Quran chapter 56 surah 56.

How did Allah create everything from dust? (Quran 56:6 comment).

The honourable Quran (Quran 56:77).

The honorable Quran (Quran 56:77).

The honourable Koran (Quran 56:77).

The honorable Koran (Quran 56:77).


22 May 2021 (1442 AH).


Quran chapter 56.

Quran surah 56.

Quran sura 56.

Koran chapter 56.

Koran surah 56.

Koran sura 56.

How did Allah create everything from dust?

See Quran 56:6

Allah swears the Quran is from Allah.

See Quran 56:75 – 56:80

The honourable Quran.

The honourable Koran.

The honorable Quran.

The honorable Koran.

The noble Quran.

The noble Koran.

See Quran 56:77

Preserved Book.

Book of decrees.

Clear Record.

Clear Register.

Mother of the Book.

Preserved Book of decrees that is preordained by Allah.

Preserved Page.

Preserved Slate.

Preserved Record.

Preserved Tablet.

The preordained record.





See Quran 56:78 – 56:79

Information: The Quran chapter 56.

Order of Revelation: 46 (1 is the first revelation and 114 is the last revelation).

Place of Revelation: Mecca (Makkah), Arabia (today Saudi Arabia).

Number of Verses: 96 verses.

The Quran.

Chapter 56

The Event (Al-Waqia).

English interpretations of the Quran.

The Quran Chapter 56 The Event (Al-Waqia, Al-Waaqe'ah, Waaqi-'ah, Al-Waqi'ah, The Inevitable, The Occurrence, The Resurrection) in English.

Chapter : Verse.

(Information in brackets is added to assist readers in the interpretation of the verse).

Quran 56:0 Koran 56:0 Verse 56:0 Ayah 56:0 Ayat 56:0 Aya 56:0 In the name of Allah, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.

Quran 56:1 Koran 56:1 Verse 56:1 Ayah 56:1 Ayat 56:1 Aya 56:1 When the event (the Day of Resurrection) comes.

Quran 56:2 Koran 56:2 Verse 56:2 Ayah 56:2 Ayat 56:2 Aya 56:2 (And) there is no denying that it (the Day of Resurrection) shall come.

Quran 56:3 Koran 56:3 Verse 56:3 Ayah 56:3 Ayat 56:3 Aya 56:3 Bringing down (for punishment those who did evil deeds) and raising (for reward those who did good deeds).

Quran 56:4 Koran 56:4 Verse 56:4 Ayah 56:4 Ayat 56:4 Aya 56:4 When the earth is shaken with a (severe) shaking.

Quran 56:5 Koran 56:5 Verse 56:5 Ayah 56:5 Ayat 56:5 Aya 56:5 And the mountains fall to pieces.

Quran 56:6 Koran 56:6 Verse 56:6 Ayah 56:6 Ayat 56:6 Aya 56:6 So that they become scattered dust (and that shall be the End of the Earth which shall then be followed by the Resurrection and Judgement).

Comment 1. How did Allah create everything from dust?

Quran 30:20 Verse 30:20 And among His (Allah’s) signs is this, He (Allah) created you (humans) from dust and then you are humans who are (widely) scattered.

Video: Earth, Making of a Planet (Google youtube Earth, Making of a Planet).

Quran 56:7 Koran 56:7 Verse 56:7 Ayah 56:7 Ayat 56:7 Aya 56:7 And (on a new land, new earth, new ground in the hereafter) you shall be (resurrected from death back to life and) divided into three groups (of people).

Quran 56:8 Koran 56:8 Verse 56:8 Ayah 56:8 Ayat 56:8 Aya 56:8 (The first group of people is) those (whose record of deeds is given) on the right hand. Who are those of the right hand? (They are the people with good deeds who have been blessed with Allah’s mercy and they shall enter Paradise Jannah).

Quran 56:9 Koran 56:9 Verse 56:9 Ayah 56:9 Ayat 56:9 Aya 56:9 And (the second group of people is) those (whose record of deeds is given) on the left hand. Who are those of the left hand? (They are the people with evil deeds who have been cursed because they lost Allah’s mercy and they shall enter Hell Jahannam).

Quran 56:10 Koran 56:10 Verse 56:10 Ayah 56:10 Ayat 56:10 Aya 56:10 And (the third group of people is) those in front (of all others in the doing of righteous deeds who) shall be those who are ahead (of all other people in rank and so shall receive a higher ranking reward in Paradise Jannah from Allah).

Comment 1. People in Paradise Jannah shall have a greater or a lesser rank according to their good deeds.

Higher ranking is obtainable through certain good deeds including charity, kindness and peacemaking in Quran 4:114 and the saving of one human life in Quran 5:32 and forgiving a killer in Quran 5:45 and the freeing of a slave in Quran 90:12-90:13 and those who fought with the prophet before there were victories in Quran 57:10.

Quran 55:62 Verse 55:62 And besides these two (gardens for the people who have been blessed with the mercy of Allah), there are two other gardens (in Paradise Jannah as an additional reward for those who surpassed all others in their doing of good deeds on the Earth).

Quran 56:11 Koran 56:11 Verse 56:11 Ayah 56:11 Ayat 56:11 Aya 56:11 They shall be brought near (to the mercy of Allah).

Quran 56:12 Koran 56:12 Verse 56:12 Ayah 56:12 Ayat 56:12 Aya 56:12 In the garden of pleasure (in Paradise Jannah).

Quran 56:13 Koran 56:13 Verse 56:13 Ayah 56:13 Ayat 56:13 Aya 56:13 A number of people from earlier times (in the past before Prophet Muhammad).

Quran 56:14 Koran 56:14 Verse 56:14 Ayah 56:14 Ayat 56:14 Aya 56:14 And a few people from later times (in the time after Prophet Muhammad).

Comment 1. How many people are going to Paradise Jannah?

The people who enter Paradise Jannah shall be:

Quran 56:39 Verse 56:39 A number of people from earlier times (in the past before Prophet Muhammad).

Quran 56:40 Verse 56:40 And a number of people from later times (in the time after Prophet Muhammad).

The people of higher ranking who shall enter Paradise Jannah shall be:

Quran 56:13 Verse 56:13 A number of people from earlier times (in the past before Prophet Muhammad).

Quran 56:14 Verse 56:14 And a few people from later times (in the time after Prophet Muhammad).

The people of higher ranking who shall enter Paradise Jannah:

Allah reveals in Quran 56:14 that there shall be fewer people of higher ranking in later times (the time after Prophet Muhammad) compared to the time before Prophet Muhammad in Quran 56:13. Why? It is in the time of the prophets when the word of Allah comes out of the mouth of the prophets that humans heard and obeyed the commandment of Allah which gave a high rank compared to people who are living after the time of the prophets who can be misguided by their desires when they are interpreting the word of Allah which is written in Books..

Those people who responded sincerely to Prophet Muhammad and the prophets before him were following Allah’s commands directly and therefore were able to obtain a higher rank.

Comment 2. Today there is no prophet and some people believe commands which contradict the teachings in the Quran.

The Quran contains the protected word of Allah and the protected words of Prophet Muhammad.

If hadith stories agree with the Quran then accept it.

If hadith stories do not agree with the Quran then reject it.

On the Day of Judgment Allah judges by the words in the protected Quran.

On the Day of Judgment Allah does not judge by the words in unprotected human hadith stories.

See Quran 25:30 comments with examples of hadith stories which contradict the teachings of Allah in Quran chapter 25.

Quran 56:15 Koran 56:15 Verse 56:15 Ayah 56:15 Ayat 56:15 Aya 56:15 (In Paradise Jannah the people sit) on thrones woven (with decoration).

Quran 56:16 Koran 56:16 Verse 56:16 Ayah 56:16 Ayat 56:16 Aya 56:16 Reclining on them (couches and), facing each other.

Quran 56:17 Koran 56:17 Verse 56:17 Ayah 56:17 Ayat 56:17 Aya 56:17 Circulating among them (in the hereafter where the age of humans never changes) are immortal young boys (resurrected in the hereafter with all humans in Quran 56:35-56:38).

Note 1. Continues in Quran 76:18 and Quran 76:19.

Note 2. Humans both male and female are resurrected in Quran 30:11, Quran 30:27 and Quran 40:8 so that their spouses, family, children, descendants and friends can live together in Quran 52:21 as a new creation in Quran 56:35 on the Day of Resurrection.

Note 3. Resurrected women in Paradise Jannah are called houris meaning “fair ones” in Quran 44:54, Quran 52:20, Quran 55:72, Quran 56:22 and Quran 78:33 and because they are a new creation and made to be virgins in Quran 55:56, Quran 55:74 and Quran 56:36 Allah shall bring them together with a companion in marriage in Quran 44:54 and Quran 52:20 and they will then live with their spouses, family, children, descendants and friends together in Quran 52:21 forever in Quran 44:56.

Note 4. Children are also resurrected and young boys are mentioned around the men in Quran 56:17 and Quran 76:19 and the girls are most likely in pavilions in Quran 55:72 around the women.

Note 5. The resurrection of humans as a new creation in Paradise Jannah is explained in Quran 30:11, Quran 30:27, Quran 40:8, Quran 37:47-37:49, Quran 44:54-44:56, Quran 52:20-52:21, Quran 55:54-55:60, Quran 55:68-55:74, Quran 56:15-56:18, Quran 56:22-56:24, Quran 56:35-56:38, Quran 76:17-76:19 and Quran 78:31-78:33.

Quran 56:18 Koran 56:18 Verse 56:18 Ayah 56:18 Ayat 56:18 Aya 56:18 With containers and jugs and a cup from a flowing spring (of wine).

Quran 56:19 Koran 56:19 Verse 56:19 Ayah 56:19 Ayat 56:19 Aya 56:19 (Wine) from which they get no headache or intoxication.

Quran 56:20 Koran 56:20 Verse 56:20 Ayah 56:20 Ayat 56:20 Aya 56:20 And (they shall have) whatever fruit they choose.

Quran 56:21 Koran 56:21 Verse 56:21 Ayah 56:21 Ayat 56:21 Aya 56:21 And the meat of birds (chicken, ducks etc) as they desire.

Quran 56:22 Koran 56:22 Verse 56:22 Ayah 56:22 Ayat 56:22 Aya 56:22 And fair ones with large eyes (are the righteous women resurrected in Quran 56:35-56:38 described as houris meaning “fair ones” in Quran 55:72 which means “beautiful” in Quran 55:70).

Note 1. Waḥūrun means and fair ones called Houris.

Note 2. See notes in Quran 56:17.

Quran 56:23 Koran 56:23 Verse 56:23 Ayah 56:23 Ayat 56:23 Aya 56:23 (that are) like treasured pearls.

Quran 56:24 Koran 56:24 Verse 56:24 Ayah 56:24 Ayat 56:24 Aya 56:24 (As) a reward for what (good deeds) they (both the resurrected males and females) used to do (of righteousness in their first life).

Quran 56:25 Koran 56:25 Verse 56:25 Ayah 56:25 Ayat 56:25 Aya 56:25 There (in Paradise Jannah) they shall hear no useless or sinful talk.

Quran 56:26 Koran 56:26 Verse 56:26 Ayah 56:26 Ayat 56:26 Aya 56:26 (They shall hear) only the greeting, "Peace, Peace."

Comment 1. No one in Paradise shall use bad words.

Quran 56:27 Koran 56:27 Verse 56:27 Ayah 56:27 Ayat 56:27 Aya 56:27 Those (whose record of deeds is given) on the right hand. Who are those of the right hand? (They are the people both male and female with good deeds who have been blessed with Allah’s mercy and they shall enter Paradise Jannah).

Quran 56:28 Koran 56:28 Verse 56:28 Ayah 56:28 Ayat 56:28 Aya 56:28 (They shall be) among thornless lote-trees (marking the farthest boundary beyond which no creation may pass).

Comment 1. The Lote tree.

See Quran 53:14-53:16.

Quran 56:29 Koran 56:29 Verse 56:29 Ayah 56:29 Ayat 56:29 Aya 56:29 And banana-trees (Talh) layered (with fruits).

Quran 56:30 Koran 56:30 Verse 56:30 Ayah 56:30 Ayat 56:30 Aya 56:30 Under a wide shade.

Quran 56:31 Koran 56:31 Verse 56:31 Ayah 56:31 Ayat 56:31 Aya 56:31 And flowing water.

Quran 56:32 Koran 56:32 Verse 56:32 Ayah 56:32 Ayat 56:32 Aya 56:32 And abundant fruit.

Quran 56:33 Koran 56:33 Verse 56:33 Ayah 56:33 Ayat 56:33 Aya 56:33 Which is a never ending (supply of fruit) that is not forbidden (to eat).

Quran 56:34 Koran 56:34 Verse 56:34 Ayah 56:34 Ayat 56:34 Aya 56:34 And (relaxing on) raised couches.

Quran 56:35 Koran 56:35 Verse 56:35 Ayah 56:35 Ayat 56:35 Aya 56:35 We (Allah) have produced (resurrected) them (both male and female in the Hereafter in) a (new, second) creation.

Note 1. Humans both male and female are resurrected in Quran 30:11, Quran 30:27 and Quran 40:8 so that their spouses, family, children, descendants and friends can live together in Quran 52:21 as a new creation in Quran 56:35 on the Day of Resurrection.

Note 2. See notes in Quran 56:17.

Quran 56:36 Koran 56:36 Verse 56:36 Ayah 56:36 Ayat 56:36 Aya 56:36 And We (Allah) have made them (the resurrected males and females in the Hereafter to be) virgins (again, meaning as new and untouched immortal creations).

Quran 56:37 Koran 56:37 Verse 56:37 Ayah 56:37 Ayat 56:37 Aya 56:37 Devoted (to each other) and equals in age (to each other).

Quran 56:38 Koran 56:38 Verse 56:38 Ayah 56:38 Ayat 56:38 Aya 56:38 For those (whose record of deeds is given) on the right hand. (They are the people both male and female with good deeds who have been blessed with Allah’s mercy and they shall enter Paradise).

Quran 56:39 Koran 56:39 Verse 56:39 Ayah 56:39 Ayat 56:39 Aya 56:39 A number of people from earlier times (in the past before Prophet Muhammad).

Note 1. See Quran 56:14 comments.

Quran 56:40 Koran 56:40 Verse 56:40 Ayah 56:40 Ayat 56:40 Aya 56:40 And a number of people from later times (in the time after Prophet Muhammad).

Note 1. See Quran 56:14 comments.

Quran 56:41 Koran 56:41 Verse 56:41 Ayah 56:41 Ayat 56:41 Aya 56:41 And those (whose record of deeds is given) on the left hand. Who are those of the left hand? (They are the people with evil deeds who have been cursed because they lost Allah’s mercy and they shall enter Hell Jahannam).

Quran 56:42 Koran 56:42 Verse 56:42 Ayah 56:42 Ayat 56:42 Aya 56:42 In a scorching (hot) wind (from the fire) and in boiling water.

Note 1. Quran 17:60 Verse 17:60 “.... We (Allah) warn (people to do what is good and avoid what is evil) and make them afraid (of Allah by describing the home for evil doers in Hell Fire Jahannam in the Hereafter) but it only increases them (some of the humans) in nothing but greater disobedience against Allah (and the commandment to do what is good and avoid what is evil).

Quran 56:43 Koran 56:43 Verse 56:43 Ayah 56:43 Ayat 56:43 Aya 56:43 And in the shade of black smoke.

Quran 56:44 Koran 56:44 Verse 56:44 Ayah 56:44 Ayat 56:44 Aya 56:44 (A shade) that is not cool nor has it any benefit (for those who are in Hell Jahannam).

Quran 56:45 Koran 56:45 Verse 56:45 Ayah 56:45 Ayat 56:45 Aya 56:45 Before that (time in the Hereafter) they lived in luxury.

Quran 56:46 Koran 56:46 Verse 56:46 Ayah 56:46 Ayat 56:46 Aya 56:46 And they persisted in the great violation (of disbelief or in mistakenly praying to creations such as idols or saints or prophets or humans or the Sun or the Moon or the stars instead of correctly praying only to Allah who is the One creator of every creation).

Comment 1. Only the creator has the power to hear prayer. No creation that is living or that is dead has the power of Allah to hear prayer.

Quran 56:47 Koran 56:47 Verse 56:47 Ayah 56:47 Ayat 56:47 Aya 56:47 And they (the stone idol worshippers in Mecca Arabia today Makkah Saudi Arabia) used to ask, “When we are dead and have become dust and bones, shall we then be raised again (to life)?”

Quran 56:48 Koran 56:48 Verse 56:48 Ayah 56:48 Ayat 56:48 Aya 56:48 “And also our fathers from the past?”

Quran 56:49 Koran 56:49 Verse 56:49 Ayah 56:49 Ayat 56:49 Aya 56:49 Say (to them, Prophet Muhammad), “Certainly those (people) of the past and those (people) of later generations (shall be resurrected from death back to life).”

Quran 56:50 Koran 56:50 Verse 56:50 Ayah 56:50 Ayat 56:50 Aya 56:50 “They shall all be gathered together for the appointment (with Allah) on a known day (the Day of Resurrection).”

Quran 56:51 Koran 56:51 Verse 56:51 Ayah 56:51 Ayat 56:51 Aya 56:51 "Then those who strayed (away from Allah) and denied (the existence of Allah).”

Quran 56:52 Koran 56:52 Verse 56:52 Ayah 56:52 Ayat 56:52 Aya 56:52 “Shall eat from the tree of Zaqqum (that is located in Hell Jahannam).”

Quran 56:53 Koran 56:53 Verse 56:53 Ayah 56:53 Ayat 56:53 Aya 56:53And fill their bellies with it (the terrible taste of the fruit of the Zaqqum tree).”

Quran 56:54 Koran 56:54 Verse 56:54 Ayah 56:54 Ayat 56:54 Aya 56:54 “Followed by a drink of boiling water”.

Note 1. Quran 17:60 Verse 17:60 “.... We (Allah) warn (people to do what is good and avoid what is evil) and make them afraid (of Allah by describing the home for evil doers in Hell Fire Jahannam in the Hereafter) but it only increases them (some of the humans) in nothing but greater disobedience against Allah (and the commandment to do what is good and avoid what is evil).

Quran 56:55 Koran 56:55 Verse 56:55 Ayah 56:55 Ayat 56:55 Aya 56:55 “Drinking like a thirsty camel.”

Quran 56:56 Koran 56:56 Verse 56:56 Ayah 56:56 Ayat 56:56 Aya 56:56 “This shall be their welcome on the Day of Judgement (after the wrong doer has been judged for their sins).”

Quran 56:57 Koran 56:57 Verse 56:57 Ayah 56:57 Ayat 56:57 Aya 56:57 We (Allah) created you, why do you not believe?

Quran 56:58 Koran 56:58 Verse 56:58 Ayah 56:58 Ayat 56:58 Aya 56:58 Have you seen what you eject (in the semen from the male)?

Quran 56:59 Koran 56:59 Verse 56:59 Ayah 56:59 Ayat 56:59 Aya 56:59 Do you (humans) create it (the semen) or are We (Allah) the creator (of the semen)?

Quran 56:60 Koran 56:60 Verse 56:60 Ayah 56:60 Ayat 56:60 Aya 56:60 We (Allah) have decreed death among you and We (Allah) can not be prevented -

Quran 56:61 Koran 56:61 Verse 56:61 Ayah 56:61 Ayat 56:61 Aya 56:61 From changing your form and creating you (again in the hereafter) in a form which (at this time) is unknown to you.

Quran 56:62 Koran 56:62 Verse 56:62 Ayah 56:62 Ayat 56:62 Aya 56:62 And you already know the first creation (which exists for you now). So why not then think (about what has been revealed to you about your future second creation)?

Quran 56:63 Koran 56:63 Verse 56:63 Ayah 56:63 Ayat 56:63 Aya 56:63 Have you seen that (seed) which you cultivate?

Quran 56:64 Koran 56:64 Verse 56:64 Ayah 56:64 Ayat 56:64 Aya 56:64 Is it you who cause it (the seed) to grow (and change to a different form) or are We (Allah) the grower?

Quran 56:65 Koran 56:65 Verse 56:65 Ayah 56:65 Ayat 56:65 Aya 56:65 If We (Allah) willed then We (Allah) could make it (your crops to be lifeless) dry hay and then you would be regretful (because the living crops you expect to see would not occur and you would be) -

Quran 56:66 Koran 56:66 Verse 56:66 Ayah 56:66 Ayat 56:66 Aya 56:66 (Saying), “We are burdened with debt (because our crop has not come to life, it has failed to come to life so that we have nothing to sell to repay our debt).”

Quran 56:67 Koran 56:67 Verse 56:67 Ayah 56:67 Ayat 56:67 Aya 56:67 “Indeed we have been deprived (of our income).”

Quran 56:68 Koran 56:68 Verse 56:68 Ayah 56:68 Ayat 56:68 Aya 56:68 And have you seen the water that you drink?

Quran 56:69 Koran 56:69 Verse 56:69 Ayah 56:69 Ayat 56:69 Aya 56:69 Is it you who brought it down from the clouds or is it We (Allah) who brought it down?

Quran 56:70 Koran 56:70 Verse 56:70 Ayah 56:70 Ayat 56:70 Aya 56:70 If We (Allah) willed then We (Allah) could make it (the rain water) bitter. Why then do you not give thanks (to Allah for what is given to you)?

Quran 56:71 Koran 56:71 Verse 56:71 Ayah 56:71 Ayat 56:71 Aya 56:71 Have you seen the fire which you make?

Quran 56:72 Koran 56:72 Verse 56:72 Ayah 56:72 Ayat 56:72 Aya 56:72 Is it you who produced the trees for it (the fire wood) or are We (Allah) the producer (of the trees that you use as fuel for the fire)?

Quran 56:73 Koran 56:73 Verse 56:73 Ayah 56:73 Ayat 56:73 Aya 56:73 And We (Allah) made it (the usefulness of fire wood) as a reminder (of Allah) and as a provision for travelers.

Quran 56:74 Koran 56:74 Verse 56:74 Ayah 56:74 Ayat 56:74 Aya 56:74 So (Prophet Muhammad) exalt the name of the Lord (Allah), the great (meaning, the one who is the greatest of importance to all the creation).

Quran 56:75 Koran 56:75 Verse 56:75 Ayah 56:75 Ayat 56:75 Aya 56:75 I (Allah, whom your eyes cannot see) swear by the setting of the stars (which your eyes can see).

Quran 56:76 Koran 56:76 Verse 56:76 Ayah 56:76 Ayat 56:76 Aya 56:76 And this is a tremendous oath (from Allah) if you only knew (how great is the word of Allah, that - Continued in Quran 56:77).

Comment 1. Allah swears the truth by the truth of what Allah has created.

Quran 56:77 Koran 56:77 Verse 56:77 Ayah 56:77 Ayat 56:77 Aya 56:77 That this is an honourable Quran (an honourable recitation).

Comment 1. See the Quran in Quran 50:1 in Quran chapter 50.

Quran 56:78 Koran 56:78 Verse 56:78 Ayah 56:78 Ayat 56:78 Aya 56:78 In a Book (the Preserved Book, al-Lawh al-Mahfuz in heaven) that is protected (by Allah).

Comment 1. The Preserved Book.

See 1. Tablet sheet Lawh in HM Quran 40:1, Quran 41:1, Quran 42:1, Quran 43:1, Quran 44:1, Quran 45:1, Quran 46:1.

See 2. The meaning of the mysterious letters in the Quran.


Quran 56:79 Koran 56:79 Verse 56:79 Ayah 56:79 Ayat 56:79 Aya 56:79 Which none but the purified (angels in heaven) can touch.

Comment 1. None but the purified angels in heaven can touch the Preserved Pages.

Quran 80:13 Verse 80:13 (The Quran is recorded) in honourable pages (in heaven in the Preserved Book, al-Mahfuz) -

Quran 80:14 Verse 80:14 (Pages that are) exalted (by the angels in heaven who recite them day and night), and (who are) purified (by Allah).

Quran 80:15 Verse 80:15 (Pages carried) by the hands of (the angels in heaven).

Quran 56:79 Verse 56:79 Which none but the purified (angels in heaven) can touch.

Quran 56:80 Koran 56:80 Verse 56:80 Ayah 56:80 Ayat 56:80 Aya 56:80 (This Quran is) a revelation from the Lord (Allah) of the Worlds.

Quran 56:81 Koran 56:81 Verse 56:81 Ayah 56:81 Ayat 56:81 Aya 56:81 Is it this message (in the Quran from Allah) that you (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) ridicule?

Quran 56:82 Koran 56:82 Verse 56:82 Ayah 56:82 Ayat 56:82 Aya 56:82 And make the denial of it (the message from Allah in the Quran) your occupation?

Quran 56:83 Koran 56:83 Verse 56:83 Ayah 56:83 Ayat 56:83 Aya 56:83 Then why do you not (intervene) when (the soul of the dying man) reaches the throat (meaning, the last breath) -

Quran 56:84 Koran 56:84 Verse 56:84 Ayah 56:84 Ayat 56:84 Aya 56:84 And at that moment when you are looking (at the dying man) -

Quran 56:85 Koran 56:85 Verse 56:85 Ayah 56:85 Ayat 56:85 Aya 56:85 We (Allah and Allah’s angels) are nearer to him (who is dying) than you (who are looking at the dying) are, but you do not see (the soul that the angels of Allah take out of the body during a person’s death).

Quran 56:86 Koran 56:86 Verse 56:86 Ayah 56:86 Ayat 56:86 Aya 56:86 Why if you are not a servant (to Allah, as you claim) -

Quran 56:87 Koran 56:87 Verse 56:87 Ayah 56:87 Ayat 56:87 Aya 56:87 Do you not force it (the soul of the dying back into the body to bring that person) back (to life), if you are truthful (that you are not a servant of Allah)?

Comment 1. If you are not a servant of Allah as you claim then why do you not prevent death?

Quran 56:88 Koran 56:88 Verse 56:88 Ayah 56:88 Ayat 56:88 Aya 56:88 If they (the dying person) is brought near (to Allah’s mercy),

Quran 56:89 Koran 56:89 Verse 56:89 Ayah 56:89 Ayat 56:89 Aya 56:89 Then (for them is) rest and provision and a garden of pleasure (in Paradise Jannah).

Quran 56:90 Koran 56:90 Verse 56:90 Ayah 56:90 Ayat 56:90 Aya 56:90 And if they are of those (whose record of deeds is given) on the right hand. (They are the people with good deeds who have been blessed with Allah’s mercy and they shall enter Paradise Jannah).

Quran 56:91 Koran 56:91 Verse 56:91 Ayah 56:91 Ayat 56:91 Aya 56:91 Then (the angels shall say), "Peace is to you, (you are) among the companions of the right hand (who are among the people with good deeds who have been blessed with Allah’s mercy and you shall enter Paradise Jannah).”

Quran 56:92 Koran 56:92 Verse 56:92 Ayah 56:92 Ayat 56:92 Aya 56:92 But if they rejected (Allah because they were), astray (away from Allah’s way).

Comment 1. What is Allah’s way? What is the way of Allah?

Allah’s way is good behaviour.

Allah’s way is goodness.

The way of Allah is good behaviour.

The way of Allah is goodness.

Quran 6:158 Verse 6:158 "... belief in it (Allah and the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) shall not help any soul …. if in belief (he or she) did not earn good (by doing righteous deeds in their life). ....”

Quran 41:8 Verse 41:8 “For those who believe and do good deeds, for them is an everlasting reward (in Paradise Jannah).”

Quran 56:93 Koran 56:93 Verse 56:93 Ayah 56:93 Ayat 56:93 Aya 56:93 Then the welcome shall be boiling water (to drink).

Quran 56:94 Koran 56:94 Verse 56:94 Ayah 56:94 Ayat 56:94 Aya 56:94 And burning in Hell fire (Jahannam).

Note 1. Quran 17:60 Verse 17:60 “.... We (Allah) warn (people to do what is good and avoid what is evil) and make them afraid (of Allah by describing the home for evil doers in Hell Fire Jahannam in the Hereafter) but it only increases them (some of the humans) in nothing but greater disobedience against Allah (and the commandment to do what is good and avoid what is evil).

Quran 56:95 Koran 56:95 Verse 56:95 Ayah 56:95 Ayat 56:95 Aya 56:95 This is the certain truth (meaning it will certainly happen).

Comment 1. What is the truth?

The Quran confirms the Tanakh Jewish scripture and explains the story of Jesus in the Gospel Injil.

A. Prophet Muhammad in the Torah Taurat and Gospel Injil.

See Quran 7:157 comments in Quran chapter 7.

B. Every prophet of God is “the Word of God made flesh” meaning the word of God comes out of the mouth of every prophet of God in Deuteronomy 18:18.

See Quran 5:116 comments in Quran chapter 5.

C. How did Allah save Jesus.

See 1. Quran 4:157 and Quran 4:158 comments in Quran chapter 4.

See 2. Quran 29:57 comments in Quran chapter 29.

D. The second coming of Jesus and every other human is on the Day of Resurrection.

See Quran 79:7 comments in Quran chapter 79.

E. Examples of hadith stories which contradict the teachings of Allah in the Quran.

See Quran 25:30 comments in Quran chapter 25.

F. Allah protects the Quran, Gospel Injil and the Torah Taurat as proof Allah is real.


G. Jews and Christians who follow their Book and also believe the Quran will be rewarded twice in the hereafter.

See Quran 28:54 comments in Quran chapter 28.

Quran 56:96 Koran 56:96 Verse 56:96 Ayah 56:96 Ayat 56:96 Aya 56:96 So (Prophet Muhammad) exalt the name of the Lord (Allah), the great (meaning, the one who is the greatest of importance to all the creation).

Interpretations of the Quran (Al-Quran, Al Quran, Koran).

This is an interpretation of some of the meanings in the Quran.

This is not a perfect translation of the Quran because the Quran is in the Arabic language.

The Arabic language in the Quran must be understood as it was understood over 1400 years ago.

Allah guides who He wills to the correct understanding of the Quran.

In the English language the word Allah is God.

Allah (God) is the creator of the Jews, Christians, Muslims and everyone and everything that exists.

Islam and the Quran chapter (sura, surah, surat), chapters (suras, surahs), verse (ayaah, aya, ayah), verses (ayaas, ayaat, ayas, ayat), analysis, annotation, clarification, comment, commentary, elucidation, examination, explanation, foot note, interpretation, investigation, note, observation, remark, study, understanding, analyses, annotations, clarifications, comments, commentaries, elucidations, examinations, explanations, foot notes, interpretations, investigations, notes, observations, remarks, studies, understandings of Islam and the Quran (The Coran, Al-Coran, Al Coran, The Koran, Al-Koran, Al Koran, The Quran, Al Quran, Al-Quran, The Qur'an, Al-Qur'an, Al Qur'an, The Qur’ān, Al-Qur’ān, Al Qur’ān).

Corrections and questions are welcome and can be emailed to somaliahamradio@yahoo.com

The meaning of verses in the Quran and Tanakh and Gospel are on these websites.

The meaning of verses in the Koran and Torah and Injil are on these websites.

YOU ARE HERE Allah https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran

Allah index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/index

Allaah https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran

Allaah index https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran/index

God https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran

God index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/index

Q&A https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel

Q&A index https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel/index