Quran chapter 47 surah 47.

Why are wars today not Holy jihad wars for Allah? (Quran 47:20 comments).


15 May 2021 (1442 AH).


Quran chapter 47.

Quran surah 47.

Quran sura 47.

Koran chapter 47.  

Koran surah 47.

Koran sura 47.

Why are wars today not Holy jihad wars for Allah.

Why is war today not Holy jihad war for Allah.

Every time Muslims kill Muslims or non Muslims inside or near a monastery, church, synagogue or mosque it is proof of misguidance.

See Quran 47:20 comments.

Explain when you meet those who disbeleive then strike the necks in Quran 47:4

See Quran 47:4

A living prophet can ask Allah to forgive his sins and the sins of believers.

See Quran 47:19

Allah tests striving, patience and deeds.

See Quran 47:31.

Explain do not weaken and call for peace in Quran 47:37.

See Quran 47:37.

Information: The Quran chapter 47.

Order of Revelation: 95 (1 is the first revelation and 114 is the last revelation).

Place of Revelation: Medina (Madinah, Arabia today Saudi Arabia).

Number of Verses: 38 verses.

The Quran.

Chapter 47. 

Muhammad (Prophet Muhammad, Hazrat Muhammad, Hadhat Muhammad).

English interpretations of the Quran.

The Quran Chapter 47 Muhammad (Mahamad, Mohamed, Mohammed, Muhammed, Prophet Muhammad, Hazrat Muhammad, Hadhat Muhammad) in English. 

Chapter : Verse.

(Information in brackets is added to assist readers in the interpretation of the verse).

Quran 47:0 Koran 47:0 Verse 47:0 Ayah 47:0 Ayat 47:0 Aya 47:0 In the name of Allah, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.


Quran 47:1 Koran 47:1 Verse 47:1 Ayah 47:1 Ayat 47:1 Aya 47:1 Those (stone idol worshipers of Mecca Arabia today Makkah Saudi Arabia) who disbelieve (in Allah) and turn (people) away from Allah, He (Allah) shall cause their deeds to be useless (meaning, of no value towards the reward in the Hereafter).


Quran 47:2 Koran 47:2 Verse 47:2 Ayah 47:2 Ayat 47:2 Aya 47:2 And those who believe (in Allah) and do good deeds and believe what is revealed to Prophet Muhammad (in the Quran) and that it is the truth from their Lord (Allah) then He (Allah) shall remove their sins and improve their condition (on the Day of Judgement in the hereafter).

Quran 47:3 Koran 47:3 Verse 47:3 Ayah 47:3 Ayat 47:3 Aya 47:3 That is because those who disbelieve (in Allah) follow falsehood (of stone idol worship) and because those who believe (in Allah) follow the truth from their Lord (Allah). Allah gives to the people their examples (in the Quran meaning the example of disbelieving people and believing people as guidance for doing what is good and avoiding what is bad). 

Quran 47:4 Koran 47:4 Verse 47:4 Ayah 47:4 Ayat 47:4 Aya 47:4 When you meet (in the field of battle) those who disbelieve (meaning the stone idol worshippers of Makkah) then strike the necks (meaning slay them, fight them, battle with them meaning fighting people who are fighting you. It is illegal to kill people who are not fighting such as people who are in places of worship in Quran 2:114 and Quran 22:40. Fight in the Quran never means fight people who are not fighting you and fight in the Quran never means fighting civilians and fight in the Quran never means fighting innocent people and fight in the Quran never means fighting unarmed children or unarmed women or unarmed men who are not fighting you and fight in the Quran never means fighting people only because of their nationality or only because of their religion and fight in the Quran never means fighting people who do not wish to fight you or who surrender to you and fight in the Quran never means fighting people with whom you have a peace treaty unless the peace treaty has been violated and cancelled) until they are subdued (in the battle), then (take captives and) tie them securely, and afterwards either make a favour (by freeing them with no conditions) or ransoming (them) when the war ends (prisoner exchange). That (is the command of Allah). And if Allah had willed, He (Allah) could have taken vengeance on them (Himself), but (Allah decreed) to test some of you by means of others. And those who are killed in the cause of Allah He (Allah) shall not waste their deeds. (This verse was revealed 1,400 years ago when there were no guns. In battle people used swords to fight and the most vulnerable part of the body was the neck in the same way that today those that use guns are trained to shoot at the body which is the biggest and therefore the easiest target. 1,400 years ago it was the Army that was well trained in the use of the sword that could better survive hand to hand close combat during a battle in the field. See Quran 9:5 comments in Quran chapter 9). 

Comment 1. Explain Quran 47:4 and the killing of disbelievers.

Those who do not understand that the Quran has verses of history that include history about fighting translate the Quran as if those commands are for me and you to fight today. 

No those are not commands for me and you to fight today.

They are commands given by Allah to Prophet Muhammad addressed to those people who lived in the time of the prophet 1400 years ago.

We need to know that the verses about fighting are connected to issues that occurred in history.

See Quran 9:5 comments in Quran chapter 9. 

Quran 47:5 Koran 47:5 Verse 47:5 Ayah 47:5 Ayat 47:5 Aya 47:5 He (Allah) shall guide them and improve their condition (in the hereafter).


Quran 47:6 Koran 47:6 Verse 47:6 Ayah 47:6 Ayat 47:6 Aya 47:6 And bring them to the Garden (of Paradise) which He (Allah) has promised to them.


Quran 47:7 Koran 47:7 Verse 47:7 Ayah 47:7 Ayat 47:7 Aya 47:7 All you who believe (in Allah), If you support Allah then He (Allah) shall support you and shall make your feet steadfast.


Quran 47:8 Koran 47:8 Verse 47:8 Ayah 47:8 Ayat 47:8 Aya 47:8 And those who disbelieve (meaning the stone idol worshippers), for them is misfortune (in the hereafter) and He (Allah) shall make their deeds to be useless (meaning, of no value towards the reward in the Hereafter).


Quran 47:9 Koran 47:9 Verse 47:9 Ayah 47:9 Ayat 47:9 Aya 47:9 That is because they dislike what Allah has revealed and so He (Allah) makes their deeds worthless (meaning, of no value towards the reward in the Hereafter).


Quran 47:10 Koran 47:10 Verse 47:10 Ayah 47:10 Ayat 47:10 Aya 47:10 Have they not travelled in the land to see the nature of the consequence for those who were before them? Allah destroyed them. And for the disbelievers (the stone idol worshippers who fight to destroy the religion of Allah) there shall be something similar.


Quran 47:11 Koran 47:11 Verse 47:11 Ayah 47:11 Ayat 47:11 Aya 47:11 That is because Allah is the protector of those who believe and because the disbelievers (the stone idol worshippers who persecute Muslims in their effort to destroy the religion of Allah) have no protector.


Quran 47:12 Koran 47:12 Verse 47:12 Ayah 47:12 Ayat 47:12 Aya 47:12 Allah shall admit those who believe and do good deeds to Gardens (of Paradise) beneath which rivers flow but those (the stone idol worshippers) who disbelieve (in Allah) take their comfort in this life and eat (on the earth) as the cattle (also) eat (on the earth) and (in the Hereafter) they shall live in the (Hell) Fire (of Allah’s punishment).

Comment 1. Quran 17:60 Verse 17:60 “.... We (Allah) warn (people to do what is good and avoid what is evil) and make them afraid (of Allah by describing the home for evil doers in Hell Fire in the Hereafter) but it only increases them (some of the humans) in nothing but greater disobedience against Allah (and the commandment to do what is good and avoid what is evil). 


Quran 47:13 Koran 47:13 Verse 47:13 Ayah 47:13 Ayat 47:13 Aya 47:13 And (Prophet Muhammad) how many towns were stronger than your town (of stone idol worshipers in Mecca Makkah) which drove you out, have We (Allah) destroyed (for their sins)? And they had no helper (against Allah’s punishment).

Quran 47:14 Koran 47:14 Verse 47:14 Ayah 47:14 Ayat 47:14 Aya 47:14 Is the person who is on a (path of) clear revelation from his Lord (Allah) the same (in their righteousness behaviour) as the person for whom evil deeds have been made attractive and so they follow their own desires? 

Quran 47:15 Koran 47:15 Verse 47:15 Ayah 47:15 Ayat 47:15 Aya 47:15 Is the example of the righteous who are promised Paradise in which there is fresh water (that always tastes delicious) and rivers of milk whose (delicious) flavor does not change and rivers of wine which is delicious to the drinkers, and (where there are) rivers of pure honey, and in there is every kind of (delicious) fruit and (in there is) forgiveness from their Lord (Allah). (Are those righteous people) the same (in their righteousness behaviour) as those (wrongdoing people) who shall live forever in the (Hell) Fire (of Allah’s punishment who are) given to drink boiling water that tears at their stomach?

Comment 1. Quran 17:60 Verse 17:60 “.... We (Allah) warn (people to do what is good and avoid what is evil) and make them afraid (of Allah by describing the home for evil doers in Hell Fire in the Hereafter) but it only increases them (some of the humans) in nothing but greater disobedience against Allah (and the commandment to do what is good and avoid what is evil). 

See Quran 47:14 comments.


Quran 47:16 Koran 47:16 Verse 47:16 Ayah 47:16 Ayat 47:16 Aya 47:16 Some among those (people) who listen to you (Prophet Muhammad) when they leave you they go to those who understand (the revelations and they ask), “What did he (Prophet Muhammad) just say? (meaning they listened to the prophet but they could not understand what the prophet said)” They are the ones whose hearts have been sealed by Allah (so that they cannot understand what they hear) because they follow their own desires (without a fear of Allah and without a desire to please Allah so they have lost Allah’s guidance in understanding Allah’s revelations) -

Comment 1. See Quran 47:17 and Quran 47:22-47:30.

Quran 47:17 Koran 47:17 Verse 47:17 Ayah 47:17 Ayat 47:17 Aya 47:17 - But those who are guided (by Allah), He (Allah) increases their guidance and gives them their righteousness (because they fear Allah and they want to please Allah). 

Comment 1. See Quran 47:16 and Quran 47:22-47:30.

Quran 47:18 Koran 47:18 Verse 47:18 Ayah 47:18 Ayat 47:18 Aya 47:18 Do they (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) only wait for the Hour (of the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) to come to them unexpectedly? Already the signs have come (to them in the Quran). How (when the hour comes) to them (will their remembrance of Allah help them) when their reminder (in the Quran) has come to them (and they rejected it). 


Quran 47:19 Koran 47:19 Verse 47:19 Ayah 47:19 Ayat 47:19 Aya 47:19 So know (Prophet Muhammad) that there is no Allah except Allah, and ask forgiveness for your sin and for (the forgiveness of the sins of) believing men and believing women. Allah knows the places where you move about and the places where you stay (Allah knows everything about you).

Comment 1. A living prophet can ask Allah to forgive his sins and the sins of believers.

Today there are no prophets meaning each person today must ask Allah for forgiveness.

Quran 47:20 Koran 47:20 Verse 47:20 Ayah 47:20 Ayat 47:20 Aya 47:20 Those who believe say, "Why is not a surah (a chapter containing a revelation) sent down (in the Quran to us from Allah to allow Muslims to fight against the persecution of Muslims by the stone idol worshippers of Mecca Makkah who kill and torture Muslims only because Muslims have abandoned stone idol worship and say our Lord is Allah)?” But when a decisive surah (a chapter containing a revelation) is sent down (in the Quran), and fighting (not for personal interest but as ordered by Allah against the stone idol worshippers of Mecca Arabia today Makkah Saudi Arabia) is mentioned in it (in a chapter in the Quran), you shall see in those in whose hearts is a disease (of hypocrisy) looking at you (Prophet Muhammad) as if they are about to faint because of the fear of death. But it would be better for them (to obey Allah with) – 

Comment 1. Those who do not understand that the Quran has verses of history that include history about fighting translate the Quran as if those commands are for me and you to fight today. 

No those are not commands for me and you to fight today.

They are commands given by Allah to Prophet Muhammad addressed to those people who lived in the time of the prophet 1400 years ago.

We need to know that the verses about fighting are connected to issues that occurred in history.

Comment 2. Quran chapter 9 are instructions from Allah to Prophet Muhammad of the Holy jihad war directed by Allah which was achieved without fighting when the Holy prophet of Allah entered Makkah in the victory of Allah. 

This victory of Allah which was successfully completed 1400 years ago removed the persecution by stone idol worshippers of their people if they abandoned stone idol worship for the worship of Allah.

See Quran 9:5 comments in Quran chapter 9. 

Comment 3. Do not follow your opinion but wait for instructions and follow the orders of Prophet Muhammad (Quran 49:1).

The Quran contains commands from Allah about specific historical events which occurred 1400 years ago revealed by a living prophet to people who lived in the time of Prophet Muhammad.

The only war that was conducted with the guidance of Allah were the holy jihad wars conducted in the time of the prophets and their close companions.

If you wait for instructions and follow the orders of Prophet Muhammad then you are following the desire of Allah.

If you do not wait for instructions and orders of Prophet Muhammad then you are following your opinion and not the desire of Allah.

See Why should you not follow your opinion but wait for instructions and follow the orders of Prophet Muhammad? in Quran 49:1 comments in Quran chapter 49.

Comment 4. If Prophet Muhammad followed the desires of Muslims in many matters then Muslims would have been in difficulties 1400 years ago (Quran 49:7).

If the Muslims who lived in the time of the prophet would have been in difficulties by following their opinions in many matters then how much more difficulties could Muslims expect to see after the death of Prophet Muhammad?

See Quran 49:7 in Quran chapter 49.

Comment 5. Why is Holy war Holy?

A Holy war is Holy because only a prophet of Allah knows the difference between human desire and the command of Allah.

Quran 48:20 comments in Quran chapter 48 explains why only a prophet of Allah truly knows the will of Allah.

Comment 6. Why is war today not Holy jihad war for Allah?

Why are wars today not Holy jihad wars for Allah?

Whatever is in the presence of Allah is called Holy.

A prophet is in the presence of Allah meaning he is a Holy prophet.

War commanded by Allah and the Prophet of Allah is a Holy jihad war.

The only Holy jihad war that was conducted with the guidance of Allah were the Holy jihad wars conducted in the time of the prophets and their close companions.

Today there are no Holy jihad wars because all wars today are directed by humans and are not directed by Allah through a living prophet of Allah. 

War today is not Holy jihad war for Allah but is war only for humans because wars today are directed by humans without the daily guidance of Allah through a living prophet of Allah.

Comment 7. Why is fighting today not in the cause of Allah?

Bombing wherever there are crowds of people where innocent people are killed is a sin and therefore is not for the sake of Allah. (Quran 48:25)

The sin of killing innocent people.

The wrong of killing one innocent person in a crowd.

Whoever kills a person it is as if that person killed all of humankind (Quran 5:32).

Whoever saves a life it is as if that person has saved all of humankind (Quran 5:32).

If humans use bombs to go over the limits of the law of Allah that would not allow the believers in Allah to copy the evil that other humans did and then say they did that evil for the sake of Allah.

When a deed is done for the sake of Allah it becomes a sin if innocent people are harmed by that deed intentionally or unintentionally when it is caused by your human decision and your human action.

See Quran 48:25 comments in Quran chapter 48.

Comment 8. Today war is called war. 

Only in the time of the prophets were there daily revelations from Allah which allowed a war to be called a Holy war meaning a war under the direction of Allah as revealed through a living prophet of Allah.

Every time Muslims kill Muslims or non Muslims inside or near a monastery, church, synagogue or mosque it is proof of misguidance.

See Allah ordered protection for every monastery, church, synagogue and mosque in Quran 22:40 comment in Quran chapter 22. 

Comment 9. The way of religion is forgiveness.

See Quran 47:35 comments.

Quran 47:21 Koran 47:21 Verse 47:21 Ayah 47:21 Ayat 47:21 Aya 47:21 - Obedience and good words. When a matter (such as Allah’s command to fight against the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) has been determined (by revelation) it is best for them to be true (in obeying the oath of obediance which they made) to Allah (by following what Allah has revealed to them).


Quran 47:22 Koran 47:22 Verse 47:22 Ayah 47:22 Ayat 47:22 Aya 47:22 Would you (the hypocrites) like to turn back (to stone idol worship) and misbehave in the land and break your relationship (with those who are guided and return to the old ways of misguidance)?

Comment 1. See Quran 47:16-47:17 and Quran 47:22-47:30.


Quran 47:23 Koran 47:23 Verse 47:23 Ayah 47:23 Ayat 47:23 Aya 47:23 It is such people whom Allah curses (with the misfortune of losing Allah’s guidance) so that He (Allah) made them deaf (so that they cannot hear the truth of Allah’s revelations) and blinds their vision (so they cannot be guided on the correct path by Allah’s revelations).

Quran 47:24 Koran 47:24 Verse 47:24 Ayah 47:24 Ayat 47:24 Aya 47:24 Do they not think about (what is revealed by Allah in) the Quran (and of the truths it contains) or are their hearts locked (by Allah so that they are unable to understand what Allah has revealed)? 

Quran 47:25 Koran 47:25 Verse 47:25 Ayah 47:25 Ayat 47:25 Aya 47:25 Those (hypocrites) who turn back (to their old disbelief in Allah) after the guidance (of Allah) has been made clear to them have been persuaded by Satan Shaitan who gives them false hopes (of a long rewarding life on the earth). 

Quran 47:26 Koran 47:26 Verse 47:26 Ayah 47:26 Ayat 47:26 Aya 47:26 That is because they (the devils shaitans) say to those (hypocrites) who dislike what Allah has revealed (through Prophet Muhammad), “We (the devils shaitans) shall obey you (the hypocrites) in part of this matter (which you dislike so ignore Allah’s command by following the advice of the devils shaitans)” and Allah knows their secret talk. 

Quran 47:27 Koran 47:27 Verse 47:27 Ayah 47:27 Ayat 47:27 Aya 47:27 How (shall it be for those who disbelieved) when the angels take them at death and strike their faces and their backs (to violently remove their unwilling soul from their body at the time of death as explained in Quran 79:1)?  

Quran 47:28 Koran 47:28 Verse 47:28 Ayah 47:28 Ayat 47:28 Aya 47:28 That shall be because they followed what angered Allah and disliked what pleased Him (Allah). So He (Allah) made their deeds useless (meaning, of no value towards the reward in the Hereafter). 

Quran 47:29 Koran 47:29 Verse 47:29 Ayah 47:29 Ayat 47:29 Aya 47:29 Or do those in whose hearts is a disease (of hypocrisy by saying, “I believe in Allah,” but they really disbelieve) think that Allah shall not bring to light their (secret) dislike (of Allah)? 

Quran 47:30 Koran 47:30 Verse 47:30 Ayah 47:30 Ayat 47:30 Aya 47:30 If We (Allah) willed then We (Allah) could have shown them (the hypocrites who say, “I believe in Allah,” but they really disbelieve) to you (Prophet Muhammad), and you would known them by their marks (on their faces if Allah willed) but you shall certainly know them by the tone of their speech. And Allah knows all your deeds. 

Comment 1. Quran 68:16 Verse 68:16 We (Allah) shall brand such a person (for their arrogance with a mark) on their nose (as a sign of their disgrace in the Hereafter).

See Quran 47:16-47:17 and Quran 47:22-47:30.

Quran 47:31 Koran 47:31 Verse 47:31 Ayah 47:31 Ayat 47:31 Aya 47:31 And We (Allah) shall test you to show those of you who strive hard (in the cause of Allah) and (to show who are) the patient and to test your deeds.

Quran 47:32 Koran 47:32 Verse 47:32 Ayah 47:32 Ayat 47:32 Aya 47:32 Those who disbelieve (in Allah) and prevent (people) from the path of Allah and oppose the messenger (of Allah) after guidance had become clear to them, can not harm Allah and He (Allah) shall make their deeds useless (meaning, of no value towards the reward in the Hereafter).


Quran 47:33 Koran 47:33 Verse 47:33 Ayah 47:33 Ayat 47:33 Aya 47:33 All you who believe, Obey Allah and obey the messenger (of Allah) and do not make your deeds useless (meaning, of no value towards the reward in the Hereafter, by wrong doing).


Quran 47:34 Koran 47:34 Verse 47:34 Ayah 47:34 Ayat 47:34 Aya 47:34 Those who disbelieve and prevent (people) from the path of Allah and then die while they are disbelievers shall not be forgiven by Allah.


Quran 47:35 Koran 47:35 Verse 47:35 Ayah 47:35 Ayat 47:35 Aya 47:35 So do not weaken and call for peace (when the battle becomes difficult) you will gain the upper hand because Allah is with you and He (Allah) shall not fail (to reward) your (good) deeds. 

Comment 1. See Quran 47:20 comments explaining that this is a command given by Allah at a certain time and in a certain situation and the proof is that if this commandment was for all time then Muslims would have never lost a battle meaning this revelation was given to the prophet at a specific time for a specific situation which is now in the past.

Under the guidance of Allah the mission of Prophet Muhammad was successfully completed in Makkah without fighting..

The stone idol worshippers of Makkah did not fight the Muslim Army when it came to Makkah and the people of Makkah were told by Prophet Muhammad "you are free of harm from us."

Quran 4:114 Verse 4:114 There is no good in most of their (the people’s) private conversation except in the person who calls for charity, kindness and peace making between humans, he (the person) who does this (charity, kindness and peace making between humans) and seeks the approval of Allah, We (Allah) shall give them a great reward (in Paradise Jannah in the Hereafter).

Comment 1. What is the benefit of you forgiving anyone?

Allah forgives you if you forgive others (Quran 39:53, Quran 42:43, Quran 45:14 and Quran 64:14).

Love your neighbour (Quran 42:43).

Love your enemy (Quran 41:34 – 41:36, Quran 42:43 and Quran 60:7).

Forgive your enemy (Quran 41:34 – 41:36 and Quran 42:43. Allah will forgive even those who mocked Prophet Muhammad and those who plotted to kill Prophet Muhammad if they repent and ask Allah for forgiveness in Quran 8:30 – 8:33).

Forgive your neighbour (Quran 42:43).

Forgive disbelievers (Quran 45:14).

Forgive believers (Quran 49:10).

Forgive Jews (Quran 5:13).

Forgive the killer (Quran 5:45 and Quran 85:10).

Exploding bombs in crowds is forbidden by Allah (Quran 48:25).

Fighting today is not in the cause of Allah (Quran 48:25 comments).

If you pardon what people have done and overlook the faults of people and forgive people then Allah is forgiving and merciful to you (Quran 39:53, Quran 42:43, Quran 45:14 and Quran 64:14).

Quran 47:36 Koran 47:36 Verse 47:36 Ayah 47:36 Ayat 47:36 Aya 47:36 The life of this world is only amusement and diversion and if you believe and fear Allah then he (Allah) shall give you your rewards without asking you for your wealth (because those who love Allah do not need to be asked to spend in the cause of Allah in their doing of righteous deeds).


Quran 47:37 Koran 47:37 Verse 47:37 Ayah 47:37 Ayat 47:37 Aya 47:37 If He (Allah) were to ask you (the hypocrite) for them (your wealth) and urge you (to give them), you would hold back (some wealth that you want to keep for yourself) and He (Allah) would show your dislike (for Allah). 

Comment 1. Quran 47:29 Verse 47:29 Or do those in whose hearts is a disease (of hypocrisy say, “I believe in Allah,” but they really disbelieve) think that Allah shall not bring to light their (secret) dislike (of Allah)?


Quran 47:38 Koran 47:38 Verse 47:38 Ayah 47:38 Ayat 47:38 Aya 47:38 You are those (the believers in Allah) who are called to spend in the way of Allah but among you are some who hold back (giving charity because of greed). And as for those who hold back (from giving charity), they hold back (reward) only to their own soul. And Allah is free of need but you are the needy. And if you turn away (from striving in the path of Allah) then He (Allah) shall replace you with another people and they shall not be (disobedient) like you.

Interpretations of the Quran (Al-Quran, Al Quran, Koran).

This is an interpretation of some of the meanings in the Quran.

This is not a perfect translation of the Quran because the Quran is in the Arabic language.

The Arabic language in the Quran must be understood as it was understood over 1400 years ago.

Allah guides who He wills to the correct understanding of the Quran.

In the English language the word Allah is God.

Allah (God) is the creator of the Jews, Christians, Muslims and everyone and everything that exists.

Islam and the Quran chapter (sura, surah, surat), chapters (suras, surahs), verse (ayaah, aya, ayah), verses (ayaas, ayaat, ayas, ayat), analysis, annotation, clarification, comment, commentary, elucidation, examination, explanation, foot note, interpretation, investigation, note, observation, remark, study, understanding, analyses, annotations, clarifications, comments, commentaries, elucidations, examinations, explanations, foot notes, interpretations, investigations, notes, observations, remarks, studies, understandings of Islam and the Quran (The Coran, Al-Coran, Al Coran, The Koran, Al-Koran, Al Koran, The Quran, Al Quran, Al-Quran, The Qur'an, Al-Qur'an, Al Qur'an, The Qur’ān, Al-Qur’ān, Al Qur’ān).

Corrections and questions are welcome and can be emailed to somaliahamradio@yahoo.com 

The meaning of verses in the Quran and Tanakh and Gospel are on these websites.

The meaning of verses in the Koran and Torah and Injil are on these websites. 

YOU ARE HERE Allah https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran

Allah index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/index  

Allaah https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran

Allaah index https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran/index  

God https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran

God index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/index  

Q&A https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel

Q&A index https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel/index