Quran chapter 32 surah 32.

Allah created the heavens and the earth in six days (Quran 32:4).

Explain 1000 years in Quran 32:5.

Explain one thousand years in Quran 32:5.

Explain 1000 years in Koran 32:5.

Explain one thousand years in Koran 32:5.


                                                             9 September 2015 (1436 AH).


Quran chapter 32.

Quran surah 32.

Quran sura 32.

Koran chapter 32.  

Koran surah 32.

Koran sura 32.

Did Prophet Muhammad meet Prophet Moses. 

Did Prophet Muhammad meet Prophet Moosa. 

Did Prophet Muhammad meet Prophet Moosaa. 

Did Prophet Muhammad meet Prophet Moossa. 

Did Prophet Muhammad meet Prophet Mooses. 

Did Prophet Muhammad meet Prophet Mosa. 

Did Prophet Muhammad meet Prophet Mosaa. 

Did Prophet Muhammad meet Prophet Mosess. 

Did Prophet Muhammad meet Prophet Moshe. 

Did Prophet Muhammad meet Prophet Mosheh. 

Did Prophet Muhammad meet Prophet Mosoos. 

Did Prophet Muhammad meet Prophet Mosos. 

Did Prophet Muhammad meet Prophet Mossa. 

Did Prophet Muhammad meet Prophet Mosses. 

Did Prophet Muhammad meet Prophet Mosus. 

Did Prophet Muhammad meet Prophet Mousa. 

Did Prophet Muhammad meet Prophet Mousaa. 

Did Prophet Muhammad meet Prophet Moussa. 

Did Prophet Muhammad meet Prophet Musa. 

Did Prophet Muhammad meet Prophet Mussa. 

Did Prophet Muhammad meet Prophet Mussaa. 

Did Prophet Muhammad meet Prophet Musus.. 

See Quran 32:23 comments.

ا ل م 


What is Alif Lam Mim in the Quran?

What is Alif Laam Meem in the Quran?

What is Alif ا Laam ل Meem م in the Quran?

What is A. (Alef) L. (Lam) M. (Meem) in the Quran? 

What is alif lām mīm in the Quran? 

What is Alif-lam-meem in the Quran?

What is A,L,M in the Quran?

What is A.L.M in the Quran?

What is ALM in the Quran?

What is A L M in the Quran?

What is ا ل م in the Quran? 

What is Alif Lam Mim in the Qur’an?

What is Alif Laam Meem in the Qur’an?

What is Alif ا Laam ل Meem م in the Qur’an?

What is A. (Alef) L. (Lam) M. (Meem) in the Qur’an? 

What is alif lām mīm in the Qur’an? 

What is Alif-lam-meem in the Qur’an?

What is A,L,M in the Qur’an?

What is A.L.M in the Qur’an?

What is ALM in the Qur’an?

What is A L M in the Qur’an?

What is ا ل م in the Qur’an? 

What is Alif Lam Mim in the Koran?

What is Alif Laam Meem in the Koran?

What is Alif ا Laam ل Meem م in the Koran?

What is A. (Alef) L. (Lam) M. (Meem) in the Koran? 

What is alif lām mīm in the Koran? 

What is Alif-lam-meem in the Koran?

What is A,L,M in the Koran?

What is A.L.M in the Koran?

What is ALM in the Koran?

What is A L M in the Koran?

What is ا ل م in the Koran? 

See Quran 32:1

Why is there no doubt that the Quran is from Allah?

Is doubt in the Quran based on the literacy of a man before he was a prophet of Allah?

Is doubt in the Quran based on the literacy of Prophet Muhammad before he was a prophet?

Is doubt in the Quran based on the ability of a man to recite scripture before he was a prophet?

Is doubt in the Quran based on the ability of Prophet Muhammad to recite scripture before he was a prophet?

Is doubt in the Quran based on confirmation or conflict with the Books of Allah which had been revealed before the Quran?

See Quran 32:2 comments.

Who said Prophet Muhammad invented the Quran? 

See Quran 32:3 

Allah established himself as the supreme authority over His (Allah’s) creation.

Allah created the heavens and the earth in six days.

See Quran 32:4 

One Thousand years for humans is how many days for Allah?

1000 years for humans is how many days for Allah?

Fifty Thousand years for humans.

50000 years for humans.

Is a day for Allah 1000 years or 50,000 years?

Is a day for Allah one thousand years or fifty thousand years?

Is Allah’s day 1000 years or 50,000 years?

Is Allah’s day one thousand years or fifty thousand years?

What does 1000 years and 50,000 years mean?

What does one thousand years and fifty thousand years mean?

1000 years or 50,000 years?

One thousand years or fifty thousand years?

See Quran 32:5 comments.

Is the Earth 6000 years old or 4.5 billion years old?

See Quran 32:5 comments.

Why is Allah not guiding everyone to Paradise Jannah? 

Why does Allah send some people to Hell Jahannam? 

See Quran 32:13 - 32:14  

Information: The Quran chapter 32.

Order of Revelation: 75 (1 is the first revelation and 114 is the last revelation).

Place of Revelation: Mecca (Makkah, Arabia today Saudi Arabia).

Number of Verses: 30 verses.

The Quran.

Chapter 32. 

The Prostration (As-Sajda).

English interpretations of the Quran.

The Quran Chapter 32 The Prostration (Al-Sajdah, As-Sajda, As-Sajdah, Sajdah, Adoration, Prostration, The Adoration, Worship) in English. 

Chapter : Verse.

(Information in brackets is added to assist readers in the interpretation of the verse).

Quran 32:0 Koran 32:0 Verse 32:0 Ayah 32:0 Ayat 32:0 Aya 32:0 In the name of Allah, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.


Quran 32:1 Koran 32:1 Verse 32:1 Ayah 32:1 Ayat 32:1 Aya 32:1 Alif Lam Mim (From the Tablet Lawhin containing the decrees of Allah, the word of Allah in the Quran has descended in Quran 3:3 and Quran 25:1 by the command of Alif Allah through Lam angel Gabriel Jibril to Mim Prophet Muhammad in) –

Introduction to ALM الم Alif Lam Mim in the Quran. 

Introduction to ALM الم Alif Lam Mim in the Koran. 

ALM الم Alif Lam Mim.

Alif-llah gabrie-Lam Mim-uhammad. 

A-llah gabrie-L M-uhammad. 

Allah gabrieL Muhammad. 

ا-llah gabrie-م ل-uhammad. 

اllah gabrieم لuhammad. 

Alif-llah jibri-Lam Mim-uhammad. 

A-llah jibri-L M-uhammad. 

Allah jibriL Muhammad. 

ا-llah jibri-م ل-uhammad. 

اllah jibriم لuhammad. 


Allah would not say the Quran confirms the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil and then allow the proof of Allah in the Quran to be lost by allowing the Torah Taurat that is with the Jews today and the Gospel Injil that is wth the Christians today to be corrupted. 

Allah confirms that the Torah Taurat that is with the Jews today and the Gospel Injil that is with the Christians today and the Koran Quran that is with the Muslims today all belong to Allah by revealing to this generation the meaning of N Q S ALM ALR ALMR ALMS HM TH TS TSM YS ASQ KHYAS in the Quran.

1. The Torah Taurat, Gospel Injil and Quran are protected forever by Allah. 

Quran 4:82 Verse 4:82 Do they not think about the Quran (and where it came from)? Had it (the Quran) been (revealed) from someone other than Allah surely they would have found in it (the Quran) much contradiction (within it and between it and the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil. The Quran confirms the Tanakh Jewish Scripture is correct and the Quran explains the story of Jesus in the Gospel Injil of Jesus Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John).

Quran 15:9 Verse 15:9 We (Allah) have sent down the reminder (of Allah in the Quran) and We (Allah) shall guard it (to prevent addition and subtraction in the Quran like the promise to protect the Torah Taurat in Deuteronomy 4:2 and Deuteronomy 13:1 in Jewish Tanakh or Deuteronomy 12:32 in a Christian Bible by the command of Allah that the Torah Taurat be followed for 100,000 years which is the thousandth generation if each generation lived for 100 years in Deuteronomy 5:10 meaning forever in Deuteronomy 29:28 in Jewish Tanakh or Deuteronomy 29:29 in a Christian Bible for the children of Israel. For the Jewish people mentioned in Isaiah 36:11 and Isaiah 36:13 the Torah is protected by Allah forever in Isaiah 59:21 like the promise that the Torah is protected forever by Allah for the Jewish people in Gospel of Matthew 5:17-5:20 because the Torah is the covenant agreement between Allah and the Jewish people forever in Quran 2:40 as proof that Allah does not change His word and His promises and His covenant agreements).

Note 1. The word of Allah is protected as proof Allah is real. 

Note 2. If the word of Allah was not protected then there would be no proof that Allah and His books were real. 

Note 3. The word of Allah is protected as proof Allah is real so that humans can believe the promise of life after death. 

Note 4. The proof Allah is real is the Quran confirming the Tanakh Jewish Scripture and explaining the story of Prophet Jesus Isa in the Gospel Injil so that humans can believe the promise of life after death.

A. Prophet Muhammad confirms that the Torah Taurat is protected forever in the same way as Prophet Jesus Isa and Prophet David Dawud and Prophet Moses Musa confirmed the Torah Taurat is protected forever. 

Allah sent every prophet after Moses Musa with the same message reminding the children of Israel and the Jewish people to follow the Torah Taurat which their fathers followed and which Allah ordered to be followed forever meaning Allah is protecting the Torah Taurat forever.

2 Kings 17:13 yet the LORD forewarned Israel, and Judah, by the hand of every prophet, and of every dreamer, saying: 'Turn from your evil ways, and keep My commandments and My statutes, according to all the law which I commanded your fathers, and which I sent to you by the hand of My servants the prophets'; 

Note 1. No prophet after Moses Musa told the children of Israel and the Jewish people to add or subtract from the Torah Taurat unless they were a false prophet or a dreamer of false dreamers.

Note 2. Jesus is a true prophet because he confirmed the covenant between Allah and the Jewish people which is the Torah Taurat forever in Gospel of Matthew 5:17-5:20.

Note 3. Paul is a false dreamer of dreams because he claimed the Torah Taurat was replaced with a new covenant meaning Paul changed the words of Allah and changed the teachings of Jesus and every prophet before Jesus.

Note 4. Muhammad is a true prophet because he confirmed the covenant between Allah and the Jewish people which is the Torah Taurat forever in Quran 2:40-2:41 and Quran 7:170.

In Quran 2:106 Allah will not allow one verse in the Torah Taurat to be abolished or forgotten by the Jewish people and describes the Quran as something better or similar to the Torah Taurat.

In Quran 13:39 the Quran eliminates the laws in the Torah Taurat which only apply to the Jewish people meaning the Quran eliminates the laws in the Torah Taurat which do not apply to non-Jewish people meaning the Quran contains the laws for those who are not Jewish.


2 Kings 17:37 and the statutes and the ordinances, and the law and the commandment, which He (Allah) wrote for you, you shall observe to do for evermore …”

Note 1. Allah orders the Torah be followed forever by the children of Israel meaning the Torah is protected forever meaning any opposite teaching is a false teaching. 

Isaiah 59:21 And as for Me (Allah), this is My covenant with them (the Jewish people), said the LORD; My spirit that is on you (the Jewish people), and My words (the Torah) which I (Allah) have put in your mouth, shall not depart out of your mouth, nor out of the mouth of your seed (off-spring), nor out of the mouth of your seed's seed (descendants), said the LORD, from now and forever. 

Note 1. The promise of Allah that the Torah Taurat is protected forever meaning any opposite teaching is a false teaching.

Isaiah 36:11 Then Eliakim and Shebna and Joah said to Rab-shakeh: 'Please speak to your servants in the Aramaic language, for we understand it; and do not speak to us in the Jews' language, (in case it is heard) in the ears of the (Jewish) people that are on the wall (surrounding Jerusalem). 

Note 1. The word Jew is used by Prophet Isaiah meaning the promise of Allah in Isaiah 59:21 that the Torah is protected forever is to the Jewish people meaning any opposite teaching is a false teaching.

Isaiah 36:12 But Rabshakeh (the officer representing Sennacherib the King of Assyria) said: 'Has my master (the King of Assyria) sent me to your master (the King of Judah), and to you (the representatives of the King of Judah), to speak these words? Has he (the King of Assyria) not sent me to (speak to) the (Hebrew) men that sit on the wall (surrounding Jerusalem, and speak these words in Hebrew to them warning that our Army will blockade Jerusalem and that they will have) to eat their own dung and to drink their own urine with you (if you do not give Jerusalem to us)?'

Isaiah 36:13 Then Rabshakeh (the officer representing the King of Assyria) stood, and cried with a loud voice in the Jews' language (of Hebrew to the men on the wall surrounding Jerusalem), and said: “Hear the words of the great king, the king of Assyria.

Note 1. The word Jew is used by Prophet Isaiah meaning the promise of Allah in Isaiah 59:21 that the Torah Taurat is protected forever is to the Jewish people.

Allah tells the children of Israel and the Jewish people to follow the Torah Taurat forever as shown by the command to follow the Sabbath Day in every generation.

Torah Exodus 31:16 So the children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath and observe the Sabbath throughout their generations, as a perpetual (never ending) covenant (agreement with Allah). 

Torah Exodus 31:17 It (the Sabbath) is a sign between Me (Allah) and the children of Israel forever; for in six days the LORD (Allah) made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day He (Allah) ceased from work and rested (rested means completed the creation and this is why the Sabbath is a day of rest and remembrance of Allah on every seventh day).' 

Allah tells the children of Israel and the Jewish people to follow the Torah Taurat forever as shown by the command not to add or subtract from the Torah Taurat.

Torah Deuteronomy 4:2 You shall not add to the word which I (Allah) command you (the children of Israel, the Hebrews in the Torah Taurat), neither shall you subtract from it, so that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your Allah which I (Allah) command you (the children of Israel, the Hebrews in the Torah Taurat).

Torah Deuteronomy 13:1 (in Jewish Tanakh or Deuteronomy 12:32 in a Christian Bible) All this word which I (Allah) command you, to do and to observe; you shall not add to it nor subtract from it. 

Torah Deuteronomy 29:28 (in Jewish Tanakh or Deuteronomy 29:29 in a Christian Bible) The secret things belong to the LORD our Allah; but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children for ever (for all time), so that we may do all the words of this law (Torah). 

Quran 10:64 Verse 10:64 “…There is no change in the Words of Allah …”

B. Prophet Jesus Isa confirms the Torah Taurat is protected forever. 

Gospel of Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I (Prophet Jesus) have come to abolish the law (the Torah Taurat) and the prophets (because another comforter shall come after me in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15); I have come not to abolish them (the laws of the Torah Taurat and the prophets) but to fulfill them (to fulfill the laws and the prophecies).  

Note 1. The Torah Taurat is protected forever.

Note 2. Jesus fulfilled the prophecy that Allah would send prophets.

Gospel of Matthew 5:18 For truly I say to you, until the sky and the earth pass away (meaning until the end of the earth), not one iota, not one serif (not a dot of one letter), will by any means pass away from the Law (in the Torah) until everything is carried out (on the Day of Judgement which is after the end of the earth). 

Note 1. The Torah Taurat is protected forever. 

Gospel of Matthew 5:19 Therefore, whoever looses one of the least of these commandments (in the Torah), and teaches people the same, will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices them and teaches them, this one will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.  

Note 1. The Torah Taurat is protected forever.

Note 2. Jesus said Jews must follow the Torah (the law) forever in Gospel of Matthew 5:17-5:20 and 23:1-23:3.

Paul who never saw Jesus came after the time of Jesus and gave the opposite message claiming Jesus said in dreams that the Torah is obsolete and outdated and will soon disappear in Hebrews 8:13 which is the opposite of what Jesus said in Gospel of Matthew 5:17-5:20 and 23:1-23:3.meaning whoever said they were Jesus in the dreams of Paul could not have been Jesus because they contradicted the message of Jesus in the Gospel.

Note 3. Jesus warns that Paul will be called least (not great) in the kingdom of heaven because Paul violated the warning given by Jesus in Gospel of Matthew 5:19.

Note 4. The teachings of Paul contradict the teachings of Jesus and the teachings of every prophet in the Tanakh Jewish scripture which confirmed that the Jewish people must follow the Torah forever.

Video 1. Did the early Jews believe In a Triune God? Rabbi Tovia slams pastor John Piper. Progressive revelation 


Video 2. Rabbi Tovia Singer slams Church for erecting a barrier between man and God.


Video 3. Report card on the Apostle Paul: Pass or fail? – Reply2 one for israel maoz messianic jews for jesus 


Gospel of Matthew 5:20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Torah scholars and Pharisees (meaning unless you use religion to serve Allah and to serve other humans instead of using the name of Allah to gain attention for yourself or for your pride or for your arrogance), you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.

Note 1. There is a difference between the righteous Torah scholars (students of the Torah) and righteous Pharisees (orthodox Jews who followed the Torah and the oral law) and the Torah scholars and Pharisees who were arrogantly using the name of Allah for their pride to gain attention for themselves.

Gospel of Matthew 23:1 Then Jesus spoke to the crowd and to his disciples, 

Gospel of Matthew 23:2 saying, "The Torah scholars and Pharisees took the seat of Moses;

Gospel of Matthew 23:3 therefore whatever they say to you, you should do and keep …” 

Note 1. Jesus says that the scripture that cannot be changed and must be followed forever is with the Pharisees meaning the Orthodox Jews and Jesus says “whatever they say to you, you should do and keep” meaning the Orthodox Jews have the correct word of Allah in the Tanakh Jewish Scripture that cannot be changed and must be followed forever” meaning any opposite teaching is a false teaching.

C. Allah in the Book of Malachi which is the last Book in the Jewish Bible confirms the Torah Taurat is protected forever by commanding it to be obeyed. 

Jewish Bible Malachi 3:22 You remember the law (Torah Taurat) of Moses Musa My (Allah’s) servant which I (Allah) commanded to him (Moses Musa) in Horab (Mount Sinai) for all Israel even (to keep the) statutes and ordinances.

D. Prophet David Dawud confirms the Torah Taurat is protected forever. 

Jewish Bible Zabur Psalm 19:8 The law of the LORD (Allah in the Torah) is perfect, restoring the soul; the testimony of the LORD (Allah) is trustworthy, giving wisdom (to) the simple (people).

Jewish Bible Zabur Psalm 19:9 The guidelines of the LORD (Allah) are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the LORD (Allah) is pure, enlightening the eyes. 

Jewish Bible Zabur Psalm 19:10 The fear of the LORD (Allah) is pure, enduring for ever; the judgements of the LORD (Allah) are completely true and righteous;

Note 1. Quran 6:115 Verse 6:115 The Word of your Lord (Allah) is fulfilled in truth and justice. No one can change His (Allah’s) Words. He (Allah) hears and knows (all things).

Jewish Bible Zabur Psalm 19:11 More to be desired are they (the commandments of Allah in the Torah law) than gold, yes (they are) much finer than gold and also sweeter than honey and the honeycomb.

Jewish Bible Zabur Psalm 19:12 Moreover by them (the Torah law) is Your (Allah’s) servant warned (to fear Allah and avoid evil) and in keeping them (the commandments of Allah in the Torah law) there is great reward (of Paradise in the hereafter and love from Allah).

Jewish Bible Zabur Psalm 111:7 The works of His (Allah’s) hands are truth and justice; all His (Allah’s) commandments are sure. 

Jewish Bible Zabur Psalm 111:8 They are established forever and ever (for all time), they are done in truth and uprightness. 

Jewish Bible Zabur Psalm 111:9 He (Allah) has sent redemption (salvation from sin) to His people (the children of Israel); He has commanded His covenant for ever (for all time); Holy and awesome is His (Allah’s) name. 

E. Prophet Moses Musa confirms the Torah is protected forever. 

Allah promises to protect the Torah for every Jewish generation by commanding the Jewish people to keep following the Torah for 100,000 years in Torah Deuteronomy 5:10. 

The Third commandment of Allah says to the children of Israel that those that love Allah shall keep these commandments to the thousandth generation. 

If humans lived for 100 years then the thousandth generation of humans would be in 100,000 years. 

Torah Deuteronomy 5:10 - And showing mercy to the thousandth generation of them that love Me (Allah) and keep My (Allah’s) commandments. 

Note 1. The order to follow the Torah for 100,000 years means Allah is protecting the Torah forever.

F. In Quran 5:48 Allah wants the Jews to follow the Torah Taurat and the Christians to follow the Gospel Injil and the Muslims to follow the Quran.

Allah will judge Jews living today by the Torah Taurat. 

Allah will judge Christians living today by the Gospel Injil which confirms the Torah Taurat. 

Allah will judge Muslims by the Quran which confirms the Torah Taurat and explains the Gospel Injil.

Quran 5:48 Verse 5:48 “... For each (community of Jews, Christians and Muslims) We (Allah) have appointed a divine law and a way (of religion). If Allah willed He (Allah) could have made you (the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims) one community. But He (Allah) tests you (the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims) by what He (Allah) has given you (in the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil and the Koran Quran to show who is best in behaviour). So strive for all that is good. To Allah you shall all return and He (Allah) shall then inform you (in the Hereafter) about (the correctness of) the religious matters in which you (the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims) argue among each other.

Note 1. Allah does not require humans to all be in one religion (Quran 5:48).

Note 2. Allah does require that every religion worship only Allah (Quran 3:85).

Note 3. Allah says if the Jews and the Christians and others worship only Allah like the Muslims worship only Allah then the Jews and the Christians and others are correctly guided by Allah (Quran 3:64).

Note 4. Allah commands the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims to do what is good according to what Allah has given them in the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil and the Koran Quran to show which humans are the best in behaviour.

Note 5. Allah says that on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement in the hereafter every human will return to Allah and Allah shall inform them about the religious matters about which they argued.

Note 6. Allah protects the Torah Taurat for every Jewish generation until the Day of Judgement (Quran 5:48).

Note 7. Allah protects the Gospel Injil for every Christian generation until the Day of Judgement (Quran 5:48) in the following way.

Prophet Jesus Isa did not write anything because everything Prophet Jesus Isa taught by his mouth was already written in the Tanakh Jewish scripture meaning Prophet Jesus Isa did not add or subtract from what is in Tanakh Jewish scripture.

The four Gospel Injil are four reports about Prophet Jesus Isa meaning Prophet Jesus Isa never wrote anything and what he said was passed by mouth until it was written many years later.

Quran 5:68 says observe the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil and Quran 5:47 tells Christians to judge by the Gospel Injil (not by the other books in the Christian New Testament Bible because what Paul teaches contradicts what Jesus is teaching in the Gospel Injil and anything about fallen angels found in the Book of Enoch and in the Book of Revelation are all rejected in Judaism because in the Hebrew Tanakh scripture angels always obey Allah. Jewish people do not use the Christian produced Old Testament Bible because many contain wrong translations of the Hebrew Tanakh) meaning whatever in the Gospel Injil is confirmed in the Jewish Torah Taurat came from Prophet Jesus Isa and whatever contradicts the Jewish Torah Taurat came from the unknown writers who are traditionally called Mark, Matthew, Luke and John in a test from Allah described in 1 Kings 13:14 - 13:24 teaching that the word of Allah will not change and do not believe anyone or any verse in Mark, Matthew, Luke or John which contradicts the teachings in the Tanakh which Prophet Jesus Isa said is with the Jewish people forever and will never change and must be followed forever by the Jewish people in Gospel of Matthew 5:17 - 5:20 and Gospel of Matthew 23:1 - 23:3. In this way a Christian can know what came from Prophet Jesus Isa confirming Tanakh and what did not come from Prophet Jesus Isa because it contradicts the Tanakh (which is the Torah law and the prophets and the writings like the Psalms) which Jesus was teaching in Gospel of Luke 24:44.

Note 8. Allah protects the Koran Quran for every Muslim generation until the Day of Judgement (Quran 5:48).

Note 9. Entry to Paradise the Garden of Eden the Garden of Righteousness Jannah is not based on the question of Sunni or Shia or Muslim or Jew or Christian but it is based on your good behaviour towards all humans and creatures in this world and your relationship with Allah (Quran 5:48).

Note 10. In the sight of humans Judaism and Christianity and Sabians and Islam are different religions.

Note 11. In the sight of Allah Judaism and Christianity and Sabians and Islam are “different communities of Allah” because they were all created by Allah for only one reason which is “to submit to Allah.”

Note 12. Jews like Quran 3:113-3:115 and Christians like Quran 5:82-5:85 who follow their Book in Quran 5:68 and also believe the Quran will receive a double reward in the hereafter in Quran 28:54, Quran 34:37 and Quran 57:28 meaning the reward for every good deed they do will be doubled because they believed the Quran which tells the Jewish people to follow the Torah Taurat which is their eternal covenant between Allah and the Hebrew people forever and tells the Christian people to follow the Gospel Injil which is explained in the Quran and tells the Muslim people to follow the Quran is confirmed in Quran 2:40, Quran 2:41, Quran 2:62, Quran 2:106, Quran 3:93, Quran 4:123, Quran 5:43, Quran 5:47, Quran 5:48, Quran 5:69 and Quran 13:39.

G. Jews who keep the Torah Taurat are following the message delivered to them in the Quran.

The Quran confirms the message of every prophet after Prophet Moses Musa including Prophet Jesus Isa and Prophet Muhammad reminding the Jewish people to follow the Torah Taurat forever.

2. Allah promised Paradise Jannah to Jews and Christians who lived in the time of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 3:113 – 3:115 and Quran 5:82 – 5:85 and said in Quran 3:19 “the religion near Allah is submission” to Allah meaning everyone including the Muslim who obeys Quran 47:19 “…there is no Allah except Allah” and the Jew who obeys Torah Exodus 20:2 “.... You shall have no other gods before Me Allah” and the Christian who obeys the Gospel of Jesus Isa by Luke 4:8 “… You shall worship the Lord your Allah, and him only shall you serve” and does good deeds in the world is near to Allah because they are submitting to Allah in Quran 2:62, Quran 4:123, Quran 5:69, Quran 6:158 and Quran 41:8 as explained in Quran 2:137, Quran 3:64, Quran 5:48 and Quran 98:5. Islam has two meanings; the general meaning is submission in Quran 3:19 meaning anyone who submits to Allah in the past and present and future. If Quran 3:19 had the specific meaning of “Islam” instead of the general meaning of “submission” then it would mean no people except the people from the religion of Islam would be in Paradise Jannah meaning all the prophets and people before Islam would be the losers in the hereafter which is not correct because it contradicts other verses in the Quran and it does not make sense meaning the word Islam in Quran 3:19 is the general meaning “submission” and not the specific meaning “Islam.” The specific meaning of Islam is revealed 3 months before the death of Prophet Muhammad in the farewell speech of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 5:3 which Allah tells us is the last verse in the Quran because Allah says He has “perfected and completed” the religion meaning the Quran and approved the name of the religion as “Islam” in Quran 5:3. 

3. In the time of Prophet Muhammad Allah told the Jews to recite the Torah as evidence of truth in Quran 3:93 and observe the Torah in Quran 5:68 and obey the judgements in the Torah Taurat which was with them 1400 years ago and is the same Torah which is with the Jews today in Quran 5:43 and Allah told the Christians to observe the Gospel Injil in Quran 5:68 and judge by the Gospel Injil which was with them 1400 years ago in the Gospel Injil of Jesus Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John which is with the Christians today in Quran 5:47 and said in Quran 3:85 “whoever seeks a religion other than submission (such as stone idol worship) it shall not be accepted by Allah in the hereafter” meaning everyone including the Muslim who obeys Quran 47:19 “…there is no Allah except Allah” and the Jew who obeys Torah Exodus 20:2 “.... You shall have no other gods before Me Allah” and the Christian who obeys the Gospel of Jesus Isa by Luke 4:8 “… You shall worship the Lord your Allah, and him only shall you serve” and does good deeds in the world will be successful in the hereafter because they are submitting to Allah in Quran 2:62, Quran 4:123, Quran 5:69, Quran 6:158 and Quran 41:8 as explained in Quran 2:137, Quran 3:64, Quran 5:48 and Quran 98:5. Islam has two meanings; the general meaning is submission in Quran 3:85 meaning anyone who submits to Allah in the past and present and future. If Quran 3:85 had the specific meaning of “Islam” instead of the general meaning of “submission” then it would mean no people except the people from the religion of Islam would be in Paradise Jannah meaning all the prophets and people before Islam would be the losers in the hereafter which is not correct because it contradicts other verses in the Quran and it does not make sense meaning the word Islam in Quran 3:85 is the general meaning “submission” and not the specific meaning “Islam.” The specific meaning of Islam is revealed 3 months before the death of Prophet Muhammad in the farewell speech of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 5:3 which Allah tells us is the last verse in the Quran because Allah says He has “perfected and completed” the religion meaning the Quran and approved the name of the religion as “Islam” in Quran 5:3. 

4. Allah created more than one religion of submission to Allah in Quran 5:48 by creating Judaism, Christianity and Islam and telling each to submit to Allah according to what Allah gave them in their book; the Torah for the Jewish people, the Gospel for the Christian people and the Quran for the Muslim people and strive for all that is good so that Allah can test who is best in behaviour.

Allah could have made all humans to follow one book but orders each community to follow the book Allah has given to them to test who is best in behaviour.

Allah tests the Jewish people by the Torah Taurat.

Allah tests the Christian people by the Gospel Injil.

Allah tests the Muslim people by the Quran.

See F above.

5. Allah explains who will go to Hell Jahannam in Quran 4:123. 

Quran 4:123 Verse 4:123 (Entry to Paradise Jannah) shall not be based on your (the Muslim's) desires or on the desires of the people of the Scripture (the Jews and the Christians). (Instead) whoever does wrong (on the earth) shall earn (the punishment for the wrong) and that person shall not find any protector or helper other than Allah (in the hereafter). 

Note 1. Allah will judge Muslims and Christians and Jews and every creation justly in the hereafter. 

6. Allah explains who will go to Paradise Jannah in Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69.

Quran 2:62 Verse 2:62 (In the hereafter) truly those (Muslims) who believed and those who became Jews, Christians and Sabians, whoever believed in Allah and the Last Day (The Day of Resurrection) and did good deeds, they shall have their reward from their Lord, and they shall not fear or grieve (and this is confirmed in Quran 6:158 for those in the hereafter who “believed” and did good deeds. Quran 5:69 repeats Quran 2:62 meaning stop and think about what Allah is saying in these verses confirming what is in the Hebrew Bible and the Gospel Injil of the promise of Paradise Jannah from Allah in the books of Allah on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement for those who “believed” and did good deeds. The Quran brings the same truth which Allah brought to the Jewish people in the Hebrew Bible and to the Christian people in the Gospel Injil of Jesus Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John. The Quran is a confirmer of what came before it in the same way as the Gospel Injil is a confirmer of what came before it meaning the Books of Allah confirm each other as proof Allah is real and as proof His promise is real as explained in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ3o3ybc-KA showing that without His permission no one can change His words in His Books which are with all humans today and until the Day of Judgement so that you can believe Allah is real and His promise is real).

Note 1. The Jews who believed in Allah and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah. 

Note 2. The Christians who believed in Allah and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah. 

Note 3. The Sabians who believed in Allah and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah. 

Note 4. The Muslims who believed in Allah and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah. 

Note 5. Everyone who believed in Allah and did good deeds goes to Paradise Jannah. 

Note 6. This revelation is so important that Allah has repeated it in Quran 5:69

In Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 the promise of Paradise Jannah is not for those who “believe” but only for those who “believed” meaning who died (past tense) because it is not until the time of death that your true belief or disbelief and your good and evil deeds are judged,

Allah repeated Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 two times because it is only with Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 that there are no contradictions within the Quran and between the Quran and the Torah Taurat and between the Quran and the Gospel Injil as proof in Quran 4:82 to the Jews in the time of Prophet Muhammad who are promised Paradise Jannah in Quran 3:113-3:115 and to the Christians in the time of Prophet Muhammad who are promised Paradise Jannah in Quran 5:82-5:85 and to the stone idol worshippers 1400 years ago who are not promised Paradise Jannah in Quran 3:85 and to all people today and in the future that the Quran is from Allah because the Quran contains no contradictions.

If Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 did not exist then it would be proof that the Quran was not from Allah because without Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 the Quran would contradict its self and contradict the Torah Taurat and contradict the Gospel Injil.

Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 is good news for Jews, Christians, Sabians, Muslims and all the people in the world confirming they will all come together again in a life after death. 

7. Why is ALM Alif Lam Mim الم in Quran chapter 32? 

ALM Alif Lam Mim الم are the names of Allah Gabriel Muhammad in Quran 32:1 A-llah gabrie-L M-uhammad ا-llah gabrie-م ل-uhammad.  

ALM Alif Lam Mim الم are the names of Allah Gabriel Muhammad and Quran 32:1 - 32:2 shows the Quran is revelation from Allah through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel Jibril to the mind of Prophet Muhammad confirming what was revealed before the Quran in the Scripture of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim in the Torah Taurat and the Torah Taurat and the Psalm Zabur of David Dawud in the Tanakh Hebrew scriptures and the Tanakh Hebrew scriptures which is with the Jewish people today and explaining the story of Prophet Jesus Isa in the Gospel Injil of Jesus Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John which is with the Christian people today as the proof that Allah is real and the Quran is truthful. 

Prophet Jesus Isa did not write anything because everything Jesus taught by his mouth was already written in the Tanakh Jewish scripture meaning Jesus did not add or subtract from what is in the Tanakh Jewish scripture in Gospel of Matthew 5:17-20 and Gospel of Matthew 23:1-3

The four Gospels are four reports about Jesus meaning Jesus never wrote anything and what he said was passed by mouth until it was written many years later.

Quran 5:68 says observe the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil and Quran 5:47 tells Christians to judge by the Gospel Injil (not by the other books in the New Testament Bible because what Paul and others teach contradicts what Jesus is teaching in the Gospel) meaning whatever in the Gospel Injil is confirmed in the Torah Taurat came from Jesus and whatever contradicts the Torah Taurat came from the unknown writers who are traditionally called Mark, Matthew, Luke and John in a test from Allah described in 1 Kings 13:14-24 teaching that the word of Allah will not change and do not believe anyone (for example Mark, Matthew, Luke and John) if in stories they claim the word of Allah has changed.


Allah would never allow the proof that Allah is real to be lost because Allah is just to every generation of humans who put their trust in the Books of Allah in Quran 4:136.

Anyone can reveal a book and claim all other books are corrupted but only Allah can reveal a Quran to Muslims and a Torah Taurat to Jews which confirm and explain each other in Quran 28:48-49 meaning the Quran and Torah Taurat are correctly understood when they confirm and explain each other.

Every prophet after Moses Musa reminded the Jewish people to observe the Sabbath Day forever in each generation as instructed in the Torah Taurat because it is their eternal covenant with Allah in Quran 2:40-41.

1. Jews and Christians who follow their Book and also believe the Quran shall receive a double reward in the hereafter in Quran 28:54, Quran 34:37 and Quran 57:28.

2. Jews who follow the Tanakh Jewish scripture and believe the Quran are correctly observing the Torah Taurat.

3. Christians who follow the Gospels and believe the Quran are correctly observing the Gospel Injil.

4. Muslims who follow the Quran so that it agrees with the Tanakh Jewish scripture and explains the story of Prophet Jesus in the Gospel Injil are correctly observing the Quran. 

Quran 4:136 Verse 4:136 “... and whoever has no faith inHis (Allah’s) Booksthen he has strayed far away (from Allah)

Quran 32:2 Verse 32:2 the revelation of the Book (the Quran) in which there is no doubt is from (Allah A Alif ا A-llah ا-llah) the Lord of the Worlds.

8. How can you know if you correctly understand N Q S ALM ALR ALMR ALMS HM TH’ TS’ TS’M YS’ A’S’Q KH’YA’S in the Quran?

ALM is the second most frequently used combination of these 14 letters in the Quran therefore the meaning of ALM will clearly show why it is the second most frequently used combination of these letters. 

Revelation in the Quran descended from ALM Allah gabrieL Muhammad ALM Allah jibriL Muhammad.

See. The meaning of ALM ALR ALMR ALMS HM TH TS TSM YS ASQ KHYAS N Q S in the Quran. 



Quran 32:2 Koran 32:2 Verse 32:2 Ayah 32:2 Ayat 32:2 Aya 32:2 the revelation of the Book (the Quran) in which there is no doubt is from (Allah) the Lord of the Worlds.

Comment 1. Why is there no doubt that the Quran is from Allah? 

1a. Is doubt in the Quran based on the ability of Prophet Muhammad to write?

There is no doubt that the Quran is from Allah not because Prophet Muhammad could not write which no person today can directly know but the people in the time of Prophet Muhammad directly knew.

Quran 29:48 says Prophet Muhammad never wrote it meaning never wrote a book with his hand before the Quran was revealed to him because if he had then maybe you would have had a reason to doubt the Quran because you would have thought it was like other books he had written before if he had been a writer of books 

Today most people who write have also never written a book.

The Quran does not say Prophet Muhammad can not write like other traders in Makkah who could read and write agreements between each other and who put announcements on the wall of the Kabah. 

The skill of reading and writing was important for traders in Makkah not for the purpose of writing books but for the purpose of trading between each other.

Today doubt in the Quran is not dependant on the ability or inability of Prophet Muhammad to write because no person today has direct knowledge and because such ability or inability does not decree prophethood.

Quran 29:48 does not say Prophet Muhammad cannot write; Quran 29:48 only says Prophet Muhammad had never written it meaning never written a book before the Quran was revealed to him. 

The Quran does not say Prophet Muhammad could not write before and after he was a prophet.

See. Quran 25:5 shows that the people of Makkah knew that Prophet Muhammad can read and write meaning the idea that Prophet Muhammad cannot read and write is not from Allah and not from Prophet Muhammad and not from the Quran but came from people who did not understand the meaning of lettered meaning educated in the scripture of Allah and unlettered meaning not educated in the scripture of Allah. 

See Quran 25:5 comment in Quran chapter 25.

1b. Is doubt in the Quran based on the ability of Prophet Muhammad to read?

There is no doubt that the Quran is from Allah not because Prophet Muhammad could not read which no person today can directly know but the people in the time of Prophet Muhammad directly knew.

Quran 29:48 says Prophet Muhammad did not read a book because the only books at that time near Makkah were the Books of Allah that were read by the Jews in Yathrib and this is confirmed in Quran 42:52 which confirms he did not know the Book of Allah until the Quran was revealed to him..

The Quran does not say Prophet Muhammad can not read like other traders in Makkah who could read and write agreements between each other and who put announcements on the wall of the Kabah. 

The skill of reading and writing was important for traders in Makkah not for the purpose of reading books but for the purpose of trading between each other.

Today doubt in the Quran is not dependant on the ability or inability of Prophet Muhammad to read because no person today has direct knowledge and because such ability or inability does not decree prophethood.

Quran 29:48 does not say Prophet Muhammad cannot read; Quran 29:48 only says Prophet Muhammad did not recite books to the people before the Quran was revealed to him meaning if he had been a reciter of books before the Quran was revealed to him then maybe the people might have had a reason to doubt the Quran because they would have thought that the Quran was like other books he had recited to them if he had been a reciter of books.

The Quran does not say Prophet Muhammad could not read before and after he was a prophet.

See 1. What does Ummi mean?

What does lettered and unlettered mean?


See 2. Can Prophet Muhammad read and write?

Prophet Muhammad can read and write.


1c. Doubt or confirmation of the Quran can only be based on confirmation or conflict with the Books of Allah which were revealed before the Quran.

There is no doubt that the Quran is from Allah because the truth of Quran 3:3, 12:196, 26:196, 37:37 and 41:43 can be directly confirmed by every human today because Allah protects His word in His Books.

Today doubt in the Quran is dependant on the Quran confirming or conflicting with the Torah Taurat and Gospel Injil and Psalms Zabur and other related writings.

If Allah did not protect all His Books in every generation of humans then there would be no way for humans to confirm the truth of any Book.

If Allah did not protect all His Books in every generation of humans then there would be no way for humans to confirm the existence of Allah because His word was not protected and would conflict in each Book of Allah instead of support each Book of Allah.

Quran 3:3 Verse 3:3 He (Allah) revealed to you (Prophet Muhammad) the Book (the Quran) of truth confirming what came before it (in the Torah Taurat and in the Gospel Injil), and He (Allah) revealed the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil.

Quran 12:111 Verse 12:111 "... It (the Quran) is not an invented story but it is a confirmation of what came before it (in the Scriptures of the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil) ..." 

Quran 26:196 Verse 26:196 It (the revelations from Allah in the Quran) is (also) in the Scriptures of the people of the past (in the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil). 

Note 1. Allah protects His Books so that every human can directly confirm the truth that is revealed to them.

Quran 37:37 Verse 37:37 No (you should not if he was mad) but he (Prophet Muhammad) brought the Truth, and he confirmed (the truth of) those (messengers of Allah who were) sent (before him).

Note 1. Allah protects His Books so that every human can directly confirm the truth that is revealed to them.

Quran 41:43 Verse 41:43 Nothing is said (by Allah) to you (Prophet Muhammad) except what has already been said to the messengers before you. Your Lord (Allah) is the possessor of forgiveness and severe punishment.

Note 1. Allah protects His Books so that every human can directly confirm the truth that is revealed to them.

Comment 2. The Books of Allah.

Stories claiming the Torah Taurat is corrupted contradict all the teachings in the Quran telling us that the Jewish people have the Torah and telling us that the Torah is from Allah and telling us that no one can change the word of Allah because that is the proof that Allah is real for every human until the Day of Judgement. 


The Jewish people judge scripture as true if it confirms the Torah Taurat.

Many Muslims say the Quran does not agree with the Torah Taurat and therefore to a Jew it means the Quran cannot be from Allah.


If Muslims said the Quran confirms the Torah Taurat it would mean the Quran is from Allah but this is not what many Muslims are telling the Jewish people today.


1400 years ago Prophet Muhammad said the Quran confirms the Torah Taurat meaning confirms the Torah Taurat is correct as proof the Quran is from Allah but this is not the message many Muslims say to Jewish people today.


Rabbi Tovia Singer has studied the Torah Taurat and Gospel Injil and Quran and explains that the Jews have the scripture and therefore whenever anyone claims they also have the scripture the Jewish person compares their scripture to all other scriptures and if another scripture agrees with the Jewish scripture the Jew will applaud it in other words Jews are not asking if someone is or is not a prophet but a Jew asks do scriptures like the Gospel and the Quran which both say they confirm the Torah Taurat agree or disagree with the Jewish scripture.


When a Jew reads in the Quran that Allah is only one the Jew applauds it meaning it agrees with the Torah.

When a Jew reads some Christian opinions that Allah is a Trinity the Jew does not applaud it meaning it disagrees with the Torah Taurat.

See 1. Quran 28:52 comments in Quran chapter 28.

See 2. Quran 28:53 comments in Quran chapter 28.

See 3. Quran 28:54 comments in Quran chapter 28.

See 4. Quran 4:162 comments in Quran chapter 4.


Comment 3. Evidence for the truth is the Quran confirming the Torah Taurat is correct. 

Quran 3:93 Ayah 3:93 “… Say (Prophet Muhammad, to the Jews of Yathrib), "Bring the Torah Taurat here and recite it (to me as evidence) if what you say is true."

Note 1. The proof of truth according to the Quran is the Torah Taurat meaning no one changed the Torah Taurat.

Note 2. The Quran confirms the Torah Taurat is with the Jewish people and the Quran confirms no one can change the word of Allah.

Note 3. Allah tells the Jews to recite the Torah Taurat meaning the Jews have the Torah Taurat and no one changed it.

Note 4. If anyone can prove the Torah Taurat was changed then they have found the proof that Allah does not exist.

Note 5. Allah says the proof of truth is the Quran confirming what is with the Jewish people in the Torah Taurat meaning there are no contradictions between the Quran which is with the Muslim people and the Torah Taurat which is with the Jewish people.


Quran 2:41 Ayah 2:41 And believe in what I (Allah) have revealed (in the Quran) confirming that which is with you (the Jewish people in the Torah Taurat as proof to the stone idol worshipers of Makkah in Quran 6:114, Quran 46:10 and Quran 10:94 that the Quran is not an invented story) ..."

Note 1. The Quran confirms the Torah Taurat which is with the Jewish people forever.


Quran 4:136 Ayah 4:136 “... and whoever has no faith inHis (Allah’s) Books, … then he has strayed far away (from Allah).


Comment 4. The Quran confirms the Torah Taurat and explains the story of Jesus in the Gospel Injil. 

A. Prophet Muhammad in the Torah Taurat and Gospel Injil.

See Quran 7:157 comments in Quran chapter 7.


B. Every prophet of God is “the Word of God made flesh” meaning the word of God comes out of the mouth of every prophet of God in Deuteronomy 18:18.

See Quran 5:116 comments in Quran chapter 5.


C. How did Allah save Jesus. 

See 1. Quran 4:157 and Quran 4:158 comments in Quran chapter 4.

See 2. Quran 29:57 comments in Quran chapter 29.


D. The second coming of Jesus and every other human is on the Day of Resurrection.

See Quran 79:7 comments in Quran chapter 79.


E. Examples of hadith stories which contradict the teachings of Allah in the Quran.

See Quran 25:30 comments in Quran chapter 25.


F. Allah protects the Quran, Gospel Injil and the Torah Taurat as proof Allah is real.



G. Jews and Christians who follow their Book and also believe the Quran will be rewarded twice in the hereafter.

See Quran 28:54 comments in Quran chapter 28.

Quran 32:3 Koran 32:3 Verse 32:3 Ayah 32:3 Ayat 32:3 Aya 32:3 Or do they (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah Arabia) say, “He (Prophet Muhammad) has invented it (the Quran)?” It (the Quran) is the truth from your Lord (Allah) so that you (Prophet Muhammad) may warn a people (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah Arabia) to whom no warner has come before you so that they might be correctly guided.


Quran 32:4 Koran 32:4 Verse 32:4 Ayah 32:4 Ayat 32:4 Aya 32:4 Allah created the heavens and the earth and what is between them in six Days (six periods of time). Then He (Allah) established himself above the Throne (meaning, Allah established himself as the supreme authority over His creation). You do not have a protecting friend or intercessor except for Him (Allah). Shall you not remember (to keep your duty to Allah, your creator)?

Comment 1. Creation is the same story in the Quran and Torah. See Quran 41:9 comments.


Quran 32:5 Koran 32:5 Verse 32:5 Ayah 32:5 Ayat 32:5 Aya 32:5 He (Allah) regulates the affair of the heaven (by sending the angels and the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel Jibril) to the earth; then it (the report of this affair delivered by the angels and the Holy Spirit) will ascend to Him (Allah) in a day, the measure (duration) of which is (like) a thousand years by your (human) measurement (meaning one day for Allah is like 1,000 years for humans meaning one thousand years of regulating the affairs of the heaven to the earth is like a day’s work for Allah meaning if humans live for 100 years then ten generations of humans have passed away in the sight of Allah in one day meaning 10 generations of humans have lived and died in the sight of Allah in 1 day meaning everything that humans and angels do in one thousand years is like one day for Allah meaning that in the existence of Allah a thousand years for humans are like one day's work for Allah or a thousand years for humans is like a few hours in a human night for Allah or a thousand years for humans is like a few minutes in a human day for Allah or a thousand years for humans is like one human second for Allah or a thousand years for humans is like a millionth of a human second for Allah or a thousand years for humans is like a billionth of a human second for Allah because time does not apply to Allah. Allah created time. Time only applies to the creation. Allah is not a creation. Allah is the creator. Time does not apply to Allah because Allah knows the past and present and future. Time only applies to creations that are born and die. Time does not apply to the creator who was never born and will never die).  

Comment 1. Explain the meaning of One Day for Allah is 1000 years and 50000 years.

50000 years. 

Quran 70:1 Verse 70:1 A question was asked concerning the punishment that shall come - 

Quran 70:2 Verse 70:2 To those who do not believe (in Allah who is their creator, such as the stone idol worshippers in Mecca Arabia today Makkah Saudi Arabia), (a punishment) which no one can prevent – 

Quran 70:44 Verse 70:44 (In the Hereafter) their eyes shall be humbled and they shall be covered in humiliation. That is the Day that they (who disbelieve in Allah, the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) are promised. 

Quran 70:3 Verse 70:3 from Allah, Lord of the ascending stairways (to heaven) – 

Quran 70:43 Verse 70:43 The Day (of Resurrection) when they shall come out of their graves in a hurry as if they are racing to a goal. 

Quran 70:4 Verse 70:4 (The seven sleepers in Quran 18:19 and the death and resurrection of Prophet Ezra Uzair in Quran 2:259 teach that the time between death and resurrection feels like nothing but sleeping for less than one day and this is confirmed in Quran 20:103, 20:104, 23:113, 30:55, 46:35 and 79:46 which teach that both the righteous and the wrongdoer shall swear on the Day of Resurrection that death feels like nothing but a one hour sleep or ten hour sleep meaning sleeping in death for billions of years feels like closing and then opening your eyes. Everyone is returned to Allah and) the angels and the Spirit (the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel Jibril) ascend (go up) to Him (Allah) in a day the measure (duration) of which is (like) fifty thousand years (meaning after every human experienced billions of years in death as if it was only a very short one hour sleep or ten hour sleep humans will experience the Day of Resurrection and Judgement to feel like a very long day fifty thousand years long which in fact will be very short compared to eternity in the hereafter https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/hadith-punishment-in-the-grave ).

Quran 70:42 Verse 70:42 So (Prophet Muhammad) leave them to their useless conversations (where they speak as if they know something about Allah) and amusements (in their ridicule and mockery of Allah’s revelations) until they meet their Day (of Resurrection) which they are promised. 

Quran 70:5 Verse 70:5 So (Prophet Muhammad) be patient by being gracious in (your) patience (to the people around you including the stone idol worshippers in Makkah). 

Quran 25:25 Verse 25:25 And (mention) the Day (of Resurrection in the hereafter) when the heaven shall be split open with clouds from which the angels shall be sent down, descending (in ranks, one after the other on a new earth, a new land, a new ground in the hereafter). 

Note 1. The angels and the Spirit who ascend to Allah shall be seen descending to the place where humans and angels and Allah shall meet on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement.

1000 years.

Quran 22:47 Verse 22:47 And they (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah Arabia) ask you to hurry the punishment (from Allah). Allah does not fail in His (Allah’s) promise (to punish the wicked). A Day with your Lord (Allah) is (like) a thousand years by your (human) measurement (meaning one thousand years of human history is a day’s work for Allah meaning if humans live for 100 years then ten generations of humans have passed away in the sight of Allah in one day meaning 10 generations of humans have lived and died in the sight of Allah in 1 day meaning everything that humans and angels do in one thousand years is like one day for Allah meaning that in the existence of Allah a thousand years for humans are like one day's work for Allah or a thousand years for humans is like a few hours in a human night for Allah or a thousand years for humans is like a few minutes in a human day for Allah or a thousand years for humans is like one human second for Allah or a thousand years for humans is like a millionth of a human second for Allah or a thousand years for humans is like a billionth of a human second for Allah because time does not apply to Allah. Allah created time. Time only applies to the creation. Allah is not a creation. Allah is the creator. Time does not apply to Allah because Allah knows the past and present and future. Time only applies to creations that are born and die. Time does not apply to the creator who was never born and will never die meaning what Allah has promised will come according to the time decreed by the will of Allah and not according to the time desired by the will of humans). 

Quran 32:5 Verse 32:5 He (Allah) regulates the affair of the heaven (by sending the angels and the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel Jibril) to the earth; then it (the report of this affair delivered by the angels and the Holy Spirit) will ascend to Him (Allah) in a day, the measure (duration) of which is (like) a thousand years by your (human) measurement (meaning one day for Allah is like 1,000 years for humans meaning one thousand years of regulating the affairs of the heaven to the earth is like a day’s work for Allah meaning if humans live for 100 years then ten generations of humans have passed away in the sight of Allah in one day meaning 10 generations of humans have lived and died in the sight of Allah in 1 day meaning everything that humans and angels do in one thousand years is like one day for Allah meaning that in the existence of Allah a thousand years for humans are like one day's work for Allah or a thousand years for humans is like a few hours in a human night for Allah or a thousand years for humans is like a few minutes in a human day for Allah or a thousand years for humans is like one human second for Allah or a thousand years for humans is like a millionth of a human second for Allah or a thousand years for humans is like a billionth of a human second for Allah because time does not apply to Allah. Allah created time. Time only applies to the creation. Allah is not a creation. Allah is the creator. Time does not apply to Allah because Allah knows the past and present and future. Time only applies to creations that are born and die. Time does not apply to the creator who was never born and will never die). 

Comment 2. The Holy Spirit in the Quran.

Quran 2:97 Verse 2:97 Say (Prophet Muhammad, to the people), who is against (Angel) Gabriel Jibril?because it is he (Angel Gabriel Jibril) who has revealed this (Scripture, the Quran) to your heart (Prophet Muhammad) by Allah’s permission, confirming what was revealed before it (in the Gospel Injil and in the Torah Taurat), and as a guidance and good news for those who believe.

Quran 16:2 Verse 16:2 He (Allah) sends down the angels with the Spirit (The Spirit of inspiration, The Spirit of revelation, the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel Jibril) by His (Allah’s) command to whom He (Allah) pleases of His (Allah's) servants (saying to those humans who are chosen as prophets and messengers), "Warn (humans) that there is no Allah but Me (Allah) so do your duty to Me (by praying only to the one Allah that created you)."

Quran 19:64 Verse 19:64 (Answering Prophet Muhammad’s wish that Angel Gabriel Jibril visit him more often, angel Gabriel Jibril replied), we (angels) do not descend (to the Earth) except by the order of your Lord (Allah). ..."

Quran 40:15 Verse 40:15 Raised high above any ranks (or any degrees, or any measure, or any evaluation, or of anything that exists), is the Lord (Allah) of the Throne (The Master controller of everything, owner of everything that is created), By His (Allah’s) command He (Allah) sends the Spirit (ar-ruh, of inspiration, of revelation, of His command) to any of His (Allah’s) servants as He (Allah) pleases so that it (whomever Allah sends the inspiration of Allah’s revelations, whomever Allah sends the inspiration of Allah’s command) may warn (humans) of the Day of Mutual Meeting (the Day of the meeting with Allah, The Day of Judgement, The Day of Allah’s Judgement).

See: Who is the Holy Ghost? Who is the Holy Spirit? 


2a. Angel Gabriel Jibril is identified as the Holy Spirit in Quran 2:97, Quran 16:102 and Quran 53:4 – 53:5. 

The Spirit is the Holy Spirit meaning the Spirit sent by Allah to reveal the word of Allah to humans in the Quran.

In the Quran Angel Gabriel Jibril is the Holy Spirit who delivered the revelations from Allah.

Quran 2:97 Verse 2:97 Say (Prophet Muhammad, to the people), who is against (Angel) Gabriel Jibril?because it is he (Angel Gabriel Jibril) who has revealed this (Scripture, the Quran) to your heart (Prophet Muhammad) by Allah’s permission, confirming what was revealed before it (in the Gospel Injil and in the Torah Taurat), and as a guidance and good news for those who believe.

Quran 16:102 Verse 16:102 Say (Prophet Muhammad, to the people), “The Holy Spirit (Ruh Al-Qudus, Angel Gabriel Jibril) has descended it (meaning brought down from heaven the revelations in the Quran) from your Lord (Allah) with the truth, in order to strengthen (the faith of) those who believe and as a guidance and Good News to those that have submitted (their will to Allah, meaning those that have put their trust in Allah).”

Quran 53:4 Verse 53:4 It (The Quran, Al-Quran) is nothing but revealed revelation.

Quran 53:5 Verse 53:5 That one with great powers (Angel Gabriel Jibril) has taught him (Prophet Muhammad) – 

2b. Angel Gabriel Jibril identified himself as the Holy Spirit in the Gospel of Luke 1:19. 

What does Holy in the words Holy Spirit mean?

Holy in Holy Spirit means the same as the word Holy in Holy land.

The Holy land in Torah Exodus 3:6 and Quran 20:12 is the land, ground, valley which is in the presence of Allah.

Angel Gabriel Jibril in the Gospel of Luke 1:19 identified himself as the Holy Spirit by telling humans that he is the angel who stands in the presence of Allah.

Quran 20:12 Verse 20:12 “I am your Lord (Allah), take off your shoes, you (Prophet Moses Musa) are in theholy valley of Tuwa.

Torah Exodus 3:5 And He (Allah) said, “Do not come closer, take off your shoes from off your feet because the place where you stand is holy ground.”

Torah Exodus 3:6 He (Allah) said, “'I am the Allah of your father, the Allah of Abraham Ibrahim, the Allah of Isaac Ishaq, and the Allah of Jacob Yaqub Israel.” And Moses Musa hid his face because he was afraid to look at (the place from where the voice of) Allah (was coming).

Note 1. Ground which is in the presence of Allah is called Holy ground.

Gospel of Luke 1:19 In answer the angel said to him, "I am Gabriel Jibril, one who stands in the presence of Allah, and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you these glad announcements. 

Note 1. Ground which is in the presence of Allah is called Holy ground.

Note 2. An angel in the presence of Allah is called a Holy Spirit.

Note 3. When angel Gabriel Jibril said “I am one who stands in the presence of Allah” it means “I am the Holy Spirit.”

Note 4. The Quran and the Gospel Injil are the story of one Holy Spirit named angel Gabriel Jibril who delivered the word of Allah from heaven to humans on the earth through Prophet Jesus Isa in the Gospel Injil and through Prophet Muhammad in the Quran.

2c. Why is the Spirit and the angels mentioned separately in Quran 70:40?

The angel who delivered the word of Allah to humans on the earth stands in the presence of Allah in the Gospel of Luke 1:19 and is honoured as “the Spirit” in Quran 70:4 meaning the Holy Spirit in Quran 16:102 meaning the Spirit who stands in the presence of Allah in the Gospel of Luke 1:19 and who delivered the word of Allah from heaven to humans on the earth in both the Gospel Injil and in the Quran.

The Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel Jibril is honoured as “the Spirit” because he delivered the word of Allah to humans through the revelation of the Quran to Prophet Muhammad in Quran 2:97, Quran 16:102, Quran 53:4 – 53:5 and Quran 81:19.

Quran 2:97 Verse 2:97 Say (Prophet Muhammad, to the people), who is against (Angel) Gabriel Jibril?because it is he (Angel Gabriel Jibril) who has revealed this (Scripture, the Quran) to your heart (Prophet Muhammad) by Allah’s permission, confirming what was revealed before it (in the Gospel Injil and in the Torah Taurat), and as a guidance and good news for those who believe.

Quran 16:102 Verse 16:102 Say (Prophet Muhammad, to the people), “The Holy Spirit (Ruh Al-Qudus, Angel Gabriel Jibril) has descended it (meaning brought down from heaven the revelations in the Quran) from your Lord (Allah) with the truth, in order to strengthen (the faith of) those who believe and as a guidance and Good News to those that have submitted (their will to Allah, meaning those that have put their trust in Allah).”

Quran 53:4 Verse 53:4 It (The Quran, Al-Quran) is nothing but revealed revelation.

Quran 53:5 Verse 53:5 That one with great powers (Angel Gabriel Jibril) has taught him (Prophet Muhammad) – 

Quran 69:38 Verse 69:38 So I (Allah) swear by what you see.

Quran 69:39 Verse 69:39 And by what you do not see.

Quran 69:40 Verse 69:40 That this (Quran) is the word of an honourable messenger (Prophet Muhammad).

Quran 69:43 Verse 69:43 (The Quran is) a revelation from (Allah) the Lord of the Worlds (of humans and jinn).

Quran 70:4 Verse 70:4 The angels and the Spirit (the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel Jibril) ascend (go up) to Him (Allah) …”

Quran 81:19 Verse 81:19 That this (Quran recited to Prophet Muhammad) is the word of an honourable messenger (angel Gabriel Jibril).

2d. Like the Quran the Gospel Injil also calls the angel "the Spirit," "the Holy Spirit" and "the Holy Spirit of Allah" meaning "the Holy angel of Allah."

Gospel of Luke 3:22 and the Holy Spirit descended on him (Jesus Isa) in the bodily form of a dove (a body with wings, an angel) …” 

Note 1. The Gospel Injil calls the angel "the Holy Spirit."

Gospel of Mark 1:10 And going up out of the water he (Jesus Isa) immediately saw the heavens opening, and the Spirit (Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost) as a dove (a body with wings, an angel) coming down to him (Jesus Isa). 

Note 1. The Gospel Injil calls the angel "the Spirit."

Gospel of Matthew 3:16 As soon as he (Jesus Isa) was baptized (by John the Baptizer), Jesus Isa came up out of the water, and behold, the heavens were opened, and he saw the Holy Spirit of Allah (Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost) coming down like a dove (a body with wings, an angel), coming onto him (Jesus Isa).

Note 1. The Gospel Injil calls the angel "the Holy Spirit of Allah."

Comment 3. The Holy Spirit in the Gospel.

3a. In the Gospel the Holy Spirit in the form of an angel descended on Jesus therefore the Holy Spirit is a created creature made by Allah.

See: Comment 2d above (the Holy Spirit in the Quran).

3b. In the Gospel angel Gabriel Jibril was sent in the form of a man by Allah to speak to humans.

Gospel of Luke 1:19 In answer the angel said to him, "I am Gabriel, one who stands in the presence of Allah, and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you these glad announcements. 

3c. The Holy Spirit descended with the soul of Jesus.

In the Gospel angel Gabriel Jibril was sent in the form of a man by Allah to speak to Mary.

In the Gospel the Holy Spirit was sent in the form of an angel by Allah to deliver the soul of Jesus to the womb of Mary in the Gospel of Luke 1:35 therefore the Holy Spirit is a created creature made by Allah as confirmed in the Gospel of Luke 3:22.

The Holy Spirit descended with the soul of Jesus for the womb of Mary.

Angels descend (bring down) souls to earth in the same way as the angel of death ascends (raises up) souls to heaven.

When angel Gabriel Jibril descended in the form of an angel to deliver the soul of Jesus to the womb of Mary he is called the Holy Spirit from Allah who was decended from heaven to Mary on the earth.

Gospel of Luke 1:35 And in answer the angel (the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel who came in the form of a man) said to her (the virgin Mary), "The Holy Spirit (the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel who will come in the form of a dove, a body with wings, an angel) will come upon you (to deliver to your womb a soul created by Allah for your son Jesus), and the power of the Most High (Allah) will overshadow you (so that what Allah has decreed is fulfilled without failure). For this reason also, the one to be born will be called holy (the blessed), the Son of Allah (meaning the Servant of Allah, the Slave of Allah who is the prophet and messenger and messiah sent by Allah). 

Note 1. Allah sent angel Gabriel Jibril to Mary in the form of a man to deliver the word of Allah.

Note 2. Allah sent angel Gabriel Jibril to Mary in the form of an angel to deliver the soul of Jesus to the womb of Mary.

Note 3. The Holy Spirit is an angel in both the Gospel Injil and in the Quran.

Gospel of Luke 3:22 and the Holy Spirit descended on him (the prophet and messenger and messiah Jesus Isa) in the bodily form of a dove (a body with wings, an angel) …” 

3d. The Holy Spirit descended on Prophet Jesus Isa.

The Holy Spirit is an angel in both the Gospel Injil and in the Quran.

Gospel of Luke 3:22 and the Holy Spirit descended on him (the prophet and messenger and messiah Jesus Isa) in the bodily form of a dove (a body with wings, an angel) …” 

3e. Angel Gabriel Jibril identified himself as the Holy Spirit in the Gospel of Luke 1:19. 

See: Comment 2b above (the Holy Spirit in the Quran).

Comment 4. Is the Earth 6000 years old or 4.5 billion years old?

Question: If we know that the Earth is more than 6000 years old then how can scientific knowledge and religious knowledge be combined?

Answer: Search the Torah (Taurat), Gospel (Injil) and Koran (Quran) to find the correct interpretation of a verse.

Jewish Hebrew Bible Psalms 90:4 A thousand years mean nothing to You (Allah), they are only a day gone by or a few hours in the night.

Note 1. Time does not apply to Allah so one day for Allah is like 1000 years for humans, like 1 million years for humans, like 1 billion years for humans because Allah knows the past and present and future. Time is a creation. Allah is not a creation. Allah is the creator therefore time does not apply to Allah.

Video. Earth, Making of a Planet  (Google "youtube Earth, Making of a Planet"). 

Comment 5. Allah created the heavens and the earth in six Days (of 1000 years each day) or in six periods of time (of what ever number of years Allah willed for each period of time).

Today science allows us to understand that six periods of time is the correct interpretation of this verse.

Quran 25:59 Verse 25:59 He (Allah) created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them in six Days and then established Himself (Allah) on the Throne (of authority over the creation). (Allah is) the Most Merciful. Ask a person who is well informed (such as Prophet Muhammad) concerning Him (Allah).

Quran 32:4 Verse 32:4 Allah created the heavens and the earth and what is between them in six Days (six periods of time). Then He (Allah) established himself above the Throne (meaning, Allah established himself as the supreme authority over His creation). You do not have a protecting friend or intercessor except for Him (Allah). Shall you not remember (to keep your duty to Allah, your creator)?

Note 1. Time does not apply to Allah.

Time does not apply to Allah so one day for Allah is like 1000 years for humans, like 1 million years for humans, like 1 billion years for humans because Allah knows the past and present and future. Time is a creation. Allah is not a creation. Allah is the creator therefore time does not apply to Allah. Time does not apply to Allah because Allah knows the past and present and future.

Note 2. Torah Taurat of Moses Musa.

Jewish Hebrew Bible Genesis 2:1 And the heaven and the earth were finished, and all the host (living things) of them (the heavens and the Earth).

Jewish Hebrew Bible Genesis 2:2 And on the seventh day Allah finished His work which He had made (in six days); and He rested on the seventh day (Allah has no need to rest so this means that Allah completed all His creation in 6 days and commanded humans to remember Allah when humans rest on the seventh day as a remembrance of Allah) from all His (Allah’s) work which He (Allah) had made.


Comment 6. Psalms of David Dawud.

Jewish Hebrew Bible Psalms 90:4 For a thousand years in Your (Allah’s) sight (existence) are but as yesterday when it is past (meaning is like yesterday past), and as a watch in the night (meaning like a short period during the night watch).

Note 1. Psalms 90:4 A thousand years mean nothing to You (Allah), they are only a day gone by or a few hours in the night.

Note 2. Psalms 90:4 Indeed, in Your (Allah’s) sight (existence) a thousand years are like a single day, like yesterday already past, like an hour in the night.

Note 3. Allah exists outside of time because Allah created time.

Allah exists outside of time because Allah knows the past and present and future.

Time is a creation whereas Allah is the creator.

Time affects humans.

Time does not affect Allah.

Comment 7. How to correctly understand the Torah Gospel and Quran.

Allah can only be correctly understood in the Books of Allah (Torah, Gospel and Quran) by interpreting the verses of Allah so that they agree with the nature of Allah.


Example 1. In Jewish Hebrew Bible Genesis 2:2 we know that Allah has no need for rest so this verse can only be correctly understood when rest is applied to humans and for Allah the word rest must mean completed when applied to the creator.

Jewish Hebrew Bible Genesis 2:2 And on the seventh day Allah finished His work which He had made (in six days); and He rested on the seventh day (Allah has no need to rest so this means that Allah completed all His creation in 6 days and commanded humans to remember Allah when humans rest on the seventh day as a remembrance of Allah) from all His (Allah’s) work which He (Allah) had made.


Example 2. In Jewish Hebrew Bible Psalms 90:4 we know that Allah is not a body with eyes so the word sight must be correctly understood in relation to Allah to mean existence.

Psalms 90:4 Indeed, in Your (Allah’s) sight (existence) a thousand years are like a single day, like yesterday already past, like an hour in the night (meaning like a short period during the night watch).


Example 3. In Quran 32:4 we know that Allah is not a body who sits on a throne so the word throne must be correctly understood in relation to Allah to mean authority over the creation.

Quran 32:4 Verse 32:4 Allah created the heavens and the earth and what is between them in six Days (six periods of time). Then He (Allah) established himself above the Throne (meaning, Allah established himself as the supreme authority over His creation). You do not have a protecting friend or intercessor except for Him (Allah). Shall you not remember (to keep your duty to Allah, your creator)?


Example 4. How does Allah explain to creations who experience time and existence as the same thing that Allah exists without time?

In Quran 32:5 we know that time does not apply to Allah because time is a creation so this verse can only be correctly understood when time is applied to creations in a way that shows that time does not apply to Allah. 

Quran 32:5 Verse 32:5 He (Allah) regulates the affair of the heaven (by sending the angels and the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel Jibril) to the earth; then it (the report of this affair delivered by the angels and the Holy Spirit) will ascend to Him (Allah) in a day, the measure of which is (like) a thousand years by your (human) measurement (meaning one day for Allah is like 1,000 years for humans meaning one thousand years of regulating the affairs of the heaven to the earth is like a day’s work for Allah). 

The Observable Universe is 93 billion light years across.

Today the observable Universe is 93 billion light years across and expanding 


How do we know that the Universe is expanding? 


Traveling at the speed of light it would take more than 93 billion years to travel across the observable 93 billion light years Universe because space is expanding. 


How many Galaxies are in the Universe?

There are an estimated 500 billion galaxies in the Universe 


Each galaxy contains hundreds of billions of stars and hundreds of billions of planets.

Diagram of how our Milky Way Galaxy would look like from a distance of 50,000 light years away.

Our Milky Way Galaxy is 100,000 light years across.

We live inside this Galaxy of stars.

Our Galaxy is one of 500 billion galaxies in the observable Universe.

Diagram thanks to Richard Powell at Atlas of the Universe.

Our Milky Way Galaxy is a barred spiral galaxy that contains between 200 and 400 billion stars.

At the speed of light it would take 100,000 years to travel across the 100,000 light year diameter of our Milky Way Galaxy.

Our Solar System containing the Sun, the Earth, the Moon, the seven planets and Pluto is located within the disk of the Milky Way, about 27,000 light-years away from the Galactic Center, on the inner edge of a spiral-shaped concentration of gas and dust called the Orion Arm.

The stars in the inner 10,000 light-years of our Milky Way Galaxy form a bulge and one or more bars that radiate from the bulge.

The very center of our Milky Way Galaxy is marked by an intense radio source named Sagittarius A which is likely to be a super massive black hole.

Stars and gases at a wide range of distances from the Galactic centre of our Milky Way Galaxy orbit at approximately 220 kilometers per second and this requires the existence of more mass than is visible. Scientists have called this unseen mass Dark Matter.

Dark Matter provides unseen mass and therefore the gravity that maintains the structure of every galaxy in the Universe.

The oldest known star in our Milky Way Galaxy is at least 13.6 billion years old and formed shortly after the Big Bang (inflation) when the Universe came into existence 13.8 billion years ago.

The Sun is the star of our solar system.

Our Solar System containing the Sun, the Earth, the Moon, the seven planets and Pluto were formed 4.6 billion years ago.

The diameter of our Solar System is 0.0025 light-years.

At the speed of light it would take 22 hours from Earth to reach the boundary called the Termination Shock zone where the Solar wind from the Sun is slower than the speed of sound and interstellar space (the space between the stars) begins. 

Comment 8. Allah creates evolution over periods of time. 

Quran 64:3 Verse 64:3 He (Allah) created the heavens and the earth with truth (for a true purpose) and He (Allah) shaped you (in the womb, see Quran 71:14 comments) and perfected your shapes and to Him (Allah) is the destination.

Note 1. Allah created creation by “shaping you and perfecting your shapes” which humans call the process of evolution.

Quran 71:17 Verse 71:17 And Allah has caused you to grow like a growth from the earth (just like plants also grow from the earth, meaning that humans were created by Allah from the materials on the earth through Allah’s predetermined process of evolution).

Note 2. Allah creates creation through a process of evolution.

In the sight of Allah this creation is instant but in the eyes of humans this process is over minutes, hours, years, millions of years and billions of years.

Scientifically humans call the shaping of creation the process of evolution.

See Quran 41:9 comments in Quran chapter 41.

Comment 9. Index of one day for Allah is how many years for humans? 

Index of one day is one thousand years.

Index of one day is fifty thousand years.

Index of one day for Allah is how many years for humans in the Quran.

Index of one day is fifty thousand years in the Quran.

See 1: Creation of the Earth in Quran 22:47

See 2: Creation of the Earth in Quran 25:59

See 3: Creation of the Earth in Quran 32:4 – 32:7.

See 4: Creation of the Earth in Quran 70:4.

Comment 10. Creation of the Heaven and the Earth in two days. 

Creation of the Earth in four days. 

Creation of the Earth in six days. 

See Quran 41:9 comments in Quran chapter 41.

Comment 11. What are the seven heavens and the seven earths? 

Where are the seven heavens? 

Where are the seven earths? 

See Quran 65:12 comments in Quran chapter 65.

Comment 12. What are meteorites?

Jinn and meteors are symbolic stories in the Quran for the teaching of good behavior.

See Quran 37:8 comments in Quran chapter 37.

Quran 32:6 Koran 32:6 Verse 32:6 Ayah 32:6 Ayat 32:6 Aya 32:6 That is (Allah who is) the knower of the unseen (which is what people do not know) and the seen (which is what people know) and (Allah is) the greatest (in importance to every creation) and the (most) merciful (in forgiveness).


Quran 32:7 Koran 32:7 Verse 32:7 Ayah 32:7 Ayat 32:7 Aya 32:7 (Allah) who perfected everything which He (Allah) created and began the creation of man from clay.

Comment 1. The first man Prophet Adam was formed by Allah from clay with no mother and no father.

The first woman was formed by Allah from a bone of Adam with no mother and no father.

Prophet Jesus Isa was formed by Allah inside Mary Maryam with no father. 


Quran 32:8 Koran 32:8 Verse 32:8 Ayah 32:8 Ayat 32:8 Aya 32:8 Then He (Allah) made his (the human's) offspring from the extract of a liquid held in low esteem (an undervalued liquid where urine and semen are discharged from the same location, the semen of the male is inserted into the egg of the female).


Quran 32:9 Koran 32:9 Verse 32:9 Ayah 32:9 Ayat 32:9 Aya 32:9 Then He (Allah) proportioned the person and breathed into them the Spirit (the created soul made for each human) from Him (Allah) and gave you hearing and sight and hearts (minds) but little thanks do you give (to Allah).


Quran 32:10 Koran 32:10 Verse 32:10 Ayah 32:10 Ayat 32:10 Aya 32:10 And they (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah Arabia) say, “When we are (dead and our body decomposes and is) lost in the earth how can we be (re-created) in a new creation (after our death)? They are disbelievers in the meeting (on a Day of Judgement) with their Lord (Allah).


Quran 32:11 Koran 32:11 Verse 32:11 Ayah 32:11 Ayat 32:11 Aya 32:11 Say, “The angel of death who is responsible for you shall take your soul. Then to your Lord (Allah) you (your created soul) shall be returned."

Comment 1. When a human dies the soul is raised up to Allah by the angel of death.

The angel of death will take every soul to the separation or barrier called Barzakh which is the hereafter for souls whose bodies have died on the earth.


Quran 32:12 Koran 32:12 Verse 32:12 Ayah 32:12 Ayat 32:12 Aya 32:12 If you could only see when the guilty bow their heads before their Lord (Allah, saying on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement in Hell Jahannam), “Our Lord (Allah) we have seen (You Allah) and heard (You Allah) so send us back (to the world) and we shall be righteous because now we believe (in You Allah).

Comment 1. On the Day of Resurrection the old earth in the old first creation will not exist meaning on the Day of Resurrection only the new second creation will exist meaning it will not be possible to send anyone back to the old earth.


Quran 32:13 Koran 32:13 Verse 32:13 Ayah 32:13 Ayat 32:13 Aya 32:13 And if We (Allah) had willed, We (Allah) could have given every soul its guidance (to Paradise) but the word from Me (Allah, that evildoers shall be punished) shall take effect and I (Allah) shall fill Hell with (the evildoers from) both the jinn and the humans.

Comment 1. After death punishment is in Hell not in the grave.

Comment 2. There are believers and none believers among both the jinn and the humans. The jinn are created by Allah from smokeless fire. 


Quran 32:14 Koran 32:14 Verse 32:14 Ayah 32:14 Ayat 32:14 Aya 32:14 So taste (the punishment for the evil you did). Since you forgot the meeting of your day (in this Day of Judgement then so too do) We (Allah) forget (any mercy for) you. Taste the everlasting punishment (in Hell) because of what you used to do (of evil in the world).

Comment 1. When creations are in the world Allah is the most merciful because Allah is ready to forgive misbehavior but in the Hereafter the creation shall answer to Allah for what it used to do in the world. 


Quran 32:15 Koran 32:15 Verse 32:15 Ayah 32:15 Ayat 32:15 Aya 32:15 Only those who believe in Our (Allah’s) revelations fall down in prostration and praise their Lord (Allah) when they are reminded of them (Allah’s revelations) and they are not arrogant.


Quran 32:16 Koran 32:16 Verse 32:16 Ayah 32:16 Ayat 32:16 Aya 32:16 They get up from their beds to pray to their Lord (Allah) in fear (of punishment) and in the hope (of the reward of Paradise) and they spend (in the cause of Allah) from what (bounty) We (Allah) have given to them.


Quran 32:17 Koran 32:17 Verse 32:17 Ayah 32:17 Ayat 32:17 Aya 32:17 No person knows what has been hidden (by Allah) for them of the happiness (in Paradise) that shall be a reward for what (goodness) they used to do (in the world).

Comment 1. Why is Satan Shaitan not going to Paradise?

Satan Shaitan does not do goodness in the world.

Belief without good behaviour is not a true belief in the judgement of Allah.

Satan Shaitan believes in the hereafter but that shall not save him from the fire in the hereafter.

Satan Shaitan believes in Allah but that shall not save him from the fire in the hereafter.

Belief without good behaviour is a false belief in the judgement of Allah.


Quran 32:18 Koran 32:18 Verse 32:18 Ayah 32:18 Ayat 32:18 Aya 32:18 Is the person who is a believer (in Allah) like the person who is an evildoer? They are not the same.

Comment 1. See Quran 32:17 comments.


Quran 32:19 Koran 32:19 Verse 32:19 Ayah 32:19 Ayat 32:19 Aya 32:19 For those who believed (in Allah) and did good deeds are the Gardens (of Paradise) as accommodation (and as a reward) for what (goodness) they used to do (in the world).


Quran 32:20 Koran 32:20 Verse 32:20 Ayah 32:20 Ayat 32:20 Aya 32:20 And those who did evil, their accommodation shall be the Fire (in Hell Jahannam). Whenever they desire to get away from there they shall be brought back (to Hell Jahannam). It shall be said to them, “Taste the punishment of the Fire for what you used to reject (when you rejected Allah).”

Comment 1. Quran 17:60 Verse 17:60 “.... We (Allah) warn (people to do what is good and avoid what is evil) and make them afraid (of Allah by describing the home for evil doers in Hell Fire Jahannam in the Hereafter) but it only increases them (some of the humans) in nothing but greater disobedience against Allah (and the commandment to do what is good and avoid what is evil). 


Quran 32:21 Koran 32:21 Verse 32:21 Ayah 32:21 Ayat 32:21 Aya 32:21 And certainly We (Allah) shall make them (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah Arabia) taste the nearer punishment (in this life) before the greater (punishment in the Hereafter) so that they might (through punishment during their life understand the warning from Allah and) return (to the path of Allah’s guidance).

Comment 1. See Quran 32:20 comment.


Quran 32:22 Koran 32:22 Verse 32:22 Ayah 32:22 Ayat 32:22 Aya 32:22 And who does the greatest wrong than the person who is reminded of the revelations of their Lord (Allah) and then turns away from them. We (Allah) shall punish the wrongdoers.

Comment 1. See Quran 32:20 comment.


Quran 32:23 Koran 32:23 Verse 32:23 Ayah 32:23 Ayat 32:23 Aya 32:23 We (Allah) gave Prophet Moses Musa the Scripture (the Torah Taurat) so (people of Makkah) do not be in doubt about receiving it (the truthful revelations of Allah mentioned in Quran 32:2 and Quran 32:22). And We (Allah) made it (the truthful revelations of Allah in the Torah Taurat) guidance for the Children of Israel. 

Note 1. In the Quran Allah confirms that the Torah Taurat is guidance for the children of Israel and this is the covenant agreement Allah made forever in Torah Deuteronomy 4:2, 5:10, 13:1, 29:28, Zabur Psalm 19:8 - 19:12 and 111:7 - 111:9, Gospel of Matthew 5:17 - 5:20, Quran 2:40, Quran 5:43 and Quran 32:23. For the Jewish people mentioned in Isaiah 36:11 and Isaiah 36:13 the Torah Taurat is protected by Allah forever in Isaiah 59:21 like the promise that the Torah is protected forever by Allah for the Jewish people in Gospel of Matthew 5:17 - 5:20 because the Torah is the covenant agreement between Allah and the Jewish people forever in Quran 2:40 - 2:41 as proof that Allah does not change His word and His promises and His covenant agreements.

Comment 1. Why has Satan Shaitan tried to corrupt this revelation?

Some people think this revelation is about Prophet Muhammad meeting Prophet Moses Musa.

1a. Do not be in doubt means.

There is no doubt that revelation in the Torah Taurat is from Allah.

There is no doubt that revelation given to Prophet Muhammad is from Allah.

Quran 32:1 Verse 32:1 Alif Lam Mim (From the Tablet Lawhin containing the decrees of Allah, the word of Allah in the Quran has descended in Quran 3:3 and Quran 25:1 by the command of Alif Allah through Lam angel Gabriel Jibril to Mim Prophet Muhammad in) –

Quran 32:2 Verse 32:2 the revelation of the Book (the Quran) in which there is no doubt is from (Allah) the Lord of the Worlds.

Quran 32:3 Verse 32:3 Or do they (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah Arabia) say, “He (Prophet Muhammad) has invented it (the Quran)?” It (the Quran) is the truth from your Lord (Allah) so that you (Prophet Muhammad) may warn a people (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah Arabia) to whom no warner has come before you so that they might be correctly guided.

Quran 32:22 Verse 32:22 And who does the greatest wrong than the person who is reminded of the revelations of their Lord (Allah) and then turns away from them. We (Allah) shall punish the evildoers.

Quran 32:23 Verse 32:23 We (Allah) gave Prophet Moses Musa the Scripture (the Torah Taurat) so (people of Makkah) do not be in doubt about receiving it (the truthful revelations of Allah mentioned in Quran 32:22). And We (Allah) made it (the truthful revelations of Allah in the Torah Taurat) guidance for the Children of Israel. 

Comment 2. A misinterpretation of Quran 32:23 as Prophet Moses Musa meeting Prophet Muhammad is because of a mistaken connection of Quran 32:23 to hadith stories from humans.

Some "authentic" hadith stories contradict the Quran meaning they were invented after the death of the prophet by people who made a living telling stories or repeated by people who were deceived to believe false stories.

In Sahih Muslim Book 001, Number 0317 is this hadith (story from humans).

Abu al-'Aliya reported that: Ibn Abbas, the son of your Prophet's uncle, told us that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH, Peace Be Upon Him) had observed: On the night of my night journey I passed by Moses (Musa) b. 'Imran (PBUH), a man light brown in complexion, tall. well-built as if he was one of the men of the Shanu'a (tribe), and saw Jesus (Isa) son of Mary (Mariam) as a medium-statured man with white and red complexion and crisp hair, and I was shown Malik the guardian of Fire, and Dajjal amongst the signs which were shown to me by Allah. He (the narrator) observed: Then do not doubt his (i.e. of the Holy Prophet) meeting with him (Moses Musa). Qatada elucidated it thus: Verily the Apostle of Allah (PBUH) met Moses (PBUH).

Note 1. This hadith is not about Quran 32:23 because Quran 32:23 is about the doubt that some people had that Prophet Muhammad had received revelations from Allah.

Note 2. The stories about the Mahdi Mehdi and Dajjal Dijjal and the return of Jesus Isa to this Earth are not in the Quran or in the Gospel.

Hadith Prophet Jesus Isa is returning to this earth contradicts the Quran. 

Hadith stories about the Mahdi Mehdi and Dajjal Dijjal are all based on the idea that Prophet Jesus Isa did not die 2000 years ago like very human before him and after him died and therefore Prophet Jesus Isa will return to this earth however these ideas contradicts all the teachings in the Quran.

In the Quran Prophet Jesus Isa was saved on the cross from death with sleep and woke up after 3 days of sleep to continue living on the earth teaching the people he is not Allah until his natural death 2000 years ago as proof to his people that he is not Allah and in this way the Quran explains the story of Prophet Jesus Isa in the Gospel of Mark, Matthew, Luke and John which was with the Christian people 1400 years ago and is with them today and will be with them until the Day of Judgement. 

The hadith “Prophet Jesus Isa is returning to this earth” because he did not die 2000 years ago contradicts Quran 3:144 (where “passed away” in the Quran always means died in Quran 2:134, Quran 2:141, Quran 3:144, Quran 5:75, Quran 7:38, Quran 13:30, Quran 41:25 and Quran 46:17), Quran 4:157 (see Quran 39:42), Quran 4:158 (see Quran 39:42), Quran 5:75 (where “passed away” in the Quran always means died in Quran 2:134, Quran 2:141, Quran 3:144, Quran 5:75, Quran 7:38, Quran 13:30, Quran 41:25 and Quran 46:17), Quran 5:117 (see Quran 7:6), Quran 7:6 (see Quran 5:117), Quran 21:95 (see Quran 23:99 – 23:100), Quran 33:40 (see Gospel of Jesus Isa by Mark 13:5 – 13:6, 13:21 – 13:22) and Quran 39:42 (see Quran 4:157 and Quran 4:158) meaning this hadith story was invented by story tellers after the death of Prophet Muhammad and repeated by people who were deceived to believe false hadith stories.

See 1. Hadith Jesus returning.


See 2. How did Allah save Jesus. 

See Quran 4:157 and Quran 4:158 comments in Quran chapter 4.

See 3. Quran 29:57 in Quran chapter 29.

The second coming of Jesus and every other human is on the Day of Resurrection.

See 4. Quran 79:7 comments in Quran chapter 79

See 5. Quran 25:30 comments with examples of hadith stories which contradict the teachings of Allah in Quran chapter 25.

2a. Satan Shaitan misleads people with stories about the Mahdi Mehdi and Dajjal Dijjal and the return of Jesus Isa to this Earth.

The Mahdi Mehdi is not in the Quran.

The Dajjal Dijjal is not in the Quran.

Jesus Isa returning to this Earth is not in the Quran.

Satan Shaitan has hidden the true meaning of Quran 27:82 and Quran 32:23 and every other verse in the Quran where humans have believed false hadith stories and in their mind they have corrupted and distorted the meaning of the words in the Quran by believing a verse is about the Mahdi Mehdi or the Dajjal Dijjal or the return to this Earth of Prophet Jesus Isa.

This is the way Satan Shaitan has hidden from the minds of some humans the true meaning of some verses in the Quran.

The actions of Islamic State in Syria and Iraq is the result of people believing stories about the Mahdi Mehdi and Dajjal Dijjal and the return of Jesus Isa to this Earth which are not in the Quran.

The Quran clearly reveals that nothing is coming that is more important than the day of Judgement.

The Quran clearly reveals that Prophet Muhammad is the last prophet on this Earth.

Jesus Isa will always be a prophet of Allah wherever he may be and the Quran tells us no more prophets are coming in Islam.

In the Gospel Injil Jesus Isa said do not believe anyone who says Jesus Isa has returned to this Earth.

This is proof from Jesus Isa that all hadith about Jesus Isa returning to Earth are from Satan Shaitan.

Satan Shaitan uses the hadith stories which are not in the Quran of Muslims killing Muslims in civil wars which must happen before the coming of the guided one the Mahdi Mehdi and the false messiah Dajjal Dijjal and the return of Jesus Isa to make Muslims forget that there is nothing coming that is more important than the Day of Judgement and to forget the laws of Allah in the Quran and to believe that they are doing something good when they kill innocent Muslims and innocent non Muslims.

Belief without good behaviour is not a true belief in the judgement of Allah.

Satan Shaitan believes in the hereafter but that shall not save him from the fire in the hereafter.

Satan Shaitan believes in Allah but that shall not save him from the fire in the hereafter.

Belief without good behaviour is a false belief in the judgement of Allah.

Every human believes their belief is the true belief and Allah gives a life time for humans to find their true belief. 

Muslims can help every human on the Earth by being a good example of correct belief to all humankind if Allah wills.

Every human believes their deeds are righteous and Allah gives a life time for humans to find their true belief. 

Muslims can help every human on the Earth by showing good examples of righteousness to all humankind if Allah wills.

Quran 28:77 Verse 28:77 – But strive (to earn reward) for the life of the Hereafter by using what Allah has given to you and do not neglect (ignore) your portion of (enjoyment of) the (life of this) world, and you be kind (to people in this life) just as Allah has been kind to you and do not strive to misbehave on the earth. Allah does not love bad behaviour (in the world).

Satan Shaitan misleads humans to kill innocent Muslims and innocent Non Muslims with the belief that the Muslim who believes in a story that cannot be found in the Quran of the Mahdi Mehdi and Dajjal Dijjal and the return of Jesus Isa to this Earth are rightly guided and that those who only believe in the stories which confirm the teachings of Allah in the Quran are misguided.

The hadith story about the Mahdi Mehdi and Dajjal Dijjal and the return of Jesus Isa to this Earth warns that there shall be people who disbelieve this story.

In this way Satan Shaitan is commanding humans to believe this hadith story and to disbelieve Allah in the Quran where Prophet Muhammad is the last Prophet on this Earth in Islam and disbelieve Allah in the Gospel Injil where Jesus Isa warns humans not to believe anyone who says Jesus Isa has returned to this Earth.

See 1. Quran 38:26 comments in Quran chapter 38.

See 2. Quran 25:30 comments with examples of hadith stories which contradict the teachings of Allah in Quran chapter 25.


Comment 3. The ascension of Prophet Muhammad to heaven.

The Night Journey of Prophet Muhammad from Mecca Makkah to Jerusalem Al-Quds and to Heaven. 

See 1. Quran 17:1 and 17:60 comments in Quran chapter 17. 

See 2. Quran 53:13 – 53:18 comments in Quran chapter 53.


3a. The meeting between Prophet Moses Musa and Prophet Muhammad in heaven.

Quran 17:1, 17:60 and 53:13 – 53:18 confirms that Prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven.

Quran 32:23 has nothing to say about Prophet Muhammad meeting Prophet Moses Musa in heaven.

The stories about the Mahdi Mehdi and Dajjal Dijjal and the return of Jesus Isa to this Earth are not in the Quran or in the Gospel Injil.

If hadith stories agree with the Quran then accept it.

If hadith stories do not agree with the Quran then reject it.

On the Day of Judgment Allah judges by the words in the protected Quran. 

On the Day of Judgment Allah does not judge by the words in unprotected human hadith stories. 

The Quran is the protected word of Allah including the protected words of Prophet Muhammad.

Quran 39:23 Verse 39:23 Allah has revealed the best information (the best hadith story to humans in) a Book (the Quran) whose statements confirm each other. The skins shiver among those who fear their Lord (Allah) and then their skins and their hearts relax when they remember (Allah by praying to) Allah. This (Quran is the best information hadith story to humans which) is Allah’s guidance through which He (Allah) guides whom He (Allah) will. There is no one who can guide the person whom Allah has sent astray.

Quran 45:6 Verse 45:6 These are Allah’s revelations, We (Allah through angel Gabriel Jibril) recite it to you (Prophet Muhammad) truthfully.In what message (words, news, reports, information, statement, hadith) will they (the humans and jinn) believe (and trust in) other than Allah and His revelations (which include the protected recorded words of Prophet Muhammad in the Quran)?

Quran 77:50 Verse 77:50 In what statement (words, news, reports, information, message, hadith), after it (the verses of Allah in the Quran), shall they (the humans and the jinn) believe? 

Note 1. Quran 7:185, Quran 25:29, Quran 25:30, Quran 31:6, Quran 39:23, Quran 45:6 and Quran 77:50 asks when you have the word of Allah in the Quran what other report would you believe? 

Quran 25:30 Verse 25:30 And (on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) the messenger (Prophet Muhammad) said, “My Lord (Allah) my people have abandoned (deserted) this Quran (to follow false messages, false words, false news, false reports, false information, false statements, false hadith).” 

Note 1. On the Day of Resurrection and Judgement Prophet Muhammad will say “My Lord my people have abandoned this Quran (to follow false messages, false words, false news, false reports, false information, false statements, false hadith).” 

Quran 17:88 Verse 17:88 Say (Prophet Muhammad), "If humans and jinn (such as Satan Shaitan) came together to help each other to produce something like the Quran, they could not do it." 

Note 1. In the hereafter Satan Shaitan might boast he obeyed Quran 17:88 by whispering hundreds of false hadith stories which teach the opposite to what Allah and Prophet Muhammad teach in the Quran.

See. Quran 25:30 comments with examples of hadith stories which contradict the teachings of Allah in Quran chapter 25.


Comment 4. The Books of Allah.

See Quran 32:2 comments.


Comment 5. Evidence for the truth is the Quran confirming the Torah Taurat is correct. 

See Quran 32:2 comments.


Comment 6. The Quran confirms the Torah Taurat and explains the story of Jesus in the Gospel Injil. 

See Quran 32:2 comments.

Comment 7. Satan Shaitan misguides by confusing humans about the true meaning of some verses in the Quran.

Quran 14:4 Verse 14:4 And We (Allah) did not send any messenger (prophet) except with the language of their people, so that they might explain to them clearly (Allah’s revelations); then Allah makes whom He (Allah) pleases to go astray (in error with the wrong understanding and the wrong behaviour) and He (Allah) guides (to the correct understanding and correct behaviour) whom He (Allah) pleases. He (Allah) is the all mighty and the all wise. 


Quran 38:82 Verse 38:82 He (Satan Shaitan) said, “By then (the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) I shall have misled all of them (humans).”

Quran 38:83 Verse 38:83 Except those among them (humans) who are your (Allah’s) chosen servants.

Satan Shaitan misguides by confusing humans about the true meaning of some verses in the Quran.

See Quran 2:78, 3:20, 3:75, 3:144, 4:157, 4:158, 5:75, 6:158, 7:157, 7:158, 21:34, 21:81, 21:82, 21:95, 27:82, 29:48, 32:23, 33:40, 37:102, 38:26, 39:30, 40:46, 42:52, 43:61, 54:1, 56:79, 62:2, 68:1, 69:40, 80:15, 81:19, 96:1, 96:4, 96:5 comments. 


Quran 32:24 Koran 32:24 Verse 32:24 Ayah 32:24 Ayat 32:24 Aya 32:24 And when they (the Children of Israel) were steadfast and firmly believed in Our (Allah’s) revelations, We (Allah) appointed leaders from among them who guided by Our (Allah’s) command.


Quran 32:25 Koran 32:25 Verse 32:25 Ayah 32:25 Ayat 32:25 Aya 32:25 Your Lord (Allah) shall judge between them (the Children of Israel) on the Day of Resurrection concerning the matters over which they used to differ (among themselves).


Quran 32:26 Koran 32:26 Verse 32:26 Ayah 32:26 Ayat 32:26 Aya 32:26 Is it not clear how many generations We (Allah) have destroyed before them (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah when they see) the (abandoned and ruined) dwelling places as they walk (in the land)? In that are signs (of Allah). Shall they then not take notice (of Allah their creator)?


Quran 32:27 Koran 32:27 Verse 32:27 Ayah 32:27 Ayat 32:27 Aya 32:27 Have they not seen how We (Allah) lead the rain to barren land (where little grows) and with it (the rain) make crops grow so that their cattle can eat (the crops) and so that they themselves (can eat and drink from the cattle)? Shall they not then understand (that everything comes from Allah their creator)?


Quran 32:28 Koran 32:28 Verse 32:28 Ayah 32:28 Ayat 32:28 Aya 32:28 And they (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) say, “When shall this judgment (the Day of Judgement) come, If you are telling the truth?


Quran 32:29 Koran 32:29 Verse 32:29 Ayah 32:29 Ayat 32:29 Aya 32:29 Say (Prophet Muhammad, to them), “On the Day of Judgement those who had disbelieved (and then believed in Allah only when they entered the Hereafter) shall find it (their new belief in Allah) is of no help to them, neither shall they be pardoned (for the evil that they used to do).”

Comment 1. Pardon from every sin is available during the time of this life in the world by praying to Allah for forgiveness and making amends and correcting your behaviour by doing good and rejecting evil.


Quran 32:30 Koran 32:30 Verse 32:30 Ayah 32:30 Ayat 32:30 Aya 32:30 So (Prophet Muhammad) turn away from them (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) and wait (for the Day of Judgement), they (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) are also waiting (for the Day of Judgement).

Comment 1. All of creation is waiting for the Day of Judgement. 


Interpretations of the Quran (Al-Quran, Al Quran, Koran).

This is an interpretation of some of the meanings in the Quran.

This is not a perfect translation of the Quran because the Quran is in the Arabic language.

The Arabic language in the Quran must be understood as it was understood over 1400 years ago.

Allah guides who He wills to the correct understanding of the Quran.

In the English language the word Allah is God.

Allah (God) is the creator of the Jews, Christians, Muslims and everyone and everything that exists.

Islam and the Quran chapter (sura, surah, surat), chapters (suras, surahs), verse (ayaah, aya, ayah), verses (ayaas, ayaat, ayas, ayat), analysis, annotation, clarification, comment, commentary, elucidation, examination, explanation, foot note, interpretation, investigation, note, observation, remark, study, understanding, analyses, annotations, clarifications, comments, commentaries, elucidations, examinations, explanations, foot notes, interpretations, investigations, notes, observations, remarks, studies, understandings of Islam and the Quran (The Coran, Al-Coran, Al Coran, The Koran, Al-Koran, Al Koran, The Quran, Al Quran, Al-Quran, The Qur'an, Al-Qur'an, Al Qur'an, The Qur’ān, Al-Qur’ān, Al Qur’ān).

Corrections and questions are welcome and can be emailed to somaliahamradio@yahoo.com 

The meaning of verses in the Quran and Tanakh and Gospel are on these websites.

The meaning of verses in the Koran and Torah and Injil are on these websites. 

YOU ARE HERE Allah https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran

Allah index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/index  

Allaah https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran

Allaah index https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran/index  

God https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran

God index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/index  

Q&A https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel

Q&A index https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel/index