that you do good to parents, and that you do not kill your children because of poverty because We (Allah) provide for you and for them. And that you do not go near to shameful things (illegal sexual intercourse, shameful sins etc) either in public (openly) or in secret (hidden). And that you do not kill a person because Allah has forbidden killing except in the matter of (legal) justice. He (Allah) has commanded this for you so that you may understand (the law of Allah). 


12a. “Jesus is the only salvation” is the same meaning as “Moses is the only salvation” meaning “belief in the message from Allah” which is delivered by “a messenger of Allah” and good behaviour in the world is the “only salvation in the hereafter.” 


Allah does not send different humans as “messengers of Allah” for humans to turn the messengers of Allah into idols of worship or for humans to declare that one messenger of Allah is better than another messenger of Allah. 

The only reason Allah sends “messengers of Allah” to humans is to help humans find a way to Allah meaning to the belief that “there is only one Allah who is the creator of every creation.”

The message delivered by Moses and Jesus and every other messenger sent by Allah to humans is the same message confirming what every messenger before them has said which is “believe that every creation is created by Allah and that Allah has commanded humans to pray only to Allah” and “do good in this world and avoid doing evil” and believe in “salvation in the hereafter in Heaven for the good doers and in the punishment of Hell for the evil doers.”

Life is a very great and very wonderful mystery meaning no one knows the exact reality of the existence of Allah.

The human heart and brain have reasoned that creation is created by a power that has always existed and will always exist.


The only thing that is not a creation is Allah who created every creation.

Both Moses and Jesus prayed only to Allah.

Both Moses and Jesus said everything they did is “thanks to Allah.”

Both Moses and Jesus showed that without Allah “they could do nothing.”

If you pray to Allah like Moses and Jesus prayed to Allah then you are following the example and the teachings of Moses and Jesus.

If you pray to Moses or Jesus instead of praying to Allah who created Moses and Jesus then you have invented a religion of idol worshipping a human meaning you have misunderstood what Moses and Jesus are teaching in the Torah and Gospel.

Allah sent Jesus and Moses with the same message for humans to pray only to Allah.


In the time of Moses 3200 years ago, Moses was the only way to salvation by obeying the message of Allah delivered by Moses in the Torah.

In the time of Jesus 2000 years ago, Jesus was the only way to salvation by obeying the message of Allah delivered by Jesus in the Gospel.

The message of Allah delivered in the Torah and Gospel and Quran is the same message to pray only to Allah and do good deeds in the world and avoid evil behaviour.


12b. “Jesus was resurrected from the dead without sin and therefore removed the sin of all humans who believe in him” makes no sense because people who lived before the time of Jesus were forgiven their sin in the Jewish Hebrew Bible through belief in Allah and doing good deeds in the world.


Tanakh Jewish scripture Proverbs 11:17 The merciful person does good to their own soul (brings goodness to their soul in the hereafter); but the person that is cruel troubles their own flesh (brings trouble to them self, brings trouble to their soul in the hereafter).


Torah Deuteronomy 6:25 Righteousness will be to us, if we observe to do all these commandments before the Lord our Allah, as He (Allah) has commanded us (to believe “Allah is one” not three in one in Torah Deuteronomy 6:4 – 6:5 and Torah Leviticus 19:18 and in Torah Deuteronomy 5:7, 5:8, 5:9 and 5:10 where Allah said these commandments forbidding worship of any created thing can never be ignored except by those who hate Allah).'


Tanakh Jewish scripture Zabur Psalms 37:29 The righteous shall inherit the land (of Paradise), and dwell (live) in there forever.


Everyone who obeys a messenger of Allah is rewarded by Allah.

The messengers of Allah such as Jesus and Moses and others will be rewarded by Allah as will the people who followed the message of Allah that was delivered to them in their time.


In the time of Jesus everyone thought Jesus had died so it would be normal to think that Jesus was resurrected when he continued his life after the crucifixion.

However Jesus had already thanked Allah for showing the miracle of resurrecting a dead person called Lazarus in the Gospel of John 11:42 – 11:42 which means the resurrection of Jesus would have been nothing new because Allah had resurrected Lazarus before Jesus.


Gospel of John 11:41 They therefore took away the stone. And Jesus (the messenger of Allah) lifted his eyes above ward (up to heaven and Allah through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel revealed to Jesus that Lazarus was alive), and (Jesus the messenger of Allah) said, "Father (Allah), I (Jesus the messenger of Allah) thank you, that you have heard me (so that through this miracle people know that Jesus is truthful).

Note 1. Jesus thanked Allah like Moses thanked Allah meaning Moses and Jesus are not Allah or part of Allah.


Gospel of John 11:42 But I (Jesus) already knew that you (Allah) always hear me (Jesus because Allah through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel has made Jesus the prophet and messenger and messiah of Allah); only for the sake of the crowd standing around did I (Jesus) say this (that you Allah hear me), so that they may believe that it was you (Allah) who sent me (Jesus as the messenger of Allah)."

Note 1. Moses and Jesus both know that Allah hears them because they are messengers sent by Allah.


Put the name of Moses instead of Jesus in the Gospel of John 11:42 to understand that what Jesus is saying is said by every messenger of Allah.

But I (Moses) already knew that you (Allah) always hear me (Moses because Allah through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel has made Moses the prophet and messenger of Allah); only for the sake of the crowd standing around did I (Moses) say this (that you Allah hear me), so that they may believe that it was you (Allah) who sent me (Moses as the messenger of Allah)."


The conditions for entry to Paradise in the time of Jesus was the same as in the time of Moses and in the time of any other messenger meaning if you followed the message of a messenger of Allah then you were obeying Allah.


Resurrection or what looks like resurrection would be a miracle of Allah and would be proof Lazarus and Jesus are creations meaning they are not Allah or part of Allah because what is resurrected is a creation made by Allah. 


12c. The belief Jesus died for the sins of mankind.

The belief that “Jesus chose to die on a cross as a sinner so that any man or sinner would have a way to redemption” contradicts the teachings of both Jesus in the Gospel and Moses in the Torah.


Jesus chose nothing because Jesus said “I from myself am not able to do a thing” in the same way as Moses from himself is not able to do anything because everything they do is what Allah has decreed them to do because both are messengers of Allah meaning Allah sent them to deliver the word of Allah to their people.


Gospel of John 5:30 I (Jesus) from myself (my will) am not able to do a thing (because everything has been determined by Allah who is the creator of every creation); only as I (Jesus) hear (the will of Allah as told to Jesus by the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel) do I (Jesus then) judge, and my judgment is righteous, because I (Jesus) am not seeking (to follow) my own will, but (I seek to follow) the will of him (Allah) who sent me (Jesus with guidance from the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel who is the angel that stands in the presence of Allah to deliver the will of Allah to the Earth and who came to Jesus in the Gospel of Mark 1:10, Gospel of Luke 3:22, Gospel of Matthew 3:16, Gospel of John 1:32 like a dove meaning a bird, a body with wings, an angel). 

Note 1. Jesus explains why Jesus is not Allah. 

Jesus cannot take away the sin of anyone because as Jesus explainsI (Jesus) from myself (my will) am not able to do a thing” meaning Jesus has no power because all power belongs to Allah. 

Jesus only follows the order of Allah because Jesus is a messenger of Allah like Moses is a messenger of Allah.

Note 2. Jesus explains why Jesus is not Allah. 

“Only as I (Jesus) hear (the will of Allah as told to Jesus by the Holy Spirit) do I (Jesus then) judge” meaning Jesus is not Allah because Jesus only follows the order of Allah because Jesus is a messenger of Allah like Moses is a messenger of Allah.

Note 3. Jesus explains why Jesus is not Allah. 

“My judgment is righteous, because I am not seeking my own will, but the will of Him who sent me” are the words spoken by every messenger of Allah.

For example in the time of Moses: 

My judgment is righteous, because I (Moses) am not seeking (to follow) my own will, but (I seek to follow) the will of Him (Allah) who sent me (Moses with guidance from the Holy Spirit). 


Gospel of Luke 22:42 as follows: "Father (Allah), if you are willing, remove this cup (the duty to suffer by allowing himself to be killed) from me (Jesus). However, (allow) not my will (the will of Jesus), but (let) yours (the will of Allah) be done." 

Note 1. Jesus prays for help from Allah.

Jesus like all humans prays to Allah asking that the life of Jesus be saved and Jesus said in prayer to Allah that if that is not the plan of Allah then allow not the will of Jesus but let the will of Allah be done which is the same thing Prophet Abraham Ibrahim might have said about the sacrifice of his son.

Note 2. Allah tested the faith of Jesus like Allah tested the faith of every messenger before Jesus.

The threat of death to Jesus on the cross is like the threat of death to Isaac Ishaq in the sacrifice.

The threat of death to Jesus on the cross is like the threat of death to Ishmael Ismail in the desert.

The threat of death to Jesus on the cross is like the threat of death to Jonah Yunus in the whale.

The threat of death to Jesus on the cross is like the threat of death to Noah Nuh in the flood.

The threat of death to Jesus on the cross is like the threat of death to Lot Lut in the Sodom.

Allah saved Isaac Ishaq from death in the sacrifice.

Allah saved Ishmael Ismail from death in the desert.

Allah saved Jonah Yunus from death in the whale.

Allah saved Noah Nuh from death in the flood.

Allah saved Lot Lut from death in Sodom.

Allah saved Jesus from death on the cross because Jesus was seen alive three days after the crucifixion and he continued his life teaching people that he is not Allah until his natural death 2000 years ago.

Killing an innocent person is forbidden by Allah.

Note 3. Jesus shows that Jesus is fully human.

Note 4. Jesus shows that Jesus is not Allah or part of Allah.


12d. In the Torah Allah explains it is not for Allah to repent but for humans to repent.

In the Torah Allah teaches that Allah is not a human and that it is not for Allah to repent for the sins of humans meaning it is the duty of each human to repent to Allah.


Torah Numbers 23:19 Allah is not a man, that He (Allah) should lie; neither the son of man (a human, so), that He (Allah) should repent: when He (Allah) has said (something), will He (Allah) not do it? Or when He (Allah) has spoken, will He (Allah) not make it (His promise) good? 


Allah is not a man (Torah Numbers 23:19).

Allah is not the son of man (Torah Numbers 23:19).

Allah is not a man so Allah cannot be the son of man (Torah Numbers 23:19). 


Allah is not a human (Torah Numbers 23:19). 

Allah is not the son of a human (Torah Numbers 23:19). 

Allah is not a human so Allah cannot be the son of a human (Torah Numbers 23:19). 


Allah is not a man so Allah cannot be the son of man (Torah Numbers 23:19). 

Every time the word son of man is used in the Torah and the Gospel Allah is testing humans to show which humans remember that Allah said He (Allah) is not the son of man (a human) in Torah Numbers 23:19. 


Jesus taught the Torah therefore Jesus taught Torah Numbers 23:19. 

Allah is not a man so Allah cannot be the son of man (Torah Numbers 23:19). 

Allah is not a human so Allah cannot be the son of a human (Torah Numbers 23:19). 

Allah is not a human that repents for the sin of humans (Torah Numbers 23:19). 


Making a human to be equal to Allah is called idol worship.

Making a human to be a partner with Allah is called idol worship.

Praying to a human that is alive or dead is called idol worship.

Jesus never told anyone to call him Allah.

Jesus never told anyone to pray to anyone except Allah.

Jesus was a Jew and every Jew prayed only to Allah.

Jesus prayed only to Allah like every Jew prayed only to Allah 2000 years ago.

Jesus prayed only to Allah like every Jew prays only to Allah today.


12e. Those who sinned before, during and after the time of Jesus are saved by Allah if they repented for their sin by praying to Allah for forgiveness and by doing good deeds in the world.


Tanakh Jewish scripture Proverbs 11:17 The merciful person does good to their own soul (brings goodness to their soul in the hereafter); but the person that is cruel troubles their own flesh (brings trouble to them self, brings trouble to their soul in the hereafter).


Torah Deuteronomy 6:25 Righteousness will be to us, if we observe to do all these commandments before the Lord our Allah, as He (Allah) has commanded us (to believe “Allah is one” not three in one in Torah Deuteronomy 6:4 – 6:5 and Torah Leviticus 19:18 and in Torah Deuteronomy 5:7, 5:8, 5:9 and 5:10 where Allah said these commandments forbidding worship of any created thing can never be ignored except by those who hate Allah).'


Tanakh Jewish scripture Zabur Psalms 37:29 The righteous shall inherit the land (of Paradise), and dwell (live) in there forever.


Only a human can repent for their sin (Torah Numbers 23:19).

Only the person who sinned has the power to repent for their sin (Torah Numbers 23:19).

Allah is showing that no human can repent for your sin.

You must pray sincerely to Allah and ask for forgiveness.

Allah promises to forgive every sin if you ask Allah for forgiveness and do good deeds in this world.

Jesus is human so Jesus can only repent for his own sin like Moses is a human who can only repent for his own sin.

Jesus died a natural death like every human must die.

Every human dies and their soul is raised up to heaven to the care of Allah.

When Jesus died 2000 years ago Jesus was raised to Allah like when Moses died 3200 years ago Moses was raised up to Allah.


12f. To say Jesus loves you very much so go to him to avoid eternal punishment has the same meaning as Moses loves you very much so go to him to avoid eternal punishment.

Allah is the creator of every creation including the creation of Moses and Jesus.

Moses and Jesus prayed only to Allah.

Moses and Jesus taught people to pray only to Allah like Moses and Jesus prayed only to Allah.

Go to Moses and Jesus to avoid eternal punishment means follow the message they delivered to pray only to Allah and do good deeds in the world to avoid eternal punishment.


12g. To say Allah has come to us in the form of Jesus has the same meaning as Allah has come to us in the form of Moses.

The messenger of Allah is not Allah.

Every messenger of Allah is created by Allah.

Allah is not a creation.

No one can see Allah but everyone can see Moses and Jesus because they are the human messengers sent by Allah.

Allah has come to us in the form of Jesus and Moses means the message of Allah has come to us in the form of Jesus and Moses because they are the messengers of Allah.


12h. The correct understanding of the Torah with the Jews and the Gospel with the Christians and Quran with the Muslims. 

Every human thinks they understand the words of Allah so how can you know if your understanding is correct?

Allah put a wall in front and behind some Jews and some Christians and some Muslims so they cannot correctly understand what Allah has revealed and because they do not correctly understand they say “we have found corruption in the Torah that is with the Jews or in the Gospel that is with the Christians or in the Quran that is with the Muslims.”

So whenever they search the Books of Allah Satan whispers to them every kind of doubt so that they might say the Torah or the Gospel or the Quran are corrupt.


Some Jews and some Christians and some Muslims correctly understand what Allah has revealed and they say “we have found no corruption in the Torah that is with the Jews or in the Gospel that is with the Christians or in the Quran that is with the Muslims.”

So whenever they search the Books of Allah they are looking to understand and explain every misunderstood word and every misunderstood example to show that the Torah that was revealed to the Jews or the Gospel that was revealed to the Christians or the Quran that was revealed to the Muslims support each other and all the Books of Allah forbid evil by giving examples of evil behaviour and examples of righteousness behaviour.


Quran 3:3 Koran 3:3 He (Allah) revealed to you (Prophet Muhammad) the Book (the Quran) of truth confirming what came before it (in the Torah and in the Gospel), and He (Allah) revealed the Torah and the Gospel.


Quran 4:136 Koran 4:136 “... and whoever has no faith inHis (Allah’s) Booksthen he has strayed far away (from Allah).


12i. Jesus and Moses talked as two persons "the son of Allah" and "the son of man.”

Moses and Jesus both talked as two persons "the son of Allah" meaning the servant of Allah and “the son of man” meaning a human.


12j. Jesus and Moses talked as two persons "the only begotten son of Allah" and "the son of man."

Moses 3200 years ago and Jesus 2000 years ago both talked as two persons "the only begotten son of Allah" meaning the messenger of Allah with the supreme authority to speak “in the name of Allah” to the people in their time and “the son of man” meaning a human.


12k. In Jesus and Moses Allah lived and through them we get our redemption.

When you obey the Torah that was delivered by Moses you are obeying the message inspired by belief in Allah.

In the same way when you obey the Gospel that was delivered by Jesus you are obeying the message inspired by belief in Allah because both the Torah and the Gospel deliver the same message to pray only to Allah and no one else and do good deeds in the world and avoid evil deeds.

This is the same message in the Quran delivered by Prophet Muhammad.


12L. Why can Jesus not repent for the sins of people who are living today?

A messenger of Allah can only pray to Allah asking Allah to forgive someone during their lifetime.

No one can pray to Allah when they are in the grave meaning when their soul is in heaven under the care of Allah waiting for the day of resurrection with the righteous at the right hand of Allah or with the wicked at the left hand of Allah.


Tanakh Jewish scripture Zabur Psalm 6:6 For there is no memory of You (Allah) in death; in the grave, who will thank You (Allah)? 

Note 1. Quran 2:259, 18:19, 20:103, 20:104, 23:113, 30:55, 46:35 and 79:46 confirm that every human will testify in the hereafter that the time between death and resurrection feels like nothing but a one hour sleep or 10 hour sleep or sleeping for part of one day like the story of the seven sleepers in Quran 18:19 who ask “how long have we stayed (here sleeping)” and the resurrection of Prophet Ezra Uzair in Quran 2:259 who is asked "How long did you remain (here sleeping)?" 


Quran 2:259 Koran 2:259 Or like the person (Prophet Ezra Uzair) who passed by a township (Jerusalem Al-Quds) which had fallen into complete ruin, and (out of curiosity), said “How can Allah bring this town (Jerusalem Al-Quds and its religious life that were destroyed in 1209 BH 587 BCE 587 BC back) to life after death (after King Nebuchadnezzar of the Babylonian Empire today in Iraq had destroyed Jerusalem Al-Quds)?" So Allah caused him (Prophet Ezra Uzair) to die for a hundred years and then raised him to life and (an angel of Allah) asked him, "How long did you remain (here sleeping)?" He (Prophet Ezra Uzair) said "I remained (here sleeping) a day or part of a day" (confirming Quran 2:259, 18:19, 18:21, 20:103, 20:104, 23:113, 30:55, 46:35 and 79:46 where every human both the righteous and the wrong doer will swear on the Day of Resurrection that death feels like nothing but a one hour sleep or a ten hour sleep or like sleeping for part of one day). He (the angel) said, "No, you have been dead for a hundred years, look at your food and your drink (and see that) it has not aged (showing that it was the power of Allah which kept the food fresh for a hundred years) but look at your donkey (it is a skeleton, showing proof that one hundred years of time have really passed). Look at the bones (and see) how We (Allah revealed through an angel) bring them together and cover them with flesh" (The donkey was brought back to life to show that it is Allah who gives death and Allah who gives life). We (Allah revealed through an angel) made you (your resurrection, your food and your donkey) a sign (of the power of Allah) for the people. When this became clear to him he (Prophet Ezra Uzair) said, "I know that Allah has power over all things (confirming Quran 2:259, 18:19, 18:21, 20:103, 20:104, 23:113, 30:55, 46:35 and 79:46 where every human both the righteous and the wrong doer will swear on the Day of Resurrection that death feels like nothing but a one hour sleep or a ten hour sleep or like sleeping for part of one day)."


Gospel of John 1:29 The next day he (Prophet John) sees Jesus (the prophet messenger and messiah) coming toward him (John), and says, "Behold! (See) The Lamb of Allah (Jesus who devotes his life in the service of Allah), who takes away the sin of the world (by teaching humans to repent for sin and to pray to Allah asking for forgiveness)! 

Note 1. Everyone who prayed to Allah like Jesus prayed to Allah and did good deeds on the earth will go to Paradise. 


To understand Gospel of John 1:29 change the name Jesus to Moses.

The Lamb of Allah (Moses who devotes his life in the service of Allah), who takes away the sin of the world (by teaching humans to repent for sin and to pray to Allah asking for forgiveness)! 

Note 1. Everyone who prayed to Allah like Moses prayed to Allah and did good deeds on the earth will go to Paradise. 

Note 2. See Torah Numbers 23:19 regarding repentance.


Torah Numbers 23:19 Allah is not a man, that He (Allah) should lie; neither the son of man (a human, so), that He (Allah) should repent: when He (Allah) has said (something), will He (Allah) not do it? Or when He (Allah) has spoken, will He (Allah) not make it (His promise) good?

Note 1. Moses and Jesus both teach “Allah is one Allah” not a Allah made of three people inside one Allah.

“Allah is not the one who should repent” for your sins shows that the correct interpretation of the Gospel cannot be that Jesus died for your sins because Allah has revealed that Allah is not a man and Allah is not the son of man so that he should repent for your sin.

This means that Allah is not a human

Only the human who sinned can repent for their sin.


12m. Only the person who sinned has the power to repent for their sin.

You must pray sincerely to Allah and ask for forgiveness.

Allah promises to forgive every sin if you are correctly guided and have the sincere intention to improve yourself in good mind and good deeds.

The death of Jesus on the cross was not necessary to remove human sin because every human before Jesus and every human since Jesus will all be judged by Allah.

Whoever believes in Allah and his messengers and does good deeds will be forgiven their sins when they will be judged by Allah and the prophet or messenger of their time will be a witness for or against them. 


12n. Allah forgave sin before the time of Jesus in the Tanakh Jewish scripture.

In the Jewish Hebrew Bible Allah promises to forgive bad deeds to all who sincerely pray for forgiveness from Allah, make whatever amends are possible for them to make and then do good deeds meaning there is no need for Jesus to die for the sins of humans meaning some people are wrongly interpreting what Jesus said in the four Gospels.


Psalms 37:29 

Allah has decreed righteous behaviour earns Paradise in the Hereafter.

Jewish Hebrew Bible Psalms 37:29 The righteous shall inherit the land (of Paradise), and dwell (live) in there forever.


Isaiah 55:6 - 55:7

In the Tanakh Jewish scripture Allah will forgive sin if you ask Allah to forgive you and do good deeds.

Isaiah 55:6 You should seek the LORD (Allah) while He (Allah) may be found (for as long as you live) you should call Him (Allah) while He (Allah) is near (for as long as you live);


Isaiah 55:7 Let the wicked (person) abandon his (wicked) way, and the man of wrongdoing (abandon) his (wicked) thoughts; and let him return to the LORD (Allah), and He (Allah) will have compassion on him, and (pray for forgiveness) to our Allah, for He (Allah) will abundantly pardon (forgive your sins if you sincerely ask Allah and repent by doing whatever amends are possible for you to do and correct your behaviour in this world by doing good deeds and rejecting evil deeds).


Jeremiah 36:3

In the Tanakh Jewish scripture Allah will forgive sin if you ask Allah to forgive you and do good deeds.

Jeremiah 36:3 It may be that the house (people) of Judah will hear all the evil which I (Allah) threaten to do to them; so that every person might return from their evil way (of behaviour and thoughts), and I (Allah) may forgive their wrongdoing and their sin (if they sincerely ask Allah and repent by doing whatever amends are possible for them to do and correct their behaviour in this world by doing good deeds and rejecting evil deeds).'


Ezekiel 18:20 – 18:32 and 33:11 – 33:20.

In the Tanakh Jewish scripture Allah will forgive sin if you ask Allah to forgive you and do good deeds.

Ezekiel 18:20 The soul that sins, it shall die (a never ending death in Hell on the Day of Judgement); the son shall not bear the guilt of the (sin of the) father with him, neither shall the father bear the guilt of the (sin of the) son with him; the righteousness of the righteous shall be on him (who is doing good deeds and rejecting evil deeds), and the wickedness of the wicked shall be on him (who is doing wrong and sin and evil deeds in this world).


Ezekiel 18:21 But if the wicked turn away from all his sins that he has committed, and keep all My (Allah’s) laws, and do what is lawful and right, he shall surely live (on the Day of Judgement in Paradise), he shall not die (a never ending death in Hell on the Day of Judgement).


Ezekiel 18:22 (The person who asked Allah for forgiveness and made amends in whatever way was possible for them to make amends and did good deeds) none of his wrongdoing that he has committed shall be remembered against him; for his righteousness that he has done he shall live (on the Day of Judgement in Paradise).


Ezekiel 18:23 Have I (Allah) any pleasure at all that the wicked should die (a never ending death in Hell on the Day of Judgement)? said the Lord GOD; and not rather that he (who sins and does wrong in the world) should return from his ways (of evil by asking Allah for forgiveness and make amends in whatever way is possible for them to make amends and do good deeds), and live (on the Day of Judgement in Paradise)?


Ezekiel 18:24 But when the righteous turn away from his righteousness, and commits wrong, and does the evil that the wicked person does, shall he live (on the Day of Judgement in Paradise)? None of his righteous deeds that he has done shall be remembered; for his wrong that he wronged, and for his sin that he has sinned, for them shall he die (a never ending death in Hell on the Day of Judgement).


Ezekiel 18:25 Yet you say: The way of the Lord (Allah) is not equal (in justice). Hear now, O house (people) of Israel: Is it My (Allah’s) way that is not equal (in justice or) is it not your ways that are unequal (in understanding justice)?


Ezekiel 18:26 When the righteous man turns away from his righteousness, and commits wrong, he shall die (a never ending death in Hell on the Day of Judgement) therefore it is for his wrongdoing that he has done shall he die (a never ending death in Hell on the Day of Judgement).


Ezekiel 18:27 Again, when the wicked man turns away from his wickedness that he has committed, and does what is lawful and right, he shall save his soul alive (on the Day of Judgement in Paradise).


Ezekiel 18:28 Because he considered (by thinking about what evil he did), and turned away from all his wrongdoing that he had committed so he shall surely live (on the Day of Judgement in Paradise), he shall not die (a never ending death in Hell on the Day of Judgement).


Ezekiel 18:29 Yet the house of Israel said: The way of the Lord (Allah) is not equal (in justice). O house (people) of Israel, is it My (Allah’s) ways that are not equal (in justice) or is it not your ways that are unequal (in understanding justice)?


Ezekiel 18:30 Therefore I (Allah) will judge you, O house (people) of Israel, every one according to his ways (of behaviour in this world), said the Lord GOD. You return (to Allah and good behaviour), and turn yourselves away from all your wrongdoings so that they are not a stumbling block of guilt on you (on the Day of Judgement).


Ezekiel 18:31 Throw away from you all your wrongs, in which you have wronged; and make a new heart and a new spirit for you (by returning to the path of Allah); for why (what reason) will you (want to do evil and) die (a never ending death in Hell on the Day of Judgement), O house (people) of Israel?


Ezekiel 18:32 For I (Allah) have no pleasure in the death of him that dies (a never ending death in Hell on the Day of Judgement), said the Lord GOD; so why not turn yourselves (to Allah and good behaviour in this world), and live (on the Day of Judgement in Paradise).


Ezekiel 33:11 Say to them: As I (Allah) live, said the Lord GOD, I (Allah) have no pleasure in the death of the wicked (a never ending death in Hell on the Day of Judgement), but (warn so) that the wicked turn away from his (evil) way and live (on the Day of Judgement in Paradise); turn yourselves, turn yourselves from your evil ways; for why (what reason) will you (want to do evil and) die (a never ending death in Hell on the Day of Judgement), O house (people) of Israel?

Note 1. Ezekiel 18:20 – 18:32 is confirmed a second time in Ezekiel 33:11 – 33:20.


Jonah 3:6 – 3:10.

In the Tanakh Jewish scripture Allah will forgive sin if you ask Allah to forgive you and do good deeds.

What is decreed for the children of Israel in Ezekiel 18:20 – 18:32 and 33:11 – 33:20 for removing sin by asking Allah’s forgiveness and then doing good deeds applies to all humans in this world as shown in Jonah 3:6 – 3:10.

Jonah 3:6 And the news reached the king of Nineveh, and he arose from his throne, and laid his robe from him, and covered him with sackcloth, and sat in ashes (as repentance to Allah in the hope of forgiveness).


Jonah 3:7 And he (the King) caused it to be proclaimed and published through Nineveh (today in Iraq) by the decree of the king and his nobles, saying: 'Let not man nor beast, herd nor flock, taste anything; let them not feed, nor drink water (as repentance to Allah in the hope of forgiveness);


Jonah 3:8 but let them be covered with sackcloth, both man and beast, and let them cry mightily to Allah (as repentance to Allah in the hope of forgiveness); yes, let them turn every person from his evil way, and from the violence that is in their hands (as repentance to Allah in the hope of forgiveness).


Jonah 3:9 Who knows if Allah will not turn away (his punishment) and repent (meaning be merciful and forgive us), and turn away from His (Allah’s) fierce anger so that we do not perish?'


Jonah 3:10 And Allah saw their (righteous) works, that they turned away from their evil way; and Allah repented of the evil (punishment Allah had warned would be sent for their evil behaviour), which He (Allah) said He (Allah) would do to them; and He (Allah) did not do it (because they had repented asking Allah’s forgiveness and they replaced their evil works with righteous works).


Proverbs 16:6.

In the Tanakh Jewish scripture Allah will forgive sin if you ask Allah to forgive you and do good deeds.

Proverbs 16:6 By mercy (of Allah) and truth (of repentance) iniquity (sin, wrongdoing, guilt) is expiated (purged, removed, cancelled, paid for); and by the fear of the LORD men depart from evil (and follow the path of righteous behaviour in the world).


2 Chronicles 7:14.

In the Tanakh Jewish scripture Allah will forgive sin if you ask Allah to forgive you and do good deeds.

2 Chronicles 7:14 if My (Allah’s) people on whom My (Allah’s) name is called, shall humble themselves (by submitting to Allah), and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their evil ways; then I (Allah) will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.


12p. Forgiveness in the Tanakh Jewish scripture before the time of Jesus is confirmed in the Quran which came after the time of Jesus.


Psalms 37:29 The righteous shall inherit the land (of Paradise), and dwell (live) in there forever.


Quran 6:158 Koran 6:158 "... belief in it (Allah and the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) shall not help any soul …. if in belief (he or she) did not earn good (by doing righteous deeds in their life). ....” 


Quran 21:104 Koran 21:104 The Day when We (Allah) fold (meaning roll up meaning have completed the purpose of) the heaven (meaning completed the purpose of the sky and completed the purpose of the earth and completed the purpose of what can be seen in the sky) like the folding of a scroll for (written) records (meaning like the rolling up of a book like the Torah Taurat scrolls to close them when you have finished reading or finished writing, meaning when all that is decreed is completed in the heaven, meaning when what has been created comes to an end). As We (Allah) began the first creation We (Allah) shall repeat it (meaning, all who lived and died in the first creation shall all be resurrected into a second creation meaning resurrected on a new land, a new ground, a new earth under a new sky in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection), this is a promise (binding) on Us (Allah, because it has already been decreed for the people in the past by Allah in Quran 21:105). Indeed We (Allah) are (certainly) doing it (after the end of the first creation meaning after the end of the earth meaning after the end of the sky meaning after the end of what can be seen in the sky).


Quran 21:105 Koran 21:105 And We (Allah) wrote (the promise in Quran 21:104 of a new land on the Day of Resurrection) in the Scripture (the Gospel of Matthew 5:5) after the reminder (in Psalm 37:11, 37:29 of the Zabur of Prophet David Dawud) that “My righteous servants shall inherit the land (of Paradise Jannah in the hereafter).”


Quran 29:9 Koran 29:9 And for those who believe and do righteous deeds We (Allah) shall make them enter among the righteous (in Paradise Jannah).


Quran 41:8 Koran 41:8 “For those who believe and do good deeds, for them is an everlasting reward (in Paradise Jannah).”


12q. Today only the person who sins has the power to repent for their sin.

No human today can repent for your sin.

You must pray sincerely to Allah and ask for forgiveness.

Allah promises to forgive every sin if you are correctly guided and have the sincere intention to improve yourself in good mind and good deeds.


Quran 4:123 Koran 4:123 (Entry to Paradise Jannah) shall not be based on your (the Muslim's) desires or on the desires of the people of the Scripture (the Jews and the Christians). (Instead) whoever does wrong (on the earth) shall earn (the punishment for the wrong) and that person shall not find any protector or helper other than Allah (in the hereafter).


Quran 6:164 Koran 6:164 Say, “Shall I (Prophet Muhammad) seek someone other than Allah for (my) Lord, when He (Allah) is Lord of all things? Each soul earns no blame (for sin) except against itself and no bearer (of the blame of sin) shall bear the burden (of the blame of sin) of another (soul). Then (in the hereafter) to your Lord (Allah) you shall return and He (Allah) shall tell you about what you used to dispute (among each other regarding religion).  

Note 1. Each soul earns the sins that are made by the person that possesses it. A soul does not earn any sin that is made by another person (Quran 6:164).


12r. When Jesus forgives sin Jesus is not claiming to be Allah but is only delivering the message of Allah.

When Jesus forgives sin the forgiveness is coming from Allah not from Jesus as explained in Torah Deuteronomy 18:18 and 18:19.  


Torah Deuteronomy 18:18 “… I (Allah) shall put my (Allah’s) words in the mouth of the prophet (Prophet Joshua Yusha followed by prophet after prophet, messenger after messenger), who shall speak to them (the people) everything that I (Allah) command him” (to speak to you); 

Note 1. The words spoken by Moses and Jesus come from what Allah has told them to tell the people meaning when forgiveness is given it is not from Moses or Jesus but is forgiveness Allah gives by putting Allah’s word into the mouth of Moses and Jesus because they are messengers sent by Allah to deliver the word of Allah to the people.


Torah Deuteronomy 18:19 “… whosoever will not listened to My (Allah’s) words which he (Prophet Joshua Yusha followed by prophet after prophet, the messenger after messenger) shall speak in My (Allah’s) name, I (Allah) will require it of him (on the Day of Judgement); 

Note 1. The words spoken “in the name of Allah” by Moses and Jesus come from what Allah has told Moses and Jesus to tell the people meaning when forgiveness is given it is not from Moses or Jesus but is forgiveness Allah gives by putting Allah’s word into the mouth of Moses and Jesus because they are messengers sent by Allah to deliver the word of Allah to the people.


12s. Jesus gave his life like Moses gave his life.


Gospel of Mark 10:45 For even the Son of Man (the human named Jesus) did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life (as) a ransom for many (in the same way as every prophet of Allah and every messenger of Allah gives his life not for himself but for the people of the Earth. Abraham and his son were tested with the threat of death like Jesus would be tested on the cross with the threat of death. Abraham and his son were saved from death like Jesus was saved from death. When Jesus said "My Allah my Allah why have you forsaken me" Jesus showed he had faith by calling Allah and Allah saved Jesus with sleep when Allah raised the soul of Jesus to heaven and returned the soul of Jesus to Earth three days later to wake up his sleeping body as proof that Allah does not forsake people when people call Allah for help, Jesus told people he is not Allah when he lived on the earth after the crucifixion by saying "Allah is my Allah and your Allah" meaning Allah is my Master and your Master meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord and he said "Allah is my Father and your Father" meaning Allah is my Creator and your Creator in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 as proof that no one killed Jesus on the cross or crucified him to death on the cross in other words Jesus was sleeping on the cross when everyone thought he was dead. 2000 years ago Allah saved the life of humans with sleep so that their body did not move making everyone think they were dead in the Injil Gospel of Mark 5:39 "... The child is not dead but sleeping", Gospel of Matthew 9:24 "... For the maiden meaning the girl has not died but sleeps ..." and the Gospel of Luke 8:52 "... She is not dead but sleeping".)."


Put the name Moses instead of Jesus. to understand Gospel of Mark 10:45.

For even the Son of Man (the human named Moses) did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life (as) a ransom for many (in the same way as every prophet of Allah and every messenger of Allah gives his life not for himself but for the people of the Earth). 


13. Jesus warned “do not believe anyone” who says Jesus has returned to this earth.

Jesus warned do not believe anyone who says Jesus has returned to this earth meaning Jesus will only return when every human returns on the Day of Resurrection on a new earth, new land, new ground in the Hereafter as proof that Jesus is human like every other human.


Gospel of Mark 13:5 (Jesus foretold what will happen in future after Jesus has left the Earth) and Jesus proceeded to tell them, "See that no one misleads you. 


Gospel of Mark 13:6 Many will come in my name (Jesus), saying, 'I am He (Jesus),' and they will deceive many. 


Gospel of Mark 13:21 And at that time (when people will claim to be Jesus), if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Messiah (Jesus)' or, 'Look, there (is the messiah Jesus)!' do not believe it. 

Note 1. All stories claiming Jesus is returning to this earth were invented by story tellers who used the name of the prophets and the proof is those stories are opposite to what Allah and the prophets teach in the Torah and Gospel and Quran.


Gospel of Mark 13:22 For false Messiahs and false prophets will appear, and they will do signs and miracles, trying to deceive, if possible, the elect (the righteous). 


Gospel of Mark 13:23 But you, you be watchful; I (Jesus) have told you everything ahead of time (before it happens).

Note 1. Jesus says he has “told us everything” about Jesus after his natural death that will happen on this earth before it happens.

Note 2. There is nothing in the Quran about Jesus returning to this earth meaning the Quran confirms the Gospel.

Note 3. Hadith stories that claim Prophet Muhammad said Jesus is returning to this earth are opposite to the teaching in the Quran and the Gospel meaning those hadith stories were invented by story tellers who made a living inventing stories after the death of the prophet or told by people who were deceived to believe false stories.

Note 4. Some people said Lazarus was resurrected before Jesus was resurrected meaning nothing that Jesus did was different to what other humans had experienced so Satan Shaitan whispers to some among the Christians “Jesus is returning to this earth” as proof Jesus is part of Allah in a Trinity because Jesus will do something that no other human did before him” however Jesus warns in Gospel of Mark 13:21 “do not believe anyone who claims Jesus has returned to this earth.” Satan whispers “Jesus is Allah” because anyone who believes a human is Allah is idol worshipping instead of correctly praying to Allah who is the creator of every human. In this way Satan deceives humans to disobey the first commandment of Allah that “Allah is one” not three in one and do not idol worship any creation which Allah said shall be done by those who “hate Allah” in Torah Deuteronomy 5:7 – 5:10.

Note 5. Satan Shaitan whispers to some among the Muslims “Jesus is returning to this earth because Jesus did not die a natural death 2000 years ago like every human before him and after him has died” to show who follows the story of Jesus in the Quran and the Gospel and who believes a different story which contradicts what Allah teaches in the Quran and Gospel.

In the hereafter Satan Shaitan might boast he obeyed Quran 17:88 by whispering hundreds of false hadith stories which teach the opposite to what Allah and Prophet Muhammad teach in the Quran. 

Quran 3:144 (see Quran 5:75), Quran 4:157, Quran 4:158 (see Quran 39:42), Quran 5:75 (see Quran 3:144), Quran 5:117 (see Quran 7:6), Quran 7:6 (see Quran 5:117), Quran 21:95, Quran 33:40 (see Gospel of Jesus by Mark 13:5 – 13:6, 13:21 – 13:22) and Quran 39:42 (see Quran 4:158) is proof that all hadith stories about Jesus returning to this earth because he did not die a natural death 2000 years ago are false stories invented by dishonest people who made a living by claimed their stories came from Prophet Muhammad because people loved listening to stories about Prophet Muhammad or told by people who were deceived to believe false stories. Satan whispers “Jesus is returning to this earth because Jesus did not die a natural death 2000 years ago” so that Muslims do not remind Christians that after the crucifixion Jesus lived on the earth teaching the people “Allah is my Allah and your Allah” meaning Allah is my master and your master and teaching “Allah is my father and your father” meaning Allah is my creator and your creator meaning Jesus in the Gospel teaches that “Allah is one Allah” not three in one until his natural death 2000 years ago confirming what Allah inspired before the Gospel in the Torah and after the Gospel in the Quran meaning all the Books of Allah teach the same message that “Allah is one Allah” not three in one and that this is the first commandment of Allah.


Quran 17:88 Koran 17:88 Say (Prophet Muhammad), "If humans and jinn (such as Satan Shaitan) came together to help each other to produce something like the Quran, they could not do it." 


13a.The second coming of Jesus is on the Day of Resurrection on a new earth in the Hereafter.


Gospel of Mark 13:26 "And (after the first creation has been destroyed in the Gospel of Mark 13:25) at that time (in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection on a new earth, a new land, a new ground) they will see the Son of Man (the human named Jesus or the messenger that was sent in their time) coming on the clouds (in the new sky above them), with great power (to testify to Allah for or against them) and glory (as an honoured servant and messenger of Allah).

Note 1. Jesus is not returning to this Earth but will return in the Hereafter to a new earth, new land, new ground when every human returns on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement as proof Jesus is a creation made by Allah like every other human is a creation made by Allah.

Note 2. The glory of Prophet Jesus.

The glory of Jesus is his honoured position as a prophet messenger and messiah of Allah who will speak everything that Allah commands Prophet Jesus to speak in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement to those people who lived in his time or who later claimed to follow the teachings delivered in the Gospel.

Note 3. The glory of Prophet Moses.

The glory of Moses is his honoured position as a prophet and messenger of Allah who will speak everything that Allah commands Prophet Moses to speak in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement to those people who lived in his time or who later claimed to follow the teachings delivered in the Torah.

Note 4. The glory of Prophet Muhammad.

The glory of Muhammad is his honoured position as a prophet and messenger of Allah who will speak everything that Allah commands Prophet Muhammad to speak in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement to those people who lived in his time or who later claimed to follow the teachings delivered in the Koran Quran.

Note 5. Allah will not give his Glory to another means “Allah is one” not three in one in Isaiah 42:8.

If Allah was “three in one” then the Glory of Allah would be divided into three equal parts which is forbidden because “Allah will not give his Glory” meaning Allah does not give humans permission to pray to anyone except the one Allah who is the creator of every creation.

“Allah is one” means all prayer must be to Allah only.

Isaiah 42:8 forbids prayer in the sight of images and statues because that is idol worship which is forbidden by the commandment of Allah in Torah Deuteronomy 5:7 – 5:10.

The belief that Allah is “three in one” has resulted in people praying to dead saints and constructing images and statues in places of prayer all of which is forbidden by Allah.

Moses and Jesus and Muhammad teach “Allah is one” and “Allah is not a creation” to prevent idol worship.

Inventing a belief that Allah is “three persons in one” is idol worship because a Allah that is “three in one” is more than one meaning “three” is not “one” and a Allah who is a creation are both forbidden by the first and second commandment of Allah in Torah Deuteronomy 5:7 – 5:10 which says those who hate Allah will not obey these commandments.

Jewish Hebrew Bible Isaiah 42:8 I (Allah) am the LORD, that is My name; and My glory will I (Allah) not give to another, neither My praise to graven images.


The second coming of Jesus is on the Day of Resurrection.

Gospel of Mark 13:27 And (this is how every human who has lived in the first creation will be able to see Jesus or the messenger that was sent to them as a sign that they have been resurrected) at that time (of the second creation in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection) he (Allah) will send forth the angels, and they will gather together his elect (the righteous souls) out of the four winds, from the farthest points of the earth to the farthest points of the horizon (and both the righteous souls and the souls of the wrong doers will be given a new physical body and resurrected at the same time on a new earth, a new land, a new ground in the hereafter). 

Note 1. Jesus is not returning to this Earth but will return in the Hereafter to a new earth when every human returns on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement. See Gospel of Mark 13:26 comments.


Gospel of John 14:2 In my Father's house (Allah’s House, Heaven) there are many abodes (places created by Allah such as Paradise and Hell). Otherwise, would I (Jesus the messenger of Allah) have told you that I (Jesus) am going to prepare a place for you (in Paradise by being a witness to your righteousness on the Day of Judgement)? 

Note 1. The return of Jesus is not to this earth (Gospel of Mark 13:5 – 16:6 and 13:21 – 13:23). 

Note 2. Jesus will only return when every human returns to a new earth, a new land, a new ground in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection (Gospel of Mark 13:26 – 13:27). 

Note 3. On the Day of Judgement Jesus will be a witness for or against those people who followed the Gospel which Jesus delivered. 

Allah will give knowledge to Jesus about each person on the day of Judgement in the same way Allah gave knowledge to Jesus when Jesus was on the Earth.

Allah will determine who goes to Paradise or to Hell and Allah will put his words in the mouth of Jesus as Allah did before in Torah Deuteronomy 18:18.


Before Jesus Allah sent Moses 3200 years ago.

Gospel of John 14:2 can be understood by changing the name Jesus to Moses.

In my Father's house (Allah’s House, Heaven) there are many abodes (places created by Allah such as Paradise and Hell). Otherwise, would I (Moses the messenger of Allah) have told you that I (Moses) am going to prepare a place for you (in Paradise by being a witness to your righteousness on the Day of Judgement)?


After Jesus Allah sent Muhammad 1400 years ago.

Gospel of John 14:2 can be understood by changing the name Jesus to Muhammad.

In my Father's house (Allah’s House, Heaven) there are many abodes (places created by Allah such as Paradise and Hell). Otherwise, would I (Muhammad the messenger of Allah) have told you that I (Muhammad) am going to prepare a place for you (in Paradise by being a witness to your righteousness on the Day of Judgement)?


Torah Deuteronomy 18:18 (Therefore) I (Allah) shall raise up for them (the children of Israel) a prophet (Prophet Joshua Yusha followed by prophet after prophet, messenger after messenger) like you (Prophet Moses who delivered the Torah 3200 years ago when you were at Mount Sinai Horeb today in Egypt) from among their brothers brethren and I (Allah) shall put my (Allah’s) words in the mouth of the prophet (meaning prophet after prophet, messenger after messenger), who shall speak to them (the people) everything that I (Allah) command him” (to speak to you);  

Note 1. When you read the words of Jesus in the Gospel these are the words Allah has put in the mouth of Jesus and what Allah has commanded the messenger Jesus to speak. Every messenger of Allah speaks “the words of Allah” and this is why some people confuse the messenger and think that his words mean he is Allah.


What will happen to the people who lived before the time of Jesus?

Every people throughout history will have as a witness a messenger of Allah that was sent to them if Allah wills.

On the Day of Judgement Moses to be a witness for or against those who followed the Torah if Allah wills.

Allah will give knowledge to Moses about each person on the day of Judgement in the same way Allah gave knowledge to Moses when Moses was on the Earth.

Allah will determine who goes to Paradise or to Hell and Allah will put his words in the mouth of Moses as Allah did before in Torah Deuteronomy 18:18.


Quran 4:41 Koran 4:41 How (shall it be) then (on the Day of Judgement), when We (Allah) bring from each people (the prophet Allah had sent as) a witness and We (Allah) bring you (Prophet Muhammad) as a witness against these (people)?


Quran 39:69 Koran 39:69 And the earth (meaning, the land in the hereafter) shall shine with the light of its Lord (Allah, when Allah shall come to judge men and women on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) and the Book (of their good and bad deeds) shall be shown. (In the judgement of each person) the Prophets (the messenger of Allah in the time of that person or the messenger of Allah that the person claimed to follow) and the witnesses (the Holy angels including the Holy Spirit and humans) shall be brought and it (the good and bad deeds of men and women) shall be judged between them (the Prophets and the witnesses and the Book of their good and bad deeds) with (the) truth (as Allah decreed) and they (those who are judged) shall not be wronged (by any incorrect judgement of what they did during their lifetime on the Earth).

Note 1. The prophet who is the messenger of Allah that each person claimed to follow or who lived during their time will be present at their judgement on the Day of Judgement.


What will happen to the people who followed the Quran?

On the Day of Judgement Muhammad to be a witness for or against those who followed the Koran Quran if Allah wills.

Allah will give knowledge to Muhammad about each person on the day of Judgement in the same way Allah gave knowledge to Muhammad when Muhammad was on the Earth.

Allah will determine who goes to Paradise or to Hell and Allah will put his words in the mouth of Muhammad as Allah did before in Torah Deuteronomy 18:18.


Is Allah one or three in one?

Who is guided and who is misguided, the person who believes Jesus is Allah or part of Allah and that Jesus and Mary and Saints have the power to hear prayer or the person who believes that only Allah has the power to hear prayer as Allah has commanded humans to believe in Torah Deuteronomy 5:7, 5:8, 5:9 and 5:10 and in the Gospel of Matthew 23:9? 


Who is guided and who is misguided, the person who believes Jesus is returning to this earth or the person who disbelieves it?

Jesus delivered the warning from Allah not to believe anyone who says Jesus has returned to this earth in the Gospel of Mark 13:5 – 16:6 and 13:21 – 13:23 as confirmed in the Gospel of Mark 13:26 – 13:27 and the Gospel of John 14:2 showing that Jesus will only return when every human returns in the hereafter to a new earth, a new land, a new ground on the Day of Resurrection.

All stories about Jesus returning to this earth are whispered by Satan falsely using the name of the prophets and the proof is those stories contradict the word of Allah in the Gospel of Mark 13:5 – 16:6 and 13:21 – 13:23 as confirmed by the Gospel of Mark 13:26 – 13:27 and the Gospel of John 14:2.

Satan cannot change the Torah and Gospel and the Quran so Satan whispers stories to deceive and confuse humans so that the word of Allah is misunderstood inside the human mind.


Quran 17:88 Koran 17:88 Say (Prophet Muhammad), "If humans and jinn (such as Satan Shaitan) came together to help each other to produce something like the Quran, they could not do it." 

Note 1. In the hereafter Satan Shaitan might testify he followed Quran 17:88 by whispering to every human in every religion false stories that are opposite to the stories of Allah in the Torah and the Gospel and the Koran Quran.


Hadith stories that contradict the Books of Allah are false hadith stories.

If hadith stories do not agree with the Books of Allah then reject the hadith story. 

On the Day of Judgement Allah judges by the words in the protected Books of Allah. 

On the Day of Judgement Allah does not judge by the words in unprotected human hadith stories. 

The Books of Allah are the protected word of Allah including the protected words of the messengers of Allah.  

14. Before the crucifixion Jesus denied he is Allah. 


Gospel of Matthew 23:9 And call no one on earth your Father (Allah who is the creator of every creation), because there is only one Father (Allah) for you, the heavenly one. 

Note 1. Allah is the Father of every creation. 

Note 2. Jesus is teaching humans not to worship anything or anyone that is on the earth because everything on the earth including Jesus is a creation. 

Note 3. Jesus is teaching that nothing on the earth including Jesus is Allah. 

Note 4. Jesus is teaching that the only Allah is the one Allah in heaven. 

Note 5. To show that Jesus who is on the earth is not Allah the words “Allah in heaven are used” in the expression “there is only one Father (Allah) for you, the heavenly one.”  


Jesus is the son of man meaning he is a human messenger of Allah and he is the son of Allah meaning he is the servant of Allah delivering the message of Allah so his mention with angels in Gospel of Mark 13:32 and Gospel of Matthew 24:36 means that angel messengers of Allah and human messengers of Allah both do not know the hour meaning do not confuse angel and human messengers with Allah because only Allah knows the hour but His angel and human messengers like Jesus and Moses do not know the hour meaning pray only to Allah and not to the angel and human messengers of Allah.


Gospel of Mark 13:32 "But as to that day or that hour (the time of the Day of Resurrection), no one knows, not even the angels in heaven (the Holy Spirit and the other angels who are servants of Allah), not even the Son (Jesus who is a servant of Allah), but only the Father (Allah, who is the Father of every creation).


Gospel of Matthew 24:36 But as for that day and hour (of the Day of Resurrection), no one knows it except the Father (Allah) alone; not even the angels of heaven (the Holy Spirit and the other angels who are servants of Allah), not even the Son (Jesus who is a servant of Allah).

Note 1. If Allah is one then the Gospel would teach that Jesus does not know the hour.

Note 2. If Allah is three in one then the Gospel would teach both Jesus and Allah know the hour.

Note 3. In the Gospel Jesus is not Allah because Jesus does not know the hour meaning the teaching that Jesus is Allah or part of Allah contradicts the Gospel meaning Trinity was invented after the time of Jesus and after the writing of the Gospels.

Note 4. There is only one Allah because no one is equal to Allah not Jesus and not the angels.

Note 5. Jesus is like the angels and other creations meaning Jesus is not like Allah.

In the Gospel Jesus is not Allah or part of Allah because Jesus does not know “the hour” because only Allah knows “the hour” meaning “Allah is one’ not three in one.

Note 6. What does Son of Allah mean?

Son means servant of Allah.

The Quran warns against misunderstanding the meaning of son because some Christians thought that son was a real biological son instead of correctly knowing that son means servant of Allah in both the Torah and in the Gospel.

Note 7. In the time of Prophet Jesus no one believed that Jesus is Allah because Jesus was delivering the words of Allah like the prophets before him who all confirmed that -

"Allah is not a man" in Numbers 23:19, 1 Samuel 15:29 and Hosea 11:9 and

"Allah is not the son of man" in Numbers 23:19 and

"Do not liken anyone or anything to Allah" in Isaiah 40:25 and Isaiah 46:5 and

The warning from messiah king David that “there is no salvation in the son of man” in Psalm 146:3.

Meaning Jesus is not Allah in the sight of all the people who saw him 2000 years ago.

The Jewish people 2000 year ago and today understood and understand the meaning of Numbers 23:19, 1 Samuel 15:29, Hosea 11:9, Numbers 23:19, Isaiah 40:25, Isaiah 46:5 and Psalm 146:3 which is explained above and that “Allah is one” which is the First of the Ten Commandments of Allah is not the same as “Allah is three in one” because adding “three in one” violates the commandment of Allah in Deuteronomy 4:2 "not to add or subtract" to what Allah has commanded in the Torah for 100,000 years which is the thousandth generation if each generation lived for 100 years in Deuteronomy 5:10 meaning forever in Deuteronomy 29:28 in Jewish Tanakh or Deuteronomy 29:29 in a Christian Bible meaning no one can add or subtract to the commandment that “Allah is one” by adding “Allah is three in one” because Allah has forbidden anyone from doing such a thing so that people can judge true prophets who confirm the word of Allah from false prophets and dreamers of false dreams who add or subtract from the word of Allah especially in the first and most important of the Ten Commandments of Allah that “Allah is one” not “three in one.”


Quran 43:59 Koran 43:59 He (Prophet Jesus) is no more than a servant (of Allah) on whom We (Allah) bestowed favour and We (Allah) made him (Prophet Jesus) an example (of righteousness) for the Children of Israel. 


15. During the crucifixion Jesus denied he is Allah.

The last words said by Jesus on the cross were “My Allah my Allah why have you forsaken me” as proof that Jesus was human and as proof that Jesus was not Allah.

Allah does not forsake humans who call to Allah.

Allah saved Jesus from the death of crucifixion on the cross because Jesus was seen alive 3 days later.


Gospel of Mark 15:34 And at 3:00 P.M. Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Elohi, Elohi, lema shevaqtani?" Which when translated is, "My Allah, my Allah, why have you forsaken me?"


Gospel of Matthew 27:46 And at about the ninth hour, Jesus cried out in a very loud voice, saying, "Eli, Eli, lema shebaqtani?" Which means, "My Allah, my Allah, why have you forsaken me?"


Quran 3:54 Koran 3:54 And they (those who disbelieved Prophet Jesus) plotted (to kill Jesus) but Allah also had his plan (in Quran 4:157, 4:158 and 39:42). And Allah is the best of the planners (as explained in Quran 3:55).


Quran 3:55 Koran 3:55 (Jesus said on the cross “my Allah my Allah why have you forsaken me” as proof that Jesus is human and that Jesus is not Allah in the Injil of Isa by Mark and Matthew the Gospel of Mark 15:34 and the Gospel of Matthew 27:46. This was proof that Jesus had faith in Allah because Jesus called out for help from Allah and it was then that Jesus passed the test of faith like Abraham Ibrahim and his son had passed the test of faith in a time before him. The plan of Allah was then explained to Jesus to show that Allah does not forsake humans who call Allah for help) when Allah said "O Jesus I (Allah) will take you (your soul in Quran 39:42 so that your body will sleep on the cross) and raise you (your soul) to Myself (Allah in Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42 making everyone believe you are dead on the cross in Quran 4:157 because your body will stop moving on the cross) and purify you (meaning separate your soul for three days) from those who disbelieve (you are a messenger of Allah), and I (Allah) will make those who follow you (by obeying the Gospel that you taught them 2000 years ago) superior (in the hereafter) to those who disbelieve (you are a messenger of Allah) on the Day of Resurrection (in the hereafter on a new earth, a new ground, a new land when all humans will see that the message you delivered in the Gospel is the truth). (After 3 days Allah returned the soul of Jesus to wake up his sleeping body as proof that no one killed him on the cross and no one crucified him to death on the cross in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 when Jesus woke up in the place of the dead where his body was placed after the crucifixion which is the time when Jesus delivered the message that “Allah is my Allah and your Allah” meaning “Allah is my Father and your Father” meaning Allah is my Creator and your Creator meaning Allah is my Master and your Master meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord so that no one can confuse a miracle of Allah with a human messenger of Allah. No one teaches people that they are not Allah unless something amazing has happened which might result in confusion. Jesus woke up three days after the crucifixion and continued living with his people in Judea and Galilee today in Palestine and Israel. This was something amazing and this is the reason Jesus was teaching the people that Jesus is not Allah. Jesus taught his people that Jesus is not Allah until his natural death in Quran 5:75 where Mary Maryam and Jesus “use to eat food” meaning they both died 2000 years ago and Quran 3:144 where the “the messengers before Prophet Muhammad have died” meaning Jesus is dead because Jesus is the messenger before Prophet Muhammad). Then (on that Day of Resurrection and Judgement) to Me (Allah) is your return (when In Quran 7:6 Allah shall question the messengers of Allah and in Quran 5:117 Prophet Jesus will testify to Allah on the Day of Judgement that Prophet Jesus died only one time when he lived with the children of Israel 2000 years ago in Judea today in Israel and Palestine where he was raised only one time by the angel of death as confirmation of the truthfulness of both the Quran and the Gospel) and I (Allah) will judge between you (humans and explain to humans) about what (religious matters) you were differing (among each other when some of you claimed Jesus was not sent by Allah and others of you claimed Jesus was Allah instead of believing Jesus who said Jesus is a human messenger of Allah in all the Injil of Isa the Gospel of Jesus by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John which are with humans today and proved it by his righteous deeds and righteous teachings as all the messengers of Allah had also done before him).


Some people say “on the cross when Jesus was in pain, he felt what all of us feel when we are dying and cried ‘my Allah my Allah why have you forsaken me?’ This cry was written for him in the Hebrew Scriptures.”

However this cry is written in the Hebrew Bible for every human including Jesus not as a way to die but as a way to show faith in Allah and as a call for help from Allah.

Written in Tanakh Jewish scripture and the Gospel is that the first of all the commandments of Allah is “Allah is one” not three in one.


Gospel of Mark 12:29 (A Jewish scribe asked what is the first commandment of Allah?) and Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments (of Allah) is, Hear (listen), O (all the children of) Israel; The Lord our Allah is one Lord (Allah). 

Note 1. Jesus and Moses both told the people “Allah is one” not three in one.

Note 2. ‘My Allah my Allah why have you forsaken me” is proof Jesus is a human and proof against the claim that Jesus is Allah or part of Allah.


16. After the crucifixion Jesus denied he is Allah.

In the Gospel Injil after the crucifixion Jesus said he did not die means Jesus was saved on the cross with sleep meaning no one killed Jesus on the cross.

Three days after the crucifixion Jesus told Mary Magdalene to tell all the disciples that Jesus did not die on the cross in Gospel of John 20:17 “I have not yet ascended to the Father” meaning Allah saved the life of Jesus on the cross with a miracle which made people think Jesus was dead on the cross in the same way Allah made people believe a sleeping person was dead in Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24 and Gospel of Luke 8:52.

The soul of every human ascends to Allah during sleep and when they die (Quran 39:42).

When Jesus says I (Jesus) have not yet ascended to the Father (Allah) Jesus is not talking about sleep because every human ascends to Allah every night during sleep therefore the meaning is Jesus has not yet died meaning Allah saved the life of Jesus on the cross with sleep (Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24, Gospel of Luke 8:52, Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42) meaning Jesus did not die on the cross with death but was saved on the cross with sleep which looked like Jesus was dead and in this way Allah saved the life of Jesus meaning no one killed Jesus (Gospel of Luke 8:54 – 8:55 and Quran 39:42) meaning no one crucified Jesus to death (Quran 4:157) meaning Jesus was not sacrificed but was saved from death with sleep in Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42 for the same reason Allah saved the son of Abraham from death in a test of the faith in Allah of Abraham and Jesus.

When Jesus says "I (Jesus) am ascending to my Father (Allah) and your Father (Allah)" it means Jesus will die like every human dies meaning Jesus died a natural death at the end of his life 2000 years ago (Quran 3:144 and Quran 5:75) as proof Jesus is human and as proof Jesus is not Allah.


Gospel of John 20:17 Jesus says to her (Mary Magdalene), "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father (Allah, meaning I am not yet dead); but go to my brothers (my disciples), and tell them: 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father; to my Allah and your Allah.'"

Note 1. After the crucifixion Jesus says do not hold on to me to see if I am really alive, I have not yet ascended to my Father meaning I am not yet dead meaning I am really alive meaning I am not a ghost.

Note 2. Jesus said tell the brothers that Allah is My Father and your Father meaning Allah is my creator and your creator because the father is the creator of every creation.

Malachi 2:10 Have we not all one father (Allah)? Has not one Allah created us? …”

Note 3. Jesus said tell the brothers that Allah is My Allah and your Allah meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord.

Note 4. Three days after the crucifixion Jesus tells Mary to tell his brothers (his disciples) that “I have not yet ascended to the Father” meaning Jesus was saved by Allah from the death of crucifixion.

Note 5. Three days after the crucifixion Jesus tells Mary to tell his brothers (his disciples) that “I am ascending to my Father” meaning Jesus will die like every human dies as proof Jesus is human meaning do not let a miracle make you think that Jesus is more than a man like you meaning Jesus will die like you will die because all humans die as proof they are humans.

Note 6. Three days after the crucifixion Jesus tells Mary to tell his brothers (his disciples) that Allah is “my Father and your Father” meaning Allah is my creator and your creator meaning do not let a miracle make you think that Jesus is more than a man like you.

Note 7. Three days after the crucifixion Jesus tells Mary to tell his brothers (his disciples) that Allah is “my Allah and your Allah” meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord meaning Allah is my Master and your Master meaning do not let a miracle make you think that Jesus is more than a man like you.

Note 8. No one tells people they are not Allah unless something amazing has happened which might cause confusion about who Jesus is. This is the reason Jesus is telling Mary Magdalene (who is the first person Jesus meets after the crucifixion) to say these things to his brothers (who are his disciples) so that no one is confused by a miracle from Allah. Jesus fainted into sleep on the cross making everyone believe Jesus was dead on the cross and in this way Allah saved the life of Jesus.


Gospel of Mark 5:39 "... The child is not dead but sleeping",

Gospel of Matthew 9:24 "... For the maiden meaning the girl has not died but sleeps ..."

Gospel of Luke 8:52 "... She is not dead but sleeping."

Gospel of Luke 8:54 – 8:55 “…"Damsel meaning girl, wake up!" And her spirit returned, and she stood up at once, and he ordered that she be given something to eat. (This was proof that she was alive and not dead and that she was a physical body who could eat food and not a resurrected spiritual body that does not need food meaning she was a physical body who woke up after sleep and not a spiritual body which was resurrected after death as described by Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:35 and 1 Corinthians 15:44).

Note 1. In the Gospel after the crucifixion Jesus also asks for something to eat as proof he is alive and human and not a ghost.


1. Jesus was not sacrificed on the cross is confirmed in Tanakh Jewish scripture where Allah does not accept human sacrifice in Leviticus 18:21, Leviticus 20:3, Deuteronomy 12:31, Deuteronomy 18:10, Deuteronomy 24:16, Hosea 6:6, Jeremiah 7:22-7:23, Psalm 40:7 in Jewish Scripture or Psalm 40:6 in Christian Bible and Micah 6:7-6:8.


2. Jesus was not sacrificed on the cross to forgive sin is confirmed in Tanakh Jewish scripture where Allah forgives sin without sacrifice through repentance in prayer to Allah as explained in Ecclesiastes 7:20, Proverbs 24:16, Ezekiel 18:21-18:23. Isaiah 1:18, Isaiah 55:7, Hosea 14:2–14:3, 1 Kings 8:46–8:50 and Psalm 40:7 in Jewish Scripture or Psalm 40:6 in Christian Bible.


3. Jesus was not sacrificed on the cross because sacrifices are only permitted on an altar that is dedicated to Allah.


4. Jesus was not sacrificed on the cross because sacrifices are burned with fire and this is confirmed by Abraham who took wood and fire to burn his son on the altar which he had built and dedicated to Allah.


5. Jesus was not sacrificed on the cross because 2000 years ago sacrifices where only permitted on altars located inside the temple.


16a. Paul who claimed Jesus died and was resurrected unknowingly confirms Jesus did not die on the cross when Paul says that the dead are resurrected in a spiritual body.

Jesus was not resurrected in a spiritual body therefore according to the revelations of Paul Jesus did not die meaning Jesus was not sacrificed.


1 Corinthians 15:35 “How are the dead raised (resurrected) in what kind of body will they (the resurrected dead) come?


1 Corinthians 15:44 It is raised (resurrected) a spiritual body (however 3 days after the crucifixion Jesus showed that his body was a physical body which Mary could touch and by eating food in his mouth and showing nail marks on his hand and a wound on his side to his disciples meaning Jesus showed he was not a resurrected spiritual body but was saved from death on the cross by falling into sleep on the cross and waking up after 3 days in his physical body in the same way as other people who appeared to be dead were only sleeping in their physical body in Gospel of Mark 5:39 "... The child is not dead but sleeping", Gospel of Matthew 9:24 "... For the maiden meaning the girl has not died but sleeps ..." and the Gospel of Luke 8:52 "... She is not dead but sleeping". ” … and Gospel of Luke 8:54 – 8:55 “…"Damsel meaning girl, wake up!" And her spirit returned).


16b. The Quran explains what happened in the Gospel Injil when after the crucifixion Jesus said he did not die means Jesus was saved on the cross with sleep.


Quran 39:42 Koran 39:42 Allah takes the souls at the time of their death and (also takes the souls of) those who have not died (but are alive) during their sleep (when Allah saved the life of Jesus Isa with sleep so that his body did not move making everyone believe that Jesus Isa was dead on the cross in Quran 4:157 by raising the soul of Jesus Isa to heaven and to Allah in Quran 4:158). He (Allah) keeps those (souls) for which He (Allah) had decreed death and sends the rest (of the souls to awaken the sleeping body) for a predetermined period of time (such as when Allah returned the soul of Jesus Isa three days after the crucifixion to wake up the sleeping body of Jesus Isa on the earth in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 when Jesus Isa delivered the message that Jesus Isa is not Allah by saying Allah is my Allah and your Allah meaning Allah is my Father and your Father meaning Allah is my Creator and your Creator meaning Allah is my Master and your Master meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord as proof that no one had killed him on the cross or crucified him to death on the cross, after which they return to sleep again or die as in Quran 5:75 where Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa “use to eat food” meaning they both died 2000 years ago and Quran 3:144 where the “the messengers before Prophet Muhammad have died” meaning Jesus Isa is dead because Jesus Isa is the messenger before Prophet Muhammad. In Quran 5:117 Jesus died when he lived with the children of Israel 2000 years ago when he was raised by the angel of death). In this are signs (of Allah) for people who think.

Note 1. Allah does not take the human body to heaven (Quran 39:42).

Note 2. Only the human soul is raised to heaven (Quran 39:42).

Note 3. The human body is only needed on the Earth (Quran 39:42). .

Note 4. The human body is not needed in heaven (Quran 39:42).

Note 5. The human soul is alive in heaven without a human body (Quran 39:42).

Note 6. What happened to Prophet Jesus Isa on the cross in Quran 4:157 and Quran 4:158 is explained in Quran 39:42.

Note 7. The Quran confirms what is in the Gospel Injil of Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John that is with the Christians today as proof that no one can change the words of Allah and as proof of the truthfulness of the Quran.


16c. Jesus was not killed on the cross means Jesus was not sacrificed.

The Tanakh Jewish scripture which Jesus taught confirms that Allah will not accept human sacrifice meaning the story of Abraham and Jesus is the same story of Allah testing the faith of humans and confirming that Allah does not accept human sacrifice.

Leviticus 18:21 And you shall not give any of your seed (descendants) to set them apart to Molech (the god who accepts human baby sacrifice), …”

Leviticus 20:3 I also will set My face against that man, and will cut him off from among his people, because he has given of his seed (his baby) to Molech (the god who accepts human baby sacrifice) …”

Deuteronomy 12:31 You shall not do so to the LORD your Allah; for every abomination to the LORD (Allah), which He (Allah) hates, have they (the idol worshippers) done to their gods; for even their sons and their daughters do they (the idol worshippers) burn in the fire to their gods.

Note 1. Allah hates human sacrifice which Allah says is done by idol worshippers.

Note 2. Allah forbids human sacrifice which Allah says is done by idol worshippers.

Note 3. In a time when humans were being sacrificed to idol gods came the teaching that Allah will never accept the abomination of human sacrifice in the story of the vision dream of the sacrifice of the son of Abraham Ibrahim.


Deuteronomy 24::10 There shall not be found among you any one that makes his son or his daughter to pass through the fire (as a sacrifice) …”


Deuteronomy 24:16 The fathers shall not be put to death for the (sins of their) children, neither shall the children be put to death for the (sins of their) fathers; every man shall be put to death for his own sin.


Hosea 6:6 For I (Allah) desire mercy, and not sacrifice, and the knowledge of Allah rather than burnt-offerings.


Jeremiah 7:22 I (Allah) did not speak to your fathers or commanded them concerning burnt-offerings or sacrifices in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt.


Jeremiah 7:23 but this thing I (Allah) commanded them, saying: “Listen to My voice, and I will be your Allah, and you shall be My people; and walk in the way that I command you so that it may be well with you.”


Psalm 40:7 (in Jewish Scripture, Psalm 40:6 in Christian Bibles) Sacrifice and meal-offering You have not desired (to forgive my sins), my ear You have opened (to hear Your word with the story of ewe the female sheep and You forgave my sins because I repented), a burnt offering or a sin offering You did not request (to forgive my sins of murder and adultery because I repented from my heart).


Micah 6:7 Will the LORD be pleased with thousands of rams (as a sacrifice) and ten thousand rivers of oil? Shall I give my first-born (child as a sacrifice) for my wrongdoing, (my first-born who is) the fruit of my body for the sin (the wrongdoing) of my soul?' 

Micah 6:8 It has been told to you O man, what is good and what the LORD does require of you: only to do justice, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your Allah (in Ezekiel 18:20 – 18:23 and Hosea 14:2 – 14:5 and 1 Kings 8:46 – 8:50 meaning the forgiveness of sin comes not from sacrifice but from asking Allah for forgiveness and replacing bad behaviour with good behaviour).


16d. The story of Abraham and Jesus are a test of faith in Allah.

Quran 3:55 Koran 3:55 (Jesus Isa said on the cross “my Allah my Allah why have you forsaken me” as proof that Jesus Isa is human and that Jesus Isa is not Allah in the Injil of Isa by Mark and Matthew the Gospel of Mark 15:34 and the Gospel of Matthew 27:46. This was proof that Jesus Isa had faith in Allah because Jesus Isa called out for help from Allah and it was then that Jesus Isa passed the test of faith like Abraham Ibrahim and his son had passed the test of faith in a time before him. The plan of Allah was then explained to Jesus Isa to show that Allah does not forsake humans who call Allah for help) when Allah said "O Jesus Isa I (Allah) will take you (your soul in Quran 39:42 so that your body will sleep on the cross) and raise you (your soul) to Myself (Allah in Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42 making everyone believe you are dead on the cross in Quran 4:157 because your body will stop moving on the cross) and purify you (meaning separate your soul for three days) from those who disbelieve (you are a messenger of Allah), and I (Allah) will make those who follow you (by obeying the Gospel Injil that you taught them 2000 years ago) superior (in the hereafter) to those who disbelieve (you are a messenger of Allah) on the Day of Resurrection (in the hereafter on a new earth, a new ground, a new land when all humans will see that the message you delivered in the Gospel Injil is the truth). (After 3 days Allah returned the soul of Jesus Isa to wake up his sleeping body as proof that no one killed him on the cross and no one crucified him to death on the cross in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 when Jesus Isa woke up in the place of the dead where his body was placed after the crucifixion which is the time when Jesus Isa delivered the message that “Allah is my Allah and your Allah” meaning “Allah is my Father and your Father” meaning Allah is my Creator and your Creator meaning Allah is my Master and your Master meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord so that no one can confuse a miracle of Allah with a human messenger of Allah. No one teaches people that they are not Allah unless something amazing has happened which might result in confusion. Jesus Isa woke up three days after the crucifixion and continued living with his people in Judea and Galilee today in Palestine and Israel. This was something amazing and this is the reason Jesus Isa was teaching the people that Jesus Isa is not Allah. Jesus Isa taught his people that Jesus Isa is not Allah until his natural death in Quran 5:75 where Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa “use to eat food” meaning they both died 2000 years ago and Quran 3:144 where the “the messengers before Prophet Muhammad have died” meaning Jesus Isa is dead because Jesus Isa is the messenger before Prophet Muhammad). Then (on that Day of Resurrection and Judgement) to Me (Allah) is your return (when In Quran 7:6 Allah shall question the messengers of Allah and in Quran 5:117 Prophet Jesus Isa will testify to Allah on the Day of Judgement that Prophet Jesus Isa died only one time when he lived with the children of Israel 2000 years ago in Judea today in Israel and Palestine where he was raised only one time by the angel of death as confirmation of the truthfulness of both the Quran and the Gospel Injil) and I (Allah) will judge between you (humans and explain to humans) about what (religious matters) you were differing (among each other when some of you claimed Jesus Isa was not sent by Allah and others of you claimed Jesus Isa was Allah instead of believing Jesus Isa who said Jesus Isa is a human messenger of Allah in all the Injil of Isa the Gospel of Jesus by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John which are with humans today and proved it by his righteous deeds and righteous teachings as all the messengers of Allah had also done before him).


16e. Three days after the crucifixion Jesus lived on the earth teaching the people that he is not Allah.

Jesus is not Allah because 3 days after the crucifixion Jesus is teaching that Allah is his master in the Gospel of John 20:17 because Jesus tells people to teach people that Jesus is not Allah because Jesus said “Allah is my Allah and your Allah” meaning “Allah is my Lord and your Lord” meaning “Allah is my Master and your Master.”

Who is following the command given by Jesus three days after the crucifixion which Jesus told Mary Magdalene to tell to the people in the message “Allah is my Allah and your Allah” meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord and “Allah is my Father and your Father” meaning Allah is my creator and your creator meaning “Allah is one” and not three in one?


Gospel of John 20:17 Jesus says to her (Mary Magdalene), "Do not cleave (hold on) to me (Jesus, with surprise but believe that I am alive, I am not a ghost), for I (Jesus, meaning the soul of Jesus) have not yet ascended to the Father (Allah, meaning I am not yet dead because my body was only sleeping and now I have awoken); but go to my brothers, and tell them: 'I (Jesus, meaning the soul of Jesus) am ascending to my Father (who is the creator of every creation) and your Father (who is the same one creator of every creation); to my Allah and your Allah (because at the end of every human life Allah raises the soul to heaven and to Allah which is proof that I am a human like you).'"

Note 1. Jesus is not teaching people that Allah is a Trinity of three in one.

Note 2. Moses and Jesus both teach “Allah is my Allah and your Allah” meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord and “Allah is my Father and your Father” meaning Allah is my creator and your creator meaning “Allah is one” and not three in one because Allah is the creator of every creation meaning Allah is not a creation. 


In the four Gospels the death of Jesus on the cross and the resurrection of Jesus after three days when Jesus continued to live his life until his natural death is what witnesses reported and these reports are explained in the Quran as Jesus on the cross falling into sleep and waking up after three days when Jesus continued to live his life until his natural death.

The belief that Jesus was resurrected before the revelation of the Quran or the belief that Jesus woke up from sleep after the revelation of the Quran means nothing if the message delivered by Jesus that “Allah is one” and not three in one is not understood.   

The most important part of the Torah and Gospel and Quran is the message sent to all humans that "Allah is one" not three in one.


Jesus teaches Allah is one Allah not three in one (Gospel of Mark 12:29).

Jesus teaches do not call Jesus Allah (Gospel of Matthew 23:9).

Jesus teaches pray to Allah not to Jesus (Gospel of John 16:26 and Gospel of John 16:27).

Jesus teaches pray to Allah for the forgiveness of your sins (Gospel of Matthew 6:12, 6:14 – 6:15 and Gospel of Luke 11:4),

Jesus teaches Jesus is not Allah because only Allah knows the hour but Jesus does not know the hour of the Day of Resurrection (Gospel of Mark 13:32 and Gospel of Matthew 24:36).


Jesus teaches the first of all the commandments of Allah is “Allah is one” not three in one.


Gospel of Mark 12:29 (A Jewish scribe asked what is the first commandment of Allah?) and Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments (of Allah) is, Hear (listen), O (all the children of) Israel; The Lord our Allah is one Lord (Allah).  

Note 1. Jesus and Moses both told the people “Allah is one” not three in one. 

Note 2. ‘My Allah my Allah why have you forsaken me” is proof Jesus is a human and proof against the claim that Jesus is Allah or part of Allah. 


Gospel of Matthew 23:9 And call no one on earth your Father (Allah who is the creator of every creation), because there is only one Father (Allah) for you, the heavenly one.  

Note 1. Allah is the Father of every creation. 

Note 2. Jesus is teaching humans not to worship anything or anyone that is on the earth because everything on the earth including Jesus is a creation. 

Note 3. Jesus is teaching that nothing on the earth including Jesus is Allah. 

Note 4. Jesus is teaching that the only Allah is the one Allah in heaven. 

Note 5. To show that Jesus who is on the earth is not Allah the words “Allah in heaven are used” in the expression “there is only one Father (Allah) for you, the heavenly one.”  

Corrections and questions are welcome and can be emailed to somaliahamradio@yahoo.com 


The meaning of verses in the Quran and Tanakh and Gospel are on these websites.

The meaning of verses in the Koran and Torah and Injil are on these websites. 

YOU ARE HERE Allah https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran

Allah index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/index  

Allaah https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran

Allaah index https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran/index  

God https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran

God index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/index  

Q&A https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel

Q&A index https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel/index