302-11. The Gospel of Luke chapter 24.


19 July 2021 (1442 AH).

The Gospel of Luke with comments according to the Quran.

The Gospel of Luke explained by the Quran.

The Gospel of Luke with comments according to the Quran, Torah and Gospels.

The Gospel of Luke with comments according to the Koran.

The Gospel of Luke explained by the Koran.

The Gospel of Luke with comments according to the Koran, Torah and Gospels.

The Gospel of Luke.

The Gospel according to Luke.

Understanding the Gospels.

The good news message from Allah for Jews and Christians delivered 1400 years ago by Prophet Muhammad.

1. Jews and Christians who follow their Book and also believe the Quran shall receive a double reward in the hereafter in Quran 28:54, Quran 34:37 and Quran 57:28.

2. Jews who follow the Tanakh Jewish scripture and believe the Quran are correctly observing the Torah Taurat.

3. Christians who follow the Gospels and believe the Quran are correctly observing the Gospel Injil.

4. Muslims who follow the Quran so that it agrees with the Tanakh Jewish scripture and the Gospel Injil are correctly observing the Quran.

See https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/the-gospel-of-mark-1-5

302-1. The 377 signs of Prophet Muhammad in the Gospel of Luke.


302-2. The Gospel of Luke chapters 1–2.


302-3. The Gospel of Luke chapters 3–6.


302-4. The Gospel of Luke chapters 7–8.


302-5. The Gospel of Luke chapter 9.


302-6. The Gospel of Luke chapters 10–11.


302-7. The Gospel of Luke chapters 12–15.


302-8. The Gospel of Luke chapters 16–18.


302-9. The Gospel of Luke chapters 19-21.


302-10. The Gospel of Luke chapters 22-23.


You are here 302-11. The Gospel of Luke chapter 24.


Map of West Bank and Gaza.

Map showing Palestine (Gaza, West Bank, Filastin, Filistin, Falastin, Palestina, Palaestina) in 1434 AH (2013).

Thanks to Wikipedia.

The Gospel of Luke.

(Thanks to David Robert Palmer DRP).

Sam Voron SV comments and notes have been added to the DRP verses.

The SV comments and notes and the DRP verses are two different and independent works.

(In the SV comments and notes some verses have comments in brackets added by SV to explain their meaning).

The Gospel of Luke chapter 24.

The resurrection.

Gospel of Luke 24:1 but at the crack of dawn on the first day of the week, they went to the tomb, carrying the spices they had prepared.


The messenger after Jesus confirmed the truth of resurrection after death.

The three hundred and twelfth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The messenger after Jesus confirmed the truth of resurrection after death.

See Gospel of Luke 24:1 comments.

Quran 2:154 Koran 2:154 And do not speak (when delivering news) of those who are killed in the cause of Allah as being “dead”, No, they are alive (their soul is alive), but you cannot see them.

(Note 1. The souls of dead people are alive in the care of Allah until the day they are resurrected on the Day of Judgement in a new physical body that can feel the reward or punishment that they have earned.

Quran 2:213 Koran 2:213 Humans were one community (before they separated), then Allah sent the prophets with the good news (of the resurrection of life in Paradise for the righteous) and warnings (of the resurrection of life in Hell fire for the evil doers) and sent down with them the Scripture (the Torah and later the Gospel) with the truth to judge between people in the matters where they differed. But the people (the Jews and the Christians) who were given it (the revelations from Allah) were the ones who disagreed about it (its meanings) after the clear revelations came to them because of the selfish envy between them (envy that led each of them to think they were the more righteous). Allah by His (Allah’s) grace guided those with faith in Allah to the truth concerning matters over which they differed. Allah guides whom He (Allah) wills to the straight path (the right path, the correct path).

Gospel of Luke 24:2 But they found the stone had been rolled away from the tomb.

Jesus appears to the women.

Gospel of Luke 24:3 And when they went inside, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.


Who is the Lord?

The Lord meaning Jesus the Master or teacher.

No one in the time of Jesus thought that Jesus was Allah.

Gospel of Luke 24:19 And he (Jesus) said to them, "What things?" And they (the followers of Jesus) said to him, "The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet powerful in deed and in word, in the eyes of both Allah and all the people (who believe in Allah and in Prophet Jesus);

(Note 1. Allah and the people who followed Jesus in the time of Jesus all saw that Jesus was a human prophet, messenger and messiah.

(Note 2. No one in the time of Jesus believed that Jesus was Allah.

(Note 3. Jesus and the disciples of Jesus are from the children of Israel.

(Note 4. Jesus and the disciples of Jesus are Jewish.

(Note 5. Every Jew knows that the belief that a human can be Allah is the religion of human idol worship which Allah forbids in the Torah.

(Note 6. Jesus never said that Jesus is Allah because Jesus prayed to Allah like every human prays to Allah.

Gospel of Matthew 21:11 And the crowds would say, "This is the prophet Jesus, from Nazareth, Galilee."

Note 1. Jesus was a prophet is the correct belief about Jesus.

Gospel of Luke 7:16 And fear (awe) took hold of all, and they praised Allah, saying, "A great prophet (named Jesus) has been raised up among us (the children of Israel)," and, Allah (through His prophet) has come to help his people (the children of Israel)."

Note 1. When Jesus brought the dead back to life the Jews called Jesus a prophet and not Allah.

Note 2. When the dead are brought back to life the Jews thank Allah for sending Prophet Jesus to them.

Note 3. The Jewish people who saw the dead brought back to life understood the difference between a created human prophet named Jesus and Allah who is the creator of every creation.

Gospel of Luke 24:4 And it happened that as they stood hesitating about this, behold, two men appeared to them, in gleaming garments.


1. Who are the two men appeared to them, in gleaming garments?

These are two of the angels of Allah.

Notice that angels appear as men.

2. Jesus and the messenger after Jesus confirm that angels appear as men not women.

The three hundred and thirteenth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Jesus and the prophet after Jesus confirm that angels appear as men not women.

See Gospel of Luke 24:4 comments.

Quran 19:17 Koran 19:17 And (when Mary) had secluded (herself) from them (her people) then We (Allah) sent to her Our (Allah’s) spirit (the holy spirit from Allah, angel Gabriel Jibril) and it assumed for her the likeness of a man.

Gospel of Luke 24:4 And it happened that as they stood hesitating about this, behold, two men appeared to them, in gleaming garments.

Gospel of Luke 24:5 And when terror came over them, such that they had bowed their faces down to the ground, the men said to them, "Why are you looking for the living among the dead?


Why did the women bow down their faces to the ground?

The women understood that the two men were angels from Allah.

The women were humbling themselves to the two men who were angels from Allah.

Gospel of Luke 24:6 He is not here, but is risen! Recall how he spoke to you while still in Galilee,


Explain the Gospel of Luke 24:6.

Gospel of Luke 24:6 He is not here, but is risen (awoken from sleep)! …”

Quran 39:42 Koran 39:42 Allah takes the souls at the time of their death and (also takes the souls of) those who have not died (but are alive) during their sleep (when Allah saved the life of Jesus Isa with sleep so that his body did not move making everyone believe that Jesus Isa was dead on the cross in Quran 4:157 by raising the soul of Jesus Isa to heaven and to Allah in Quran 4:158). He (Allah) keeps those (souls) for which He (Allah) had decreed death and sends the rest (of the souls to awaken the sleeping body) for a predetermined period of time (such as when Allah returned the soul of Jesus Isa three days after the crucifixion to wake up the sleeping body of Jesus Isa on the earth in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 when Jesus Isa delivered the message that Jesus Isa is not Allah by saying Allah is my Allah and your Allah meaning Allah is my Father and your Father meaning Allah is my Creator and your Creator meaning Allah is my Master and your Master meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord as proof that no one had killed him on the cross or crucified him to death on the cross, after which they return to sleep again or die as in Quran 5:75 where Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa “use to eat food” meaning they both died 2000 years ago and Quran 3:144 where the “the messengers before Prophet Muhammad have died” meaning Jesus Isa is dead because Jesus Isa is the messenger before Prophet Muhammad. In Quran 5:117 Jesus died when he lived with the children of Israel 2000 years ago when he was raised by the angel of death). In this are signs (of Allah) for people who think.

(Note 1. Allah took the soul of Jesus to heaven when the body of Jesus fell into a sleep on the cross.

(Note 2. Allah protected Jesus the messenger of Allah with a three day sleep.

Gospel of Luke 24:7 saying that the Son of Man must be transferred into the hands of sinful mortals, and be crucified, and on the third day rise again."


1. What is “the son of man?”

The son of man means human.

The Gospel is the story of one son of man named Jesus.

The Gospel is the story of one human named Jesus.

1-1. The suffering of Jesus shows that Jesus is human.

The suffering of Jesus shows that Jesus is a creation.

Allah has decreed that every human must die.

Death is the sign of a human.

Death is the sign of every creation.

1-2. The messenger after Jesus revealed to Christians that Jesus is 100 percent human.

The ninety ninth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The prophet after Jesus revealed to Christians that Jesus is 100 percent human.

See Gospel of Luke 8:53, 9:20, 9:22, 18:33, 24:7 and 24:51 comments.

Every human soul is raised to Heaven and to Allah by the Angel of Death.

Quran 4:158 Koran 4:158 Allah raised him (the soul of Prophet Jesus Isa) up to Himself (Allah, to protect the life of Jesus Isa as explained in Quran 39:42 where Allah raises the soul up to Himself causing the human body on the earth to sleep and make everyone think Jesus Isa was dead because his body was not moving in Quran 4:157. Allah returned the soul of Jesus Isa causing his human body on the earth to wake up three days later as proof that no one killed Jesus Isa on the cross and no one crucified him to death on the cross. This is confirmed because Jesus Isa is seen alive three days after the crucifixion delivering the message that he is not Allah in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 by saying Allah is my Allah and your Allah meaning Allah is my Father and your Father meaning Allah is my Creator and your Creator meaning Allah is my Master and your Master meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord). Allah is all powerful (able to do all things) and He (Allah) is all wise.

Note 1. Allah saved Jesus Isa from death on the cross in Quran 4:157 and 4:158 so that Jesus Isa could continue his life and then die 2000 years ago like every human before him and after him has died in Quran 5:75 and 3:144. The natural death of Jesus Isa 2000 years ago is proof to the people in his time that Jesus Isa is human like every other human and he is not Allah or an equal partner with Allah.

In Quran 5:75 every human messenger of Allah before Prophet Jesus Isa is dead.

Quran 5:75 Koran 5:75 The Messiah (Jesus Isa), son of Mary (Maryam), was no more than a (human) messenger (of Allah) and (all the human) messengers (of Allah) before him (Prophet Jesus Isa) have passed away (meaning died) they (Jesus Isa and Mary Maryam) both used to eat food (meaning Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa died a natural death 2000 years ago because both “used to eat food” meaning they are dead because they do not eat food today ..."

Note 1. In Quran 5:75 "they used to eat food" means Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa are dead.

In Quran 3:144 every human messenger of Allah before Prophet Muhammad is dead.

The messenger before Prophet Muhammad is Prophet Jesus Isa meaning Prophet Jesus Isa is dead.

Quran 3:144 Koran 3:144 Prophet Muhammad is no more than a (human) messenger (of Allah) and (all the human) messengers (of Allah) before him (Prophet Muhammad) have passed away (meaning died) ….”

Note 1. The messenger before Prophet Muhammad is Prophet Jesus Isa meaning Prophet Jesus Isa is dead..

1-3. The prophet after Jesus was mocked when he confirmed the Gospel by revealing that no one killed Jesus on the cross.

The ninety seventh sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.at the end of the Gospel of Luke).

In the same way as Jesus was mocked, the prophet after Jesus was mocked when he confirmed the Gospel by revealing that no one killed Jesus on the cross.

Gospel of Luke 8:53 And they laughed scornfully at him (Jesus, when Jesus said she was not dead because they though they were), knowing that she had died.

See Gospel of Luke 8:53, 9:20, 9:22, 18:33 and 24:7 comments.

Quran 4:157 Koran 4:157 And they (some of the Jews of Yathrib in Arabia later Medina Arabia today Madinah Saudi Arabia) said (showing their pride and their disbelief by threatening and mocking the messenger Prophet Muhammad and his followers by boasting), "We killed messiah Jesus Isa, the son of Mary Maryam, the messenger of Allah," but (in fact) they did not kill him (on the cross) nor crucify him (to death on the cross), but it was made to appear so to them (so they believed he was dead on the cross because his body was not moving but in fact he was still alive and sleeping on the cross as explained in Quran 4:158 and 39:42) and those (Jews of Yathrib Arabia) who differ in this (in what happened to Prophet Jesus Isa on the cross) are full of doubts with no (certain) knowledge so they (the Jews of Yathrib) follow only conjecture (assumptions, speculation, guess). It is certain that they (the Jews) did not kill him (because Allah protected Prophet Jesus Isa from the death of crucifixion in 607 BH 33 CE 33 AD on Friday 3 April 33 in Jerusalem Al-Quds Yerussalem Yerushalayim in Judea today in Israel and Palestine and this is confirmed in the Gospel Injil where Jesus Isa is seen alive three days after the crucifixion teaching that he is not Allah in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 by saying Allah is my Allah and your Allah meaning Allah is my Father and your Father meaning Allah is my Creator and your Creator meaning Allah is my Master and your Master meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord as proof that no one had killed him on the cross or crucified him to death on the cross).

Note 1. Allah saved Jesus Isa from death on the cross in Quran 4:157 and 4:158 so that Jesus Isa could continue his life and then die 2000 years ago like every human before him and after him has died in Quran 5:75 and 3:144. The natural death of Jesus Isa 2000 years ago is proof to the people in his time that Jesus Isa is human like every other human and he is not Allah or an equal partner with Allah.

Gospel of John 10:18 No one takes it (my life) from me (Jesus); I lay it down (my life) of myself (voluntarily as Allah has ordered Jesus to do). I (Jesus) have authority (from Allah) to lay it down (on the cross where humans shall try to kill Jesus through crucifixion) and I (Jesus) have authority (by the order of Allah) to take it (my life) up again (as proof that no one killed Jesus); this order I have received from my Father (Allah).

(Note 1. In the Gospel Jesus said no one takes my life from me because Jesus is obeying the orders of Allah.

(Note 2. The Gospel confirms no one killed Jesus because Jesus was alive three days later.

2. How could Jesus be not dead but sleeping on the cross?

The ninety fourth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

How could Jesus be alive on the cross as revealed by the prophet after Jesus?

This person has not died but is sleeping.

The prophet after Jesus would reveal that Jesus was not dead on the cross.

The body of Jesus was sleeping but the soul of Jesus was with Allah.

How is it possible for a body to be sleeping and the soul to be with Allah?

Only the soul of a human is raised to heaven.

The human body is not needed in heaven.

The human body is only needed on the Earth.

See Gospel of Luke 8:52, 8:55, 9:20, 9:22, 18:33, 20:44, 22:40 and 24:7 comments.

Three days after the crucifixion Jesus told Mary Magdalene to tell all the disciples that Jesus did not die on the cross in Gospel of John 20:17 “I have not yet ascended to the Father” meaning Allah saved the life of Jesus on the cross with a miracle which made people think Jesus was dead on the cross in the same way Allah made people believe a sleeping person was dead in Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24 and Gospel of Luke 8:52.

The soul of every human ascends to Allah during sleep and when they die (Quran 39:42).

When Jesus says I (Jesus) have not yet ascended to the Father (Allah) Jesus is not talking about sleep because every human ascends to Allah every night during sleep therefore the meaning is Jesus has not yet died meaning Allah saved the life of Jesus on the cross with sleep (Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24, Gospel of Luke 8:52, Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42) meaning Jesus did not die on the cross with death but was saved on the cross with sleep which looked like Jesus was dead and in this way Allah saved the life of Jesus meaning no one killed Jesus (Gospel of Luke 8:54 – 8:55 and Quran 39:42) meaning no one crucified Jesus to death (Quran 4:157) meaning Jesus was not sacrificed but was saved from death with sleep in Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42 for the same reason Allah saved the son of Abraham from death in a test of the faith in Allah of Abraham and Jesus.

When Jesus says "I (Jesus) am ascending to my Father (Allah) and your Father (Allah)" it means Jesus will die like every human dies meaning Jesus died a natural death at the end of his life 2000 years ago (Quran 3:144 and Quran 5:75) as proof Jesus is human and as proof Jesus is not Allah.

Gospel of John 20:17 Jesus says to her (Mary Magdalene), "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father (Allah); but go to my brothers (my disciples), and tell them: 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father; to my Allah and your Allah.'"

Note 1. After the crucifixion Jesus says do not hold on to me to see if I am really alive, I have not yet ascended to my Father meaning I am not yet dead meaning I am really alive meaning I am not a ghost.

2-1. The messenger after Jesus revealed that Allah promised to help the messengers of Allah.

The two hundred and twenty third sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The prophet after Jesus revealed that Allah promised to help the messengers of Allah.

See Gospel of Luke 9:22, 18:33 and 24:7 comments.

Quran 14:47 Koran 14:47 Do not think that Allah shall fail to keep His (Allah’s) promise to His (Allah’s) messengers (to help them). Allah is mighty and makes retribution (against wrongdoers).

Quran 40:51 Koran 40:51 We (Allah) shall help Our (Allah’s) messengers and those who believe (in Allah) during the life of the world and on the Day (of Judgement) when the witnesses shall stand (to give evidence regarding your good and bad deeds).

3. The messenger after Jesus revealed to the Jews that Jesus was a messenger from Allah.

The ninety eighth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The Jews of Arabia did not believe that Jesus was a messenger from Allah.

The prophet after Jesus revealed to the Jews of Arabia that Jesus was a messenger from Allah.

See Gospel of Luke 8:53, 9:20, 9:22, 18:33 and 24:7 comments.

The messenger after Jesus was mocked 1400 years ago when he revealed to the Jews of Yathrib, Arabia that Jesus was not killed in Quran 4:157.

The Jews of Yathrib, Arabia believed that Jesus was killed.

The Jews of Yathrib, Arabia did not believe that Jesus was seen three days after the crucifixion.

If Jesus was seen three days after the crucifixion then that would be proof that no one killed Jesus which is what the prophet after Jesus had revealed.

The Jews of Yathrib, Arabia did not believe that Jesus was a messenger from Allah.

The messenger after Jesus revealed to the Jews of Yathrib, Arabia that Jesus was a messenger from Allah.

Quran 4:171 Koran 4:171 O people of the Scripture (the Jews and the Christians), do not be extreme in your religion (be moderate in religion, do not be fanatical in religion) and say nothing about Allah but the truth. The messiah Jesus son of Mary was only a messenger of Allah, with Allah’s word (decreeing that a boy be), bestowed on Mary with a spirit (for Jesus) from Allah (who is the creator of every soul). Believe in Allah and His (Allah’s) messengers. (O those among the Christians) do not say, (in worship, in prayers) "Three (“Trinity” as in Allah, Jesus and the Holy Spirit) it is best for you to stop saying that because Allah is One (Allah), glory be to Him (your creator is great and powerful and is far) above having a (real biological human) son (or having worship of Allah being spread among others such as Jesus and the Holy Spirit who are both only creations that were made by Allah and who are both only servants of Allah). To (one single) Allah belongs everything that exists in the heavens and on the earth (and all your prayers also belong only to Allah) and (that one single) Allah (alone who created you) is the judge of all that you do.

(Note 1. In the time of Prophet Muhammad some Christians believed the Trinity to be Allah, Jesus and Mary and they prayed to all three.

(Note 2. Prophet Muhammad revealed that only Allah has the power to hear prayer because it is Allah who created every creation including the creations known as Jesus and Mary.

4. Jesus and the messenger after Jesus confirm the plot to kill Jesus.

The two hundred and nineteenth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Jesus and the prophet after Jesus confirmed the plot to kill Jesus.

See Gospel of Luke 9:22, 18:33 and 24:7 comments.

Gospel of Luke 22:2 and the chief priests and the Torah scholars were still yet looking for a way to put him (Jesus) to death, because they were still yet fearing the people.

Quran 3:54 Koran 3:54 And they (who disbelieved Prophet Jesus) plotted (to kill Jesus) but Allah also (had his) plan. And Allah is the best of the planners (meaning the plans of humans cannot be successful against the plans of Allah).

Quran 40:51 Koran 40:51 We (Allah) shall help Our (Allah’s) messengers and those who believe (in Allah) during the life of the world and on the Day (of Judgement) when the witnesses shall stand (to give evidence regarding your good and bad deeds).

4-1. Just as the people of Jesus plotted to kill Jesus so did the people of Muhammad plot to kill Muhammad.

The two hundred and twentieth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Just as the people of Jesus plotted to kill Jesus so did the people of Muhammad plot to kill Muhammad.

See Gospel of Luke 9:22, 18:33 and 24:7 comments.

Quran 8:30 Koran 8:30 Remember when those who disbelieved (in Allah) plotted (at the meeting of the chiefs in the idol worshipper council in Mecca, Arabia today Saudi Arabia) against you (Prophet Muhammad, about whether) to restrain you or to kill you or to evict you (from Mecca), they made (their) plans but Allah also planed (by commanding you Prophet Muhammad to leave Mecca) and Allah is the best of planners (meaning the plans of humans cannot be successful against the plans of Allah).

Quran 40:51 Koran 40:51 We (Allah) shall help Our (Allah’s) messengers and those who believe (in Allah) during the life of the world and on the Day (of Judgement) when the witnesses shall stand (to give evidence regarding your good and bad deeds).

5. Why did Allah reveal to Jesus that Jesus would be killed and then resurrected?

The two hundred and eighteenth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did Allah reveal to Jesus that Jesus would be killed? Allah tested the faith of Jesus in Allah.

Why did Allah reveal to Jesus that Jesus would be resurrected? Allah tested Jesus even more to show if Jesus really believed in resurrection.

Allah tested Jesus with death like Allah tested Abraham and Isaac with death.

Would Jesus be willing to sacrifice himself for Allah like Abraham and Isaac?

The story of Jesus is clearly a test of the faith of Jesus in Allah.

The story of Jesus is clearly proof of the love and obedience of Jesus to the will of Allah.

See Gospel of Luke 9:22, 9:45, 18:33, 18:34, 20:44, 22:15, 22:40, 22:42, 24:7 and 24:26 comments.

Allah gave the good news of Isaac Ishaq twice to Prophet Abraham Ibrahim.

In the story of Isaac Ishaq, Allah gave Isaac Ishaq to Prophet Abraham Ibrahim twice.

The first time Allah gave Isaac Ishaq to Prophet Abraham Ibrahim is in Quran 37:101 which is the good news of the birth of Isaac Ishaq.

The second time Allah gave Isaac Ishaq to Prophet Abraham Ibrahim is in Quran 37:112 which is the good news that Allah stopped the sacrifice of Isaac Ishaq and for a second time gave Isaac Ishaq to Abraham Ibrahim.


Why does Allah say sacrifice your only son Isaac Ishaq in the Torah Taurat?

When Allah says sacrifice your only son Isaac Ishaq in the Torah Taurat Allah is reminding Prophet Abraham Ibrahim that he already gave one son to Allah when he long ago sent Ishmael Ismail and his mother Hagar Hajar into the desert.

Allah tests Prophet Abraham Ibrahim a second time by saying sacrifice your only son Isaac Ishaq who still lives with you.

Will Prophet Abraham Ibrahim refuse Allah and say but I already gave you Ishmael Ismail and his mother Hagar Hajar?

Will Prophet Abraham Ibrahim refuse Allah and say but you promised future generations for me from Isaac Ishaq?

Will Prophet Abraham Ibrahim sacrifice Isaac Ishaq who is the only son still living with him after he had already given Ishmael Ismail and his mother Hagar Hajar to Allah in the desert?

Will Prophet Abraham Ibrahim give Allah both his sons?


When Prophet Abraham Ibrahim shows he will obey Allah then Allah stops the test and fulfils His promise because Allah always fulfils His promise.

In the story of sacrifice in Quran chapter 37 Allah only blesses Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and his son Prophet Isaac Ishaq. Allah has left no other blessing.


Prophet Isaac Ishaq is called the good news son in the Prophet Abraham Ibrahim story in Quran chapter 11, 15, 19, 29, 37 and 51.

When the Good News son is not named four times in Quran 15:53, 15:54, 15:55 and in Quran 51:28 it is Prophet Isaac Ishaq and this is the same in the story of the sacrifice in Quran 37:101 where the good news son is also not named because it is always the name Allah gives to Prophet Isaac Ishaq.


When the Good News son is named five times in Quran 11:69, 11:71, 11:74 and Quran 29:27, 29:31 it is Prophet Isaac Ishaq and this is the same in the story of the sacrifice in Quran 37:112 where the good news son is also named Prophet Isaac Ishaq because Good News is always the name Allah gives to Prophet Isaac Ishaq in the Prophet Abraham Ibrahim story in the Quran.


Allah names Prophet Isaac Ishaq as the good news son 9 times in Quran chapter 11, 15, 19, 29 and 51.

Allah names Prophet Isaac Ishaq four times in Quran chapter 37 twice as the good news son and twice by name.

In the story of the sacrifice in the Quran Allah only blesses Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and his son Prophet Isaac Ishaq. Allah has left no other blessing.


In the story of the vision dream of the sacrifice of the son of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim in Quran chapter 37 Allah only blesses Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and his son Prophet Isaac Ishaq and leaves no other blessings in the story of the sacrifice and this famous vision dream is remembered in the next chapter Quran chapter 38 where Allah blesses Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and Prophet Isaac Ishaq with the vision dream in Quran 38:45 – 38:47 and shows in the next verse that Prophet Ishmael Ismail was not the son in the vision dream and Prophet Ishmael Ismail was not living with his father during the vision dream by blessing Prophet Ishmael Ismail without his father and without the blessing of the vision dream in Quran 38:48.

This is confirmed in Quran 12:6 and in Torah Genesis 22:2.


In two famous vision dreams in the Quran Allah blesses both the father and the son with the vision dream of the sacrifice of the son in Quran chapter 38 after the story of the sacrifice in Quran chapter 37 and Allah blesses both the father and the son with the vision dream of the bowing of the Sun and the Moon and the eleven stars towards one star in Quran chapter 12 as proof the Quran confirms the Torah Taurat meaning as proof humans do not have the power to change the word of Allah in the Quran and in the Torah Taurat because if humans could change the word of Allah it would be proof that Allah did not exist.


Before Ishmael Ismail was born Allah promised his mother Hagar Hajar that Ishmael Ismail would have many descendants in Torah Genesis 16:8 - 16:11 meaning before the story of the sacrifice Allah promised that both Ishmael Ismail and Isaac Ishaq would have children.


Allah told Abraham Ibrahim in a vision dream to sacrifice Isaac Ishaq (in Quran 38:45 – 38:47 and Quran 12:6) who was the only son living with him (in Torah Genesis 22:2) meaning Ishmael Ismail was not living in Canaan today Palestine and Israel during.the vision dream (in Quran 38:48 where Ishmael Ismail is not blessed with the vision dream and Ishmael Ismail is not blessed with his father meaning the only son living with Abraham Ibrahim during the vision dream is Isaac Ishaq in the blessing of the vision dream in Quran 38:45 – 38:47 and Quran 12:6).


Abraham Ibrahim passed the test because he did not reject Allah by saying “I will not sacrifice Isaac Ishaq because you promised future generations for me from Isaac Ishaq” or “I will not sacrifice Isaac Ishaq because I already gave you Ishmael Ismail and his mother Hagar Hajar in the desert” instead Abraham Ibrahim showed that he would give both his sons to Allah and this is when Allah stopped the sacrifice and gave Isaac Ishaq a second time to Abraham Ibrahim in Quran 37:112.


The choice of a first born animal or a first born son in a sacrifice does not apply to Allah because it is Allah who has commanded this test of faith and it is Allah who can choose anyone to be the sacrifice.

Abraham Ibrahim did not have a choice about who to sacrifice but he could only obey or disobey what Allah commanded him to do in this test.


Allah stopped the test when Abraham Ibrahim showed that after he had given his first son Ishmael Ismail and Hagar Hajar to Allah in the desert he was willing to sacrifice Isaac Ishaq who was his only son who was still living with Abraham Ibrahim in Canaan today in Israel and Palestine during the vision dream.


By stopping the sacrifice Allah saved Isaac Ishaq and fulfilled the promise that Isaac Ishaq would have children as proof that Allah always fulfils His promises and to teach humans that Allah forbids human sacrifice in Quran 17:31, Quran 16:57 - 16:59, Quran 81:8 - 81:9, Leviticus 18:21, Leviticus 20:3, Deuteronomy 12:31, Deuteronomy 18:10, Deuteronomy 24:16, Hosea 6:6, Jeremiah 7:22 - 7:23, Psalm 40:7 in Tanakh Jewish Scripture or Psalm 40:6 in Christian Bibles and Micah 6:7 - 6:8.


The proof that Allah is real is the Quran and the Torah Taurat confirming and explaining each other because "Whoever has no faith in His (Allah’s) Books then he has strayed far away (from Allah, Quran 4:136)."


Most early Muslims believed the son to be sacrificed is Isaac Ishaq.

Most later Muslims believed the son to be sacrificed is Ishmael Ismail.

This means most early Muslims believed no one changed the Torah Taurat which confirms Quran 2:40 (telling the Jewish people to observe their covenant with Allah which is the Torah Taurat forever) and Quran 2:41 (telling the Jewish people that the Quran confirms what is with the Jewish people in the Torah Taurat) and most later Muslims believed the Torah Taurat was changed which contradicts Quran 2:40 (telling the Jewish people to observe their covenant with Allah which is the Torah Taurat forever) and Quran 2:41 (telling the Jewish people that the Quran confirms what is with the Jewish people in the Torah Taurat).


a. Which son was to be sacrificed?


b. Library chats E7: Ismā`īl vs. Isḥāq as the sacrifice: A case study of tafsīr and scholarly influence.


c. Was Abraham commanded to sacrifice Isaac or Ishmael?


d. Quran chapter 37. The story of the sacrifice.


(Note 1. In the same way the story of Jesus is clearly proof of the love and obedience of Jesus to Allah).

6. The messenger after Jesus showed why people were made to believe that they had killed Jesus.

The two hundred and twenty first sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The prophet after Jesus showed why people were made to believe that they had killed Jesus.

Those who believed they had killed Jesus will be shown that belief on the Day of Judgement and they shall not be able to deny the correctness of the Judgement of Allah against them.

See Gospel of Luke 9:22, 18:33 and 24:7 comments.

Quran 14:46 Koran 14:46 And they (who disbelieved Allah and Allah’s messenger) plotted and their plan (was recorded as evidence against them on the Day of Judgement because everything) is known by Allah and even if their plan had been (strong enough) to remove the mountains (even then their plan would have been unsuccessful because the plan of humans cannot be successful against the plan of Allah).

(Note 1. Those who believed they had killed Jesus will be shown that belief on the Day of Judgement and they shall not be able to deny the correctness of the Judgement of Allah against them.

(Note 2. The actions of those who believed they killed Jesus will be shown to them on the Day of Judgement as evidence that Allah’s judgement of them is correct.

Quran 39:69 Koran 39:69 And the earth (meaning, the land in the hereafter) shall shine with the light of its Lord (Allah, when Allah shall come to judge men and women on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) and the Book (of their good and bad deeds) shall be shown. The Prophets (the messenger of Allah in their time or the messenger that they later claimed to follow) and the witnesses (the Holy angels including the Holy Spirit and humans) shall be brought and it (the good and bad deeds of men and women) shall be judged between them (the Prophets and the witnesses and the Book of their good and bad deeds) with truth (as Allah decreed) and they (those who are judged) shall not be wronged (by any incorrect judgement of what they did during their lifetime on the Earth).

(Note 1. Quran 10:47 Koran 10:47 And for every people there is a messenger. And when their messenger comes (as a witness on the Day of Judgement) it (the evidence of what each human did in their life) shall be judged between them fairly and they shall not be wronged (because on the Day of Judgement the messenger of Allah shall not speak unless Allah allows the messenger of Allah to speak and what the messenger of Allah says shall be what is correct).

(Note 2. Quran 78:38 Koran 78:38 The Day (of Judgement) when the Spirit (the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel as revealed in Quran 2:97) and the (other) angels shall stand in rows and they shall not speak except for the one whom the Most Merciful (Allah) allows (to speak) and they (the Spirit and the other angels) shall say what is correct.

7. The messenger after Jesus showed how every human soul including the soul of every human messenger of Allah shall be judged on the Day of Judgement.

The two hundred and twenty second sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The prophet after Jesus showed how every human soul including the soul of every human messenger of Allah shall be judged on the Day of Judgement.

See Gospel of Luke 9:22, 18:33 and 24:7 comments.

Quran 39:70 Koran 39:70 And every soul shall be paid in full for what it did (in the life of the world). He (Allah) is aware of what they do (without need of knowledge from the prophets or the angel witnesses or the Book of good and bad deeds which are used to show each person that the judgement of Allah is correct).

(Note 1. See Quran 10:47, 14:46, 39:69 and 78:38 in (6) above.

8. The messenger after Jesus shows that no one can carry the sin of another person.

The two hundred and twenty fourth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The prophet after Jesus shows that no one can carry the sin of another person.

See Gospel of Luke 9:22, 18:33 and 24:7 comments.


9. The messenger after Jesus shows that every person can only carry their own sin.

The two hundred and twenty fifth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The prophet after Jesus shows that every person can only carry their own sin.

See Gospel of Luke 9:22, 18:33 and 24:7 comments.


10. The messenger after Jesus shows that a person sins if they praise a person for sinful behaviour.

The two hundred and twenty sixth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The prophet after Jesus shows that a person sins if they praise a person for sinful behaviour.

See Gospel of Luke 9:22, 18:33 and 24:7 comments.

Quran 4:157 Koran 4:157 And they (some of the Jews of Yathrib in Arabia later Medina Arabia today Madinah Saudi Arabia) said (showing their pride and their disbelief by threatening and mocking the messenger Prophet Muhammad and his followers by boasting), "We killed messiah Jesus Isa, the son of Mary Maryam, the messenger of Allah," but (in fact) they did not kill him (on the cross) nor crucify him (to death on the cross), but it was made to appear so to them (so they believed he was dead on the cross because his body was not moving but in fact he was still alive and sleeping on the cross as explained in Quran 4:158 and 39:42) and those (Jews of Yathrib Arabia) who differ in this (in what happened to Prophet Jesus Isa on the cross) are full of doubts with no (certain) knowledge so they (the Jews of Yathrib) follow only conjecture (assumptions, speculation, guess). It is certain that they (the Jews) did not kill him (because Allah protected Prophet Jesus Isa from the death of crucifixion in 607 BH 33 CE 33 AD on Friday 3 April 33 in Jerusalem Al-Quds Yerussalem Yerushalayim in Judea today in Israel and Palestine and this is confirmed in the Gospel Injil where Jesus Isa is seen alive three days after the crucifixion teaching that he is not Allah in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 by saying Allah is my Allah and your Allah meaning Allah is my Father and your Father meaning Allah is my Creator and your Creator meaning Allah is my Master and your Master meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord as proof that no one had killed him on the cross or crucified him to death on the cross).

Note 1. Allah saved Jesus Isa from death on the cross in Quran 4:157 and 4:158 so that Jesus Isa could continue his life and then die 2000 years ago like every human before him and after him has died in Quran 5:75 and 3:144. The natural death of Jesus Isa 2000 years ago is proof to the people in his time that Jesus Isa is human like every other human and he is not Allah or an equal partner with Allah.

Note 2. The Jews of Yathrib, Arabia had no right to claim the sin of killing Jesus because Jesus lived 600 years before their time.

Quran 53:38 Koran 53:38 That no person shall bear the burden (sin) of another person.

Note 3. No other Jews after the time of Jesus claimed the sin of killing Jesus except some among the Jews in Yathrib, Arabia who did this as a way of showing their disbelief in Jesus and Muhammad.

Note 4. The sin of a few Jews in the past can not be transferred to Jews who live today because sin is not transferrable from one generation to another.

Quran 5:2 Koran 5:2 “… Do not be provoked into aggression by your hatred of people (such as the stone idol worshippers of Mecca) who once prevented you from going to the sacred mosque (al-Masjid al-Haram in Mecca). Help each other in matters of righteousness and piety but do not help each other in sin and evil. And fear Allah. Allah is strict in punishment.

Quran 39:70 Koran 39:70 And every soul shall be paid in full for what it did (in the life of the world). He (Allah) is aware of what they do (without need of knowledge from the prophets or the angel witnesses or the Book of good and bad deeds which are used to show each person that the judgement of Allah is correct).

11. Original sin does not exist for anyone except Adam and Eve because no one can carry the sin of Adam and Eve except Adam and Eve.

The one hundred and seventy third sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The prophet after Jesus revealed that when Adam repented Allah forgave Adam.

Adam and Eve were the first two humans to repent to Allah for their wrong doing (sin).

The first humans to be forgiven for their sin were Adam and Eve.

See Gospel of Luke 9:22, 13:3, 13:33 and 24:7 comments.

Quran 1:1 Koran 1:1 In the name of Allah, The Most Kind and The Most Merciful.

(Note 1. Allah tests every human with good and evil and on the Day of Judgement each human will be shown what they chose.

(Note 2. Allah accepts repentance and forgives humans during life in the world.

(Note 3. The forgiveness of Allah means that repentance for wrong doing is accepted and forgiven.

Quran 2:37 Koran 2:37 Then Adam (the first human) received from his Lord (Allah) words (of guidance) and his Lord (Allah) forgave him (Adam, the first human by accepting Adam’s repentance). Truly Allah is the One who forgives and He (Allah) is the most merciful.

(Note 1. Allah tested Adam and Eve with good and evil in Heaven.

(Note 2. Allah accepted the repentance of Adam and Eve and forgave Adam and Eve for their sin (wrong doing).

(Note 3. The forgiveness of Allah means that repentance for wrong doing by Adam and Eve was accepted and Adam and Eve were forgiven by Allah.

Quran 7:23 Koran 7:23 They (Adam and Eve) said, “Our Lord (Allah), we have wronged ourselves. If you do not forgive us and have no mercy on us then we shall surely be lost (without your guidance of what is correct).

(Note 4. Adam and Eve were put on the Earth and the sin they committed in Heaven was forgiven by Allah.

(Note 5. Adam and Eve will be judged on the Day of Judgement by what they did on the Earth after Allah forgave their Heavenly sin.

(Note 6. Every human after Adam and Eve is born with no sin.

(Note 7. Every human born on the Earth is tested by Allah with good and evil so that what they chose can be shown to them on the Day of Judgement as proof that Allah’s judgement of them is correct.

12. There is no “original sin”.

Original sin does not exist.

The one hundred and seventy fourth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus revealed there is no original sin because the sin of one human cannot be passed on to another human.

There is no original sin caused by Adam and Eve that is passed from the first humans to all another humans.

Original sin is not in the Torah that Allah revealed to Moses or the Gospel that Allah revealed to Jesus or the Quran that Allah revealed to Muhammad.

Original sin was invented by humans.

See Gospel of Luke 9:22, 13:3, 13:33 and 24:7 comments.

Quran 20:121 Koran 20:121 And (when) they (Adam and Eve) both ate from the tree they became aware of their nakedness and they began to stick the leaves from the Garden of Paradise on themselves for their covering (meaning, using leaves like cloths). And so Adam (the humans Adam and Eve) disobeyed his Lord (Allah) and went astray (by following Satan after Allah had warned Adam that Satan was his and his wife’s enemy).

Quran 20:122 Koran 20:122 But his Lord (Allah) chose him (the humans Adam and Eve for Allah’s mercy) and He (Allah) turned to him (the humans Adam and Eve) in forgiveness and gave him (the humans Adam and Eve) guidance.

(Note 1. Allah willed that Adam and Eve learn how to receive Allah’s forgiveness by guiding them to ask Allah to forgive their sin (wrong doing).

Quran 7:23 Koran 7:23 They (Adam and Eve) said, “Our Lord (Allah), we have wronged ourselves. If you do not forgive us and have no mercy on us then we shall surely be lost (without your guidance of what is correct).

(Note 1. Allah willed that Adam and Eve be granted Allah’s forgiveness by guiding them to ask Allah to forgive their sin (wrong doing).

Quran 7:24 Koran 7:24 (Allah) said, “Get out (from Paradise), one of you (the humans, Adam and Eve) an enemy of the other (Satan). For you on earth is a habitation and provision for a while.

Quran 7:25 Koran 7:25 (Allah) said, “There you shall live and there you shall die and then (on the Day of Judgement) you shall be raised (resurrected back to life).

(Note 1. Allah promised Adam and Eve that they shall return to everlasting life in the hereafter on the Day of Judgement).

(Note 2. The story of Adam and Eve must be one of the very important revelations from Allah that was passed to all humanity through the last messenger of Allah because this revelation confirms that there is no original sin and that sin is not transferable from one human to another human),

(Note 3. Torah Genesis 3:7 “And the eyes of both (Adam and Eve) were opened (by knowledge), and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves girdles).

(Note 4. Quran 90:3 Koran 90:3 And (I Allah swear) by (the truth of the existence of) a father (Adam) and what he (Adam and Eve) gave birth to (which is the birth of all humankind).

13. After the time of Jesus some Christians would say “How can humans believe in Allah if Jesus was not killed and resurrected back to life from death?”

The two hundred and thirty second sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

After the time of Jesus some Christians would say “How can humans believe in Allah if Jesus was not killed and resurrected back to life from death?”

See Gospel of Luke 9:45, 18:34, 22:40, 24:7 and 24:16 comments.

13-1. Jesus awoke from a three day sleep in excellent health is this sign from Allah not sufficient?

Three days after the crucifixion Jesus told Mary Magdalene to tell all the disciples that Jesus did not die on the cross in Gospel of John 20:17 “I have not yet ascended to the Father” meaning Allah saved the life of Jesus on the cross with a miracle which made people think Jesus was dead on the cross in the same way Allah made people believe a sleeping person was dead in Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24 and Gospel of Luke 8:52.

The soul of every human ascends to Allah during sleep and when they die (Quran 39:42).

When Jesus says I (Jesus) have not yet ascended to the Father (Allah) Jesus is not talking about sleep because every human ascends to Allah every night during sleep therefore the meaning is Jesus has not yet died meaning Allah saved the life of Jesus on the cross with sleep (Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24, Gospel of Luke 8:52, Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42) meaning Jesus did not die on the cross with death but was saved on the cross with sleep which looked like Jesus was dead and in this way Allah saved the life of Jesus meaning no one killed Jesus (Gospel of Luke 8:54 – 8:55 and Quran 39:42) meaning no one crucified Jesus to death (Quran 4:157) meaning Jesus was not sacrificed but was saved from death with sleep in Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42 for the same reason Allah saved the son of Abraham from death in a test of the faith in Allah of Abraham and Jesus.

When Jesus says "I (Jesus) am ascending to my Father (Allah) and your Father (Allah)" it means Jesus will die like every human dies meaning Jesus died a natural death at the end of his life 2000 years ago (Quran 3:144 and Quran 5:75) as proof Jesus is human and as proof Jesus is not Allah.

Gospel of John 20:17 Jesus says to her (Mary Magdalene), "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father (Allah); but go to my brothers (my disciples), and tell them: 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father; to my Allah and your Allah.'"

Note 1. After the crucifixion Jesus says do not hold on to me to see if I am really alive, I have not yet ascended to my Father meaning I am not yet dead meaning I am really alive meaning I am not a ghost.

Quran 39:42 Koran 39:42 Allah takes the souls at the time of their death and (also takes the souls of) those who have not died (but are alive) during their sleep (when Allah saved the life of Jesus Isa with sleep so that his body did not move making everyone believe that Jesus Isa was dead on the cross in Quran 4:157 by raising the soul of Jesus Isa to heaven and to Allah in Quran 4:158). He (Allah) keeps those (souls) for which He (Allah) had decreed death and sends the rest (of the souls to awaken the sleeping body) for a predetermined period of time (such as when Allah returned the soul of Jesus Isa three days after the crucifixion to wake up the sleeping body of Jesus Isa on the earth in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 when Jesus Isa delivered the message that Jesus Isa is not Allah by saying Allah is my Allah and your Allah meaning Allah is my Father and your Father meaning Allah is my Creator and your Creator meaning Allah is my Master and your Master meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord as proof that no one had killed him on the cross or crucified him to death on the cross, after which they return to sleep again or die as in Quran 5:75 where Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa “use to eat food” meaning they both died 2000 years ago and Quran 3:144 where the “the messengers before Prophet Muhammad have died” meaning Jesus Isa is dead because Jesus Isa is the messenger before Prophet Muhammad. In Quran 5:117 Jesus died when he lived with the children of Israel 2000 years ago when he was raised by the angel of death). In this are signs (of Allah) for people who think.

13-2. Jesus showed many miracles and the greatest was his awakening after three days of sleep is this sign from Allah not sufficient?

13-3. The Jews have believed in Allah for thousands of years without demanding to see anyone killed and resurrected is this sign of faith in Allah not sufficient?

13-4. The Muslims believe in Allah without demanding to see anyone killed and resurrected is this sign of faith in Allah not sufficient?

13-5. What better news for those who love Jesus could the prophet after Jesus have revealed then the fact that Jesus was not killed because Allah protected Jesus?

Is this not a wonderful sign from the most merciful and the most loving and the most forgiving Allah?

Gospel of Luke 24:8 And they did recall his statements.

Gospel of Luke 24:9 And when they returned from the tomb, they related all these things to the Eleven and to all the rest.


1. Who are “the eleven?”

1. Simon, whom Jesus also named Peter.

2. Andrew the brother of Simon (Peter).

3. James.

4. John.

5. Philip.

6. Bartholomew.

7. Matthew.

8. Thomas.

9. James son of Halphaeus.

10. Simon the Zealot.

11. Judas son of James.

2. Which disciple was missing because he had betrayed Jesus?

Judas of Kerioth was the betrayer.

Gospel of Luke 24:10 Now it was the Magdalene Mary, and Joanna, and Mary the mother of James, and the others with them who were telling these things to the apostles;


1. Who is Mary the Magdalene?

Who is Mary Magdalene?

Who is Mary of Magdala?

Mary the Magdalene became a disciple of Jesus when Jesus removed seven demons from her body.

Mary the Magdalene was among the women who went to the tomb where the body of Jesus had been placed.

Mary the Magdalene is of the children of Israel.

Mary the Magdalene is Jewish.

2. Who is Joanna the wife of Kuza?

Who is Joanna the wife of Chuza?

Joanna was among those who were healed by Jesus.

Joanna was the wife of Kuza, the manager of the household of Herod Antipas.

King Herod Antipas was the ruler of Galilee today in northern Israel.

Joanna was among the women who went to the tomb where the body of Jesus had been placed.

Joanna the wife of Kuza is of the children of Israel.

Joanna the wife of Kuza is Jewish.

Joanna the wife of Chuza is of the children of Israel.

Joanna the wife of Chuza is Jewish.

3. Who is Mary the mother of James?

Mary the mother of James was among the women who went to the tomb where the body of Jesus had been placed.

Mary the mother of James is of the children of Israel.

Mary the mother of James is Jewish.

4. Who are the apostles?

1. Simon, whom Jesus also named Peter.

2. Andrew the brother of Simon (Peter).

3. James.

4. John.

5. Philip.

6. Bartholomew.

7. Matthew.

8. Thomas.

9. James son of Halphaeus.

10. Simon the Zealot.

11. Judas son of James.

These eleven followers of Jesus are of the children of Israel.

These eleven followers of Jesus are Jewish.

Gospel of Luke 24:11 and these statements appeared to them as nonsense, and they did not believe them.

Gospel of Luke 24:12 But Peter got up and ran to the tomb, and after stooping down, he sees only the linen bandages. And he went away, wondering to himself what had happened.

On the road to Emmaus.

Gospel of Luke 24:13 And behold, that same day, two of them were on their way to a village named Emmaus, which was seven miles from Jerusalem.


1. Where is Emmaus?

Emmaus was 7 miles (11 km) northwest of Jerusalem, Al-Quds in Judea today in Israel and Palestine.

2. Who were the “two of them?”

Two of the followers of Jesus.

Gospel of Luke 24:14 And these two were conversing with each other about the outcome of all these things.

Gospel of Luke 24:15 And it came about, that they are in conversation, and Jesus himself has come up, walking along with them.

Gospel of Luke 24:16 Their eyes, however, were being restrained, so as not to recognize him.


1. Allah decreed what the eyes of the people saw.

Allah stopped the eyes of two of the followers of Jesus who saw and talked with Jesus from recognizing Jesus.

The three hundred and fourteenth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Allah stopped the eyes of two of the followers of Jesus who saw and talked with Jesus three days after the crucifixion from recognizing Jesus in the same way as Allah made the eyes of those who saw Jesus faint to sleep on the cross believe that Jesus died on the cross.

See Gospel of Luke 24:16 – 24:31 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:16 (Regarding the two followers of Jesus) their eyes, however, were being restrained (by Allah), so as not to recognize him (Jesus).

Gospel of Luke 24:17 And he (Jesus) said to them (the two followers of Jesus), "What is this discussion you are having with each other as you walk along?" And they (the two followers of Jesus) came to a stop, looking dismal (depressed).

Gospel of Luke 24:18 And in response, the one named Cleopas said to him (Jesus), "Are you just visiting Jerusalem, and unaware of the things happening in her during these days?"

(Note 1. Allah made the eyes of the two followers of Jesus not recognise Jesus when Jesus was standing next to them and talking to them.

Gospel of John 10:18 No one takes it (my life) from me (Jesus); I lay it down (my life) of myself (voluntarily as Allah has ordered Jesus to do). I (Jesus) have authority (from Allah) to lay it down (on the cross where humans shall try to kill Jesus through crucifixion) …”

(Note 1. In the Gospel Jesus said no one takes my life from me because Jesus is obeying the orders of Allah.

(Note 2. The Gospel confirms no one killed Jesus because Jesus was alive three days later.

Quran 4:157 Koran 4:157 And they (some of the Jews of Yathrib in Arabia later Medina Arabia today Madinah Saudi Arabia) said (showing their pride and their disbelief by threatening and mocking the messenger Prophet Muhammad and his followers by boasting), "We killed messiah Jesus Isa, the son of Mary Maryam, the messenger of Allah," but (in fact) they did not kill him (on the cross) nor crucify him (to death on the cross), but it was made to appear so to them (so they believed he was dead on the cross because his body was not moving but in fact he was still alive and sleeping on the cross as explained in Quran 4:158 and 39:42) and those (Jews of Yathrib Arabia) who differ in this (in what happened to Prophet Jesus Isa on the cross) are full of doubts with no (certain) knowledge so they (the Jews of Yathrib) follow only conjecture (assumptions, speculation, guess). It is certain that they (the Jews) did not kill him (because Allah protected Prophet Jesus Isa from the death of crucifixion in 607 BH 33 CE 33 AD on Friday 3 April 33 in Jerusalem Al-Quds Yerussalem Yerushalayim in Judea today in Israel and Palestine and this is confirmed in the Gospel Injil where Jesus Isa is seen alive three days after the crucifixion teaching that he is not Allah in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 by saying Allah is my Allah and your Allah meaning Allah is my Father and your Father meaning Allah is my Creator and your Creator meaning Allah is my Master and your Master meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord as proof that no one had killed him on the cross or crucified him to death on the cross).

Note 1. Allah saved Jesus Isa from death on the cross in Quran 4:157 and 4:158 so that Jesus Isa could continue his life and then die 2000 years ago like every human before him and after him has died in Quran 5:75 and 3:144. The natural death of Jesus Isa 2000 years ago is proof to the people in his time that Jesus Isa is human like every other human and he is not Allah or an equal partner with Allah.

(Note 2. The Quran confirms that those who sinned will believe they killed Jesus and that belief will be evidence on the Day of Judgement that the sinful will be unable to deny.

(Note 3. The Quran confirms no one killed Jesus.

Quran 39:42 Koran 39:42 Allah takes the souls at the time of their death and (also takes the souls of) those who have not died (but are alive) during their sleep (when Allah saved the life of Jesus Isa with sleep so that his body did not move making everyone believe that Jesus Isa was dead on the cross in Quran 4:157 by raising the soul of Jesus Isa to heaven and to Allah in Quran 4:158). He (Allah) keeps those (souls) for which He (Allah) had decreed death and sends the rest (of the souls to awaken the sleeping body) for a predetermined period of time (such as when Allah returned the soul of Jesus Isa three days after the crucifixion to wake up the sleeping body of Jesus Isa on the earth in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 when Jesus Isa delivered the message that Jesus Isa is not Allah by saying Allah is my Allah and your Allah meaning Allah is my Father and your Father meaning Allah is my Creator and your Creator meaning Allah is my Master and your Master meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord as proof that no one had killed him on the cross or crucified him to death on the cross, after which they return to sleep again or die as in Quran 5:75 where Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa “use to eat food” meaning they both died 2000 years ago and Quran 3:144 where the “the messengers before Prophet Muhammad have died” meaning Jesus Isa is dead because Jesus Isa is the messenger before Prophet Muhammad. In Quran 5:117 Jesus died when he lived with the children of Israel 2000 years ago when he was raised by the angel of death). In this are signs (of Allah) for people who think.

(Note 1. Allah took the soul of Jesus to heaven when the body of Jesus fell into a sleep on the cross.

(Note 2. Allah protected Jesus the messenger of Allah with a three day sleep.

2. After the time of Jesus some Christians would say “How can humans believe in Allah if Jesus was not killed and resurrected back to life from death?”

The two hundred and thirty second sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15

After the time of Jesus some Christians would say “How can humans believe in Allah if Jesus was not killed and resurrected back to life from death?”

See Gospel of Luke 9:45, 18:34, 22:40, 24:7 and 24:16 comments.

13-1. Jesus awoke from a three day sleep in excellent health is this sign from Allah not sufficient?

13-2. Jesus showed many miracles and the greatest was his awakening after three days of sleep is this sign from Allah not sufficient?

13-3. The Jews have believed in Allah for thousands of years without demanding to see anyone killed and resurrected is this sign of faith in Allah not sufficient?

13-4. The Muslims believe in Allah without demanding to see anyone killed and resurrected is this sign of faith in Allah not sufficient?

13-5. What better news for those who love Jesus could the prophet after Jesus have revealed then the fact that Jesus was not killed because Allah protected Jesus?

Is this not a wonderful sign from the most merciful and the most loving and the most forgiving Allah?

3. Allah saved the world by saving the life of Jesus.

The three hundred and thirty ninth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The Torah, Gospel and Quran show that Allah saved the world by saving the life of Jesus.

Allah showed humans how to save the world when Allah saved the life of Jesus.

Allah saved the world by saving the life of Jesus.

See Gospel of Luke 22:40 and 24:16 comments.

Mishnah Sanhedrin 4:5, Babylonian Talmud Tractate Sanhedrin 37a Whoever destroys a soul, it is considered as if he destroyed an entire world (because he followed the orders of the evil one Satan who is sent by Allah to test every human). And whoever saves a life, it is considered as if he saved an entire world (because he followed the orders of the Holy Spirit from Allah who is sent by Allah to correctly guide every human who will accept correct guidance).

(Note 1. Allah in the Quran 5:32 confirms that Allah inspired this verse in the Jewish Talmud which means that this is a correct Jewish interpretation of the Torah.

Quran 5:31 Koran 5:31 Then Allah sent a raven that scratched the ground to show him (Cain the first born son of Adam and Eve) how to cover (bury) his brother's dead body. He (Cain the first born son of Adam and Eve) said, “What have I done (what shall I do? I know, why), can’t I do as this raven is doing and cover (bury) my brother's dead body?” And then he felt regret (about what he had done).

Quran 5:32 Koran 5:32 From that time (humans were warned not to murder and) We (Allah) decreed on the children of Israel (through the inspiration of the teachers of the Jewish Talmud and confirmed for the Muslim in Quran 6:151) that whoever kills a soul (kills a life, kills a person) it is as if he has killed all of humankind (so that humans understand the great value and preciousness of one human life and to warn humans against the great evil of killing one human soul) unless it is in retaliation for murder or for misbehaviour in the land. And whoever saves it (saves a life, saves a soul, saves a person) it is as if he has saved all of humankind (so that humans understand the great value and preciousness of one human life and to teach humans the great goodness in the saving of one human soul). Our (Allah’s) messengers came to them (the children of Israel) with clear arguments but still after that many of them continued to commit great crimes (by killing humans unlawfully) in the land (so this is a message from Allah to the human not to commit the great crime of killing human life but instead to work to save human life).

Note 1. In the Judgment of Allah the saving of one human life is a great deed because in the Judgment of Allah it is like saving every human life on the earth.

Note 2. On the Day of Judgment whoever saved a life will be rewarded with a reward fitting for a person who had saved all humankind if Allah wills.

Note 3. On the Day of Judgment whoever destroyed a life will be punished with a punishment fitting for a person who had destroyed all humankind if Allah wills.

Note 4. Human life is equal in the sight of Allah. Those who save all human life are among the righteous if Allah wills.

Note 5. Human deeds are not equal in the sight of Allah. Those who do good deeds to all people are among the righteous if Allah wills.

Note 6. The saving of one life in this world no matter if that person is Muslim or non Muslim or the saving of one life by guiding a person to goodness so that they are successful in the hereafter is a great deed of goodness in the sight of Allah.

Note 7. Whoever kills a person it is a crime equal to killing all of mankind.

Note 8. Whoever saves a life has done a deed that is equal to saving all of mankind.

Note 9. Whoever kills an innocent life has committed a terrible crime in the sight of Allah.

Gospel of Luke 24:47 and repentance for forgiveness of sins (by Allah) is to be preached in all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem.

(Note 1. Jesus and the disciples of Jesus are from the children of Israel.

(Note 2. Jesus and the disciples of Jesus are Jewish.

(Note 3. In the Gospel of Luke 24:47 a new command from Allah is delivered through Prophet Jesus in his mission as the messiah commanding the children of Israel to deliver the word of Allah to all the nations of the world starting in Jerusalem, Al-Quds by informing all humans that through sincere repentance to Allah there is forgiveness for human sin (wrong doing).

(Note 4. 2000 years ago the mission that was given by Allah to the children of Israel to deliver the word of Allah to the people of all the nations of the world starting in Jerusalem, Al-Quds was spread outside Jerusalem, Al-Quds to create Christianity 1950 years ago and Islam 1400 years ago.

(Note 5. Today the religion of Allah exists in all the nations of the world as Allah had commanded 2000 years ago.

2000 years ago Judaism and synagogues existed.

2000 years ago Christianity, churches, Islam and mosques did not exist.

Today Judaism, synagogues and Christianity, churches and Islam and mosques exist in all the nations of the world as Allah has willed.

Gospel of Luke 24:19 And he (Jesus) said to them, "What things?" And they (the followers of Jesus) said to him, "The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet powerful in deed and in word, in the eyes of both Allah and all the people;

(Note 1. Allah and the people who followed Jesus in the time of Jesus all saw that Jesus was a human prophet, messenger and messiah.

(Note 2. No one in the time of Jesus believed that Jesus was Allah.

(Note 3. Jesus and the disciples of Jesus are from the children of Israel.

(Note 4. Jesus and the disciples of Jesus are Jewish.

(Note 5. Every Jew knows that the belief that a human can be Allah is the religion of human idol worship which Allah forbids in the Torah.

(Note 6. Jesus never said that Jesus is Allah because Jesus prayed to Allah like every human prays to Allah.

Quran 30:30 Koran 30:30 So direct yourself (Prophet Muhammad) towards the religion (the belief in one creator) for which He (Allah who is the one and only creator) has created (religion for) humans. No one can alter what Allah has created (in religion, in the Torah, the Gospel and the Quran). That is the right religion (belief), but most people do not know (this).

(Note 1. Prophet Muhammad confirmed that everything that was revealed before him in the Torah and the Gospel is the truth from Allah and that nothing was revealed to Prophet Muhammad that had not been revealed to the messengers who came before Prophet Muhammad.

Quran 41:43 Koran 41:43 Nothing is said (by Allah through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel) to you (Prophet Muhammad) except what has already been said to the messengers before you. Your Lord (Allah) is the possessor of forgiveness and severe punishment.

3-1. How does knowledge of Allah save the people of the world?

Knowledge of Allah saves the world because it guides humans to do what is good by rejecting what is bad.

The knowledge of Allah which 2000 years ago was with the children of Israel was commanded by Allah to be delivered to all the nations of the world.

In this way the nations of the world were brought out of the darkness of worshipping many creations as gods into the light of worshipping one Allah who is the creator of every creation.

3-2. Jesus and the messenger after Jesus confirm that the religion of Allah is for the whole world.

The three hundred and fortieth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Jesus and the prophet after Jesus confirm that the religion of Allah is for the whole world.

See Gospel of Luke 22:40 and 24:16 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:47 and repentance for forgiveness of sins (by Allah) is to be preached in all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem.

Quran 2:136 Koran 2:136 (Prophet Muhammad) say, "We believe in Allah and the revelation given to us and to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob (Israel) and the Tribes (the 12 tribes of the children of Israel), and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to (all) prophets from their Lord (Allah). We make no difference between one (prophet) and another (we say that all the prophets have the same message which is that there is one and only one Allah) and we submit (our will) to (the will of) Allah."

(Note 1. Prophet Muhammad showed that the religion of Allah is for the whole world because Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob (Israel), the Tribes (the 12 tribes of the children of Israel), Moses, Jesus and Muhammad all believed in the same one Allah who is the creator of every creation.

Quran 5:68 Koran 5:68 Say (Prophet Muhammad to the Jews of Yathrib in Arabia today in Medina, Saudi Arabia and to the Christians), “O People of the Scripture, You have nothing (no guidance, no religion) until you observe the Torah and the Gospel and what was revealed to you from your Lord (Allah).” ….”

Quran 5:69 Koran 5:69 Those (Muslims) who believed (in Allah), and those who became Jews and Sabians and Christians and whoever believed in Allah and the Last Day and did good deeds (in their life), they shall have no fear and they shall not grieve (in the hereafter).

Quran 30:30 Koran 30:30 So direct yourself (Prophet Muhammad) towards the religion (the belief in one creator) for which He (Allah who is the one and only creator) has created (religion for) humans. No one can alter what Allah has created (in religion, in the Torah, the Gospel and the Quran). That is the right religion (belief), but most people do not know (this).

See Forgiveness of sin in the Tanakh Gospel and Quran. Part 4.


Gospel of Luke 24:17 And he said to them, "What is this discussion you are having with each other as you walk along?" And they came to a stop, looking dismal.


Allah decreed what the eyes of the people saw.

Gospel of Luke 24:16 (Regarding the two followers of Jesus) their eyes, however, were being restrained (by Allah), so as not to recognize him (Jesus).

(Note 1. Allah made the eyes of the two followers of Jesus who were walking and talking with Jesus not recognise Jesus just as Allah three days earlier made the eyes of the people think that Jesus had died on the cross.

See Gospel of Luke 24:16 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:18 And in response, the one named Cleopas said to him, "Are you just visiting Jerusalem, and unaware of the things happening in her during these days?"


1. Who is Cleopas?

Cleopas is a follower of Jesus.

Cleopas is from the children of Israel.

Cleopas is Jewish.

2. Allah decreed what the eyes of the people saw.

Gospel of Luke 24:16 (Regarding the two followers of Jesus) their eyes, however, were being restrained (by Allah), so as not to recognize him (Jesus).

(Note 1. Allah made the eyes of the two followers of Jesus who were walking and talking with Jesus not recognise Jesus just as Allah three days earlier made the eyes of the people think that Jesus had died on the cross.

See Gospel of Luke 24:16 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:19 And he said to them, "What things?" And they said to him, "The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet powerful in deed and in word, in the eyes of both Allah and all the people;


1. Who is Jesus?

Cleopas confirmed that Jesus is a messenger of Allah. Jesus is not Allah.

The three hundred and fifteenth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did Allah send a prophet after Jesus?

Allah sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between Allah and Jesus.

Cleopas confirmed that Jesus is a prophet of Allah. Jesus is not Allah.

See Gospel of Luke 24:19 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:19 And he (Jesus) said to them, "What things?" And they (the followers of Jesus) said to him, "The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet powerful in deed and in word, in the eyes of both Allah and all the people (who believe in Allah and in Prophet Jesus);

(Note 1. Allah and the people who followed Jesus in the time of Jesus all saw that Jesus was a human prophet, messenger and messiah.

(Note 2. No one in the time of Jesus believed that Jesus was Allah.

(Note 3. Jesus and the disciples of Jesus are from the children of Israel.

(Note 4. Jesus and the disciples of Jesus are Jewish.

(Note 5. Every Jew knows that the belief that a human can be Allah is the religion of human idol worship which Allah forbids in the Torah.

(Note 6. Jesus never said that Jesus is Allah because Jesus prayed to Allah like every human prays to Allah.

Gospel of Matthew 21:11 And the crowds would say, "This is the prophet Jesus, from Nazareth, Galilee."

Note 1. Jesus was a prophet is the correct belief about Jesus.

Gospel of Luke 7:16 And fear (awe) took hold of all, and they praised Allah, saying, "A great prophet (named Jesus) has been raised up among us (the children of Israel)," and, Allah (through His prophet) has come to help his people (the children of Israel)."

Note 1. When Jesus brought the dead back to life the Jews called Jesus a prophet and not Allah.

Note 2. When the dead are brought back to life the Jews thank Allah for sending Prophet Jesus to them.

Note 3. The Jewish people who saw the dead brought back to life understood the difference between a created human prophet named Jesus and Allah who is the creator of every creation.

2. Cleopas confirmed that the followers of Jesus knew that Jesus was not Allah.

The three hundred and sixteenth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Cleopas confirmed that in the time of Jesus the followers of Jesus knew that Jesus was not Allah.

Jesus was the prophet messenger and messiah of Allah. Jesus is not Allah.

See Gospel of Luke 24:19 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:19 And he (Jesus) said to them, "What things?" And they (the followers of Jesus) said to him, "The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet powerful in deed and in word, in the eyes of both Allah and all the people (who believe in Allah and in Prophet Jesus);

(Note 1. Allah and the people who followed Jesus in the time of Jesus all saw that Jesus was a human prophet, messenger and messiah.

(Note 2. No one in the time of Jesus believed that Jesus was Allah.

(Note 3. Jesus and the disciples of Jesus are from the children of Israel.

(Note 4. Jesus and the disciples of Jesus are Jewish.

(Note 5. Every Jew knows that the belief that a human can be Allah is the religion of human idol worship which Allah forbids in the Torah.

(Note 6. Jesus never said that Jesus is Allah because Jesus prayed to Allah like every human prays to Allah.

3. Who was Jesus the Nazarene?

Who is Jesus the Nazarene?

Jesus from Nazareth.

4. Where is Nazareth?

Nazarene is in the Galilee north of Judea.

Today the Galilee is in northern Israel.

5. Allah decreed what the eyes of the people saw.

Gospel of Luke 24:16 (Regarding the two followers of Jesus) their eyes, however, were being restrained (by Allah), so as not to recognize him (Jesus).

(Note 1. Allah made the eyes of the two followers of Jesus who were walking and talking with Jesus not recognise Jesus just as Allah three days earlier made the eyes of the people think that Jesus had died on the cross.

See Gospel of Luke 24:16 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:20 how the chief priests and our rulers handed him over for the sentence of death, and how they crucified him.


Allah decreed what the eyes of the people saw.

Gospel of Luke 24:16 (Regarding the two followers of Jesus) their eyes, however, were being restrained (by Allah), so as not to recognize him (Jesus).

(Note 1. Allah made the eyes of the two followers of Jesus who were walking and talking with Jesus not recognise Jesus just as Allah three days earlier made the eyes of the people think that Jesus had died on the cross.

See Gospel of Luke 24:16 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:21 And here we had been hoping he was the one who was going to redeem Israel. And what is more, he is already spending his third day in the grave since when these things took place.


Allah decreed what the eyes of the people saw.

Gospel of Luke 24:16 (Regarding the two followers of Jesus) their eyes, however, were being restrained (by Allah), so as not to recognize him (Jesus).

(Note 1. Allah made the eyes of the two followers of Jesus who were walking and talking with Jesus not recognise Jesus just as Allah three days earlier made the eyes of the people think that Jesus had died on the cross.

See Gospel of Luke 24:16 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:22 "And not only that, now some of our women have confounded us. They were at the tomb early this morning,


Allah decreed what the eyes of the people saw.

Gospel of Luke 24:16 (Regarding the two followers of Jesus) their eyes, however, were being restrained (by Allah), so as not to recognize him (Jesus).

(Note 1. Allah made the eyes of the two followers of Jesus who were walking and talking with Jesus not recognise Jesus just as Allah three days earlier made the eyes of the people think that Jesus had died on the cross.

See Gospel of Luke 24:16 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:23 and not finding his body, they came back, claiming also to have seen a vision of angels, which were maintaining that he was alive.


1. The angels of Allah confirmed that Jesus was alive.

The three hundred and seventeenth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The angels of Allah confirmed that Jesus did not die from crucifixion because Jesus was alive.

See Gospel of Luke 24:23 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:23 and not finding his body, they came back, claiming also to have seen a vision of angels, which were maintaining that he (Jesus) was alive.

(Note 1. The proof that Jesus did not die was that Jesus was alive.

2. Allah decreed what the eyes of the people saw.

Gospel of Luke 24:16 (Regarding the two followers of Jesus) their eyes, however, were being restrained (by Allah), so as not to recognize him (Jesus).

(Note 1. Allah made the eyes of the two followers of Jesus who were walking and talking with Jesus not recognise Jesus just as Allah three days earlier made the eyes of the people think that Jesus had died on the cross.

See Gospel of Luke 24:16 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:24 So some of our number went to the tomb, and found it just as the women had said; but him they did not see."


Allah decreed what the eyes of the people saw.

Gospel of Luke 24:16 (Regarding the two followers of Jesus) their eyes, however, were being restrained (by Allah), so as not to recognize him (Jesus).

(Note 1. Allah made the eyes of the two followers of Jesus who were walking and talking with Jesus not recognise Jesus just as Allah three days earlier made the eyes of the people think that Jesus had died on the cross.

See Gospel of Luke 24:16 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:25 And he said to them, "O you thick headed, and slow of heart to believe on all the things the prophets have spoken!


Allah decreed what the eyes of the people saw.

Gospel of Luke 24:16 (Regarding the two followers of Jesus) their eyes, however, were being restrained (by Allah), so as not to recognize him (Jesus).

(Note 1. Allah made the eyes of the two followers of Jesus who were walking and talking with Jesus not recognise Jesus just as Allah three days earlier made the eyes of the people think that Jesus had died on the cross.

See Gospel of Luke 24:16 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:26 Were not these things required for the Christ to suffer in order to go on into his glory?"


1. Who is the Christ?

The Christ is the messiah who is the prophet and messenger of Allah.

2. What does “the Christ had to suffer in order to go on into his glory” mean?

The three hundred and eighteenth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Allah tests every human including every messenger of Allah and assigns to them a position of glory (honour) or punishment (humiliation) on the Day of Judgement.

See Gospel of Luke 24:26 comments.

Allah tests every human including every messenger of Allah.

Allah tests every human with suffering and with good and with evil so that on the Day of Judgement every human can be rewarded or punished based on how they handled the suffering and the good and the evil that Allah sent to test them.

Glory is the honour that Allah will reward to the righteous among the humans who pass the test of patience and remembrance of Allah in suffering and the test to reject evil and promote good.

On the Day of Judgement the prophets, messengers and messiahs of Allah will be given positions of glory as witnesses for and against those who lived in their time or who later claimed to follow their teachings.

For whoever is ashamed of me (Moses the messenger of Allah) and of my words (that delivered the word of Allah in the Torah), that person the Son of Man (the human Moses) will be ashamed of, when he (Moses the servant of Allah) comes in his glory (of honour on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement), with the authority of Allah the creator of every creation, and with the holy angels (including the Holy Spirit who are the servants of Allah).

Gospel of Luke 9:26 For whoever is ashamed of me (Jesus the messenger of Allah) and of my words (that delivered the word of Allah in the Gospel), that person the Son of Man (the human Jesus) will be ashamed of, when he (Jesus the servant of Allah) comes in his glory (of honour on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement), and of the Father (Allah the creator of every creation), and of the holy angels (including the Holy Spirit who are the servants of Allah).

For whoever is ashamed of me (Muhammad the messenger of Allah) and of my words (that delivered the word of Allah in the Quran), that person the Son of Man (the human Muhammad) will be ashamed of, when he (Muhammad the servant of Allah) comes in his glory (of honour on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement), with the authority of Allah the creator of every creation, and with the holy angels (including the Holy Spirit who are the servants of Allah).

2-1. Allah tested Jesus 1.

The fifty sixth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Allah tests every human with the Devil.

Allah tested Jesus with the Devil.

Quran 19:93 Koran 19:93 There is no one in the heavens and the earth who does not come to the Most Merciful (Allah) except as a servant.

See Gospel of Luke 4:3, 4:4, 4:5, 4:6, 4:7, 4:8, 4:9, 4:12, 20:44, 22:3 and 24:26 comments.

2-2. Allah tested Jesus 2.

The fifty seventh sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Allah tests every human with the Devil.

The Devil knows that Jesus is not Allah.

Quran 19:93 Koran 19:93 There is no one in the heavens and the earth who does not come to the Most Merciful (Allah) except as a servant.

See Gospel of Luke 4:13, 20:44 and 24:26 comments.

2-3. Allah tested Jesus 3.

The two hundred and eighteenth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did Allah reveal to Jesus that Jesus would be killed? Allah tested the faith of Jesus in Allah.

Why did Allah reveal to Jesus that Jesus would be resurrected? Allah tested Jesus even more to show if Jesus really believed in resurrection.

Allah tested Jesus with death like Allah tested Abraham and Isaac with death.

Would Jesus be willing to sacrifice himself for Allah like Abraham and Isaac?

The story of Jesus is clearly a test of the faith of Jesus in Allah.

The story of Jesus is clearly proof of the love and obedience of Jesus to the will of Allah.

See Gospel of Luke 9:22, 9:45, 18:33, 18:34, 20:44, 22:15, 22:40, 22:42, 24:7 and 24:26 comments.

2-4. Allah tested Jesus 4.

The two hundred and eighty ninth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

After Jesus why did Allah send another prophet?

Allah sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between Allah and Jesus.

Just as Allah tested Judas Iscariot with the devil Allah also tested Jesus with the devil.

See Gospel of Luke 22:3 and 24:26 comments.

2-5. Allah tested Jesus 5.

The two hundred and ninety sixth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did Allah send a prophet after Jesus?]

Allah sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between Allah and Jesus.

Allah gave Satan permission to test the disciples of Jesus just as Allah had given permission for Satan to test Jesus.

See Gospel of Luke 22:31, 22:40 and 24:26 comments.

2-6. Allah tested Jesus 6.

The three hundred and fourth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did Allah send a prophet after Jesus?

Allah sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between Allah and Jesus.

Jesus is not Allah because every human including Jesus, the chief priests, the temple officers and the elders are tested by the authority of darkness (Satan ,evil, the devil).

See Gospel of Luke 22:53, 22:40 and 24:26 comments.

3. Allah decreed what the eyes of the people saw.

Gospel of Luke 24:16 (Regarding the two followers of Jesus) their eyes, however, were being restrained (by Allah), so as not to recognize him (Jesus).

(Note 1. Allah made the eyes of the two followers of Jesus who were walking and talking with Jesus not recognise Jesus just as Allah three days earlier made the eyes of the people think that Jesus had died on the cross.

See Gospel of Luke 24:16 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:27 And beginning with Moses, and through all the prophets, he interpreted for them the things in all the writings that were about himself.


1. Jesus and the messenger after Jesus interpreted the writings that were about themselves.

The three hundred and nineteenth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Jesus and the prophet after Jesus interpreted the writings of the prophets that were about them self.

See Gospel of Luke 24:27 comments.

Torah Deuteronomy 18:18 (Therefore) I (Allah) shall raise up for them (the children of Israel) a prophet (Prophet Joshua Yusha followed by prophet after prophet, messenger after messenger) like you (Prophet Moses Musa who delivered the Torah Taurat 3200 years ago when you were at Mount Sinai Horeb today in Egypt) from among their brothers brethren (The children of Israel are brothers and brethren to each other. The children of Esau are brothers and brethren to the children of Israel through Jacob Yaqub Israel who is the brother of Esau. The children of Ishmael Ismail are brothers and brethren to the children of Israel through Isaac Ishaq who is the brother of Ishmael Ismail and the father of Jacob Yaqub Israel. Esau and Ishmael Ismail are not one of the children of Israel. The children of Ishmael Ismail are the brethren and brother of the children of Isaac Ishaq which include the children of Israel in the same way as Allah says the children of Esau who are not the children of Israel are the brethren of the children of Israel in Torah Deuteronomy 2:4 – 2:8 and Prophet Moses Musa says the children of Esau who are not the children of Israel are the brother of the children of Israel in Torah Numbers 20:14. Those who descended from Prophet Abraham Ibrahim are brothers and brethren to each other and brothers and brethren in the religion of Allah because this is the religion of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim) and I (Allah through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel Jibril) shall put my (Allah’s) words in the mouth of the prophet (meaning prophet after prophet, messenger after messenger), who shall speak to them (the people) everything that I (Allah) command him” (to speak to you. Note that all the prophets and messengers of Allah are mentioned in Torah Deuteronomy 18:18. In Torah Genesis 25:9 “Isaac Ishaq and Ishmael Ismail his sons buried Abraham Ibrahim” meaning the children of Isaac Ishaq and the children of Ishmael Ismail are brothers and brethren to each other meaning the Hebrews and the Arabs are brothers and brethren to each other meaning the Jews and the Muslims are brothers and brethren to each other meaning everyone who follows the religion of Allah are brothers and brethren to each other as confirmed in Torah Deuteronomy 18:15, 18:18 - 18:22 and Quran 5:68 and Quran 7:157);

Gospel of Luke 24:27 And beginning with Moses, and through all the prophets, he (Jesus) interpreted for them (the followers of Jesus) the things in all the writings (of the Torah) that were about himself (Jesus).

Quran 5:14 Koran 5:14 And from those who say, “We are Christians”, We (Allah revealed through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel to Prophet Muhammad, that Allah) took their covenant (agreement) but they forgot part of what was revealed to them (in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15 where Prophet Jesus said that another prophet shall come after him and instead of praising Allah and waiting for the next messenger from Allah some of the people forgot that Jesus promised another messenger from Allah shall come after Jesus and they made Prophet Jesus into a Allah and prayed to the created human Prophet Jesus instead of praying to Allah who created every creation. When humankind built the tower of Babylon, mistakenly thinking that they could use it to look at Allah in the heavens, Allah divided the people into many groups) so We (Allah through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel, reveal this to Prophet Muhammad, that Allah, again did something similar when humans mistakenly believed they could pray to created humans such as the human prophet, messenger and messiah named Jesus and other human saints as a way to reach the invisible Allah, so Allah) caused hostility and dislike (among the Christians until they divided into many opposing Christian denominations and Christian sects) until the Day of Resurrection when Allah shall inform them (some of the Christians) about what they used to do (against Allah by praying to what Allah had created instead of praying to Allah who is the creator of every creation).

(Note 1. Divisions in Christianity that created many different Christian sects have also occurred in Judaism and Islam).

(Note 2. Divisions in religion occur when people listen to misguided humans instead of correctly understanding what Allah has revealed in the Torah, Gospel and Quran).

1-1. Jesus and the messenger after Jesus confirmed that Jesus was only a human messenger of Allah and Jesus proved it by eating food.

The three hundred and twenty sixth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Jesus and the prophet after Jesus confirmed that Jesus was only a human messenger of Allah and Jesus proved it by eating food.

Allah does not eat food.

Only creations such as humans eat food.

See Gospel of Luke 4:2, 7:16, 8:21, 8:48, 9:20, 18:38, 24:27 and 24:43 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:43 And he (Jesus) took it (of broiled fish), and ate it in front of them (the disciples of Jesus).

Quran 5:75 Koran 5:75 The Messiah (Jesus Isa), son of Mary (Maryam), was no more than a (human) messenger (of Allah) and (all the human) messengers (of Allah) before him (Prophet Jesus Isa) have passed away (meaning died. All the messengers before Jesus Isa have died so would you expect that Prophet Muhammad would live forever or expect that Prophet Muhammad will not die or believe that Prophet Jesus Isa did not die or that Prophet Moses Musa did not die or that Prophet Abraham Ibrahim did not die? See Quran 3:144, 4:157, 4:158, 5:72, 5:75, 5:117, 19:36 and 39:42 comments). His mother was a righteous woman and they (Jesus Isa and Mary Maryam) both used to eat food (meaning Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa died a natural death 2000 years ago because both “used to eat food” meaning they are dead because they do not eat food today. The human body needs food. When Adam and Eve Hawa were created with a human body they ate food in heaven. If the human body of Jesus Isa was raised to heaven as some people claim then Jesus Isa would be eating food today which contradicts Quran 5:75 “Jesus and Mary both used to eat food” meaning Jesus and Mary both do not eat food today because they died a natural death like every human messenger of Allah before them has died in Quran 5:75 and as Prophet Jesus Isa died in Quran 3:144 which says the messengers of Allah before Prophet Muhammad have died meaning Jesus Isa died 2000 years ago because the messenger of Allah before Prophet Muhammad is Prophet Jesus Isa who lived and died a natural death 2000 years ago. Allah raises the soul to heaven not the human body. The soul is alive in heaven without a human body and without the need for food. The human body is only needed on this earth. The soul without the body for Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa are in heaven waiting for the Day of Resurrection which will come in the hereafter on a new earth after the end of this earth, the sun, the moon, the stars and the universe meaning the Day of Resurrection is after the end of this first creation. After the Day of Resurrection and Judgement the new physical human body will eat food in the hereafter only for enjoyment in Paradise Jannah and only for punishment in Hell Jahannam). (Even now when) We (Allah) make the revelations clear for them (that Jesus Isa is not Allah but a human by showing that the soul of Jesus Isa was raised up to Allah like every human soul is raised up to Allah by the angel of death) see how they (some among the Christians who believe Jesus Isa is Allah) are deluded (in thinking that Jesus Isa is more than a human messenger. Moses Musa describes all the messengers who will come after him including Jesus Isa in Taurat Torah Deuteronomy 18:15 – 18:22. Jesus Isa never said "I am Allah" or "worship me" or "I am a Trinity" in the Gospel of Jesus Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John and that is why such beliefs are called "deluded" meaning they are not true because they are opposite to what Jesus Isa is teaching in all the Gospels Injils that were with the Christians 1400 years ago and are still with them today and will be with them until the Day of Judgement as proof that Jesus Isa never claimed he was Allah and as proof Jesus Isa told people to pray not to him but to Allah and worship not him but worship Allah. What some people think Jesus Isa said is opposite to the meaning of the words of Jesus Isa which are recorded in all the Gospels Injils and this is why it is said that some Christians 1400 years ago had deluded ideas meaning untrue ideas that Jesus Isa was more than a human or that he was Allah or that he was a partner with Allah in a Trinity. Jesus Isa was a human who died like every human before him had died and whose soul was raised up to Allah to be in Allah's care like the soul of every human is raised up after death to be in Allah's care. The meaning of Quran 5:75 is that Jesus Isa died 2000 years ago like every human messenger of Allah had died before him as proof to the people in his time that Jesus is not Allah or a partner with Allah but only a human servant who delivered the message of Allah. The natural death of Prophet Jesus Isa 2000 years ago when Jesus Isa was raised up to Allah by the angel of death in Quran 3:144, Quran 5:75, Quran 5:117 and Quran 39:42 is confirmed in the Injils of Isa the Gospels of Jesus by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John which is with the Christians today as proof of the truthfulness of the Quran in the Gospel of Mark 16:19, the Gospel of Luke 24:51 and the last report of the life of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew 28:20 and the Gospel of John 21:25 which all show that Jesus lived his life on this earth after the crucifixion teaching the people that he is not Allah saying "Allah is my Father and your Father" meaning Allah is my creator and your creator and teaching the people "Allah is my Allah and your Allah" meaning Allah is my master and your master meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 until his natural death 2000 years ago in Judea today in Israel and Palestine).

Note 1. In Quran 5:75 "they used to eat food" means Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa are dead.

Note 2. After Prophet Muhammad revealed that Jesus was a human like every messenger before Jesus some Christians continued to believe that Jesus was god.

Quran 19:93 Koran 19:93 There is no one in the heavens and the earth who does not come to the Most Merciful (Allah) except as a servant.

2. Allah decreed what the eyes of the people saw.

Gospel of Luke 24:16 (Regarding the two followers of Jesus) their eyes, however, were being restrained (by Allah), so as not to recognize him (Jesus).

(Note 1. Allah made the eyes of the two followers of Jesus who were walking and talking with Jesus not recognise Jesus just as Allah three days earlier made the eyes of the people think that Jesus had died on the cross.

See Gospel of Luke 24:16 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:28 And they came near to the village to which they were going, and he pretended to go on farther.


1. Explain Gospel of Luke 24:28.

Gospel of Luke 24:28 And they (the two followers of Jesus) came near to the village to which they were going, and he (Jesus) pretended to go on farther.

2. Allah decreed what the eyes of the people saw.

Gospel of Luke 24:16 (Regarding the two followers of Jesus) their eyes, however, were being restrained (by Allah), so as not to recognize him (Jesus).

(Note 1. Allah made the eyes of the two followers of Jesus who were walking and talking with Jesus not recognise Jesus just as Allah three days earlier made the eyes of the people think that Jesus had died on the cross.

See Gospel of Luke 24:16 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:29 And they urged him insistently, saying, "Lodge with us, because it is near evening, and the daylight is almost gone." And he went inside, to lodge with them.


1. Explain Gospel of Luke 24:29.

Gospel of Luke 24:29 And they (the two followers of Jesus) urged him (Jesus) insistently, saying, "Lodge with us, because it is near evening, and the daylight is almost gone." And he (Jesus) went inside, to lodge with them (the two followers of Jesus).

2. Allah decreed what the eyes of the people saw.

Gospel of Luke 24:16 (Regarding the two followers of Jesus) their eyes, however, were being restrained (by Allah), so as not to recognize him (Jesus).

(Note 1. Allah made the eyes of the two followers of Jesus who were walking and talking with Jesus not recognise Jesus just as Allah three days earlier made the eyes of the people think that Jesus had died on the cross.

See Gospel of Luke 24:16 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:30 And it came about that as he reclined with them, he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and was distributing it to them.


Allah decreed what the eyes of the people saw.

Gospel of Luke 24:16 (Regarding the two followers of Jesus) their eyes, however, were being restrained (by Allah), so as not to recognize him (Jesus).

(Note 1. Allah made the eyes of the two followers of Jesus who were walking and talking with Jesus not recognise Jesus just as Allah three days earlier made the eyes of the people think that Jesus had died on the cross.

See Gospel of Luke 24:16 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:31 Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him. And he disappeared from them.


1. Explain Gospel of Luke 24:31.

Gospel of Luke 24:31 (Regarding the two followers of Jesus) then their eyes were opened (by Allah), and they (the two followers of Jesus) recognized him (Jesus). And (then) he (Jesus) disappeared from them.

(Note 1. Allah made the eyes of the two followers of Jesus who had been walking and talking with Jesus recognise Jesus just as Allah three days earlier made the eyes of the people think that Jesus had died on the cross.

See Gospel of Luke 24:16 comments.

2. Allah decreed what the eyes of the people saw 1.

Gospel of Luke 24:16 (Regarding the two followers of Jesus) their eyes, however, were being restrained (by Allah), so as not to recognize him (Jesus).

(Note 1. Allah made the eyes of the two followers of Jesus who were walking and talking with Jesus not recognise Jesus just as Allah three days earlier made the eyes of the people think that Jesus had died on the cross.

See Gospel of Luke 24:16 comments.

3. Allah decreed what the eyes of the people saw 2.

The three hundred and twentieth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Jesus disappeared from the eyes of two of the followers of Jesus who saw and talked with Jesus three days after the crucifixion in the same way as Allah made the eyes of those who saw Jesus faint to sleep on the cross believe that Jesus died on the cross.

See Gospel of Luke 24:31 and 24:35 comments.

3-1. The messenger after Jesus revealed that Jesus was not killed on the cross.

The three hundred and forty third sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The prophet after Jesus revealed that Jesus was not killed on the cross.

To the eyes of the people Allah made Jesus appear to be dead on the cross.

Allah saved his messenger Jesus when Jesus fainted to sleep on the cross.

See Gospel of Luke 22:31, 24:35, 24:37 and 24:52 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:31 (Regarding the two followers of Jesus) then their eyes were opened (by Allah), and they (the two followers of Jesus) recognized him (Jesus). And (then) he (Jesus) disappeared from them.

(Note 1. Jesus disappeared from the eyes of two of the followers of Jesus who saw and talked with Jesus three days after the crucifixion in the same way as Allah made the eyes of those who saw Jesus faint to sleep on the cross believe that Jesus died on the cross.

Quran 4:157 Koran 4:157 “… but (in fact) they did not kill him (Jesus) nor crucify him (to death, they did not crucify Jesus to death), but it was made to appear so (to them, so they believed Jesus was dead on the cross but in fact Jesus was still alive on the cross) …”

Note 1. The Quran confirms that those who sinned will believe they killed Jesus and that belief will be evidence on the Day of Judgement that the sinful will be unable to deny.

Note 2. Quran 4:157 Koran 4:157 “… but (in fact) they did not kill him (Jesus) … but it was made to appear so

Gospel of Luke 24:32 And they said to each other, "Weren't our hearts burning within us as he talked to us on the road, as he explained the scriptures to us?"


The Torah, Gospel and Quran confirm that the hearts of the believes are happy with joy when they hear the revelations of Allah.

The three hundred and forty fourth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The Torah, Gospel and Quran confirm that the hearts of the believes are happy with joy when they hear the revelations of Allah.

See Gospel of Luke 22:32 comments.

Hebrew Psalms 89:16 Happy is the people that know the joyful shout (in praise of Allah); they walk, O LORD (Allah), in the light of Your countenance (Allah’s presence).

Hebrew Psalms 89:17 In Your name (the name of Allah) do they rejoice all the day; and through Your righteousness (Allah’s greatness) are they exalted (in joy and happiness).

Hebrew Proverbs 8: 34 Happy is the man that listens to me (wisdom), watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors.

Hebrew Proverbs 8: 35 For who ever finds me (wisdom) finds life (which is an everlasting life in Paradise), and obtains favour of the LORD (Allah).

Hebrew Proverbs 8: 36 But who ever misses me (wisdom) wrongs his own soul; all they that hate me (wisdom) love death (which is an everlasting punishment in Hell).'

Gospel of Luke 24:32 And they said to each other, "Weren't our hearts burning within us (with joy and happiness) as he (Jesus) talked to us on the road, as he (Jesus) explained the scriptures to us?"

Quran 5:83 Koran 5:83 When they (the Christian priests and monks) listen to what has been revealed to the messenger (Prophet Muhammad), you shall see their eyes overflow with tears because they recognise it is the truth (from Allah). They say, “Our Lord (Allah), we believe, so write us as among the witnesses (that recognize the truth from Allah).”

Gospel of Luke 24:33 And after rising up that very hour, they returned to Jerusalem, and found the Eleven and those with them all gathered together,


Who were the eleven?

The eleven disciples of Jesus.

1. Simon, whom Jesus also named Peter.

2. Andrew the brother of Simon (Peter).

3. James.

4. John.

5. Philip.

6. Bartholomew.

7. Matthew.

8. Thomas.

9. James son of Halphaeus.

10. Simon the Zealot.

11. Judas son of James.

These eleven followers of Jesus are of the children of Israel.

These eleven followers of Jesus are Jewish.

Gospel of Luke 24:34 who were saying that the Lord really was risen, and had appeared to Simon.


1. Who is the Lord?

The Lord meaning Jesus the Master or teacher.

No one in the time of Jesus thought that Jesus was Allah because every Jew knows that the belief that a human is god is called human idol worship which is a belief that is forbidden by Allah in the Torah.

Gospel of Luke 24:19 And he (Jesus) said to them, "What things?" And they (the followers of Jesus) said to him, "The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet powerful in deed and in word, in the eyes of both Allah and all the people (who believe in Allah and in Prophet Jesus);

(Note 1. Allah and the people who followed Jesus in the time of Jesus all saw that Jesus was a human prophet, messenger and messiah.

(Note 2. No one in the time of Jesus believed that Jesus was Allah.

(Note 3. Jesus and the disciples of Jesus are from the children of Israel.

(Note 4. Jesus and the disciples of Jesus are Jewish.

(Note 5. Every Jew knows that the belief that a human can be Allah is the religion of human idol worship which Allah forbids in the Torah.

(Note 6. Jesus never said that Jesus is Allah because Jesus prayed to Allah like every human prays to Allah.

Gospel of Luke 24:34 who were saying that the Lord (Prophet Jesus, Teacher Jesus) really was risen (awoken), and had appeared to Simon.

2. See Gospel of Luke 24:16 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:35 And then the former were recounting the events on the road, and how he was made known to them in the breaking of the bread.


1. Allah decreed what the eyes of the people saw.

The three hundred and twentieth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Jesus disappeared from the eyes of two of the followers of Jesus who saw and talked with Jesus three days after the crucifixion in the same way as Allah made the eyes of those who saw Jesus faint to sleep on the cross believe that Jesus died on the cross.

See Gospel of Luke 24:31 and 24:35 comments.

1-1. The messenger after Jesus revealed that Jesus was not killed on the cross.

The three hundred and forty third sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The prophet after Jesus revealed that Jesus was not killed on the cross.

To the eyes of the people Allah made Jesus appear to be dead on the cross.

Allah saved his messenger Jesus when Jesus fainted to sleep on the cross.

See Gospel of Luke 22:31, 24:35, 24:37 and 24:52 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:31 (Regarding the two followers of Jesus) then their eyes were opened (by Allah), and they (the two followers of Jesus) recognized him (Jesus). And (then) he (Jesus) disappeared from them.

(Note 1. Allah later made the eyes of the two followers of Jesus who had been walking and talking with Jesus recognise Jesus just as Allah three days earlier made the eyes of the people think that Jesus had died on the cross.

(Note 2. Jesus disappeared from the eyes of two of the followers of Jesus who saw and talked with Jesus three days after the crucifixion in the same way as Allah made the eyes of those who saw Jesus faint to sleep on the cross believe that Jesus died on the cross.

See Gospel of Luke 24:16 comments.

Quran 4:157 Koran 4:157 “… but (in fact) they did not kill him (Jesus) nor crucify him (to death, they did not crucify Jesus to death), but it was made to appear so (to them, so they believed Jesus was dead on the cross but in fact Jesus was still alive on the cross) …”

Note 1. The Quran confirms that those who sinned will believe they killed Jesus and that belief will be evidence on the Day of Judgement that the sinful will be unable to deny.

Note 2. Quran 4:157 Koran 4:157 “… but (in fact) they did not kill him (Jesus) … but it was made to appear so

Jesus appears to the apostles.

Gospel of Luke 24:36 And while they were speaking these things, he stood in the midst of them, and he is saying to them, "Peace be with you."


1. Allah decreed what the eyes of the people saw.

Gospel of Luke 24:36 And while they (the disciples of Jesus) were speaking these things, he (Jesus suddenly) stood in the midst of (among) them, and he (Jesus) is saying to them, "Peace be with you."

2. See Gospel of Luke 24:16 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:37 But alarmed they were, and terrified, thinking they were seeing a ghost.


1. Why were the disciples of Jesus terrified?

The disciples of Jesus were terrified because Jesus appeared suddenly just like a ghost might appear suddenly.

2. Allah decreed what the eyes of the people saw.

The three hundred and forty fifth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Jesus suddenly appeared to the eyes of the followers of Jesus in the same way as Allah made the eyes of those who saw Jesus faint to sleep on the cross believe that Jesus had been killed on the cross.

See Gospel of Luke 24:37 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:36 And while they (the disciples of Jesus) were speaking these things, he (Jesus suddenly) stood in the midst of (among) them, and he (Jesus) is saying to them, "Peace be with you."

Gospel of Luke 24:37 But alarmed they were, and terrified, thinking they were seeing a ghost.

2-1. The messenger after Jesus revealed that Jesus was not killed on the cross.

The three hundred and forty third sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The prophet after Jesus revealed that Jesus was not killed on the cross.

To the eyes of the people Allah made Jesus appear to be dead on the cross.

Allah saved his messenger Jesus when Jesus fainted to sleep on the cross.

See Gospel of Luke 22:31, 24:35, 24:37 and 24:52 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:31 (Regarding the two followers of Jesus) then their eyes were opened (by Allah), and they (the two followers of Jesus) recognized him (Jesus). And (then) he (Jesus) disappeared from them.

(Note 1. Allah later made the eyes of the two followers of Jesus who had been walking and talking with Jesus recognise Jesus just as Allah three days earlier made the eyes of the people think that Jesus had died on the cross.

(Note 2. Jesus disappeared from the eyes of two of the followers of Jesus who saw and talked with Jesus three days after the crucifixion in the same way as Allah made the eyes of those who saw Jesus faint to sleep on the cross believe that Jesus died on the cross.

See Gospel of Luke 24:16 comments.

Quran 4:157 Koran 4:157 “… but (in fact) they did not kill him (Jesus) nor crucify him (to death, they did not crucify Jesus to death), but it was made to appear so (to them, so they believed Jesus was dead on the cross but in fact Jesus was still alive on the cross) …”

Note 1. The Quran confirms that those who sinned will believe they killed Jesus and that belief will be evidence on the Day of Judgement that the sinful will be unable to deny.

Note 2. Quran 4:157 Koran 4:157 “… but (in fact) they did not kill him (Jesus) … but it was made to appear so

Gospel of Luke 24:38 And he said to them, "Why are you troubled? And for what reason are doubts arising in your hearts?

Gospel of Luke 24:39 Behold my hands and my feet, that I am me. Touch me, and know, because a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you see me having."


1. Jesus showed that Jesus is not a ghost in the same way as Jesus is not Allah.

The three hundred and twenty first sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did Allah send a prophet after Jesus?

Allah sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between Allah and Jesus.

Jesus showed that Jesus is not a ghost in the same way as Jesus is not Allah.

Jesus is not Allah just as the Holy Ghost angel Gabriel is not Jesus.

Jesus is not Allah just as no human can be Allah.

Allah is not a visible creation because Allah is the creator of every creation.

See Gospel of Luke 24:39 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:39 Behold my hands and my feet, that I am me. Touch me, and know, because a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you see me having."

2. Jesus showed Jesus is not Allah because humans can touch humans but humans cannot touch Allah.

The three hundred and twenty second sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did Allah send a prophet after Jesus?

Allah sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between Allah and Jesus.

Jesus showed Jesus is not Allah because humans can touch humans but humans cannot touch Allah.

Allah is not a visible creation that humans can touch because Allah is the creator of every creation.

See Gospel of Luke 24:39 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:39 Behold my hands and my feet, that I am me. Touch me, and know, because a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you see me having."

3. Jesus showed Jesus is not Allah because Allah is not flesh and bones.

The three hundred and twenty third sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did Allah send a prophet after Jesus?

Allah sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between Allah and Jesus.

Jesus showed Jesus is not Allah because Allah is not flesh and bones.

Allah is not a creation of flesh and bone because Allah is the creator of every creation.

See Gospel of Luke 24:39 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:39 Behold my hands and my feet, that I am me. Touch me, and know, because a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you see me having."

4. Jesus showed Jesus is not Allah because no one on the Earth can see Allah.

The three hundred and twenty fourth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did Allah send a prophet after Jesus?

Allah sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between Allah and Jesus.

Jesus showed Jesus is not Allah because no one on the Earth can see Allah.

Allah is not a visible creation because Allah is the creator of every creation.

See Gospel of Luke 24:39 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:37 But alarmed they were, and terrified, thinking they were seeing a ghost.

5. Jesus showed Jesus is not Allah because no one on the Earth can talk face to face with Allah.

The three hundred and twenty fifth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did Allah send a prophet after Jesus?

Allah sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between Allah and Jesus.

Jesus showed Jesus is not Allah because no one on the Earth can talk face to face with Allah.

Allah is not a creation therefore nothing that is a creation can be Allah.

See Gospel of Luke 24:39 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:36 And while they (the disciples of Jesus) were speaking these things, he (Jesus suddenly) stood in the midst of (among) them, and he (Jesus) is saying to them, "Peace be with you."

Gospel of Luke 24:40 And when he had said this, he showed them his hands and his feet.


Jesus is not Allah because Jesus is human like every prophet, messenger and messiah before him.

The eighty first sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did Allah send a prophet after Jesus?

Allah sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between Allah and Jesus.

Jesus is not Allah because Jesus is human like every prophet, messenger and messiah before him.

Allah created Jesus without a father just as Allah created Adam without a father and without a mother.

Jesus is a creation.

Jesus is not the creator.

See Gospel of Luke 7:15, 8:55, 9:48, 10:21, 10:22, 11:30, 12:10, 12:40 and 24:40 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:40 And when he (Jesus) had said this, he (Jesus) showed them (the followers of Jesus) his hands and his feet.

Gospel of Luke 24:41 But, since they were still not believing, out of joy and astonishment, he said to them, "What do you have to eat in this place?"

Gospel of Luke 24:42 So they handed him a piece of broiled fish.

Gospel of Luke 24:43 And he took it, and ate it in front of them.


Jesus and the messenger after Jesus confirmed that Jesus was only a human messenger of Allah and Jesus proved it by eating food.

The three hundred and twenty sixth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Jesus and the prophet after Jesus confirmed that Jesus was only a human messenger of Allah and Jesus proved it by eating food.

Allah does not eat food.

Only creations such as humans eat food.

See Gospel of Luke 4:2, 7:16, 8:21, 8:48, 9:20, 18:38, 24:27 and 24:43 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:43 And he (Jesus) took it (of broiled fish), and ate it in front of them (the disciples of Jesus).

Quran 5:75 Koran 5:75 The Messiah (Jesus Isa), son of Mary (Maryam), was no more than a (human) messenger (of Allah) and (all the human) messengers (of Allah) before him (Prophet Jesus Isa) have passed away (meaning died. All the messengers before Jesus Isa have died so would you expect that Prophet Muhammad would live forever or expect that Prophet Muhammad will not die or believe that Prophet Jesus Isa did not die or that Prophet Moses Musa did not die or that Prophet Abraham Ibrahim did not die? See Quran 3:144, 4:157, 4:158, 5:72, 5:75, 5:117, 19:36 and 39:42 comments). His mother was a righteous woman and they (Jesus Isa and Mary Maryam) both used to eat food (meaning Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa died a natural death 2000 years ago because both “used to eat food” meaning they are dead because they do not eat food today. The human body needs food. When Adam and Eve Hawa were created with a human body they ate food in heaven. If the human body of Jesus Isa was raised to heaven as some people claim then Jesus Isa would be eating food today which contradicts Quran 5:75 “Jesus and Mary both used to eat food” meaning Jesus and Mary both do not eat food today because they died a natural death like every human messenger of Allah before them has died in Quran 5:75 and as Prophet Jesus Isa died in Quran 3:144 which says the messengers of Allah before Prophet Muhammad have died meaning Jesus Isa died 2000 years ago because the messenger of Allah before Prophet Muhammad is Prophet Jesus Isa who lived and died a natural death 2000 years ago. Allah raises the soul to heaven not the human body. The soul is alive in heaven without a human body and without the need for food. The human body is only needed on this earth. The soul without the body for Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa are in heaven waiting for the Day of Resurrection which will come in the hereafter on a new earth after the end of this earth, the sun, the moon, the stars and the universe meaning the Day of Resurrection is after the end of this first creation. After the Day of Resurrection and Judgement the new physical human body will eat food in the hereafter only for enjoyment in Paradise Jannah and only for punishment in Hell Jahannam). (Even now when) We (Allah) make the revelations clear for them (that Jesus Isa is not Allah but a human by showing that the soul of Jesus Isa was raised up to Allah like every human soul is raised up to Allah by the angel of death) see how they (some among the Christians who believe Jesus Isa is Allah) are deluded (in thinking that Jesus Isa is more than a human messenger. Moses Musa describes all the messengers who will come after him including Jesus Isa in Taurat Torah Deuteronomy 18:15 – 18:22. Jesus Isa never said "I am Allah" or "worship me" or "I am a Trinity" in the Gospel of Jesus Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John and that is why such beliefs are called "deluded" meaning they are not true because they are opposite to what Jesus Isa is teaching in all the Gospels Injils that were with the Christians 1400 years ago and are still with them today and will be with them until the Day of Judgement as proof that Jesus Isa never claimed he was Allah and as proof Jesus Isa told people to pray not to him but to Allah and worship not him but worship Allah. What some people think Jesus Isa said is opposite to the meaning of the words of Jesus Isa which are recorded in all the Gospels Injils and this is why it is said that some Christians 1400 years ago had deluded ideas meaning untrue ideas that Jesus Isa was more than a human or that he was Allah or that he was a partner with Allah in a Trinity. Jesus Isa was a human who died like every human before him had died and whose soul was raised up to Allah to be in Allah's care like the soul of every human is raised up after death to be in Allah's care. The meaning of Quran 5:75 is that Jesus Isa died 2000 years ago like every human messenger of Allah had died before him as proof to the people in his time that Jesus is not Allah or a partner with Allah but only a human servant who delivered the message of Allah. The natural death of Prophet Jesus Isa 2000 years ago when Jesus Isa was raised up to Allah by the angel of death in Quran 3:144, Quran 5:75, Quran 5:117 and Quran 39:42 is confirmed in the Injils of Isa the Gospels of Jesus by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John which is with the Christians today as proof of the truthfulness of the Quran in the Gospel of Mark 16:19, the Gospel of Luke 24:51 and the last report of the life of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew 28:20 and the Gospel of John 21:25 which all show that Jesus lived his life on this earth after the crucifixion teaching the people that he is not Allah saying "Allah is my Father and your Father" meaning Allah is my creator and your creator and teaching the people "Allah is my Allah and your Allah" meaning Allah is my master and your master meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 until his natural death 2000 years ago in Judea today in Israel and Palestine).

Note 1. "They Mary and Jesus used to eat food" means Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa died 2000 years ago.

Note 2. After Prophet Muhammad revealed that Jesus was a human like every messenger before Jesus some Christians continued to believe that Jesus was god.

Quran 19:93 Koran 19:93 There is no one in the heavens and the earth who does not come to the Most Merciful (Allah) except as a servant.

The ascension.

Gospel of Luke 24:44 And he said to them, "These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, how all the things written about me in the law of Moses and the prophets and the psalms must be fulfilled."


1. Jesus and the messenger after Jesus confirm that Jesus cannot be Allah because everything written in the Torah and the Psalms is about listening to the human messengers of Allah to reject calling any created thing Allah and worship only the one Allah who was never a creation because Allah is the creator of every creation.

The three hundred and twenty seventh sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Jesus and the prophet after Jesus confirm that Jesus cannot be Allah because everything written in the Torah and the Psalms is about listening to the human messengers of Allah to reject calling any created thing Allah and worship only the one Allah who was never a creation because Allah is the creator of every creation.

See Gospel of Luke 24:44 comments.

1-1. Allah in the Torah revealed that Allah is not the Son of Man.

1-1-1. The three hundred and forty sixth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did Allah send a prophet after Jesus?

Allah sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between Allah and Jesus.

The Torah reveals that Allah is not a man.

See Gospel of Luke 24:44 comments.

1-1-2. The three hundred and forty seventh sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did Allah send a prophet after Jesus?

Allah sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between Allah and Jesus.

The Torah reveals Allah is not a human who repents for human sins.

Only the human who has sinned can repent for their sin.

No one can repent (express regret) to Allah for your sin except you.

If you are not sorry for your wrong doing then no one has power to help you because it is the person who sins who must ask Allah for forgiveness.

See Gospel of Luke 24:44 comments.

1-1-3. The three hundred and forty eighth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did Allah send a prophet after Jesus?

Allah sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between Allah and Jesus.

The Torah reveals that Allah is not the son of man.

See Gospel of Luke 24:44 comments.

Allah in the Torah revealed that Allah is not a human who repents for human sins.

Torah Numbers 23:19 (Allah said, through the month of Balaam) “Allah is not a man, that He should lie, neither (is He) the son of a man, that He (Allah) should repent (for your sins). When He has said (something) shall He not do it? Or when He has spoken, shall He not make it good. ..."

(Note 1. Allah has revealed that every human must pray to Allah for forgiveness.

(Note 2. Jesus prayed to Allah.

(Note 3. Allah has revealed that Allah is not a human who repents for human sins because it is the duty of each human to ask Allah for forgiveness.

1-2. If Allah is not the Son of Man then Trinity does not exist.

Jesus is the Son of Man so Jesus cannot be Allah in a Trinity (Torah Numbers 23:19).

The nineteenth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why was Prophet Muhammad sent after Prophet Jesus?

Prophet Muhammad was sent after Prophet Jesus to correct the confusion between one Allah and Trinity.

Muhammad was sent after Jesus to correct the confusion between one Allah and Trinity.

See the introduction before the Gospel of Luke and the Gospel of Luke 1:33, 1:35, 2:36, 3:22, 3:38, 10:21, 10:22, 22:32, 22:41 and 24:44 comments.

Quran 19:93 Koran 19:93 There is no one in the heavens and the earth who does not come to the Most Merciful (Allah) except as a servant.

Torah Numbers 23:19 (Allah said, through the month of Balaam) “Allah is not a man, that He should lie, neither (is He) the son of a man, that He (Allah) should repent (for your sins). When He has said (something) shall He not do it? Or when He has spoken, shall He not make it good. ..."

(Note 1. Jesus is the Son of Man so Jesus cannot be Allah in a Trinity.

1-3. If Allah is not the Son of Man then who is Jesus?

In the Gospel Jesus is the Son of Man and in the Torah the Son of Man cannot be Allah (Torah Numbers 23:19).

The eighteenth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why was Prophet Muhammad sent after Prophet Jesus?

What is the difference between Allah and the servant of Allah?

What is the difference between Allah and the slave of Allah?

What is the difference between Allah and Jesus?

What is the difference between Allah and a human?

Prophet Muhammad was sent after Prophet Jesus to correct the confusion between Allah (the creator) and the Son of Allah (the created human servant of Allah).

Muhammad was sent after Jesus to correct the confusion between Allah (the creator) and the Son of Allah (the created human servant of Allah).

See the introduction before the Gospel of Luke and the Gospel of Luke 1:33, 1:35, 3:22, 3:38, 10:21, 10:22 and 24:44 comments.

Who is Jesus?

See Gospel of Luke 1:17, 2:26, 9:11, 24:19 and 24:47 comments.

Why are you calling me Allah? No one is Allah except Allah alone.

See Gospel of Luke 18:19 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:19 And he (Jesus) said to them, "What things?" And they (the followers of Jesus) said to him, "The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet powerful in deed and in word, in the eyes of both Allah and all the people;

(Note 1. Allah and the people who followed Jesus in the time of Jesus all saw that Jesus was a human prophet, messenger and messiah.

(Note 2. No one in the time of Jesus believed that Jesus was Allah.

(Note 3. Jesus and the disciples of Jesus are from the children of Israel.

(Note 4. Jesus and the disciples of Jesus are Jewish.

(Note 5. Every Jew knows that the belief that a human can be Allah is the religion of human idol worship which Allah forbids in the Torah.

(Note 6. Jesus never said that Jesus is Allah because Jesus prayed to Allah like every human prays to Allah.

How was the mission of Jesus the same as many other prophets and messengers and messiahs before Jesus?

How was the mission of Jesus different to the other prophets and messengers and messiahs before Jesus?

See Gospel of Luke 24:47 comments.

2. What is written about Allah in the law of Moses?

2-1. One Allah means that only Allah has the power to hear prayer.

The three hundred and fiftieth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did Allah send a prophet after Jesus?

Allah sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between Allah and Jesus.

One Allah means that only Allah has the power to hear prayer.

One Allah means that only Allah has the power to hear prayer because Allah created every creation.

See Gospel of Luke 24:44 comments.

Torah Deuteronomy 5:7 (In the Ten Commandments of Allah the First commandment from Allah is) You shall have no other gods but Me (The one Allah).

(Note 1. The First commandment of Allah means that only Allah has the power to hear prayer because this power belongs to Allah and no one else has this power except Allah the creator.

Creations that are either living or dead, on earth or in heaven have no power to hear prayer).

2-2. Anything that can be seen on the Earth is not Allah.

The three hundred and fifty first sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did Allah send a prophet after Jesus?

Allah sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between Allah and Jesus.

Anything that can be seen on the Earth is not Allah.

Anything that can be seen is not Allah because Allah is the creator of every creation.

Humans can see creations.

Humans cannot see the creator because the creator is not a creation.

See Gospel of Luke 24:44 comments.

Torah Deuteronomy 5:8 (In the Ten Commandments of Allah the Second commandment from Allah is) You shall not make any graven (man-made image, image carved on any surface such as on wood and stone and metal and glass, engraved images such as those made by scratching or cutting to make an) image (for worship or in a place of worship), even any image that looks like anything that is above you in heaven or that is on the Earth, or that is in the water or under the Earth.

(Note 1. The Second commandment of Allah means that only the invisible Allah has the power to hear prayer and anything that can be seen has been created by Allah and is a creation of Allah. It is not Allah).

2-3. Allah forbids humans to worship Allah by bowing down in front of an image of any created thing.

The three hundred and fifty second sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did Allah send a prophet after Jesus?

Allah sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between Allah and Jesus.

Allah forbids humans to worship Allah by bowing down in front of an image of any created thing.

Allah is not a creation.

See Gospel of Luke 24:44 comments.

Torah Deuteronomy 5:9 (In the Ten Commandments of Allah the Second commandment from Allah continues) You shall not bow down to them (any human made image) nor serve them (meaning do not direct prayer to such an image, do not direct worship to such an image) because I the Lord your Allah am a jealous Allah (meaning pray to one Allah only) and I (Allah) give punishment to the father (who disobeys this command) and also to his children (who disobeys this command) and also to the third generation and to the fourth generation of them (the children of Israel) that hate me (by disobeying this command). (Continued in Torah Deuteronomy 5:10)

(Note 1. The Second commandment of Allah which continues means that Allah has forbidden the use of images during prayer or in the presence of prayer).

(Note 2. The Second commandment of Allah which continues says that those that hate Allah shall not keep this commandment).

2-4. Those that hate Allah will disobey the Ten Commandments that were given to Moses.

The three hundred and fifty third sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Those that hate Allah will disobey the Ten Commandments that were given to Prophet Moses.

Those that hate Allah will disobey the Ten Commandments that were given to Moses because those commandments from Allah shall still be legal in 100,000 years after the time of Moses.

See Gospel of Luke 24:44 comments.

Torah Deuteronomy 5:9 (In the Ten Commandments of Allah the Second commandment from Allah continues) You shall not bow down to them (any human made image) nor serve them (meaning do not direct prayer to such an image, do not direct worship to such an image) because I the Lord your Allah am a jealous Allah (meaning pray to one Allah only) and I (Allah) give punishment to the father (who disobeys this command) and also to his children (who disobeys this command) and also to the third generation and to the fourth generation of them (the children of Israel) that hate me (by disobeying this command). (Continued in Torah Deuteronomy 5:10)

(Note 1. The Second commandment of Allah which continues means that Allah has forbidden the use of images during prayer or in the presence of prayer).

(Note 2. The Second commandment of Allah which continues says that those that hate Allah shall not keep this commandment).

2-5. Those that love Allah will obey the Ten Commandments that were given to Moses because those commandments from Allah shall still be legal in 100,000 years after the time of Moses.

The three hundred and fifty fourth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Those that love Allah will obey the Ten Commandments that were given to Prophet Moses.

Those that love Allah will obey the Ten Commandments that were given to Moses because those commandments from Allah shall still be legal in 100,000 years after the time of Moses.

See Gospel of Luke 24:44 comments.

Torah Deuteronomy 5:10 (In the Ten Commandments of Allah the Second commandment from Allah continues) - And showing mercy to the thousandth generation of them that love Me (Allah) and keep My (Allah’s) commandments.

(Note 1. The Second commandment of Allah continues stating that those that love Allah shall keep this commandment.

(Note 2. If humans lived for 100 years then the thousandth generation of humans would be in 100,000 years.

(Note 3. Allah made clear that no one can cancel the central commandment in the Torah which are the first two commandments given by Allah to Prophet Moses and followed by Prophet Jesus and Prophet Muhammad.

Gospel of Luke 24:45 Then at that time he opened their minds to understand the scriptures.


Explain the Gospel of Luke 24:45.

Gospel of Luke 24:45 Then at that time he (Jesus the messenger of Allah explained the Scriptures as Allah had decreed and the Holy Spirit of Allah angel Gabriel opened the heart of the disciples of Jesus to accept the explanation of the Scriptures as Allah had decreed) opened their minds to understand the scriptures.

Gospel of Luke 24:46 And he said to them, "This is what is written: the Christ was to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day,


1. Explain Gospel of Luke 24:46.

Gospel of Luke 24:46 And he (Jesus) said to them, "This is what is written: the Christ (messiah) was to suffer (to test the faith of Jesus with the threat of death like the son of Abraham was tested with the threat of death), and to rise (awake) from the dead (but for Jesus Allah protected him from death by making Jesus fall asleep on the cross so that his body did not move and everyone looking at him would think he was dead and waking up the body of Jesus on) the third day (as proof that Jesus was only sleeping and that no one had killed him and no one had crucified him to death on the cross),

Allah saved Jesus from death on the cross with sleep and made everyone believe that Jesus was dead on the cross because the body of Jesus was not moving.

Quran 4:158 Koran 4:158 Allah raised him (the soul of Prophet Jesus Isa) up to Himself (Allah, to protect the life of Jesus Isa as explained in Quran 39:42 where Allah raises the soul up to Himself causing the human body on the earth to sleep and make everyone think Jesus Isa was dead because his body was not moving in Quran 4:157. Allah returned the soul of Jesus Isa causing his human body on the earth to wake up three days later as proof that no one killed Jesus Isa on the cross and no one crucified him to death on the cross. This is confirmed because Jesus Isa is seen alive three days after the crucifixion delivering the message that he is not Allah in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 by saying Allah is my Allah and your Allah meaning Allah is my Father and your Father meaning Allah is my Creator and your Creator meaning Allah is my Master and your Master meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord). Allah is all powerful (able to do all things) and He (Allah) is all wise.

Note 1. Allah saved Jesus Isa from death on the cross in Quran 4:157 and 4:158 so that Jesus Isa could continue his life and then die 2000 years ago like every human before him and after him has died in Quran 5:75 and 3:144. The natural death of Jesus Isa 2000 years ago is proof to the people in his time that Jesus Isa is human like every other human and he is not Allah or an equal partner with Allah.

In Quran 5:75 every human messenger of Allah before Prophet Jesus Isa is dead.

Quran 5:75 Koran 5:75 The Messiah (Jesus Isa), son of Mary (Maryam), was no more than a (human) messenger (of Allah) and (all the human) messengers (of Allah) before him (Prophet Jesus Isa) have passed away (meaning died) they (Jesus Isa and Mary Maryam) both used to eat food (meaning Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa died a natural death 2000 years ago because both “used to eat food” meaning they are dead because they do not eat food today ..."

Note 1. In Quran 5:75 "they used to eat food" means Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa are dead.

In Quran 3:144 every human messenger of Allah before Prophet Muhammad is dead.

The messenger before Prophet Muhammad is Prophet Jesus Isa meaning Prophet Jesus Isa is dead.

Quran 3:144 Koran 3:144 Prophet Muhammad is no more than a (human) messenger (of Allah) and (all the human) messengers (of Allah) before him (Prophet Muhammad) have passed away (meaning died) ….”

Note 1. The messenger before Prophet Muhammad is Prophet Jesus Isa meaning Prophet Jesus Isa is dead..

Quran 39:42 Koran 39:42 Allah takes the souls at the time of their death and (also takes the souls of) those who have not died (but are alive) during their sleep (when Allah saved the life of Jesus Isa with sleep so that his body did not move making everyone believe that Jesus Isa was dead on the cross in Quran 4:157 by raising the soul of Jesus Isa to heaven and to Allah in Quran 4:158). He (Allah) keeps those (souls) for which He (Allah) had decreed death and sends the rest (of the souls to awaken the sleeping body) for a predetermined period of time (such as when Allah returned the soul of Jesus Isa three days after the crucifixion to wake up the sleeping body of Jesus Isa on the earth in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 when Jesus Isa delivered the message that Jesus Isa is not Allah by saying Allah is my Allah and your Allah meaning Allah is my Father and your Father meaning Allah is my Creator and your Creator meaning Allah is my Master and your Master meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord as proof that no one had killed him on the cross or crucified him to death on the cross, after which they return to sleep again or die as in Quran 5:75 where Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa “use to eat food” meaning they both died 2000 years ago and Quran 3:144 where the “the messengers before Prophet Muhammad have died” meaning Jesus Isa is dead because Jesus Isa is the messenger before Prophet Muhammad. In Quran 5:117 Jesus died when he lived with the children of Israel 2000 years ago when he was raised by the angel of death). In this are signs (of Allah) for people who think.

Note 1. Allah does not take the human body to heaven (Quran 39:42).

Note 2. Only the human soul is raised to heaven (Quran 39:42).

Note 3. The human body is only needed on the Earth (Quran 39:42). .

Note 4. The human body is not needed in heaven (Quran 39:42).

Note 5. The human soul is alive in heaven without a human body (Quran 39:42).

Note 6. What happened to Prophet Jesus Isa on the cross in Quran 4:157 and Quran 4:158 is explained in Quran 39:42.

Note 7. The Quran confirms what is in the Gospel Injil of Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John that is with the Christians today as proof that no one can change the words of Allah and as proof of the truthfulness of the Quran.

1-1. Jesus is not Allah because Allah does not suffer.

The three hundred and twenty eighth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did Allah send a prophet after Jesus?

Allah sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between Allah and Jesus.

Jesus is not Allah because Allah does not suffer.

Only what Allah has created can suffer.

See Gospel of Luke 24:46 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:46 And he (Jesus) said to them (the disciples of Jesus), "This is what is written: the Christ (the messiah Jesus) was to suffer, and to rise (awake) from the dead (of sleep) the third day,

1-2. Jesus is not Allah because Allah never sleeps.

The three hundred and twenty ninth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did Allah send a prophet after Jesus?

Allah sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between Allah and Jesus.

Jesus is not Allah because Allah never sleeps.

See Gospel of Luke 24:46 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:46 And he (Jesus) said to them (the disciples of Jesus), "This is what is written: the Christ (the messiah Jesus) was to suffer, and to rise (awake) from the dead (of sleep) the third day,

Three days after the crucifixion Jesus told Mary Magdalene to tell all the disciples that Jesus did not die on the cross in Gospel of John 20:17 “I have not yet ascended to the Father” meaning Allah saved the life of Jesus on the cross with a miracle which made people think Jesus was dead on the cross in the same way Allah made people believe a sleeping person was dead in Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24 and Gospel of Luke 8:52.

The soul of every human ascends to Allah during sleep and when they die (Quran 39:42).

When Jesus says I (Jesus) have not yet ascended to the Father (Allah) Jesus is not talking about sleep because every human ascends to Allah every night during sleep therefore the meaning is Jesus has not yet died meaning Allah saved the life of Jesus on the cross with sleep (Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24, Gospel of Luke 8:52, Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42) meaning Jesus did not die on the cross with death but was saved on the cross with sleep which looked like Jesus was dead and in this way Allah saved the life of Jesus meaning no one killed Jesus (Gospel of Luke 8:54 – 8:55 and Quran 39:42) meaning no one crucified Jesus to death (Quran 4:157) meaning Jesus was not sacrificed but was saved from death with sleep in Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42 for the same reason Allah saved the son of Abraham from death in a test of the faith in Allah of Abraham and Jesus.

When Jesus says "I (Jesus) am ascending to my Father (Allah) and your Father (Allah)" it means Jesus will die like every human dies meaning Jesus died a natural death at the end of his life 2000 years ago (Quran 3:144 and Quran 5:75) as proof Jesus is human and as proof Jesus is not Allah.

Gospel of John 20:17 Jesus says to her (Mary Magdalene), "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father (Allah); but go to my brothers (my disciples), and tell them: 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father; to my Allah and your Allah.'"

Note 1. After the crucifixion Jesus says do not hold on to me to see if I am really alive, I have not yet ascended to my Father meaning I am not yet dead meaning I am really alive meaning I am not a ghost.

Quran 39:42 Koran 39:42 Allah takes the souls at the time of their death and (also takes the souls of) those who have not died (but are alive) during their sleep (when Allah saved the life of Jesus Isa with sleep so that his body did not move making everyone believe that Jesus Isa was dead on the cross in Quran 4:157 by raising the soul of Jesus Isa to heaven and to Allah in Quran 4:158). He (Allah) keeps those (souls) for which He (Allah) had decreed death and sends the rest (of the souls to awaken the sleeping body) for a predetermined period of time (such as when Allah returned the soul of Jesus Isa three days after the crucifixion to wake up the sleeping body of Jesus Isa on the earth in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 when Jesus Isa delivered the message that Jesus Isa is not Allah by saying Allah is my Allah and your Allah meaning Allah is my Father and your Father meaning Allah is my Creator and your Creator meaning Allah is my Master and your Master meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord as proof that no one had killed him on the cross or crucified him to death on the cross, after which they return to sleep again or die as in Quran 5:75 where Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa “use to eat food” meaning they both died 2000 years ago and Quran 3:144 where the “the messengers before Prophet Muhammad have died” meaning Jesus Isa is dead because Jesus Isa is the messenger before Prophet Muhammad. In Quran 5:117 Jesus died when he lived with the children of Israel 2000 years ago when he was raised by the angel of death). In this are signs (of Allah) for people who think.

1-3. The messenger after Jesus confirmed that Allah does not sleep.

The three hundred and thirtieth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did Allah send a prophet after Jesus?

Allah sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between Allah and Jesus.

The prophet after Jesus confirmed that Allah does not sleep.

See Gospel of Luke 24:46 comments.

Quran 2:255 Koran 2:255 Regarding Allah, there is no Allah except Him the one and only Allah who is living and eternal. He (Allah) is never sleepy and He (Allah) does not sleep. He (Allah) is the owner of everything in the heavens (all we see and all we cannot see) and on the earth. Who is there that can intercede in His (Allah’s) presence except as He (Allah) permits? He (Allah) knows the past, present and future. (Allah’s creations) only have the knowledge that He (Allah) wills (them to have). His (Allah’s) throne (of authority) extends over the heavens and the earth (meaning, Allah rules the heavens and the earth) and He (Allah) never feels tied of looking after them (Allah’s creations). He (Allah) is the highest and the greatest (of all that exists).

1-4. Jesus is not Allah because Allah is not a soul or a body.

The three hundred and thirty first sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did Allah send a prophet after Jesus?

Allah sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between Allah and Jesus.

Jesus is not Allah because Allah is not a soul which goes to heaven while his body sleeps on the earth and whose soul returns to Earth after sleep to awaken his body.

Allah does not have a soul because souls are created by Allah.

Only creations need a soul.

Allah does not have a body because bodies are created by Allah.

Only creations need a body.

See Gospel of Luke 24:46 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:46 And he (Jesus) said to them (the disciples of Jesus), "This is what is written: the Christ (the messiah Jesus) was to suffer, and to rise (awake) from the dead (of sleep) the third day,

Quran 2:255 Koran 2:255 Regarding Allah, there is no Allah except Him the one and only Allah who is living and eternal. He (Allah) is never sleepy and He (Allah) does not sleep. He (Allah) is the owner of everything in the heavens (all we see and all we cannot see) and on the earth. Who is there that can intercede in His (Allah’s) presence except as He (Allah) permits? He (Allah) knows the past, present and future. (Allah’s creations) only have the knowledge that He (Allah) wills (them to have). His (Allah’s) throne (of authority) extends over the heavens and the earth (meaning, Allah rules the heavens and the earth) and He (Allah) never feels tied of looking after them (Allah’s creations). He (Allah) is the highest and the greatest (of all that exists).

Gospel of Luke 24:47 and repentance for forgiveness of sins is to be preached in all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem.

Explain Gospel of Luke 24:47

Gospel of Luke 24:47 and repentance (by doing good behaviour) for forgiveness of sins (by Allah) is to be preached in all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem.


1. How was the mission of Jesus the same as many other prophets and messengers and messiahs before Jesus?

Allah commanded Jesus to preach to the children of Israel as many prophets and messengers and messiahs had done before Jesus.

Gospel of Matthew 15:24 “…"I (Jesus) was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."

2. How was the mission of Jesus different to the other prophets and messengers and messiahs before Jesus?

Allah commanded that Jesus reveal that repentance for the forgiveness of sin was to be preached to the whole world.

Gospel of Luke 24:47 and repentance (for human wrong doing) for forgiveness (by Allah) of sins is to be preached in all the nations (of the world), beginning from Jerusalem (Al-Quds, the Holy City of Allah).

See Forgiveness of sin in the Tanakh Gospel and Quran. Part 4.


3. Jesus and the messenger after Jesus confirmed the command of Allah to preach to the world the need for human repentance (regret of wrong doing) for the forgiveness by Allah of sin (wrong doing).

The three hundred and thirty second sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Jesus and the prophet after Jesus confirmed the command of Allah to preach to the world the need for human repentance (regret of wrong doing) for the forgiveness by Allah of sin (wrong doing).

See Gospel of Luke 22:40 and 24:47 comments.

3-1. The repentance of Adam and Eve.

Quran 2:37 Koran 2:37 Then Adam (the first human) received from his Lord (Allah) words (of guidance) and his Lord (Allah) forgave him (Adam, the first human by accepting Adam’s repentance). Truly Allah is the One who forgives and He (Allah) is the most merciful.

(Note 1. Allah tested Adam and Eve with good and evil in Heaven.

(Note 2. On the Earth Allah accepted the repentance of Adam and Eve and forgave Adam and Eve for their sin (wrong doing).

(Note 3. The forgiveness of Allah means that repentance for wrong doing by Adam and Eve was accepted and Adam and Eve were forgiven by Allah.

(Note 4. Allah taught Prophet Adam repentance (regret of wrong doing) for the forgiveness by Allah of sin (wrong doing).

3-2. The repentance of all human sins (wrong doing).

Quran 4:17 Koran 4:17Allah accepts only the repentance of those who sin out of ignorance (that means a sin that is not planned intentionally) and who repent (sincerely) soon after (the sin). Allah shall forgive them. Allah is all knowing and all wise.

(Note 1. There is no sin including adultery that Allah does not forgive for those who repent to Allah.

Quran 4:18 Koran 4:18 And the forgiveness (of Allah) is not for those who continue to do evil deeds until death faces one of them and the person says, "Now I repent" nor for those who die while they are disbelievers (in Allah). For them We (Allah) have prepared a painful punishment (in the hereafter).

(Note 1. The forgiveness of Allah is not simply based on saying the words "Now I repent" without sincerity.

Quran 4:110 Koran 4:110Yet whoever wrongs (by making a sin that harms others) or wrongs them self (by making a sin that harms oneself, a sin that harms your soul) and then asks forgiveness from Allah then that person shall find Allah is always ready to forgive and most merciful.

(Note 1. There is no sin including adultery that Allah does not forgive for those who repent to Allah.

Quran 25:68 Koran 25:68 And those who do not pray to any other except Allah (who is the creator of every creation), nor kill someone who Allah has forbidden (to be killed) except in the right (by accident, self defence, in battle against the oppression of religion under the wisdom and command of the Prophet of Allah), nor commit illegal sexual intercourse. And whoever (disobeys and) does that shall pay a penalty -

(Note 1. See Quran 25:69 Koran 25:69.

Quran 25:69 Koran 25:69 The punishment shall be doubled for such a person on the Day of Resurrection and that person shall live there (in Hell in the Hereafter) in disgrace -

(Note 1. See Quran 25:70 Koran 25:70.

Quran 25:70 Koran 25:70 Unless he (or she) repents and believes (in Allah) and does righteous work then Allah shall change their evil deeds to good deeds. Allah is always ready to forgive and merciful.

(Note 1. Allah is always ready to forgive and Allah is merciful.

(Note 2. There is no sin that Allah does not forgive including adultery for those who repent to Allah.

(Note 3. See Quran 25:71 Koran 25:71.

Quran 25:71 Koran 25:71 And whoever repents and does righteousness they surely turn to Allah with true repentance (that is accepted by Allah the Most Merciful).

(Note 1. Whoever repents and does righteousness they surely turn to Allah with true repentance that is accepted by Allah the Most Merciful.

(Note 2. There is no sin including adultery that Allah does not forgive for those who repent to Allah.

3-3. The repentance of Moses.

Quran 7:143 Koran 7:143 And when Prophet Moses came to Our (Allah’s) appointed meeting place and his Lord (Allah) had spoken to him, he (Prophet Moses) said, “My Lord (Allah), show Yourself to me so that I can see You.” He (Allah) said, “You cannot see Me (Allah), but look at the mountain, if it continues to be in its place, then you shall see Me (Allah).” And when his Lord (Allah) revealed (His) glory to the mountain He (Allah) sent it crashing down. And Prophet Moses fainted and fell down. And when he (Prophet Moses) woke he said, “Glory is to You (Allah), I turn to You (Allah) in repentance, and I am the first to believe (in Allah).

(Note 1. Prophet Moses taught repentance (regret of wrong doing) for the forgiveness by Allah of sin (wrong doing).

3-4. The repentance of all human sins (wrong doing).

Gospel of Luke 3:3 And he (Prophet John) appeared, in all the areas around the Jordan, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for forgiveness of sins,

(Note 1. Prophet John taught repentance (regret of wrong doing) for the forgiveness by Allah of sin (wrong doing).

3-5. The repentance of John.

Gospel of Luke 3:8 (If you want to be righteous) then produce fruit characteristic of repentance (that are sincere and genuine). And do not begin to say to yourselves, 'We have Abraham as our father (and therefore that is sufficient to save us in the Hereafter).' For I (Jesus) tell you that Allah can raise up children for Abraham from these stones (meaning that on the Day of Judgement your relations will not be able to help you against the Judgement of Allah).

(Note 1. Prophet John taught repentance (regret of wrong doing) for the forgiveness by Allah of sin (wrong doing).

3-6. The repentance of Jesus.

Gospel of Luke 5:32 I (Jesus) have not come to call the righteous (to repent), but (Jesus has come to call the) sinners to repentance."

(Note 1. Prophet Jesus taught repentance (regret of wrong doing) for the forgiveness by Allah of sin (wrong doing).

(Note 2. Gospel of Luke 24:19 And he (Jesus) said to them, "What things?" And they (the followers of Jesus) said to him, "The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet powerful in deed and in word, in the eyes of both Allah and all the people;

Gospel of Luke 15:7 I (Prophet Jesus) tell you, in just the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner repenting, than over ninety-nine righteous persons having no need of repentance.

(Note 1. The joy in heaven when one sinner repents (regret of wrong doing) for the forgiveness by Allah of their sin (wrong doing).

(Note 2. Gospel of Luke 24:19 And he (Jesus) said to them, "What things?" And they (the followers of Jesus) said to him, "The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet powerful in deed and in word, in the eyes of both Allah and all the people;

Gospel of Luke 24:47 and repentance for forgiveness of sins is to be preached in all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem.

(Note 1. A new command from Allah is delivered by Prophet Jesus to deliver the word of Allah to all the nations of the world.

(Note 2. Gospel of Luke 24:19 And he (Jesus) said to them, "What things?" And they (the followers of Jesus) said to him, "The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet powerful in deed and in word, in the eyes of both Allah and all the people;

3-7. The repentance of Muhammad.

Quran 42:13 Koran 42:13 “… Allah chooses for Himself (Allah) whom He (Allah) pleases and guides to Himself (Allah) whoever turns (to Allah in remembrance and repentance).

Quran 42:25 Koran 42:25 And it is He (Allah) who accepts repentance from His (Allah’s) servants and forgives evil deeds. He (Allah) knows what you do.

(Note 1. Repentance (regret of wrong doing) by humans for the forgiveness by Allah of sin (wrong doing) is confirmed in the Quran.

Quran 110:3 Koran 110:3 Then (Prophet Muhammad) exalt and praise your Lord (Allah) and ask for His (Allah’s) forgiveness. He (Allah) is always ready to accept repentance.

(Note 1. Prophet Muhammad taught repentance (regret of wrong doing) for the forgiveness by Allah of sin (wrong doing).

Gospel of Luke 24:48 You are witnesses of these things.

1. Explain Gospel of Luke 24:48.

Gospel of Luke 24:48 You (the disciples of Jesus) are witnesses of these things.

2. The messenger after Jesus confirmed that the disciples of Jesus were witnesses to what Allah had revealed through Prophet Jesus.

The three hundred and thirty third sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The prophet after Jesus confirmed that the disciples of Jesus were witnesses to what Allah had revealed through Prophet Jesus.

See Gospel of Luke 24:48 comments.

Quran 5:111 Koran 5:111 And when I (Allah) revealed to the disciples (the followers of Prophet Jesus), “Have faith in Me (Allah) and in My (Allah’s) messenger (Prophet Jesus), they (the disciples of Prophet Jesus) said, “We have faith and we bear witness that we have surrendered (to the will of Allah).

Gospel of Luke 24:49 And I am sending my Father's promise down upon you. So you are to stay put in the city until such time you are endued with power from on high."

Explain Gospel of Luke 24:49

Gospel of Luke 24:49 And I (Prophet Jesus Isa) am sending my Father's (Allah’s) promise down upon you. So you are to stay put in the city until such time you are endued with power from on high (to do this mission as you have seen me do it)."


1. What is the promise of Allah?

The promise of Allah in the Gospel of Luke 24:47 is that for the first time the word of Allah is to be preached to all the nations of the world.

Gospel of Luke 24:47 and repentance (for human wrong doing) for forgiveness (by Allah) of sins is to be preached in all the nations (of the world), beginning from Jerusalem (Al-Quds, the Holy City of Allah).

(Note 1. The message from Allah is that it is the responsibility of every human in the world to ask Allah to forgive their sins by repentance which is pray to Allah expressing sincere regret for wrong doing and then changing behaviour to do what is correct.

1-1. In the Gospel of Luke 24:48 the disciples of Jesus are made to be a witness to this promise from Allah that is delivered through Jesus who is the messenger of Allah.

Gospel of Luke 24:48 You (the disciples of Jesus) are witnesses of these things.

1-2. In the Gospel of Luke 24:49 the disciples of Jesus are told to stay in Jerusalem, Al-Quds until Allah commands them through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel to take the word of Allah to the nations of the world.

1-3. The messenger after Jesus shows how Allah guided the disciples of Jesus in the same way that Allah guided Jesus.

The three hundred and fifty fifth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The prophet after Jesus shows how Allah guided the disciples of Jesus in the same way that Allah guided Jesus.

See Gospel of Luke 24:49 comments.

Quran 5:111 Koran 5:111 And when I (Allah) revealed to the disciples (the followers of Prophet Jesus), “Have faith in Me (Allah) and in My (Allah’s) messenger (Prophet Jesus), they (the disciples of Prophet Jesus) said, “We have faith and we bear witness that we have surrendered (to the will of Allah).

Quran 40:15 Koran 40:15 Raised high above any ranks (or any degrees, or any measurement, or any evaluation, or of anything that exists), (He Allah is) the Lord of the Throne (The Master controller of everything, owner of everything that is created), By His command He (Allah) sends the Spirit (of inspiration, of revelation, of His command, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost, Angel Gabriel) to any of His (Allah’s) servants as He (Allah) pleases so that it (whomever Allah sends the inspiration of Allah’s revelations, whomever Allah sends the inspiration of Allah’s command) may warn (people) of the Day of Mutual Meeting (the Day of the meeting with Allah on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement).

(Note 1. Everything is commanded by the will of Allah through the angels of Allah).

2. Who is the comforter?

2-1. Why is the comforter not one of the disciples of Jesus?

The three hundred and fifty sixth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why is the comforter who is to come after Jesus not one of the disciples of Jesus?

See Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

2-2. The comforter not the Holy Spirit.

The three hundred and sixty fourth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why is the comforter who is to come after Jesus not the Holy Spirit?

See Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

2-3. Who is the comforter that came after Jesus?

The three hundred and fifty seventh sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15..

Jesus reveals that the prophet after Jesus will be the last prophet of Allah because his revelations will stay with humans forever and the prophet after Jesus confirmed that he (Prophet Muhammad) is the last prophet of Allah.

See Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Gospel of Luke 24:50 And he led them outside, as far as Bethany. And after lifting up his hands, he blessed them.

Explain Gospel of Luke 24:50

Gospel of Luke 24:50 And he (Prophet Jesus Isa) led them outside, as far as Bethany. And after lifting up his hands (to thank Allah), he (Prophet Jesus Isa) blessed them (the disciples, the apostles, the followers of Jesus).


1. Where is Bethany?

Bethany is a village near Jerusalem, Al-Quds in the Roman province of Judea.

Today Bethany is in Palestine.

2. Why did Jesus first lift up his hands before blessing his disciples?

The three hundred and forty ninth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did Allah send a prophet after Jesus?

Allah sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between Allah and Jesus.

Jesus lifted up his hands to thank Allah before Jesus blessed his disciples.

See Gospel of John 24:50 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:51 And it came about that as he was blessing them, he parted from them, and was taken up into heaven.

Explain Gospel of Luke 24:51

Gospel of Luke 24:51 And it came about that as he (Prophet Jesus Isa) was blessing them (the disciples of Jesus), he (Prophet Jesus Isa) parted from them (died a natural death), and (the soul of Jesus) was taken up (by the angel of death) into heaven (and to Allah who is the creator and carer of every human soul).

What does “was taken up to heaven mean?”

The only thing that leaves the body to go to heaven is the soul.

The human body is not needed in heaven.

Earth is the resting place for the human body.

Heaven is the resting place for the human soul.

Gospel of Luke 24:19 And he said to them, "What things?" And they said to him, "The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet powerful in deed and in word, in the eyes of both Allah and all the people;


1. Explain Gospel of Luke 24:51.

Gospel of Luke 24:51 And it came about that as he (Jesus) was blessing them (the disciples of Jesus), he (Jesus) parted from them (died a natural death), and (the soul of Jesus) was taken up (by the angel of death) into heaven (and to Allah who is the creator and carer of every human soul).

2. The messenger after Jesus confirmed that Jesus died a natural death.

The three hundred and sixty fifth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The Gospel and the Quran confirm that Jesus died a natural death.

Every human must die.

The human body is not needed in heaven.

Only the human soul goes to heaven.

The human body is only needed on the Earth.

The Earth is the home for the human body.

The human body dies on the Earth but the human soul lives forever in heaven.

See Gospel of Luke 24:51 comments.

Quran 4:158 Koran 4:158 Allah raised him (the soul of Prophet Jesus Isa) up to Himself (Allah, to protect the life of Jesus Isa as explained in Quran 39:42 where Allah raises the soul up to Himself causing the human body on the earth to sleep and make everyone think Jesus Isa was dead because his body was not moving in Quran 4:157. Allah returned the soul of Jesus Isa causing his human body on the earth to wake up three days later as proof that no one killed Jesus Isa on the cross and no one crucified him to death on the cross. This is confirmed because Jesus Isa is seen alive three days after the crucifixion delivering the message that he is not Allah in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 by saying Allah is my Allah and your Allah meaning Allah is my Father and your Father meaning Allah is my Creator and your Creator meaning Allah is my Master and your Master meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord). Allah is all powerful (able to do all things) and He (Allah) is all wise.

Note 1. Allah saved Jesus Isa from death on the cross in Quran 4:157 and 4:158 so that Jesus Isa could continue his life and then die 2000 years ago like every human before him and after him has died in Quran 5:75 and 3:144. The natural death of Jesus Isa 2000 years ago is proof to the people in his time that Jesus Isa is human like every other human and he is not Allah or an equal partner with Allah.

In Quran 5:75 every human messenger of Allah before Prophet Jesus Isa is dead.

Quran 5:75 Koran 5:75 The Messiah (Jesus Isa), son of Mary (Maryam), was no more than a (human) messenger (of Allah) and (all the human) messengers (of Allah) before him (Prophet Jesus Isa) have passed away (meaning died) they (Jesus Isa and Mary Maryam) both used to eat food (meaning Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa died a natural death 2000 years ago because both “used to eat food” meaning they are dead because they do not eat food today ..."

Note 1. In Quran 5:75 "they used to eat food" means Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa are dead.

In Quran 3:144 every human messenger of Allah before Prophet Muhammad is dead.

The messenger before Prophet Muhammad is Prophet Jesus Isa meaning Prophet Jesus Isa is dead.

Quran 3:144 Koran 3:144 Prophet Muhammad is no more than a (human) messenger (of Allah) and (all the human) messengers (of Allah) before him (Prophet Muhammad) have passed away (meaning died) ….”

Note 1. The messenger before Prophet Muhammad is Prophet Jesus Isa meaning Prophet Jesus Isa is dead..

Gospel of Luke 24:51 And it came about that as he (Jesus) was blessing them (the disciples of Jesus), he (Jesus) parted from them (died a natural death), and (the soul of Jesus) was taken up (by the angel of death) into heaven (and to Allah who is the creator and carer of every human soul).

3. The messenger after Jesus revealed to the Christians that Jesus is 100 percent human.

The ninety ninth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The prophet after Jesus revealed to Christians that Jesus is 100 percent human.

Quran 19:93 Koran 19:93 There is no one in the heavens and the earth who does not come to the Most Merciful (Allah) except as a servant.

See Gospel of Luke 8:53, 9:20, 9:22, 18:33, 24:7 and 24:51 comments.

1400 years ago some Christians believed that Jesus was Allah in a human form.

Allah in the form of a human is called idol worship in the Torah.

The prophet after Jesus revealed that the soul of Jesus was raised to Heaven and to Allah in the same way as Allah raises every human soul to Heaven and to Allah.

The human body is not needed in Heaven.

The human body is only needed on the Earth.

Quran 4:158 Koran 4:158 Allah raised him (the soul of Prophet Jesus Isa) up to Himself (Allah, to protect the life of Jesus Isa as explained in Quran 39:42 where Allah raises the soul up to Himself causing the human body on the earth to sleep and make everyone think Jesus Isa was dead because his body was not moving in Quran 4:157. Allah returned the soul of Jesus Isa causing his human body on the earth to wake up three days later as proof that no one killed Jesus Isa on the cross and no one crucified him to death on the cross. This is confirmed because Jesus Isa is seen alive three days after the crucifixion delivering the message that he is not Allah in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 by saying Allah is my Allah and your Allah meaning Allah is my Father and your Father meaning Allah is my Creator and your Creator meaning Allah is my Master and your Master meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord). Allah is all powerful (able to do all things) and He (Allah) is all wise.

Note 1. Allah saved Jesus Isa from death on the cross in Quran 4:157 and 4:158 so that Jesus Isa could continue his life and then die 2000 years ago like every human before him and after him has died in Quran 5:75 and 3:144. The natural death of Jesus Isa 2000 years ago is proof to the people in his time that Jesus Isa is human like every other human and he is not Allah or an equal partner with Allah.

In Quran 5:75 every human messenger of Allah before Prophet Jesus Isa is dead.

Quran 5:75 Koran 5:75 The Messiah (Jesus Isa), son of Mary (Maryam), was no more than a (human) messenger (of Allah) and (all the human) messengers (of Allah) before him (Prophet Jesus Isa) have passed away (meaning died) they (Jesus Isa and Mary Maryam) both used to eat food (meaning Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa died a natural death 2000 years ago because both “used to eat food” meaning they are dead because they do not eat food today ..."

Note 1. In Quran 5:75 "they used to eat food" means Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa are dead.

In Quran 3:144 every human messenger of Allah before Prophet Muhammad is dead.

The messenger before Prophet Muhammad is Prophet Jesus Isa meaning Prophet Jesus Isa is dead.

Quran 3:144 Koran 3:144 Prophet Muhammad is no more than a (human) messenger (of Allah) and (all the human) messengers (of Allah) before him (Prophet Muhammad) have passed away (meaning died) ….”

Note 1. The messenger before Prophet Muhammad is Prophet Jesus Isa meaning Prophet Jesus Isa is dead..

The soul is created by Allah.

Quran 4:158 reveals that Jesus is human because only creations have a soul.

Allah needs no soul because Allah is the creator of every creation.

4. What happens when humans die?

4-1. Death.

The one hundred and ninety fifth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Jesus and the prophet after Jesus confirmed that when death comes the human soul is raised to heaven and to Allah but the human body stays on the Earth.

See Gospel of Luke 16:22 and 24:51 comments.

Allah decrees the death of every creation.

Allah decrees the death of every human.

Death only comes when Allah wills death to come.

Death only comes when Allah wills death to come so no one can die except at the time when Allah has decreed their death.

Allah decrees that every human dies.

Every human shall taste death.

Every human shall die.

4-2. The purpose of life and death.

The purpose of life and death is to test which of you is best in behavior.

After life on earth comes death on earth.

When death comes the soul is taken up to heaven and to Allah.

4-3. The human soul.

The soul of every human is taken up to Allah.

The soul of every human is taken up to heaven.

The soul of every human is taken up to heaven by Allah.

The soul of every human is raised up to Allah.

The soul of every human is raised up to heaven.

The soul of every human is raised up to heaven by Allah.

Every creation ascends to Allah when they either die or are killed.

Every creation is taken up to Allah when they either die or are killed.

Every creation is raised up by Allah when they either die or are killed.

Every creation is raised to Allah when they either die or are killed.

Every creation is raised by Allah when they either die or are killed.

Every human either dies or is killed and their soul is taken up to Allah.

Every living creature either dies or is killed and their soul is taken up to Allah.

Every created thing passes away and is taken up to Allah.

When a human dies their soul is taken up to Allah.

When a human dies their soul is raised to Allah.

When a human dies their soul is taken up to heaven.

When a human dies their soul is raised to heaven.

When a human dies their soul is taken up to heaven and to Allah.

When a human dies their soul is raised to heaven and to Allah.

The only way a human leaves the earth forever is when the human dies.

Death comes when the soul is taken up to Allah forever.

The soul is created by Allah.

Quran 4:158 reveals that Jesus is human because only creations have a soul.

Allah needs no soul because Allah is the creator of every creation.

4-4. The resting place for human bones is on the earth.

Every human dies.

The grave on the earth is the resting place for the human body where bones become dust.

4-5. The resting place for human souls is in heaven.

Every human dies but their soul lives.

Heaven is the resting place for human souls and every soul lives under the care of Allah.

Every human who has died lives as a soul in heaven under the care of Allah.

4-6. The human body.

The human body is designed for life on the earth.

The human body is not designed for life in heaven.

The human body on the earth is different to the new physical human body in heaven.

The earth is the resting place for the human body.

Heaven is the resting place for the human soul.

On the Day of Resurrection and Judgement each human soul shall be given a new physical human body that can feel reward or punishment.

5. The death of the human body on the Earth and the life of the human soul in heaven.

5-1. The Torah, Gospel and Quran explain how Elijah died a natural death.

The three hundred and sixty sixth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The Torah, Gospel and Quran explain how Prophet Elijah died a natural death and his soul was taken to heaven and to Allah.

See Gospel of Luke 24:51 and 24:52 comments.

Jewish Hebrew Bible 2 Kings 2:11 And it happened, as they went on, and talked, that, (they) looked (and), there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire (a host of the LORD, an angel in Allah’s army, an angel from Allah, the angel of death), which separated them both apart (separating Prophet Elisha who was decreed by Allah to continue living on the Earth from Prophet Elijah who was decreed a natural death on the Earth); and (the soul of) Prophet Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven (meaning, the angel of death took the soul of Prophet Elijah to heaven and to Allah who is the creator and the carer of every soul).

Gospel of Luke 24:51 And it came about that as he was blessing them, he parted from them (those who Allah decreed to continue living on the Earth were parted from the person who was decreed a natural death on the Earth), and (whose soul) was taken (by the angel of death) up into heaven (and to Allah who is the creator and the carer of every soul).

Quran 4:158 Koran 4:158 Allah raised him (the soul of Prophet Jesus Isa) up to Himself (Allah, to protect the life of Jesus Isa as explained in Quran 39:42 where Allah raises the soul up to Himself causing the human body on the earth to sleep and make everyone think Jesus Isa was dead because his body was not moving in Quran 4:157. Allah returned the soul of Jesus Isa causing his human body on the earth to wake up three days later as proof that no one killed Jesus Isa on the cross and no one crucified him to death on the cross. This is confirmed because Jesus Isa is seen alive three days after the crucifixion delivering the message that he is not Allah in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 by saying Allah is my Allah and your Allah meaning Allah is my Father and your Father meaning Allah is my Creator and your Creator meaning Allah is my Master and your Master meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord). Allah is all powerful (able to do all things) and He (Allah) is all wise.

Note 1. Allah saved Jesus Isa from death on the cross in Quran 4:157 and 4:158 so that Jesus Isa could continue his life and then die 2000 years ago like every human before him and after him has died in Quran 5:75 and 3:144. The natural death of Jesus Isa 2000 years ago is proof to the people in his time that Jesus Isa is human like every other human and he is not Allah or an equal partner with Allah.

In Quran 5:75 every human messenger of Allah before Prophet Jesus Isa is dead.

Quran 5:75 Koran 5:75 The Messiah (Jesus Isa), son of Mary (Maryam), was no more than a (human) messenger (of Allah) and (all the human) messengers (of Allah) before him (Prophet Jesus Isa) have passed away (meaning died) they (Jesus Isa and Mary Maryam) both used to eat food (meaning Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa died a natural death 2000 years ago because both “used to eat food” meaning they are dead because they do not eat food today ..."

Note 1. In Quran 5:75 "they used to eat food" means Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa are dead.

In Quran 3:144 every human messenger of Allah before Prophet Muhammad is dead.

The messenger before Prophet Muhammad is Prophet Jesus Isa meaning Prophet Jesus Isa is dead.

Quran 3:144 Koran 3:144 Prophet Muhammad is no more than a (human) messenger (of Allah) and (all the human) messengers (of Allah) before him (Prophet Muhammad) have passed away (meaning died) …."

Note 1. The messenger before Prophet Muhammad is Prophet Jesus Isa meaning Prophet Jesus Isa is dead..

5-2. The Torah, Gospel and Quran explain what happened to the body of Elijah.

The three hundred and sixty seventh sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The Torah, Gospel and Quran explain what happened to the body of Prophet Elijah.

See Gospel of Luke 24:51 and 24:52 comments.

No one knows the location of the grave of Elijah as a way to prevent human idol worship.

Only the invisible Allah has the power to hear prayer.

To prevent humans adopting human idol worship by praying to Elijah instead of praying to Allah the location of the grave of Elijah was not revealed.

Torah Deuteronomy 34:6 And he (Moses) was buried in the valley in the land of Moab (east of the Dead Sea) over against Beth-peor (in Jordan, East of the Jordan River opposite Jericho); and no man knows (where is) his sepulcher (grave) to this day.

(Note 1. To prevent humans adopting human idol worship by praying to Moses instead of praying to Allah the location of the grave of Prophet Moses was not revealed.

Gospel of Luke 24:51 And it came about that as he was blessing them, he parted from them (those who Allah decreed to continue living on the Earth were parted from the person who was decreed a natural death on the Earth), and (whose soul) was taken (by the angel of death) up into heaven (and to Allah who is the creator and the carer of every soul).

Quran 3:144 Koran 3:144 Prophet Muhammad is no more than a messenger and many (meaning all) messengers have passed away before him. …”

Note 1. The messenger before Prophet Muhammad is Prophet Jesus Isa meaning Prophet Jesus Isa is dead..

Note 2. All the messengers before Prophet Muhammad have died on the Earth (but their souls are alive in heaven under the care of Allah).

Note 3. Every messenger before Prophet Muhammad died and their soul was raised by the angel of death to heaven and to Allah as every human soul is decreed to be raised when a human dies.

Quran 3:185 Koran 3:185 Every soul will taste death (No one shall live forever on the Earth) …”

5-3. The Torah, Gospel and Quran explain how Jesus died a natural death.

The three hundred and sixty eighth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The Torah, Gospel and Quran explain how Prophet Jesus died a natural death and his soul was taken to heaven and to Allah.

See Gospel of Luke 24:51 and 24:52 comments.

Jewish Hebrew Bible 2 Kings 2:11 And it happened, as they went on, and talked, that, (they) looked (and), there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire (a host of the LORD, an angel in Allah’s army, an angel from Allah, the angel of death), which separated them both apart (separating Prophet Elisha who was decreed by Allah to continue living on the Earth from Prophet Elijah who was decreed a natural death on the Earth); and (the soul of) Prophet Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven (meaning, the angel of death took the soul of Prophet Elijah to heaven and to Allah who is the creator and the carer of every soul).

Gospel of Luke 24:51 And it came about that as he (Jesus) was blessing them (the disciples of Jesus), he (Jesus) parted from them (died a natural death), and (the soul of Jesus) was taken up (by the angel of death) into heaven (and to Allah who is the creator and carer of every human soul).

Quran 4:158 Koran 4:158 Allah raised him (the soul of Prophet Jesus Isa) up to Himself (Allah, to protect the life of Jesus Isa as explained in Quran 39:42 where Allah raises the soul up to Himself causing the human body on the earth to sleep and make everyone think Jesus Isa was dead because his body was not moving in Quran 4:157. Allah returned the soul of Jesus Isa causing his human body on the earth to wake up three days later as proof that no one killed Jesus Isa on the cross and no one crucified him to death on the cross. This is confirmed because Jesus Isa is seen alive three days after the crucifixion delivering the message that he is not Allah in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 by saying Allah is my Allah and your Allah meaning Allah is my Father and your Father meaning Allah is my Creator and your Creator meaning Allah is my Master and your Master meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord). Allah is all powerful (able to do all things) and He (Allah) is all wise.

Note 1. Allah saved Jesus Isa from death on the cross in Quran 4:157 and 4:158 so that Jesus Isa could continue his life and then die 2000 years ago like every human before him and after him has died in Quran 5:75 and 3:144. The natural death of Jesus Isa 2000 years ago is proof to the people in his time that Jesus Isa is human like every other human and he is not Allah or an equal partner with Allah.

In Quran 5:75 every human messenger of Allah before Prophet Jesus Isa is dead.

Quran 5:75 Koran 5:75 The Messiah (Jesus Isa), son of Mary (Maryam), was no more than a (human) messenger (of Allah) and (all the human) messengers (of Allah) before him (Prophet Jesus Isa) have passed away (meaning died) they (Jesus Isa and Mary Maryam) both used to eat food (meaning Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa died a natural death 2000 years ago because both “used to eat food” meaning they are dead because they do not eat food today ..."

Note 1. In Quran 5:75 "they used to eat food" means Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa are dead.

In Quran 3:144 every human messenger of Allah before Prophet Muhammad is dead.

The messenger before Prophet Muhammad is Prophet Jesus Isa meaning Prophet Jesus Isa is dead.

Quran 3:144 Koran 3:144 Prophet Muhammad is no more than a (human) messenger (of Allah) and (all the human) messengers (of Allah) before him (Prophet Muhammad) have passed away (meaning died) ….”

Note 1. The messenger before Prophet Muhammad is Prophet Jesus Isa meaning Prophet Jesus Isa is dead..

5-4. The Torah, Gospel and Quran explain what happened to the body of Jesus.

The three hundred and sixty ninth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The Torah, Gospel and Quran explain what happened to the body of Prophet Jesus.

See Gospel of Luke 24:51 and 24:52 comments.

No one knows the location of the grave of Jesus as a way to prevent human idol worship.

Only the invisible Allah has the power to hear prayer.

To prevent humans adopting human idol worship by praying to Jesus instead of praying to Allah the location of the grave of Jesus was not revealed.

Torah Deuteronomy 34:6 And he (Moses) was buried in the valley in the land of Moab (east of the Dead Sea) over against Beth-peor (in Jordan, East of the Jordan River opposite Jericho); and no man knows (where is) his sepulcher (grave) to this day.

(Note 1. To prevent humans adopting human idol worship by praying to Moses instead of praying to Allah the location of the grave of Prophet Moses was not revealed.

Gospel of Luke 24:51 And it came about that as he was blessing them, he parted from them (those who Allah decreed to continue living on the Earth were parted from the person who was decreed a natural death on the Earth), and (whose soul) was taken (by the angel of death) up into heaven (and to Allah who is the creator and the carer of every soul).

Quran 3:144 Koran 3:144 Prophet Muhammad is no more than a messenger and many (meaning all) messengers have passed away before him. …”

Note 1. The messenger before Prophet Muhammad is Prophet Jesus Isa meaning Prophet Jesus Isa is dead..

Note 2. All the messengers before Prophet Muhammad have died on the Earth (but their souls are alive in heaven under the care of Allah).

Note 3. Every messenger before Prophet Muhammad died and their soul was raised by the angel of death to heaven and to Allah as every human soul is decreed to be raised when a human dies.

Quran 3:185 Koran 3:185 Every soul will taste death (No one shall live forever on the Earth) …”

5-5. Jesus is not Allah because the soul of Jesus was taken to Allah.

The three hundred and seventieth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did Allah send a prophet after Jesus?

Allah sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between Allah and Jesus.

Jesus is not Allah because the soul of Jesus was taken to Allah by the angel of death just as the soul of every human is taken to Allah by the angel of death.

See Gospel of Luke 24:51 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:52 And they, after worshiping him, returned back to Jerusalem with great rejoicing.


Bowing down to worship someone is not a sign that they are Allah but is a sign of great respect to a messenger of Allah.

Joshua 5:13 And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and, behold, there stood a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand; and Joshua went to him, and said to him: Are you for us, or for our enemies?'

Joshua 5:14 And he said: 'No (I am not against you), but I am captain of the army of the (angels of the) LORD (Allah); I have now come (to help you).' And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and bowed down, and said to him: 'What says my lord to his servant?'

Joshua 5:15 And the captain of the LORD'S army (of angels) said to Joshua: Take off your shoe from off your foot; for the place where you stand is holy.' And Joshua did so.


1. Understanding the Gospel of Luke 24:52.

1-1. The death of the human body on the Earth and the life of the human soul in heaven.

1-2. The Torah, Gospel and Quran explain how Elijah died a natural death.

The three hundred and sixty sixth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The Torah, Gospel and Quran explain how Prophet Elijah died a natural death and his soul was taken to heaven and to Allah.

See Gospel of Luke 24:51 and 24:52 comments.

1-3. The Torah, Gospel and Quran explain what happened to the body of Elijah.

The three hundred and sixty seventh sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The Torah, Gospel and Quran explain what happened to the body of Prophet Elijah.

See Gospel of Luke 24:51 and 24:52 comments.

1-4. The Torah, Gospel and Quran explain how Jesus died a natural death.

The three hundred and sixty eighth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The Torah, Gospel and Quran explain how Prophet Jesus died a natural death and his soul was taken to heaven and to Allah.

See Gospel of Luke 24:51 and 24:52 comments.

1-5. The Torah, Gospel and Quran explain what happened to the body of Jesus.

The three hundred and sixty ninth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The Torah, Gospel and Quran explain what happened to the body of Prophet Jesus.

See Gospel of Luke 24:51 and 24:52 comments.

2. Explain the Gospel of Luke 24:52.

Gospel of Luke 24:52 And they (the disciples of Jesus), after worshiping him (Allah), returned back to Jerusalem with great rejoicing (because the revelations of Jesus had strengthen their belief in Allah).

(Note 1. After the natural death of Jesus on the Earth the disciples of Jesus gave worship to Allah because the revelations of Jesus and the opening of their heart by the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel to understanding had strengthened their belief in Allah.

2-1. After the natural death of Jesus the disciples of Jesus gave worship to Allah.

The three hundred and seventy first sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

After the natural death of Jesus on the Earth the disciples of Jesus gave worship to Allah because the revelations of Jesus and the opening of their heart by the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel to understanding had strengthened their belief in Allah.

See Gospel of Luke 24:52 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:51 And it came about that as he (Jesus) was blessing them (the disciples of Jesus), he (Jesus) parted from them (died a natural death), and (the soul of Jesus) was taken up (by the angel of death) into heaven (and to Allah who is the creator and carer of every human soul).

Gospel of Luke 24:52 And they (the disciples of Jesus), after worshiping him (Allah), returned back to Jerusalem with great rejoicing (because the revelations of Jesus had strengthen their belief in Allah).

(Note 1. After the natural death of Jesus on the Earth the disciples of Jesus gave worship to Allah because the revelations of Jesus and the opening of their heart by the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel to understanding had strengthened their belief in Allah.

Gospel of Luke 24:53 And throughout those days they (the disciples of Jesus) were continually at the temple, praising Allah.

(Note 1. After the natural death of Jesus on the Earth the disciples of Jesus gave worship to Allah because the revelations of Jesus and the opening of their heart by the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel to understanding had strengthened their belief in Allah.

3. Jesus died a natural human death.

The messenger after Jesus explained that no one killed Jesus and revealed that Jesus died a natural human death.

The three hundred and seventy second sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The prophet after Jesus explained that no one killed Jesus and revealed that Jesus died a natural human death.

See Gospel of Luke 24:52 comments.

Quran 3:144 Koran 3:144 Prophet Muhammad is no more than a messenger and many (meaning all) messengers have passed away before him. …”

Note 1. The messenger before Prophet Muhammad is Prophet Jesus Isa meaning Prophet Jesus Isa is dead..

Note 2. All the messengers before Prophet Muhammad have died on the Earth (but their souls are alive in heaven under the care of Allah).

Note 3. Every messenger before Prophet Muhammad died and their soul was raised by the angel of death to heaven and to Allah as every human soul is decreed to be raised when a human dies.

Quran 3:185 Koran 3:185 Every soul will taste death (No one shall live forever on the Earth) …”

Quran 4:157 Koran 4:157 And they (some of the Jews of Yathrib in Arabia later Medina Arabia today Madinah Saudi Arabia) said (showing their pride and their disbelief by threatening and mocking the messenger Prophet Muhammad and his followers by boasting), "We killed messiah Jesus Isa, the son of Mary Maryam, the messenger of Allah," but (in fact) they did not kill him (on the cross) nor crucify him (to death on the cross), but it was made to appear so to them (so they believed he was dead on the cross because his body was not moving but in fact he was still alive and sleeping on the cross as explained in Quran 4:158 and 39:42) and those (Jews of Yathrib Arabia) who differ in this (in what happened to Prophet Jesus Isa on the cross) are full of doubts with no (certain) knowledge so they (the Jews of Yathrib) follow only conjecture (assumptions, speculation, guess). It is certain that they (the Jews) did not kill him (because Allah protected Prophet Jesus Isa from the death of crucifixion in 607 BH 33 CE 33 AD on Friday 3 April 33 in Jerusalem Al-Quds Yerussalem Yerushalayim in Judea today in Israel and Palestine and this is confirmed in the Gospel Injil where Jesus Isa is seen alive three days after the crucifixion teaching that he is not Allah in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 by saying Allah is my Allah and your Allah meaning Allah is my Father and your Father meaning Allah is my Creator and your Creator meaning Allah is my Master and your Master meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord as proof that no one had killed him on the cross or crucified him to death on the cross).

Note 1. Allah saved Jesus Isa from death on the cross in Quran 4:157 and 4:158 so that Jesus Isa could continue his life and then die 2000 years ago like every human before him and after him has died in Quran 5:75 and 3:144. The natural death of Jesus Isa 2000 years ago is proof to the people in his time that Jesus Isa is human like every other human and he is not Allah or an equal partner with Allah.

(Note 2. No one killed or crucified Jesus to death because Jesus was seen alive three days later).

(Note 3. The three hundred and forty third sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The prophet after Jesus revealed that Jesus was not killed on the cross.

To the eyes of the people Allah made Jesus appear to be dead on the cross.

Allah saved his messenger Jesus when Jesus fainted to sleep on the cross.

See Gospel of Luke 22:31, 24:35, 24:37 and 24:52 comments.

Quran 4:158 Koran 4:158 Allah raised him (the soul of Prophet Jesus Isa) up to Himself (Allah, to protect the life of Jesus Isa as explained in Quran 39:42 where Allah raises the soul up to Himself causing the human body on the earth to sleep and make everyone think Jesus Isa was dead because his body was not moving in Quran 4:157. Allah returned the soul of Jesus Isa causing his human body on the earth to wake up three days later as proof that no one killed Jesus Isa on the cross and no one crucified him to death on the cross. This is confirmed because Jesus Isa is seen alive three days after the crucifixion delivering the message that he is not Allah in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 by saying Allah is my Allah and your Allah meaning Allah is my Father and your Father meaning Allah is my Creator and your Creator meaning Allah is my Master and your Master meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord). Allah is all powerful (able to do all things) and He (Allah) is all wise.

Note 1. Allah saved Jesus Isa from death on the cross in Quran 4:157 and 4:158 so that Jesus Isa could continue his life and then die 2000 years ago like every human before him and after him has died in Quran 5:75 and 3:144. The natural death of Jesus Isa 2000 years ago is proof to the people in his time that Jesus Isa is human like every other human and he is not Allah or an equal partner with Allah.

In Quran 5:75 every human messenger of Allah before Prophet Jesus Isa is dead.

Quran 5:75 Koran 5:75 The Messiah (Jesus Isa), son of Mary (Maryam), was no more than a (human) messenger (of Allah) and (all the human) messengers (of Allah) before him (Prophet Jesus Isa) have passed away (meaning died) they (Jesus Isa and Mary Maryam) both used to eat food (meaning Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa died a natural death 2000 years ago because both “used to eat food” meaning they are dead because they do not eat food today ..."

Note 1. In Quran 5:75 "they used to eat food" means Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa are dead.

In Quran 3:144 every human messenger of Allah before Prophet Muhammad is dead.

The messenger before Prophet Muhammad is Prophet Jesus Isa meaning Prophet Jesus Isa is dead.

Quran 3:144 Koran 3:144 Prophet Muhammad is no more than a (human) messenger (of Allah) and (all the human) messengers (of Allah) before him (Prophet Muhammad) have passed away (meaning died) ….”

Note 1. The messenger before Prophet Muhammad is Prophet Jesus Isa meaning Prophet Jesus Isa is dead..

Note 2. Jesus died a natural human death because Allah has decreed death for every human.

4. Who is Jesus in the eyes of Allah?

The three hundred and seventy third sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did Allah send a prophet after Jesus?

Allah sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between Allah and Jesus.

Jesus is a prophet of Allah in the eyes of Allah.

See Gospel of Luke 24:52 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:19 And he (Jesus) said to them, "What things?" And they (the followers of Jesus) said to him, "The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet powerful in deed and in word, in the eyes of both Allah and all the people (who believe in Allah and in Prophet Jesus);

(Note 1. Allah and the people who followed Jesus in the time of Jesus all saw that Jesus was a human prophet, messenger and messiah.

(Note 2. No one in the time of Jesus believed that Jesus was Allah.

(Note 3. Jesus and the disciples of Jesus are from the children of Israel.

(Note 4. Jesus and the disciples of Jesus are Jewish.

(Note 5. Every Jew knows that the belief that a human can be Allah is the religion of human idol worship which Allah forbids in the Torah.

(Note 6. Jesus never said that Jesus is Allah because Jesus prayed to Allah like every human prays to Allah.

5. Who is Jesus in the eyes of all the people who believed in Jesus during the time of Jesus?

The three hundred and seventy fourth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did Allah send a prophet after Jesus?

Allah sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between Allah and Jesus.

Jesus was a prophet of Allah in the eyes of all the people who believed in Jesus during the time of Jesus.

See Gospel of Luke 24:52 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:19 And he (Jesus) said to them, "What things?" And they (the followers of Jesus) said to him, "The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet powerful in deed and in word, in the eyes of both Allah and all the people (who believe in Allah and in Prophet Jesus);

(Note 1. Allah and the people who followed Jesus in the time of Jesus all saw that Jesus was a human prophet, messenger and messiah.

(Note 2. No one in the time of Jesus believed that Jesus was Allah.

(Note 3. Jesus and the disciples of Jesus are from the children of Israel.

(Note 4. Jesus and the disciples of Jesus are Jewish.

(Note 5. Every Jew knows that the belief that a human can be Allah is the religion of human idol worship which Allah forbids in the Torah.

(Note 6. Jesus never said that Jesus is Allah because Jesus prayed to Allah like every human prays to Allah.

6. Why did the disciples of Jesus worship Allah and not Jesus?

The three hundred and seventy seventh sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The story of Haman shows why the disciples of Jesus worshiped Allah and not Jesus.

Jesus and all the disciples of Jesus are from the children of Israel.

Jesus and all the disciples of Jesus are Jewish.

Haman felt humiliation when one Jew refused to bow down to Haman because the Jews only bow down to Allah and so Haman wanted to destroy all the Jews.

The children of Israel do not believe that a human can be Allah because Allah was never born and Allah does not die and Allah is not a creation.

Worshipping a creation is called idol worship and it is forbidden by Allah in the Torah.

See Gospel of Luke 24:52 comments.

Quran 40:24 Koran 40:24 To Pharaoh Firon (the King of Egypt in 1847 – 1842 BH 1225 BCE – 1220 BCE 1225 BC – 1220 BC) and Haman (the Prime Minister of Persia in 1026 BH 404 BCE 404 BC through Mordecai who showed Haman the teachings of Prophet Moses Musa) and Korah Qarun (of the children of Israel in the Sinai Peninsula after the death of the Pharaoh Firon), but they (the Pharaoh Firon, Korah Qarun and Haman) said, “A (person who says that Allah is more important than us is a) fraud (a deceiver), a liar.”

(Note 1. In Quran 40:24 this story appears to bring Pharaoh (the King of Egypt) and Haman (the Prime Minister of Persia) and Korah (in Mount Sinai) together in one time and place to show that the Pharaoh (the King of Egypt) and Haman (the Prime Minister of Persia) and Korah (in Mount Sinai) are all among the arrogant but historically these people lived at different times and in different places so this story is told in a style that shows how Allah has punished the arrogant over a period of thousands of years from the time of the Pharaoh to the time of Korah to the time of Haman.

Quran 28:6 Koran 28:6 And to establish them (the children of Israel) on the earth, and to show the Pharaoh (the king of Egypt who wanted to destroy the Jewish people around 1847 – 1842 BH, 1225 BCE – 1220 BCE, 1225 BC – 1220 BC because the Jews prayed to Allah and not to the Pharaoh) and Haman (the Prime Minister to King Ahasuerus in Persia today Iran who wanted to destroy the Jewish people around 1026 BH, 404 BCE, 404 BC because one Jewish person refused to bow down and prostrate to Haman because the Jews bow down and prostrate only to Allah) and their soldiers what they (the Pharaoh and Haman) feared (in humiliation) from them (the children of Israel, because the Jews refused to believe that the Pharaoh and Haman were greater than Allah).

(Note 1. The children of Israel are threatened with death because the Jews believe that no one is greater than Allah.

Quran 28:8 Koran 28:8 And the family of the Pharaoh (the king of Egypt) took him up (from the River Nile) so that he (baby Moses) might become for them an enemy and a sorrow (for the Pharaoh and his soldiers as Allah had ordained). The Pharaoh (the king of Egypt around 1847 – 1842 BH, 1225 BCE – 1220 BCE, 1225 BC – 1220 BC wanted to destroy the Jewish people) and (like the Pharaoh), Haman (the Prime Minister to King Ahasuerus in Persia today Iran wanted to destroy the Jewish people around 1026 BH, 404 BCE, 404 BC) and their (the Pharaoh’s and Haman’s) soldiers were men of sin.

(Note 1. The children of Israel are threatened with death because the Jews are obedient to Allah above humans.

Quran 28:38 Koran 28:38 Pharaoh (the king of Egypt around 1847 – 1842 BH, 1225 BCE – 1220 BCE, 1225 BC – 1220 BC) said, "O Chiefs, I do not know of any Allah for you but myself so, light for me O Haman (the Prime Minister to King Ahasuerus in Persia today Iran around 1026 BH, 404 BCE, 404 BC a fire of disbelief in Allah with) the clay (bricks made in the furnace) and build me a tower so that I can have a look at the Allah of Prophet Moses but I think he (Prophet Moses) is lying."

(Note 1. The children of Israel do not believe that a human can be Allah because Allah was never born, Allah does not die and Allah is not a creation. Worshipping a creation is called idol worship.

Gospel of Luke 24:53 And throughout those days they were continually at the temple, praising Allah.

1. Explain Gospel of Luke 24:53.

Gospel of Luke 24:53 And throughout those days (after Jesus) they (the disciples of Jesus) were continually at the temple, praising Allah (the creator who created every creation).

2. The disciples of Jesus knew that Jesus is not Allah.

The three hundred and seventy fifth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did Allah send a prophet after Jesus?

Allah sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between Allah and Jesus.

The disciples of Jesus knew that Jesus is not Allah.

The disciples of Jesus and Jesus are all creations.

Allah is not a creation.

See Gospel of Luke 24:53 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:53 And throughout those days (after Jesus) they (the disciples of Jesus) were continually at the temple, praising Allah (the creator who created every creation).

3. What is the Temple?

The Temple is the second Temple in Jerusalem, Al-Quds in Judea today in Israel and Jerusalem.

4. Where is proof from Allah that the revelations of Prophet Muhammad are the truth?

The three hundred and seventy sixth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did Allah send a prophet after Jesus?

After decreeing the destruction of the second Temple of Allah on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Al-Quds Allah decreed to replace it with a Mosque on the Temple Mountain as a sign to those who believe in Allah that Prophet Muhammad is a prophet of Allah who was sent to correct the confusion between Allah and Jesus and the Holy Spirit and Trinity.

a. After the time of Jesus some Christians would mistakenly believe that Jesus was Allah.

Prophet Muhammad revealed to the Christians that Jesus is not Allah because Jesus is a human.

b. After the time of Jesus some Christians would mistakenly believe that the Holy Spirit was Allah.

Prophet Muhammad revealed to the Christians that the Holy Spirit is not Allah because the Holy Spirit is angel Gabriel.

c. After the time of Jesus some Christians invented Trinity to mistakenly explain that one Allah contains three.

Prophet Muhammad revealed to the Christians that Trinity is an error in human understanding because Allah is one Allah who is the creator of every creation. Allah created Jesus and the Holy Spirit and nothing that Allah creates can be Allah therefore Allah is the creator whereas Jesus and the Holy Spirit are creations they are not Allah.

d. After the time of Jesus some Jews would mistakenly deny that Jesus was a prophet of Allah.

Prophet Muhammad revealed to the Jews that Jesus is a prophet of Allah like all the prophets of Allah that came before Jesus.

See Gospel of Luke 24:53 comments.

INDEX of the Gospel of Luke.

See https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/the-377-signs-of-prophet-muhammad-in-the-gospel-of-luke

302-1. The 377 signs of Prophet Muhammad in the Gospel of Luke.


302-2. The Gospel of Luke chapters 1–2.


302-3. The Gospel of Luke chapters 3–6.


302-4. The Gospel of Luke chapters 7–8.


302-5. The Gospel of Luke chapter 9.


302-6. The Gospel of Luke chapters 10–11.


302-7. The Gospel of Luke chapters 12–15.


302-8. The Gospel of Luke chapters 16–18.


302-9. The Gospel of Luke chapters 19-21.


302-10. The Gospel of Luke chapters 22-23.


You are here: 302-11. The Gospel of Luke chapter 24.


Corrections and Questions are welcome and can be emailed to somaliahamradio@yahoo.com

The meaning of verses in the Quran and Tanakh and Gospel are on these websites.

The meaning of verses in the Koran and Torah and Injil are on these websites.

YOU ARE HERE Allah https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran

Allah index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/index

Allaah https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran

Allaah index https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran/index

God https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran

God index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/index

Q&A https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel

Q&A index https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel/index