Quran chapter 33 surah 33.

Prophet Muhammad is the seal of the prophets (Quran 33:40).

When something is sealed it is closed.

Jesus is a prophet wherever he may be.

If Jesus returned to this earth then Jesus would be the seal of the prophets which is impossible because it would contradict the Quran meaning the story about Jesus returning to this earth was invented after the death of Prophet Muhammad in the same way as the story that Jesus is Allah was invented after the death of Prophet Jesus Isa.

There is nothing in the Quran about Jesus returning to this earth or the Mahdi or the Dajjal meaning these stories were invented by people who made a living telling stories or told by people who were deceived to believe false stories which contradict the teachings of Allah in the Quran.

The Jews of Banu Qurayza and the claim in hadith stories that 600 to 900 Jews were killed (see Quran 33:26 comments).


2 May 2021 (1442 AH).


Quran chapter 33.

Quran surah 33.

Quran sura 33.

Koran chapter 33.

Koran surah 33.

Koran sura 33.


Prophet Muhammad is the seal of the prophets.

Hadhrat Muhammad is the seal of the prophets.

Hadrat Muhammad is the seal of the prophets.

Hajarat Muhammad is the seal of the prophets.

Hajrat Muhammad is the seal of the prophets.

Hazarat Muhammad is the seal of the prophets.

Hazrat Muhammad is the seal of the prophets.

Hazrate Muhammad is the seal of the prophets.

Prophet Muhammad is the last of the prophets.

Hadhrat Muhammad is the last of the prophets.

Hadrat Muhammad is the last of the prophets.

Hajarat Muhammad is the last of the prophets.

Hajrat Muhammad is the last of the prophets.

Hazarat Muhammad is the last of the prophets.

Hazrat Muhammad is the last of the prophets.

Hazrate Muhammad is the last of the prophets.

See Quran 33:40 comments.


Noah had three sons.

Prophet Noah had three sons.

Prophet Noaah had three sons.

Prophet Noe had three sons.

Prophet Noeh had three sons.

Prophet Noh had three sons.

Prophet Noha had three sons.

Prophet Nooh had three sons.

Prophet Nouh had three sons.

Prophet Nowa had three sons.

Prophet Nowah had three sons.

Prophet Noyach had three sons.

Prophet Nuh had three sons.

Prophet Nuha had three sons.

Prophet Nuuh had three sons.

Hadhrat Nuh had three sons.

Hadrat Nuh had three sons.

Hajarat Nuh had three sons.

Hajrat Nuh had three sons.

Hajrat Nuha had three sons.

Hajrat Nuuh had three sons.

Hazarat Nuh had three sons.

Hazrat Nuh had three sons.

Hazrate Nuh had three sons.

Nabi Nuh had three sons.

See Quran 33:4 comment.


The tribe of Banu Qurayza.

The tribe of Banu Koreiza.

The tribe of Banu Quraiza.

The tribe of Banu Quraytha.

The tribe of Banu Qurayzah.

The tribe of Bani Qurayza.

The tribe of Bani Koreiza.

The tribe of Bani Quraiza.

The tribe of Bani Quraytha.

The tribe of Bani Qurayzah.

The Jews of Banu Qurayza.

The Jews of Banu Koreiza.

The Jews of Banu Quraiza.

The Jews of Banu Quraytha.

The Jews of Banu Qurayzah.

The Jews of Bani Qurayza.

The Jews of Bani Koreiza.

The Jews of Bani Quraiza.

The Jews of Bani Quraytha.

The Jews of Bani Qurayzah.

What happened to the Jews of Banu Qurayza?

What happened to the Jews of Banu Koreiza?

What happened to the Jews of Banu Quraiza?

What happened to the Jews of Banu Quraytha?

What happened to the Jews of Banu Qurayzah?

What happened to the Jews of Bani Qurayza?

What happened to the Jews of Bani Koreiza?

What happened to the Jews of Bani Quraiza?

What happened to the Jews of Bani Quraytha?

What happened to the Jews of Bani Qurayzah?

See Quran 33:26 comments.

The treachery of Banu Qurayza towards the Prophet of Allah during a time of war.

It is Satan Shaitan who whispers doubt so that people misunderstand the meaning of what is in Allah’s Holy Books in Satan’s war against Allah.

The care of Prisoners of War.

See Quran 33:26 – 33:27


How are Jews and Muslims brothers?

How are Arabs and Hebrews brothers?

Inheriting land.

Land belongs to Allah..

The Earth belongs to Allah.

To whom does Allah give land?.

Today Allah has decreed that the Holy Land known as Israel and Palestine is the home of the descendants of the brothers Isaac Ishaq and Ishmael Ismail.

Why does Allah give people land?

See Quran 33:27 comments.


Prophet Muhammad is like a lamp..

See Quran 33:46


When is the hour?

When is the time?

When is the hour of the Day of Resurrection?

When is the time of the Day of Resurrection?

Who knows the hour?

Who knows the time?

Who knows the hour of the Day of Resurrection?

Who knows the time of the Day of Resurrection?

See Quran 33:63 comments.




Information: The Quran chapter 33.

Order of Revelation: 90 (1 is the first revelation and 114 is the last revelation).

Place of Revelation: Medina (Madinah, Arabia today Saudi Arabia).

Number of Verses: 73 verses.

The Quran.

Chapter 33. 

The Combined Forces (Al-Ahzab).

English interpretations of the Quran.

The Quran Chapter 33 The Combined Forces (Al-Ahzab, 'Ahzab, The Allies, The battle of al-Ahzab, The battle of al-Khandaq, The battle of the Trench, The Clans, The Coalition, The Companies, The Confederates, The Parties, Worship) in English. 

Chapter : Verse.

(Information in brackets is added to assist readers in the interpretation of the verse).

Quran 33:0 Koran 33:0 Verse 33:0 Ayah 33:0 Ayat 33:0 Aya 33:0 In the name of Allah, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.


Quran 33:1 Koran 33:1 Verse 33:1 Ayah 33:1 Ayat 33:1 Aya 33:1 Prophet (Muhammad), Keep your duty to Allah and do not follow the (advice of the) disbelievers (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) and the hypocrites (those who say they believe in Allah but they do not believe in Allah). Allah knows all things and is wise.


Quran 33:2 Koran 33:2 Verse 33:2 Ayah 33:2 Ayat 33:2 Aya 33:2 Instead follow what is revealed to you (Prophet Muhammad) from your Lord (Allah). Allah is aware of what you do.


Quran 33:3 Koran 33:3 Verse 33:3 Ayah 33:3 Ayat 33:3 Aya 33:3 And put your trust in Allah because Allah decides the outcome of all affairs.


Quran 33:4 Koran 33:4 Verse 33:4 Ayah 33:4 Ayat 33:4 Aya 33:4 Allah has not put two hearts inside the body of any man (notice how it is possible for women to have two or more hearts when they are pregnant with two or more children). And He (Allah) has not made your wives your mother whom you say is (like your mother and therefore) unlawful (to you whenever you desire to divorce your wife). And He (Allah) has not made your adopted sons (whom you say are your sons) your real sons (because they are not related to you by blood). These are only words from your mouths. But Allah says the truth and He (Allah) shows the (correct) way (of understanding). 

Comment 1. Quran 33:4 shows how people say when they adopt a son, “he is my son” when he is not really their son who is related to them by blood.


1a. Prophet Noah Nuh, had 3 sons: Ham (Cham), Shem (Sam, Sem meaning “prosperity”) and Japheth (Yafet, Yafes, Yafeth bin Nuh). 

Canaan (Kenan) was the son of Ham.


Quran 11:45 Verse 11:45 And Prophet Noah Nuh called to his Lord (Allah) and said, “My Lord (Allah) surely my boy is of my family and Your (Allah’s) promise is surely true (that Allah shall save my family) and You (Allah) are the most just of all judges.”


Quran 11:46 Verse 11:46 He (Allah) said, “Prophet Noah Nuh, he (who you called “my son”) is not of your family ..." 


Quran 33:5 Koran 33:5 Verse 33:5 Ayah 33:5 Ayat 33:5 Aya 33:5 Call them (the children in your care that you have adopted) by (the names of) their fathers, that is more just with Allah. But if you do not know their father's (names) then they are still your brothers in religion and in your care. There is no sin on you if you made a mistake in that except in regard to what (sin) you deliberately intended. Allah is forgiving (of your mistakes when you ask for forgiveness and make amends because Allah is the) most merciful.


Quran 33:6 Koran 33:6 Verse 33:6 Ayah 33:6 Ayat 33:6 Aya 33:6 The Prophet (Muhammad) is closer to the believers (in concern for them in this world and in the hereafter) than their own selves, and his wives are their mothers (meaning the wives of Prophet Muhammad can never remarry after the death of the prophet so talk to his wives behind the barrier which is created psychologically in the mind by regarding the wives of Prophet Muhammad as your mothers meaning by understanding that you can never be married to them). In the decree of Allah relatives have a greater right on one another (in inheritance) than to other believers (who are not related to them in Yathrib) and the emigrants (who fled Makkah to Yathrib). However you may do any good that you wish to your friends (in a will). This is written in the Book (of Decrees, the Preserved Tablet).

Comment 1. If no one is "your mother" except the one who gave birth to you in Quran 58:2 because it is a bad word and a lie then how is calling the wives of the prophet "the mother" of the believers not also a bad word and a lie in Quran 33:6?”  

See Quran 58:2 comments in Quran chapter 58.

Quran 33:7 Koran 33:7 Verse 33:7 Ayah 33:7 Ayat 33:7 Aya 33:7 And mention (Prophet Muhammad) when We (Allah) took from the prophets their covenant (their agreement to give the message of Allah to the people) and from you (Prophet Muhammad) and from Prophet Noah Nuh and Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and Prophet Moses Musa and Prophet Jesus Isa the son of Mary (Maryam) We (Allah) took their solemn covenant (to give the message of Allah to the people).

Comment 1. Quran 3:81 Verse 3:81 And (remember) when Allah made a covenant (agreement) with the prophets (to give a message to the people in Taurat Torah Deuteronomy 18:15 – 18:22 and in the Injil Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26 – 15:27, 16:7 – 16:15), saying, "Take what I (Allah) have given you in the Scripture and of wisdom. Afterwards a (new) messenger shall come confirming what is with you (in the Scriptures) so believe in him (Allah’s messenger) and help him." Allah said, "Do you agree and accept this agreement?" They (the Prophets) said, "We agree (to give this message to the people)." He (Allah) said, “Then you are a witness that I (Allah) am with you among the witnesses (to this agreement)."

Quran 33:8 Koran 33:8 Verse 33:8 Ayah 33:8 Ayat 33:8 Aya 33:8 That He (Allah) may question the truthful (Messengers and Prophets of Allah) about their truth (which is Allah’s message to humankind and jinn to correctly pray to Allah the creator and not to mistakenly pray to what Allah has created because only Allah the creator has the power to hear prayer). He (Allah) has prepared a painful punishment (in Hell fire) for the disbelievers.

Note 1. Quran 17:60 Verse 17:60 “.... We (Allah) warn (people to do what is good and avoid what is evil) and make them afraid (of Allah by describing the home for evil doers in Hell Fire in the Hereafter) but it only increases them (some of the humans) in nothing but greater disobedience against Allah (and the commandment to do what is good and avoid what is evil). 


Quran 33:9 Koran 33:9 Verse 33:9 Ayah 33:9 Ayat 33:9 Aya 33:9 All you who believe, remember Allah’s favour to you when armies (of the combined forces) came against you and We (Allah) sent a wind (a bitterly cold storm that contributed to the shortening of the siege of Medina or Madinah meaning "the city" which is the short name for "the city of the prophet") and armies (of angels) against them which you could not see. Allah always sees what you do.

Comment 1. The Combined Forces attack the Muslims who live in Medina Madinah.

The Combined Forces against the Muslims in Madinah Arabia were the Banu Quraish Quraysh tribe of the Arab stone idol worshippers of Makkah Arabia and their Arab allies and the Arab tribe of Banu Ghatafan north of Madinah and the Jewish tribe of Banu Nadir of Khaybar in Arabia and others. During the battle of the trench in Madinah, the tribe of Banu Nadir started negations to convince the tribe of Banu Qurayza in Madinah to join the combined forces against the Muslims in Madinah. 


Quran 33:10 Koran 33:10 Verse 33:10 Ayah 33:10 Ayat 33:10 Aya 33:10 They (the combined forces) attacked you (at the battle of the trench in 5 AH 627 CE 627 AD) from above you (at the lightly defended rear from where you feared the threat from the tribe of Banu Qurayza in their fortified castle located in the elevated part of Madinah) and from below you (from the armies of the tribe of Quraish Quraysh and Ghatafan who were blocked by the Muslim trench barrier that was dug on the out-shirts of Madinah) and when eyes grew wild (in confusion) and hearts reached to the throats (in fear) and you thought about Allah.

Comment 1. See Quran 33:9 comments.


Quran 33:11 Koran 33:11 Verse 33:11 Ayah 33:11 Ayat 33:11 Aya 33:11 There (at the battle of the trench) the believers (in Allah) were tested and severely shaken.

Comment 1. See Quran 33:9 comments.


Quran 33:12 Koran 33:12 Verse 33:12 Ayah 33:12 Ayat 33:12 Aya 33:12 And the hypocrites in whose hearts is a disease (of doubt in Allah) were saying, “The promise to us (of victory) from Allah and His (Allah’s) messenger (Prophet Muhammad) is nothing but a delusion.”

Comment 1. See Quran 33:9 comments.


Quran 33:13 Koran 33:13 Verse 33:13 Ayah 33:13 Ayat 33:13 Aya 33:13 And a party of them (the hypocrites) said, “People of Yathrib (notice that Yathrib only appears one time in the Quran. It shows that the people who used this word wanted the power they had before the arrival of Prophet Muhammad when the city was known as Yathrib and not Madinah meaning "the city" which is the short name for "the city of the prophet"), You cannot stand (the attack from the anti Muslim combined forces) so turn back.” And a group of them asked permission from the Prophet (Muhammad) to leave (the defensive positions protecting Yathrib), saying, “Our homes are vulnerable (to the enemy)” but they (their homes) were not vulnerable (to the enemy). (It was only an excuse because) they wanted to run away (from the enemy).

Comment 1. See Quran 33:9 comments.


Quran 33:14 Koran 33:14 Verse 33:14 Ayah 33:14 Ayat 33:14 Aya 33:14 And if they (the combined forces) had entered (Madinah) from all sides and they (the hypocrites) had been urged to disbelieve (in Allah) they would have done it with only a little hesitation.

Comment 1. See Quran 33:9 comments.


Quran 33:15 Koran 33:15 Verse 33:15 Ayah 33:15 Ayat 33:15 Aya 33:15 And they (the hypocrites) had already sworn to Allah before that they would not turn their backs (to run away from their enemy). An oath to Allah must be answered for (in the Hereafter on the Day of Judgement).

Comment 1. See Quran 33:9 comments.


Quran 33:16 Koran 33:16 Verse 33:16 Ayah 33:16 Ayat 33:16 Aya 33:16 Say (Prophet Muhammad), “Running away (after you gave an oath to Allah and Allah’s messenger) shall not help you if you run away from death or killing (fighting in battle) because then you would live in comfort for only a little while (and in the Hereafter you would answer to Allah your creator).

Comment 1. Those who do not understand that the Quran has verses of history that include history about fighting translate the Quran as if those commands are for me and you to fight today. 

No those are not commands for me and you to fight today.

They are commands given by Allah to Prophet Muhammad addressed to those people who lived in the time of the prophet 1400 years ago.

We need to know that the verses about fighting are connected to issues that occurred in history.

See Quran 9:5 comment in Quran chapter 9.

See Quran 33:9 comments.


Quran 33:17 Koran 33:17 Verse 33:17 Ayah 33:17 Ayat 33:17 Aya 33:17 Say (Prophet Muhammad), Who can protect you from (the will of) Allah if He (Allah) intends harm for you or intends mercy for you? They (the people) shall not find that they have any friend or helper other than Allah (in the Hereafter on the Day of Judgement).

Comment 1. See Quran 33:9 comments.


Quran 33:18 Koran 33:18 Verse 33:18 Ayah 33:18 Ayat 33:18 Aya 33:18 Allah knows those of you who hinder (the support for Prophet Muhammad) and those (hypocrites) who say to their brothers, "Come with us” (instead of with Prophet Muhammad) and do not go to battle except for a few (hypocrites who went to battle for reasons other than to support Prophet Muhammad).

Comment 1. Those who do not understand that the Quran has verses of history that include history about fighting translate the Quran as if those commands are for me and you to fight today. 

No those are not commands for me and you to fight today.

They are commands given by Allah to Prophet Muhammad addressed to those people who lived in the time of the prophet 1400 years ago.

We need to know that the verses about fighting are connected to issues that occurred in history.

See Quran 9:5 comment in Quran chapter 9. 

See Quran 33:9 comments.


Quran 33:19 Koran 33:19 Verse 33:19 Ayah 33:19 Ayat 33:19 Aya 33:19 (The hypocrites are) unwilling to freely offer help to you (Prophet Muhammad). But when fear comes then you see them looking at you (Prophet Muhammad) with rolling eyes (terrified) as if they were about to die. But when fear departs they speak angrily to you with sharp tongues that are greedy for the wealth (of their share of the spoils of the battle). Those (hypocrites) have not believed (in Allah) so Allah makes their deeds useless (meaning, of no value in the Hereafter). And that is easy for Allah (to do because Allah is the Lord of the Hereafter).

Comment 1. See Quran 33:9 comments.


Quran 33:20 Koran 33:20 Verse 33:20 Ayah 33:20 Ayat 33:20 Aya 33:20 They (the hypocrites are so frightened that they) think that the combined forces (at the battle of the trench in 5 AH 627 CE 627 AD) have not withdrawn (permanently) and that if the combined forces should advance (by attacking) they would wish to be in the desert among the Bedouins (the Arab nomads who are a safe distance away and from where the hypocrites could be) inquiring about your (Prophet Muhammad’s) news. And if they (the hypocrites) were among you (Prophet Muhammad), they would not fight except a little.

Comment 1. Those who do not understand that the Quran has verses of history that include history about fighting translate the Quran as if those commands are for me and you to fight today. 

No those are not commands for me and you to fight today.

They are commands given by Allah to Prophet Muhammad addressed to those people who lived in the time of the prophet 1400 years ago.

We need to know that the verses about fighting are connected to issues that occurred in history.

See Quran 9:5 comment in Quran chapter 9.

See Quran 33:9 comments.


Quran 33:21 Koran 33:21 Verse 33:21 Ayah 33:21 Ayat 33:21 Aya 33:21 In (Prophet Muhammad) the messenger of Allah you have a good example of a person who looks to Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah often (in deeds and prayer).

Comment 1. See Quran 33:9 comments.


Quran 33:22 Koran 33:22 Verse 33:22 Ayah 33:22 Ayat 33:22 Aya 33:22 And (in comparison with the hypocrites) when the believers saw the combined forces (advancing towards them), they said, “This is what Allah and His (Allah’s) messenger (Prophet Muhammad) has promised us (of victory to those who trusted in Allah while defending Madinah). Allah and His (Allah’s) messenger have spoken the truth.” And it strengthened them in faith and in submission (to Allah).

Comment 1. See Quran 33:9 comments.


Quran 33:23 Koran 33:23 Verse 33:23 Ayah 33:23 Ayat 33:23 Aya 33:23 Among the believers are people who are true to what they promised to Allah. Some have paid their vow by death (in battle) and some are still waiting (to serve as Allah wills) and they have not changed (in their desire to serve as Allah wills).

Comment 1. Those who do not understand that the Quran has verses of history that include history about fighting translate the Quran as if those commands are for me and you to fight today. 

No those are not commands for me and you to fight today.

They are commands given by Allah to Prophet Muhammad addressed to those people who lived in the time of the prophet 1400 years ago.

We need to know that the verses about fighting are connected to issues that occurred in history.

See Quran 9:5 comment in Quran chapter 9.

See Quran 33:9 comments.


Quran 33:24 Koran 33:24 Verse 33:24 Ayah 33:24 Ayat 33:24 Aya 33:24 So that Allah may reward the truthful people and punish the hypocrites if He (Allah) wills or accept repentance from them (if Allah wills). Allah is forgiving and merciful.

Comment 1. See Quran 33:9 comments.


Quran 33:25 Koran 33:25 Verse 33:25 Ayah 33:25 Ayat 33:25 Aya 33:25 And Allah repelled the disbelievers (the combined forces) in their rage from which they gained nothing that was good. In battle Allah alone is sufficient for the believers. Allah is strong and the greatest (in importance to every creation).

Comment 1. See Quran 33:9 comments.


Quran 33:26 Koran 33:26 Verse 33:26 Ayah 33:26 Ayat 33:26 Aya 33:26 And those of the people of the Book (the Jewish tribe of Banu Qurayza in Yathrib Madinah) who (showed) support for them (the combined forces against the Muslims, when Banu Qurayza entered into negotiations to join them) Allah brought them down from their forts and put terror into their hearts, (the punishment for them was that) some of them (the Banu Qurayza) you (Muslims) killed and some of them (the Banu Qurayza) you made captives. 

Comment 1. The Jews of Banu Qurayza. 

What happened to the Jews of Banu Qurayza? 

The stone idol worshippers in Makkah persecuted any of their people who abandoned stone idol worship.

Prophet Muhammad and the Muslims fled the persecution of the stone idol worshippers in Makkah for the safety of Yathrib Madinah.

When news of an invasion force from Makkah reached the Muslims in Yathrib Madinah they constructed a defensive trench around Yathrib. 

The anti Muslim combined forces attacked the Muslims who were living in Yathrib Madinah in the battle of the trench.

During the battle of the trench, Huyayy bin Akhtab (Huyayy ibn Akhtab) chief of the Banu Nadir who was one of the originators of the anti Muslim combined forces started negotiations to convince the Jews of Banu Qurayza in Yathrib Madinah to join the combined forces against the Muslims.


2. The Combined Forces against the Muslims in Yathrib Madinah Arabia were the Banu Quraish Quraysh tribe of the Arab stone idol worshippers of Makkah Arabia and their Arab allies and the Arab tribe of Banu Ghatafan north of Yathrib and the Jewish tribe of Banu Nadir of Khaybar in Arabia and others.


3. The battle of the trench ended when the combined forces against the Muslims withdrew after their unsuccessful siege of Yathrib Madinah and then the chief of the Banu Nadir, Huyayy bin Akhtab (Huyayy ibn Akhtab) who had helped to organise the anti Muslim combined forces at the battle of the trench was captured when he was found with Ka'b bin As'ad (Ka'b ibn As'ad) the chief of the Jewish tribe of Banu Quraiza at the Banu Quraiza fort that was next to Yathrib Madinah. All the members of Banu Nadir had been expelled from Yathrib Madinah and their lives were spared when they requested mercy in 4 AH 625 CE625 AD for threatening the life of Prophet Mohammed but now the leader of Banu Nadir had returned and attacked Yathrib Madinah in the battle of the trench with a combined force and he had been negotiating with Banu Quraiza for them to join the anti Muslim combined forces.


4. Prophet Muhammad accused Banu Qurayza of treachery because Banu Qurayza had declared themselves to be neutral but Banu Qurayza later secretly negotiated to join the combined forces and when the combined forces withdrew, Huyayy bin Akhtab (Huyayy ibn Akhtab) who was one of the originators of the anti Muslim combined forces and Ka'b bin As'ad (Ka'b ibn As'ad) who was the chief of Banu Qurayza were found together at the fort of Banu Qurayza which was located next to Yathrib Madinah.


5. At the time when Yathrib Madinah was under attack from the combined forces, Prophet Muhammad had been made aware of secret negotiations between the anti Muslim combined forces and the Jewish tribe of Banu Qurayza.


6. However earlier when preparing for the attack from the anti Muslim combined forces, the Muslims had made no plan to protect themselves from Banu Qurayza who lived in the fort next to Yathrib Madinah because Banu Qurayza had declared them selves neutral. Therefore the series of negotiations between Banu Qurayza and the anti Muslim combined forces could have resulted in an attack on the Muslims from two sides of which the side facing Banu Qurayza was initially undefended since Banu Qurayza had declared them selves to be neutral in the conflict.


7. On the day of the Treachery trial at the request of Banu Aws (Banu Aus) who was an ally of Banu Qurayza, Prophet Muhammad selected one of the Banu Aws named Sad bin Muadh (Sad ibn Muadh) who would soon die from a wound suffered while he was fighting at the battle of the trench, to judge Banu Qurayza for the crime of treachery during a time of war. Sad bin Muadh (Sad ibn Muadh) asked both the accused and the accuser if they would accept his judgement? Banu Qurayza and Prophet Muhammad both agreed. Sad bin Muadh’s decision on the punishment for Banu Qurayza was revealed in Quran 33:26.


8. Before the battle of the trench which was in 5 AH 627 CE 627 AD, the tribe of Banu Nadir in Yathrib Madinah had been judged leniently in 4 AH 625 CE 625 AD for conspiring against the life of Prophet Muhammad. The tribe of Banu Nadir was expelled from Yathrib and some of its people moved to the oasis of Khaybar in Arabia and others moved to Syria.


9. Prophet Muhammad had shown mercy to the Jewish tribe of Banu Nadir when they requested that their lives be spared and they be allowed to safely leave the Yathrib Madinah region in 4 AH 625 CE 625 AD.


10. The result of the mercy shown by Prophet Muhammad to Banu Nadir was that Banu Nadir became one of the organizers of the anti Muslim combined forces. Banu Nadir called on others including urging Banu Qurayza to join the combined forces against the Muslims.


11. At the time of the Treachery trial of Banu Qurayza in 5 AH 627 CE 627 AD, the siege of Yathrib Madinah by the combined forces had just ended. The Muslims could not free the fighting men of Banu Qurayza as they had freed the fighting men of Banu Nadir. If the fighting men of Banu Qurayza had been freed they would have joined the combined forces just as Banu Nadir had done. There were few options for the Muslims. This is confirmed by the leaders of the Banu Qurayza and Banu Nadir who did not ask for mercy but instead showed defiance. Had Banu Qurayza requested mercy or desired mercy then a different outcome could have been possible because more options would have been available to the Muslims.


12. Treachery is a very serious crime because it is hard to trust the word of a person who has already shown them self to be untrustworthy especially in a time of war.


13. However Muslims had already shown their forgiveness earlier to non-Muslims by allowing the Jewish tribe of Banu Nadir to leave the Yathrib Madinah area with their lives for the serious crime of threatening the life of Prophet Muhammad.


14. Muslim forgiveness was also available to anyone including the enemy who accepted the truth of Allah and Allah’s Prophet Muhammad.


15. Later after the defeat of the Jewish tribes of Khaybar in 7 AH 628 CE 628 AD the Banu Nadir who had continued to organize alliances against the Muslims were treated harshly but some other Jewish tribes were allowed to leave the oasis of Khaybar with their lives. Some Jews asked Prophet Muhammad if they could stay in Khaybar and an agreement was made to allow those Jews to stay in Khaybar, Arabia.


16. Later when victory came in Makkah in 8 AH 630 CE 630 AD, Prophet Muhammad forgave those among his greatest long time enemies who were willing to accept his forgiveness.


17. However in 5 AH 627 CE 627 AD Banu Qurayza did not desire mercy or request mercy and Banu Qurayza did not repent or desire to repent for what they had done. Something about the attitude of Banu Qurayza is seen in one woman from Banu Qurayza who had killed a Muslim fighter. Aisha the wife of Prophet Muhammad said, "I shall never forget my wonder at her good spirits and her loud laughter when all the time she knew that she would be killed (executed for what she had done)." (From Sirat p. 463 / Tabari VIII p. 33).


18. Something more about the attitude of Banu Qurayza can be seen when Thabit went to Prophet Muhammad and told him that Al-Zabir from the Banu Qurayza had spared his life and he wanted to repay him for it.

Prophet Muhammad said that the life of Al-Zabir would be spared.

So Thabit told this to Al-Zabir who said, “What does an old man without family or children want with life?”

Thabit went a second time to Prophet Muhammad who said that Al-Zabir can have his family and children.

So Thabit told this to Al-Zabir who said, “How can a family live without property?”

Thabit went a third time to Prophet Muhammad who said that Al-Zabir can have his property.

So Thabit told this to Al-Zabir who then asked about his friends.

Thabit told Al-Zabir that his friends had all been killed (executed for what they had done).

Al-Zabir said “Life holds no joy for me now that they are dead and I cannot wait another moment to meet my loved ones (meaning, please kill me now, so Thabit did as Al-Zabir requested).” (From Sirat p. 463 / Tabari VIII p. 33).

Al-Zabir did not request forgiveness and he did not want forgiveness when forgiveness had been given to him three times.

The psychological state of the mind in the people of Banu Qurayza where they considered that their life was no longer worth living can be understood from a report that before surrendering, they (the Banu Qurayza) had seriously considered killing their families and children and then fighting till the last man.

So the fighters of Banu Qurayza had already prepared themselves for death by the time that judgement had come to them, except for a few men among them whose lives were spared because they asked for forgiveness and were given forgiveness.

Most of the men were prepared to die and they had no thought of repenting or asking for mercy or accepting mercy because they were following the example of their leaders, except for a few men among them who asked for forgiveness and were given forgiveness.


19. The feelings of the men of Banu Qurayza were as one (except for a few men), they did not repent for what they had done, they did not ask for forgiveness for what they had done and they were willing to die for what they had done.


20. Allah and Allah’s messenger are the most merciful to those who repent for what they have done and who ask for forgiveness for what they have done.


21. However most of the men of Banu Qurayza had accepted the judgement on them without repenting and without requesting forgiveness.


22. The captive women and children of Banu Qurayza were put in the care of Abdullah bin Salam (Abdullah ibn Salam, Rabbi Al-Husayn bin Salam, Rabbi Al-Husayn ibn Salam) a Jewish Rabbi from Yathrib Madinah who was the first Jewish Rabbi to become a Muslim. However many Jews of Banu Qurayza followed their leader and rejected Prophet Muhammad. The women and children of Banu Qurayza were distributed and lived throughout the Muslim community in Yathrib Madinah.


23. The inability of the Arab stone idol worshippers in Makkah to defeat the Muslims in 5 AH 627 CE 627 AD and the removal of the threat from the well armed Jewish tribe of Banu Qurayza in Yathrib Madinah was the beginning of the decrease in influence in Arabia of the stone idol worshippers in Makkah and the beginning of the increase in influence in Arabia by the Muslims in Yathrib Madinah.


24. In the time of the Treachery trial of Banu Qurayza, the Muslims existed only in the one city of Yathrib Madinah later known as Medina Arabia today Madinah Saudi Arabia. They had been under siege from the anti Muslim combined forces so food was scarce and then they also had to deal with the internal threat from the tribe of Banu Qurayza. The Muslims could not allow the external enemy to be reinforced with new men who could and would have been used against them as happened before when Prophet Muhammad had spared the lives of the men of Banu Nadir.

This was a time in history where the number of Muslims was very small and they would either survive or be destroyed. Allah is the one who decreed what was to happen.


25. Today Allah has decreed a structure called the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies to look after Prisoners of War (POW) that did not exist 1400 years ago in the time of Prophet Muhammad. The organizations that help POW’s include the Muslim Red Crescent, the Jewish Red Shield of David (Red Star of David, Magen David Adom MDA) and the Red Cross which all help each other in the care for Prisoners of War worldwide so that Prisoners of War (POW) can be looked after until the end of a conflict. This has helped to solve a major problem that has faced all of humankind regarding how to care for large numbers of Prisoners of War in a secure way until a conflict ends and they can be freed. Geneva conventions for the care of Prisoners of War are today recognised by all the nations of the earth.


26. The Quran is the history of how Allah established Allah’s Word in the time of Prophet Muhammad which is identical to how Allah established Allah’s Word in the time of Prophet Moses Musa in the Torah Taurat. It is a story of those who believe in the goodness of Allah battling those who are against the goodness of Allah. The Quran is a story of those who live with justice and principals in their heart compared to those who do not respect justice or principals.


27. The Quran is the story from Allah which is a reminder that humans are created to live in a world of justice and principals.


28. The Quran does not tell us to kill people who do not believe in what we believe. This is what Satan Shaitan whispers to those who are misguided to misunderstand what Allah tells us in the Quran.


29. When you read the Quran you are reading the commands of Allah to Prophet Muhammad at the time Prophet Muhammad was ordered and guided by Allah to establish freedom for the religion.


30. In the time just before Prophet Muhammad, very few people in Arabia today Saudi Arabia knew of the existence of the one Allah who is the creator of everything that exists.


31. The Quran tells us the story of how Allah revealed Allah’s existence to Prophet Muhammad just as Allah had revealed Allah’s existence to Prophet Jesus Isa in the Gospel Injil and to Prophet Moses Musa in the Torah Taurat.


32. What the Quran tells us is what happened during a time when Allah communicated directly with one man named Prophet Muhammad. If Prophet Muhammad was not sure of anything he could ask Allah and Allah would give Prophet Muhammad the answer.


33. Today there is no Prophet who can talk to Allah and tell us Allah’s reply.


34. Today we must depend on the Word of Allah in the Koran Quran and the Gospel Injil and the Torah Taurat to guide us.


35. Today we must depend on the common sense in our hearts and brains which Allah has given us when we seek to understand Allah. The Quran is a story of struggle for freedom to teach the religion of Allah which is the religion of the Koran Quran and the Gospel Injil and the Torah Taurat.


36. The wisdom of Allah is contained in the Koran Quran and the Gospel Injil and the Torah Taurat which are gifts from Allah to humankind.


37. It is the study of the Koran Quran and the Gospel Injil and the Torah Taurat that reveals Allah as the one who inspired all of those revelations.


38. The knowledge in Allah’s books supports each other because no human has the power to change the word of Allah.


39. If humans had the power to change the word of Allah then a revelation from Allah in one book could not be used to support a revelation from Allah in another book and humans would have no way to prove the truth of Allah by using Allah’s books as truths that support each other.


40. If Allah did not have the power to protect Allah’s Word in Allah’s Books then no revelation could be believed.


41. In Satan’s war against Allah, Satan Shaitan can whisper doubt so that humans misunderstand the meaning of what is written in the Books of Allah.


42. Satan Shaitan tells humans do not believe Allah’s books because they do not agree with each other but believe humans when humans tell you that men have changed what is written in Allah’s books.


43. Satan Shaitan tells the Jews to only believe the Torah Taurat..


44. Satan Shaitan tells the Christians to only believe the Gospel Injil.


45. Satan Shaitan tells the Muslims to only believe the Koran Quran so that they mistrust Allah’s revelations by saying that the Torah Taurat has been changed by men and that the Gospel Injil has been changed by men, but this is not fitting to say because it means that humans have more power than Allah because it mistakenly shows that humans have the power to change the word of Allah in the Books of Allah which are protected to correcty guide every generation of Jew and Christian and Muslim until the Day of Judgement.

If the Books used today by Jews and Christians and Muslims are faulty then on the Day of Judgement Jews and or Christians and or Muslims could say they were misguided by trusting Books of Allah that had not been protected.


46. Satan  Shaitan whispers, “You can trust what humans say more than you can trust what Allah says in the Koran Quran, Gospel Injil and Torah Taurat”.

If hadith stories agree with the Quran then accept it.

If hadith stories do not agree with the Quran then reject it.

On the Day of Judgment Allah judges by the words in the protected Quran. 

On the Day of Judgment Allah does not judge by the words in unprotected human hadith stories. 

The Quran is the protected word of Allah including the protected words of Prophet Muhammad.


47. Allah protects all the Books of Allah. 

Allah protects His word.

No one has the power to change the word of Allah.

If humans could change the word of Allah in the Torah Taurat or the Gospel Injil or the Quran then no revelation could be trusted.


48. Conclusion regarding the claim in hadith stories that between 600 to 900 men from Banu Qurayza were executed in one day.

The claim that hundreds of men were executed in one day is difficult to believe because after Banu Qurayza other Jews were still living in Arabia so when Jews were expelled from Arabia many years later after the death of the prophet those Jews would have told people if what is claimed in hadith stories was true because they would all have known about it but the story of the execution of hundreds of men at one time in Arabia is unknown in Jewish records. 

Video: Video: Tarek Fatah: Blood and Brotherhood.

There is no Jewish record of hundreds of Jews being killed in Yathrib.


Stories like “the return of Jesus to this earth” and “punishment in the grave” which both contradict the teachings in the Quran show that for 1400 years people have made a living inventing hadith stories and believing invented hadith stories showing that there is no protection for stories outside the Quran. 

Hadith stories are useful when they confirm the religious teachings in the Quran but hadith stories are dangerous when they add new teachings that are contradicting the Quran or cannot be supported by the Quran or have nothing to do with righteous behaviour.

See Quran 25:30 comments with examples of hadith stories which contradict the teachings of Allah in Quran chapter 25.

Comment 2. Those who do not understand that the Quran has verses of history that include history about fighting translate the Quran as if those commands are for me and you to fight today. 

No those are not commands for me and you to fight today.

They are commands given by Allah to Prophet Muhammad addressed to those people who lived in the time of the prophet 1400 years ago.

We need to know that the verses about fighting are connected to issues that occurred in history.

See Quran 9:5 comment in Quran chapter 9. 


Quran 33:27 Koran 33:27 Verse 33:27 Ayah 33:27 Ayat 33:27 Aya 33:27 And He (Allah) caused you (Muslims) to inherit their (the Jews of Banu Qurayza) land, houses, possessions and land you had not walked on (before you inherited it in 5 AH 627 CE 627 AD). Allah is able to do all things.

Comment 1. Those who inherit land can be punished if they do evil on that land just as those who had the land before them were punished.

Quran 7:100 Verse 7:100 Is it (the stories of the past) not an indication to those people who inherit the land after (the time of) its (earlier) inhabitants that, if We (Allah) wish then We (Allah) can punish them (the people in this life) for their sins and put a seal on their hearts so that they cannot hear (Allah’s guidance for correct behaviour in this life)?

1a. Allah supports the righteous with the correct guidance.

Those who do evil receive the misguidance of Satan Shaitan. 

Those who do evil are deceived by the misguidance of Satan Shaitan.

Quran 7:196 Verse 7:196 My guardian is Allah who has revealed the Scripture (the Koran Quran). He (Allah) supports the righteous (with the correct guidance).

1b.  Why does Allah give people land?

Quran 7:129 Verse 7:129 "... It may be that your Lord is going to destroy your enemy (in Egypt and in Canaan) and make you inherit the land (by punishing the Pharaoh Firon of Egypt in Quran 7:136 and by replacing the idol worshipping people in Canaan with the worship of Allah by the children of Israel in Quran 5:20 - 5:26, 7:137) so that He (Allah) may see how you (the children of Israel) behave.

1. Do you show mercy in the land?

2. Do you forgive in the land?

3. Do you make peace in the land?

4. Do you deal fairly and with justice in the land?

5. In the hereafter no person shall be able to deny that Allah’s judgement of them will be correct because they shall be shown the good and the evil that they did.

1c. To whom does Allah give land?

Quran 7:128, Verse 7:128 Prophet Moses Musa said to his people, “Seek help in (pray to) Allah and be patient. The earth belongs to Allah. He (Allah) gives it (the Earth) as an inheritance to whom He (Allah) will. And the end is (success in Paradise in the hereafter) for those who keep their duty (to Allah).”

1d. The Earth belongs to Allah. 

Quran 7:137 Verse 7:137 And We (Allah) caused the people (the Children of Israel) who had been weak (and oppressed by the Pharaoh Firon of Egypt) to inherit the lands in the east (of Egypt where the children of Israel wandered for 40 years in the Sinai Peninsula in Quran 5:26) and (the land to) the west which We (Allah) had blessed (west of the Jordan River is the blessed Holy Land of Canaan in Quran 5:20 - 5:21 today in Israel and Palestine. This land Canaan today Israel and Palestine is blessed in Quran 17:1 and 21:71 and Holy in Quran 5:20 - 5:21). And the good word of your Lord (Allah in Quran 7:129 promising to destroy the enemy so that the Children of Israel inherited the Holy Land) was fulfilled for the Children of Israel because they were patient and We (Allah) destroyed what the Pharaoh Firon and his people were producing and constructing. 

1e. Today Allah has decreed that the Holy Land known as Israel and Palestine is the home of the descendants of the brothers Isaac Ishaq and Ishmael Ismail.

Today Allah calls for peacemaking between Jewish and Arab brothers.

Today Allah calls for peacemaking between Hebrew and Arab brothers.

Today Allah calls for peacemaking between Jewish and Muslim brothers.

Quran 4:114 Verse 4:114 There is no good in most of their (the people’s) private conversation except in the person who calls for charity, kindness and peace making between humans, he (the person) who does this (charity, kindness and peace making between humans) and seeks the approval of Allah, We (Allah) shall give them a great reward (in Paradise in the Hereafter).

Quran 5:13 Verse 5:13 "... You shall not cease to discover treachery from them (dishonesty from their words) except for a few of them (who are honest in their word). Even though they (many among the Jews of Arabia) do that (treachery against you), (you should) pardon (forgive) their bad deeds and forgive them (like you would like Allah to pardon your bad deeds and forgive you in the hereafter). Allah loves those who do good (deeds to other people).

Note 1. Forgiveness to Jews is counted as a good deed in the sight of Allah on the Day of Judgement. 

Quran 49:10 Verse 49:10 The believers are brothers. Therefore make peace between your brothers and fear Allah so that you may obtain mercy (on the Day of Judgement).

1f. How are Jews and Muslims brothers?

How are Arabs and Hebrews brothers?

See Taurat Torah Deuteronomy 18:15 – 18:22 in Quran 7:157 comments in Quran chapter 7.


Quran 33:28 Koran 33:28 Verse 33:28 Ayah 33:28 Ayat 33:28 Aya 33:28 O Prophet (Muhammad), say to your wives, “If you desire the life of the world and its adornment (instead of life with me) then come I shall provide for you and release you (from our marriage contract) in a good (honourable) manner (if you want a divorce. See Quran 4:34).


Quran 33:29 Koran 33:29 Verse 33:29 Ayah 33:29 Ayat 33:29 Aya 33:29 But if you desire Allah and His (Allah’s) messenger (Prophet Muhammad) and the home of the Hereafter (in Paradise Jannah) then Allah has prepared for those who are good among you (the wifes of Prophet Muhammad) a great reward.


Quran 33:30 Koran 33:30 Verse 33:30 Ayah 33:30 Ayat 33:30 Aya 33:30 Wives of the Prophet (Muhammad) whoever among you commits a clear immorality, the punishment shall be doubled for her twofold (meaning the punishment will be increased twice in the hereafter), and that is easy for Allah (to do).

Comment 1. See how and why Allah removed stoning to death for adultery explained in Quran chapter 24 comments in Quran chapter 24.


Quran 33:31 Koran 33:31 Verse 33:31 Ayah 33:31 Ayat 33:31 Aya 33:31 And whoever of you is obedient to Allah and His (Allah’s) messenger (Prophet Muhammad) and does what is right, We (Allah) shall give her reward twice (meaning her reward will be twofold meaning her reward will be doubled in the hereafter) and We (Allah) have prepared for her an honoured provision (in Paradise Jannah in the Hereafter).


Quran 33:32 Koran 33:32 Verse 33:32 Ayah 33:32 Ayat 33:32 Aya 33:32 Wives of the Prophet (Muhammad). You are not like anyone among the women (because you are the wives of the prophet of Allah). If you fear (Allah) then do not be soft in speech (to men) incase the person in whose heart is a disease (of immorality) should be moved (to desire you), but speak in an appropriate speech.


Quran 33:33 Koran 33:33 Verse 33:33 Ayah 33:33 Ayat 33:33 Aya 33:33 And stay in your houses and do not display yourselves as was the custom in the earlier times (of stone idol worship). Be regular in prayer, give charity, and obey Allah and His (Allah’s) messenger (Prophet Muhammad). People of the (Prophet’s) household, Allah only wishes to remove from you the impurity (of sin) and clean you (of sin).


Quran 33:34 Koran 33:34 Verse 33:34 Ayah 33:34 Ayat 33:34 Aya 33:34 And (wives of Prophet Muhammad) remember what is recited in your houses of the revelations of Allah and the wisdom (you have learned). Allah is subtle and aware (of all things).


Quran 33:35 Koran 33:35 Verse 33:35 Ayah 33:35 Ayat 33:35 Aya 33:35 The Muslim men and the Muslim women (Muslim is an Arabic word meaning those who submit, to the will of Allah. Islam is an Arabic word meaning submission, to the will of Allah. Muslims submit to Allah in Quran 47:19 “…there is no Allah except Allah …” and Jews submit to Allah in Torah Exodus 20:2 “.... You shall have no other gods before Me Allah” and Christians submit to Allah in the Gospel of Jesus Isa by Luke 4:8 “… You shall worship the Lord your Allah, and him only shall you serve” because Allah inspired the same belief in the one creator of every creation among many communities of Allah throughout history as explained in Quran 5:48 where Allah said He could have made humans to be one community of Allah but made more than one community of Allah and gave laws to each community of Allah and told them to strive for all that is good so that Allah can show who are the best in behaviour within and between the different communities of Allah such as the Jews and Christians and Muslims and others), and the believing men and the believing women, and the obedient men and the obedient women, and the truthful men and the truthful women, and the patient men and the patient women, and the humble men and the humble women, and the men who give charity and the women who give charity and the men who fast and the women who fast, and the men who guard their chastity and the women who guard (their chastity), and the men who remember Allah often and the women who remember (Allah often) Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and a great reward (in Paradise Jannah).  

Comment 1.  Forgiveness of sin depends on a correct belief in Allah.

Why is Satan Shaitan not going to Paradise?

Satan Shaitan does not do goodness in the world.

Belief without good behaviour is not a true belief in the judgement of Allah.

Satan Shaitan believes in the hereafter but that shall not save him from the fire in the hereafter.

Satan Shaitan believes in Allah but that shall not save him from the fire in the hereafter.

Belief without good behaviour is a false belief in the judgement of Allah.

Some people use the name of Allah to hide sin from them self by shouting Allah is the greatest Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar when they are doing the forbidden great evil of killing innocent Muslims and innocent non Muslims.

Such people have abandoned and deserted the stories of the Quran of Allah for the hadith stories of humans. 

They have put the hadith stories of humans above the stories of Allah in the Quran. 

They follow the hadith stories of humans instead of following the stories of Allah in the Quran.

If hadith stories agree with the Koran Quran then accept it.

If hadith stories do not agree with the Koran Quran then reject it.

On the Day of Judgement Allah judges by the words in the protected Koran Quran. 

On the Day of Judgement Allah does not judge by the words in unprotected human hadith stories. 

The Quran is the protected word of Allah including the protected words of Prophet Muhammad.

Quran 6:158 Verse 6:158 "... belief in it (Allah and the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) shall not help any soul …. if in belief (he or she) did not earn good (by doing righteous deeds in their life). ....” 

Quran 29:9 Verse 29:9 And for those who believe and do righteous deeds We (Allah) shall make them enter among the righteous (in Paradise Jannah).

Quran 41:8 Verse 41:8 “For those who believe and do good deeds, for them is an everlasting reward (in Paradise Jannah).” 

See. Quran 25:30 comments with examples of hadith stories which contradict the teachings of Allah in Quran chapter 25.


Quran 33:36 Koran 33:36 Verse 33:36 Ayah 33:36 Ayat 33:36 Aya 33:36 And it is not fitting for a believing man or woman, when Allah and His (Allah’s) messenger (Prophet Muhammad) have decided on a matter, that they should (afterwards) have any say in that matter and whoever is disobedient to Allah and His (Allah’s) messenger (Prophet Muhammad) has clearly strayed in error.

Quran 33:37 Koran 33:37 Verse 33:37 Ayah 33:37 Ayat 33:37 Aya 33:37 And when you said to him (Zaid bin Harithah a slave who was given to Prophet Muhammad) on whom Allah had conferred favour (by guiding Zaid to Allah) and you had conferred favour (by freeing Zaid from slavery and adopting him as a son), “Keep your wife and fear Allah,” you (Prophet Muhammad) hid what Allah was to reveal (which was that you would marry Zaynab after Zaid bin Harithah divorced her). And you feared the people (would say Prophet Muhammad has married the former wife of his son however the son was adopted and not related to you by blood) but Allah has more right that you fear Him (Allah). So when Zaid completed his desire (of divorce) from her, We (Allah) gave her to you (Prophet Muhammad) in marriage, so that (in future) there might be no guilt for believers (who marry) in respect of wives of their adopted sons, when the latter (their adopted son) has made the necessary formality (of divorce) from them (their wife). The commandment of Allah must be fulfilled.

Comment 1. Quran 33:37 explains that marriage to the wife of your biological son is forbidden because incest which is a relationship between close biological blood relations is forbidden. 

However an adopted son is not related to you by a close biological blood relationship therefore marriage to the wife of your adopted son is not forbidden if the adopted son has divorced his wife.

Comment 2. Allah did not force the son to divorce.

Prophet Muhammad told the son to keep his wife

Allah has given humans free will.

Allah knows what humans will do and it is the decision of the human who has free will to do what he does.

When the son told Muhammad he wanted to divorce his wife, Muhammad could have said yes that is a good idea because Allah has prophesied it.

However Prophet Muhammad did not say that but told his son to keep his wife which shows that the son wanted to divorce his wife for his own reasons and also shows the respect Prophet Muhammad had in encouraging his son to keep his wife meaning Prophet Muhammad encouraged his son to try to save that marriage. 

Sometimes a marriage cannot be saved and the result is a divorce.

It is not Allah or Muhammad who caused the divorce.

No one caused the divorce except the two humans who had free will to marry and who had free will to divorce.

Quran 33:38 Koran 33:38 Verse 33:38 Ayah 33:38 Ayat 33:38 Aya 33:38 There is no incorrectness by the Prophet (Mohammad) when he does what Allah has ordered (the prophet to do). That was Allah’s way for those (prophets) in times of old, the commandment of Allah is decreed (meaning, has been destined by Allah to happen).


Quran 33:39 Koran 33:39 Verse 33:39 Ayah 33:39 Ayat 33:39 Aya 33:39 (Allah is with) those who delivered the messages of Allah. Fear Him (Allah), and fear no one except Allah. Allah knows all things.

Quran 33:40 Koran 33:40 Verse 33:40 Ayah 33:40 Ayat 33:40 Aya 33:40 Prophet Muhammad is not the father of any man among you (meaning after the death of Prophet Muhammad no person can claim to inherit religious leadership of the Muslims based on their relationship with Prophet Muhammad as a way to mislead humans away from what Prophet Muhammad has revealed), but he (Prophet Muhammad) is the messenger of Allah and the Seal (the closure) of the Prophets (of Allah on this Earth meaning Prophet Muhammad is the end of the Prophets of Allah on this Earth meaning after the death of Prophet Muhammad no prophet will be sent to this earth so that no person can claim to be a prophet as a way to mislead humans away from what Prophet Muhammad has revealed. When something is sealed it is ended and finished and closed. The time of the prophets on this earth ended and finished and closed with the death of Prophet Muhammad. Quran 33:40 confirms the warning from Allah 2000 years ago that was delivered by Prophet Jesus Isa "not to believe anyone who says Prophet Jesus Isa has returned to this earth" in the Injil of Isa by Mark Gospel of Mark 13:5 13:6 and 13:21 – 13:23 where Allah warns that Satan Shaitan "will deceive many to believe that Prophet Jesus Isa has returned to this earth." In Quran 33:40 prophets are prohibited from coming to this earth after the death of Prophet Muhammad. There is nothing in the Quran about the Mahdi Mehdi or Dajjal Dijjal or the return of Prophet Jesus Isa to this earth because it contradicts the word of Allah in the Gospel Injil and in the Quran. Satan Shaitan cannot change the protected Books of Allah. Satan Shaitan can only hide and distort and corrupt the word of Allah in the human mind by whispering false hadith stories that contradict the Books of Allah. The deception of Satan Shaitan is so good that many people cannot see any contradiction between such false hadith stories and the words of Allah in the Quran) and Allah is aware of all things. (Allah saved the life of Prophet Jesus Isa with sleep in Quran 4:157 and Quran 4:158 making everyone believe Jesus Isa was dead on the cross because his body did not move and Allah returned the soul of Jesus Isa to this earth to wake up the sleeping body of Jesus Isa three days after the crucifixion in Quran 39:42 so that Prophet Jesus Isa could deliver the message in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 that Jesus Isa is not Allah by saying "Allah is my Allah and your Allah" meaning "Allah is my Father and your Father" meaning Allah is my Creator and your Creator meaning Allah is my Master and your Master meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord as proof that no one had killed Jesus Isa on the cross or crucified Jesus Isa to death on the cross until the natural death of “Jesus Isa and Mary Maryam who both use to eat food” meaning they both died 2000 years ago in Quran 5:75 and in Quran 3:144 where “the messengers before Prophet Muhammad have died” meaning Jesus Isa is dead because Jesus Isa is the messenger before Prophet Muhammad. In Quran 7:6 Allah shall question the messengers of Allah and in Quran 5:117 Prophet Jesus Isa will testify to Allah on the Day of Judgement that Prophet Jesus Isa died only one time when he lived with the children of Israel 2000 years ago in Judea today in Israel and Palestine where he was raised only one time by the angel of death as confirmation of the truthfulness of both the Quran and the Gospel Injil which both confirm that Allah saved the life of Jesus Isa on the cross and that Jesus Isa after the crucifixion told the people that Jesus Isa is not Allah and continued to tell them Jesus Isa is not Allah until his natural death 2000 years ago in Judea today in Israel and Palestine. All the fabricated hadith stories about Prophet Jesus Isa returning to this earth in the time of the Mahdi Mehdi and the Dajjal Dijjal all contradict both the Quran and the Gospel Injil. These fabricated hadith stories are proof of the truth of the warnings from Allah in the Gospel Injil not to believe anyone who says Jesus Isa has returned to this earth in the Injil of Isa by Mark Gospel of Mark 13:5 -13:6 and 13:21 – 13:23 and the truth of Quran 33:40 where Allah has told humans that the time of the prophets of Allah on this earth is sealed meaning closed meaning no prophet will be allowed to come to this earth after the death of Prophet Muhammad. The Quran confirms the Gospel Injil meaning Quran 33:40 confirms the Injil of Isa by Mark Gospel of Mark 13:5 13:6 and 13:21 – 13:23 as proof that no one can change the written word of Allah. Fabricated hadith stories about Jesus Isa returning to this earth contradict the Quran and the Gospel Injil and show how Satan Shaitan only has power to distort hide and corrupt the meaning of the written words of Allah inside the human mind. Satan Shaitan gave the same deception to Christians in the false hadith story that Jesus Isa is Allah which contradicts everything that is in the four Injil of Isa Gospel of Jesus by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John that is with the Christians today as proof that Allah has protected the Gospel Injil which is with the Christians today because no one can change the written word of Allah. Humans who live for 100 years think they have more wisdom than Satan Shaitan who has deceived for millions of years. The deception of Satan Shaitan is so good that some people cannot see any contradiction between what Satan Shaitan has whispered in unprotected false hadith stories and what is said in the protected Books of Allah the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil and the Koran Quran which are with all humans today. Some people believe false hadith stories about Jesus Isa returning to this earth and other people believe false hadith stories that Jesus is Allah and some people do not believe all the Books of Allah the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil and the Koran Quran which are with all humans today. Satan Shaitan whispers to people in every religion “do not believe any book except your book” because Satan Shaitan knows that people who have no faith in all the Books of Allah that are with all humans today are the easiest people for Satan Shaitan to deceive and this is confirmed in Quran 4:136 where Allah has warned that whoever has no faith in Allah’s Books has strayed far away from Allah. In this way Allah shows who has faith that Allah has protected all His Books that are with all humans today and who believe that the books of Allah have been corrupted except their own book. The proof of Allah is that the Torah Taurat with the Jews today and the Gospel Injil with the Christians today and the Quran with the Muslims today in Quran 3:3 are protected as confirmed in Quran 6:115 and Quran 10:64. Those in every religion who believe only their Book is protected and all other humans have corrupted Books unknowingly give the proof that Allah does not exist because Allah did not protect His word in all the Books of Allah which are with humans today contradicting Quran 2:41, Quran 3:93, Quran 5:43, Quran 5:47, Quran 5:48 and Quran 5:68 as explained in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ3o3ybc-KA ).

Comment 1. No person can claim leadership of the Muslims on the basis of their relationship with Prophet Muhammad. 

This means relationship with Prophet Muhammad is not to be given any special standing as far as leadership is concerned.

Prophet Muhammad is the end of the leadership from his family meaning no one can claim leadership on the basis of any relationship with Prophet Muhammad in the same way as no one can claim leadership on the basis of prophethood because Prophet Muhammad is the seal meaning the last of the prophets on this Earth to Islam from Allah.

1a. Why did Allah stop religious leadership based on a human's biological relationship with Prophet Muhammad? 

Allah prevented the establishment of religious leadership based on a human's biological relationship with Prophet Muhammad so that the word of Allah in the Quran could not be overruled by the word of people who might have claimed religious authority based on their relationship with Prophet Muhammad.

If leadership after Prophet Muhammad had been established based on a person's biological relationship with Prophet Muhammad then humans would have followed the words of those humans instead of following the words of Allah in the Quran.

No human can claim to be infallible. 

Prophet Muhammad never claimed to be infallible. 

Anyone who is infallible is not human.

Every human is fallible. 

The idea of human infallibility led some Christians to believe other humans who proclaimed that Jesus Isa was Allah and led to the building of images of idols of Jesus Isa on a cross and idols of saints which are creations to whom people mistakenly prayed instead of correctly praying only to Allah who is the creator of every creation.

Had people believed all of Allah’s Holy Books instead of believing what other people told them then they would have avoided that error if Allah had willed.

The only thing that is infallible is Allah the creator. 

The belief that any human is infallible leads to idol worship of humans so that humans listen more to what “infallible” humans say instead of listening to what the infallible Allah has said in Allah’s Holy Books the Torah Taurat, the Gospel Injil and the Koran Quran.

Comment 2. No person can claim leadership of the Muslims on the basis that they are a prophet of Allah

The last Prophet of Allah on this Earth was Prophet Muhammad meaning no other prophet is coming.

No human after Prophet Muhammad can claim to be a prophet of Allah.

Where ever Jesus Isa is he will always be a prophet of Allah so it is impossible for Jesus Isa to return to the Earth because if Jesus Isa returned to this Earth he would then be the seal meaning the last of the prophets of Allah on this Earth. 

Even if Jesus Isa returned and followed the Quran Jesus Isa would still be the seal meaning the last of the Prophets of Allah on this Earth.

If Jesus Isa returned to this Earth then after his death a new book would be written based on everything Jesus Isa did and said including his answer to many new questions which were not asked 1400 years ago.

However all this is impossible because the Quran has revealed that Prophet Muhammad is the last prophet on this Earth for Islam meaning no more prophets are coming to Islam.

2a. Why did Allah end the prophethood?

Allah ended the prophethood so that the word of Allah in the Quran could not be overruled by the word of people who might claim religious authority based on their prophethood.

No more prophets are coming to Islam because the Quran answers the important questions that have been disputed by the Jews and Christians.

No more prophets are coming to Islam because Allah has completed the final guidance for humankind in the Quran.

No more prophets are coming to Islam because nothing is coming that is more important than the Day of Judgement.

What does the seal of the prophets of Allah mean?

Prophet Muhammad is the seal of the prophets of Allah means Allah is not sending any prophet to this earth to Islam after the death of Prophet Muhammad. 

The seal of the prophets means the end of the prophets on this earth. 

When something is sealed it is ended and finished and closed. 

The time of the prophets on this earth to Islam ended with the death of Prophet Muhammad.

Comment 3. The Quran confirms the Torah Taurat and explains the story of Jesus in the Gospel Injil.

A. Prophet Muhammad in the Torah Taurat and Gospel Injil.

See Quran 7:157 comments in Quran chapter 7.


B. Every prophet of God is “the Word of God made flesh” meaning the word of God comes out of the mouth of every prophet of God in Deuteronomy 18:18.

See Quran 5:116 comments in Quran chapter 5.


C. How did Allah save Jesus. 

See 1. Quran 4:157 and Quran 4:158 comments in Quran chapter 4.

See 2. Quran 29:57 comments in Quran chapter 29.


D. The second coming of Jesus and every other human is on the Day of Resurrection.

See Quran 79:7 comments in Quran chapter 79.


E. Examples of hadith stories which contradict the teachings of Allah in the Quran.

See Quran 25:30 comments in Quran chapter 25.


F. Allah protects the Quran, Gospel Injil and the Torah Taurat as proof Allah is real.



G. Jews and Christians who follow their Book and also believe the Quran will be rewarded twice in the hereafter.

See Quran 28:54 comments in Quran chapter 28.

Comment 4. Why do some Muslims kill innocent Muslims and innocent non Muslims?

If belief in killing innocent Muslims and innocent non Muslims is not from the Quran then where are people getting such ideas from?

Satan Shaitan uses the hadith stories which are not in the Quran of Muslims killing Muslims in civil wars which Satan Shaitan whispers must happen before the coming of the guided one the Mahdi Mehdi and the false messiah Dajjal Dijjal and the return of Jesus Isa to this Earth to make Muslims forget that there is nothing coming that is more important than the Day of Judgement and to forget the laws of Allah in the Quran and to believe that they are doing something good when they kill innocent Muslims and innocent non Muslims.

Satan Shaitan commands humans to believe hadith stories that cannot be found in the Quran and to disbelieve Allah in the Quran where Prophet Muhammad is the last Prophet on this Earth and disbelieve Allah in the Gospel Injil where Jesus Isa warns humans not to believe anyone who says Jesus Isa has returned to this Earth.

When Muslims believe Satan Shaitan in unprotected hadith stories from humans above believing Allah in the stories protected in the Quran then Muslims lose the guidance of Allah as is seen when Muslims are happy shouting Allah is the greatest Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar when they are doing the forbidden great evil of killing innocent Muslims and innocent non Muslims.

Such people have abandoned and deserted the stories of the Quran of Allah for the hadith stories of humans. 

They have put the hadith stories of humans above the stories of Allah in the Quran. 

They follow the hadith stories of humans instead of following the stories of Allah in the Quran.

If hadith stories agree with the Quran then accept it.

If hadith stories do not agree with the Quran then reject it.

On the Day of Judgement Allah judges by the words in the protected Quran. 

On the Day of Judgement Allah does not judge by the words in unprotected human hadith stories. 

The Quran is the protected word of Allah including the protected words of Prophet Muhammad.

Quran 6:158 Verse 6:158 "... belief in it (Allah and the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) shall not help any soul …. if in belief (he or she) did not earn good (by doing righteous deeds in their life). ....” 

Quran 29:9 Verse 29:9 And for those who believe and do righteous deeds We (Allah) shall make them enter among the righteous (in Paradise Jannah).

Quran 41:8 Verse 41:8 “For those who believe and do good deeds, for them is an everlasting reward (in Paradise Jannah).” 

See 1. Hadith Jesus second coming. Hadith Prophet Jesus returning. 

Hadith Prophet Isa returning. 

Hadith Dajjal Dijjal. Hadith Mahdi Mehdi.

Hadith stories that contradict the Quran are false hadith stories.

Some people follow false stories which contradict the Quran instead of following the protected words in the Books of Allah.


See 2. Quran 25:30 comments with examples of hadith stories which contradict the teachings of Allah in Quran chapter 25.

See 3. Quran 38:26 comments in Quran chapter 38.

Satan Shaitan misguides by confusing humans about the true meaning of some verses in the Quran. 

See Quran 2:78, 3:20, 3:75, 3:144, 4:157, 4:158, 5:75, 6:158, 7:157, 7:158, 21:34, 21:81, 21:82, 21:95, 27:82, 29:48, 32:23, 33:40, 37:102, 38:26, 39:30, 40:46, 42:52, 43:61, 54:1, 56:79, 62:2, 68:1, 69:40, 80:15, 81:19, 96:1, 96:4, 96:5 comments. 

Quran 33:41 Koran 33:41 Verse 33:41 Ayah 33:41 Ayat 33:41 Aya 33:41 All you who believe (in Allah), remember Allah often.


Quran 33:42 Koran 33:42 Verse 33:42 Ayah 33:42 Ayat 33:42 Aya 33:42 And exalt Him (Allah) in the morning and afternoon.


Quran 33:43 Koran 33:43 Verse 33:43 Ayah 33:43 Ayat 33:43 Aya 33:43 He (Allah) is the one who sends his blessings (sends his blessings is the word yuṣallī) upon you and His (Allah’s) angels (who deliver what Allah decrees of His blessings to the earth) so that He (Allah) may bring you out of the darkness to the light. He (Allah) is merciful to the believers (of Allah).


Quran 33:44 Koran 33:44 Verse 33:44 Ayah 33:44 Ayat 33:44 Aya 33:44 The greeting (to the believers) on the day (of resurrection) when they shall meet Him (Allah) shall be, “Peace”. He (Allah) has prepared for them a good reward (in the Hereafter).


Quran 33:45 Koran 33:45 Verse 33:45 Ayah 33:45 Ayat 33:45 Aya 33:45 Prophet (Muhammad) We (Allah) have sent you as a witness (to the truth of Allah) and as a deliverer of good news (of Paradise Jannah for good doers) and a warner (of Hell fire Jahannam for bad doers).


Quran 33:46 Koran 33:46 Verse 33:46 Ayah 33:46 Ayat 33:46 Aya 33:46 And as one who invites (people) to Allah with His (Allah’s) permission, and (for you to be) like a lamp illuminating (the hearts the minds of the people).


Quran 33:47 Koran 33:47 Verse 33:47 Ayah 33:47 Ayat 33:47 Aya 33:47 And give the good news to the believers that they shall have a great bounty from Allah.


Quran 33:48 Koran 33:48 Verse 33:48 Ayah 33:48 Ayat 33:48 Aya 33:48 And do not obey the disbelievers (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) and the hypocrites (those who say they believe in Allah but they do not believe in Allah). Disregard their talk and put your trust in Allah. Allah is sufficient as a protector.


Quran 33:49 Koran 33:49 Verse 33:49 Ayah 33:49 Ayat 33:49 Aya 33:49 All you who believe (in Allah), If you marry believing women and divorce them before you have touched them (through sexual intercourse) then there is no (waiting period, Iddah) period that you should count (before remarrying). But make them satisfied and release them generously (with some gift).


Quran 33:50 Koran 33:50 Verse 33:50 Ayah 33:50 Ayat 33:50 Aya 33:50 Prophet (Muhammad) We (Allah) have made lawful to you your wives to whom you have paid their bridal gifts (mahr). And those (captives, prisoners of war) whom you own that Allah has given to you, and the daughters of your paternal (father’s) uncles and aunts, and daughters of your maternal (mother’s) uncles and aunts who migrated (from Makkah to Yathrib) with you, and any believing woman who gives her self to the Prophet if the Prophet wishes to marry her but this is only (something special) for you (Prophet Muhammad) and not for the (other) believers. We (Allah) know what has been decreed for them (the believers) regarding their wives and the captives whom they own. (This revelation is for you Prophet Muhammad) so that there should be no difficulty for you. Allah is forgiving and most merciful.


Quran 33:51 Koran 33:51 Verse 33:51 Ayah 33:51 Ayat 33:51 Aya 33:51 You (Prophet Muhammad) can postpone and accept whom you wish (of those whom you are permitted to marry) and whoever you desire of those whom you have set aside (temporarily) it is no sin for you (to receive her later), that is better so that they may be comforted and not worry (about hurting anyone’s feelings) and so they (your wives and those whom you desire to also be among your wives) may all be pleased with what you give them (in considering all of their feelings). Allah knows what is in your hearts. Allah is forgiving and forbearing.


Quran 33:52 Koran 33:52 Verse 33:52 Ayah 33:52 Ayat 33:52 Aya 33:52 It is not lawful for you (Prophet Muhammad to marry) women after this time, neither can you exchange them for other wives even if their beauty please you (Prophet Muhammad), except (the female servants) whom you rightly possess (meaning those whom you legally possess or those in your rightful control see Quran 60:10. Quran 33:52 says the number of female servants is not limited in future because Quran 33:52 is only about limiting the number of women who are your wives. Quran 33:52 is not saying female servants can be used to fulfil sexual desire see Quran 4:25 and Quran 24:33. In Islam it is not permitted to have sex outside marriage see Quran 17:32. Sex with servants or slaves or captives is forbidden in Islam unless you are married to them see Quran 4:3. Why is there no limit in the number of female servants in Quran 33:52? A person who is unable to look after themself such as the elderly, the disabled and the sick can be bathed and dressed by a servant who will see private parts and there is no sin in that. A doctor who is a servant can see private parts and there is no sin in that. The same meaning applies in Quran 23:5 and Quran 23:6 which is like Quran 70:29 and Quran 70:30). Allah watches over all things.

Comment 1. Sex with a slave before marriage is not allowed 

See Quran 23:6 comments in Quran chapter 23.


Quran 33:53 Koran 33:53 Verse 33:53 Ayah 33:53 Ayat 33:53 Aya 33:53 All you who believe (in Allah), Do not enter the homes of the Prophet (Muhammad) without permission or stay watching for the meal time but if you are invited to meals then enter and when you have eaten then leave. Do not stay for conversation because this is troubling for the Prophet (Muhammad) but he is shy of (asking) you (to leave) but Allah is not shy of the truth. And when you (the believing men) ask them (the wives of Prophet Muhammad) for anything ask them from behind a curtain (screen, partition). That is a better way for the purity for your hearts and for their hearts. It is not allowed for you to trouble the messenger of Allah (as explained here), nor is it allowed for you to marry his (Prophet Muhammad) wives after him. To do that would be a great (sin) in the sight of Allah.

Comment 1. Allah does not tell women to cover their mouth with a veil.

Quran 33:53 tells men who enter the house of Prophet Muhammad to speak to the wives of the prophet from behind a curtain and tells men that after the death of the prophet no one can marry his wives. A curtain separated the eating area from the wives.

Allah made special rules for the wives of the prophet because Quran 33:32 tells us that ”the wives of the prophet are not like anyone among the women” meaning the special rules for the wives of the prophet are not rules for anyone except for the wives of the prophet.

Special rules were needed for the prophet and his wives because they were special people and because many people were entering and leaving the homes of the prophet.

Quran 33:32 Verse 33:32 Wives of the Prophet (Muhammad). You are not like anyone among the women. ..”


Quran 33:54 Koran 33:54 Verse 33:54 Ayah 33:54 Ayat 33:54 Aya 33:54 Whether you reveal some thing or keep it hidden, Allah knows all things.


Quran 33:55 Koran 33:55 Verse 33:55 Ayah 33:55 Ayat 33:55 Aya 33:55 There is no fault for them (your wives to meet freely) with their fathers, or their sons, or their brothers, or their brothers' sons, or the sons of their sisters or with other women, or their servants. Women, Keep your duty to Allah. Allah is a witness to all things.


Quran 33:56 Koran 33:56 Verse 33:56 Ayah 33:56 Ayat 33:56 Aya 33:56 Allah and His (Allah’s) angels send blessings (send blessings is yuṣallūna, when angles descend from Heaven to the Earth) upon the Prophet (Muhammad). All you who believe (in Allah), ask (Allah for) blessings (blessing is ṣallū) on him (Prophet Muhammad) and greet him (Prophet Muhammad) with a worthy greeting (like "may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon you").

Comment 1. The meaning “blessing” and not “prayer” in Quran 33:56 is confirmed in Quran 33:43 and Quran 33:44.

Quran 33:43 Verse 33:43 He (Allah) is the one who sends his blessings (sends his blessings is the word yuṣallī) upon you and His (Allah’s) angels (who deliver what Allah decrees of His blessings to the earth) so that He (Allah) may bring you out of the darkness to the light. He (Allah) is merciful to the believers (of Allah).


Quran 33:44 Verse 33:44 The greeting (to the believers) on the day (of resurrection) when they shall meet Him (Allah) shall be, “Peace”. He (Allah) has prepared for them a good reward (in the Hereafter).


The Arabic word Ṣallū is a verb meaning to pray or to bless.

See https://corpus.quran.com/qurandictionary.jsp?q=Slw#(33:56:10)

The Arabic word Ṣallū is to pray, to worship or when it is "on" or "upon" someone it means to bless someone.

See https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%D8%B5%D9%84%D9%89 


Quran 33:57 Koran 33:57 Verse 33:57 Ayah 33:57 Ayat 33:57 Aya 33:57 Those who slander Allah and His (Allah’s) messenger (Prophet Muhammad), Allah has cursed them (by removing Allah’s mercy from them) in the world and in the Hereafter, and (Allah) has prepared for them a humiliating punishment (in Hell fire Jahannam).

Note 1. Quran 17:60 Verse 17:60 “.... We (Allah) warn (people to do what is good and avoid what is evil) and make them afraid (of Allah by describing the home for evil doers in Hell Fire in the Hereafter) but it only increases them (some of the humans) in nothing but greater disobedience against Allah (and the commandment to do what is good and avoid what is evil). 

Comment 1. What should Muslims do when Prophet Muhammad is insulted?

How does Allah test Muslims when Prophet Muhammad is insulted?

Quran 16:127 Verse 16:127 And be patient (Prophet Muhammad), your patience is from (the help of) Allah (so it is most fitting to be patient. Those who are correctly guided by Allah are the patient). And do not grieve for them (the stone idol worshippers of Makkah Arabia from whom you are an off-spring) and do not distress because they conspire (against the word of Allah which you deliver to them).

Quran 16:128 Verse 16:128 Allah is with those who keep their duty to Him (Allah) and those who do what is good.

Quran 20:130 Verse 20:130 So be patient (Prophet Muhammad) over what they (the stone idol worshippers of Makkah) say, and exalt your Lord (Allah) with praise before sunrise and before sunset and during some of the night and at the ends of the day (the five compulsory prayers) so that you may be pleased (with your reward from Allah).

Quran 38:17 Verse 38:17 (Prophet Muhammad) have patience with what they (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) say and remember Our (Allah’s) servant Prophet David Dawud, possessor of strength, he was always turning in repentance (to Allah).

Quran 73:10 Verse 73:10 And have patience with what they (the stone idol worshippers of Makkah) say and when you leave them be polite (to them).

Video: When they insult our prophet. 



Quran 33:58 Koran 33:58 Verse 33:58 Ayah 33:58 Ayat 33:58 Aya 33:58 And those who wrongfully slander believing men and women shall carry the guilt of that slander which is a clear sin.


Quran 33:59 Koran 33:59 Verse 33:59 Ayah 33:59 Ayat 33:59 Aya 33:59 O Prophet (Muhammad), Say to your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw (pull) over themselves their outer garments (when they are outside the house). That shall be more suitable so that they may be recognised (as believing women) and not be harmed (by evil doers). Allah is forgiving and merciful.

Comment 1. The veil in Islam. The Hijab in Islam. The Niqab in Islam.

See Quran 24:31 comments in Quran chapter 24.


Quran 33:60 Koran 33:60 Verse 33:60 Ayah 33:60 Ayat 33:60 Aya 33:60 If the hypocrites (those who say they believe in Allah but who really support the combined forces who are fighting against Allah and Allah’s messenger) and those in whose hearts is a disease (of disbelief in Allah), and those who spread rumors in the city (of Madinah telling the Muslims to run away because the anti Muslim combined forces are too strong) do not cease then We (Allah) shall urge you (Prophet Muhammad) against them and then they shall be your neighbours for only a little while (meaning, for only a short time). – (Continued Quran 33:61).


Quran 33:61 Koran 33:61 Verse 33:61 Ayah 33:61 Ayat 33:61 Aya 33:61 – Cursed (by Allah because they have lost the mercy of Allah for what they do in Madinah), they (the hypocrites who say they believe in Allah but who really support the combined forces who are fighting against Allah and Allah’s messenger) shall be seized where ever they are found (fighting against you) and slaughtered (so stand strong in Madinah and defend the front line defensive trench against the anti Muslim combined forces). – (Continued Quran 33:62).

Comment 1. The battle of the Trench in Yathrib Madinah Arabia. 

The stone idol worshippers in Makkah persecuted any of their people who abandoned stone idol worship.

Prophet Muhammad and the Muslims fled the persecution of the stone idol worshippers in Makkah for the safety of Yathrib.

When news of an invasion force from Makkah reached the Muslims in Yathrib they constructed a defensive trench around Yathrib. 


Quran 33:62 Koran 33:62 Verse 33:62 Ayah 33:62 Ayat 33:62 Aya 33:62 – That was the way of Allah in the case of those (who opposed the prophets of Allah) in the past and you (Prophet Muhammad) shall not find any change in the way of Allah (by comparing what Allah has ordered Prophet Muhammad to do with what Allah had ordered the prophets of the past to do in the Torah Taurat in regards to those who opposed the Prophets of Allah in times of war).


Quran 33:63 Koran 33:63 Verse 33:63 Ayah 33:63 Ayat 33:63 Aya 33:63 People ask you (Prophet Muhammad) about the Hour (of the end of the earth which is followed in the hereafter by the Day of Resurrection and Judgement). Say, “Knowledge of it is only with Allah. What can I say to you (about it)? It may be that the Hour is near.”

Comment 1. The hour of the Day of Resurrection in the Quran.

Quran 20:15 Verse 20:15 “The Hour (of the Day of Resurrection) is coming. But I (Allah) shall keep it (the exact time it shall happen) hidden, (it shall be the time when) every soul shall be rewarded (in the hereafter) according to its deeds.” 

Quran 7:187 Verse 7:187 They ask you (Prophet Muhammad) about The Hour (of the Day of Resurrection) and when it shall come. Say, “Knowledge of this is with my Lord (Allah) only. He (Allah) alone shall make it happen at the proper time. It lays heavily on the heavens and the earth (because of the greatness of that event). It shall come to you suddenly. They question you as if you might be well informed of it. Say, “Knowledge of it is with Allah only, but most of the people do not know that (because they think others have this knowledge).” 

Quran 25:11 Verse 25:11 But they (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) deny (the coming of) the Hour (of the Day of Resurrection), and for those who deny (the coming of) the Hour We (Allah) have prepared a flame (of fire in the Hereafter in Hell).

Quran 31:34 Verse 31:34 With Him (Allah) is knowledge of the Hour (of the Day of Resurrection). He (Allah) sends down the rain and He (Allah) knows what is in the wombs. No person knows what it shall earn (in good or bad deeds) tomorrow and no person knows in which land they shall die but Allah knows all (things).

Quran 33:63 Verse 33:63 People ask you (Prophet Muhammad) about the Hour (of the Day of Resurrection) Say, “Knowledge of it is only with Allah. What can I say to you (about it)? It may be that the Hour is near.”

Quran 43:61 Verse 43:61 And it (the Quran reveals) a knowledge of the hour (of the Day of Resurrection that has already been revealed in Allah’s Torah Taurat and Allah’s Gospel Injil and now in Allah’s Quran, meaning the Day of Resurrection is real, meaning this is not a story that has been invented in the Quran), so have no doubt about it (the Day of Judgment) and follow (by believing in) Me (Allah), this is the correct path. 

Comment 2. The Gospel Injil explains why Allah is not a Trinity.

Gospel of Mark 13:32 "But as to that day or that hour (the time of the Day of Resurrection), no one knows, not even the angels in heaven (the Holy Spirit and the other angels who are servants of Allah), not even the Son (Jesus who is a servant of Allah), but only the Father (Allah, who is the Father of every creation). 

Note 1. If Allah is one then the Gospel would teach that Jesus does not know the hour.

Note 2. If Allah is three in one then the Gospel would teach both Jesus and Allah know the hour.

Note 3. In the Gospel Jesus is not Allah because Jesus does not know the hour meaning the teaching that Jesus is Allah or part of Allah contradicts the Gospel meaning Trinity was invented after the time of Jesus and after the writing of the Gospels.

Note 4. There is only one Allah because no one is equal to Allah not Jesus and not the angels.

Note 5. Jesus is like the angels and other creations meaning Jesus is not like Allah.

In the Gospel Jesus is not Allah or part of Allah because Jesus does not know “the hour” because only Allah knows “the hour” meaning “Allah is one’ not three in one.

Gospel of Matthew 24:36 (Jesus Isa who was the prophet and messenger of Allah 2000 years ago said) But as for that day and hour (of the Day of Resurrection), no one knows it except the Father (Allah) alone; not even the angels of heaven (the Holy Spirit and the other angels who are servants of Allah), not even the Son (Jesus Isa who is a servant of Allah).

Note 1. Only Allah knows the hour of the Day of Resurrection.

The Holy Spirit revealed to Jesus Isa that only Allah knows the hour of the Day of Resurrection therefore Jesus Isa is not Allah and the Holy Spirit is not Allah because both Jesus Isa and the Holy Spirit are created by Allah.

Note 2. Humans including Jesus Isa and angels including the Holy Spirit are servants of Allah they are not Allah or a part of Allah in a Trinity or a partner with Allah in the ruling of the heavens and the Earth.

Gospel of Matthew 21:11 And the crowds would say, "This is the prophet Jesus, from Nazareth, Galilee."  

Note 1. The people said Jesus is a prophet.


Gospel of Luke 24:19 And he said to them, "What things?" And they said to him, "The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet powerful in deed and in word, in the eyes of both Allah and all the people;  

Note 1. Jesus was a prophet in the sight of both Allah and all the people.

Quran 33:64 Koran 33:64 Verse 33:64 Ayah 33:64 Ayat 33:64 Aya 33:64 Allah has cursed (by removing His mercy on the Day of Judgement from) the disbelievers (the stone idol worshippers) and has prepared for them a fire (in the Hereafter),

Note 1. Quran 17:60 Verse 17:60 “.... We (Allah) warn (people to do what is good and avoid what is evil) and make them afraid (of Allah by describing the home for evil doers in Hell Fire in the Hereafter) but it only increases them (some of the humans) in nothing but greater disobedience against Allah (and the commandment to do what is good and avoid what is evil). 


Quran 33:65 Koran 33:65 Verse 33:65 Ayah 33:65 Ayat 33:65 Aya 33:65 In it (the fire) they shall live forever and they shall find no protector or helper.

Note 1. See Quran 33:64 comment.


Quran 33:66 Koran 33:66 Verse 33:66 Ayah 33:66 Ayat 33:66 Aya 33:66 (In the Hereafter) on the day when their faces are rolled over in the fire, they shall say, “We wish we had obeyed Allah and His (Allah’s) messenger (Prophet Muhammad, then we would not be suffering in Hell fire Jahannam).”


Quran 33:67 Koran 33:67 Verse 33:67 Ayah 33:67 Ayat 33:67 Aya 33:67 And they shall say, “Our Lord (Allah), we obeyed our noble (men) and leaders and they misled us away from the (right) way.”


Quran 33:68 Koran 33:68 Verse 33:68 Ayah 33:68 Ayat 33:68 Aya 33:68 “Our Lord (Allah), give them (who misled us) a double punishment and curse them with a great curse.”


Quran 33:69 Koran 33:69 Verse 33:69 Ayah 33:69 Ayat 33:69 Aya 33:69 All you who believe (in Allah), Do not be like those who slandered Prophet Moses Musa. Allah proved his innocence of what they alleged and he was well regarded in the sight of Allah.

Comment 1. Quran 33:69 is confirmed in Torah Numbers 12:1 – 12:15.

Torah Numbers 12:1 – 12:15 Mary Maryam and Prophet Aaron Harun (in the Sinai Peninsula) spoke against Prophet Moses Musa because of the Cushite woman whom he had married.because he (Prophet Moses Musa) had married a Cushite woman.

Note 1. Allah shows that the greater sin is carried by Mary Maryam because only she is punished by Allah. 


Quran 33:70 Koran 33:70 Verse 33:70 Ayah 33:70 Ayat 33:70 Aya 33:70 All you who believe (in Allah), Keep your duty to Allah, and speak correctly (truthfully and honestly and respectfully without using bad words). – (Continued Quran 33:71),

Comment 1. Do not be like those who slandered Prophet Moses Musa. 

See Quran 33:69


Quran 33:71 Koran 33:71 Verse 33:71 Ayah 33:71 Ayat 33:71 Aya 33:71 – Then He (Allah) shall adjust your deeds for you (by changing your bad deeds into good deeds) and He (Allah) shall forgive you of your sins. Whoever obeys Allah and His (Allah’s) messenger (Prophet Muhammad) has gained a great achievement (in the reward of Paradise in the Hereafter).


Quran 33:72 Koran 33:72 Verse 33:72 Ayah 33:72 Ayat 33:72 Aya 33:72 We (Allah) offered the trust (to be a caretaker of what Allah has created) to the heavens (the sky) and the earth and the mountains (which is a feature of the earth which indicates that heavens refers to the sky of the earth) but they refused to bear it (the responsibility to be a caretaker of the creation) and were afraid of it (that responsibility) but humans (on the earth) accepted it (the responsibility to be a caretaker of the creations). He (the disbelieving human) has proved to be unjust and ignorant (by accepting the blessings of Allah and forgetting the great duty owed to Allah by remembering Allah and thanking Allah who has given them the responsibility to care for all the creations). 

Comment 1. This verse explains why Allah created humans and placed them on the earth.

Comment 2. The Jewish Hebrew bible confirms the Quran.

When talking about mountains the Heavens refers to the sky of the earth in the Quran in the same way as Heavens is used for the sky of the earth when sea waves are mentioned in the Hebrew Jewish Bible Job 9:8.

Tanakh Jewish scripture Job 9:8 Who by himself spread out the heavens (the sky from horizon to horizon) and rules (has power over) the waves of the sea?”

Quran 33:73 Koran 33:73 Verse 33:73 Ayah 33:73 Ayat 33:73 Aya 33:73 So (in the hereafter) Allah punishes the men and women who are hypocrites, and the men and women who are idol worshippers (who mistakenly pray to the things or people that Allah created instead of correctly praying only to Allah who is the creator of every creation). But (in this life) Allah accepts the repentance of believing men and women. Allah is forgiving and merciful.

Interpretations of the Quran (Al-Quran, Al Quran, Koran).

This is an interpretation of some of the meanings in the Quran.

This is not a perfect translation of the Quran because the Quran is in the Arabic language.

The Arabic language in the Quran must be understood as it was understood over 1400 years ago.

Allah guides who He wills to the correct understanding of the Quran.

In the English language the word Allah is God.

Allah (God) is the creator of the Jews, Christians, Muslims and everyone and everything that exists.

Islam and the Quran chapter (sura, surah, surat), chapters (suras, surahs), verse (ayaah, aya, ayah), verses (ayaas, ayaat, ayas, ayat), analysis, annotation, clarification, comment, commentary, elucidation, examination, explanation, foot note, interpretation, investigation, note, observation, remark, study, understanding, analyses, annotations, clarifications, comments, commentaries, elucidations, examinations, explanations, foot notes, interpretations, investigations, notes, observations, remarks, studies, understandings of Islam and the Quran (The Coran, Al-Coran, Al Coran, The Koran, Al-Koran, Al Koran, The Quran, Al Quran, Al-Quran, The Qur'an, Al-Qur'an, Al Qur'an, The Qur’ān, Al-Qur’ān, Al Qur’ān).

Corrections and questions are welcome and can be emailed to somaliahamradio@yahoo.com 

The meaning of verses in the Quran and Tanakh and Gospel are on these websites.

The meaning of verses in the Koran and Torah and Injil are on these websites. 

YOU ARE HERE Allah https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran

Allah index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/index  

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