Quran chapter 97 surah 97.

The angels and the Spirit (Quran 97:4 – 97:5).

What is the Spirit? Who is the Spirit?


4 June 2021 (1442 AH).


Quran chapter 97.

Quran surah 97.

Quran sura 97.

Koran chapter 97.

Koran surah 97.

Koran sura 97.

One night in the Islamic month of Ramadan called:

Night of decree.

Night of Destiny.

Night of Excellence.

Night of Fate.

Night of Honour.

Night of Majesty.

Night of Measures.

Night of Power.

Night of Power and Fate.

Night of Value.


Lailat ul-Qadr.

Lailatul Qadr'.


Laylat al-Qadr.

Laylatul Qadr.



See Quran 97:1 – 97:5

The angels and the Spirit.

Who is the Spirit?

What is the Spirit?

Who is the Holy Spirit?

What is the Holy Spirit?

See Quran 97:4 – 97:5

Information: The Quran chapter 97.

Order of Revelation: 25 (1 is the first revelation and 114 is the last revelation).

Place of Revelation: Mecca (Makkah, Arabia today Saudi Arabia).

Number of Verses: 5 verses.

The Quran.

Chapter 97

The Night of Decree (Al-Qadr).

English interpretations of the Quran.

The Quran Chapter 97 The Night of Decree (Al-Qadr, Qadr, Decree, Destiny, Fate, Power, The Majesty, The Night of Honour, The Night of Power) in English.

Chapter : Verse.

(Information in brackets is added to assist readers in the interpretation of the verse).

Quran 97:0 Koran 97:0 Verse 97:0 Ayah 97:0 Ayat 97:0 Aya 97:0 In the name of Allah, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.

Quran 97:1 Koran 97:1 Verse 97:1 Ayah 97:1 Ayat 97:1 Aya 97:1 We (Allah) revealed it (the first verses of the Quran to Prophet Muhammad) in the night of Power (the night of decree, Laylat al-Qadr).

Comment 1. The Quran.

Quran 44:3 Verse 44:3 We (Allah) revealed it (the Quran for the first time) on a blessed night (in the month of Ramadan on the night of decree Laylat al-Qadr when angels descend to do what Allah has decreed for the coming year). We (Allah) are always warning (the people to do the good and reject the evil).

See Quran 2:185, Quran 17106, Quran 25:32 and Quran 44:3.

Quran 97:2 Koran 97:2 Verse 97:2 Ayah 97:2 Ayat 97:2 Aya 97:2 What can explain to you what the night of decree is?

Quran 97:3 Koran 97:3 Verse 97:3 Ayah 97:3 Ayat 97:3 Aya 97:3 The night of decree (when the first verses of the Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad) is better (meaning, of more benefit to you) than a thousand months (83.3 years of a lifetime of ignorance without the guidance of Allah).

Comment 1. One night with Allah’s correct guidance is better than having 83.3 years of a lifetime without correct guidance from Allah.

Quran 97:4 Koran 97:4 Verse 97:4 Ayah 97:4 Ayat 97:4 Aya 97:4 (On one night in Ramadan called the Night of Power, Night of Decree, Night of Measures, Night of Excellence, Laylat al-Qadr, Shab-e-Qadr) the angels and the Spirit (al-ruh) descend therein (to the Earth) by the permission of their Lord (Allah), on every affair (task, duty to implement the destiny of individuals and nations as Allah decrees on this night, what Allah has decreed unrolls and reveals itself to the eye of humans over the coming year).

Comment 1. A Holy Spirit is the leader of the angels.

"The angels and the Spirit" are the angels and the Holy spirit Gabriel Jibril who stands in the presence of Allah.

1-1. The holy spirit Gabriel came to Prophet Daniel.

Daniel 4:14 (in Tanakh Jewish Scripture or Daniel 4:17 in a Christian Bible) The matter is (revealed to you King Nebuchadnezzar) by the decree of (Allah given to) the watchful ones (the angels), and by the word of the holy ones (meaning the holy watchers meaning the holy angels meaning the holy spirits who are called holy because they stand in the presence of Allah, the holy angels from Allah are the holy spirits from Allah called the Holy Spirits and these are the angels or the angel who make revelations from Allah directly to humans and through those holy angels or holy angel) is the edict (the decree of Allah revealed to you King Nebuchadnezzar) so that the living (like King Nebuchadnezzar) should know that the Most High (Allah) rules over the kingdom of man, and (Allah) gives it (the kingdom of man) to who ever He wishes, and sets over it (the kingdom of man) the lowest (humble) of men.

Note 1. All angels are called watchers because they never sleep.

Note 2. Angels who stand in the presence of Allah are called holy angels or holy spirits.

Note 3. One angel who stands in the presence of Allah is called the holy angel or the holy spirit meaning a holy angel from Allah or a holy spirit from Allah.

Note 4. The watchful holy ones means the holy angels from Allah meaning the holy spirits from Allah.

Note 5. The holy spirits of Allah bring the word of Allah to humans by the decree of Allah. They descend in the bodily form of a dove which humans can see with their eyes meaning humans can see one or more holy angels called holy spirits.

Daniel 8:16 And I (Prophet Daniel) heard the voice of a man in the midst of Ulai (river), who called, and said: 'Gabriel, make this man (Prophet Daniel) to understand the vision.'

Daniel 9:21 while I (Prophet Daniel) was speaking in prayer, the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning (in Daniel 8:16 in the form of a man now), came flying quickly to me (like a dove, a body with wings, in his true form as an angel which is the same thing that happened to Jesus in the Gospel of Mark 1:10, Gospel of Luke 3:22, Gospel of Matthew 3:16, Gospel of John 1:32), at the time of the evening offering.

Note 1. The Holy Spirit is angel Gabriel.

Note 2. The Holy Ghost is angel Gabriel.

Note 3. The holy watchful one is angel Gabriel.

1-2. The holy spirit Gabriel came to the Virgin Mary first in the form of a man in Gospel of Luke 1:19 like he came in the form of a man to Prophet Daniel in Daniel 8:16 and later he came to Mary in his true form as a dove in Gospel of Luke 1:35 meaning a body with wings as an angel like he later came flying to Prophet Daniel in Daniel 9:21.

Gospel of Luke 1:19 “…I am Gabriel, one who stands in the presence of Allah and I have been sent to speak to you …"

Note 1. Anything like land or angels who are in the presence of Allah are called holy for example holy land and holy spirit.

Gospel of Luke 1:35 And in answer the angel (the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel who came in the form of a man) said to her (the virgin Mary Maryam), "The Holy Spirit (the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel who will come in the form of a dove, a body with wings, an angel) will come upon you (to deliver to your womb a soul created by Allah for your son Jesus Isa), and the power of the Most High (Allah) will overshadow you (so that what Allah has decreed is fulfilled without failure). For this reason also, the one to be born will be called holy (the blessed), the Son of Allah (Son means servant, the Servant of Allah, the Slave of Allah, the prophet and messenger and messiah sent by Allah).

Note 1. Angel Gabriel in the form of a man first introduces himself to Mary so that when he returns later to deliver Jesus to her womb in his true form as an angel meaning a dove meaning a body with wings Mary will not fear him.

1-3. The holy spirit Gabriel who came to Prophet Daniel like a dove and also came to the Virgin Mary like a dove also later came to Jesus like a dove meaning a bird meaning a body with wings in his true form as an angel.

Gospel of Mark 1:10 And going up out of the water he (Jesus Isa) immediately saw the heavens opening, and the Spirit as a dove (a bird, a body with wings, an angel, angel Gabriel Jibril who stands in the presence of Allah in the Gospel of Luke 1:19 who came to Jesus Isa in the Gospel of Mark 1:10, Gospel of Luke 3:22, Gospel of Matthew 3:16, Gospel of John 1:32 like a dove meaning a bird, a body with wings, an angel. What stands in the presence of Allah is called Holy. This is why angel Gabriel Jibril is called the Holy Spirit in the same way as land in the presence of Allah is called Holy land or Holy ground. Angel Gabriel Jibril is called the Spirit and the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Allah in the Gospel of Mark 1:10 and the Gospel of John 1:32 where the dove is “the Spirit” meaning the angel and in the Gospel of Luke 3:22 where the dove is “the Holy Spirit” meaning the Holy angel and in the Gospel of Matthew 3:16 where the dove is “the Spirit of Allah” meaning the angel of Allah. Angel Gabriel in the form of a man came with news for Mary in the Gospel of Luke 1:35 and returned in his true form as “a dove,” a bird, a body with wings, an angel, the Holy Spirit in the form of an angel who stands in the presence of Allah and delivered the soul of Jesus to the womb of Mary and confirmed in Quran 2:97, Quran 16:102 and Quran 53:4 – 53:5) coming down to him (Jesus).

Comment 2. What did the Holy Spirit do for Prophet Daniel and the Virgin Mary and Prophet Jesus?

2-1. The Holy Spirit supports the messenger of Allah.

Quran 2:87 Verse 2:87 "... We (Allah) gave Prophet Jesus Isa the son of Mary Mariam clear signs (of his truthfulness) to show he was a messenger of Allah and supported him with the Holy Spirit. ..."

Quran 2:253 Verse 2:253 "... To (messenger and prophet) Jesus Isa the son of Mary Mariam We (Allah) gave clear (signs of his truthfulness) and supported him with the Holy Spirit (Angel Gabriel Jibril).

2-2. The Holy Spirit strengthens the faith of the messenger of Allah.

Quran 5:110 Verse 5:110 When Allah says, “O (Prophet) Jesus Isa, son of Mary Marium, remember My (Allah’s) favour to you and to your mother and how I (Allah) strengthened you with the Holy Spirit (Ruh al-Qudus) so that you spoke to humans (when you were only a baby) in the cradle and as an adult,

Quran 16:102 Verse 16:102 Say (Prophet Muhammad, to the people), “The Holy Spirit (Ruh Al-Qudus) has truly brought it (the revelations in the Quran) from your Lord (Allah), in order to strengthen (the faith of) those who believe and as a guidance and Good News to those that have submitted (to Allah, meaning those that believe in Allah).”

Comment 3. What does Angel Gabriel Jibril do?

3-1. Angel Gabriel Jibril revealed the word of Allah in the Quran to Prophet Muhammad.

Quran 2:97 Verse 2:97 Say (Prophet Muhammad, to the people), who is against (Angel) Gabriel Jibril?because it is he (Angel Gabriel Jibril) who has revealed this (Scripture, the Quran) to your heart (Prophet Muhammad) by Allah’s permission, confirming what was revealed before it (in the Gospel Injil and in the Torah Taurat), and as a guidance and good news for those who believe.

Quran 81:19 Verse 81:19 That this (Quran recited to Prophet Muhammad) is the word of an honourable messenger (angel Gabriel Jibril).

Quran 81:21 Verse 81:21 (The word from Allah conveyed by Angel Gabriel Jibril is) to be obeyed and (the word he conveys) is trustworthy (in the sight of Allah).

Quran 97:4 Verse 97:4 "... the angels and the Spirit (al-ruh) come down (to the creations under the first heaven, to the Earth) by Allah’s permission, on every errand (task, duty to implement the destiny of individuals and nations as Allah decrees on this night, what Allah has decreed unrolls and reveals itself to the eye of humans over the coming year).

3-2. Angel Gabriel Jibril delivered news to Mary when he was in the form of a man and later returned in his true form as a dove, a bird, meaning a body with wings meaning in his true form as an angel to put the soul of Jesus Isa into the body of the Virgin Mary.

Quran 19:21 Verse 19:21 He (Angel Gabriel Jibril) said, “So (it shall be that a son shall be created without a father).” Your Lord (Allah) said, “It is easy for Me (Allah, to do it, by Angel Gabriel Jibril breathing into you the command of Allah so that you shall become pregnant). And (it shall be) that We (Allah through Angel Gabriel Jibril) shall make of him (your son Prophet Jesus Isa) a sign (of the power of Allah) to people (because Jesus Isa shall be born without a father) and (as) a mercy from Us (Allah through Angel Gabriel Jibril to all that believe that Prophet Jesus Isa is a messenger from Allah), and it is a thing ordained (commanded by Allah).

See Gospel of Luke 1:19 in comment 1. 1-2 above.

Quran 21:91 Verse 21:91 And she (the virgin Mary Maryam) who was chaste (meaning, she never had sexual intercourse), We (Allah through His holy spirit angel Gabriel Jibril) blew (breathed) into her (body) Our (created) spirit (a spirit created by Allah, a soul created by Allah) and made her (Mary Maryam) and her son (Prophet Jesus Isa) as a sign (of Allah) for (all) the worlds (of humans and jinn because she had a son without sexual intercourse).

See Gospel of Luke 1:35 in comment 1. 1-2 above.

Comment 4. How does Allah send a spirit from Himself?

4-1. How is a spirit sent from Allah?

Quran 16:2 Verse 16:2 He (Allah) sends down the angels with the Spirit (The Spirit of inspiration, The Spirit of revelation, the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel Jibril) by His (Allah’s) command to whom He (Allah) pleases of His (Allah’s) servants (saying to those humans who are chosen as prophets and messengers), "Warn (humans) that there is no Allah but Me (Allah) so do your duty to Me (by praying only to the one Allah that created you)."

Quran 19:64 Verse 19:64 (Answering Prophet Muhammad’s wish that Angel Gabriel Jibril visit him more often, angel Gabriel Jibril replied), we (angels) do not descend (to the Earth) except by the order of your Lord (Allah). ..."

Quran 40:15 Verse 40:15 Raised high above any ranks (or any degrees, or any measure, or any evaluation, or of anything that exists), is the Lord (Allah) of the Throne (The Master controller of everything, owner of everything that is created), By His (Allah’s) command He (Allah) sends the Spirit (ar-ruh, of inspiration, of revelation, of His command) to any of His (Allah’s) servants as He (Allah) pleases so that it (whomever Allah sends the inspiration of Allah’s revelations, whomever Allah sends the inspiration of Allah’s command) may warn (humans) of the Day of Mutual Meeting (the Day of the meeting with Allah, The Day of Judgement, The Day of Allah’s Judgement).

4-2. The Holy Spirit ascend and decend together with the angels.

Quran 70:4 Verse 70:4 (The seven sleepers in Quran 18:19 and the death and resurrection of Prophet Ezra Uzair in Quran 2:259 teach that the time between death and resurrection feels like nothing but sleeping for less than one day and this is confirmed in Quran 20:103, 20:104, 23:113, 30:55, 46:35 and 79:46 which teach that both the righteous and the wrongdoer shall swear on the Day of Resurrection that death feels like nothing but a one hour sleep or ten hour sleep meaning sleeping in death for billions of years feels like closing and then opening your eyes. Everyone is returned to Allah and) the angels and the Spirit (the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel Jibril) ascend (go up) to Him (Allah) in a day the measure (duration) of which is (like) fifty thousand years (meaning after every human experienced billions of years in death as if it was only a very short one hour sleep or ten hour sleep humans will experience the Day of Resurrection and Judgement to feel like a very long day fifty thousand years long which in fact will be very short compared to eternity in the hereafter https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/hadith-punishment-in-the-grave ).

Comment 5. On the Day of Judgement the angels, the holy spirit, the humans, the human prophets and all the other creations will be judged by Allah.

Quran 78:38 Verse 78:38 The Day (of Judgement) when the Spirit (the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel Jibril) and the angels shall stand in rows and they shall not speak except for the one whom the most merciful (Allah) allows (to speak) and they (the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel Jibril and the other angels) shall say what is correct (the truth as Allah decreed).

Quran 18:48 Verse 18:48 And they (all humankind) shall be in front of your Lord (Allah) in rows (and Allah shall say), "Now you have come to Us (Allah) as We (Allah) first created you (all together as one community). But you did not (all) believe that We (Allah) had appointed a meeting for you (with Allah in the herafter)."

See. Who is the Holy Spirit.


Quran 97:5 Koran 97:5 Verse 97:5 Ayah 97:5 Ayat 97:5 Aya 97:5 Peace it is (decreed by Allah as the angels and the Spirit do their duties on the night of decree, working) until the appearance of the dawn.

Interpretations of the Quran (Al-Quran, Al Quran, Koran).

This is an interpretation of some of the meanings in the Quran.

This is not a perfect translation of the Quran because the Quran is in the Arabic language.

The Arabic language in the Quran must be understood as it was understood over 1400 years ago.

Allah guides who He wills to the correct understanding of the Quran.

In the English language the word Allah is God.

Allah (God) is the creator of the Jews, Christians, Muslims and everyone and everything that exists.

Islam and the Quran chapter (sura, surah, surat), chapters (suras, surahs), verse (ayaah, aya, ayah), verses (ayaas, ayaat, ayas, ayat), analysis, annotation, clarification, comment, commentary, elucidation, examination, explanation, foot note, interpretation, investigation, note, observation, remark, study, understanding, analyses, annotations, clarifications, comments, commentaries, elucidations, examinations, explanations, foot notes, interpretations, investigations, notes, observations, remarks, studies, understandings of Islam and the Quran (The Coran, Al-Coran, Al Coran, The Koran, Al-Koran, Al Koran, The Quran, Al Quran, Al-Quran, The Qur'an, Al-Qur'an, Al Qur'an, The Qur’ān, Al-Qur’ān, Al Qur’ān).

Corrections and questions are welcome and can be emailed to somaliahamradio@yahoo.com

The meaning of verses in the Quran and Tanakh and Gospel are on these websites.

The meaning of verses in the Koran and Torah and Injil are on these websites.

YOU ARE HERE Allah https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran

Allah index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/index

Allaah https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran

Allaah index https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran/index

God https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran

God index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/index

Q&A https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel

Q&A index https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel/index