Quran chapter 58 surah 58.

Divorce in Islam and divorce before Islam (Quran 58:1 – 58:4 comments).


24 May 2021 (1442 AH).


Quran chapter 58.

Quran surah 58.

Quran sura 58.

Koran chapter 58.

Koran surah 58.

Koran sura 58.

The tenth last revelation to Prophet Muhammad.

The tenth last revelation to Hadhrat Muhammad.

The tenth last revelation to Hadrat Muhammad.

The tenth last revelation to Hajarat Muhammad.

The tenth last revelation to Hajrat Muhammad.

The tenth last revelation to Hazarat Muhammad.

The tenth last revelation to Hazrat Muhammad.

The tenth last revelation to Hazrate Muhammad.

The tenth last revelation to Muhammad.

See Quran chapter 58.

Divorce in Islam.

Divorce in the Quran.

Divorce in the Koran.

See Quran 58:1 – 58:4 comments.

Information: The Quran chapter 58.

Order of Revelation: 105 (1 is the first revelation and 114 is the last revelation).

Place of Revelation: Medina (Madinah, Arabia today Saudi Arabia).

Number of Verses: 22 verses.

The Quran.

Chapter 58

The Pleading Woman (Al-Mujadilah).

English interpretations of the Quran.

The Quran Chapter 58 The Pleading Woman (Al-Mujaadalah, Al-Mujadila, Al-Mujadilah, Majaadalah, She That Disputes, The Arguing Woman, The Debate, The Pleading) in English.

Chapter : Verse.

(Information in brackets is added to assist readers in the interpretation of the verse).

Quran 58:0 Koran 58:0 Verse 58:0 Ayah 58:0 Ayat 58:0 Aya 58:0 In the name of Allah, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.

Quran 58:1 Koran 58:1 Verse 58:1 Ayah 58:1 Ayat 58:1 Aya 58:1 Allah has heard the appeal of the person (the wife who was divorced) who appeals to you (Prophet Muhammad) concerning her husband (whose divorce made it impossible for her to remarry under the tradition of Zihar that was practiced before Islam) and directs her complaint to Allah. And Allah hears your discussion. Allah hears and knows (all things).

Quran 58:2 Koran 58:2 Verse 58:2 Ayah 58:2 Ayat 58:2 Aya 58:2 Those who divorce their wives by (the tradition of) Zihar (by saying that their wife is their mother and therefore unlawful to them as was done by Arabs in Arabia before the time of Islam should know that) they (their wives) are not their mother. No one is their (the husband's) mother except the one that gave birth to them. They (the husband) speak a bad word (by using the word mother in an evil way) and a lie (by saying something that is false about a person who is not his mother). Allah pardons and forgives (those who repent and sincerely pray for forgiveness and correct their behaviour).

Comment 1. If no one is "your mother" except the one who gave birth to you in Quran 58:2 because it is a bad word and a lie then how is calling the wives of the prophet "the mother" of the believers not also a bad word and a lie?”

In the Quran those men who divorce by saying “their wife is their mother” is not a real biological mother and is a wicked use of the word “mother” in Quran 58:2 in the same way as using the word “son of Allah” meaning “a real biological son of Allah” is a wicked use of those words.

However when we say the wives of Prophet Muhammad are “the mother of the believers” in Quran 33:6 meaning no one can marry the wives of Prophet Muhammad after his death it is the same as using the word “son of Allah” to mean a servant of Allah which is the correct meaning of “son of Allah” in the Torah Taurat and Gospel Injil and Quran 19:93.

Quran 58:3 Koran 58:3 Verse 58:3 Ayah 58:3 Ayat 58:3 Aya 58:3 Those who divorce their wives by Zihar (Thihar, by saying that their wife is their mother and therefore unlawful to them as was done by Arabs in Arabia before the time of Islam) and wish to cancel what they said (to cancel the divorce), should free a slave before they (the husband and the wife) touch each other. That is your punishment (so that in future you remember to behave correctly). Allah is aware of what you do.

Comment 1. Swearing an oath unintentionally.

Quran 2:225 Verse 2:225 Allah shall not call you to account for what is unintended in your oaths (like saying “by Allah” spontaneously and unintentionally from a slip of the tongue) but (He shall call you to account) for the intention in your heart and He (Allah) is most forgiving and most tolerant (of our mistakes).

Quran 58:4 Koran 58:4 Verse 58:4 Ayah 58:4 Ayat 58:4 Aya 58:4 And for the person who cannot do that, let them (the husband) fast for two successive months (not eating or drinking during daylight) before they (the husband and the wife) touch each another. And for the person who cannot do that, (the punishment is to) feed sixty needy people. This (obeying of the law) shows you have faith in Allah and His (Allah’s) messenger. And those are the laws of Allah and for disbelievers there is a painful punishment (in the Hereafter).

Comment 1. Divorce in Islam.

Quran 2:226 Verse 2:226 Those who take an oath not to have sexual relation (because they want to divorce) their wife must wait four months but if they change their mind within four months (and decide not to divorce then they are not divorced) and truly Allah is most forgiving and most merciful.

Quran 2:227 Verse 2:227 And if they decide to divorce then Allah hears and knows all things.

Quran 2:228 Verse 2:228 And divorced women shall wait (in regard to marriage) for three menstrual periods (a period for women called Iddah) and it is not lawful for her to conceal what Allah has created in her womb (if she is pregnant with a child and) if she believes in Allah and the Last Day. In that case (where pregnancy is found during Iddah) her husband would do well to take her back if they desire reconciliation. And they (the women) have rights (over their husbands in regards to living expenses etc.). Husband and wife have similar rights (regarding kindness, respect etc) and all is according to what is reasonable, and men have a degree (of responsibility) above them (their wives) and Allah is all mighty and all wise in (Allah’s rulings and all things).

Quran 2:229 Verse 2:229 After the word divorce is said twice, you either keep your wife on reasonable terms or release her with kindness. And it is not lawful for you (men) to take back (from your wives) any of your Mahr (bridal money given by the husband to his wife at the time of marriage) which you have given them, except when both parties fear that they would be unable to keep within the limits given (to them) by Allah (such as to deal with each other on a fair basis). If they fear that they would not be able to keep within the limits given (to them) by Allah then there is no sin on either of them if she freely gives back (the bridal money or a part of it) for her divorce. These are the laws given (to them) by Allah so do not disobey them. And whoever disobeys the limits given (to them) by Allah they are the wrong-doers.

Quran 2:230 Verse 2:230 So if a husband divorces his wife (after saying the word divorce a third time), he cannot, after that, marry her until after she has married another man and that man has divorced her. In that case there is no sin on either of them if they marry again provided they feel that they can keep the laws given (to them) by Allah. Those are the limits given (to them) by Allah which He (Allah) makes plain to those who understand.

Quran 2:231 Verse 2:231 And when you divorce the women and they reach their (waiting) term (Iddah, the period of 4 months and 10 days which is half the length of a normal pregnancy to confirm she is not pregnant from her divorced husband) then retain them in a fair manner or release them in a fair manner. And do not retain them to hurt (them) so that you transgress. And do not take the verses of Allah in jest, and remember Allah’s favour on you (when Allah gave you faith), and what is revealed to you in the Book (the Quran) and the wisdom, He (Allah) instructs you with it. And fear Allah and know that Allah knows all things.

Quran 2:232 Verse 2:232 And when you have divorced a woman and she has fulfilled the term of her prescribed period (Iddah, the period after which she can marry), do not prevent her from marrying her (former) husband if they mutually agree on reasonable terms. This (instruction) is for all among you who believes in Allah and the Last Day. That is a more virtuous and pure (thing) for you (to do), surely Allah knows that which you do not know (regarding your situation in the hereafter and the rewards for following the laws of Allah).

Quran 4:3 Verse 4:3 And if you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly by (marriage to) orphan (girls because you fear that you shall not offer them their full bridal money or for fear that you shall unfairly take their wealth because they are an orphan in your care), then marry (other) women of your choice, two or three or four but if you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly (by providing their full bridal money and support) then only (marry) one (woman) or (marry girl slaves) that your right hand possess (meaning whom you own), these ways are most likely to prevent you from doing injustice (to any woman).

Quran 4:19 Verse 4:19 All you who believe, you are forbidden to inherit women (from your deceased relations) against their will and you should not treat them with harshness in order to take away part of the bridal money that you give them unless they are guilty of open illegal sexual intercourse. Live with them in kindness. If you dislike them it may be that you dislike a thing in which Allah brings (you) much good.

Quran 33:2 Verse 33:2 And follow what is revealed to you (Prophet Muhammad) from your Lord (Allah). Allah is aware of what you do.

Quran 33:28 Verse 33:28 O Prophet (Muhammad), say to your wives, “If you desire the life of the world and its adornment (instead of life with me) then come I shall provide for you and release you (from our marriage contract) in a good (honourable) manner (if you want a divorce. See Quran 4:34).

Quran 4:34 Verse 4:34 Men are the protectors of women because Allah has bestowed some of them (the male) over others (the female) and because they (the men) support them (the women) from their wealth. Therefore righteous women are obedient (to Allah and to their husband) and guard the unseen (their chastity) which Allah orders them to guard. And those (wives from) whom you (men) fear their bad behaviour then (first) advise them (of what they have done), and (second, if they continue their bad behaviour then) leave them (wives to sleep alone) in the bed (so they might think about what they are doing and so that you might also think about the situation), and (if they continue their bad behaviour then thirdly Quran 33:2 "follow what is revealed to you from your Lord …” and) set forth to them (Quran 33:28 “… Say to your wives, “If you desire the life of the world and its adornment” instead of life with me “then come I shall provide for you and release you” from our marriage contract “in a good” honourable “manner” if you want a divorce). Then if they obey you do not seek against them a way (to hurt them but forgive them and show kindness to them. Fourthly see Quran 2:231, Quran 4:35 and Quran 4:128). Allah is most high and most great (in importance to every creation. iḍ'rib means strike or set forth. In the Quran did Allah reveal that men can strike their wives or did Allah in the Quran set forth what men should say to their wives? Prophet Muhammad did not strike his wives after forsaking them in bed showing this is the wrong understanding of Quran 4:34. Prophet Muhammad separated himself from his wives so that they might think about what they wanted to do and so that he might also think about the situation showing this is the correct understanding of Quran 4:34 so that in Quran 4:34 iḍ'rib means “set forth” to them Quran 33:28. The Quran explains itself through verses scattered in 114 chapters which Quran 39:23 reveal you can find in verses which confirm each other and the Quran asks when you have the word of Allah in the Quran what other report would you believe? Quran 77:50 “In what statement” words, news, reports, information, message, hadith, “after it” the verses of Allah in the Quran, “shall they” the humans and the jinn “believe” and this is repeated and explained in Quran 7:185, Quran 25:29, Quran 25:30, Quran 31:6, Quran 39:23 and Quran 45:6. If hadith stories agree with the Quran then accept it and learn from it. If hadith stories do not agree with the Quran then reject it and also learn from it. On the Day of Judgement Allah judges by the words in the protected Quran. On the Day of Judgement Allah does not judge by the words in unprotected human hadith stories. The Quran is the protected word of Allah including the words and actions of Prophet Muhammad which are described and protected by Allah. In a similar way in the story of the vision dream of the sacrifice of the son of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim in Quran chapter 37 Allah only blesses Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and his son Prophet Isaac Ishaq and leaves no other blessings in the story of the sacrifice and this famous vision dream is remembered in the next chapter Quran chapter 38 where Allah blesses Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and Prophet Isaac Ishaq with the vision dream in Quran 38:45 – 38:47 and shows in the next verse that Prophet Ishmael Ismail was not the son in the vision dream and Prophet Ishmael Ismail was not living with his father during the vision dream by blessing Prophet Ishmael Ismail without his father and without the blessing of the vision dream in Quran 38:48. This is confirmed in Quran 12:6 and in Torah Genesis 22:2 “And Allah said: Take now your son, your only son” who still lives with you, reminding him that Allah had earlier taken Ishmael Ismail and Hagar Hajar away from him into Allah’s care in the desert, “whom you love” Allah makes the test very hard by demanding his second son and reminding him that this is his only remaining son and reminding him that he already gave Allah one son and reminding him of his love for these sons, “even” namely, that is “Isaac Ishaq and go into the land of Moriah” today in the Temple and Al-Aqsa mosque area in Jerusalem Al-Quds in Israel and Palestine; “and offer him there for a burnt-offering on one of the mountains which I Allah will tell you of.” The proof Allah is real is the Quran confirming the Torah Taurat is correct in Quran 2:41 “And believe in what I Allah have revealed” in the Quran “that confirms what you already have” in the Torah Taurat and in Quran 3:93 “… Bring the Torah Taurat here and recite it as evidence if what you say is true" and in Quran 5:43 “How is it that they come to you for judgment when they have the Torah Taurat in which Allah has already revealed to them judgment …” and Quran 5:68 “… You the Jewish people have nothing until you observe the Torah Taurat …” as explained in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ3o3ybc-KA so hold tightly to what Allah is teaching in the Quran and beware of stories which contradict the Books of Allah). – (Continued in Quran 4:35)

Quran 4:35 Verse 4:35 And if you fear a dissension between the two of them (the husband and his wife) then send an arbitrator from his family and send an arbitrator from her family. If they both wish reconciliation then Allah shall cause reconciliation between them. Allah knows all (things) and is aware of all (things).

Quran 4:128 Verse 4:128 And if a woman fears bad behaviour (from her husband) or desertion (from her husband) then there is no sin on both of them that they make terms of peace between themselves by reconciliation and reconciliation is best. Greed (selfishness) sways the souls (the mind of peoples) but if you do good (behaviour) and fear (Allah), then Allah is aware of what you do.

Quran 65:1 Verse 65:1 Prophet (Muhammad), when you divorce women, divorce them at their Iddah (from the start of their waiting period so they may no longer have sexual relations with each other) and then count (a period after which the menstrual period is completed to determine if pregnancy has occurred, See Quran 2:228 – 2:233) and fear Allah your Lord. Do not remove them (the divorced wife during their Iddah (waiting period)) from their (husband's) homes, nor can they (the divorced wife) leave (while they are in the Iddah aiting period), except if they are guilty of open illegal sexual intercourse. This is the law of Allah. Whoever disobeys the law of Allah has done wrong to them selves. You (the one who divorces) do not know but Allah might make something new happen (so that you change your mind and your wife is returned back to you if it is her first or second divorce with you).

Quran 65:2 Verse 65:2 And when they (the divorced wife) have nearly completed their term (Iddah waiting period) then either take them (the divorced wife) back (by cancelling the divorce) in a good way (between you) or separate with them (by confirming the divorce) in a good way (between you). And take two just men from among you and establish the testimony for (acceptance by) Allah. That is what should be done by those who believe in Allah and the Last Day (of the end of the Earth which is followed in the hereafter by the Day of Resurrection and Judgement). Whoever fears Allah, He (Allah) shall make a way out (of distress and difficulties) for them.

See: Quran 2:226 Quran 2:232

Quran 4:3

Quran 4:19

Quran 4:34 Quran 4:35

Quran 4:128

Quran 58:1 Quran 58:4

Quran 65:1 Quran 65:6

Quran 58:5 Koran 58:5 Verse 58:5 Ayah 58:5 Ayat 58:5 Aya 58:5 Those who oppose Allah and His (Allah’s) messenger shall be disgraced as those before them (in the past) were disgraced. We (Allah) have sent down clear signs and so for those who disbelieve there is a humiliating punishment (in the Hereafter) -

Quran 58:6 Koran 58:6 Verse 58:6 Ayah 58:6 Ayat 58:6 Aya 58:6 On the day when Allah shall resurrect all of them (humans) together He (Allah) shall inform them (humans) of what they did. Allah has kept an account of it (what they did) while they (the people) forgot it (what they did). Allah witnesses all things.

Quran 58:7 Koran 58:7 Verse 58:7 Ayah 58:7 Ayat 58:7 Aya 58:7 Have you not seen that Allah knows all that is in the heavens and in the earth? There is no private conversation of three (people) except where He (Allah) is the fourth (among them), nor of five (people) except where He (Allah) is their sixth (among them), nor of less (people) than that or more (people) except where He (Allah) is with them wherever they (the people) are. On the Day of Resurrection, He (Allah) shall inform them of what they did. Allah knows all things.

Quran 58:8 Koran 58:8 Verse 58:8 Ayah 58:8 Ayat 58:8 Aya 58:8 Have you not seen those who (because they say they believe in Allah) were forbidden private conversation (of conspiracy and ridicule against Allah and Allah’s messenger) and then returned to do what had been forbidden by conspiring together in sin, wrongdoing and disobedience to the messenger (of Allah, Prophet Muhammad). And when they (some of the Jews of Yathrib Arabia) come to you, they greet you not as (a believer of) Allah greets you (by clearly saying salam "peace" to you) with respect but they greet you with disrespect by saying sam (“death” to you) and they (some of the Jews of Yathrib) say to each other, “Why did Allah not punish us for what we said (if Prophet Muhammad is a true prophet of Allah)?” They (who are disrespectful to Allah and to the messenger of Allah) shall suffer in Hell Jahannam (in the Hereafter) which is a fitting destination for the evil (and those who speak evil).

Comment 1. Private conversations.

Quran 4:114 Verse 4:114 There is no good in most of their (the people’s) private conversation except in the person who calls for charity, kindness and peace making between people, the person who does this (charity, kindness and peace making between people) and seeks the approval of Allah, We (Allah) shall give them a great reward.

Comment 2. Jews and Christians who follow their Book and believe the Quran will be rewarded twice in the hereafter.

See Quran 28:54 in Quran chapter 28.

Quran 58:9 Koran 58:9 Verse 58:9 Ayah 58:9 Ayat 58:9 Aya 58:9 All you who believe (in Allah), when you have private conversations together do not talk about sin, wrongdoing and disobedience to the messenger (of Allah) but talk together about what is righteous and good and fear Allah to whom you shall be gathered.

Quran 58:10 Koran 58:10 Verse 58:10 Ayah 58:10 Ayat 58:10 Aya 58:10 Private conversations (of sinful talk) is only from (the suggestion of) Satan Shaitan so that he may cause unhappiness to those who believe (in Allah) but he (Satan Shaitan) can not harm them (the believers) in any way except with the permission of Allah. Let the believers put their trust in Allah.

Comment 1. The believers in Allah.

People who do not do good deeds have a false belief in Allah.

Satan Shaitan believes in Allah but it is a false belief because his deeds are evil.

Quran 6:158 Verse 6:158 "... belief in it (Allah and the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) shall not help any soul …. if in belief (he or she) did not earn good (by doing righteous deeds in their life). ....”

Quran 41:8 Verse 41:8 “For those who believe and do good deeds, for them is an everlasting reward (in Paradise Jannah).”

Quran 58:11 Koran 58:11 Verse 58:11 Ayah 58:11 Ayat 58:11 Aya 58:11 All you who believe (in Allah), when you are told to, “Make some space (to spread out)” in your gatherings (for prayer), then make space (so people can join you). Allah shall make space for you (in the hereafter). And when you are told to, “Stand up” then stand up (for prayers). Allah shall raise those among you who believed, and those who were given knowledge (shall be raised) to high ranks (in the hereafter). Allah knows what you do.

Quran 58:12 Koran 58:12 Verse 58:12 Ayah 58:12 Ayat 58:12 Aya 58:12 All you who believe (in Allah), when you hold a private discussion with the messenger (of Allah), offer some charity before (starting) your discussion. That for you is better and purer. But if you cannot (afford to give anything) then Allah is forgiving and merciful.

Quran 58:13 Koran 58:13 Verse 58:13 Ayah 58:13 Ayat 58:13 Aya 58:13 Do you fear that you may be unable to give some charity before your private discussion (with the messenger of Allah)? When you do not do it (give charity through the messenger of Allah) Allah has forgiven you so establish prayer (to Allah) and give charity (when you can to the poor people) and obey Allah and His (Allah’s) messenger. Allah is aware of what you do.

Quran 58:14 Koran 58:14 Verse 58:14 Ayah 58:14 Ayat 58:14 Aya 58:14 Have you not seen those (Arab hypocrites who swear they believe in Allah but) who make friends of people with whom Allah has become angry (when Allah became angry with some of the Jews in Yathrib who speak with disrespect to Muslims)? They (the Arab hypocrites who swear they believe in Allah) are neither of you (the Muslims) nor of them (the Jews), and they (the Arab hypocrites) knowingly swore a false oath (when they said they believed in Allah).

Quran 58:15 Koran 58:15 Verse 58:15 Ayah 58:15 Ayat 58:15 Aya 58:15 Allah has prepared for them (the Arab hypocrites who swear they believe in Allah but they do not really believe in Allah) a great punishment (in the hereafter). Evil is what they do.

Quran 58:16 Koran 58:16 Verse 58:16 Ayah 58:16 Ayat 58:16 Aya 58:16 They make their (false) oaths (saying they believe in Allah) as a cover (meaning, as a way to hide their doubts in Allah and the messenger of Allah) and (they) turn (people away) from the way of Allah (by promoting doubt in Allah and doubt in the messenger of Allah). For them shall be a humiliating punishment (in the Hereafter).

Quran 58:17 Koran 58:17 Verse 58:17 Ayah 58:17 Ayat 58:17 Aya 58:17 Their wealth and their children shall not be of any help to them against Allah. Such (Arab hypocrites who swear they believe in Allah but they do not really believe in Allah) shall be the companions of the (Hell Jahannam) fire where they shall live forever (in the Hereafter).

Quran 58:18 Koran 58:18 Verse 58:18 Ayah 58:18 Ayat 58:18 Aya 58:18 On the day (of resurrection) when Allah shall resurrect them all together, then they (the Arab hypocrites who swear they believe in Allah but they do not really believe in Allah) shall swear (they believed in Allah) to Him (Allah) like they (now) swear (that they believe in Allah) to you (Prophet Muhammad) and they shall imagine they have something (in their words that can deceive Allah by using the same words they used to try to deceive the messenger of Allah). Certainly they are the liars (because they say they believe in Allah but they really do not believe in Allah).

Quran 58:19 Koran 58:19 Verse 58:19 Ayah 58:19 Ayat 58:19 Aya 58:19 Satan Shaitan has defeated them (the Arab hypocrites who swear they believe in Allah) and has caused them to forget to remember Allah (because they do not really believe in Allah). They are Satan’s Shaitan’s companions. Are not Satan’s Shaitan’s companions those who shall be the losers (in the Hereafter)?

Quran 58:20 Koran 58:20 Verse 58:20 Ayah 58:20 Ayat 58:20 Aya 58:20 Those who oppose Allah and His (Allah’s) messenger shall be among the lowest (meaning, made by Allah to be the most humiliated in the hereafter).

Quran 58:21 Koran 58:21 Verse 58:21 Ayah 58:21 Ayat 58:21 Aya 58:21 Allah has decreed, “I (Allah) and My (Allah’s) Messengers shall succeed." Allah is strong and mighty.

Quran 58:22 Koran 58:22 Verse 58:22 Ayah 58:22 Ayat 58:22 Aya 58:22 You shall not find any people who believe in Allah and the Last Day loving those who oppose Allah and His (Allah’s) Messenger, even if they (who were opposed to Allah) were their fathers or their sons, or their brothers, or their relations. For such (believers) He (Allah) has written faith in their hearts and strengthened them with a Spirit (bi-ruh-in) from Himself (Allah, the Spirit of Allah, the Holy Spirit, the Angel of Allah). And He (Allah) shall admit them to Gardens beneath which rivers flow, to live there (forever). Allah shall be pleased with them and they (the people are pleased) with Him (Allah). They are the Party (the people) of Allah. It is the Party (the people) of Allah that shall be successful (in the hereafter).

Comment 1. Hurtful words are a test from Allah.

1. Allah in Quran 3:186 says hurtful words are a test from Allah which every Muslim will certainly hear and those Muslims who are patient when they hear hurtful words and remember Allah when they hear hurtful words will pass this test and be rewarded by Allah in the hereafter.

Quran 3:186 Verse 3:186 Ayah 3:186 You shall certainly be tested in your wealth (for charity) and in yourselves (for righteousness) and you shall certainly hear many hurtful things from those who were given the Scripture before you (from some of the Jews and some of the Christians) and from those who ascribe partners to Allah (such as some of the stone idol worshippers) and if you are patient (when you hear hurtful things) and fear Allah (when you hear hurtful things) then indeed (you have obeyed Allah in this test and) that (obedience to Allah) is of the matters of determination (by Allah of your reward in the hereafter).

2. Allah in Quran 7:126 shows that patience is a blessing that you ask from Allah.

3. Allah in Quran 16:127 says be patient.

Allah is the most patient so people who are patient are closest to the way of Allah.

4. Allah in Quran 20:130 says be patient with what they say and pray to Allah so that you will be satisfied in the hereafter.

5. Allah in Quran 38:17 says be patient with what they say by remembering Allah and by asking Allah to forgive your sins.

6. Allah in Quran 41:34, Quran 41:35 and Quran 41:36 says respond to evil with good behaviour and Allah willing your enemy will become your close friend.

7. Allah in Quran 50:39 says be patient with what people say by remembering Allah and praying to Allah.

8. Allah in Quran 73:10 says be patient with what they say and when you leave them be polite.

See Quran 2:13 – 2:20, Quran 2:79, Quran 2:104, Quran 2:212, and Quran 2:231

VIDEO. When they insult our prophet.


Interpretations of the Quran (Al-Quran, Al Quran, Koran).

This is an interpretation of some of the meanings in the Quran.

This is not a perfect translation of the Quran because the Quran is in the Arabic language.

The Arabic language in the Quran must be understood as it was understood over 1400 years ago.

Allah guides who He wills to the correct understanding of the Quran.

In the English language the word Allah is God.

Allah (God) is the creator of the Jews, Christians, Muslims and everyone and everything that exists.

Islam and the Quran chapter (sura, surah, surat), chapters (suras, surahs), verse (ayaah, aya, ayah), verses (ayaas, ayaat, ayas, ayat), analysis, annotation, clarification, comment, commentary, elucidation, examination, explanation, foot note, interpretation, investigation, note, observation, remark, study, understanding, analyses, annotations, clarifications, comments, commentaries, elucidations, examinations, explanations, foot notes, interpretations, investigations, notes, observations, remarks, studies, understandings of Islam and the Quran (The Coran, Al-Coran, Al Coran, The Koran, Al-Koran, Al Koran, The Quran, Al Quran, Al-Quran, The Qur'an, Al-Qur'an, Al Qur'an, The Qur’ān, Al-Qur’ān, Al Qur’ān).

Corrections and questions are welcome and can be emailed to somaliahamradio@yahoo.com

The meaning of verses in the Quran and Tanakh and Gospel are on these websites.

The meaning of verses in the Koran and Torah and Injil are on these websites.

YOU ARE HERE Allah https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran

Allah index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/index

Allaah https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran

Allaah index https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran/index

God https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran

God index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/index

Q&A https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel

Q&A index https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel/index