217. Sacrifice of son in Taurat.


7 April 2023 (1444 AH).

The story of the sacrifice of the son of Abraham Ibrahim in the Torah Taurat.

A. The birth of Prophet Ishmael Ismail in the Torah Taurat.

B. The birth of Prophet Isaac Ishaq in the Torah Taurat.

C. The separation of Prophet Ishmael Ismail and Prophet Isaac Ishaq in the Torah Taurat.

D. The sacrifice of the only son Isaac Ishaq who was still living with Abraham Ibrahim in Canaan today in Israel and Palestine after Ishmael Ismail and Hagar had been sent into the desert.


To correctly understand Jewish scripture you must know that the Septuagint Bible and all Old Testament Bibles are all Christian translations and are not used in Judaism because most contain wrong translations of the Hebrew and some wrong tenses and some different verse numbers.

The original Septuagint Bible only translated the five books of Moses and was destroyed by fire more than 2000 years ago in the Alexandria library in Egypt meaning it does not exist today.


The Jewish people use the following.

A. The Torah Taurat scroll of Prophet Moses Musa containing 304,805 letters which is located in every Synagogue in every country in the world shows how carefully it has been preserved.


B. The books of the prophets who came after Prophet Moses Musa.


C. One book called the Tanakh which contains the writings in the Torah Taurat scroll of Prophet Moses Musa which is in A above and also the books of the prophets who came after Prophet Moses Musa in B above.

The Tanakh Jewish scripture has 3 sections. 

The Torah section containing the law delivered by Prophet Moses Musa in A above, 

The Prophets section who explain problems in B above.

The Writings section which are the solution to the problems described by the prophets in B above.


A. The birth of Prophet Ishmael Ismail in the Torah Taurat.

1. The birth of Ishmael Ismail.

Genesis 16:3 And Sarai Abram's wife took Hagar the Egyptian, her handmaid, after Abram had lived ten years in the land of Canaan (today in Israel and Palestine), and gave her to Abram her husband to be his wife. 


2. The rivalry between Hagar the handmaid and Sarai the mistress who is the woman in authority and in control in the house of Abram Ibram.

Genesis 16:4 And he (Abram Ibram) went into Hagar, and she conceived; and when she saw that she had conceived, her mistress (Sarai) became unimportant in her eyes (and Sarai saw how Hagar had changed in her behavour towards her).


Genesis 16:5 And Sarai said to Abram: 'My wrong (meaning the injustice done by Hagar towards me) be upon you (meaning I put the blame of that wrong on you because): I gave my handmaid into your bosom; and when she saw that she had conceived, I became unimportant in her eyes (and you did not say a word to reprimand her): the LORD judge between me (for the wrong done to me) and you (for not saying one word to correct Hagar’s behaviour towards me).


Genesis 16:6 But Abram said to Sarai: 'Look, your maid is in your hand; do to her that which is good in your eyes.' And Sarai dealt harshly with her, and she (Hagar) fled from her face.


Genesis 16:7 And the angel of the LORD found her (Hagar) by a fountain of water in the wilderness, by the fountain in the way to Shur (northern Sinai Peninsula that is before you come to Egypt and mentioned in Genesis 25:18 meaning she was returning to Egypt). 


Genesis 16:8 And he said: 'Hagar, Sarai's handmaid, where did you come from and where are you going?' And she (Hagar) said: 'I flee from the face of my mistress (meaning the woman in authority and in control in the house of Abram Ibram) Sarai.' 


Genesis 16:9 And the angel of the LORD said to her: 'Return to your mistress (Sarai), and submit yourself under her hands.' 


3. Before Hagar gives birth to Ishmael Ismail the angel of Allah promises Hagar will have many descendants.

Genesis 16:10 And the angel of the LORD said to her: 'I will greatly multiply your seed (descendants so), that it cannot be counted because of the great number. 


Genesis 16:11 And the angel of the LORD said to her: 'Look, you are with child, and shall bear a son; and you shall call his name Ishmael Ismail, because the LORD has heard your suffering. 

Note 1. Before Hagar gives birth to Ishmael Ismail Allah promises Hagar will have many descendants in Genesis 16:10.

Note 2. Ishmael Ismail means “Allah has heard” meaning Allah has heard the suffering of his mother Hagar Hajar in Genesis 16:11.


Torah Genesis 16:12 And he (Ishmael Ismail who Allah judged as righteous in Genesis 21:20) shall be a wild donkey of a man (in the wilderness meaning he will be quick in movement especially in archery like a wild donkey is quick in movement so that he can survive in the wilderness): his hand shall be against every man (meaning he will be inclined to be against the people he meets because of the dangers a person who is always travelling faces from strangers), and every man's hand against him (meaning the people he meets will not know him and will be inclined against him until these strangers become like brethren); and he (Prophet Ishmael Ismail will be an archer who will live for 137 years and will always be travelling and hunting for food so that at some time in his life Prophet Ishmael Ismail) shall live next to (the borders of) all his brethren. (In the same way Allah revealed that Prophet Muhammad ignored a blind man in Quran 80:1 - 80:10 as a reminder that humans are not Allah so that humans worship Allah and not the messengers of Allah).

Note 1. Righteous people are humans.

Note 2. Genesis 25:18 And they (the children of Ishmael Ismail) lived from Havilah (Arabia, today Saudi Arabia in the south) to Shur (northern Sinai Peninsula in the west) that is before (you come to) Egypt, (and) as you go toward Asshur (Assyria today in Iraq in the east): he (Ishmael Ismail being an archer who lived for 137 years was always travelling and hunting for food so that at some time in his life Ishmael Ismail had) settled next to (the borders of) all his brethren.


B. The birth of Prophet Isaac Ishaq in the Torah Taurat.

4. The promise of Allah that Abraham Ibrahim will be the father of many nations.

Genesis 17:1 And when Abram was ninety nine years old, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said to him: 'I am Allah Almighty; walk before Me, and you be wholehearted.


Genesis 17:5 Neither shall your name any more be called Abram Ibram, but your name shall be Abraham Ibrahim; because the father of a multitude of nations have I made  (decreed for) you (through your descendants).

Note 1. When Abram Ibram is 99 years old Allah gave him the new name of Abraham Ibrahim meaning “father of many.”


Genesis 17:15 And Allah said to Abraham Ibrahim: 'As for Sarai your wife, you shall not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall be her name. 


Genesis 17:16 And I will bless her, and moreover I will give you a son of her (named Isaac Ishaq); yes, I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of peoples shall be of her (who will descend from Isaac Ishaq through Jacob Yaqub Israel and the 12 children of Israel and through Esau who is the brother of Jacob Yaqub Israel).' 


Genesis 17:17 Then Abraham Ibrahim fell on his face, and laughed, and said in his heart: 'Shall a child be born to him (Abraham Ibrahim) that is a hundred years old and shall Sarah, that is ninety years old, bear (a son)?

Note 1. Isaac Ishaq is born one year later when Abraham Ibrahim is 100 years old and Sarah is 90 years old and Ishmael Ismail is 14 years old.


5. The circumcision of everyone who was living in the house of Abraham Ibrahim in Canaan today in Israel and Palestine. 

Genesis 17:24 And Abraham Ibrahim was ninety nine years old, when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin. 


Genesis 17:25 And Ishmael Ismail his son was thirteen years old, when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin. 


Genesis 17:26 In that same day Abraham Ibrahim was circumcised, and Ishmael Ismail his son. 


Genesis 17:27 And all the men of his house, those born in the house, and those of a foreigner bought with money, were circumcised with him.


6. The birth of Isaac Ishaq and his circumcision in the house of Abraham Ibrahim in Canaan today in Israel and Palestine. 

Genesis 21:4 And Abraham Ibrahim circumcised his son Isaac Ishaq when he was eight days old, as Allah had commanded him (in Genesis 17:12). 


Genesis 21:5 And Abraham Ibrahim was a hundred years old, when his son Isaac Ishaq was born to him.

Note 1. Isaac Ishaq is born when Abraham Ibrahim is 100 years old and Sarah is 90 years old and Ishmael Ismail is 14 years old.



C. The separation of Prophet Ishmael Ismail and Prophet Isaac Ishaq in the Torah Taurat.

7. The separation of Isaac Ishaq when he is 2 years old from Ishmael Ismail when he is 16 years old to fulfill the promise that Abraham Ibrahim would be the father of many nations.

Genesis 21:8 And the child grew, and was weaned. And Abraham Ibrahim made a great feast on the day that Isaac Ishaq was weaned.

Note 1. Ishmael Ismail and Isaac Ishaq live in the same house.

Note 2. If Ishmael Ismail and Isaac Ishaq continued to live in the same house then the promise of Allah that Abraham Ibrahim will be the father of many nations will not be fulfilled.

Note 3. Genesis 21:9 - 21:14 describes how Allah separates Ishmael Ismail and Isaac Ishaq so that many nations come from their descendants to fulfil the promise of Allah that Abraham Ibrahim will be the father of many nations in Genesis 17:5 – 17:22.

Note 4. If Isaac Ishaq is 2 years old at the great feast then Ishmael Ismail is 16 years old at the great feast in Canaan today in Israel and Palestine.


Genesis 21:9 And Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, whom she (Hagar) had borne to Abraham Ibrahim (the son Ishmael Ismail), making sport (making fun meaning teasing his baby brother Isaac Ishaq which made Sarah angry and caused the brothers to separate to fulfill the prophecy that Abraham Ibrahim would be the father of many nations both Arabic and Hebrew which would not happen if both brothers lived together in the same house and to show that Ishmael Ismail who was a prophet was human as a reminder to worship Allah and not the prophets of Allah).

Note 1. When Sarah is described with Ishmael Ismail he is called “the son of Hagar” to show the separation between Sarah and Ishmael Ismail.


8. Isaac Ishaq is the only son living with Abraham Ibrahim when Ishmael Ismail and Hagar are sent into the desert in Genesis 21:10 – 21:14.

Genesis 21:10 And she said to Abraham Ibrahim: 'Cast out this servant woman and her son; for the son of this servant woman shall not be heir with my son, Isaac Ishaq.'

Note 1. When Sarah talks about Ishmael Ismail she calls him “her (Hagar’s) son” to show the separation between Sarah and Ishmael Ismail.


Genesis 21:11 And the thing (the request from Sarah to send Ishmael Ismail and Hagar Hajar away) was very grievous (distressing) in Abraham's Ibrahim’s sight on account of his son (whom he loved).

Note 1. When Abraham Ibrahim is described with Ishmael Ismail he calls him “his son” to show there is no separation between Abraham Ibrahim and Ishmael Ismail.


Genesis 21:12 And Allah said to Abraham Ibrahim: 'Let it not be grievous (distressing) in your sight because of the lad (Ishmael Ismail), and because of your servant woman (Hagar); in all that Sarah said to you, listen to her voice (meaning what Allah has decreed has been told to Abraham Ibrahim through Sarah); because in Isaac Ishaq shall seed (the descendants Jacob Yaqub Israel and the children of Israel) be called to you (and the righteous among them will follow in your footsteps).

Note 1. When Allah talks to Abraham Ibrahim his son Ishmael Ismail is called “lad” meaning boy.

Note 2. Prophet Joseph Yusuf is called “a lad” at the age of 17 in Genesis 37:2.

Note 3. “A little lad” is a person who is younger than ‘a lad” but he is not a baby because he can be trusted to carry weapons and arrows in 1 Samuel 20:35 - 20:40.

Note 4. Isaac Ishaq is called “the lad” and Abraham Ibrahim carries the fire and gives Isaac Ishaq the wood to carry for the sacrifice in Genesis 22:5 - 22:6.


Genesis 21:13 And also of the son of the servant woman I will make a nation, because he (Ishmael Ismail) is your seed (off spring and the descendants of Ishmael Ismail and the righteous among them will follow in your footsteps).'

Note 1. When Allah talks to Abraham Ibrahim his son Ishmael Ismail is called “son” meaning boy.


Genesis 21:14 And Abraham Ibrahim arose up early in the morning, and took bread and a bottle of water, and gave it to Hagar, putting it on her shoulder, and (gave) the child (Ishmael Ismail), and sent her away; and she departed, and wandered in the wilderness of Beer-sheba (Canaan, Palestine, Israel and became lost in the desert). 

Note 1. When Abraham Ibrahim gives Ishmael Ismail to Hagar he is called child because when a father loves his son that son will always be his child.

Note 2. A teenager is like a child if they are unwell or sick and this might be the reason Abraham Ibrahim gave both the water and food to Hagar and why Ishmael Ismail is first to come close to death from thirst in the desert.

Note 3. Would Abraham Ibrahim send his sick son and his mother with only a small amount of water and some bread into the desert where they are sure to die is the same question which would come again later which is would Abraham Ibrahim sacrifice the only son Isaac Ishaq who is still living with him after he had sent Ishmael Ismail and Hagar into the desert meaning these two tests ask the question will Abraham Ibrahim give Allah both his sons?

Note 4. Genesis 16:7 shows Hagar had experience travelling alone in the desert when she walked alone from Canaan intending to return to Egypt therefore it is possible that such a woman was better able to manage her thirst when their water had finished compared to Ishmael Ismail even if Ishmael Ismail was not sick on that day.

Note 5. Abraham Ibrahim gave everything to Hagar means he made her responsible for the water and for the bread and for Ishmael Ismail and shows that she was only given a small amount of water and bread which was easy for one woman to carry.


Genesis 21:15 And the water in the bottle was spent (ended), and she cast the child under one of the shrubs.

Note 1. The first person nearing death from thirst is Ishmael Ismail compared to Hagar his  Egyptian mother.

Note 2. “Cast” means she quickly put him under shrubs as protection from the Sun,

Note 3. Ishmael Ismail is called child because when a mother loves her son that son will always be her child especially at a time when he is near death from thirst and she does everything to help him like she did when he was a baby.


Genesis 21:16 And she went, and sat down a distance a bow-shot away; for she thought: 'Let me not look on the death of the child.' And she sat that far from him, and lifted up her voice, and wept. 

Note 1. Ishmael Ismail is called child because when a mother loves her son that son will always be her child especially at a time when he is near death from thirst and she cannot do anything more for him but cry.


Genesis 21:17 And Allah heard the voice of the lad; and the angel of Allah called to Hagar out of heaven, and said to her: 'What is troubling you, Hagar? Do not fear; because Allah has heard the voice of the lad where he is.

Note 1. Notice that Allah is responding to Ishmael Ismail meaning Ishmael Ismail is at the age where he knows Allah and he knows how to pray.

Note 2. Notice that Allah is responding to Ishmael Ismail meaning the prayers from a person who is sick is more effective than others who pray for him and such prayer is the first to be accepted.

Note 3. When Allah talks to Hagar through an angel her son Ishmael Ismail is called “lad” meaning boy.

Note 4. Prophet Joseph Yusuf is called “a lad” at the age of 17 in Genesis 37:2.

Note 5. “A little lad” is a person who is younger than ‘a lad” but he is not a baby because he can be trusted to carry weapons and arrows in 1 Samuel 20:35 - 20:40.

Note 6. Isaac Ishaq is called “the lad” and Abraham Ibrahim carries the fire and gives Isaac Ishaq the wood to carry for the sacrifice in Genesis 22:5 - 22:6.


Genesis 21:18 Standup (Hagar), lift up the lad (with your right hand and help him to standup), and hold him fast by your hand; for I (Allah speaking through the angel of Allah) will make him a great nation (so that what was promised in Genesis 21:13 will be fulfilled).' 

Note 1. When Allah talks to Hagar through an angel her son Ishmael Ismail is called “lad” meaning boy.

Note 2. Notice that Ishmael Ismail is near death because he could not stand without assistance.


Genesis 21:19 And Allah opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water; and she went, and filled the bottle with water, and gave the lad drink. 

Note 1. When Allah talks to Hagar through an angel her son Ishmael Ismail is called “lad” meaning boy.

Note 2. Notice that Ishmael Ismail is near death because his mother gets water for him.


9. Isaac Ishaq is the only son living with Abraham Ibrahim in Canaan today in Israel and Palestine when Ishmael Ismail is living in the wilderness in Genesis 21:20.

Genesis 21:20 And Allah was with the lad (Ishmael Ismail), and he (Ishmael Ismail) grew; and he lived in the wilderness, and became an archer. 

Note 1. Allah describes Ishmael Ismail saying Allah was with the “lad” meaning Allah was with the “boy” meaning Ishmael Ismail was righteous in the sight of Allah.


Genesis 21:21 And he (Ishmael Ismail) lived in the wilderness of Paran (Sinai peninsula today Egypt and Arabia today Saudi Arabia); and his mother (Hagar Hajar) took him a wife out of the land of Egypt.


Genesis 21:33 And Abraham Ibrahim planted a tamarisk-tree in Beer-sheba (Canaan, Palestine, Israel), and called there on the name of the LORD, the Everlasting Allah.


Genesis 21:34 And Abraham Ibrahim lived in the land of the Philistines (Canaan, Palestine, Israel) for a long time.



D. The sacrifice of the only son Isaac Ishaq who was still living with Abraham Ibrahim in Canaan today in Israel and Palestine after Ishmael Ismail and Hagar had been sent into the desert.

10. In Genesis chapter 22 Allah tells Abraham Ibrahim to sacrifice his only son Isaac Ishaq who is still living with him in Canaan today in Israel and Palestine after Abraham Ibrahim had already given Ishmael Ismail and Hagar many years before in Genesis chapter 21.


Genesis 22:1 And after these things (described in Genesis chapter 21), Allah (through the angel of Allah) tested Abraham Ibrahim, and said to him: 'Abraham’ (Ibrahim); and he said: 'Here I am.'


Genesis 22:2 And He (Allah) said: “Take your son, your only son (who still lives with you, reminding him that Allah had earlier taken Ishmael Ismail and Hagar Hajar away from him into Allah’s care in the desert in Genesis chapter 21 meaning Ishmael Ismail was not living with Abraham Ibrahim in Genesis chapter 22 when Allah is testing Abraham Ibrahim a second time to show if Abraham Ibrahim will give Allah his second son who is the only son still living with him after Abraham Ibrahim gave Ishmael Ismail and Hagar Hajar to Allah in the desert in Genesis chapter 21), whom you love (Allah makes the test very hard by demanding his second son and reminding him that this is his only remaining son and reminding him that he already gave Allah one son in Genesis chapter 21 and reminding him of his love for these sons), even (namely, that is) Isaac Ishaq and go to the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt-offering on one of the mountains which I (Allah) will tell you. (Will Abraham Ibrahim give Allah the only son who is living with him after he already gave Ishmael Ismail and Hagar Hajar to Allah in the desert in Genesis chapter 21. Will Abraham Ibrahim give Allah both his sons?).


Genesis 22:3 And Abraham Ibrahim rose early in the morning, and saddled his donkey, and took two of his young men with him, and Isaac Ishaq his son; and he split the wood for the burnt-offering, and stood up, and went to the place which Allah had told him.

Note 1. Ishmael Ismail is not mentioned in Genesis chapter 22 (the sacrifice) like Ishmael Ismail is not mentioned in Quran chapter 37 (the sacrifice) because in Genesis chapter 21 (Genesis 21:21) Ishmael Ismail is living in the wilderness after leaving the home of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim in Canaan today in Israel and Palestine.

Note 2. After the death of Prophet Muhammad some Muslims made the error to believe that the son who was to be sacrificed was Ishmael Ismail because they did not have faith in the Torah Taurat as commanded in Quran 4:136.


Quran 4:136 Koran 4:136 “... and whoever has no faith in … Allah's Books … then he has strayed far away (from Allah).”

Note 3. Some Jews believe that one of the two young men in Genesis 22:3 was Ishmael Ismail meaning they did not correctly understand the meaning of “take your only son Isaac Ishaq (who still lives with you in Genesis chapter 22 after Ishmael Ismail and Hagar were sent into the desert in Genesis chapter 21) and sacrifice him (Isaac Ishaq)” in a similar way to how some Muslims did not correctly understand the meaning of “take your only son Isaac Ishaq (who still lives with you in Genesis chapter 22 after Ishmael Ismail and Hagar were sent into the desert in Genesis chapter 21) and sacrifice him (Isaac Ishaq).”

Note 4. The teaching in Quran 28:48 – 28:49 is that the best guidance is the Quran and the Torah Taurat meaning both are correctly understood when they confirm and explain each other

Note 5. The teaching in Quran 28:48 – 28:49 is the proof Allah is real because no one was able to change the word of Allah in the Torah Taurat.

Note 6. The teaching in Quran 28:48 – 28:49 is proof the Torah Taurat and the Quran are from Allah meaning they confirm and explain each other.


Quran 28:48 Koran 28:48 But when the truth came to them (the stone idol worshippers of Makkah Arabia) from Us (Allah), they said, “Why is he (Prophet Muhammad M Mim م M-uhammad م-uhammad) not given (signs) like what was given to Prophet Moses Musa (represented by Mount Sinai S’ Sin س Sin-ai س-ai)? But did they (the stone idol worshippers of Makkah Arabia) not disbelieve in what was given to Prophet Moses Musa in the past? (Because) they say, “(They are both only books about magic) two magic (books the Torah Taurat T Ta ط Ta-urat ط-urat given by Allah to Prophet Moses Musa and the Quran Q Qaf ق Qaf-uran ق-uran given by Allah to Prophet Muhammad) supporting each other” and they (the stone idol worshippers of Makkah Arabia) say, “In all (that is in the Torah Taurat and the Quran) we do not believe.”


Quran 28:49 Koran 28:49 Say (Prophet Muhammad to the stone idol worshippers of Makkah Arabia), “Then bring a Book from Allah that gives better guidance than these two (the Torah Taurat and the Quran) so that I (Prophet Muhammad) may follow it, if you are telling the truth.”

Note 1. The best guidance is the Quran and the Torah Taurat meaning both are correctly understood when they confirm and explain each other.


Genesis 22:4 On the third day Abraham Ibrahim lifted up his eyes, and saw the place far off. 


Genesis 22:5 And Abraham Ibrahim said to his young men: “You stay here with the donkey, and I and the lad will go over there; and we will worship, and come back to you.”

Note 1. Isaac Ishaq is called “the lad” meaning boy and Abraham Ibrahim carries the fire and gives Isaac Ishaq the wood to carry for the sacrifice in Genesis 22:5 - 22:6.

Note 2. When Allah talks to Hagar through an angel her son Ishmael Ismail is called “lad” meaning boy when Ishmael Ismail is 16 years old and he is sent into the desert in Genesis 21:8 – 21:20 meaning the only son living with Abraham Ibrahim is Isaac Ishaq.

Note 3. Prophet Joseph Yusuf is called “a lad” at the age of 17 in Genesis 37:2.

Note 4. “A little lad” is a person who is younger than ‘a lad” but he is not a baby because he can be trusted to carry weapons and arrows in 1 Samuel 20:35 - 20:40.


Genesis 22:6 And Abraham Ibrahim took the wood of the burnt-offering, and laid it on Isaac Ishaq his son (to carry); and he (Abraham Ibrahim) took in his hand the fire and the knife; and both of them went together. 


Genesis 22:7 And Isaac Ishaq spoke to Abraham Ibrahim his father, and said: 'My father.' And he said: 'Here I am, my son.' And he said: 'Look the fire and the wood; but where is the lamb for a burnt-offering?'


Genesis 22:8 And Abraham Ibrahim said: Allah will provide Himself the lamb for a burnt-offering, my son.' So both of them went together. 


Genesis 22:9 And they came to the place which Allah had told him of; and Abraham Ibrahim built the altar there, and laid the wood in order, and bound (tied) Isaac Ishaq his son, and laid him on the altar, on the wood. 


Genesis 22:10 And Abraham Ibrahim stretched out his hand, and took the knife to slay his son. 


Genesis 22:11 And the angel of the LORD called to him out of heaven, and said: 'Abraham, Abraham.' (Ibrahim, Ibrahim) And he said: 'Here I am.' 


Genesis 22:12 And he said: 'Lay not your hand on the lad, neither do anything to him; for now I know that you are a Allah-fearing man, seeing you have not withheld your son, your only son (who still lives with you), from Me (Allah, after you gave Me your first son Ishmael Ismail in the desert many years ago in Genesis chapter 21).' 


Genesis 22:13 And Abraham Ibrahim lifted up his eyes, and looked, and saw behind him a ram caught in the thicket by his horns. And Abraham Ibrahim went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt-offering instead of his son (Isaac Ishaq). 

Note 1. Allah provided the ram as the sacrifice for Himself.

Note 2. By stopping the sacrifice Allah saved Isaac Ishaq and fulfilled the promise that Isaac Ishaq would have children as proof that Allah always fulfils His promises and to teach humans that Allah forbids human sacrifice in Quran 17:31, Quran 16:57 - 16:59, Quran 81:8 - 81:9, Leviticus 18:21, Leviticus 20:3, Deuteronomy 12:31, Deuteronomy 18:10, Deuteronomy 24:16, Hosea 6:6, Jeremiah 7:22 - 7:23, Psalm 40:7 in Tanakh Jewish Scripture or Psalm 40:6 in Christian Bibles and Micah 6:7 - 6:8.


Genesis 22:14 And Abraham Ibrahim called the name of that place Adonai-jireh; as it is said to this day: 'In the mount where the LORD is seen.' 

Note 1. The Temple Mount is the location of the first and second temples were the presence of Allah is seen and is the location towards which Jews pray and the first Muslims prayed until a new direction of pray towards the Kabah in Makkah was revealed for Muslims.


Genesis 22:15 And the angel of the LORD called to Abraham Ibrahim a second time out of heaven, 


Genesis 22:16 and said: 'By Myself (by My name) have I sworn, said the LORD, because you have done this thing, and have not withheld your son, your only son (who still lives with you after you gave your first son Ishmael Ismail to the care of Allah in the desert in Genesis chapter 21), 


Genesis 22:17 that in blessing I will bless you, and in multiplying I will multiply your seed (descendants) like the stars of the heaven, and like the sand which is on the seashore; and your seed (descendants) shall possess the gate of his enemies (meaning all those who love the righteous among your descendants will be blessed); 


Genesis 22:18 and in your seed (descendants) all the nations of the earth shall be blessed; because you have listened to My voice.' 

Genesis 22:19 So Abraham Ibrahim returned to his young men, and they rose up and went together to Beer-sheba; and Abraham Ibrahim lived at Beer-sheba (Canaan today in Israel and Palestine). 

Nowhere in the Quran did Allah say anyone changed the written word of Allah because the proof Allah is real is that no one can change His written word in Quran 3:3, Quran 4:136, Quran 6:34, Quran 6:115, Quran 10:64, Quran 18:27 and Quran 30:30 except with their spoken words meaning in conversation for example in the story of the sacrifice of the son of Abraham Ibrahim no one could change the word of Allah except in conversations when some Muslims said the son to be sacrificed was Ishaq and other Muslims said the son to be sacrificed was Ismail.

Notice that no Muslim changed the word of Allah in the Quran except with their mouth in conversation and in the same way no Jew can change the word of Allah in the Tanakh Jewish scripture except with their mouth in conversation.

Allah gave the good news of Isaac Ishaq twice to Prophet Abraham Ibrahim.

In the story of Isaac Ishaq, Allah gave Isaac Ishaq to Prophet Abraham Ibrahim twice.

The first time Allah gave Isaac Ishaq to Prophet Abraham Ibrahim is in Quran 37:101 which is the good news of the birth of Isaac Ishaq.

The second time Allah gave Isaac Ishaq to Prophet Abraham Ibrahim is in Quran 37:112 which is the good news that Allah stopped the sacrifice of Isaac Ishaq and for a second time gave Isaac Ishaq to Abraham Ibrahim.

Why does Allah say sacrifice your only son Isaac Ishaq in the Torah Taurat?

When Allah says sacrifice your only son Isaac Ishaq in the Torah Taurat Allah is reminding Prophet Abraham Ibrahim that he already gave one son to Allah when he long ago sent Ishmael Ismail and his mother Hagar Hajar into the desert.

Allah tests Prophet Abraham Ibrahim a second time by saying sacrifice your only son Isaac Ishaq who still lives with you.

Will Prophet Abraham Ibrahim refuse Allah and say but I already gave you Ishmael Ismail and his mother Hagar Hajar?

Will Prophet Abraham Ibrahim refuse Allah and say but you promised future generations for me from Isaac Ishaq?

Will Prophet Abraham Ibrahim sacrifice Isaac Ishaq who is the only son still living with him after he had already given Ishmael Ismail and his mother Hagar Hajar to Allah in the desert?

Will Prophet Abraham Ibrahim give Allah both his sons?

When Prophet Abraham Ibrahim shows he will obey Allah then Allah stops the test and fulfils His promise because Allah always fulfils His promise.

In the story of sacrifice in Quran chapter 37 Allah only blesses Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and his son Prophet Isaac Ishaq. Allah has left no other blessing.

Prophet Isaac Ishaq is called the good news son in the Prophet Abraham Ibrahim story in Quran chapter 11, 15, 19, 29, 37 and 51.

When the Good News son is not named four times in Quran 15:53, 15:54, 15:55 and in Quran 51:28 it is Prophet Isaac Ishaq and this is the same in the story of the sacrifice in Quran 37:101 where the good news son is also not named because it is always the name Allah gives to Prophet Isaac Ishaq.

When the Good News son is named five times in Quran 11:69, 11:71, 11:74 and Quran 29:27, 29:31 it is Prophet Isaac Ishaq and this is the same in the story of the sacrifice in Quran 37:112 where the good news son is also named Prophet Isaac Ishaq because Good News is always the name Allah gives to Prophet Isaac Ishaq in the Prophet Abraham Ibrahim story in the Quran.

Allah names Prophet Isaac Ishaq as the good news son 9 times in Quran chapter 11, 15, 19, 29 and 51.

Allah names Prophet Isaac Ishaq four times in Quran chapter 37 twice as the good news son and twice by name.

In the story of the sacrifice in the Quran Allah only blesses Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and his son Prophet Isaac Ishaq. Allah has left no other blessing.

In the story of the vision dream of the sacrifice of the son of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim in Quran chapter 37 Allah only blesses Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and his son Prophet Isaac Ishaq and leaves no other blessings in the story of the sacrifice and this famous vision dream is remembered in the next chapter Quran chapter 38 where Allah blesses Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and Prophet Isaac Ishaq with the vision dream in Quran 38:45 – 38:47 and shows in the next verse that Prophet Ishmael Ismail was not the son in the vision dream and Prophet Ishmael Ismail was not living with his father during the vision dream by blessing Prophet Ishmael Ismail without his father and without the blessing of the vision dream in Quran 38:48.

This is confirmed in Quran 12:6 and in Torah Genesis 22:2.

In two famous vision dreams in the Quran Allah blesses both the father and the son with the vision dream of the sacrifice of the son in Quran chapter 38 after the story of the sacrifice in Quran chapter 37 and Allah blesses both the father and the son with the vision dream of the bowing of the Sun and the Moon and the eleven stars towards one star in Quran chapter 12 as proof the Quran confirms the Torah Taurat meaning as proof humans do not have the power to change the word of Allah in the Quran and in the Torah Taurat because if humans could change the word of Allah it would be proof that Allah did not exist.

Before Ishmael Ismail was born Allah promised his mother Hagar Hajar that Ishmael Ismail would have many descendants in Torah Genesis 16:8 - 16:11 meaning before the story of the sacrifice Allah promised that both Ishmael Ismail and Isaac Ishaq would have children. 

Allah told Abraham Ibrahim in a vision dream to sacrifice Isaac Ishaq (in Quran 38:45 – 38:47 and Quran 12:6) who was the only son living with him (in Torah Genesis 22:2) meaning Ishmael Ismail was not living in Canaan today Palestine and Israel during the vision dream (in Quran 38:48 where Ishmael Ismail is not blessed with the vision dream and Ishmael Ismail is not blessed with his father meaning the only son living with Abraham Ibrahim during the vision dream is Isaac Ishaq in the blessing of the vision dream in Quran 38:45 – 38:47 and Quran 12:6).

Abraham Ibrahim passed the test because he did not reject Allah by saying “I will not sacrifice Isaac Ishaq because you promised future generations for me from Isaac Ishaq” or “I will not sacrifice Isaac Ishaq because I already gave you Ishmael Ismail and his mother Hagar Hajar in the desert” instead Abraham Ibrahim showed that he would give both his sons to Allah and this is when Allah stopped the sacrifice and gave Isaac Ishaq a second time to Abraham Ibrahim in Quran 37:112.

The choice of a first born animal or a first born son in a sacrifice does not apply to Allah because it is Allah who has commanded this test of faith and it is Allah who can choose anyone to be the sacrifice.

Abraham Ibrahim did not have a choice about who to sacrifice but he could only obey or disobey what Allah commanded him to do in this test.

Allah stopped the test when Abraham Ibrahim showed that after he had given his first son Ishmael Ismail and Hagar Hajar to Allah in the desert he was willing to sacrifice Isaac Ishaq who was his only son who was still living with Abraham Ibrahim in Canaan today in Israel and Palestine during the vision dream.

By stopping the sacrifice Allah saved Isaac Ishaq and fulfilled the promise that Isaac Ishaq would have children as proof that Allah always fulfils His promises and to teach humans that Allah forbids human sacrifice in Quran 17:31, Quran 16:57 - 16:59, Quran 81:8 - 81:9, Leviticus 18:21, Leviticus 20:3, Deuteronomy 12:31, Deuteronomy 18:10, Deuteronomy 24:16, Hosea 6:6, Jeremiah 7:22 - 7:23, Psalm 40:7 in Tanakh Jewish Scripture or Psalm 40:6 in Christian Bibles and Micah 6:7 - 6:8.

The proof that Allah is real is the Quran and the Torah Taurat confirming and explaining each other because "Whoever has no faith in His (Allah’s) Books then he has strayed far away (from Allah, Quran 4:136)." 

Most early Muslims believed the son to be sacrificed is Isaac Ishaq.

Most later Muslims believed the son to be sacrificed is Ishmael Ismail.

This means most early Muslims believed no one changed the Torah Taurat which confirms Quran 2:40 (telling the Jewish people to observe their covenant with Allah which is the Torah Taurat forever) and Quran 2:41 (telling the Jewish people that the Quran confirms what is with the Jewish people in the Torah Taurat) and most later Muslims believed the Torah Taurat was changed which contradicts Quran 2:40 (telling the Jewish people to observe their covenant with Allah which is the Torah Taurat forever) and Quran 2:41 (telling the Jewish people that the Quran confirms what is with the Jewish people in the Torah Taurat). 

1. Which son was to be sacrificed?


2. Library chats E7: Ismā`īl vs. Isḥāq as the sacrifice: A case study of tafsīr and scholarly influence.


3. Was Abraham commanded to sacrifice Isaac or Ishmael?


4. Quran chapter 37. The story of the sacrifice.


1. Why did the first Muslims believe that the son to be sacrificed was Isaac Ishaq?

The start of the story of the sacrifice in Quran chapter 37 repeats Quran chapter 19 where after prayer Allah gives Isaac Ishaq meaning Quran chapter 37 is the story of the son of Sarah.

The Torah Taurat names Isaac Ishaq as the son to be sacrificed and the Quran tells the Jewish people to observe their covenant with Allah which is the Torah Taurat in Quran 2:40 and confirms what is with the Jewish people in the Torah Taurat in Quran 2:41 and says in Quran 4:136 “... whoever has no faith in … Allah's Books … then he has strayed far away (from Allah)” and in Quran 3:93 “… Say (Prophet Muhammad, to the Jews of Yathrib), "Bring the Torah Taurat here and recite it (to me as evidence) if what you say is true." meaning the Quran confirms the Torah Taurat to show that humans do not have the power to change the written word of Allah (in Quran 6:34, Quran 6:115, Quran 10:64, Quran 18:27 and Quran 30:3) which the Jews have been commanded to follow forever in the Torah Taurat by observing the Sabbath Day in all their generations in a covenant agreement made with Allah forever in the Torah Taurat which is confirmed in the Quran as proof Allah is real and as proof the Quran is truthful.

2. Why did later Muslims believe that the son to be sacrificed was Ishmael Ismail?

Later Muslims said that Ishmael Ismail was the only son for 13 years and therefore the Jews changed the Torah Taurat.

However when you read the Torah Taurat you will find that Ishmael Ismail and Isaac Ishaq were both living in the same house before the sacrifice and it was after Ishmael Ismail and Hagar Hajar are sent into the desert that the only son living with Abraham Ibrahim is Isaac Ishaq and this is why Allah says “Take your only son Isaac Ishaq and sacrifice him” meaning the faith in Quran 4:136 which the first Muslims had in the Torah Taurat was the correct faith meaning later Muslims did not read the Torah Taurat and believed what other people told them when they claimed the sacrifice was before the birth of Isaac Ishaq.

In both the Quran and Torah Taurat Isaac Ishaq is given to Prophet Abraham Ibrahim twice. The first time is by the angel of Allah with the birth of Isaac Ishaq and the second time is after the angel of Allah stops the sacrifice and gives Isaac Ishaq to Prophet Abraham Ibrahim a second time.

The name good news is always the name of Isaac Ishaq in Quran chapters 11, 15, 19, 29, 37 and 51.

In both the Quran and Torah Taurat Ishmael Ismail is not mentioned anywhere in Quran chapter 37 or in Torah Taurat Genesis 22 which is the story of the sacrifice.

In the Quran Allah only blesses Abraham Ibrahim and Isaac Ishaq in the story of the sacrifice.

Allah has left no blessing or mention of Ishmael Ismail in the story of the sacrifice because he is not in this story.

The Quran confirms the Torah Taurat however Satan Shaitan tests Muslims to show who believes the word of Allah was changed in the Torah Taurat in the same way Satan Shaitan tests Christians to show who believes Prophet Jesus Isa is Allah.

3. The story of the sacrifice in Quran chapter 37 starts in Quran chapter 19.

The story of Prophet Isaac Ishaq who is called the “Good News” son is the story of the son of Sarah and Prophet Abraham Ibrahim in Quran chapters 11, 15, 19, 29, 37 and 51.

In Quran 19:46 - 19:49 Abraham Ibrahim lived with his father and prays and when he went away Allah gave him Isaac Ishaq in Quran 19:49 meaning this is the story of the son of Sarah.

The story in Quran 19:46 - 19:49 which is the story of Isaac Ishaq the son of Sarah is the same story in the beginning of the story of the sacrifice in Quran 37:98 - Quran 37:101.

1. Quran 37:98 is Quran 19:46 Prophet Abraham Ibrahim is living with his father.

2. Quran 37:99 is Quran 19:47 Prophet Abraham Ibrahim prays.

3. Quran 37:100 is Quran 19:48 Prophet Abraham Ibrahim prays.

4. Quran 37:101 (We gave him the good news) is Quran 19:49 (“We gave him Isaac Ishaq”).

Allah gave Isaac twice.

1. The first time in Quran 37:101 and Quran 19:49 is the good news of the birth of Isaac.

2. The second time in Qur'an 37:112 is after God stopped the sacrifice of Isaac.

The story of the sacrifice only blesses Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and Prophet Isaac Ishaq both separately and together as the father and son.

Allah has left no other blessings in the story of the sacrifice in Quran chapter 37 meaning the Quran confirms the Torah Taurat as proof no one can change the words of Allah as promised in Quran 6:34, Quran 6:115, Quran 10:64, Quran 18:27 and Quran 30:30

Quran 4:136 Koran 4:136 “... and whoever has no faith in … Allah's Books … then he has strayed far away (from Allah).”

A. Why is the name of Prophet Ishmael Ismail not in the story of the sacrifice in Quran chapter 37?

1. The birth of Prophet Ishmael Ismail is not mentioned in Quran 19:46 - Quran 19:49 like the birth of Prophet Ishmael Ismail is not mentioned in the story of the sacrifice in Quran 37:98 - Quran 37:101.

The story of Prophet Isaac Ishaq begins in Quran 19:46 - Quran 19:49 and is the same as the beginning of the story of the sacrifice in Quran 37:98 - Quran 37:101 starting from the time Prophet Abraham Ibrahim lived with his father until Allah gave him Isaac Ishaq meaning this is the story of the son of Sarah and this is why the birth of Prophet Ishmael Ismail is not mentioned in Quran 19:46 - Quran 19:49 or in Quran chapter 37 which is the story of the sacrifice and the son of Sarah.

Quran 19:46 Prophet Abraham Ibrahim is living with his father.

Quran 19:47 Prophet Abraham Ibrahim prays.

Quran 19:48 Prophet Abraham Ibrahim prays.

Quran 19:49 (“We gave him Isaac Ishaq”).

2. Some might mistakenly think that Quran 19:46 - Quran 19:49 says Prophet Isaac Ishaq is the first born son of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim if they have no faith in the Torah Taurat as warned in Quran 4:136 because the Torah Taurat correctly says the first born is Prophet Ishmael Ismail meaning Quran 19:46 - Quran 19:49 is the story of Prophet Isaac Ishaq who the Torah Taurat correctly says is the second son of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim.

Quran 4:136 Koran 4:136 “... and whoever has no faith in … Allah's Books … then he has strayed far away (from Allah).”

3. The good news son in Quran 37:101 is named Prophet Isaac Ishaq in Quran 19:49 meaning this is the story of the son of Sarah and this is the reason Prophet Ishmael Ismail is not mentioned in the story of the sacrifice in Quran chapter 37 meaning Prophet Ishmael Ismail is in a different story describing the building of the Kabah.

A. Quran 37:98 is Quran 19:46 Prophet Abraham Ibrahim is living with his father.

B. Quran 37:99 is Quran 19:47 Prophet Abraham Ibrahim prays.

C. Quran 37:100 is Quran 19:48 Prophet Abraham Ibrahim prays.

D. Quran 37:101 (We gave him the good news) is Quran 19:49 (“We gave him Isaac Ishaq”).

A. Quran 37:98 is Quran 19:46.

Quran 37:98 Koran 37:98 And they (the idol worshippers where Prophet Abraham Ibrahim lived with his father) made a plan against him (Prophet Abraham Ibrahim), but We (Allah) made them the humiliated (by them being unsuccessful in their efforts to kill Prophet Abraham Ibrahim).

Quran 19:46 Verse 19:46 He (Terah, the father of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim) said, “Are you rejecting my gods Abraham Ibrahim? If you do not stop (rejecting my gods) then I shall surely stone you (to death) so go away from me for a long time.”

B. Quran 37:99 is Quran 19:47.

Quran 37:99 Koran 37:99 And he (Prophet Abraham Ibrahim) said, I am going to (pray to) my Lord (Allah) who shall guide me.

Quran 19:47 Verse 19:47 He (Prophet Abraham Ibrahim) said, “Peace to you (my father Terah). I shall ask forgiveness of my Lord (Allah) for you (my father Terah). He (Allah) is always merciful to me.”

C. Quran 37:100 is Quran 19:48.

Quran 37:100 Koran 37:100 (Prophet Abraham Ibrahim said) “My Lord (Allah), Grant me a righteous (son)."

Quran 19:48 Verse 19:48 “I (Prophet Abraham Ibrahim) shall go away from you (my father Terah) and the (stone idols) to which you pray, instead (of praying to) Allah (as you should), and I shall pray to my Lord (Allah). It may be that, in prayer to my Lord (Allah), I shall not be unblessed (meaning, I shall not be unhappy with what Allah gives to me).”

D. Quran 37:101 is Quran 19:49.

Quran 37:101 Koran 37:101 (In the story of Isaac Ishaq, Allah gave Isaac Ishaq to Prophet Abraham Ibrahim twice. The first time Allah gave Isaac Ishaq to Prophet Abraham Ibrahim is in Quran 37:101 which is the good news of the birth of Isaac Ishaq. The second time Allah gave Isaac Ishaq to Prophet Abraham Ibrahim is in Quran 37:112 which is the good news that Allah stopped the sacrifice of Isaac Ishaq and for a second time gave Isaac Ishaq to Abraham Ibrahim) So We (Allah through His angels) gave him (Prophet Abraham Ibrahim) the good news of a forbearing (meaning patient, not complaining) son (Prophet Isaac Ishaq who is also unnamed in Quran 15:53, 15:54, 15:55 and 51:28 because good news is always the name Allah gives to Prophet Isaac Ishaq in the Prophet Abraham Ibrahim story in the Quran chapters 11, 15, 19, 29, 37 and 51).

Quran 19:49 Verse 19:49 So, when he (Prophet Abraham Ibrahim) had gone away from them (his father and his idol worshipping community) and that which they were worshipping (the stone idols) instead of (praying to) Allah (as they should), We (Allah) gave him Isaac Ishaq and Jacob Yaqub. Each of them We (Allah) made a prophet.

4. Quran 37:101 (We gave him the good news) is Quran 19:49 (“We gave him Isaac Ishaq”) is followed by Quran 37:102.

Quran 37:102 Koran 37:102 Then when he (the “good news son” in Quran 37:101 Prophet Isaac Ishaq who is also unnamed in Quran 15:53, 15:54, 15:55 and 51:28 because good news is always the name Allah gives to Prophet Isaac Ishaq in the Prophet Abraham Ibrahim story in the Quran) was old enough to work with him (Prophet Abraham Ibrahim), he (Prophet Abraham Ibrahim) said, "O my son (Prophet Isaac Ishaq), I have seen in the dream that I am sacrificing you, (my son) so look (at my dream as remembered in Quran 12:6 and Quran 38:45 - 38:47 and showing in the next verse in Quran 38:48 that it was not Prophet Ishmael Ismail by blessing Prophet Ishmael Ismail without his father and without the power of vision and so Allah decreed those revelations in Quran chapter 38 after the story of the sacrifice in Quran chapter 37 to guide by Allah’s word those who understand what Allah is teaching and as proof that no one can change the word of Allah in the Books of Allah. The proof that Allah is real is that the word of Allah is protected in all the Books of Allah today. The proof that Allah is not real is that the word of Allah that is with the Jews today in their Torah Taurat and with the Christians today in their Gospel of Jesus by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John and with the Muslims today in their Quran are not protected. Those who understand are guided by the words of Allah. Those who do not understand are misguided by claiming that "humans changed Allah's word" in the Books of Allah that are with the Jews today or with the Christians today or with the Muslims today meaning that without understanding what they have said they unknowingly give the proof that Allah does not exist by claiming or believing that Allah's word is not protected in the Torah Taurat or in the Gospel Injil or in the Quran that are with all the humans today. So Look) what (do) you see (what do you think about my dream)?" He (Prophet Isaac Ishaq) said, "O my father, do as you are commanded, if Allah wills you shall find me patience (not complaining, forbearing as in Quran 37:101).”

5. The good news son in Quran 37:112 is named Prophet Isaac Ishaq and he is given to Prophet Abraham Ibrahim a second time as good news by the angel of Allah when Allah stopped the sacrifice.

Quran 37:112 Koran 37:112 (In the story of Isaac Ishaq, Allah gave Isaac Ishaq to Prophet Abraham Ibrahim twice. The first time Allah gave Isaac Ishaq to Prophet Abraham Ibrahim is in Quran 37:101 which is the good news of the birth of Isaac Ishaq. The second time Allah gave Isaac Ishaq to Prophet Abraham Ibrahim is in Quran 37:112 which is the good news that Allah stopped the sacrifice of Isaac Ishaq and for a second time gave Isaac Ishaq to Abraham Ibrahim) And We (Allah) gave him (Prophet Abraham Ibrahim) the good news of Isaac Ishaq (a second time after Allah stopped the sacrifice of Isaac Ishaq in Quran 37:102 - 37:107 and blessed Abraham Ibrahim in Quran 37:108 - 37:111. The good news is always the name of Prophet Isaac Ishaq in the Prophet Abraham Ibrahim story in the Quran chapters 11, 15, 19, 29, 37 and 51), a prophet of the righteous (requested in Quran 37:100 and given by Allah as the good news son in Quran 37:101 and when in Quran 37:102 Prophet Isaac Ishaq is old enough to work with Prophet Abraham Ibrahim they both understand the vision in a dream that showed Prophet Isaac Ishaq will be sacrificed and is remembered in Quran 12:6 and Quran 38:45 - 38:47 and showing in the next verse in Quran 38:48 that it was not Prophet Ishmael Ismail by blessing Prophet Ishmael Ismail without his father and without the blessing of vision and so Allah decreed those revelations in Quran chapter 38 after the story of the sacrifice in Quran chapter 37 to guide by Allah’s word those who understand what Allah is teaching. Those who understand are guided by the words of Allah. Those who do not understand are misguided by the words of humans. The righteous good news son is named Prophet Isaac Ishaq in Quran 37:112 and Allah blesses both the father Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and the son Prophet Isaac Ishaq in Quran 37:113. Quran 11:69 where good news is unnamed like in the story of the sacrifice in Quran 37:101 and together with Quran 11:71 where the good news is named as Prophet Isaac Ishaq like in the story of the sacrifice in Quran 37:112 show that good news both when it is named or not named is the name for Prophet Isaac Ishaq in the Prophet Abraham Ibrahim story in the Quran. Quran 11:74 where good news is unnamed like in the story of the sacrifice in Quran 37:101 and together with Quran 11:71 where the good news is named as Prophet Isaac Ishaq like in the story of the sacrifice in Quran 37:112 show that good news both when it is named or not named is the name for Prophet Isaac Ishaq in the Prophet Abraham Ibrahim story in the Quran. Quran 29:31 which mentions good news is related to Quran 29:27 which mentions Prophet Isaac Ishaq in the same way as in the story of the sacrifice in Quran 37:101 which mentions good news is related to Quran 37:112 which mentions Prophet Isaac Ishaq because good news is always the name of Prophet Isaac Ishaq in the Prophet Abraham Ibrahim story in the Quran).

Note 1. The proof that Allah is real is that humans could not change the word of Allah in the famous vision dream of the sacrifice of the son of Abraham Ibrahim.

B. Does it matter who was sacrificed?

Yes because if the Quran and Torah Taurat agree the son in the sacrifice is Isaac Ishaq it means no one changed the word of Allah in the Torah Taurat.

Today many Muslims are taught the Torah Taurat was changed and the best proof is the name of the son in the sacrifice and this has encouraged some Muslims to find hundreds of proofs the Torah Taurat was changed (without asking knowledgeable Jews to explain anything to them) in the same way as some Christians find hundreds of proofs that the Quran is not from Allah (without asking knowledgeable Muslims to explain anything to them).

The belief of the first Muslims is that there are no contradictions between the Quran and the Torah Taurat meaning both come from Allah as proof Allah is real and as proof no one can change the word of Allah.

Today the belief of some Muslims is that the Torah Taurat contradicts the Quran meaning they believe humans changed the written word of Allah meaning they unknowingly give the proof that Allah is not real because humans changed the written word of Allah in the Torah Taurat which Allah has commanded be observed forever by every generation of the children of Israel who must observe the Sabbath Day in all of their generations as a never ending covenant agreement between them and Allah.

Quran 2:41 Koran 2:41 And believe in what I (Allah) have revealed (in the Quran) confirming that which is with you (the Jewish people in the Torah Taurat as proof to the stone idol worshipers of Makkah in Quran 6:114, Quran 46:10 and Quran 10:94 that the Quran is not an invented story) ..."

Note 1. The Quran confirms the Torah Taurat which is with the Jewish people forever.

Quran 28:48 Koran 28:48 But when the truth came to them (the stone idol worshippers of Makkah Arabia) from Us (Allah), they said, “Why is he (Prophet Muhammad M Mim م M-uhammad م-uhammad) not given (signs) like what was given to Prophet Moses Musa (represented by Mount Sinai S’ Sin س Sin-ai س-ai)? But did they (the stone idol worshippers of Makkah Arabia) not disbelieve in what was given to Prophet Moses Musa in the past? (Because) they say, “(They are both only books about magic) two magic (books the Torah Taurat T Ta ط Ta-urat ط-urat given by Allah to Prophet Moses Musa and the Quran Q Qaf ق Qaf-uran ق-uran given by Allah to Prophet Muhammad) supporting each other” and they (the stone idol worshippers of Makkah Arabia) say, “In all (that is in the Torah Taurat and the Quran) we do not believe.”

Quran 28:49 Koran 28:49 Say (Prophet Muhammad to the stone idol worshippers of Makkah Arabia), “Then bring a Book from Allah that gives better guidance than these two (the Torah Taurat and the Quran) so that I (Prophet Muhammad) may follow it, if you are telling the truth.”

Note 1. The best guidance is the Quran and the Torah Taurat meaning both are correctly understood when they confirm and explain each other.

Quran 4:136 Koran 4:136 "... Whoever has no faith in His (Allah’s) … Books then he has strayed far away (from Allah).

C. Was someone sacrificed in the vision dream before the birth of Isaac Ishaq?

In the Torah Taurat both Isaac Ishaq and Ishmael Ismail are living together before the sacrifice but when Ishmael Ismail and Hagar Hajar are sent into the desert then the only son living with Abraham Ibrahim is Isaac Ishaq and this is why Allah says “sacrifice your only son Isaac Ishaq” in the Torah Taurat.

The story in the Quran about the birth of Isaac Ishaq does not mention the birth of Ishmael Ismail because it is only telling us about the son of Sarah.

In both the Quran and in the Torah Taurat Allah gives the good news of Isaac Ishaq two times.

The first time is the angel of Allah giving Abraham Ibrahim the good news of the birth of Isaac Ishaq.

The second time is the angel of Allah giving Abraham Ibrahim the good news that Allah has stopped the sacrifice of Isaac Ishaq and gave him a second time to Abraham Ibrahim.

D. How can we know that the Quran and Torah Taurat do not contradict each other meaning the son who is sacrificed in both books is Isaac Ishaq?

First the Quran says that if the Quran was not from Allah then you would find contradictions in the Quran.

Second hadith stories show that most of the first Muslims believed the son to be sacrificed was Isaac Ishaq.

Quran 4:82 Koran 4:82 Do they not think about the Quran (and where it came from)? Had it (the Quran) been (revealed) from someone other than Allah surely they would have found in it (the Quran) much contradiction (within it and between it and the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil. The Quran confirms the Tanakh Jewish Scripture is correct as shown here https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/understanding-the-jewish-scripture  and the Quran explains the story of Jesus in the Gospel Injil of Jesus Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John here https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/is-jesus-god  ).

Note 1. If humans could change the word of Allah it would be proof that Allah does not exist.

Note 2. If humans could change the word of Allah then no one would believe the promise of life after death.

The Torah Taurat in Judaism and the Letter of James (who is the brother of Jesus) in Christianity and the Quran in Islam all agree that the son in the vision dream of the sacrifice was Isaac Ishaq as proof Allah is real.

If the Books of Allah contradicted each other it would be proof that they were invented by humans meaning the proof that Allah exists or does not exist can be found in the story of the famous vision dream of the sacrifice.

Epistle of James 2:20 You foolish man, do you want evidence that faith without deeds is useless?

Epistle of James 2:21 Was not our ancestor Abraham Ibrahim considered righteous for what he did when he offered his son Isaac Ishaq on the altar?

Epistle of James 2:22 You see that his faith and his actions were working together and his faith was made complete by what he did.

Note 1. The proof that Allah is real is that humans could not change the word of Allah in the famous vision dream of the sacrifice of the son of Abraham Ibrahim.

Genesis 22:2 And He (Allah) said: “Take your son, your only son (who still lives with you, reminding him that Allah had earlier taken Ishmael Ismail and Hagar Hajar away from him into Allah’s care in the desert in Genesis chapter 21 meaning Ishmael Ismail was not living with Abraham Ibrahim in Genesis chapter 22 when Allah is testing Abraham Ibrahim a second time to show if Abraham Ibrahim will give Allah his second son who is the only son still living with him after Abraham Ibrahim gave Ishmael Ismail and Hagar Hajar to Allah in the desert in Genesis chapter 21), whom you love (Allah makes the test very hard by demanding his second son and reminding him that this is his only remaining son and reminding him that he already gave Allah one son in Genesis chapter 21 and reminding him of his love for these sons), even (namely, that is) Isaac Ishaq and go to the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt-offering on one of the mountains which I (Allah) will tell you. (Will Abraham Ibrahim give Allah the only son who is living with him after he already gave Ishmael Ismail and Hagar Hajar to Allah in the desert in Genesis chapter 21. Will Abraham Ibrahim give Allah both his sons?).

Note 1. The proof that Allah is real is that humans could not change the word of Allah in the famous vision dream of the sacrifice of the son of Abraham Ibrahim.

Quran 37:101 Koran 37:101 (In the story of Isaac Ishaq, Allah gave Isaac Ishaq to Prophet Abraham Ibrahim twice. The first time Allah gave Isaac Ishaq to Prophet Abraham Ibrahim is in Quran 37:101 which is the good news of the birth of Isaac Ishaq. The second time Allah gave Isaac Ishaq to Prophet Abraham Ibrahim is in Quran 37:112 which is the good news that Allah stopped the sacrifice of Isaac Ishaq and for a second time gave Isaac Ishaq to Abraham Ibrahim) So We (Allah through His angels) gave him (Prophet Abraham Ibrahim) the good news of a forbearing (meaning patient, not complaining) son (Prophet Isaac Ishaq who is also unnamed in Quran 15:53, 15:54, 15:55 and 51:28 because good news is always the name Allah gives to Prophet Isaac Ishaq in the Prophet Abraham Ibrahim story in the Quran chapters 11, 15, 19, 29, 37 and 51).

Quran 37:112 Koran 37:112 (In the story of Isaac Ishaq, Allah gave Isaac Ishaq to Prophet Abraham Ibrahim twice. The first time Allah gave Isaac Ishaq to Prophet Abraham Ibrahim is in Quran 37:101 which is the good news of the birth of Isaac Ishaq. The second time Allah gave Isaac Ishaq to Prophet Abraham Ibrahim is in Quran 37:112 which is the good news that Allah stopped the sacrifice of Isaac Ishaq and for a second time gave Isaac Ishaq to Abraham Ibrahim) And We (Allah) gave him (Prophet Abraham Ibrahim) the good news of Isaac Ishaq (a second time after Allah stopped the sacrifice of Isaac Ishaq in Quran 37:102 - 37:107 and blessed Abraham Ibrahim in Quran 37:108 - 37:111. The good news is always the name of Prophet Isaac Ishaq in the Prophet Abraham Ibrahim story in the Quran chapters 11, 15, 19, 29, 37 and 51), a prophet of the righteous (requested in Quran 37:100 and given by Allah as the good news son in Quran 37:101 and when in Quran 37:102 Prophet Isaac Ishaq is old enough to work with Prophet Abraham Ibrahim they both understand the vision in a dream that showed Prophet Isaac Ishaq will be sacrificed and is remembered in Quran 12:6 and Quran 38:45 - 38:47 and showing in the next verse in Quran 38:48 that it was not Prophet Ishmael Ismail by blessing Prophet Ishmael Ismail without his father and without the blessing of vision and so Allah decreed those revelations in Quran chapter 38 after the story of the sacrifice in Quran chapter 37 to guide by Allah’s word those who understand what Allah is teaching. Those who understand are guided by the words of Allah. Those who do not understand are misguided by the words of humans. The righteous good news son is named Prophet Isaac Ishaq in Quran 37:112 and Allah blesses both the father Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and the son Prophet Isaac Ishaq in Quran 37:113. Quran 11:69 where good news is unnamed like in the story of the sacrifice in Quran 37:101 and together with Quran 11:71 where the good news is named as Prophet Isaac Ishaq like in the story of the sacrifice in Quran 37:112 show that good news both when it is named or not named is the name for Prophet Isaac Ishaq in the Prophet Abraham Ibrahim story in the Quran. Quran 11:74 where good news is unnamed like in the story of the sacrifice in Quran 37:101 and together with Quran 11:71 where the good news is named as Prophet Isaac Ishaq like in the story of the sacrifice in Quran 37:112 show that good news both when it is named or not named is the name for Prophet Isaac Ishaq in the Prophet Abraham Ibrahim story in the Quran. Quran 29:31 which mentions good news is related to Quran 29:27 which mentions Prophet Isaac Ishaq in the same way as in the story of the sacrifice in Quran 37:101 which mentions good news is related to Quran 37:112 which mentions Prophet Isaac Ishaq because good news is always the name of Prophet Isaac Ishaq in the Prophet Abraham Ibrahim story in the Quran).

Note 1. The proof that Allah is real is that humans could not change the word of Allah in the famous vision dream of the sacrifice of the son of Abraham Ibrahim.

Corrections and questions are welcome and can be emailed to somaliahamradio@yahoo.com 

The meaning of verses in the Quran and Tanakh and Gospel are on these websites.

The meaning of verses in the Koran and Torah and Injil are on these websites. 

YOU ARE HERE Allah https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran

Allah index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/index  

Allaah https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran

Allaah index https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran/index  

God https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran

God index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/index  

Q&A https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel

Q&A index https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel/index