303-4. The Gospel of John chapters 11–12.


20 July 2021 (1442 AH).

The Gospel of John with comments according to the Quran.

The Gospel of John explained by the Quran.

The Gospel of John with comments according to the Quran, Torah and Gospels.

The Gospel of John with comments according to the Koran.

The Gospel of John explained by the Koran.

The Gospel of John with comments according to the Koran, Torah and Gospels.

The Gospel of John.

The Gospel according to John.

Understanding the Gospels.

The good news message from Allah for Jews and Christians delivered 1400 years ago by Prophet Muhammad.

1. Jews and Christians who follow their Book and also believe the Quran shall receive a double reward in the hereafter in Quran 28:54, Quran 34:37 and Quran 57:28.

2. Jews who follow the Tanakh Jewish scripture and believe the Quran are correctly observing the Torah Taurat.

3. Christians who follow the Gospels and believe the Quran are correctly observing the Gospel Injil.

4. Muslims who follow the Quran so that it agrees with the Tanakh Jewish scripture and the Gospel Injil are correctly observing the Quran.

See https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/the-gospel-of-mark-1-5

303-1. The Gospel of John chapters 1–3.


303-2. The Gospel of John chapters 4–6.


303-3. The Gospel of John chapters 7–10.


You are here 303-4. The Gospel of John chapters 11–12.


303-5. The Gospel of John chapters 13–14.


303-6. The Gospel of John chapters 15–16:10.


303-7. The Gospel of John chapter 16:11.


303-8. The Gospel of John chapters 16:12–18:40.


303-9. The Gospel of John chapters 19–20.


303-10. The Gospel of John chapter 21.

Jesus said another comforter from Allah will come after him. See at the end of Gospel of John chapter 21 



The Jewish faith explained by the Quran.


The future explained in Isaiah 53.


Map of Galilee in the time of Jesus today in northern Israel. 

Thanks to Wikipedia and the Historical Atlas by William R. Shepherd, 1923. 


The Gospel of John.

(Thanks to David Robert Palmer DRP).

Sam Voron SV comments and notes have been added to the DRP verses.

The SV comments and notes and the DRP verses are two different and independent works.

(In the SV comments and notes some verses have comments in brackets added by SV to explain their meaning).

The Gospel of John chapter 11 to 12.

The death of Lazarus.



Gospel of John 11:1 Now a certain man was ailing, Lazarus from Bethany, the village of Mary and her sister Martha.


Where is Bethany?

Bethany is a village near Jerusalem, Al-Quds in the Roman province of Judea.

Today Bethany is in Palestine.


Gospel of John 11:2 And the Mary who anointed the Lord with perfumed ointment and wiped his feet off with her hair, was the one whose brother was ailing.


Explain Gospel of John 11:2.

Gospel of John 11:2 And the Mary who anointed (put oil on) the Lord (Jesus the prophet and messenger and Messiah of Allah) with perfumed ointment and wiped his (Jesus) feet off with her hair, was the one whose brother (Lazarus) was ailing (sick).


Gospel of John 11:3 The sisters therefore sent to him, saying, "Lord, behold, the one you love is ailing."


Gospel of John 11:4 And when he heard, Jesus said, "This sickness is not to death, but rather for the glory of Allah, in order that the Son of Allah be glorified through it."


1. Explain Gospel of John 11:4.

Gospel of John 11:4 And when he (Jesus) heard (that Lazarus was sick), Jesus said, "This sickness (in Lazarus) is not to death, but rather for the glory of Allah (who makes all miracles), in order that the Son of Allah (meaning the servant of Allah, the slave of Allah, Jesus) be glorified through it (meaning through miracles which Allah had decreed as a way to confirm that Jesus is a prophet and messenger and messiah of Allah. Jesus said in the Gospel of Mark 5:39 "... The child is not dead but sleeping", Gospel of Matthew 9:24 "... For the maiden meaning the girl has not died but sleeps ...", Gospel of Luke 8:52 "... She is not dead but sleeping”, in the Gospel of Luke 8:54 – 8:55 “…"Damsel meaning girl, wake up!" And her spirit returned, and she stood up at once, and he ordered that she be given something to eat. Eating is proof that she was alive and not dead. In the death of Lazarus Jesus thanked Allah who is the source of all miracles in the Gospel of John 11:41 – 11:42 so that everyone knew that what would happen next was by the permission of Allah in the Gospel of John 11:43 And having said these things, he shouted out with a loud voice, "Lazarus, come out!" meaning come out from the tomb where your body has been dead in sleep for four days)."

Note 1. The miracles shown by Jesus such as calling the dead to life came from the orders and the power of Allah to show that Jesus was a truthful messenger of Allah in the same way as the miracles shown by Moses such as when he separated the waters of the Red Sea also came from the orders and the power of Allah.

See Gospel of John 5:25 notes 1 to 8. 


1-1. How could Jesus know what Jesus knew?

How did Jesus know what Jesus knew?

How could Jesus do what Jesus did?

The Torah, Gospel and Quran explain how Allah through the Holy Spirit revealed knowledge to Jesus 2000 years ago in the same way as Allah through the Holy Spirit has revealed knowledge to the other prophets and messengers and messiahs of Allah throughout human history.

Jesus knew what Jesus knew in the same way as Moses knew what Moses knew.

Jesus did what Jesus did in the same way as Moses did what Moses did.

Jesus knew the future in the same way as Moses knew the future.

Jesus knew the past in the same way as Moses knew the past.

Jesus made miracles in the same way as Moses made miracles.

Jesus gave warnings in the same way as Moses gave warnings.

See Gospel of John 1:50 comment.


Gospel of John 11:5 (But Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus.)


Gospel of John 11:6 When then he heard that he was ailing, at that time he actually remained in the place in which he was, two days.


Gospel of John 11:7 Only then, after this, he says to the disciples, "Let us go back to Judea."


Gospel of John 11:8 The disciples are saying to him, "The Jews were just now trying to stone you, and you are going back there?"


Explain Gospel of John 11:8.

Gospel of John 11:8 The disciples (of Jesus who are all Jews) are saying to him (Jesus their brother Jew), "The (leaders of the) Jews (Jewish congregation in the second temple of Allah in Jerusalem Al-Quds) were just now trying to stone you, and you are going back there?"


Gospel of John 11:9 Jesus answered, "Are there not twelve hours of day? If someone walks around in the day, he does not stumble, because he sees the light of this world.


See Gospel of John 11:10 comment.


Gospel of John 11:10 But if someone walks around in the night, he stumbles, because the light is not with him."


1. What is the light?

The light is guidance for human behaviour.

Quran 29:46 Koran 29:46 And do not argue with the People of the Scripture (the Jews and the Christians) except in the best way (by using good words and in a good manner), except with those of them that are wrongdoers. And say, We (Muslims) believe in what has been revealed to us (Muslims in the Quran) and revealed to you (the Jews in your Torah and the Christians in your Gospel). Our (Muslim) Allah and your (Jewish and Christian) Allah is (the same) one (Allah) and to Him (Allah, the creator of every creation) we have submitted (ourselves as believers in Him the one and only Allah).”

(Note 1. The guidance sent down from Allah is that Allah is the creator of every creation.

(Note 2. The guidance sent down from Allah is that Allah is the creator of every human.

(Note 3. The Torah and Gospel and Quran are a light to guide human behaviour.


2. What is darkness and light?

The darkness of ignorance and the light of knowledge and guidance.

2-1. Before the time of Jesus 3200 years ago the light was the Torah from Allah which was delivered by Moses the messenger of Allah.

With it (the Torah) Allah guides to the path of peace those who seek Allah’s approval and by His (Allah’s) will He (Allah) guide’s them out of darkness and into the light (of explanation and understanding) and to the straight path (the right path that pleases Allah).


2-2. 2000 years ago the light was the Gospel from Allah which was delivered by Jesus the messenger of Allah.

With it (the Gospel) Allah guides to the path of peace those who seek Allah’s approval and by His (Allah’s) will He (Allah) guide’s them out of darkness and into the light (of explanation and understanding) and to the straight path (the right path that pleases Allah).


2-3. After the time of Jesus 1400 years ago the light was the Quran from Allah which was delivered by Muhammad the messenger of Allah.

Quran 5:16 Koran 5:16 With it (the Quran) Allah guides to the path of peace those who seek Allah’s approval and by His (Allah’s) will He (Allah) guide’s them out of darkness and into the light (of explanation and understanding) and to the straight path (the right path that pleases Allah).


3. Who is the light?

Who is the light of guidance for human behaviour?

3-1. Before the time of Jesus 3200 years ago the light was Moses who was the messenger that delivered the Torah.

O People of the Scripture (the children of Israel), now Our (Allah’s) messenger (Prophet Messenger Moses) has come to you, revealing the Scripture (Torah). Now has come to you from Allah a light (Prophet Messenger Moses) and a clear Book (the Torah).


3-2. 2000 years ago the light was Jesus who was the messenger that delivered the Gospel.

O People of the Scripture (the Jews), now Our (Allah’s) messenger (Prophet Messenger Jesus) has come to you, revealing much of that which you used to hide in the Scripture (Torah) and much that you used to ignore (in the Torah). Now has come to you from Allah a light (Prophet Messenger Jesus) and a clear Book (the Gospel).


3-3. After the time of Jesus 1400 years ago the light was Muhammad who was the messenger that delivered the Quran.

Quran 5:15 Koran 5:15 O People of the Scripture (the Jews and the Christians), now Our (Allah’s) messenger (Prophet Muhammad) has come to you, revealing much of that which you used to hide in the Scripture (the Torah and the Gospel) and much that you used to ignore (in the Torah and in the Gospel). Now has come to you from Allah a light (Prophet Muhammad) and a clear Book (the Quran confirming and explaining what is in the Torah and the Gospel).


(Note 1. Gospel of John 14:16 And I (Jesus the messenger of Allah) will ask the Father (Allah, what Allah has decreed), and he (Allah, answered Jesus through the Holy Spirit that Allah) will give you (humans) another Counselor (another Comforter, another prophet messenger so), that he (the guidance of that comforter, counsellor, messenger) may be ever (forever, through what that next messenger reveals, be left) with you (humans, this is forever because that prophet will be the last messenger of Allah),


Gospel of John 16:9 (Allah is sending another Comforter, Counselor, prophet and messenger after Jesus to explain the word of Allah) concerning sin (wrong doing), because they (the wrong doers) do not believe in me (Jesus who is the prophet and messenger and messiah);


Gospel of John 11:11 He said these things. And after this, he is saying to them, "Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep, but I am going in order to wake him up."


Gospel of John 11:12 The disciples therefore said to him, "Lord, if he has fallen asleep, that will help him."


Gospel of John 11:13 But Jesus had spoken of his death, whereas they thought he was speaking of the repose of sleep.


Gospel of John 11:14 So then, Jesus said to them plainly, "Lazarus died.


Gospel of John 11:15 And for your sakes I am glad I was not there, so that you may believe. But let us go to him."


Gospel of John 11:16 Then Thomas, the one called the Twin, said to the rest of the disciples, "Let us go also, and die with him."



"I am the resurrection and the life."


Gospel of John 11:17 Arriving therefore, Jesus found him already in the tomb four days since.


Gospel of John 11:18 Now Bethany was close to Jerusalem, about fifteen stadia apart,


Gospel of John 11:19 and many of the Jews had come to Martha and Mary, to console them regarding their brother.


Why did Jews come to Martha and Mary?

Martha and Mary and Lazarus were Jewish.


Gospel of John 11:20 When therefore Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went to meet him; but Mary stayed put in the house.


Gospel of John 11:21 Martha therefore said to Jesus, "Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.


Gospel of John 11:22 Even now, I know that whatever things you ask Allah for, Allah will grant you."


1. Explain Gospel of John 11:22.

Gospel of John 11:22 Even now (that Lazarus is dead), I (Martha) know that whatever things you (Jesus) ask Allah for, Allah will grant you (if Allah wills, because you are the prophet and messenger of Allah)."


1-1. Jesus is not Allah because Jesus could only know what Allah allowed Jesus to know.

Gospel of Mark 13:32 (Jesus who was the prophet and messenger of Allah 2000 years ago said) "But as to that day or that hour (of the Day of Resurrection), no one knows, not even the angels in heaven (the Holy Spirit and the other angels who are servants of Allah), not even the Son (Jesus who is a servant of Allah), but only the Father (Allah who is the creator of every creation). 

(Note 1. Only Allah knows the hour of the Day of Resurrection.

The Holy Ghost revealed to Jesus that only Allah knows the hour of the Day of Resurrection therefore Jesus is not Allah and the Holy Spirit is not Allah because both Jesus and the Holy Spirit are created by Allah.


Gospel of Matthew 24:36 (Jesus who was the prophet and messenger of Allah 2000 years ago said) But as for that day and hour (of the Day of Resurrection), no one knows it except the Father (Allah) alone; not even the angels of heaven (the Holy Spirit and the other angels who are servants of Allah), not even the Son (Jesus who is a servant of Allah). 

Note 1. If Allah is one then the Gospel would teach that Jesus does not know the hour. 

Note 2. If Allah is three in one then the Gospel would teach both Jesus and Allah know the hour. 

Note 3. In the Gospel Jesus is not Allah because Jesus does not know the hour meaning the teaching that Jesus is Allah or part of Allah contradicts the Gospel meaning Trinity was invented after the time of Jesus and after the writing of the Gospels.

Note 4. There is only one Allah because no one is equal to Allah not Jesus and not the angels. 

Note 5. Jesus is like the angels and other creations meaning Jesus is not like Allah. 

In the Gospel Jesus is not Allah or part of Allah because Jesus does not know “the hour” because only Allah knows “the hour” meaning “Allah is one’ not three in one. 

Note 6. What does Son of Allah mean?

Son means servant of Allah. 

The Quran warns against misunderstanding the meaning of son because some Christians thought that son was a real biological son instead of correctly knowing that son means servant of Allah.


A. Jesus is the son of man meaning he is a human messenger of Allah and he is the son of Allah meaning he is the servant of Allah delivering the message of Allah so his mention with angels in Gospel of Mark 13:32 and Gospel of Matthew 24:36 means that angel messengers of Allah and human messengers of Allah both do not know the hour meaning do not confuse angel and human messengers with Allah because only Allah knows the hour but His angel and human messengers like Jesus and Moses do not know the hour meaning pray only to Allah and not to the angel and human messengers of Allah.


B. “I and the father are one” describes all the messengers of Allah because they are the word of Allah made flesh (human). For example both Moses and Jesus are the word of Allah made flesh (human) because they are delivering the word of Allah which Allah has put into their mouth to deliver as described in Deuteronomy 18:18. Everyone who obeys Allah is “one with Allah.” and in the Gospels Jesus asks Allah to also make his disciples one with Him which confirms that the meaning of we are one is to obey Allah.


C. All power is with Allah and not with the messengers of Allah like Moses and Jesus.

Gospel of Matthew 20:23 He (Jesus) says to them, "My cup you will indeed drink, but to sit on my right or on my left is not mine to grant, but is only for those for whom it has been prepared by my Father (Allah)." 

Note 1. Jesus says he can not grant a request because it is Allah (not Jesus) who determines every thing.


D. Regarding what was revealed thousands of years ago in Tanakh Jewish scripture. Allah warns that if anyone claims Allah has changed His word it cannot be true because Allah does not change His word because only humans change their word meaning if anything changes from what Allah revealed thousands of years ago in Tanakh Jewish scripture then you can know it came from humans and not from Allah.


Video 1. Did the early Jews Believe In a Triune Allah? Rabbi Tovia slams pastor John Piper. 

Progressive revelation.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EYSlIByW50 .

Video 2. Jesus is not the way! Rabbi Tovia Singer slams Church for erecting a barrier between man and Allah. The teachings by some in Christianity about Jesus did not come from Judaism but from the Greek Roman world of idol worship as seen when humans pray to Jesus and Mary and dead human saints instead of praying direct to Allah as taught by every prophet in the Jewish Scriptures.  Jesus prayed to Allah in all the four Gospels in the same way as all the Jews in his time all prayed directly to Allah.



1-2. Before Jesus Allah sent Moses 3200 years ago.

Even now, I know that whatever things you (Moses) ask Allah for, Allah will grant you (if Allah wills, because you are the prophet and messenger of Allah)."

(Note 1. Moses is not Allah because Moses could only know what Allah allowed Moses to know.

Only Allah knows the hour of the Day of Resurrection.


1-3. After Jesus Allah sent Muhammad 1400 years ago.

Even now, I know that whatever things you (Muhammad) ask Allah for, Allah will grant you (if Allah wills, because you are the prophet and messenger of Allah).

(Note 1. Muhammad is not Allah because Muhammad could only know what Allah allowed Muhammad to know.

Only Allah knows the hour of the Day of Resurrection.


Quran 6:59 Koran 6:59 (Muhammad who was the prophet and messenger of Allah 1400 years ago said) And with Him (Allah) are the keys of the unseen (future). None but He (Allah) knows them (the future). And He (Allah) knows what is in the land and the sea. Not a leaf falls that He (Allah) does not know about. There is not a grain in the darkness of the earth or anything fresh (and green) or dry (and wilted), that is not (inscribed by Allah) in a clear record (called the Book of the Decrees of Allah).

(Note 1. Only Allah knows everything.

Humans including Jesus and Muhammad and angels including the Holy Spirit are servants of Allah they are not Allah.


Quran 7:187 Koran 7:187 They ask you (Prophet Muhammad) about The Hour (of the Day of Resurrection) and when it shall come. Say, “Knowledge of this is with my Lord (Allah) only. He (Allah) alone shall make it happen at the proper time. It lays heavily on the heavens and the earth (because of the greatness of that event). It shall come to you suddenly. They question you as if you might be well informed of it. Say, “Knowledge of it is with Allah only, but most of the people do not know that (because they think others have this knowledge).”

(Note 1. Only Allah knows the hour of the Day of Resurrection.

The Holy Spirit revealed to Muhammad that only Allah knows the hour of the Day of Resurrection therefore Moses and Jesus and Muhammad are not Allah and the Holy Spirit is not Allah because both the humans (Moses and Jesus and Muhammad) and the angels (the Holy Spirit of Allah angel Gabriel) are created by Allah.


2. The people who were the closest to Jesus knew the difference between Allah and Jesus.

Gospel of John 11:5 (But Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus).

Gospel of John 11:22 Even now (that Lazarus is dead), I (Martha) know that whatever things you (Jesus) ask Allah for, Allah will grant you (Allah willing, because you are the prophet and messenger of Allah)."

(Note 1. Martha knows that Jesus is not Allah.

(Note 2. Martha believes that Jesus as the created human messenger of Allah and she knows that Allah is the creator and the source of all power.


2-1. In the time of Jesus what did people believe about Jesus?

2000 years ago in the time of Jesus in Judea no one believed that Jesus was Allah.

In the time of Jesus all the believers in Jesus believed that Jesus was a human prophet messenger and messiah of Allah because in the Torah many prophets and messengers and messiahs had come before Jesus.

In the time of Jesus all the people who believed in Jesus believed that Jesus was human.

In the time of Jesus no one believed that Jesus was Allah because every Jew who believed in Allah knew that Allah is the creator of every creation.

If no one believed that Jesus was Allah in the time of Jesus then why would anyone believe that Jesus was Allah 2000 years later?

The Gospel says that Jesus is a messenger of Allah so why would anyone believe that Jesus is Allah?

The Gospel says that Jesus is human so why would anyone believe that Jesus is Allah?

The Gospel does not say that Jesus is Allah so why would anyone believe that Jesus is Allah?

In the Torah Allah punishes humans for worshiping anything that is a creation because this is idol worship that is forbidden in the Ten Commandments of Allah.

See the Gospel of John 1:50 comment.


Gospel of John 11:23 Jesus says to her, "Your brother will rise again."


Gospel of John 11:24 Martha says to him, "I know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day."


1. What did Jews believe in the time of Jesus?

Gospel of John 11:24 Martha (a Jew) says to him (Jesus the Jew), "I (Martha) know that he (Lazarus) will rise again in the resurrection at the last day."

(Note 1. In the time of Jesus the Jews knew that humans will be resurrected after death.


1-1. Righteousness saves the world in the Torah the prophets and the writings.

Jewish Hebrew Bible Psalms 37:9 For evil-doers shall be cut off (punished); but those that wait for the LORD (Allah), they shall inherit the land (of Paradise).


Jewish Hebrew Bible Psalms 37:11 But the humble shall inherit the land (of Paradise), and delight themselves in the abundance of peace.


Jewish Hebrew Bible Psalms 37:18 The LORD (Allah) knows (all about) the days (of the lives) of them (people) that are wholehearted (sincere in righteousness); and their inheritance (of Paradise in the hereafter) shall be forever.


Jewish Hebrew Bible Psalms 37:21 The wicked borrow (from other humans), and do not pay back (to humans what they borrowed); but the righteous deal graciously, and give (back what they owe to other humans).


Jewish Hebrew Bible Psalms 37:22 For such (righteous people) as are blessed by Him (Allah), (they) shall inherit the land (of Paradise in the hereafter); and they (the wicked people) that are cursed by Him (Allah) shall be cut off (punished in the hereafter).


Jewish Hebrew Bible Psalms 37:29 The righteous shall inherit the land (of paradise), and dwell (live) in there forever.


Jewish Hebrew Bible Proverbs 11:4 Riches do not profit (humans) on the day of wrath (Allah’s anger towards the wicked on the Day of Judgement); but righteousness delivers (humans) from death (Allah’s mercy to the righteous on the Day of Judgement).


Jewish Hebrew Bible Daniel 12:2 And many of them (humans) that sleep (dead) in the dust of the earth shall awake (be resurrected from death back to life), some to everlasting life (in Paradise), and some to reproaches (criticism for how they lived their first life) and everlasting abhorrence (loathing in Hell Fire).


Gospel of John 11:25 Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection, and the life. The person who believes in me, even though he dies, will live;


1. Explain Gospel of John 11:25.

Gospel of John 11:25 Jesus said to her (Martha), "I (Jesus) am the (way to) resurrection (in Paradise), and the (way to) life (in Paradise). The person who believes in me (Jesus), even though he dies (on the Earth), will live (for eternity in Paradise in the hereafter because they followed the message of Allah in the Good News Gospel that was delivered by Jesus the messenger of Allah);


1-1. Before Jesus Allah sent Moses 3200 years ago.

Moses said to her, "I (Moses) am the (way to) resurrection (in Paradise), and the (way to) life (in Paradise). The person who believes in me (Moses), even though he dies (on the Earth), will live (for eternity in Paradise in the hereafter because they followed the message of Allah in the Torah Law that was delivered by Moses the messenger of Allah);


1-2. After Jesus Allah sent Muhammad 1400 years ago.

Muhammad said to her, "I (Muhammad) am the (way to) resurrection (in Paradise), and the (way to) life (in Paradise). The person who believes in me (Muhammad), even though he dies (on the Earth), will live (for eternity in Paradise in the hereafter because they followed the message of Allah in the Quran Recitation that was delivered by Muhammad the messenger of Allah);


2. Righteousness saves the world in the Quran.

Quran 2:62 Koran 2:62  (In the hereafter) truly those (Muslims) who believed and those who became Jews, Christians and Sabians, whoever believed in Allah and the Last Day (The Day of Resurrection) and did good deeds, they shall have their reward from their Lord, and they shall not fear or grieve (and this is confirmed in Quran 6:158 for those in the hereafter who “believed” and did good deeds. Quran 5:69 repeats Quran 2:62 meaning stop and think about what Allah is saying in these verses confirming what is in the Hebrew Bible and the Gospel Injil of the promise of Paradise Jannah from Allah in the books of Allah on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement for those who “believed” and did good deeds. The Quran brings the same truth which Allah brought to the Jewish people in the Hebrew Bible and to the Christian people in the Gospel Injil of Jesus Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John. The Quran is a confirmer of what came before it in the same way as the Gospel Injil is a confirmer of what came before it meaning the Books of Allah confirm each other as proof Allah is real and as proof His promise is real as explained in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ3o3ybc-KA showing that without His permission no one can change His words in His Books which are with all humans today and until the Day of Judgement so that you can believe Allah is real and His promise is real).

Comment 1. Who goes to Paradise Jannah?

Note 1. The Jews who believed in Allah and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah.

Note 2. The Christians who believed in Allah and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah.

Note 3. The Sabians who believed in Allah and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah.

Note 4. The Muslims who believed in Allah and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah.

Note 5. Everyone who believed in Allah and did good deeds goes to Paradise Jannah.

Note 6. This revelation is so important that Allah has repeated it in Quran 2:62

In Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 the promise of Paradise Jannah is not for those who “believe” but only for those who “believed” meaning who died (past tense) because it is not until the time of death that your true belief or disbelief and your good and evil deeds are judged,

Allah repeated Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 two times because it is only with Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 that there are no contradictions within the Quran and between the Quran and the Torah Taurat and between the Quran and the Gospel Injil as proof in Quran 4:82 to the Jews in the time of Prophet Muhammad who are promised Paradise Jannah in Quran 3:113-3:115 and to the Christians in the time of Prophet Muhammad who are promised Paradise Jannah in Quran 5:82-5:85 and to the stone idol worshippers 1400 years ago who are not promised Paradise Jannah in Quran 3:85 and to all people today and in the future that the Quran is from Allah because the Quran contains no contradictions.

If Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 did not exist then it would be proof that the Quran was not from Allah because without Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 the Quran would contradict its self and contradict the Torah Taurat and contradict the Gospel Injil.

Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 is good news for Jews, Christians, Sabians, Muslims and all the people in the world confirming they will all come together again in a life after death.


Quran 3:76 Koran 3:76 (Near to Allah is) the person who fulfills their promise and stays away (from evil). Allah loves those who stay away (from evil).


Quran 3:145 Koran 3:145 No one can die except by Allah’s will and at an appointed time. Whoever desires a reward in this world We (Allah, revealed through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel to Prophet Muhammad) give it to them and whoever desires a reward in the Hereafter We (Allah) bless them with it. We (Allah) reward the grateful (those who are thankful for the blessing of faith).


Quran 4:123 Koran 4:123 It (entry to Paradise in the hereafter) shall not be based on your (Muslim) desires or on the desires of the people of the Scripture (the Jews and the Christians). (Instead) whoever does wrong shall earn (the punishment for the wrong) and that person shall not find any protector or helper other than Allah (in the hereafter).

(Note 1. Humans who say we will go to Paradise because we are Jewish or Christian or Muslim are expressing their own human desire.

(Note 2. Humans will not go to Paradise simply because they claim to be Jewish or Christian or Muslim instead whoever does wrong will answer to Allah for their wrong doing.

(Note 3. Jesus confirmed that humans will not go to Paradise simply because they claim to be Jewish (and later Christian or Muslim).

Gospel of Matthew 7:21 "Not everyone saying to me (Jesus), 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one doing the will of my Father (Allah) who is in heaven. 


Quran 5:69 Koran 5:69 Those (Muslims) who believed (in Allah), and those who became Jews and Sabians and Christians and whoever believed in Allah and the Last Day and did good deeds (in their life), they shall have no fear and they shall not grieve (in the hereafter).


Quran 6:54 Koran 6:54 When those who believe in Our (Allah’s) revelations come to you (Prophet Muhammad) say, “Peace be on you.” Your Lord (Allah) has promised His (Allah’s) mercy to whoever does evil through ignorance and repents afterward and then does the right thing, (for those that repent) He (Allah) is forgiving and merciful.


Quran 22:17 Koran 22:17 Those who believed (who followed the Quran), and those who were Jews (who followed the Torah Taurat), and Sabian Sabeans and Christians (who followed the Gospel Injil) and Zoroastrians Magi Majus and idol worshippers, Allah shall judge between (each one of) them (humans) on the Day of Resurrection. Allah is the witness to all things.


Quran 25:70 Koran 25:70 (There is punishment in the hereafter) unless the human repents (by asking Allah for forgiveness) and believes (in Allah) and does righteous work then Allah shall change their evil deeds to good deeds (meaning then Allah shall forgive their sins). Allah is always ready to forgive and (Allah is) merciful.


Quran 45:22 Koran 45:22 And Allah has truly created the heavens and the earth so that every soul may be repaid by what it earned (in this life). And they shall not be wronged (in Allah’s judgement of them in the hereafter).


Quran 40:11 Koran 40:11 They (who are in Hell fire) shall say, “Our Lord, twice You (Allah) have made us lifeless (before sexual conception and at death), and twice You (Allah) have made us live (after sexual conception and at resurrection). Now we confess our sins. Is there any way to go out (of Hell fire)?


Quran 40:12 Koran 40:12 (It shall be said), "(You are in Hell fire) because when prayer was (conducted) only to Allah (who is the creator) you disbelieved, but when partners (creations such as stone idols) were associated with Him (Allah) then you believed (more in what was a creation than in Allah who is the creator). The decision (about you) is only with Allah (who is the creator and who is) the highest and the greatest (thing on which the existence of every creation depends).

(Note 1. On the Day of Judgement the prophet messenger or messiah shall be witnesses for or against those who lived in their time and those who later claimed to follow their teachings.

Quran 45:15 Koran 45:15 So whoever does a good deed it is for their soul, and whoever does an evil deed it is against it (their soul). And to your Lord (Allah) you shall be returned (and judged for what you did in this life).

Quran 46:33 Koran 46:33 Have they (the humans) not seen that Allah who created the heavens and the earth was able to make their creation easily (without getting tired) and is able to give life to the dead (just as Allah gives birth to life that had not existed before)? He (Allah) is able to do all things.

Quran 76:11 Koran 76:11 So (in the hereafter) Allah shall save them (who are the righteous among the humans) from the evil of (the hell fire on) that Day (of Judgement) and give them (the light of) radiance (in their appearance and in their righteous knowledge) and happiness (in Paradise).

Quran 74:38 Koran 74:38 Every soul shall be responsible for their deeds

Quran 74:39 Koran 74:39 Except the companions of the right (the righteous, who shall receive the record of their deeds in their right hand and who shall be admitted to Paradise with their bad deeds forgiven by Allah).

Quran 92:15 Koran 92:15 None shall enter (Hell) except the most unfortunate (wrongdoers).

Quran 92:16 Koran 92:16 (Such as) those who have rejected (Allah) and turned away (from Allah. And so Allah shall also reject them and turn Allah’s mercy away from them).

Quran 92:17 Koran 92:17 But the person who is righteous shall avoid it (the punishment in Hell).

Quran 95:8 Koran 95:8 Is Allah not the best of judges?

Quran 98:7 Koran 98:7 And those who believe and do righteous deeds are the best of creations (because they have obeyed Allah, their creator).

Quran 98:8 Koran 98:8 Their reward is with their Lord (Allah) in gardens of eternity under which rivers flow (in Paradise) in which they shall live for ever. Allah being very pleased with them and they being very pleased with Him (Allah). That shall be for whoever feared their Lord (Allah).

Quran 99:6 Koran 99:6 On that Day (of Resurrection) people shall depart (after they have been judged) and separated (into the righteous and the wrong doers) and be shown (to Hell or to Paradise depending on) their deeds (in their first life).

Quran 99:7 Koran 99:7 So whoever did (a) good (deed) that was even equal to less than the weight of a tiny ant shall see (the good result of) it (in the hereafter).

Quran 99:8 Koran 99:8 And whoever did (an) evil (deed) that was even equal to less than the weight of a tiny ant shall see (the evil result of) it (in the hereafter).

Quran 100:11 Koran 100:11 And on that Day (of Judgement) their Lord (Allah) shall be fully aware of every single thing concerning them (and what they did in their first life before they were resurrected into their second life. Allah knows the difference between what humans say and do in public and what they truly believe).

Quran 101:6 Koran 101:6 Then the person whose scales are heavy (with good deeds that they did during their life on the earth) –

Quran 101:7 Koran 101:7 They shall be in a pleasant life (in Paradise).

Quran 103:2 Koran 103:2 Humans are lost (from the mercy of Allah) –

Quran 103:3 Koran 103:3 Except those who believe and who do righteous deeds and who encourage each other to the truth and encourage each other to have patience.


Gospel of John 11:26 and everyone who is living and believes in me, will never die. Do you believe this?"


1. Explain Gospel of John 11:26.

Gospel of John 11:26 and everyone who is living and believes in me (Jesus), will never die (with the eternal punishment of Hell but they will live for eternity in Paradise because if they obeyed and believed in Jesus who is the messenger of Allah then they believed Allah who sent Jesus). Do you believe this?"


1-1. Before Jesus Allah sent Moses 3200 years ago.

and everyone who is living and believes in me (Moses), will never die (with the eternal punishment of Hell but they will live for eternity in Paradise because if they obeyed and believed in Moses who is the messenger of Allah then they believed Allah who sent Moses). Do you believe this?"


1-2. After Jesus Allah sent Muhammad 1400 years ago.

and everyone who is living and believes in me (Muhammad), will never die (with the eternal punishment of Hell but they will live for eternity in Paradise because if they obeyed and believed in Muhammad who is the messenger of Allah then they believed Allah who sent Muhammad). Do you believe this?"


Quran 4:150 Koran 4:150 Those who do not have faith in Allah and (all) His (Allah’s) messengers and wish to make some difference between Allah and His (Allah’s) messengers (by having faith in Allah and no faith in some of Allah’s messengers) saying, "We believe in some but reject others" and wish to adopt a middle course (accepting some prophets and rejecting other prophets).  


Quran 4:151 Koran 4:151 They are true disbelievers (in Allah). We (Allah) have prepared for those with no faith in Allah a severe punishment (in the hereafter).


Quran 4:152 Koran 4:152 But those who have faith in Allah and (all) His Messengers and make no difference between any of them (the messengers of Allah), We (Allah) shall give those with faith (in Allah and faith in all his messengers) their rewards (in the hereafter). Allah is always ready to forgive and He (Allah) is most merciful.

(Note 1. In Quran 4:150 – 4:152 Allah reveals that those who truly believe in Allah are those who believe in all of the messengers of Allah including Moses, Jesus and Muhammad.

(Note 2. The next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus is in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26 – 15:27, 16:7 – 16:15 (see in Reference 1 at the end of the Gospel of John).


Gospel of John 11:27 She says to him, "Yes, Lord. I have come to believe that you are the Christ, the Son of Allah, the one expected to come into the world."


1. Explain Gospel of John 11:27.

Gospel of John 11:27 She (Martha) says to him (Jesus), "Yes, Lord (Master Jesus). I (Martha) have come to believe that you are the Christ (Messiah, anointed one), the Son (the servant, the slave) of Allah, the one (prophet and messenger who is the messiah that is) expected to come into the world."


Torah Deuteronomy 18:18 (Therefore) I (Allah) shall raise up for them (the children of Israel) a prophet (Prophet Joshua Yusha followed by prophet after prophet, messenger after messenger) like you (Prophet Moses Musa who delivered the Torah Taurat 3200 years ago when you were at Mount Sinai Horeb today in Egypt) from among their brothers brethren (The children of Israel are brothers and brethren to each other. The children of Esau are brothers and brethren to the children of Israel through Jacob Yaqub Israel who is the brother of Esau. The children of Ishmael Ismail are brothers and brethren to the children of Israel through Isaac Ishaq who is the brother of Ishmael Ismail and the father of Jacob Yaqub Israel. Esau and Ishmael Ismail are not one of the children of Israel. The children of Ishmael Ismail are the brethren and brother of the children of Isaac Ishaq which include the children of Israel in the same way as Allah says the children of Esau who are not the children of Israel are the brethren of the children of Israel in Torah Deuteronomy 2:4 – 2:8 and Prophet Moses Musa says the children of Esau who are not the children of Israel are the brother of the children of Israel in Torah Numbers 20:14. Those who descended from Prophet Abraham Ibrahim are brothers and brethren to each other and brothers and brethren in the religion of Allah because this is the religion of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim) and I (Allah through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel Jibril) shall put my (Allah’s) words in the mouth of the prophet (meaning prophet after prophet, messenger after messenger), who shall speak to them (the people) everything that I (Allah) command him” (to speak to you. Note that all the prophets and messengers of Allah are mentioned in Torah Deuteronomy 18:18. In Torah Genesis 25:9 “Isaac Ishaq and Ishmael Ismail his sons buried Abraham Ibrahim” meaning the children of Isaac Ishaq and the children of Ishmael Ismail are brothers and brethren to each other meaning the Hebrews and the Arabs are brothers and brethren to each other meaning the Jews and the Muslims are brothers and brethren to each other meaning everyone who follows the religion of Allah are brothers and brethren to each other as confirmed in Torah Deuteronomy 18:15, 18:18 - 18:22 and Quran 5:68 and Quran 7:157); 

(Note 1. Before Jesus Allah sent Moses 3200 years ago.

(Note 2. After Jesus Allah sent Muhammad 1400 years ago. See in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26 – 15:27, 16:7 – 16:15 (see in Reference 1 at the end of the Gospel of John).


Gospel of John 11:28 And having said this she went off, and discreetly invited her sister Mary, as follows, "The Teacher is here, and is asking for you."


1. Explain Gospel of John 11:28.

Gospel of John 11:28 And having said this she (Martha who had called Jesus the Christ meaning the messiah and the son of Allah meaning the servant of Allah) went off, and discreetly invited her sister Mary, as follows, "The Teacher (The rabbi Jesus) is here, and is asking for you."

(Note 1. Martha shows that in the time of Jesus no one believed that Jesus was Allah.

(Note 2. Martha shows that in the time of Jesus no one believed that the son of Allah was anything but the servant of Allah.

(Note 2. Martha shows that in the time of Jesus no one believed that the Messiah was anything but the servant of Allah.


Gospel of John 11:5 (But Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus.)

(Note 1. In the time of Jesus the closest people to Jesus did not believe that Jesus was Allah.


Gospel of John 11:27 She (Martha) says to him (Jesus), "Yes, Lord (Master Jesus). I (Martha) have come to believe that you are the Christ (Messiah, anointed one), the Son (the servant, the slave) of Allah, the one (prophet and messenger who is the messiah that is) expected to come into the world."

(Note 1. In the time of Jesus the closest people to Jesus did not believe that Jesus was Allah.


1-1. In the time of Jesus what did people believe about Jesus?

2000 years ago in the time of Jesus in Judea no one believed that Jesus was Allah.

In the time of Jesus all the believers in Jesus believed that Jesus was a human prophet messenger and messiah of Allah because in the Torah many prophets and messengers and messiahs had come before Jesus.

In the time of Jesus all the people who believed in Jesus believed that Jesus was human.

In the time of Jesus no one believed that Jesus was Allah because every Jew who believed in Allah knew that Allah is the creator of every creation.

If no one believed that Jesus was Allah in the time of Jesus then why would anyone believe that Jesus was Allah 2000 years later?

The Gospel says that Jesus is a messenger of Allah so why would anyone believe that Jesus is Allah?

The Gospel says that Jesus is human so why would anyone believe that Jesus is Allah?

The Gospel does not say that Jesus is Allah so why would anyone believe that Jesus is Allah?

In the Torah Allah punishes humans for worshiping anything that is a creation because this is idol worship that is forbidden in the Ten Commandments of Allah.

See the Gospel of John 1:50 comment.


Gospel of John 11:29 That one then, when she heard, quickly got up and was coming toward him.


Gospel of John 11:30 (Jesus had not yet come into the village, but was still at the place where Martha had met him.)


Gospel of John 11:31 The Jews therefore who were with Mary in the house and consoling her, when they saw how she quickly got up and went out, they followed her, thinking, "She is going to the tomb, to grieve there."


Why were the Jews with Mary?

Martha and Mary and Lazarus and Jesus and the disciples of Jesus were Jewish.

In the time of Jesus 2000 years ago there was no Christianity or Islam.


Gospel of John 11:32 Mary therefore, when she arrived where Jesus was, fell at his feet when she saw him, saying to him, "Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died."


Explain Gospel of John 11:32.

Gospel of John 11:32 Mary therefore, when she arrived where Jesus was, fell at his feet when she saw him, saying to him, "Lord (Master Jesus), if you (the prophet messenger and messiah of Allah) had been here (when my brother Lazarus was sick), my brother (Lazarus) would not have died (because I believe in the miracles that Allah had granted as proof that you are truly the prophet messenger and messiah of Allah)."


Gospel of John 11:33 Then Jesus, when he saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come with her weeping, he heaved with deep emotion, and churned inside himself.


Why were the Jews with Mary?

Martha and Mary and Lazarus and Jesus and the disciples of Jesus were Jewish.

In the time of Jesus 2000 years ago there was no Christianity or Islam.


Gospel of John 11:34 And he said, "Where have you laid him?" They are saying to him, "Lord, come and see."


Gospel of John 11:35 Jesus shed tears.


1. Why is Jesus not Allah?

Allah is not a human.

Jesus is a human.

The belief that a human is god is called idol worship which is forbidden in the Torah given by Allah to Moses in the Ten Commandments.


Torah Deuteronomy 5:7 (In the Ten Commandments of Allah the First commandment from Allah is) You shall have no other gods but Me (The one Allah).


Torah Deuteronomy 5:8 (In the Ten Commandments of Allah the Second commandment from Allah is) You shall not make any graven (man-made image, image carved on any surface such as on wood and stone and metal and glass, engraved images such as those made by scratching or cutting to make an) image (for worship or in a place of worship), even any image that looks like anything that is above you in heaven or that is on the Earth, or that is in the water or under the Earth.


Torah Deuteronomy 5:9 (In the Ten Commandments of Allah the Second commandment from Allah continues) You shall not bow down to them (any human made image) nor serve them (meaning do not direct prayer to such an image, do not direct worship to such an image) because I the Lord your Allah am a jealous Allah (meaning pray to one Allah only) and I (Allah) give punishment to the father (who disobeys this command) and also to his children (who disobeys this command) and also to the third generation and to the fourth generation of them (the children of Israel) that hate me (by disobeying this command). (Continued in Torah Deuteronomy 5:10)


Torah Deuteronomy 5:10 (In the Ten Commandments of Allah the Second commandment from Allah continues) - And showing mercy to the thousandth generation of them that love Me (Allah) and keep My (Allah’s) commandments.

(Note 1. The Second commandment of Allah continues stating that those that love Allah shall keep this commandment.

(Note 2. If humans lived for 100 years then the thousandth generation of humans would be in 100,000 years.

(Note 3. Allah made clear that no one can cancel the central commandment in the Torah which are the first two commandments given by Allah to Prophet Moses and followed by Prophet Jesus and Prophet Muhammad.


1-1. Nothing that is a creation can be Allah.

No human can be Allah because humans are created by Allah.

Allah in the Torah revealed that Allah is not a human who repents for human sins.


Torah Numbers 23:19 (Allah said, through the month of Balaam) “Allah is not a man, that He should lie, neither (is He) the son of a man, that He (Allah) should repent (for your sins). When He has said (something) shall He not do it? Or when He has spoken, shall He not make it good. ..."


Gospel of John 11:36 The Jews therefore were saying, "See how he loved him."


1. Explain Gospel of John 11:36.

Gospel of John 11:36 The Jews therefore were saying, "See how he (Jesus the Jew) loved him (Lazarus the Jew)."


Gospel of John 11:37 But some of them said, "Shouldn't he who opened the eyes of the blind man, also have been able to make it so this man would not have died?"



Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead.


Gospel of John 11:38 Then Jesus, again heaving inside himself, arrives at the tomb. And a cave it was, and a stone was there, covering over it.


Gospel of John 11:39 Jesus says, "Take away the stone." Martha, the sister of the one who was dead, says, "Lord, by now he smells; it is the fourth day."


Gospel of John 11:40 Jesus says to her, "Did I not tell you, that if you believed, you would see the glory of Allah?"


Gospel of John 11:41 They therefore took away the stone. And Jesus lifted his eyes aboveward, and said, "Father, I thank you, that you have heard me.


1. Explain Gospel of John 11:41.

Gospel of John 11:41 They therefore took away the stone. And Jesus (the messenger of Allah) lifted his eyes aboveward (up to heaven and Allah through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel revealed to Jesus that Lazarus was alive), and (Jesus the messenger of Allah) said, "Father (Allah), I (Jesus the messenger of Allah) thank you, that you have heard me (so that through this miracle people know that Jesus is truthful).


1-1. Why is Jesus not Allah.

Jesus gives thanks to Allah.

Jesus shows that without Allah nothing is possible.

Jesus shows that like every creation Jesus depends on Allah.

Jesus is not Allah and Allah is not Jesus.

Jesus is a human prophet and messenger and messiah of Allah.

Allah is the creator of every creation including the creator of Jesus.


Gospel of John 11:42 But I already knew that you always hear me; only for the sake of the crowd standing around did I say this, so that they may believe that it was you who sent me."


Explain Gospel of John 11:42.

Gospel of John 11:42 But I (Jesus) already knew that you (Allah) always hear me (Jesus because Allah through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel has made Jesus the prophet and messenger and messiah of Allah); only for the sake of the crowd standing around did I (Jesus) say this (that you Allah hear me), so that they may believe that it was you (Allah) who sent me (Jesus as the messenger of Allah)."

(Note 1. Jesus said what Jesus said so that everyone who was a witness in his time would clearly understood that Jesus is not Allah because Allah is the one who sent Jesus.

(Note 2. If Jesus had not publically thanked Allah then people might have mistakenly believed that Jesus made the miracle.

(Note 3. To make sure that no one misunderstands Jesus thanks Allah so that no one who is correctly guided can think that Jesus is anything more than a human messenger of Allah.


Gospel of Luke 24:43 And he (Jesus) took it (the broiled fish), and ate it in front of them (to prove that Jesus is human. Jesus is not Allah because Allah does not eat food. Jesus is human because Jesus eats food).

(Note 1. The messengers of Allah such as Moses, Jesus and Muhammad are all humans.


Quran 5:75 Koran 5:75 The Messiah (Jesus Isa), son of Mary (Maryam), was no more than a (human) messenger (of Allah) and (all the human) messengers (of Allah) before him (Prophet Jesus Isa) have passed away (meaning died they (Jesus Isa and Mary Maryam) both used to eat food (meaning Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa died a natural death 2000 years ago because both “used to eat food” meaning they are dead because they do not eat food today  ..." 

Note 1. In Quran 5:75 "they used to eat food" means Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa are dead. 


Note 2. After Prophet Muhammad revealed that Jesus was a human like every messenger before Jesus some Christians continued to believe that Jesus was god and they mistakenly prayed to what Allah had created.

Quran 19:93 Koran 19:93 There is no one in the heavens and the earth who does not come to the Most Merciful (Allah) except as a servant.


Note 3. After Prophet Muhammad revealed that stone idols have no power some stone idol worshippers continued to believe that stone idols were gods and they mistakenly prayed to what humans had created from stone.


Note 4. After Prophet Muhammad revealed that Jesus was a prophet messenger and messiah some Jews continued to reject Jesus.


Gospel of John 11:43 And having said these things, he shouted out with a loud voice, "Lazarus, come out!"


Explain Gospel of John 11:43.

Gospel of John 11:43 And having said these things, he (Jesus, obeyed the command of Allah which was delivered to the heart of Jesus by the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel and Jesus) shouted out with a loud voice, "Lazarus, come out!"


Torah Deuteronomy 18:18 (Therefore) I (Allah) shall raise up for them a prophet (Prophet Joshua Yusha followed by prophet after prophet, messenger after messenger) like you (Prophet Moses) from among their own brothers (Isaac and Ishmael are brothers and descendants and brethren to the children of Israel and the Arabian people through Prophet Abraham who was the father of Isaac and Ishmael) and I (Allah through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel) shall put my (Allah’s) words in the mouth of the prophet, who shall speak to them (the people) everything that I (Allah) command.”


Quran 2:253 Koran 2:253 The messengers We (Allah through the Holy Spirit revealed to Prophet Muhammad) endowed with gifts, some (with) more (gifts) than others. To some of them (like Prophet Moses) Allah spoke and to others (like Prophet Enoch) He (Allah) raised their rank (of honour). To (messenger, prophet and messiah) Jesus the son of Mary We (Allah reveal to Prophet Muhammad through the Holy Spirit that Jesus) gave signs (of his truthfulness) and (Allah) strengthened him (Jesus) with (guidance through) the Holy Spirit (Angel Gabriel, the Holy Ghost). …”


Gospel of Luke 1:19 “…I am Gabriel, one who stands in the presence of Allah and I have been sent to speak to you …”


Gospel of Luke 1:35 And in answer the angel (the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel who came in the form of a man) said to her (the virgin Mary), "The Holy Spirit (the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel who will come in the form of a dove, a body with wings, an angel) will come upon you (to deliver to your womb a soul created by Allah for your son Jesus), and the power of the Most High (Allah) will overshadow you (so that what Allah has decreed is fulfilled without failure). For this reason also, the one to be born will be called holy (the blessed), the Son of Allah (meaning the servant of Allah, the slave of Allah, the prophet and messenger and messiah sent by Allah). 

(Note 1. The power is Allah who is the creator of every creation.

(Note 2. Mary and Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the created servants of Allah.

(Note 3. Allah created the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel and Allah shows how Allah revealed Himself to humans such as Mary and Jesus through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel.

(Note 4. Allah created Jesus and there is not one creation that Allah has not created because Allah is the creator of every creation.

(Note 5. Angels including the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel may appear in the form of a man or in their true form as a body with wings (like a bird, like a dove, an angel).


Gospel of Luke 3:22 and the Holy Spirit descended on him (Jesus) in the bodily form of a dove (a body with wings, an angel) …”


Gospel of John 11:44 The dead man came out, his feet and hands bound up with bandages, and his face wrapped in a handkerchief. Jesus says to them, "Untangle him and allow him to go."


1. Explain Gospel of John 11:44.

Gospel of John 11:44 The dead man (Lazarus) came out, his feet and hands bound up with bandages, and his face wrapped in a handkerchief. Jesus (the messenger of Allah) says to them, "Untangle him and allow him to go."


1-1. In the Torah Allah gave some of the prophets of Allah permission to bring dead people back to life.

Some of the prophets of Allah brought dead people back to life as a sign from Allah of their truthfulness.


Jewish Hebrew Bible 1 Kings 17:21 And he (Prophet Elijah) stretched himself upon the child three times, and cried unto the LORD (Allah), and said: 'O LORD my Allah, I pray to you, let this child's soul come back into him.'


Jewish Hebrew Bible 1 Kings 17:22 And the LORD (Allah) listened to the voice of Prophet Elijah; and the soul of the child came back into him (the child), and he (the child) revived (from death back to life).

(Note 1. Bringing dead people back to life was a sign given by Allah to some prophets to show that they speak in the name of Allah).


1-2. The Quran confirms that with the permission of Allah, Jesus brought dead people back to life.


Quran 2:253 Koran 2:253 The messengers We (Allah through the Holy Spirit revealed to Prophet Muhammad) endowed with gifts, some (with) more (gifts) than others. To some of them (like Prophet Moses) Allah spoke and to others (like Prophet Enoch) He (Allah) raised their rank (of honour). To (messenger, prophet and messiah) Jesus the son of Mary We (Allah reveal to Prophet Muhammad through the Holy Spirit that Jesus) gave signs (of his truthfulness) and (Allah) strengthened him (Jesus) with (guidance through) the Holy Spirit (Angel Gabriel, the Holy Ghost). …”


Quran 3:49 Koran 3:49 And (Allah) shall make him (Jesus) a messenger to the Children of Israel (with Jesus saying), "I have come to you with a sign from your Lord (Allah), from clay I (Jesus) make for you the image of a bird and I (Jesus) breathe life into it and it becomes a (real live) bird with the permission from Allah. I (Jesus) heal the person who is born blind (with the permission from Allah) and (I heal) the leper (with the permission from Allah) and I (Jesus) bring the dead to life with the permission from Allah. And I (Jesus) inform you of what you eat and what you store in your houses (with the permission from Allah). Surely there is a sign in this for you if you are believers (in Allah).



Sanhedrin decides Jesus must die.


Gospel of John 11:45 Many of the Jews therefore, of those who had come to Mary and seen what he did, believed in him.


1. Explain Gospel of John 11:45.

Gospel of John 11:45 Many of the Jews therefore, of those who had come to Mary and seen what he (Jesus) did, believed in him (Jesus, they believed that Jesus was a prophet of Allah, a messenger of Allah, a messiah of Allah).


1-1 Why did the Jews believe Jesus was a prophet from Allah?

In the Torah some of the prophets of Allah brought dead people back to life as a sign that they were true messengers from Allah.

See Gospel of John 11:44 comment.


Gospel of John 11:46 But some of them went to the Pharisees, and told them what things Jesus had done.


Gospel of John 11:47 So the chief priests and the Pharisees assembled a Sanhedrin. And they were saying, "What are we doing, that this man is performing so many signs?


1. Who are the Pharisees?

In the time of Jesus a Jewish sect called the Pharisees believed in the written Torah, the oral law (Jewish stories) and the resurrection of the dead in the Hereafter.

The Pharisees were in Judea today in Israel and Palestine in the period of the second Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, Al-Quds from the second century BCE (BC) until the destruction of the second Jewish Temple in 569 BH (70 CE).

Much in today’s traditional Judaism and Jewish Rabbis developed from the religious Pharisee tradition.

The Pharisees today are called Orthodox Jews.

Video 1. Did the early Jews Believe In a Triune Allah? Rabbi Tovia slams pastor John Piper. 

Progressive revelation.


Video 2. Jesus is not the way! Rabbi Tovia Singer slams Church for erecting a barrier between man and Allah.

The teachings by some in Christianity about Jesus did not come from Judaism but from the Greek Roman world of idol worship as seen when humans pray to Jesus and Mary and dead human saints instead of praying direct to Allah as taught by every prophet in the Jewish Scriptures. 

Jesus prayed to Allah in all the four Gospels in the same way as all the Jews in his time all prayed directly to Allah.



2. Who are the chief priests?

The chief priests of the second House of Allah on the Temple Mountain in Jerusalem Al-Quds in Judea today in Israel and Palestine.


3. What is the Sanhedrin?

What is the Sanhedrin council?

The Sanhedrin was the highest Jewish court of justice and the supreme council in Jerusalem, Al-Quds, Judea today in Israel and Palestine.


Gospel of John 11:48 If we leave him alone like this, everyone will believe in him, and the Romans will come, and take away both our place and our nation."


1. Explain Gospel of John 11:48.

Gospel of John 11:48 If we leave him (Jesus) alone like this, everyone will believe in him (as a messiah that can free them of the rule of the idol worshipping Roman Empire and Jesus might lead them to revolt as has happened before), and the Romans will come (with their Armies), and take away both our place (as religious leaders) and (take away) our nation (which is now ruled by our King under the authority of the Roman emperor)."


1-1. The revolt of the Jews before the time of Jesus.

The Festival of Dedication (Hanukkah, Hanukah, Festival of Lights, Feast of Dedication) is a Jewish festival commemorating the rededication of the second Temple of Allah in Jerusalem Al-Quds after a successful Jewish revolt against the Greek Seleucid Empire in the second century BCE (BC) which had forbidden Judaism and replaced it with idol worship.


Gospel of John 11:49 But one of them, Caiaphas, who was high priest that year, said to them, "You people know nothing.


Gospel of John 11:50 Neither are you considering that it is expedient for you that one man die for the people, and not the whole nation perish."


Explain Gospel of John 11:50.

Gospel of John 11:50 Neither are you considering that it is expedient (practical, best) for you that one man (Jesus) die for the people, and not the whole nation (of Judea today Israel and Palestine) perish (be lost, because of Roman retribution which would follow if the Jews of Judea rebelled against the authority of the Roman Empire in Judea)."


Gospel of John 11:51 But this, from himself he did not say. But rather, being high priest that year, he prophesied, that Jesus was about to die for the nation.


1. Explain Gospel of John 11:51.

Gospel of John 11:51 But this, from himself he did not say. But rather, being high priest that year, he prophesied, that Jesus (a messiah who had come to save the people) was about to die for the nation (meaning that removing Jesus removed the threat of a Jewish rebellion which would save the Jews from the destruction of the Armies of the Roman Empire which always retaliated against any rebellion).


2. The prophet after Jesus confirms that everyone who saw Jesus on the cross believed Jesus was dead.

Quran 4:157 Koran 4:157 “… it was made to appear so (to them, so they believed Jesus was dead on the cross but in fact Jesus was still alive on the cross) …”

(Note 1. After Jesus Allah sent another prophet to correct the confusion between Allah and Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26 – 15:27, 16:7 – 16:15 (see in Reference 1 at the end of the Gospel of John).

(Note 2. Every human is tested by Allah and like the story of the sacrifice of the son of Abraham Allah also tested and protected Jesus who was the son (son means the servant, the slave, Jesus the prophet messenger and messiah) of Allah.

(Note 3. For everyone who loves Jesus what could be better news from the prophet after Jesus than to know that Allah tested Jesus with death like Allah tested Abraham and his son with death and Allah protected Jesus with sleep as shown when Jesus was seen three days after the crucifixion in excellent health just as Allah had protected the son of Abraham from death.


Quran 4:157 Koran 4:157 And they (some of the Jews of Yathrib, Arabia today in Saudi Arabia) said (showing their disbelief in Jesus and the messenger Prophet Muhammad), "We killed messiah Jesus, son of Mary, the messenger of Allah," but (in fact) they did not kill him (Jesus) nor crucify him (to death, they did not crucify Jesus to death), but it was made to appear so (to them, so they believed Jesus was dead on the cross but in fact Jesus was still alive on the cross) and those (Jews of Yathrib, Arabia today in Saudi Arabia) who differ in this (in what happened to Jesus on the cross) are full of doubts with no (certain) knowledge so they (the Jews of Yathrib in Arabia today Saudi Arabia) follow only conjecture (assumptions and speculations). It is certain that they (the Jews) did not kill him (because Allah protected Jesus from the death of crucifixion in 607 BH 33 CE 33 AD on Friday 3 April 33 in Jerusalem, Al-Quds, Yerussalem, Yerushalayim in Judea today in Israel and Palestine and as proof Jesus was seen alive three days later).

(Note 1. Just as 2000 years ago some Roman soldiers in Jerusalem Al-Quds in Judea today in Israel and Palestine mocked Jesus to show their disbelief in Jesus in the same way some of the Jews of Yathrib Arabia today in Saudi Arabia mocked Jesus 1400 years ago to show their disbelief in both Jesus and Muhammad.

See Gospel of John 19:3.

(Note 2. Allah protected the life of Jesus from the death of crucifixion by giving sleep to the body of Jesus and raising the soul of Jesus to heaven and to Allah just as every human soul is raised to heaven and to Allah during sleep.

(Note 3. Allah saved Jesus by making the body of Jesus fall into sleep on the cross so although it appeared that Jesus had died on the cross from the death of crucifixion as is correctly described in the Gospel by those who saw it infact Allah saved Jesus from the death of crucifixion by Allah giving sleep to the body of Jesus as is revealed by the prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26 – 15:27, 16:7 – 16:15 see in Reference 1 at the end of the Gospel of John.

(Note 4. Prophet Muhammad confirms he is the prophet and messenger after Jesus by confirming that the Gospel correctly describes what the people saw which appeared to be the killing of Jesus and revealing in the Quran how Allah saved Jesus.

(Note 5. The proof that Jesus was not killed or crucified to death is that Jesus was seen alive three days after the crucifixion.

Allah returned the soul of Jesus to the Earth to awaken the sleeping body of Jesus.

See Gospel of John 16:11 comment 30. The judgement: The plot to kill Jesus the messenger of Allah.

(Note 6. Allah does not return the soul of a dead person to the Earth except in brief visions or dreams or to show the truthfulness of Allah.

See 1. Gospel of John 16:11 comment 32 to 32-5. The Judgement: Jesus will not return to the Earth but Jesus will return to the land (the earth) in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection.

See 2. Gospel of John 16:16 comment 3. Jesus is the prophet of Allah who foretells the future and Jesus is the messenger of Allah who reveals a warning to humans not to believe anyone who says that Jesus will return to the Earth.


Gospel of John 10:18 No one takes it (my life) from me (Jesus); I lay it down (my life) of myself (voluntarily as Allah has ordered Jesus to do). I (Jesus) have authority (from Allah) to lay it down (on the cross where humans shall try to kill Jesus through crucifixion) and I (Jesus) have authority (by the order of Allah) to take it (my life) up again (as proof that no one killed Jesus); this order I have received from my Father (Allah).

(Note 1. In the Gospel Jesus said no one takes my life from me because Jesus is obeying the orders of Allah.

(Note 2. The Gospel confirms no one killed Jesus because Jesus was alive three days later.


2-1. How could Jesus be not dead but sleeping on the cross?

How could Jesus be alive on the cross as revealed by the prophet after Jesus?

The prophet after Jesus would reveal that Jesus was not dead on the cross.

The body of Jesus was sleeping but the soul of Jesus was with Allah.

How is it possible for a body to be sleeping and the soul to be with Allah?

Only the soul of a human is raised to heaven.

The human body is not needed in heaven.

The human body is only needed on the Earth.


Three days after the crucifixion Jesus told Mary Magdalene to tell all the disciples that Jesus did not die on the cross in Gospel of John 20:17 “I have not yet ascended to the Father” meaning Allah saved the life of Jesus on the cross with a miracle which made people think Jesus was dead on the cross in the same way Allah made people believe a sleeping person was dead in Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24 and Gospel of Luke 8:52.

The soul of every human ascends to Allah during sleep and when they die (Quran 39:42).

When Jesus says I (Jesus) have not yet ascended to the Father (Allah) Jesus is not talking about sleep because every human ascends to Allah every night during sleep therefore the meaning is Jesus has not yet died meaning Allah saved the life of Jesus on the cross with sleep (Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24, Gospel of Luke 8:52, Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42) meaning Jesus did not die on the cross with death but was saved on the cross with sleep which looked like Jesus was dead and in this way Allah saved the life of Jesus meaning no one killed Jesus (Gospel of Luke 8:54 – 8:55 and Quran 39:42) meaning no one crucified Jesus to death (Quran 4:157) meaning Jesus was not sacrificed but was saved from death with sleep in Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42 for the same reason Allah saved the son of Abraham from death in a test of the faith in Allah of Abraham and Jesus.

When Jesus says "I (Jesus) am ascending to my Father (Allah) and your Father (Allah)" it means Jesus will die like every human dies meaning Jesus died a natural death at the end of his life 2000 years ago (Quran 3:144 and Quran 5:75) as proof Jesus is human and as proof Jesus is not Allah.


Gospel of John 20:17 Jesus says to her (Mary Magdalene), "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father (Allah); but go to my brothers (my disciples), and tell them: 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father; to my Allah and your Allah.'"

Note 1. After the crucifixion Jesus says do not hold on to me to see if I am really alive, I have not yet ascended to my Father meaning I am not yet dead meaning I am really alive meaning I am not a ghost.


Quran 39:42 Koran 39:42 Allah takes the souls at the time of their death and (also takes the souls of) those who have not died (but are alive) during their sleep (when Allah saved the life of Jesus Isa with sleep so that his body did not move making everyone believe that Jesus Isa was dead on the cross in Quran 4:157 by raising the soul of Jesus Isa to heaven and to Allah in Quran 4:158). He (Allah) keeps those (souls) for which He (Allah) had decreed death and sends the rest (of the souls to awaken the sleeping body) for a predetermined period of time (such as when Allah returned the soul of Jesus Isa three days after the crucifixion to wake up the sleeping body of Jesus Isa on the earth in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 when Jesus Isa delivered the message that Jesus Isa is not Allah by saying Allah is my Allah and your Allah meaning Allah is my Father and your Father meaning Allah is my Creator and your Creator meaning Allah is my Master and your Master meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord as proof that no one had killed him on the cross or crucified him to death on the cross, after which they return to sleep again or die as in Quran 5:75 where Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa “use to eat food” meaning they both died 2000 years ago and Quran 3:144 where the “the messengers before Prophet Muhammad have died” meaning Jesus Isa is dead because Jesus Isa is the messenger before Prophet Muhammad. In Quran 5:117 Jesus died when he lived with the children of Israel 2000 years ago when he was raised by the angel of death). In this are signs (of Allah) for people who think.

(Note 1. The body of Jesus fainted into sleep on the cross.

(Note 2. When a human sleeps their soul is raised to heaven and to Allah.

(Note 3. When Allah returns the soul to a sleeping human their body will wake up.

(Note 4. Three days later Jesus was awake.

(Note 5. Allah protected Jesus from death.

The body of Jesus fainted into sleep on the cross and the soul of Jesus was taken to heaven and to Allah then the soul of Jesus was returned three days later to Earth to awaken the sleeping body of Jesus.

(Note 6. Just as Allah twice protected Jesus from being stoned to death in the Gospel of John 8:59 and 10:31 so also Allah protected Jesus from being killed or crucified to death.

(Note 7. Prophet Muhammad confirms he is the prophet and messenger after Jesus by confirming that the Gospel correctly describes what the people saw which appeared to be the killing of Jesus and revealing in the Quran how Allah saved Jesus.


(Note 1. What is sleep?

When a human body sleeps the soul is raised to heaven and to Allah and that soul will return to awaken the sleeping body on the Earth.

The body of Jesus fainted into sleep on the cross and the soul of Jesus was raised to heaven and to Allah.

Allah returned the soul to the sleeping body of Jesus 3 days later and the body of Jesus woke up and Jesus was seen alive.

(Note 2. What is death?

When a human body dies the soul is raised to heaven and to Allah and that soul will not return to the Earth.

After death the soul will be given a new physical body that can feel reward or punishment on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement.

When Jesus died a natural death Allah raised the soul of Jesus to heaven and to Allah and this death is confirmed by Jesus who said do not believe anyone who says that Jesus will return to this Earth (in Gospel of Mark 13;5, 13:6, 13:21, 13:22, 13:23) because the second coming of Jesus will be on the Day of Resurrection which is the second coming of every human including Jesus (in Gospel of Mark 13:27 and 14:62) 

See Gospel of Mark 13;5, 13:6, 13:21, 13:22, 13:23, 13:26, 13:27 and 14:62 comment.

See Gospel of Matthew 24:29 and 24:30 comment.

See Gospel of Luke 21:25, 21:25 and 21:7 comment.

See Jesus said another comforter from Allah will come after him at the end of Gospel of John chapter 21. 

(Note 3. How do we know that Prophet Muhammad is not one of the false prophets that Jesus warned would falsely claim that Jesus will return to this Earth?

Answer 1: There is nothing in the Torah or Gospel or Quran about Jesus returning to this Earth.

Answer 2: Prophet Muhammad is not one of the false prophets who will falsely claim that Jesus will return to this Earth because there is nothing in the Quran about Jesus returning to this Earth.


2-2. What happened at the end of the life of Jesus?

Quran 4:158 Koran 4:158 (At the end of the natural life of Jesus) Allah raised him (the soul of Jesus) up to Himself (Allah), (and the soul of Jesus is in heaven under the care of Allah who is the creator of every soul and the carer of every soul). Allah is all powerful (able to do all things) and He (Allah) is all wise.

(Note 1. Jesus is a human.

Jesus is human because the soul of every human is raised to Heaven and to Allah by the Angel of Death and the soul of every human is under the care of Allah who is the creator of every soul and the carer of every soul.

(Note 2. The Earth is the resting place for the human body.

The human body is only needed on the Earth because the human body is designed for life on the Earth.

(Note 3. Heaven is the resting place for the human soul.

Heaven is made for the human soul because the human soul is designed for life in Heaven.

(Note 4. The human body dies on the Earth but the human soul lives forever in heaven.

(Note 5. The soul on the Day of Resurrection.

On the Day of Resurrection the human soul will be given a new physical body that can feel reward or punishment.

(Note 6. The natural deaths of Moses and Elijah and Jesus.

After the natural deaths of Moses and Elijah and Jesus their souls were raised to Heaven and to Allah and their bodies were hidden in the Earth to prevent human idol worship but some Christians later made images of Jesus and began to pray to Jesus instead of praying to Allah who is the creator of Jesus so Allah inspired Prophet Muhammad to correct the confusion between Allah and Jesus.


2-3 Where is proof that the revelations in the Quran about Jesus are correct?

How does Allah show the truthfulness of the messenger who came after Jesus?

Allah allowed the Dome of the Rock shrine to be built as a memorial on Allah’s Holy Temple Mount in Jerusalem Al-Quds to confirm the truthfulness of the messenger that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26 – 15:27, 16:7 – 16:15 (see in Reference 1 at the end of the Gospel of John).

Only Allah has the power to bless what is on Allah’s Holy ground on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Al-Quds as a sign for all who have eyes to see and a sign for all who have hearts that understand. 

The Dome of the Rock (Masjid Qubbat As-Sakhrah) was completed in 72 AH (691 CE, 691 AD, 691) on the Temple mount in Jerusalem, Al-Quds, Palestine today in Israel and Palestine as a confirmation from Allah that Muhammad is the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus.

37 years after Jesus left the Earth the second House of Allah on Allah’s Holy Temple Mount in Jerusalem Al-Quds in Judea was destroyed by the Roman Empire as a sign from Allah confirming the warnings that had been delivered by Jesus.

69 years after Prophet Muhammad left the Earth the Dome of the Rock shine was completed on Allah’s Holy Temple Mount in Jerusalem Al-Quds in Palestine today Israel and Palestine as a sign from Allah confirming that Muhammad is the prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus.


Where is proof from Allah that Muhammad is the prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus?

Where is proof that Allah has blessed Prophet Muhammad?

Where is proof that Allah has blessed the Quran?

Where is proof that Allah has blessed the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, Al-Quds?

Some Christians confused Jesus with Allah and as Jesus prophesied in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26 – 15:27, 16:7 – 16:15 (see in Reference 1 at the end of the Gospel of John) Allah sent a messenger after Jesus.

Allah confirmed the prophet after Jesus by permitting the building of the Al-Aqsa mosque on the Holy ground of the First and Second Temples of Allah in Jerusalem (Al-Quds), Palestine, today Israel and Palestine.

Only Allah has the power to bless what is on Allah’s Holy ground on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Al-Quds as a sign for all who have eyes to see and a sign for all who have hearts that understand. 

The Al-Aqsa Mosque (al-Masjid al-Aqsa, the Farthest Mosque, Al-Aqsa, Bayt al-Muqaddas) was established in 85 AH (705 CE, 705 AD) as confirmation from Allah that Muhammad is the prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus.

Jerusalem, Al-Quds in the time of Jesus is the location on the Temple Mount (Temple Mountain, Mount Zion, Mount Moriah, Har HaBayit, Haram Al-Sharif, Bait ul Muqaddas, The Sanctuary) where the Second Temple of Allah stood on top of the First Temple of Allah which had earlier been destroyed.

37 years after Jesus left the Earth the second House of Allah on the Temple Mount was destroyed by the Roman Empire as a sign from Allah confirming the warnings that had been delivered by Jesus.

73 years after Muhammad left the Earth the Al-Aqsa mosque on the Temple Mount was established on top of the destroyed first and second Houses of Allah as a sign from Allah confirming that Muhammad is the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus.


Quran 6:92 Koran 6:92 And this (Quran) is (also) a Book which We (Allah through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel revealed to Prophet Muhammad) have blessed and revealed, confirming what was revealed before it (in the Torah and in the Gospel) so that you (Prophet Muhammad) may warn (of Allah’s reward and punishment in the hereafter to those that live in) the mother of towns (Mecca) and those around her (in Arabia today in Saudi Arabia). Those who believe in the Hereafter believe it (the Quran) and they are careful (to remember to observe) their worship (of Allah).


Quran 30:30 Koran 30:30 So direct yourself (Prophet Muhammad) towards the religion (the belief in one creator) for which He (Allah who is the one and only creator) has created (religion for) humans. No one can alter what Allah has created (in religion, in the Torah, the Gospel and the Quran). That is the right religion (belief), but most people do not know (this).


Gospel of John 11:52 And not for the nation only, but such that the children of Allah scattered about, he would gather also, into one people.


1. Explain Gospel of John 11:52.

Gospel of John 11:52 And not (die serving Allah) for the nation only, but such that (on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) the children of Allah (meaning the servants of Allah, the slaves of Allah, the believers of Allah who lived in the time of Jesus or who later claimed to follow the teaching of Jesus and were) scattered about, he (Jesus as the leader of his community of believers) would gather also, into one people (for the reward decreed by Allah of Paradise in the hereafter. It is for the rescue to Heaven and not on the Earth that Jesus is called the messiah and that is how Jesus would fulfill the Jewish belief that a prophet and messenger of Allah called the messiah would come and save the nation of believers not on the Earth but in Heaven).


1-1. Before Jesus Allah sent Moses 3200 years ago.

And not (die serving Allah) for the nation only, but such that (on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) the children of Allah (meaning the servants of Allah, the slaves of Allah, the believers of Allah who lived in the time of Moses or who later claimed to follow the teaching of Moses and were) scattered about, he (Moses as the leader of his community of believers) would gather also, into one people (for the reward decreed by Allah of Paradise in the hereafter).


1-2. After Jesus Allah sent Muhammad 1400 years ago.

And not (die serving Allah) for the nation only, but such that (on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) the children of Allah (meaning the servants of Allah, the slaves of Allah, the believers of Allah who lived in the time of Muhammad or who later claimed to follow the teaching of Muhammad and were) scattered about, he (Muhammad as the leader of his community of believers) would gather also, into one people (for the reward decreed by Allah of Paradise in the hereafter).


Quran 39:68 Koran 39:68 The Horn (Trumpet) is blown and all who are in the heavens and the earth shall fall down dead except whoever Allah wills. Then it (the Horn, Trumpet) is blown a second time and they (the resurrected humans) shall all be standing and looking.


Quran 39:69 Koran 39:69 And the earth (meaning, the land in the hereafter) shall shine with the light of its Lord (Allah, when Allah shall come to judge men and women on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) and the Book (of their good and bad deeds) shall be shown. (In the judgement of each person) the Prophets (the messenger of Allah in the time of that person or the messenger of Allah that the person claimed to follow) and the witnesses (the Holy angels including the Holy Spirit and humans) shall be brought and it (the good and bad deeds of men and women) shall be judged between them (the Prophets and the witnesses and the Book of their good and bad deeds) with (the) truth (as Allah decreed) and they (those who are judged) shall not be wronged (by any incorrect judgement of what they did during their lifetime on the Earth).

(Note 1. The prophet who is the messenger of Allah that each person claimed to follow or who lived during their time will be present at their judgement on the Day of Judgement.


Quran 78:38 Koran 78:38 The Day (of Judgement) when the Spirit (angel Gabriel) and the (other) angels shall stand in rows and they shall not speak except for the one whom the most merciful (Allah) allows (to speak) and they (the Spirit and the other angels) shall say what is correct.


Quran 39:70 Koran 39:70 And every soul shall be paid in full for what it did (in the life of the world). He (Allah) is aware of what they do (without need of knowledge from the prophets or the witnesses or the Book of good and bad deeds which are used to show each person that the judgement of Allah is correct).


2. If Jesus was not killed on the cross why did Jesus prophesy that Jesus would be killed?


Quran 4:157 Koran 4:157 “… but (in fact) they did not kill him (Jesus) nor crucify him (to death, they did not crucify Jesus to death), but it was made to appear so (to them, so they believed Jesus was dead on the cross but in fact Jesus was still alive on the cross) …”

(Note 1. The purpose of life on Earth is for every human to be tested by Allah.

Allah tested Jesus in the same way that Allah tested Abraham and his son.

Jesus believed Jesus would be killed in the same way as the son of Abraham believed he would be killed.

However like Allah saved the son of Abraham so too would the prophet after Jesus reveal that Allah saved Jesus.

The prophet after Jesus (in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26 – 15:27, 16:7 – 16:15 see in Reference 1 at the end of the Gospel of John) would be glorified (honoured and confirmed) as a prophet and messenger of Allah by revealing that Allah made everyone including Jesus believe that Jesus would die. This was a test of the faith of Jesus in Allah.


2-1. If Jesus was not killed on the cross why did the high priest prophesy that Jesus would be killed?


Quran 4:157 Koran 4:157 “… but (in fact) they did not kill him (Jesus) nor crucify him (to death, they did not crucify Jesus to death), but it was made to appear so (to them, so they believed Jesus was dead on the cross but in fact Jesus was still alive on the cross) …”

(Note 1. The purpose of life on Earth is for every human to be tested by Allah.

Allah tested those who plotted to kill Jesus just as Allah tests every human.

On the Day of Judgement no one that plotted against Jesus will be able to deny they did not know what they were doing because they heard the prophecy of the high priest say that they would sacrifice Jesus for Earthly political reasons showing that they loved life on Earth more than Allah and Allah’s messenger and life in Heaven.

Those that plotted to kill Jesus would be made by Allah to believe that they succeeded in killing Jesus so that the happiness of their sin will be evidence against them which they shall not be able to deny on the Day of Judgement.

The prophet after Jesus (in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26 – 15:27, 16:7 – 16:15 see in Reference 1 at the end of the Gospel of John) would be glorified (honoured and confirmed) as a prophet and messenger of Allah by revealing that Allah made everyone including those who plotted to kill Jesus believe that they had killed Jesus exactly as revealed in the Gospel with the Good News in the Quran revealing how Allah saved Jesus.

In the hereafter the result of the test by Allah of each human to choose good or evil is shown to each human as evidence that Allah’s judgement of them is correct.

The Gospel and the Quran show what people saw with their eyes and what Allah intended as a reminder to humans to chose what is good and reject what is evil so that they may be among the successful on the Day of Judgement..


Gospel of John 11:53 Thus from that time on they were resolved that they would kill him.


Explain Gospel of John 11:53.

Gospel of John 11:53 Thus from that time on they (the Sanhedrin council) were resolved that they would kill him (Jesus).


Quran 3:54 Koran 3:54 And they (who disbelieved Prophet Jesus) plotted (to kill Jesus) but Allah also (had his) plan. And Allah is the best of the planners (meaning the plans of humans cannot be successful against the plans of Allah).

(Note 1. What was Allah’s plan for Jesus?

See Gospel of John 11:51 comment.


Quran 14:46 Koran 14:46 And they (who disbelieved Allah and Allah’s messenger) plotted and their plan (was recorded as evidence against them on the Day of Judgement because everything) is known by Allah and even if their plan had been (strong enough) to remove the mountains (even then their plan would have been unsuccessful because the plan of humans cannot be successful against the plan of Allah).

(Note 1. How did Allah’s plan for Jesus over rule the plan of humans?

See Gospel of John 11:51 comment.


Quran 14:47 Koran 14:47 Do not think that Allah shall fail to keep His (Allah’s) promise to His (Allah’s) messengers (to correctly guide them so listen to what messengers say instead of plotting against the commands of Allah). Allah is mighty and makes retribution (punishment on the wrongdoer).

(Note 1. How did Allah help Jesus?

See Gospel of John 11:51 comment.


Gospel of John 11:54 Therefore, Jesus no longer walked openly among the Jews, but departed from there to an area next to the desert, to a town called Ephraim, and there he stayed, along with his disciples.


Explain Gospel of John 11:54.

Gospel of John 11:54 Therefore, Jesus no longer walked openly (in public) among the Jews (of Jerusalem Al-Quds), but departed from there to an area next to the desert, to a town called Ephraim, and there he (Jesus the Jew) stayed, along with his (twelve Jewish) disciples.


Gospel of John 11:55 But then the Passover of the Jews was near, and many went up to Jerusalem from out of the country before the Passover, to purify themselves.


1. Explain Gospel of John 11:55.

Gospel of John 11:55 But then the Passover (festival) of the Jews was near, and many (Jews) went up to Jerusalem (Al-Quds in Judea today in Israel and Palestine) from out of the country (country side and surrounding countries) before the Passover (festival), to purify (clean) themselves (of sin in the second House of Allah on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem Al-Quds).


2. What is Passover?

What is Pesach?

Passover (Pesach) is a Jewish holiday to remember how Allah helped the children of Israel escape from the slavery of the Pharaoh in Egypt and remember how the children of Israel became a nation under the guidance of Prophet Moses.


Gospel of John 11:56 They were watching for Jesus therefore, and speaking with one another, as they stood in the temple, "How does it seem to you? That he is not coming to the festival at all?"


Why were the leaders of the second House of Allah watching for Jesus at the time of the Jewish festival of Passover?

Jesus was a Jew and Jews worshiped Allah at the second House of Allah on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem Al-Quds on the Passover festival.


Gospel of John 11:57 Now the chief priests and the Pharisees had given orders, that if anyone knew where he was, he should report it, so that they might arrest him.


1. Why did the leaders of the second House of Allah want to arrest Jesus?

Gospel of John 11:48 If we leave him (Jesus) alone like this, everyone will believe in him (as a messiah that can free them of the rule of the idol worshipping Roman Empire and Jesus might lead them to revolt as has happened before), and the Romans will come (with their Armies), and take away both our place (as religious leaders) and (take away) our nation (which is now ruled by our King under the authority of the Roman emperor)."


1-1. The revolt of the Jews before the time of Jesus.

The Festival of Dedication (Hanukkah, Hanukah, Festival of Lights, Feast of Dedication) is a Jewish festival commemorating the rededication of the second Temple of Allah in Jerusalem Al-Quds after a successful Jewish revolt against the Greek Seleucid Empire in the second century BCE (BC) which had forbidden Judaism and replaced it with idol worship.





The Gospel of John chapter 12.

Jesus Anointed at Bethany.



Gospel of John 12:1 Then, six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus was, whom Jesus had raised from the dead.


1. Why did Allah allow Jesus to raise Lazarus from the dead?

Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead for the same reason that Elijah raised the dead and that was to show that they were truthful messengers of Allah because no one can raise the dead unless Allah is with them.


1-1. In the Torah Allah gave some of the prophets of Allah permission to bring dead people back to life.

Some of the prophets of Allah brought dead people back to life as a sign from Allah of their truthfulness.


Jewish Hebrew Bible 1 Kings 17:21 And he (Prophet Elijah) stretched himself upon the child three times, and cried unto the LORD (Allah), and said: 'O LORD my Allah, I pray to you, let this child's soul come back into him.'


Jewish Hebrew Bible 1 Kings 17:22 And the LORD (Allah) listened to the voice of Prophet Elijah; and the soul of the child came back into him (the child), and he (the child) revived (from death back to life).

(Note 1. Bringing dead people back to life was a sign given by Allah to some prophets to show that they speak in the name of Allah).


1-2. In the Quran Allah explains why Allah gave some of the prophets of Allah such as Jesus permission to bring dead people back to life.


Quran 2:253 Koran 2:253 The messengers We (Allah through the Holy Spirit revealed to Prophet Muhammad) endowed with gifts, some (with) more (gifts) than others. To some of them (like Prophet Moses) Allah spoke and to others (like Prophet Enoch) He (Allah) raised their rank (of honour). To (messenger, prophet and messiah) Jesus the son of Mary We (Allah reveal to Prophet Muhammad through the Holy Spirit that Jesus) gave signs (of his truthfulness) and (Allah) strengthened him (Jesus) with (guidance through) the Holy Spirit (Angel Gabriel, the Holy Ghost). …”


Quran 3:49 Koran 3:49 And (Allah) shall make him (Jesus) a messenger to the Children of Israel (with Jesus saying), "I have come to you with a sign from your Lord (Allah), from clay I (Jesus) make for you the image of a bird and I (Jesus) breathe life into it and it becomes a (real live) bird with the permission from Allah. I (Jesus) heal the person who is born blind (with the permission from Allah) and (I heal) the leper (with the permission from Allah) and I (Jesus) bring the dead to life with the permission from Allah. And I (Jesus) inform you of what you eat and what you store in your houses (with the permission from Allah). Surely there is a sign in this for you if you are believers (in Allah).


Quran 13:38 Koran 13:38 And We (Allah) sent messengers before you (Prophet Muhammad), and We (Allah) gave them wives and children (and you Prophet Muhammad are a human like them), and it was not for any messenger to bring a sign except by Allah’s permission (because a messenger is only the servant of Allah). For every period of time there is a decree (a Book brought through a messenger that reveals Allah’s judgements and explanations as a guidance to strengthen the faith of the people who believe that Allah is the creator of every creation).


2. Where is Bethany?

Bethany is a village near Jerusalem, Al-Quds in the Roman province of Judea.

Today Bethany is in Palestine.


2-1. What is Passover?

What is Pesach?

Passover (Pesach) is a Jewish holiday to remember how Allah helped the children of Israel escape from the slavery of the Pharaoh in Egypt and remember how the children of Israel became a nation under the guidance of Prophet Moses.


Gospel of John 12:2 So they made a supper for him there, and Martha was serving, and Lazarus was one of those reclining with him.


Explain Gospel of John 12:2.

Gospel of John 12:2 So they made a supper for him there, and Martha was serving, and Lazarus was one of those reclining (sitting) with him (Jesus).


Gospel of John 12:3 Then Mary, having taken a litre of expensive ointment of pure oil of nardroot, anointed the feet of Jesus, and with her hair, she wiped his feet. And the house was filled with the smell of the ointment.


1. Explain Gospel of John 12:3.

Gospel of John 12:3 Then Mary, having taken a litre of expensive ointment of pure oil of nardroot, anointed the feet of Jesus, and with her hair, she wiped his feet (as confirmation that Jesus was the prophet of Allah and the messenger of Allah called the Messiah meaning the anointed one). And the house was filled with the smell of the ointment.

(Note 1. Jesus is the prophet of Allah and the messenger of Allah called the Messiah.


1-1. What is nardroot?

Nard root is a plant with aromatic roots.


Gospel of John 12:4 But Judas the Keriothite, one of his disciples, the one about to betray him, says,


Explain Gospel of John 12:4.

Gospel of John 12:4 But Judas the Keriothite, one of his disciples, the one about to betray him (Jesus), says,


Gospel of John 12:5 "Why was this ointment not sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor?"


What is denarii?

Denarii is a Roman silver coin.

Gospel of John 12:6 But he said this not because it mattered to him about the poor, but because he was a thief, and having charge of the moneybag, he would lift from what was put in.


Explain Gospel of John 12:6.

Gospel of John 12:6 But he (Judas the Keriothite) said this not because it mattered to him about the poor, but because he was a thief, and having charge of the moneybag, he would lift (steal) from what was put in.


Gospel of John 12:7 Jesus said therefore, "Leave her alone. It was that she kept it for the day of my burial.


Why is Jesus not Allah?

Jesus knows that one day Jesus will die.

Only a creation can die.

Allah was not born and Allah does not die because Allah is not a creation.

Allah is the creator of every creation.

Jesus was born and Jesus died because Allah has decreed that every creation must be born and must die.


Gospel of John 12:8 For the poor you always have with you, but me, you do not always have."


Explain Gospel of John 12:8.

Gospel of John 12:8 For the poor you always have with you (so you can help them anytime), but me (Jesus the messenger of Allah), you do not always have (so you must learn from Jesus while Jesus who is the messenger of Allah is with you)."


Gospel of John 12:9 Then the great crowd of the Jews found out that he was there, and they came, not only because of Jesus, but also that they might see Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead.


Why did Allah allow Jesus to raise Lazarus from the dead?

See Gospel of John 12:1 comment.


Gospel of John 12:10 So the chief priests resolved that they would kill Lazarus also,


Gospel of John 12:11 for many of the Jews were going out because of him, and then believing in Jesus.


1. Explain Gospel of John 12:11.

Gospel of John 12:11 for (because) many of the Jews were going out because of him (Lazarus, who had been dead), and then believing in Jesus (because Jesus with the permission of Allah had shown the miracle of raising the dead to life which was only possible if Allah was with Jesus).


2. Why did Allah allow Jesus to raise Lazarus from the dead?

See Gospel of John 12:1 comment.




The triumphal entry.


Gospel of John 12:12 The next day, the great crowd that had come for the festival, hearing that Jesus is arriving into Jerusalem,


1. What is the festival?

Passover (Pesach) is a Jewish holiday to remember how Allah helped the children of Israel escape from the slavery of the Pharaoh in Egypt and remember how the children of Israel became a nation under the guidance of Prophet Moses.

2. Where is Jerusalem?

Where is Yerussalem?

Where is Yerushalayim?

Where is Al-Quds?

Jerusalem is in Judea today in Israel and Palestine.

In the time of Jesus the Second House of Allah which was built on top of the destroyed First House of Allah on the Temple Mount was in Jerusalem Al-Quds in Judea today in Israel and Palestine.


Gospel of John 12:13 took the fronds of palm trees, and went out into a merging with him. And they were crying out: "Hosha na!’ "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, the king of Israel!’


1. Explain Gospel of John 12:13.

Gospel of John 12:13 took the fronds (leaves) of palm trees, and went out into a merging with him (Jesus). And they were crying out: "Hosha na!’ (save us we pray to you) "Blessed is he (Jesus) who comes (to speak as a prophet and a messenger) in the name of the Lord (Allah), (and as the) the king of Israel!’ (Messiah of Israel, the anointed one of Israel).

(Note 1. Prophet Moses came to speak in the name of Allah.

(Note 2. Prophet Jesus came to speak in the name of Allah.

(Note 3. Prophet Muhammad came to speak in the name of Allah.


2. What does “Hosha na” mean?

What does Hosanna mean?

What does Hosana mean?

Hosha na means save us we pray to you.

Hosanna means save us we pray to you.

Hosana means save us we pray to you.


3. What does “Blessed is Jesus who comes in the name of the Lord” mean?

Blessed is Jesus who comes as a messenger of Allah to make revelations that are revealed to Jesus in the name of Allah.

Blessed is Jesus who comes as a messenger of Allah to make revelations that are revealed to Jesus by Allah.

Blessed is Jesus who comes as a messenger of Allah to make revelations that are revealed to Jesus by Allah through the Holy Spirit.

Blessed is Jesus who comes as a messenger of Allah (Prophet Jesus) to make revelations that are revealed to the heart of Jesus by the Holy Spirit of Allah (Angel Gabriel).


Torah Deuteronomy 18:18 (Therefore) I (Allah) shall raise up for them a prophet (Prophet Joshua Yusha followed by prophet after prophet, messenger after messenger) like you (Prophet Moses) from among their own brothers (Isaac and Ishmael are brothers and descendants and brethren to the children of Israel and the Arabian people through Prophet Abraham who was the father of Isaac and Ishmael) and I (Allah through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel) shall put my (Allah’s) words in the mouth of the prophet, who shall speak to them (the people) everything that I (Allah) command.”


Torah Deuteronomy 18:19 It shall happen that whoever shall not pay attention to My words (Allah’s words) which he (the prophet) shall speak in My name (Allah’s name); I (Allah) shall require it from him (meaning that Allah requires the people to listen and to obey Allah’s prophets).

(Note 1. A prophet of Allah speaks in the name of Allah.

(Note 2. A messenger of Allah speaks in the name of Allah.

(Note 3. A messiah of Allah speaks in the name of Allah.


Torah Deuteronomy 18:20 But the Prophet that shall speak a word presumptuously in My name (in the name of Allah), which I (Allah) have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die.


Torah Deuteronomy 34:6 And he (Moses) was buried in the valley in the land of Moab (east of the Dead Sea) over against Beth-peor (east of the Jordan River); and no man knows of his sepulcher (grave) to this day.

(Note 1. Prophet Moses died a natural death when his soul was raised to heaven and his body was secretly buried in the Earth to prevent human idol worship.


(Note 2. Prophet Muhammad died a natural death.

See Gospel of John 10:30 comment.


(Note 3. After Prophet Jesus survived the miracle of crucifixion by showing himself three days later in excellent health Jesus later died a natural death when his soul was raised to heaven and his body was secretly buried in the Earth to prevent human idol worship.


4. How did Jesus die a natural death?

The Jews of Yathrib, Arabia rejected Jesus because the crucifixion of Jesus was proof that Jesus was killed and therefore proof according to Torah Deuteronomy 18:20 that Jesus was a false prophet.

Prophet Muhammad was sent to the Jews to explain that Jesus did not die from crucifixion but Jesus survived and was seen three days later.

Jesus later died a natural death when his soul was raised to heaven and his body was secretly buried in the Earth to prevent human idol worship.


Some Christians made images of Jesus and invented human idol worship by mistakenly praying to images of Jesus with his body on a cross instead of praying to Allah who is the creator of every creation including the creation called Jesus.

Prophet Muhammad was sent to the Christians to correct the confusion between Jesus who is a human and Allah who is the creator of every human including the creation called Jesus.


4-1. Jesus believed he would be killed.

Jesus believed Jesus would be killed just as the son of Abraham believed he would also be killed.


4-2. The prophet after Jesus confirms that everyone who saw Jesus on the cross believed Jesus was dead.

Quran 4:157 Koran 4:157 “… but (in fact) they did not kill him (Jesus) nor crucify him (to death, they did not crucify Jesus to death), but it was made to appear so (to them, so they believed Jesus was dead on the cross but in fact Jesus was still alive on the cross) …”

(Note 1. After Jesus Allah sent another prophet to correct the confusion between Allah and Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26 – 15:27, 16:7 – 16:15 (see in Reference 1 at the end of the Gospel of John).

(Note 2. Every human is tested by Allah and like the story of the sacrifice of the son of Abraham Allah also tested and protected Jesus who was the son (son means the servant, the slave, Jesus the prophet messenger and messiah) of Allah.

(Note 3. For everyone who loves Jesus what could be better news from the prophet after Jesus than to know that Allah tested Jesus with death like Allah tested Abraham and his son with death and Allah protected Jesus with sleep as shown when Jesus was seen three days after the crucifixion in excellent health just as Allah had protected the son of Abraham from death.


Quran 4:157 Koran 4:157 And they (some of the Jews of Yathrib, Arabia today in Saudi Arabia) said (showing their disbelief in Jesus and the messenger Prophet Muhammad), "We killed messiah Jesus, son of Mary, the messenger of Allah," but (in fact) they did not kill him (Jesus) nor crucify him (to death, they did not crucify Jesus to death), but it was made to appear so (to them, so they believed Jesus was dead on the cross but in fact Jesus was still alive on the cross) and those (Jews of Yathrib, Arabia today in Saudi Arabia) who differ in this (in what happened to Jesus on the cross) are full of doubts with no (certain) knowledge so they (the Jews of Yathrib in Arabia today Saudi Arabia) follow only conjecture (assumptions and speculations). It is certain that they (the Jews) did not kill him (because Allah protected Jesus from the death of crucifixion in 607 BH 33 CE 33 AD on Friday 3 April 33 in Jerusalem, Al-Quds, Yerussalem, Yerushalayim in Judea today in Israel and Palestine and as proof Jesus was seen alive three days later).

(Note 1. Just as 2000 years ago some Roman soldiers in Jerusalem Al-Quds in Judea today in Israel and Palestine mocked Jesus to show their disbelief in Jesus in the same way some of the Jews of Yathrib Arabia today in Saudi Arabia mocked Jesus 1400 years ago to show their disbelief in both Jesus and Muhammad.

See Gospel of John 19:3.

(Note 2. Allah protected the life of Jesus from the death of crucifixion by giving sleep to the body of Jesus and raising the soul of Jesus to heaven and to Allah just as every human soul is raised to heaven and to Allah during sleep.

(Note 3. Allah saved Jesus by making the body of Jesus fall into sleep on the cross so although it appeared that Jesus had died on the cross from the death of crucifixion as is correctly described in the Gospel by those who saw it infact Allah saved Jesus from the death of crucifixion by Allah giving sleep to the body of Jesus as is revealed by the prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26 – 15:27, 16:7 – 16:15 see in Reference 1 at the end of the Gospel of John.

(Note 4. Prophet Muhammad confirms he is the prophet and messenger after Jesus by confirming that the Gospel correctly describes what the people saw which appeared to be the killing of Jesus and revealing in the Quran how Allah saved Jesus.

(Note 5. The proof that Jesus was not killed or crucified to death is that Jesus was seen alive three days after the crucifixion.

Allah returned the soul of Jesus to the Earth to awaken the sleeping body of Jesus.

See Gospel of John 16:11 comment 30. The judgement: The plot to kill Jesus the messenger of Allah.

(Note 6. Allah does not return the soul of a dead person to the Earth except in brief visions or dreams or to show the truthfulness of Allah.

See 1. Gospel of John 16:11 comment 32 to 32-5. The Judgement: Jesus will not return to the Earth but Jesus will return to the land (the earth) in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection.

See 2. Gospel of John 16:16 comment 3. Jesus is the prophet of Allah who foretells the future and Jesus is the messenger of Allah who reveals a warning to humans not to believe anyone who says that Jesus will return to the Earth.


Gospel of John 10:18 No one takes it (my life) from me (Jesus); I lay it down (my life) of myself (voluntarily as Allah has ordered Jesus to do). I (Jesus) have authority (from Allah) to lay it down (on the cross where humans shall try to kill Jesus through crucifixion) and I (Jesus) have authority (by the order of Allah) to take it (my life) up again (as proof that no one killed Jesus); this order I have received from my Father (Allah).

(Note 1. In the Gospel Jesus said no one takes my life from me because Jesus is obeying the orders of Allah.

(Note 2. The Gospel confirms no one killed Jesus because Jesus was alive three days later.


4-3. How could Jesus be not dead but sleeping on the cross?

How could Jesus be alive on the cross as revealed by the prophet after Jesus?

The prophet after Jesus would reveal that Jesus was not dead on the cross.

The body of Jesus was sleeping but the soul of Jesus was with Allah.

How is it possible for a body to be sleeping and the soul to be with Allah?

Only the soul of a human is raised to heaven.

The human body is not needed in heaven.

The human body is only needed on the Earth.


Three days after the crucifixion Jesus told Mary Magdalene to tell all the disciples that Jesus did not die on the cross in Gospel of John 20:17 “I have not yet ascended to the Father” meaning Allah saved the life of Jesus on the cross with a miracle which made people think Jesus was dead on the cross in the same way Allah made people believe a sleeping person was dead in Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24 and Gospel of Luke 8:52.

The soul of every human ascends to Allah during sleep and when they die (Quran 39:42).

When Jesus says I (Jesus) have not yet ascended to the Father (Allah) Jesus is not talking about sleep because every human ascends to Allah every night during sleep therefore the meaning is Jesus has not yet died meaning Allah saved the life of Jesus on the cross with sleep (Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24, Gospel of Luke 8:52, Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42) meaning Jesus did not die on the cross with death but was saved on the cross with sleep which looked like Jesus was dead and in this way Allah saved the life of Jesus meaning no one killed Jesus (Gospel of Luke 8:54 – 8:55 and Quran 39:42) meaning no one crucified Jesus to death (Quran 4:157) meaning Jesus was not sacrificed but was saved from death with sleep in Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42 for the same reason Allah saved the son of Abraham from death in a test of the faith in Allah of Abraham and Jesus.

When Jesus says "I (Jesus) am ascending to my Father (Allah) and your Father (Allah)" it means Jesus will die like every human dies meaning Jesus died a natural death at the end of his life 2000 years ago (Quran 3:144 and Quran 5:75) as proof Jesus is human and as proof Jesus is not Allah.


Gospel of John 20:17 Jesus says to her (Mary Magdalene), "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father (Allah); but go to my brothers (my disciples), and tell them: 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father; to my Allah and your Allah.'"

Note 1. After the crucifixion Jesus says do not hold on to me to see if I am really alive, I have not yet ascended to my Father meaning I am not yet dead meaning I am really alive meaning I am not a ghost.


Quran 39:42 Koran 39:42 Allah takes the souls at the time of their death and (also takes the souls of) those who have not died (but are alive) during their sleep (when Allah saved the life of Jesus Isa with sleep so that his body did not move making everyone believe that Jesus Isa was dead on the cross in Quran 4:157 by raising the soul of Jesus Isa to heaven and to Allah in Quran 4:158). He (Allah) keeps those (souls) for which He (Allah) had decreed death and sends the rest (of the souls to awaken the sleeping body) for a predetermined period of time (such as when Allah returned the soul of Jesus Isa three days after the crucifixion to wake up the sleeping body of Jesus Isa on the earth in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 when Jesus Isa delivered the message that Jesus Isa is not Allah by saying Allah is my Allah and your Allah meaning Allah is my Father and your Father meaning Allah is my Creator and your Creator meaning Allah is my Master and your Master meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord as proof that no one had killed him on the cross or crucified him to death on the cross, after which they return to sleep again or die as in Quran 5:75 where Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa “use to eat food” meaning they both died 2000 years ago and Quran 3:144 where the “the messengers before Prophet Muhammad have died” meaning Jesus Isa is dead because Jesus Isa is the messenger before Prophet Muhammad. In Quran 5:117 Jesus died when he lived with the children of Israel 2000 years ago when he was raised by the angel of death). In this are signs (of Allah) for people who think.

(Note 1. The body of Jesus fainted into sleep on the cross.

(Note 2. When a human sleeps their soul is raised to heaven and to Allah.

(Note 3. When Allah returns the soul to a sleeping human their body will wake up.

(Note 4. Three days later Jesus was awake.

(Note 5. Allah protected Jesus from death.

The body of Jesus fainted into sleep on the cross and the soul of Jesus was taken to heaven and to Allah then the soul of Jesus was returned three days later to Earth to awaken the sleeping body of Jesus.

(Note 6. Just as Allah twice protected Jesus from being stoned to death in the Gospel of John 8:59 and 10:31 so also Allah protected Jesus from being killed or crucified to death.

(Note 7. Prophet Muhammad confirms he is the prophet and messenger after Jesus by confirming that the Gospel correctly describes what the people saw which appeared to be the killing of Jesus and revealing in the Quran how Allah saved Jesus.


(Note 1. What is sleep?

When a human body sleeps the soul is raised to heaven and to Allah and that soul will return to awaken the sleeping body on the Earth.

The body of Jesus fainted into sleep on the cross and the soul of Jesus was raised to heaven and to Allah.

Allah returned the soul to the sleeping body of Jesus 3 days later and the body of Jesus woke up and Jesus was seen alive.

(Note 2. What is death?

When a human body dies the soul is raised to heaven and to Allah and that soul will not return to the Earth.

After death the soul will be given a new physical body that can feel reward or punishment on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement.

When Jesus died a natural death Allah raised the soul of Jesus to heaven and to Allah and this death is confirmed by Jesus who said do not believe anyone who says that Jesus will return to this Earth (in Gospel of Mark 13;5, 13:6, 13:21, 13:22, 13:23) because the second coming of Jesus will be on the Day of Resurrection which is the second coming of every human including Jesus (in Gospel of Mark 13:27 and 14:62) 

See Gospel of Mark 13;5, 13:6, 13:21, 13:22, 13:23, 13:26, 13:27 and 14:62 comment.

See Gospel of Matthew 24:29 and 24:30 comment.

See Gospel of Luke 21:25, 21:25 and 21:7 comment.

See Jesus said another comforter from Allah will come after him at the end of Gospel of John chapter 21. 

(Note 3. How do we know that Prophet Muhammad is not one of the false prophets that Jesus warned would falsely claim that Jesus will return to this Earth?

Answer 1: There is nothing in the Torah or Gospel or Quran about Jesus returning to this Earth.

Answer 2: Prophet Muhammad is not one of the false prophets who will falsely claim that Jesus will return to this Earth because there is nothing in the Quran about Jesus returning to this Earth.


4-4. What happened at the end of the life of Jesus?

Quran 4:158 Koran 4:158 (At the end of the natural life of Jesus) Allah raised him (the soul of Jesus) up to Himself (Allah), (and the soul of Jesus is in heaven under the care of Allah who is the creator of every soul and the carer of every soul). Allah is all powerful (able to do all things) and He (Allah) is all wise.

(Note 1. Jesus is a human.

Jesus is human because the soul of every human is raised to Heaven and to Allah by the Angel of Death and the soul of every human is under the care of Allah who is the creator of every soul and the carer of every soul.

(Note 2. The Earth is the resting place for the human body.

The human body is only needed on the Earth because the human body is designed for life on the Earth.

(Note 3. Heaven is the resting place for the human soul.

Heaven is made for the human soul because the human soul is designed for life in Heaven.

(Note 4. The human body dies on the Earth but the human soul lives forever in heaven.

(Note 5. The soul on the Day of Resurrection.

On the Day of Resurrection the human soul will be given a new physical body that can feel reward or punishment.

(Note 6. The natural deaths of Moses and Elijah and Jesus.

After the natural deaths of Moses and Elijah and Jesus their souls were raised to Heaven and to Allah and their bodies were hidden in the Earth to prevent human idol worship but some Christians later made images of Jesus and began to pray to Jesus instead of praying to Allah who is the creator of Jesus so Allah inspired Prophet Muhammad to correct the confusion between Allah and Jesus.


4-5 Where is proof that the revelations in the Quran about Jesus are correct?

How does Allah show the truthfulness of the messenger who came after Jesus?

Allah allowed the Dome of the Rock shrine to be built as a memorial on Allah’s Holy Temple Mount in Jerusalem Al-Quds to confirm the truthfulness of the messenger that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26 – 15:27, 16:7 – 16:15 (see in Reference 1 at the end of the Gospel of John).

Only Allah has the power to bless what is on Allah’s Holy ground on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Al-Quds as a sign for all who have eyes to see and a sign for all who have hearts that understand. 

The Dome of the Rock (Masjid Qubbat As-Sakhrah) was completed in 72 AH (691 CE, 691 AD, 691) on the Temple mount in Jerusalem, Al-Quds, Palestine today in Israel and Palestine as a confirmation from Allah that Muhammad is the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus.

37 years after Jesus left the Earth the second House of Allah on Allah’s Holy Temple Mount in Jerusalem Al-Quds in Judea was destroyed by the Roman Empire as a sign from Allah confirming the warnings that had been delivered by Jesus.

69 years after Prophet Muhammad left the Earth the Dome of the Rock shine was completed on Allah’s Holy Temple Mount in Jerusalem Al-Quds in Palestine today Israel and Palestine as a sign from Allah confirming that Muhammad is the prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus.


Where is proof from Allah that Muhammad is the prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus?

Where is proof that Allah has blessed Prophet Muhammad?

Where is proof that Allah has blessed the Quran?

Where is proof that Allah has blessed the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, Al-Quds?

Some Christians confused Jesus with Allah and as Jesus prophesied in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26 – 15:27, 16:7 – 16:15 (see in Reference 1 at the end of the Gospel of John) Allah sent a messenger after Jesus.

Allah confirmed the prophet after Jesus by permitting the building of the Al-Aqsa mosque on the Holy ground of the First and Second Temples of Allah in Jerusalem (Al-Quds), Palestine, today Israel and Palestine.

Only Allah has the power to bless what is on Allah’s Holy ground on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Al-Quds as a sign for all who have eyes to see and a sign for all who have hearts that understand. 

The Al-Aqsa Mosque (al-Masjid al-Aqsa, the Farthest Mosque, Al-Aqsa, Bayt al-Muqaddas) was established in 85 AH (705 CE, 705 AD) as confirmation from Allah that Muhammad is the prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus.

Jerusalem, Al-Quds in the time of Jesus is the location on the Temple Mount (Temple Mountain, Mount Zion, Mount Moriah, Har HaBayit, Haram Al-Sharif, Bait ul Muqaddas, The Sanctuary) where the Second Temple of Allah stood on top of the First Temple of Allah which had earlier been destroyed.

37 years after Jesus left the Earth the second House of Allah on the Temple Mount was destroyed by the Roman Empire as a sign from Allah confirming the warnings that had been delivered by Jesus.

73 years after Muhammad left the Earth the Al-Aqsa mosque on the Temple Mount was established on top of the destroyed first and second Houses of Allah as a sign from Allah confirming that Muhammad is the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus.


Quran 6:92 Koran 6:92 And this (Quran) is (also) a Book which We (Allah through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel revealed to Prophet Muhammad) have blessed and revealed, confirming what was revealed before it (in the Torah and in the Gospel) so that you (Prophet Muhammad) may warn (of Allah’s reward and punishment in the hereafter to those that live in) the mother of towns (Mecca) and those around her (in Arabia today in Saudi Arabia). Those who believe in the Hereafter believe it (the Quran) and they are careful (to remember to observe) their worship (of Allah).


Quran 30:30 Koran 30:30 So direct yourself (Prophet Muhammad) towards the religion (the belief in one creator) for which He (Allah who is the one and only creator) has created (religion for) humans. No one can alter what Allah has created (in religion, in the Torah, the Gospel and the Quran). That is the right religion (belief), but most people do not know (this).


5. How can humans speak in the name of Allah?

Quran 2:97 Koran 2:97 Say (Prophet Muhammad, to the people), who is against (Angel) Gabriel? because it is he (Angel Gabriel) who has revealed this (Scripture, the Quran) to your heart (Prophet Muhammad) by Allah’s permission, confirming what was revealed before it (in the Gospel and in the Torah), and as a guidance and good news for those who believe.


Quran 2:253 Koran 2:253 The messengers We (Allah through the Holy Spirit revealed to Prophet Muhammad) endowed with gifts, some (with) more (gifts) than others. To some of them (like Prophet Moses) Allah spoke and to others (like Prophet Enoch) He (Allah) raised their rank (of honour). To (messenger, prophet and messiah) Jesus the son of Mary We (Allah reveal to Prophet Muhammad through the Holy Spirit that Jesus) gave signs (of his truthfulness) and (Allah) strengthened him (Jesus) with (guidance through) the Holy Spirit (Angel Gabriel, the Holy Ghost). …”


Gospel of Luke 1:19 “…I am Gabriel, one who stands in the presence of Allah and I have been sent to speak to you …”


Gospel of Luke 1:35 And in answer the angel (the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel who came in the form of a man) said to her (the virgin Mary), "The Holy Spirit (the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel who will come in the form of a dove, a body with wings, an angel) will come upon you (to deliver to your womb a soul created by Allah for your son Jesus), and the power of the Most High (Allah) will overshadow you (so that what Allah has decreed is fulfilled without failure). For this reason also, the one to be born will be called holy (the blessed), the Son of Allah (meaning the servant of Allah, the slave of Allah, the prophet and messenger and messiah sent by Allah). 

(Note 1. The power is Allah who is the creator of every creation.

(Note 2. Mary and Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the created servants of Allah.

(Note 3. Allah created the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel and Allah shows how Allah revealed Himself to humans such as Mary and Jesus through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel.

(Note 4. Allah created Jesus and there is not one creation that Allah has not created because Allah is the creator of every creation.

(Note 5. Angels including the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel may appear in the form of a man or in their true form as a body with wings (like a bird, like a dove, an angel).


Gospel of Luke 3:22 and the Holy Spirit descended on him (Jesus) in the bodily form of a dove (a body with wings, an angel) …”


6. Who is the king of Israel?

In the time of Jesus the Jews who rejected Roman occupation of Judea expected the Messiah or Christ or the anointed king of Israel to be the prophet and messenger of Allah called the Messiah meaning the one anointed to rescue the Jewish people.


Gospel of John 11:51 But this, from himself he did not say. But rather, being high priest that year, he prophesied, that Jesus (a messiah who had come to save the people) was about to die for the nation (meaning that removing Jesus removed the threat of a Jewish rebellion which would save the Jews from the destruction of the Armies of the Roman Empire which always retaliated against any rebellion).


Gospel of John 11:52 And not (die serving Allah) for the nation only, but such that (on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) the children of Allah (meaning the servants of Allah, the slaves of Allah, the believers of Allah who lived in the time of Jesus or who later claimed to follow the teaching of Jesus and were) scattered about, he (Jesus as the leader of his community of believers) would gather also, into one people (for the reward decreed by Allah of Paradise in the hereafter. It is for the rescue to Heaven and not on the Earth that Jesus is called the messiah and that is how Jesus would fulfill the Jewish belief that a prophet and messenger of Allah called the messiah would come and save the nation of believers not on the Earth but in Heaven).


Gospel of John 12:14 And Jesus, having found a young donkey, took his seat upon it, just as it is written:


Gospel of John 12:15 "Fear not, O daughter of Zion; Behold, your king is coming sitting on the foal of a donkey."


1. What is Zion?

Zion was the city of King David and later included the area of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem and sometimes Zion referred to all of Jerusalem Al-Quds.

2. What is a foul?

A foal is a young animal.


Gospel of John 12:16 These things the disciples did not know at first, but once Jesus was glorified, then they remembered that these things had been written in reference to him, and that these things they had done to him.


1. What is glorified?

Glorified means honoured.


2. The glorification of Jesus.

When Jesus showed miracles Jesus was being confirmed and honoured by Allah as a truthful prophet of Allah because those miracles showed that Jesus had the blessing of Allah.

When Jesus showed miracles Jesus was being confirmed and honoured by Allah as a truthful messenger of Allah because those miracles showed that Jesus had the blessing of Allah.

When Jesus showed miracles Jesus was being confirmed and honoured by Allah as a truthful messiah of Allah because those miracles showed that Jesus had the blessing of Allah.


3. The glorification of Moses.

When Moses showed miracles Moses was being confirmed and honoured by Allah as a truthful prophet of Allah because those miracles showed that Moses had the blessing of Allah.

When Moses showed miracles Moses was being confirmed and honoured by Allah as a truthful messenger of Allah because those miracles showed that Moses had the blessing of Allah.


4. The glorification of Muhammad.

When Allah permitted the construction of the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount where Allah had earlier destroyed the first and second Houses on Allah’s Holy ground in Jerusalem Al-Quds in Palestine today in Israel and Palestine it showed Muhammad was being confirmed and honoured by Allah as a truthful prophet of Allah because no one had the power to construct anything on the Temple Mount without the blessing of Allah.

When Allah permitted the construction of the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount where Allah had earlier destroyed the first and second Houses on Allah’s Holy ground in Jerusalem Al-Quds in Palestine today in Israel and Palestine it showed Muhammad was being confirmed and honoured by Allah as a truthful messenger of Allah because no one had the power to construct anything on the Temple Mount without the blessing of Allah.


Quran 6:92 Koran 6:92 And this (Quran) is (also) a Book which We (Allah through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel revealed to Prophet Muhammad) have blessed and revealed, confirming what was revealed before it (in the Torah and in the Gospel) so that you (Prophet Muhammad) may warn (of Allah’s reward and punishment in the hereafter to those that live in) the mother of towns (Mecca) and those around her (in Arabia today in Saudi Arabia). Those who believe in the Hereafter believe it (the Quran) and they are careful (to remember to observe) their worship (of Allah).


Quran 30:30 Koran 30:30 So direct yourself (Prophet Muhammad) towards the religion (the belief in one creator) for which He (Allah who is the one and only creator) has created (religion for) humans. No one can alter what Allah has created (in religion, in the Torah, the Gospel and the Quran). That is the right religion (belief), but most people do not know (this).


Gospel of John 12:17 The crowd therefore, the one that had been with him when he called Lazarus from the tomb and raised him from the dead, had been bearing witness.


1. Why did Allah allow Jesus to raise Lazarus from the dead?

See Gospel of John 12:1 comment.


2. How could Jesus know what Jesus knew?

How did Jesus know what Jesus knew?

How could Jesus do what Jesus did?

The Torah, Gospel and Quran explain how Allah through the Holy Spirit revealed knowledge to Jesus 2000 years ago in the same way as Allah through the Holy Spirit has revealed knowledge to the other prophets and messengers and messiahs of Allah throughout human history.

Jesus knew what Jesus knew in the same way as Moses knew what Moses knew.

Jesus did what Jesus did in the same way as Moses did what Moses did.

Jesus knew the future in the same way as Moses knew the future.

Jesus knew the past in the same way as Moses knew the past.

Jesus made miracles in the same way as Moses made miracles.

Jesus gave warnings in the same way as Moses gave warnings.

See Gospel of John 1:50 comment.


Gospel of John 12:18 Because of this the crowd had come out to join him, that they had understood him to have done this sign.


1. Explain Gospel of John 12:18.

Gospel of John 12:18 Because of this (the return from death to life of Lazarus) the crowd had come out to join him (Jesus), that they had understood him (Jesus) to have done this sign (as proof Jesus was a prophet and messenger of Allah because no one can bring the dead back to life unless they have permission from Allah).


2. In the time of Jesus what did people believe about Jesus?

2000 years ago in the time of Jesus in Judea no one believed that Jesus was Allah.

In the time of Jesus all the believers in Jesus believed that Jesus was a human prophet messenger and messiah of Allah because in the Torah many prophets and messengers and messiahs had come before Jesus.

In the time of Jesus all the people who believed in Jesus believed that Jesus was human.

In the time of Jesus no one believed that Jesus was Allah because every Jew who believed in Allah knew that Allah is the creator of every creation.

If no one believed that Jesus was Allah in the time of Jesus then why would anyone believe that Jesus was Allah 2000 years later?

The Gospel says that Jesus is a messenger of Allah so why would anyone believe that Jesus is Allah?

The Gospel says that Jesus is human so why would anyone believe that Jesus is Allah?

The Gospel does not say that Jesus is Allah so why would anyone believe that Jesus is Allah?

In the Torah Allah punishes humans for worshiping anything that is a creation because this is idol worship that is forbidden in the Ten Commandments of Allah.

See the Gospel of John 1:50 comment.


1-2. Where did the belief that Jesus was god come from?

Jesus is a human prophet messenger and messiah of Allah.

To believe that a creation is Allah is called idol worship and is forbidden by Allah in the Torah.

Why did stone idol worshippers believe that stone statues are god and some Christians believe that wooden statues of Jesus are Allah and some Jews disbelieve in Jesus?

See Gospel of John 3:2 comment.


1-3. No one including Jesus knows the time of the Day of Resurrection because only Allah knows.

Only Allah knows the time of the Day of Resurrection.

The Holy Ghost revealed to Jesus that only Allah knows the time of the Day of Resurrection therefore Jesus is not Allah and the Holy Spirit is not Allah because both Jesus and the Holy Spirit are created by Allah.

See Gospel of John 1:50 comment.


Gospel of John 12:19 Then the Pharisees said to each other, "Observe, that you are not prevailing at all. Behold, the world has gone after him!"


Explain Gospel of John 12:19.

Gospel of John 12:19 Then the Pharisees said to each other, "Observe, that you (as the religious leaders of the Jews) are not prevailing (successful) at all (in leading the people). Behold (See), the world has gone after him! (Jesus)"


Jesus ponders crucifixion.


Gospel of John 12:20 And among those going up to worship at the festival, were some Greeks.


Explain Gospel of John 12:20.

Gospel of John 12:20 And among those going up to worship (Allah) at the (Passover) festival, were some (Jewish) Greeks.


Gospel of John 12:21 These, then, came up to Philip, he from Bethsaida, Galilee. And they beseeched him, saying, "Sir, we wish to see Jesus."


Where is Bethsaida?

Bethsaida is in the Galilee north of Judea.

Bethsaida today is in northern Israel.


Gospel of John 12:22 Philip comes and tells Andrew; Andrew and Philip come and tell Jesus.


Gospel of John 12:23 And Jesus responds to them as follows: "The hour has come, that the Son of Man should be glorified.


1. Explain Gospel of John 12:23.

Gospel of John 12:23 And Jesus responds to them as follows: "The hour has come, that the Son of Man (Jesus) should be glorified (honoured, as proof from Allah that Jesus is the prophet and messenger and messiah who is sent by Allah).


2. What is glorified?

See Gospel of John 12:16 comment.


Gospel of John 12:24 Truly, truly I say to you, if a kernel of wheat does not fall to the ground and die, it remains only one; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.


Gospel of John 12:25 The person who loves his life loses it, and the one who hates his life in this world will preserve it into eternal life.


Explain Gospel of John 12:25.

Gospel of John 12:25 The person who loves his life (more than he loves Allah so that he ignores Allah in this life) loses it (the reward of eternal life in Paradise), and the one who hates his life in this world (hating to see evil in this life because he loves and obeys Allah) will preserve it (the reward of Allah) into eternal life (in Paradise).


2. If Jesus was not killed on the cross why did Jesus prophesy that Jesus would be killed?


Quran 4:157 Koran 4:157 “… but (in fact) they did not kill him (Jesus) nor crucify him (to death, they did not crucify Jesus to death), but it was made to appear so (to them, so they believed Jesus was dead on the cross but in fact Jesus was still alive on the cross) …”

(Note 1. The purpose of life on Earth is for every human to be tested by Allah.

Allah tested Jesus in the same way that Allah tested Abraham and his son.

Jesus believed Jesus would be killed in the same way as the son of Abraham believed he would be killed.

However like Allah saved the son of Abraham so too would the prophet after Jesus reveal that Allah saved Jesus.

The prophet after Jesus (in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26 – 15:27, 16:7 – 16:15 see in Reference 1 at the end of the Gospel of John) would be glorified (honoured and confirmed) as a prophet and messenger of Allah by revealing that Allah made everyone including Jesus believe that Jesus would die. This was a test of the faith of Jesus in Allah.


2-1. If Jesus was not killed on the cross why did the high priest prophesy that Jesus would be killed?


Quran 4:157 Koran 4:157 “… but (in fact) they did not kill him (Jesus) nor crucify him (to death, they did not crucify Jesus to death), but it was made to appear so (to them, so they believed Jesus was dead on the cross but in fact Jesus was still alive on the cross) …”

(Note 1. The purpose of life on Earth is for every human to be tested by Allah.

Allah tested those who plotted to kill Jesus just as Allah tests every human.

On the Day of Judgement no one that plotted against Jesus will be able to deny they did not know what they were doing because they heard the prophecy of the high priest say that they would sacrifice Jesus for Earthly political reasons showing that they loved life on Earth more than Allah and Allah’s messenger and life in Heaven.

Those that plotted to kill Jesus would be made by Allah to believe that they succeeded in killing Jesus so that the happiness of their sin will be evidence against them which they shall not be able to deny on the Day of Judgement.

The prophet after Jesus (in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26 – 15:27, 16:7 – 16:15 see in Reference 1 at the end of the Gospel of John) would be glorified (honoured and confirmed) as a prophet and messenger of Allah by revealing that Allah made everyone including those who plotted to kill Jesus believe that they had killed Jesus exactly as revealed in the Gospel with the Good News in the Quran revealing how Allah saved Jesus.

In the hereafter the result of the test by Allah of each human to choose good or evil is shown to each human as evidence that Allah’s judgement of them is correct.

The Gospel and the Quran show what people saw with their eyes and what Allah intended as a reminder to humans to chose what is good and reject what is evil so that they may be among the successful on the Day of Judgement..


Gospel of John 12:26 If someone is serving me, he must follow me; and where I am, there also my servant will be. If someone is serving me, my Father will honor him.


1. Explain Gospel of John 12:26.

Gospel of John 12:26 If someone is serving me (Jesus the messenger of Allah), he must follow me (by obeying what Allah through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel has told Jesus to reveal in the Gospel); and where I (Jesus) am (in Paradise the Hereafter), there also my servant (who follows the teachings of Jesus) will be. If someone is serving me (Jesus, by following and obeying the teachings of Jesus), my Father (Allah) will honor him (who follows and obeys the teachings that Allah has revealed through the Holy Spirit to Jesus).

(Note 1. Jesus is not Allah because Jesus is the messenger sent by Allah.


1-1. Before Jesus Allah sent Moses 3200 years ago.

If someone is serving me (Moses the messenger of Allah), he must follow me (by obeying what Allah through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel has told Moses to reveal in the Torah); and where I (Moses) am (in Paradise the Hereafter), there also my servant (who follows the teachings of Moses) will be. If someone is serving me (Moses, by following and obeying the teachings of Moses), my Father (Allah) will honor him (who follows and obeys the teachings that Allah has revealed through the Holy Spirit to Moses).

(Note 1. Moses is not Allah because Moses is the messenger sent by Allah.


1-2. After Jesus Allah sent Muhammad 1400 years ago.

If someone is serving me (Muhammad the messenger of Allah), he must follow me (by obeying what Allah through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel has told Muhammad to reveal in the Quran); and where I (Muhammad) am (in Paradise the Hereafter), there also my servant (who follows the teachings of Muhammad) will be. If someone is serving me (Muhammad, by following and obeying the teachings of Muhammad), my Father (Allah) will honor him (who follows and obeys the teachings that Allah has revealed through the Holy Spirit to Muhammad).

(Note 1. Muhammad is not Allah because Muhammad is the messenger sent by Allah.


Gospel of John 12:27 "Now, my soul has become troubled. And what shall I say– 'Father, save me from this hour?' No, for this very thing I have arrived to this hour."


1. Explain Gospel of John 12:27.

Gospel of John 12:27 "Now, my soul has become troubled (because Allah through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel has told Jesus that he will be killed just as Abraham was told that his son would be killed). And what shall I (Jesus) say– 'Father (Allah), save me from this hour (because you Allah have revealed that I Jesus will be killed)?' No, for this very thing I (Jesus) have arrived to this hour (because it is Allah who has decreed what will happen to Jesus)."

(Note 1. Jesus is not Allah because Jesus said the power to save Jesus is with Allah.

(Note 2. Jesus is not Allah because Jesus is following the orders of Allah.

(Note 3. Allah tested Prophet Jesus like Allah tested Prophet Abraham.

(Note 4. Allah saved Prophet Abraham like Allah saved Prophet Jesus.

See Gospel of John 12:13 comment and 12:25 comment.


1-1. Before Jesus Allah sent Abraham and his son 3640 years ago.

"Now, my soul has become troubled (because Allah through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel has told Abraham that his son will be killed just as Jesus was told that he would be killed). And what shall I (Abraham) say– 'Father (Allah), save me from this hour (because you Allah revealed that my son will be killed)?' No, for this very thing I (Abraham and my son) have arrived to this hour (because it is Allah who has decreed what will happen to me Abraham and my son)."

(Note 1. Abraham is not Allah because Abraham said the power to save Abraham is with Allah.

(Note 2. Abraham is not Allah because Abraham is following the orders of Allah.

(Note 3. Allah tested Prophet Abraham like Allah tested Prophet Jesus.

(Note 4. Allah saved Prophet Abraham like Allah saved Prophet Jesus.

See Gospel of John 12:13 comment and 12:25 comment.

See Gospel of John 12:13 comment.


Gospel of John 12:28 "Father, glorify your name."  Then a voice came from heaven: "I both have glorified it, and will glorify again."


Explain Gospel of John 12:28.

Gospel of John 12:28 "Father (Allah), glorify (honour) your name (the name of Allah by proving your existence)."  Then a voice came from heaven: "I (Allah) both have glorified it (my Allah’s name by proving my existence with this voice that you hear from heaven), and (I, Allah) will glorify again (my Allah’s name by proving my existence because everything that happened and will happen through Jesus the messenger of Allah is decreed by me Allah)."


(Note 1. Jesus is not Allah because Jesus is a human who is on the Earth.


Gospel of Matthew 23:9 (Jesus said) and call no one on earth (including Jesus) your father (Allah), because there is only one father (Allah) for you, the heavenly one …”

(Note 2. No one on the Earth is Allah because everything on the Earth is created by Allah.

Allah is not in one place however to make clear that Jesus is not Allah the expression “Allah in heaven” is used to show that Jesus who is on the Earth is not Allah).


Gospel of John 12:29 The crowd therefore standing and hearing was maintaining thunder to have happened. Others were saying, "An angel spoke to him."


1. Explain Gospel of John 12:29.

Gospel of John 12:29 The crowd therefore standing and hearing was maintaining thunder to have happened. Others were saying, "An angel (the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel) spoke to him (Jesus)."


2. Everything decreed by Allah in the creation is done through the angels of Allah.

Quran 2:97 Koran 2:97 Say (Prophet Muhammad, to the people), who is against (Angel) Gabriel? because it is he (Angel Gabriel) who has revealed this (Scripture, the Quran) to your heart (Prophet Muhammad) by Allah’s permission, confirming what was revealed before it (in the Gospel and in the Torah), and as a guidance and good news for those who believe.


Quran 2:253 Koran 2:253 The messengers We (Allah through the Holy Spirit revealed to Prophet Muhammad) endowed with gifts, some (with) more (gifts) than others. To some of them (like Prophet Moses) Allah spoke and to others (like Prophet Enoch) He (Allah) raised their rank (of honour). To (messenger, prophet and messiah) Jesus the son of Mary We (Allah reveal to Prophet Muhammad through the Holy Spirit that Jesus) gave signs (of his truthfulness) and (Allah) strengthened him (Jesus) with (guidance through) the Holy Spirit (Angel Gabriel, the Holy Ghost). …”


Gospel of Luke 1:19 “…I am Gabriel, one who stands in the presence of Allah and I have been sent to speak to you …”


Gospel of Luke 1:35 And in answer the angel (the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel who came in the form of a man) said to her (the virgin Mary), "The Holy Spirit (the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel who will come in the form of a dove, a body with wings, an angel) will come upon you (to deliver to your womb a soul created by Allah for your son Jesus), and the power of the Most High (Allah) will overshadow you (so that what Allah has decreed is fulfilled without failure). For this reason also, the one to be born will be called holy (the blessed), the Son of Allah (meaning the servant of Allah, the slave of Allah, the prophet and messenger and messiah sent by Allah). 

(Note 1. The power is Allah who is the creator of every creation.

(Note 2. Mary and Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the created servants of Allah.

(Note 3. Allah created the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel and Allah shows how Allah revealed Himself to humans such as Mary and Jesus through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel.

(Note 4. Allah created Jesus and there is not one creation that Allah has not created because Allah is the creator of every creation.

(Note 5. Angels including the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel may appear in the form of a man or in their true form as a body with wings (like a bird, like a dove, an angel).


Gospel of Luke 3:22 and the Holy Spirit descended on him (Jesus) in the bodily form of a dove (a body with wings, an angel) …”


Gospel of John 12:30 Jesus answered and said, "Not for my sake has this voice happened, but for you.


Explain Gospel of John 12:30.

Gospel of John 12:30 Jesus answered and said, "Not for my sake has this voice happened (because the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel reveals the will of Allah to the heart of Jesus), but for you (the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel reveals the will of Allah to the ears of those who believe to strengthen their faith in the existence of Allah and for the disbelieves they heard thunder).



Gospel of John 12:31 Now comes judgment of this world. Now the ruler of this world will be thrown out.


Explain Gospel of John 12:31.

Gospel of John 12:31 Now comes judgment of this world (which happened 2000 years ago when those who believed in Jesus believed in Allah because Allah sent Jesus, so). Now the ruler (Satan) of this world will be thrown out (because the teachings revealed in the Good News Gospel to Jesus by Allah through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel show humans how to avoid evil and how to do good).

(Note 1. Those who rejected Jesus in the time of Jesus would be judged as disobedient to Allah because Allah sent Jesus and they rejected the messenger of Allah.

(Note 2. Those who called Jesus a human prophet and or messenger and or messiah would be judged as obedient to Allah because Allah sent Jesus and they believed the messenger of Allah.

(Note 3. After the time of Jesus those who made Jesus into god would be judged as adopting the belief in human idol worship because Jesus never claimed to be Allah.

Jesus always prayed to Allah.

(Note 4. A human who is correctly guided knows that Jesus is a human messenger of Allah and the Holy Spirit is the Holy Angel of Allah and Allah is the creator of every creation including the creator of Jesus and the creator of the Holy Spirit.


1-1. Before Jesus Allah sent Moses 3200 years ago.

Now comes judgment of this world (which happened 3200 years ago when those who believed in Moses believed in Allah because Allah sent Moses, so). Now the ruler (Satan) of this world will be thrown out (because the teachings revealed in the Torah Law to Moses by Allah through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel show humans how to avoid evil and how to do good).

(Note 1. Those who rejected Moses in the time of Moses would be judged as disobedient to Allah because Allah sent Moses and they rejected the messenger of Allah.

(Note 2. Those who called Moses a human prophet and or messenger would be judged as obedient to Allah because Allah sent Moses and they believed the messenger of Allah.

(Note 3. In the time of Moses those who made a calf into god would be judged as adopting the belief in animal idol worship because animals cannot be Allah.

Allah created every animal.

(Note 4. A human who is correctly guided knows that Moses is a human messenger of Allah and the Holy Spirit is the Holy Angel of Allah and Allah is the creator of every creation including the creator of Moses and the creator of the Holy Spirit.


1-2. After Jesus Allah sent Muhammad 1400 years ago.

Now comes judgment of this world (which happened 1400 years ago when those who believed in Muhammad believed in Allah because Allah sent Muhammad, so). Now the ruler (Satan) of this world will be thrown out (because the teachings revealed in the Quran Recitation to Muhammad by Allah through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel show humans how to avoid evil and how to do good).

(Note 1. Those who rejected Muhammad in the time of Muhammad would be judged as disobedient to Allah because Allah sent Muhammad and they rejected the messenger of Allah.

(Note 2. Those who called Muhammad a human prophet and or messenger would be judged as obedient to Allah because Allah sent Muhammad and they believed the messenger of Allah.

(Note 3. In the time of Muhammad those who made stone idols into gods would be judged as adopting the belief in idol worship because stones cannot be Allah.

Allah created every stone.

(Note 4. A human who is correctly guided knows that Muhammad is a human messenger of Allah and the Holy Spirit is the Holy Angel of Allah and Allah is the creator of every creation including the creator of Muhammad and the creator of the Holy Spirit.


Quran 38:44 Koran 38:44 (Allah told Prophet Job) how to keep his oath that he made when he was sick and not harm his wife), "And take in your hand a bundle of (100) thin (soft) grass and strike (your wife gently only once) with it, and do not break your oath (given when you were ill that you would punish your wife for what she had said with 100 lashes if you recovered your health). We (Allah) found him (Prophet Job) to be a patient excellent servant (of Allah). He (Prophet Job) was often turning in repentance (to Allah).


Jewish Hebrew Bible Job 1:1 There was a man in the land of Uz (south of Edom), whose name was Job; and that man was whole-hearted and upright, and one that feared Allah, and shunned evil.

Jewish Hebrew Bible Job 1:22 For all (the tests by Allah through Satan) this Job did not sin, nor attributed anything improper to Allah.

(Note 1. Every human is tested by Allah.

(Note 2. Job did not curse Allah when misfortune came.

(Note 3. Job knew that Allah is the one creator of every creation.

(Note 4. Allah tested Job and Job did not sin just as Allah tested Jesus and Jesus did not sin.


Gospel of John 12:32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will attract all mankind to me."


1. Explain Gospel of John 12:32.

Gospel of John 12:32 (Jesus makes a prophecy) And I (the soul of Jesus), if I (the soul of Jesus) be lifted up from the earth (when Allah saves the life of Jesus with sleep on the cross as seen three days later and after the natural death of Jesus then the teachings of Jesus that reveal the word of Allah in the Good News Gospel), will attract all mankind to me (to Allah and to Jesus who is the messenger of Allah)."

(Note 1. How does Jesus know Jesus will die?

Jesus knows Jesus will die because Allah has decreed death for every human.

(Note 2. Why is Jesus not Allah?

Jesus is not Allah because Allah was never born and Allah never dies.

Jesus is a creation because birth and death are the signs of a creation.

Allah is the creator because only Allah was never born and only Allah never dies.

(Note 3. The message from Allah is more important than the messenger.

The message from Allah in the Gospel is more important than the messenger because it is the word of Allah in the Gospel that was delivered by the messenger that will attract all humans to Allah and Allah’s messenger after the death of the messenger.


1-1. Before Jesus Allah sent Moses 3200 years ago.

And I (the soul of Moses), if I (the soul of Moses) be lifted up from the earth (after the death of Moses then the teachings of Moses that reveal the word of Allah in the Law, The Torah), will attract all mankind to me (to Allah and to Moses who is the messenger of Allah)."

(Note 1. Why is Moses not Allah?

Moses is not Allah because Allah was never born and Allah never dies.

Moses is a creation because birth and death are the signs of a creation.

Allah is the creator because only Allah was never born and only Allah never dies.

(Note 2. The message from Allah is more important than the messenger.

The message from Allah in the Torah is more important than the messenger because it is the word of Allah in the Torah that was delivered by the messenger that will attract all humans to Allah and Allah’s messenger after the death of the messenger.


1-2. After Jesus Allah sent Muhammad 1400 years ago.

And I (the soul of Muhammad), if I (the soul of Muhammad) be lifted up from the earth (after the death of Muhammad then the teachings of Muhammad that reveal the word of Allah in the Recitation, The Quran), will attract all mankind to me (to Allah and to Muhammad who is the messenger of Allah)."

(Note 1. Why is Muhammad not Allah?

Muhammad is not Allah because Allah was never born and Allah never dies.

Muhammad is a creation because birth and death are the signs of a creation.

Allah is the creator because only Allah was never born and only Allah never dies.

(Note 2. The message from Allah is more important than the messenger.

The message from Allah in the Quran is more important than the messenger because it is the word of Allah in the Quran that was delivered by the messenger that will attract all humans to Allah and Allah’s messenger after the death of the messenger.


Quran 3:144 Koran 3:144 Prophet Muhammad is no more than a (human) messenger (of Allah) and (all the human) messengers (of Allah) before him (Prophet Muhammad) have passed away (meaning died) ….”

Note 1. The messenger before Prophet Muhammad is Prophet Jesus Isa meaning Prophet Jesus Isa is dead..

Note 2. Prophet Muhammad gave his life to serve Allah and his community.

Note 3. The message from Allah in the Quran is more important than the messenger.

Quran 3:144 Koran 3:144 Prophet Muhammad is no more than a messenger … The person who turns back to disbelief (in Allah) does no harm to Allah …”


1-3. In the time of Jesus everyone must have believed in Jesus before their death.

Gospel of John 12:32 (Jesus makes a prophecy) And I (the soul of Jesus), if I (the soul of Jesus) be lifted up from the earth (when Allah saves the life of Jesus with sleep on the cross as seen three days later and after the natural death of Jesus, then the teachings of Jesus that reveal the word of Allah in the Good News Gospel), will attract all mankind to me (to Allah and to Jesus who is the messenger of Allah)."


Quran 4:159 Koran 4:159 And there is not (one person) from the people of the Book (Quran 4:159 are not the Christians because Christianity did not exist until after the natural death of Prophet Jesus Isa on the earth 2000 years ago in Quran 3:55, Quran 3:144, Quran 5:75, Quran 5:117 and Quran 39:42 meaning Jesus Isa was not a witness when his followers abandoned Judaism and created a new religion called Christianity because Allah had decreed there will be more than one “community” of Allah on the earth so that Allah can test who is best in behaviour between and within each “community” of Allah after Allah ordered His “communities” of Judaism and Christianity and Islam to “strive for all that is good” in Quran 5:48 where Allah explains why Allah did not make only one “community” of Allah for the people of the earth. Jesus Isa was only a witness among the Jewish people. Jesus and Mary and Joseph and the twelve disciples of Jesus were Jewish. The people of the Book in Quran 4:159 are the Jews who saw and heard Prophet Jesus Isa 2000 years ago when Jesus Isa was living in Quran 3:55, Quran 4:157, Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42 and there is not one person from the Jewish people who saw and heard Prophet Jesus Isa 2000 years ago) but surely he believes in him (Prophet Jesus Isa as described in the Gospel of Luke 24:19 “… The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet powerful in deed and in word, in the eyes of both Allah and all the people” and as described in Gospel of Mark 12:29 “… Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our Allah is one Lord” and as described in Gospel of Matthew 24:36 “But as for that day and hour, no one knows it except the Father Allah alone; not even the angels of heaven meaning the Holy Spirit and the other angels who are servants of Allah, not even the Son” meaning Jesus who is a servant of Allah and as described in Gospel of Matthew 5:18 “For truly I say to you, until the sky and the earth pass away meaning until the end of the earth, not one iota, not one serif meaning not a dot of one letter, will by any means pass away from the Law meaning the Torah Taurat until everything is carried out” meaning on the Day of Judgement which is after the end of the earth and as described in Gospel of Matthew 5:19 “Therefore, whoever looses one of the least of these commandments meaning in the Torah Taurat, and teaches people the same, will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices them meaning practices the Torah Taurat and teaches them meaning teaches the Torah Taurat, this one will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.” A Jewish person living 2000 years ago in the time of the  living prophet Jesus Isa who saw and heard that prophet speak must believe) before his death (means before the death of any person who saw and heard Prophet Jesus Isa 2000 years ago he must believe in him) otherwise on the Day of Resurrection he (Prophet Jesus Isa) shall be a witness against them (in Quran 7:6 and Quran 5:117 and Quran 3:55 because Jesus Isa can only testify about what he saw when he lived before his natural death on the earth 2000 years ago in Quran 3:144, Quran 5:75, Quran 5:117 and Quran 39:42. Jesus in Quran 7:6 testifies to Allah in the hereafter in Quran 5:117 “… I was a witness to them when I lived among them ...” meaning in the hereafter Jesus Isa will testify he was raised only one time by the angel of death when Jesus Isa lived among the children of Israel 2000 years ago. Both Allah and Jesus make no mention that in the religion of Islam Jesus will return to this earth because it contradicts Quran 33:40 which forbid any prophet from coming to this earth after the death of Prophet Muhammad. Jesus Isa is a prophet wherever he may be so it is forbidden by Allah in Quran 33:40 for Jesus Isa to return to life until every human is returned to life on the Day of Resurrection on a new earth meaning a new ground in the hereafter as explained in Quran 5:117 comments. The Jews who saw and heard Prophet Muhammad 1400 years ago and mocked and threatened him by claiming “they killed Prophet Jesus Isa” on the cross in Quran 4:157 testified that they supported an unjust killing which their guardian angel has recorded against them in Quran 50:17 – 50:18 and the record of their deeds will be given to them in the hereafter in Quran 39:69. Quran 4:159 does not apply to Jews in all times because Jews who lived before the time of Jesus Isa did not know Jesus Isa and because after the time of Jesus Isa many Jews disbelieved in Jesus Isa because some Christians claimed “Jesus is Allah or part of Allah” which contradicts what Allah taught the Jews in Torah Numbers 23:19 “Allah is not a man or the son of man.” Many Jews do not know the message about Jesus in the Quran because Satan Shaitan whispers "Muslims are dangerous people and it is best to stay far away from them." However Satan Shaitan cannot succeed against the righteous among the Jewish people who follow the Torah Taurat which Allah promised to protect forever in Quran 2:40-2:41, Quran 2:62, Quran 3:113 - 3:115, Quran 5:69, Exodus 2:24, Leviticus 26:44-26:45, Deuteronomy 4:2, Deuteronomy 4:31, Deuteronomy 5:10, Deuteronomy 7:7-7:8, Deuteronomy 12:1, Deuteronomy 29:28 in Jewish Tanakh or Deuteronomy 29:29 in a Christian Bible, 2 King 13:23, Psalm 19:8-19:12 in Jewish Tanakh or Psalm 19:7-19:11 in Christian Old Testament Bible, Psalm 111:7 - 111:9, Hosea 3:4-3:5, Daniel 12:2, Isaiah 59:21 is the promise to the Jewish people mentioned in Isaiah 36:11, Isaiah 36:13 and Gospel of Matthew 5:17-5:20 meaning the Torah Taurat protects the same commandment delivered by every messenger of Allah to pray only to the one Allah who created every creation and to do good deeds in this world. The righteous Jews who do not know Jesus Isa or the Quran have been correctly guided by Allah to worship only Allah as explained by Allah in Quran 5:48 where Allah has created more than one “community’ of Allah and Allah is guiding each community through what Allah “has given them” in His protected books as explained in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ3o3ybc-KA  Jews, Christians, Muslims and others are promised Paradise Jannah in Quran 2:62, Quran 3:113 – 3:115. Quran 4:162, Quran 5:48, Quran 5:69, Quran 5:82 – 5:85 and Quran 41:8 confirming the promise in the Jewish Hebrew Bible to the Jews and in the Gospel Injil to the Christians. Quran 4:159, Quran 5:117, Quran 7:6 and Quran 39:69 show that in the time of a living prophet he can be a witness in the hereafter against people who lived in his time. Quran 3:113 – 3:115 shows that in the time of Prophet Muhammad the righteous Jews followed Judaism and believed Prophet Muhammad as explained by Allah in Quran 5:48 and those Jews were promised Paradise by Allah in Quran 3:115. Quran 5:82 – 5:85 shows that in the time of Prophet Muhammad the righteous Christians followed Christianity and believed Prophet Muhammad as decreed by Allah in Quran 5:48 and were promised Paradise by Allah in Quran 5:85. Jews and Christians have been told to follow their Books in Quran 3:93, Quran 5:43, Quran 5:47, Quran 5:48 and Quran 5:68 so that three “communities” of Allah are created and established on the earth until the Day of Judgement. Jews like Quran 3:113-3:115 and Christians like Quran 5:82-5:85 who follow their Book in Quran 5:68 and also believe the Quran will receive a double reward in the hereafter in Quran 28:54, Quran 34:37 and Quran 57:28 meaning the reward for every good deed they do will be doubled because they believed the Quran which tells the Jewish people to follow the Torah Taurat which is their eternal covenant between Allah and the Hebrew people forever and tells the Christian people to follow the Gospel Injil which is explained in the Quran and tells the Muslim people to follow the Quran is confirmed in Quran 2:40, Quran 2:41, Quran 2:62, Quran 2:106, Quran 3:93, Quran 4:123, Quran 5:43, Quran 5:47, Quran 5:48, Quran 5:69 and Quran 13:39. Today there is no prophet and every human is tested by Allah according to Quran 5:48 to show in the hereafter who is best in behaviour. Quran 5:48, Quran 3:64 and Quran 98:5 shows that Jews who follow the Jewish Hebrew Bible and Christians who follow the four Gospels Injil and Muslims who follow the Quran are correctly guided if Allah wills because those books have the same command to pray only to the one creator of every creation and to do good deeds in this world. Jews follow the Torah Taurat. Christian can know that whatever in the four Gospels contradicts the Torah Taurat came from the Gospel writers and not from Allah in a test described in 1 Kings 13:14 - 13:24 teaching that the word of Allah will not change and do not believe anyone who claims the word of Allah has changed. Muslims follow the Quran which confirms the Torah Taurat is correct and explains the story of Jesus in the Gospel. Jews, Christians, Muslims and others can come together in each generation testifying their submission to Allah in Quran 3:64 to promote peace making in Quran 4:114 as an example of good behaviour by those who know Allah to those who do not know Allah in Quran 45:14. The purpose of Quran 4:159 where everyone who saw and heard Prophet Jesus must have believed in him 2000 years ago otherwise Prophet Jesus will testify against them is for the people who are living in the time of Prophet Muhammad to know that everyone who saw and heard Prophet Muhammad 1400 years ago must have believed in him otherwise Prophet Muhammad will testify against them.Today there are no prophets meaning Prophet Jesus and Prophet Muhammad will only testify about the people in their time because they will have no knowledge about any other people except what Allah reveals to them).


Quran 2:136 Koran 2:136 (Prophet Muhammad) say (to them), "We believe in Allah and the revelation given to us and to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob (Israel) and the Tribes (the 12 tribes of the children of Israel), and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to (all) prophets from their Lord (Allah). We make no difference between one (prophet) and another (we say that all the prophets have the same message which is that there is one and only one Allah who is the creator of every creation) and we submit (our will) to (the will of) Allah."

(Note 1. Muslims believe that Jesus is among the righteous prophets and messengers of Allah.



1-4. Who is Allah?

Quran 112:0 Koran 112:0 In the name of Allah, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.


Quran 112:1 Koran 112:1 Say, “He (the Lord) Allah is One (the only one who is single, unique and undividable).”

(Note 1. Why can no one be Allah except Allah?

No one can be Allah except Allah because there is only one Allah who is the creator of every creation.

(Note 2. Why is the belief in Trinity incorrect?

Why is the belief in Trinity an error?

No one can be Allah except Allah because there is only one Allah who is the creator of every creation.

The belief that a creation is god is called idol worship.


Quran 112:2 Koran 112:2 “(On) Allah (the single, unique and undividable one) all (creations) depend.”

(Note 1. Why are Moses and Jesus and Muhammad and the Holy Spirit of Allah not Allah?

Moses and Jesus and Muhammad and the Holy Spirit of Allah are not Allah because their existence is decreed by Allah and dependant on Allah.


Quran 112:3 Koran 112:3 He (Allah) never gave birth nor was He (Allah) born (because Allah is the One single, unique and undividable creator who always existed and shall always exist).

(Note 1. Why are Moses and Jesus and Muhammad not Allah?

Moses and Jesus and Muhammad are not Allah because they are humans who were born and died and their souls were raised to heaven and to Allah.

(Note 2. Why is the Holy Spirit not Allah?

The Holy Spirit is not Allah because the Holy Spirit is the angel of Allah.


Quran 112:4 Koran 112:4 And there is nothing that is comparable to Him (Allah, because only Allah is the single, unique and undividable One).

(Note 1. Why are Moses and Jesus and Muhammad and the Holy Spirit of Allah not Allah?

Moses and Jesus and Muhammad are humans and the Holy Spirit of Allah is an angel that was created by Allah.


See: Who is Allah? Who is Jesus? Who is the Holy Spirit? Is Allah a Trinity? See in the Gospel of John 12:49 comment.


Gospel of John 12:33 Now this he was saying signaling what manner of death he was about to die.


1. Explain Gospel of John 12:33.

Gospel of John 12:33 Now this he (Jesus) was saying signaling (by repeating what Allah had revealed to Jesus through the Holy Spirit) what manner (the kind) of death he (Jesus) was about to die (when the soul of Jesus would be raised to Heaven and to Allah).

(Note 1. The soul of Jesus was lifted up to Allah during sleep to save the life of Jesus during the crucifixion and later in the time of the natural death of Jesus.


1-1. The soul of Jesus was lifted up to Allah during sleep to save the life of Jesus.

The soul of Jesus during the crucifixion and sleep.

The soul of Jesus was raised to heaven and to Allah during the crucifixion when Allah saved Jesus with sleep for his body on the earth when the soul of Jesus was taken to Heaven where every human soul is taken during the time they are sleeping on the Earth.


Gospel of John 12:32 (Jesus makes a prophecy) And I (the soul of Jesus), if I (the soul of Jesus) be lifted up from the earth (when Allah saves the life of Jesus with sleep on the cross as seen three days later and after the natural death of Jesus then, the teachings of Jesus that reveal the word of Allah in the Good News Gospel), will attract all mankind to me (to Allah and to Jesus who is the messenger of Allah)."


1-2. The soul of Jesus was lifted up to Allah at a time after the crucifixion when Jesus died a natural death on the Earth.

The soul of Jesus during the natural death of Jesus after the time of the crucifixion.

The soul of Jesus was raised to heaven and to Allah when the body of Jesus died a natural death on the Earth when the soul of Jesus was raised by the angel of Death to Heaven and to Allah as every human soul is decreed by Allah to be raised at the end of a human life on the Earth.


Gospel of John 12:32 (Jesus makes a prophecy) And I (the soul of Jesus), if I (the soul of Jesus) be lifted up from the earth (when Allah saves the life of Jesus with sleep on the cross as seen three days later and after the natural death of Jesus then, the teachings of Jesus that reveal the word of Allah in the Good News Gospel), will attract all mankind to me (to Allah and to Jesus who is the messenger of Allah)."


2. The soul of Jesus would be lifted up to Allah during sleep and in the time of the natural death of Jesus.


2-1. The prophet after Jesus confirms that everyone who saw Jesus on the cross believed Jesus was dead.

Quran 4:157 Koran 4:157 “… but (in fact) they did not kill him (Jesus) nor crucify him (to death, they did not crucify Jesus to death), but it was made to appear so (to them, so they believed Jesus was dead on the cross but in fact Jesus was still alive on the cross) …”

(Note 1. After Jesus Allah sent another prophet to correct the confusion between Allah and Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26 – 15:27, 16:7 – 16:15 (see in Reference 1 at the end of the Gospel of John).

(Note 2. Every human is tested by Allah and like the story of the sacrifice of the son of Abraham Allah also tested and protected Jesus who was the son (son means the servant, the slave, Jesus the prophet messenger and messiah) of Allah.

(Note 3. For everyone who loves Jesus what could be better news from the prophet after Jesus than to know that Allah tested Jesus with death like Allah tested Abraham and his son with death and Allah protected Jesus with sleep as shown when Jesus was seen three days after the crucifixion in excellent health just as Allah had protected the son of Abraham from death.


Quran 4:157 Koran 4:157 And they (some of the Jews of Yathrib, Arabia today in Saudi Arabia) said (showing their disbelief in Jesus and the messenger Prophet Muhammad), "We killed messiah Jesus, son of Mary, the messenger of Allah," but (in fact) they did not kill him (Jesus) nor crucify him (to death, they did not crucify Jesus to death), but it was made to appear so (to them, so they believed Jesus was dead on the cross but in fact Jesus was still alive on the cross) and those (Jews of Yathrib, Arabia today in Saudi Arabia) who differ in this (in what happened to Jesus on the cross) are full of doubts with no (certain) knowledge so they (the Jews of Yathrib in Arabia today Saudi Arabia) follow only conjecture (assumptions and speculations). It is certain that they (the Jews) did not kill him (because Allah protected Jesus from the death of crucifixion in 607 BH 33 CE 33 AD on Friday 3 April 33 in Jerusalem, Al-Quds, Yerussalem, Yerushalayim in Judea today in Israel and Palestine and as proof Jesus was seen alive three days later).

(Note 1. Just as 2000 years ago some Roman soldiers in Jerusalem Al-Quds in Judea today in Israel and Palestine mocked Jesus to show their disbelief in Jesus in the same way some of the Jews of Yathrib Arabia today in Saudi Arabia mocked Jesus 1400 years ago to show their disbelief in both Jesus and Muhammad.

See Gospel of John 19:3.

(Note 2. Allah protected the life of Jesus from the death of crucifixion by giving sleep to the body of Jesus and raising the soul of Jesus to heaven and to Allah just as every human soul is raised to heaven and to Allah during sleep.

(Note 3. Allah saved Jesus by making the body of Jesus fall into sleep on the cross so although it appeared that Jesus had died on the cross from the death of crucifixion as is correctly described in the Gospel by those who saw it infact Allah saved Jesus from the death of crucifixion by Allah giving sleep to the body of Jesus as is revealed by the prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26 – 15:27, 16:7 – 16:15 see in Reference 1 at the end of the Gospel of John.

(Note 4. Prophet Muhammad confirms he is the prophet and messenger after Jesus by confirming that the Gospel correctly describes what the people saw which appeared to be the killing of Jesus and revealing in the Quran how Allah saved Jesus.

(Note 5. The proof that Jesus was not killed or crucified to death is that Jesus was seen alive three days after the crucifixion.

Allah returned the soul of Jesus to the Earth to awaken the sleeping body of Jesus.

See Gospel of John 16:11 comment 30. The judgement: The plot to kill Jesus the messenger of Allah.

(Note 6. Allah does not return the soul of a dead person to the Earth except in brief visions or dreams or to show the truthfulness of Allah.

See 1. Gospel of John 16:11 comment 32 to 32-5. The Judgement: Jesus will not return to the Earth but Jesus will return to the land (the earth) in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection.

See 2. Gospel of John 16:16 comment 3. Jesus is the prophet of Allah who foretells the future and Jesus is the messenger of Allah who reveals a warning to humans not to believe anyone who says that Jesus will return to the Earth.


Gospel of John 10:18 No one takes it (my life) from me (Jesus); I lay it down (my life) of myself (voluntarily as Allah has ordered Jesus to do). I (Jesus) have authority (from Allah) to lay it down (on the cross where humans shall try to kill Jesus through crucifixion) and I (Jesus) have authority (by the order of Allah) to take it (my life) up again (as proof that no one killed Jesus); this order I have received from my Father (Allah).

(Note 1. In the Gospel Jesus said no one takes my life from me because Jesus is obeying the orders of Allah.

(Note 2. The Gospel confirms no one killed Jesus because Jesus was alive three days later.


2-2. How could Jesus be not dead but sleeping on the cross?

How could Jesus be alive on the cross as revealed by the prophet after Jesus?

The prophet after Jesus would reveal that Jesus was not dead on the cross.

The body of Jesus was sleeping but the soul of Jesus was with Allah.

How is it possible for a body to be sleeping and the soul to be with Allah?

Only the soul of a human is raised to heaven.

The human body is not needed in heaven.

The human body is only needed on the Earth.


Three days after the crucifixion Jesus told Mary Magdalene to tell all the disciples that Jesus did not die on the cross in Gospel of John 20:17 “I have not yet ascended to the Father” meaning Allah saved the life of Jesus on the cross with a miracle which made people think Jesus was dead on the cross in the same way Allah made people believe a sleeping person was dead in Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24 and Gospel of Luke 8:52.

The soul of every human ascends to Allah during sleep and when they die (Quran 39:42).

When Jesus says I (Jesus) have not yet ascended to the Father (Allah) Jesus is not talking about sleep because every human ascends to Allah every night during sleep therefore the meaning is Jesus has not yet died meaning Allah saved the life of Jesus on the cross with sleep (Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24, Gospel of Luke 8:52, Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42) meaning Jesus did not die on the cross with death but was saved on the cross with sleep which looked like Jesus was dead and in this way Allah saved the life of Jesus meaning no one killed Jesus (Gospel of Luke 8:54 – 8:55 and Quran 39:42) meaning no one crucified Jesus to death (Quran 4:157) meaning Jesus was not sacrificed but was saved from death with sleep in Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42 for the same reason Allah saved the son of Abraham from death in a test of the faith in Allah of Abraham and Jesus.

When Jesus says "I (Jesus) am ascending to my Father (Allah) and your Father (Allah)" it means Jesus will die like every human dies meaning Jesus died a natural death at the end of his life 2000 years ago (Quran 3:144 and Quran 5:75) as proof Jesus is human and as proof Jesus is not Allah.


Gospel of John 20:17 Jesus says to her (Mary Magdalene), "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father (Allah); but go to my brothers (my disciples), and tell them: 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father; to my Allah and your Allah.'"

Note 1. After the crucifixion Jesus says do not hold on to me to see if I am really alive, I have not yet ascended to my Father meaning I am not yet dead meaning I am really alive meaning I am not a ghost.


Quran 39:42 Koran 39:42 Allah takes the souls at the time of their death and (also takes the souls of) those who have not died (but are alive) during their sleep (when Allah saved the life of Jesus Isa with sleep so that his body did not move making everyone believe that Jesus Isa was dead on the cross in Quran 4:157 by raising the soul of Jesus Isa to heaven and to Allah in Quran 4:158). He (Allah) keeps those (souls) for which He (Allah) had decreed death and sends the rest (of the souls to awaken the sleeping body) for a predetermined period of time (such as when Allah returned the soul of Jesus Isa three days after the crucifixion to wake up the sleeping body of Jesus Isa on the earth in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 when Jesus Isa delivered the message that Jesus Isa is not Allah by saying Allah is my Allah and your Allah meaning Allah is my Father and your Father meaning Allah is my Creator and your Creator meaning Allah is my Master and your Master meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord as proof that no one had killed him on the cross or crucified him to death on the cross, after which they return to sleep again or die as in Quran 5:75 where Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa “use to eat food” meaning they both died 2000 years ago and Quran 3:144 where the “the messengers before Prophet Muhammad have died” meaning Jesus Isa is dead because Jesus Isa is the messenger before Prophet Muhammad. In Quran 5:117 Jesus died when he lived with the children of Israel 2000 years ago when he was raised by the angel of death). In this are signs (of Allah) for people who think.


(Note 1. The body of Jesus fainted into sleep on the cross.

(Note 2. When a human sleeps their soul is raised to heaven and to Allah.

(Note 3. When Allah returns the soul to a sleeping human their body will wake up.

(Note 4. Three days later Jesus was awake.

(Note 5. Allah protected Jesus from death.

The body of Jesus fainted into sleep on the cross and the soul of Jesus was taken to heaven and to Allah then the soul of Jesus was returned three days later to Earth to awaken the sleeping body of Jesus.

(Note 6. Just as Allah twice protected Jesus from being stoned to death in the Gospel of John 8:59 and 10:31 so also Allah protected Jesus from being killed or crucified to death.

(Note 7. Prophet Muhammad confirms he is the prophet and messenger after Jesus by confirming that the Gospel correctly describes what the people saw which appeared to be the killing of Jesus and revealing in the Quran how Allah saved Jesus.


(Note 1. What is sleep?

When a human body sleeps the soul is raised to heaven and to Allah and that soul will return to awaken the sleeping body on the Earth.

The body of Jesus fainted into sleep on the cross and the soul of Jesus was raised to heaven and to Allah.

Allah returned the soul to the sleeping body of Jesus 3 days later and the body of Jesus woke up and Jesus was seen alive.

(Note 2. What is death?

When a human body dies the soul is raised to heaven and to Allah and that soul will not return to the Earth.

After death the soul will be given a new physical body that can feel reward or punishment on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement.

When Jesus died a natural death Allah raised the soul of Jesus to heaven and to Allah and this death is confirmed by Jesus who said do not believe anyone who says that Jesus will return to this Earth (in Gospel of Mark 13;5, 13:6, 13:21, 13:22, 13:23) because the second coming of Jesus will be on the Day of Resurrection which is the second coming of every human including Jesus (in Gospel of Mark 13:27 and 14:62) 

See Gospel of Mark 13;5, 13:6, 13:21, 13:22, 13:23, 13:26, 13:27 and 14:62 comment.

See Gospel of Matthew 24:29 and 24:30 comment.

See Gospel of Luke 21:25, 21:25 and 21:7 comment.

See Jesus said another comforter from Allah will come after him. See part B at the end of Gospel of John chapter 21. 

(Note 3. How do we know that Prophet Muhammad is not one of the false prophets that Jesus warned would falsely claim that Jesus will return to this Earth?

Answer 1: There is nothing in the Torah or Gospel or Quran about Jesus returning to this Earth.

Answer 2: Prophet Muhammad is not one of the false prophets who will falsely claim that Jesus will return to this Earth because there is nothing in the Quran about Jesus returning to this Earth.


2-3. What happened at the end of the life of Jesus?

Quran 4:158 Koran 4:158 (At the end of the natural life of Jesus) Allah raised him (the soul of Jesus) up to Himself (Allah), (and the soul of Jesus is in heaven under the care of Allah who is the creator of every soul and the carer of every soul). Allah is all powerful (able to do all things) and He (Allah) is all wise.

(Note 1. Jesus is a human.

Jesus is human because the soul of every human is raised to Heaven and to Allah by the Angel of Death and the soul of every human is under the care of Allah who is the creator of every soul and the carer of every soul.

(Note 2. The Earth is the resting place for the human body.

The human body is only needed on the Earth because the human body is designed for life on the Earth.

(Note 3. Heaven is the resting place for the human soul.

Heaven is made for the human soul because the human soul is designed for life in Heaven.

(Note 4. The human body dies on the Earth but the human soul lives forever in heaven.

(Note 5. The soul on the Day of Resurrection.

On the Day of Resurrection the human soul will be given a new physical body that can feel reward or punishment.

(Note 6. The natural deaths of Moses and Elijah and Jesus.

After the natural deaths of Moses and Elijah and Jesus their souls were raised to Heaven and to Allah and their bodies were hidden in the Earth to prevent human idol worship but some Christians later made images of Jesus and began to pray to Jesus instead of praying to Allah who is the creator of Jesus so Allah inspired Prophet Muhammad to correct the confusion between Allah and Jesus.


2-4 Where is proof that the revelations in the Quran about Jesus are correct?

How does Allah show the truthfulness of the messenger who came after Jesus?

Allah allowed the Dome of the Rock shrine to be built as a memorial on Allah’s Holy Temple Mount in Jerusalem Al-Quds to confirm the truthfulness of the messenger that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26 – 15:27, 16:7 – 16:15 (see in Reference 1 at the end of the Gospel of John).

Only Allah has the power to bless what is on Allah’s Holy ground on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Al-Quds as a sign for all who have eyes to see and a sign for all who have hearts that understand. 

The Dome of the Rock (Masjid Qubbat As-Sakhrah) was completed in 72 AH (691 CE, 691 AD, 691) on the Temple mount in Jerusalem, Al-Quds, Palestine today in Israel and Palestine as a confirmation from Allah that Muhammad is the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus.

37 years after Jesus left the Earth the second House of Allah on Allah’s Holy Temple Mount in Jerusalem Al-Quds in Judea was destroyed by the Roman Empire as a sign from Allah confirming the warnings that had been delivered by Jesus.

69 years after Prophet Muhammad left the Earth the Dome of the Rock shine was completed on Allah’s Holy Temple Mount in Jerusalem Al-Quds in Palestine today Israel and Palestine as a sign from Allah confirming that Muhammad is the prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus.


Where is proof from Allah that Muhammad is the prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus?

Where is proof that Allah has blessed Prophet Muhammad?

Where is proof that Allah has blessed the Quran?

Where is proof that Allah has blessed the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, Al-Quds?

Some Christians confused Jesus with Allah and as Jesus prophesied in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26 – 15:27, 16:7 – 16:15 (see in Reference 1 at the end of the Gospel of John) Allah sent a messenger after Jesus.

Allah confirmed the prophet after Jesus by permitting the building of the Al-Aqsa mosque on the Holy ground of the First and Second Temples of Allah in Jerusalem (Al-Quds), Palestine, today Israel and Palestine.

Only Allah has the power to bless what is on Allah’s Holy ground on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Al-Quds as a sign for all who have eyes to see and a sign for all who have hearts that understand. 

The Al-Aqsa Mosque (al-Masjid al-Aqsa, the Farthest Mosque, Al-Aqsa, Bayt al-Muqaddas) was established in 85 AH (705 CE, 705 AD) as confirmation from Allah that Muhammad is the prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus.

Jerusalem, Al-Quds in the time of Jesus is the location on the Temple Mount (Temple Mountain, Mount Zion, Mount Moriah, Har HaBayit, Haram Al-Sharif, Bait ul Muqaddas, The Sanctuary) where the Second Temple of Allah stood on top of the First Temple of Allah which had earlier been destroyed.

37 years after Jesus left the Earth the second House of Allah on the Temple Mount was destroyed by the Roman Empire as a sign from Allah confirming the warnings that had been delivered by Jesus.

73 years after Muhammad left the Earth the Al-Aqsa mosque on the Temple Mount was established on top of the destroyed first and second Houses of Allah as a sign from Allah confirming that Muhammad is the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus.


Quran 6:92 Koran 6:92 And this (Quran) is (also) a Book which We (Allah through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel revealed to Prophet Muhammad) have blessed and revealed, confirming what was revealed before it (in the Torah and in the Gospel) so that you (Prophet Muhammad) may warn (of Allah’s reward and punishment in the hereafter to those that live in) the mother of towns (Mecca) and those around her (in Arabia today in Saudi Arabia). Those who believe in the Hereafter believe it (the Quran) and they are careful (to remember to observe) their worship (of Allah).


Quran 30:30 Koran 30:30 So direct yourself (Prophet Muhammad) towards the religion (the belief in one creator) for which He (Allah who is the one and only creator) has created (religion for) humans. No one can alter what Allah has created (in religion, in the Torah, the Gospel and the Quran). That is the right religion (belief), but most people do not know (this).


Gospel of John 12:34 The crowd then responded to him: "We have heard out of the law that the Christ remains for ever, so how is it you are saying that the Son of Man is to be lifted up? Who is this Son of Man?"


Explain Gospel of John 12:34.

Gospel of John 12:34 The crowd then responded to him (Jesus): "We have heard out of the law that the Christ (Messiah, the anointed one) remains for ever (but they were thinking of the Earth and so they did not realize that the only thing that is  for ever is Allah and the souls raised to the Hereafter), so how is it you are saying that the Son of Man (the human Jesus who is the messenger of Allah) is to be lifted up (to Heaven and to Allah as every human is raised to Heaven and to Allah)? Who is this Son of Man?"


Gospel of John 12:35 Jesus therefore said to them, "The light is among you a little while longer. Walk, while you have the light, so that darkness does not overtake you. For the person walking in darkness does not know where he is going.


1. Explain Gospel of John 12:35.

Gospel of John 12:35 Jesus therefore said to them, "The light (of righteousness, Jesus the messenger of Allah) is among you a little while longer. Walk, while you have the light (of guidance to righteousness), so that (the) darkness (of ignorance) does not overtake you. For the person walking in darkness (ignorance) does not know where he is going.


1-1. Before Jesus Allah sent Moses 3200 years ago.

Moses therefore said to them, "The light (of righteousness, Moses the messenger of Allah) is among you a little while longer. Walk, while you have the light (of guidance to righteousness), so that (the) darkness (of ignorance) does not overtake you. For the person walking in darkness (ignorance) does not know where he is going.


1-2. After Jesus Allah sent Muhammad 1400 years ago.

Muhammad therefore said to them, "The light (of righteousness, Muhammad the messenger of Allah) is among you a little while longer. Walk, while you have the light (of guidance to righteousness), so that (the) darkness (of ignorance) does not overtake you. For the person walking in darkness (ignorance) does not know where he is going.


2. What is the light?

The light is guidance for human behaviour.

Quran 29:46 Koran 29:46 And do not argue with the People of the Scripture (the Jews and the Christians) except in the best way (by using good words and in a good manner), except with those of them that are wrongdoers. And say, We (Muslims) believe in what has been revealed to us (Muslims in the Quran) and revealed to you (the Jews in your Torah and the Christians in your Gospel). Our (Muslim) Allah and your (Jewish and Christian) Allah is (the same) one (Allah) and to Him (Allah, the creator of every creation) we have submitted (ourselves as believers in Him the one and only Allah).”

(Note 1. The guidance sent down from Allah is that Allah is the creator of every creation.

(Note 2. The guidance sent down from Allah is that Allah is the creator of every human.

(Note 3. The Torah and Gospel and Quran are a light to guide human behaviour.


3. What is darkness and light?

The darkness of ignorance and the light of knowledge and guidance.

3-1. Before the time of Jesus 3200 years ago the light was the Torah from Allah which was delivered by Moses the messenger of Allah.

With it (the Torah) Allah guides to the path of peace those who seek Allah’s approval and by His (Allah’s) will He (Allah) guide’s them out of darkness and into the light (of explanation and understanding) and to the straight path (the right path that pleases Allah).


3-2. 2000 years ago the light was the Gospel from Allah which was delivered by Jesus the messenger of Allah.

With it (the Gospel) Allah guides to the path of peace those who seek Allah’s approval and by His (Allah’s) will He (Allah) guide’s them out of darkness and into the light (of explanation and understanding) and to the straight path (the right path that pleases Allah).


3-3. After the time of Jesus 1400 years ago the light was the Quran from Allah which was delivered by Muhammad the messenger of Allah.

Quran 5:16 Koran 5:16 With it (the Quran) Allah guides to the path of peace those who seek Allah’s approval and by His (Allah’s) will He (Allah) guide’s them out of darkness and into the light (of explanation and understanding) and to the straight path (the right path that pleases Allah).


4. Who is the light?

4-1. Before the time of Jesus 3200 years ago the light was Moses who was the messenger that delivered the Torah.

O People of the Scripture (the children of Israel), now Our (Allah’s) messenger (Prophet Messenger Moses) has come to you, revealing the Scripture (Torah). Now has come to you from Allah a light (Prophet Messenger Moses) and a clear Book (the Torah).


4-2. 2000 years ago the light was Jesus who was the messenger that delivered the Gospel.

O People of the Scripture (the Jews), now Our (Allah’s) messenger (Prophet Messenger Jesus) has come to you, revealing much of that which you used to hide in the Scripture (Torah) and much that you used to ignore (in the Torah). Now has come to you from Allah a light (Prophet Messenger Jesus) and a clear Book (the Gospel).


4-3. After the time of Jesus 1400 years ago the light was Muhammad who was the messenger that delivered the Quran.

Quran 5:15 Koran 5:15 O People of the Scripture (the Jews and the Christians), now Our (Allah’s) messenger (Prophet Muhammad) has come to you, revealing much of that which you used to hide in the Scripture (the Torah and the Gospel) and much that you used to ignore (in the Torah and in the Gospel). Now has come to you from Allah a light (Prophet Muhammad) and a clear Book (the Quran confirming and explaining what is in the Torah and the Gospel).


(Note 1. Gospel of John 14:16 And I (Jesus the messenger of Allah) will ask the Father (Allah, what Allah has decreed), and he (Allah, answered Jesus through the Holy Spirit that Allah) will give you (humans) another Counselor (another Comforter, another prophet messenger so), that he (the guidance of that comforter, counsellor, messenger) may be ever (forever, through what that next messenger reveals, be left) with you (humans, this is forever because that prophet will be the last messenger of Allah),


Gospel of John 16:9 (Allah is sending another Comforter, Counselor, prophet and messenger after Jesus to explain the word of Allah) concerning sin (wrong doing), because they (the wrong doers) do not believe in me (Jesus who is the prophet and messenger and messiah);


5. The light of guidance and the darkness of ignorance.

Quran 2:18 Koran 2:18 They (the hypocrites who say they believe in Allah but they do not believe) are deaf (they cannot hear “understand” the truth from the messenger of Allah), dumb (they cannot speak the truth), and blind (they cannot see the true path to Allah’s guidance) and (they) cannot return (to the right path of Allah’s guidance).


Quran 2:19 Koran 2:19 Like a rainstorm from the sky within which is darkness (disbelief in Allah), thunder (the threat of punishment) and lightning (the clear revelations of Allah), they (the hypocrites who say they believe in Allah but they do not believe) put their fingers in their ears against the thunder (the threat of punishment) for fear of death (by leaving the guidance of Allah). Allah (the one with all knowledge and power) encompasses those without faith (in Allah, no one can escape from Allah).


Quran 2:20 Koran 2:20 The lightning almost takes away their sight from them (the hypocrites who say they believe in Allah but they do not believe). Whenever it (the Quran) lights (the path) they (can see briefly and they say they have faith and) they walk (a few steps) but when it becomes dark (because of something they do not want to hear) they standstill (because they have no faith). If Allah willed He (Allah) could have taken away their hearing and their sight (as He took away their ability to hear the truth and their ability to see the true path to Allah’s guidance). Allah has power over all things.


Quran 2:21 Koran 2:21 O humans, worship your Lord (Allah), who created you and (created) those (humans who came) before you so that you learn how to do right and not wrong.


Quran 6:104 Koran 6:104 Revelations have come to you (Prophet Muhammad) from your Lord (Allah), so whoever sees (understands the revelations of Allah) shall do so for the benefit of his soul (in the hereafter), and whoever is blind (does not understand the revelations of Allah), is blind to the harming of their soul (in the hereafter). And say, “I (Prophet Muhammad) am not a guardian over you (I am only a messenger of Allah).”

(Note 1. Why is Muhammad not Allah?

Muhammad is not Allah because Muhammad is a messenger of Allah.

Allah sent Muhammad.

(Note 2. Why is Jesus not Allah?

Jesus is not Allah because Jesus is a messenger of Allah.

Allah sent Jesus.

(Note 3. Why is Moses not Allah?

Moses is not Allah because Moses is a messenger of Allah.

Allah sent Moses.


Quran 6:50 Koran 6:50 Say (Prophet Muhammad, to the stone idol worshippers in Mecca Arabia), I (Prophet Muhammad) do not say to you (that) with me are the treasures of Allah (because Muhammad is human like you), nor that I (Prophet Muhammad) know the unseen (the future because Muhammad is human like you) and I do not say to you that I (Prophet Muhammad) am an angel (because Muhammad is human like you). I (Prophet Muhammad) follow only that which is revealed to me. Say, “Is the blind man (the man with no faith in Allah) and the seeing (the man with faith in Allah) equal (in understanding)? Think about that.”


Quran 6:51 Koran 6:51 Warn with it (the Quran) those (believers in Allah) who fear that they shall be gathered to their Lord (Allah), for whom there is no protecting ally or intercessor except for Him (Allah, and warn them) so they may guard themselves against evil (to be righteous).  


Quran 6:55 Koran 6:55 We (Allah through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel) explain the revelations so that the path of righteousness is made clear.


Quran 6:90 Koran 6:90 Those (Prophets and messengers that bring faith in Allah) are guided by Allah so follow their guidance. Say (Prophet Muhammad, to the people), “I ask no reward from you for this (the Quran). It is a reminder (from Allah) to (His) creatures.”


Gospel of John 12:36 While you have the light, believe in the light, so that you may be children of light." Jesus spoke these things, then went away and was hidden from them.


1. Explain Gospel of John 12:36.

Gospel of John 12:36 While you have the light (of righteousness), believe in the light (Jesus the messenger of Allah), so that you may be children of light (righteousness)." Jesus spoke these things, then went away and was hidden from them.


1-1. Before Jesus Allah sent Moses 3200 years ago.

While you have the light (of righteousness), believe in the light (Moses the messenger of Allah), so that you may be children of light (righteousness)."


1-2. After Jesus Allah sent Muhammad 1400 years ago.

While you have the light (of righteousness), believe in the light (Muhammad the messenger of Allah), so that you may be children of light (righteousness)."


See Gospel of John 12:35 comment.



The authorities continue in unbelief.


Gospel of John 12:37 But, though having done so many signs right in front of them, they were not believing in him,


1. Explain Gospel of John 12:37.

Gospel of John 12:37 But, though having done so many signs right in front of them, they were not believing in him (Jesus who was the messenger of Allah),


1-1. Moses was rejected by his people after all the signs of Allah that were shown in Egypt.

Torah Deuteronomy 9:24 (Prophet Moses said to the children of Israel), “You have been rebellious against the Lord (Allah) from the day that I knew you”.

(Note 1. After Moses went to receive the commandments of Allah on Mount Sinai some among the children of Israel built an idol of a calf as their new god even though Moses had only left them for 40 days and nights.


1-2. Muhammad was rejected by his people the stone idol worshipers in Mecca Arabia.

Quran 6:7 Koran 6:7 If We (Allah revealed through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel) had sent to you (Prophet Muhammad) writing on a page that they (the stone idol worshippers in Mecca Arabia today in Saudi Arabia) could touch with their hands then those without faith would have said, “This is nothing but magic (deception, fake, a fraud).”


Quran 6:9 Koran 6:9 If We (Allah) had sent an angel We (Allah) would have sent him in the form of a man (as was done in the city of Sodom) and We (Allah) would see the (people) just as confused as they are now confused (in their belief in stone idol worship).


Quran 6:37 Koran 6:37 They (the stone idol worshippers of Mecca, Arabia) say, “Why has no sign (of Allah) been sent down with him (Prophet Muhammad) from his Lord? Say, “Allah is able to send down a sign but most of them do not know (the terrible consequences that follow for any people that then reject Allah).”


Quran 6:48 Koran 6:48 We (Allah) send the messengers only to give the good news (of the reward of Paradise in the Hereafter) and warn (of the punishment of Hell in the Hereafter). Whoever believes and does good shall have no fear and shall not grieve (in the Hereafter).


Quran 6:58 Koran 6:58 (Prophet Muhammad) say, (to the stone idol worshippers in Mecca Arabic), “If I had (the sign from Allah) that you are impatient (to receive) then the matter (of who has belief in Allah and who has disbelief in Allah) would have been decided between you and me (and all those without belief in Allah would have been punished if after that sign they still did not believe).”


Quran 6:65 Koran 6:65 Say, “He (Allah) is the one able to send punishment on you from above you or from below your feet, or to confuse you (so that you disagree among yourselves and form different groups with different beliefs) and to make you taste violence from each other.” See how We (Allah through angel Gabriel recited to Prophet Muhammad) explain the revelations so that they (the stone idol worshippers of Mecca Arabia) may understand (that their belief in stone idols is false).


Quran 6:66 Koran 6:66 (Prophet Muhammad) your people (the stone idol worshipers in Mecca) have rejected it (Allah’s revelations) even though it is the truth. (Prophet Muhammad) say “I am not put in charge of you.” (I am only a warner. Your affairs are determined by Allah).


Quran 6:68 Koran 6:68 And (Prophet Muhammad) when you see those (stone idol worshippers in Mecca) who make discussions by mocking Our (Allah’s) revelations (in the Quran), withdraw from them until they change the discussion. And if Satan causes you to forget (this revelation), then after you remember (this revelation) do not continue to sit with the wrong doers.

(Note 1. Satan causes conflict between humans by making humans forget this revelation from Allah.

(Note 2. The Quran like the Torah contains different revelations for times of peace such as today when worldwide religious freedom is guaranteed by the United Nations and times of war such as 1400 years ago when the believers in Allah were persecuted because of their religion by the stone idol worshipers in Mecca Arabia today in Saudi Arabia.


Quran 6:69 Koran 6:69 Those who are righteous are not accountable for them (the stone idol worshippers in Mecca), but their only responsibility (in this matter) is to remind (them to avoid doing evil) so that they might (learn to) fear Allah.

(Note 1. The stone idol worshipers did not fear Allah because they did not believe in any god except their stone idols.


Quran 6:70 Koran 6:70 – And leave those who take their religion as an amusement and diversion, and who are captivated by the life of this world (without concern for their life in the Hereafter). Remind them (humans) of the following in case a soul is ruined by what (punishment) it earned. There is nobody else (that deserves to be worshipped with prayer) except Allah, (there is) no ally that can protect you or intercessor (that can help you in the Hereafter, prayer to anyone other than Allah is idol worship), and no ransom of any kind shall be accepted (in exchange for help in the Hereafter). Those who fail (in the Hereafter) shall do so on account of what they earned (from their evil deeds in this life). (In the Hereafter) their drink shall be boiling water which is a painful punishment because of their disbelief (in Allah).

(Note 1. Quran 17:60 Koran 17:60 “....We (Allah) warn (people) and make them afraid (of Hell in the hereafter) but (for some people) it only increases them in nothing but greater disobedience against Allah.


Quran 28:48 Koran 28:48 But when the truth came to them (the stone idol worshippers of Makkah Arabia) from Us (Allah), they said, “Why is he (Prophet Muhammad M Mim م M-uhammad م-uhammad) not given (signs) like what was given to Prophet Moses Musa (represented by Mount Sinai S’ Sin س Sin-ai س-ai)? But did they (the stone idol worshippers of Makkah Arabia) not disbelieve in what was given to Prophet Moses Musa in the past? (Because) they say, “(They are both only books about magic) two magic (books the Torah Taurat T Ta ط Ta-urat ط-urat given by Allah to Prophet Moses Musa and the Quran Q Qaf ق  Qaf-uran ق-uran given by Allah to Prophet Muhammad) supporting each other” and they (the stone idol worshippers of Makkah Arabia) say, “In all (that is in the Torah Taurat and the Quran) we do not believe.” 


Gospel of John 12:38 so that the word of Isaiah the prophet would be fulfilled, which said, "Lord, who has believed our report?  And the arm of the Lord, to whom has it been revealed?"


1. Explain Gospel of John 12:38.

Gospel of John 12:38 so that the word of Isaiah the prophet would be fulfilled, which said, "Lord, who has believed our report?  And the arm of the Lord (meaning the command of Allah, the decree of Allah), to whom (to which person) has it (the command of Allah, the decree of Allah) been revealed?"


Jewish Hebrew Bible Isaiah 53:1 'Who would have believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the LORD (Allah) been revealed?


Explain Isaiah 53. Is Isaiah 53 about Jesus or the children of Israel?



Gospel of John 12:39 Because of this they were not able to believe: that again, Isaiah said,


Gospel of John 12:40 "He has blinded their eyes, and he has hardened their hearts, so that they would neither see with their eyes, nor understand with their hearts, nor look back around, such that I would heal them."


1. Explain Gospel of John 12:40.

Gospel of John 12:40 "He (Allah) has blinded their eyes, and he (Allah) has hardened their hearts, so that they would neither see with their eyes, nor understand with their hearts, nor look back around, such that I (Allah through the messenger of Allah) would heal them."


Jewish Hebrew Bible Isaiah 6:10 Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; incase they, seeing with their eyes, and hearing with their ears, and understanding with their heart, return, and be healed.'


2. Blinded their eyes.

Quran 6:50 Koran 6:50 Say (Prophet Muhammad, to the stone idol worshippers in Mecca, Arabia), I (Prophet Muhammad) do not say to you (that) with me are the treasures of Allah, nor that I (Prophet Muhammad) know the unseen (the future) and I do not say to you that I (Prophet Muhammad) am an angel. I (Prophet Muhammad) follow only that which is revealed to me. Say, “Is the blind man (the man with no faith in Allah) and the seeing (the man with faith in Allah) equal (in understanding)? Think about that.”


Quran 6:104 Koran 6:104 Revelations have come to you (Prophet Muhammad) from your Lord (Allah), so whoever sees (understands the revelations of Allah) shall do so for the benefit of his soul (in the hereafter), and whoever is blind (does not understand the revelations of Allah), is blind to the harming of their soul (in the hereafter). And say, “I (Prophet Muhammad) am not a guardian over you (I am only a messenger of Allah).”


Quran 6:110 Koran 6:110 We (Allah) shall turn their hearts and their eyes away (from guidance) because they (the stone idol worshippers in Mecca Arabia) did not believe the first (revelations from Allah brought to them by Prophet Muhammad) and so We (Allah) shall let them wander blindly in their false beliefs (that stone idols are gods) *.


2-1. Hardened their hearts.

Quran 6:42 Koran 6:42 We (Allah) have sent (messengers) to peoples that were before you (Prophet Muhammad) and We (Allah) troubled them (people) with suffering and hardship so that they might humble themselves (to the will of Allah).


Quran 6:43 Koran 6:43 If only they had humbly believed (in Allah) when Our (Allah’s) punishment (of suffering and hardship) came to them. But (instead of belief in Allah) their hearts were hardened (to disbelieve in Allah) and the devil made all that they used to do (that was evil) seem attractive to them.


Gospel of John 12:41 (Isaiah said these things, because he saw Jesus' glory, so he spoke about him.)


Explain Isaiah 53. Is Isaiah 53 about Jesus or the children of Israel?



Gospel of John 12:42 Even so, many even of the rulers believed in him. But, because of the Pharisees, they were not confessing it, for fear they would be put out of the synagogue.


1. Explain Gospel of John 12:42.

Gospel of John 12:42 Even so, many even of the rulers (the religious leaders) believed in him (Prophet Jesus). But, because of the Pharisees, they were not confessing it, for fear they would be put out of the synagogue (where they held a position as religious leaders).

2. Who are the Pharisees?

In the time of Jesus a Jewish sect called the Pharisees believed in the written Torah, the oral law (Jewish stories) and the resurrection of the dead in the Hereafter.

The Pharisees were in Judea today in Israel and Palestine in the period of the second Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, Al-Quds from the second century BCE (BC) until the destruction of the second Jewish Temple in 569 BH (70 CE).

Much in today’s traditional Judaism and Jewish Rabbis developed from the religious Pharisee tradition.

The Pharisees today are called Orthodox Jews.

Video 1. Did the early Jews Believe In a Triune Allah? Rabbi Tovia slams pastor John Piper. 

Progressive revelation.


Video 2. Jesus is not the way! Rabbi Tovia Singer slams Church for erecting a barrier between man and Allah.

The teachings by some in Christianity about Jesus did not come from Judaism but from the Greek Roman world of idol worship as seen when humans pray to Jesus and Mary and dead human saints instead of praying direct to Allah as taught by every prophet in the Jewish Scriptures. 

Jesus prayed to Allah in all the four Gospels in the same way as all the Jews in his time all prayed directly to Allah.



Gospel of John 12:43 For: They loved the approval of human beings over and above the approval of Allah.


Explain Gospel of John 12:43.

Gospel of John 12:43 For (because): They (the religious leaders of some synagogues) loved the approval of human beings over and above the approval of Allah.


Gospel of John 12:44 But Jesus cried out, and said, "The person believing in me, is not believing in me but in the one who sent me,


1. Explain Gospel of John 12:44.

Gospel of John 12:44 But Jesus cried out, and said, "The person believing in me (Jesus who is the prophet of Allah and the messenger of Allah), is not believing in me (Jesus) but in the one (Allah) who sent me (Jesus),


1-1. Jesus makes it clear that Jesus is not Allah.

If you believe in Jesus then you believe in Allah who sent him.


1-2. Moses makes it clear that Moses is not Allah.

If you believe in Moses then you believe in Allah who sent him.


1-3. Muhammad makes it clear that Muhammad is not Allah.

If you believe in Muhammad then you believe in Allah who sent him.


Gospel of John 12:45 and the one looking upon me, is looking upon the one who sent me.


Explain Gospel of John 12:45.

Gospel of John 12:45 and the one (person) looking upon me (Jesus), is looking upon the one (Allah) who sent me (Jesus as the messenger of Allah because Allah requires that a messenger of Allah who delivers the word of Allah be treated with the respect due to the human who delivers a message from the creator).


Torah Deuteronomy 18:18 (Therefore) I (Allah) shall raise up for them a prophet (Prophet Joshua Yusha followed by prophet after prophet, messenger after messenger) like you (Prophet Moses) from among their own brothers (Isaac and Ishmael are brothers and descendants and brethren to the children of Israel and the Arabian people through Prophet Abraham who was the father of Isaac and Ishmael) and I (Allah through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel) shall put my (Allah’s) words in the mouth of the prophet, who shall speak to them (the people) everything that I (Allah) command.”

(Note 1. The words of a prophet of Allah are the words of Allah.


Torah Deuteronomy 18:19 It shall happen that whoever shall not pay attention to My words (Allah’s words) which he (the prophet) shall speak in My name (Allah’s name); I (Allah) shall require it from him (meaning that Allah requires the people to listen and to obey Allah’s prophets).

(Note 1. A prophet of Allah speaks in the name of Allah.

(Note 2. A messenger of Allah speaks in the name of Allah.

(Note 3. A messiah of Allah speaks in the name of Allah.

(Note 4. The words of a prophet of Allah are the words of Allah therefore Allah requires humans to listen to a prophet of Allah because the words of a prophet of Allah are Allah’s words.


Gospel of John 12:46 I have come into the world as a light, so that everyone believing in me may not abide in darkness.


1. Explain Gospel of John 12:46.

Gospel of John 12:46 I (Jesus the messenger of Allah) have come into the world as a light (of guidance from Allah), so that everyone believing in me (Jesus who has delivered the Gospel from Allah) may not abide in darkness (ignorance and misguidance).


1-1. Before Jesus Allah sent Moses 3200 years ago.

I (Moses the messenger of Allah) have come into the world as a light (of guidance from Allah), so that everyone believing in me (Moses who has delivered the Torah from Allah) may not abide in darkness (ignorance and misguidance).


1-2. After Jesus Allah sent Muhammad 1400 years ago.

I (Muhammad the messenger of Allah) have come into the world as a light (of guidance from Allah), so that everyone believing in me (Muhammad who has delivered the Torah from Allah) may not abide in darkness (ignorance and misguidance).


2. What is a light?

A light is guidance for human behaviour.

Quran 29:46 Koran 29:46 And do not argue with the People of the Scripture (the Jews and the Christians) except in the best way (by using good words and in a good manner), except with those of them that are wrongdoers. And say, We (Muslims) believe in what has been revealed to us (Muslims in the Quran) and revealed to you (the Jews in your Torah and the Christians in your Gospel). Our (Muslim) Allah and your (Jewish and Christian) Allah is (the same) one (Allah) and to Him (Allah, the creator of every creation) we have submitted (ourselves as believers in Him the one and only Allah).”

(Note 1. The guidance sent down from Allah is that Allah is the creator of every creation.

(Note 2. The guidance sent down from Allah is that Allah is the creator of every human.

(Note 3. The Torah and Gospel and Quran are a light to guide human behaviour.


3. What is darkness and light?

The darkness of ignorance and the light of knowledge and guidance.

3-1. Before the time of Jesus 3200 years ago the light was the Torah from Allah which was delivered by Moses the messenger of Allah.

With it (the Torah) Allah guides to the path of peace those who seek Allah’s approval and by His (Allah’s) will He (Allah) guide’s them out of darkness and into the light (of explanation and understanding) and to the straight path (the right path that pleases Allah).


3-2. 2000 years ago the light was the Gospel from Allah which was delivered by Jesus the messenger of Allah.

With it (the Gospel) Allah guides to the path of peace those who seek Allah’s approval and by His (Allah’s) will He (Allah) guide’s them out of darkness and into the light (of explanation and understanding) and to the straight path (the right path that pleases Allah).


3-3. After the time of Jesus 1400 years ago the light was the Quran from Allah which was delivered by Muhammad the messenger of Allah.

Quran 5:16 Koran 5:16 With it (the Quran) Allah guides to the path of peace those who seek Allah’s approval and by His (Allah’s) will He (Allah) guide’s them out of darkness and into the light (of explanation and understanding) and to the straight path (the right path that pleases Allah).


4. Who is the light?

4-1. Before the time of Jesus 3200 years ago the light was Moses who was the messenger that delivered the Torah.

O People of the Scripture (the children of Israel), now Our (Allah’s) messenger (Prophet Messenger Moses) has come to you, revealing the Scripture (Torah). Now has come to you from Allah a light (Prophet Messenger Moses) and a clear Book (the Torah).


4-2. 2000 years ago the light was Jesus who was the messenger that delivered the Gospel.

O People of the Scripture (the Jews), now Our (Allah’s) messenger (Prophet Messenger Jesus) has come to you, revealing much of that which you used to hide in the Scripture (Torah) and much that you used to ignore (in the Torah). Now has come to you from Allah a light (Prophet Messenger Jesus) and a clear Book (the Gospel).


4-3. After the time of Jesus 1400 years ago the light was Muhammad who was the messenger that delivered the Quran.

Quran 5:15 Koran 5:15 O People of the Scripture (the Jews and the Christians), now Our (Allah’s) messenger (Prophet Muhammad) has come to you, revealing much of that which you used to hide in the Scripture (the Torah and the Gospel) and much that you used to ignore (in the Torah and in the Gospel). Now has come to you from Allah a light (Prophet Muhammad) and a clear Book (the Quran confirming and explaining what is in the Torah and the Gospel).


(Note 1. Gospel of John 14:16 And I (Jesus the messenger of Allah) will ask the Father (Allah, what Allah has decreed), and he (Allah, answered Jesus through the Holy Spirit that Allah) will give you (humans) another Counselor (another Comforter, another prophet messenger so), that he (the guidance of that comforter, counsellor, messenger) may be ever (forever, through what that next messenger reveals, be left) with you (humans, this is forever because that prophet will be the last messenger of Allah),


Gospel of John 16:9 (Allah is sending another Comforter, Counselor, prophet and messenger after Jesus to explain the word of Allah) concerning sin (wrong doing), because they (the wrong doers) do not believe in me (Jesus who is the prophet and messenger and messiah);


Gospel of John 12:47 "And if someone hears my sayings and does not keep them, I do not judge him. For I did not come in order to judge the world, but to save the world.


1. Explain Gospel of John 12:47.

Gospel of John 12:47 "And if someone hears my sayings (in the Gospel) and does not keep (obey) them, I (Jesus) do not judge him (because the behaviour of each human has already judged them). For I (Jesus) did not come in order to judge the world, but to save the world (by delivering the word of Allah in the Gospel as a light for rejecting sin and as a light for promoting righteous human behaviour and as a light for the judgement of good and evil and right and wrong).


1-1. Before Jesus Allah sent Moses 3200 years ago.

"And if someone hears my sayings (in the Torah) and does not keep (obey) them, I (Moses) do not judge him (because the behaviour of each human has already judged them). For I (Moses) did not come in order to judge the world, but to save the world (by delivering the word of Allah in the Torah as a light for rejecting sin and as a light for promoting righteous human behaviour and as a light for the judgement of good and evil and right and wrong).


1-2. After Jesus Allah sent Muhammad 1400 years ago.

"And if someone hears my sayings (in the Quran) and does not keep (obey) them, I (Muhammad) do not judge him (because the behaviour of each human has already judged them). For I (Muhammad) did not come in order to judge the world, but to save the world (by delivering the word of Allah in the Quran as a light for rejecting sin and as a light for promoting righteous human behaviour and as a light for the judgement of good and evil and right and wrong).


Gospel of John 12:48 The person rejecting me and not believing my statements, has what judges him: the word which I spoke, that will judge him at the last day.


1. Explain Gospel of John 12:48.

Gospel of John 12:48 The person rejecting me (Jesus) and not believing my statements (in the Gospel), has what judges him: the word which I (Jesus) spoke (in the Gospel), that will judge him at the last day (in the Hereafter on the day of Judgement).


1-1. Before Jesus Allah sent Moses 3200 years ago.

The person rejecting me (Moses) and not believing my statements (in the Torah), has what judges him: the word which I (Moses) spoke (in the Torah), that will judge him at the last day (in the Hereafter on the day of Judgement).


1-2. After Jesus Allah sent Muhammad 1400 years ago.

The person rejecting me (Muhammad) and not believing my statements (in the Quran), has what judges him: the word which I (Muhammad) spoke (in the Quran), that will judge him at the last day (in the Hereafter on the day of Judgement).


2. Throughout history Allah has sent human prophets or messengers or messiahs.


2-1. Throughout history Allah has decreed that communities of humans be guided by the teachings of a prophet or a messenger or a messiah.

Gospel of John 6:39 And this is the will of him (Allah) who sent me (Jesus as the prophet and messenger and messiah of Allah): that of all flesh (humans) that he (Allah) has given me (Prophet Jesus, Messenger Jesus, Messiah Jesus) …”


(Note 1. Before the time of Jesus.

In the time of Moses Allah gave a community of humans to Moses.

Those people who lived in the time of Moses and other people who later claimed to follow the teachings of Moses will see Moses on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement.

Moses and the angels will speak for or against them nothing except what Allah had decreed them to speak.


(Note 2. In the time of Jesus.

In the time of Jesus Allah gave a community of humans to Jesus.

Those people who lived in the time of Jesus and other people who later claimed to follow the teachings of Jesus will see Jesus on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement.

Jesus and the angels will speak for or against them nothing except what Allah had decreed them to speak.


(Note 3. After the time of Jesus.

In the time of Muhammad Allah gave a community of humans to Muhammad.

Those people who lived in the time of Muhammad and other people who later claimed to follow the teachings of Muhammad will see Muhammad on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement.

Muhammad and the angels will speak for or against them nothing except what Allah had decreed them to speak.


Quran 39:68 Koran 39:68 The Horn (Trumpet) is blown and all who are in the heavens and the earth shall fall down dead except whoever Allah wills. Then it (the Horn, Trumpet) is blown a second time and they (the resurrected humans) shall all be standing and looking.


Quran 39:69 Koran 39:69 And the earth (meaning, the land in the hereafter) shall shine with the light of its Lord (Allah, when Allah shall come to judge men and women on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) and the Book (of their good and bad deeds) shall be shown. (In the judgement of each person) the Prophets (the messenger of Allah in the time of that person or the messenger of Allah that the person claimed to follow) and the witnesses (the Holy angels including the Holy Spirit and humans) shall be brought and it (the good and bad deeds of men and women) shall be judged between them (the Prophets and the witnesses and the Book of their good and bad deeds) with (the) truth (as Allah decreed) and they (those who are judged) shall not be wronged (by any incorrect judgement of what they did during their lifetime on the Earth).

(Note 1. The prophet who is the messenger of Allah that each person claimed to follow or who lived during their time will be present at their judgement on the Day of Judgement.


Quran 78:38 Koran 78:38 The Day (of Judgement) when the Spirit (angel Gabriel) and the (other) angels shall stand in rows and they shall not speak except for the one whom the most merciful (Allah) allows (to speak) and they (the Spirit and the other angels) shall say what is correct.


Quran 39:70 Koran 39:70 And every soul shall be paid in full for what it did (in the life of the world). He (Allah) is aware of what they do (without need of knowledge from the prophets or the witnesses or the Book of good and bad deeds which are used to show each person that the judgement of Allah is correct).


Gospel of John 12:49 For I from myself have not spoken; rather, the Father who sent me, he has given me commandment, what I should say, and how I should speak.


1. Explain Gospel of John 12:49.

Gospel of John 12:49 For I (Jesus) from myself have not spoken; rather, the Father (Allah) who sent me (Jesus as the messenger of Allah), he (Allah through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel) has given me (Jesus) commandment, what I (Jesus) should say, and how I (Jesus) should speak.  


1-2. Before Jesus Allah sent Moses 3200 years ago.

For I (Moses) from myself have not spoken; rather, the Father (Allah) who sent me (Moses as the messenger of Allah), he (Allah through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel) has given me (Moses) commandment, what I (Moses) should say, and how I (Moses) should speak.  


1-3. After Jesus Allah sent Muhammad 1400 years ago.

For I (Muhammad) from myself have not spoken; rather, the Father (Allah) who sent me (Muhammad as the messenger of Allah), he (Allah through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel) has given me (Muhammad) commandment, what I (Muhammad) should say, and how I (Muhammad) should speak.  


Gospel of Luke 1:19 “…I am Gabriel, one who stands in the presence of Allah and I have been sent to speak to you …”


Gospel of Luke 1:35 And in answer the angel (the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel who came in the form of a man) said to her (the virgin Mary), "The Holy Spirit (the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel who will come in the form of a dove, a body with wings, an angel) will come upon you (to deliver to your womb a soul created by Allah for your son Jesus), and the power of the Most High (Allah) will overshadow you (so that what Allah has decreed is fulfilled without failure). For this reason also, the one to be born will be called holy (the blessed), the Son of Allah (meaning the servant of Allah, the slave of Allah, the prophet and messenger and messiah sent by Allah). 

(Note 1. The power is Allah who is the creator of every creation.

(Note 2. Mary and Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the created servants of Allah.

(Note 3. Allah created the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel and Allah shows how Allah revealed Himself to humans such as Mary and Jesus through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel.

(Note 4. Allah created Jesus and there is not one creation that Allah has not created because Allah is the creator of every creation.

(Note 5. Angels including the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel may appear in the form of a man or in their true form as a body with wings (like a bird, like a dove, an angel).


Gospel of Luke 3:22 and the Holy Spirit descended on him (Jesus) in the bodily form of a dove (a body with wings, an angel) …”


Quran 2:97 Koran 2:97 Say (Prophet Muhammad, to the people), who is against (Angel) Gabriel? because it is he (Angel Gabriel) who has revealed this (Scripture, the Quran) to your heart (Prophet Muhammad) by Allah’s permission, confirming what was revealed before it (in the Gospel and in the Torah), and as a guidance and good news for those who believe.


Quran 2:253 Koran 2:253 “… To (messenger, prophet and messiah) Jesus the son of Mary We (Allah through the Holy Spirit) gave signs (of his truthfulness) and strengthened him (Jesus) with (guidance through) the Holy Spirit (Angel Gabriel, the Holy Ghost) …”



2. Is Jesus Allah?


Gospel of Mark 15:34 And at 3:00 P.M. Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Elohi, Elohi, lema shevaqtani?"— which when translated is, "My Allah, my Allah, why have you forsaken me (Jesus, the one who is your servant)?"

Gospel of Matthew 27:46 And at about the ninth hour, Jesus cried out in a very loud voice, saying, "Eli, Eli, lema shebaqtani?" Which means, "My Allah, my Allah, why have you forsaken me (Jesus, the one who is your servant, your prophet, your messenger)?"

(Note 1. Jesus is not Allah because Jesus said to Allah, "My Allah, my Allah, why have you forsaken me (Jesus, the one who is your servant, your prophet, your messenger)?"

(Note 2. Jesus is seen three days later as proof that Allah did not forsake Jesus.

(Note 3. Jesus is seen three days later as proof that Allah does not forsake those that call out in prayer to Allah.

(Note 4. Who is Allah?

Jesus is not Allah because Jesus called out "My Allah, my Allah” in prayer to Allah.

(Note 5. What does “My Allah” mean?

My Allah means the Allah “in heaven” because no one on the Earth is Allah.

See Gospel of Matthew 23:9 (below).


Gospel of Matthew 23:9 (Jesus said) and call no one on earth (including Jesus) your father (Allah), because there is only one father (Allah) for you, the heavenly one …”

(Note 1. Was Jesus on the Earth? Answer Yes.

(Note 2. Did Jesus say “call no one on earth your father (Allah).” Answer Yes.

(Note 3. Jesus was on the Earth therefore Jesus says Jesus is not Allah.

(Note 4. Why did Jesus say that no one on the Earth (including Jesus) is Allah? Answer “because there is only one father (Allah) for you, the heavenly one …”

(Note 5. No one on the Earth is Allah because everything on the Earth (including Jesus) is created by Allah.

Allah is not in one place however to make clear that Jesus is not Allah the expression “Allah in heaven” is used to show that Jesus who is on the Earth is not Allah).

(Note 6. Jesus said “there is only one father (Allah) for you, the heavenly one.” Therefore Jesus who is on the Earth denies that Jesus is Allah.

(Note 7. Jesus has made clear from his mouth that Jesus is not Allah so who does Jesus say he is?

(Note 8. Who is Allah? Jesus is not Allah because “there is only one father (Allah) for you, the heavenly one.”


Gospel of Mark 13:32 (Jesus who was the prophet and messenger of Allah 2000 years ago said) "But as to that day or that hour (of the Day of Resurrection), no one knows, not even the angels in heaven (the Holy Spirit and the other angels who are servants of Allah), not even the Son (Jesus who is a servant of Allah), but only the Father (Allah who is the creator of every creation). 

(Note 1. Only Allah knows the hour of the Day of Resurrection.

The Holy Ghost revealed to Jesus that only Allah knows the hour of the Day of Resurrection therefore Jesus is not Allah and the Holy Spirit is not Allah because both Jesus and the Holy Spirit are created by Allah.


Gospel of Matthew 24:36 (Jesus who was the prophet and messenger of Allah 2000 years ago said) But as for that day and hour (of the Day of Resurrection), no one knows it except the Father (Allah) alone; not even the angels of heaven (the Holy Spirit and the other angels who are servants of Allah), not even the Son (Jesus who is a servant of Allah). 

(Note 1. Only Allah knows the hour of the Day of Resurrection.

The Holy Spirit revealed to Jesus that only Allah knows the hour of the Day of Resurrection therefore Jesus is not Allah and the Holy Spirit is not Allah because both Jesus and the Holy Spirit are created by Allah.


2-1. If Jesus is not Allah then who is Jesus?

Allah confirms that Jesus is a prophet of Allah.


Torah Deuteronomy 18:18 (Therefore) I (Allah) shall raise up for them a prophet (Prophet Joshua Yusha followed by prophet after prophet, messenger after messenger) like you (Prophet Moses) from among their own brothers (Isaac and Ishmael are brothers and descendants and brethren to the children of Israel and the Arabian people through Prophet Abraham who was the father of Isaac and Ishmael) and I (Allah through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel) shall put my (Allah’s) words in the mouth of the prophet, who shall speak to them (the people) everything that I (Allah) command.”

(Note 1. The words of a prophet of Allah are the words of Allah.


Gospel of Matthew 21:11 And the crowds would say, "This is the prophet Jesus, from Nazareth, Galilee."  

Note 1. Jesus was a prophet is the correct belief about Jesus.


Gospel of John 6:14 Then the people, having seen the miraculous sign he (Jesus the messenger of Allah) had done, were saying, "This (Jesus) surely is the Prophet who was to come into the world."


Gospel of John 9:17 Then they are talking to the blind man again: "What do you say about him (Jesus)? For it was your eyes he (Jesus) opened." And he (the blind man) said, "He (Jesus) is a prophet."


Gospel of Luke 24:19 And he said to them, "What things?" And they said to him, "The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet powerful in deed and in word, in the eyes of both Allah and all the people;  

Note 1. Jesus was a prophet in the sight of both Allah and all the people is the correct belief about Jesus.


Gospel of Luke 7:16 And fear (awe) took hold of all, and they praised Allah, saying, "A great prophet (named Jesus) has been raised up among us (the children of Israel)," and, Allah (through His prophet) has come to help his people (the children of Israel)." 

Note 1. When Jesus brought the dead back to life the Jews called Jesus a prophet and not Allah.

Note 2. When the dead are brought back to life the Jews thank Allah for sending Prophet Jesus to them.

Note 3. The Jewish people who saw the dead brought back to life understood the difference between a created human prophet named Jesus and Allah who is the creator of every creation.


2-2. Jesus confirmed Jesus is a prophet of Allah.

Torah Deuteronomy 18:18 (Therefore) I (Allah) shall raise up for them a prophet (Prophet Joshua Yusha followed by prophet after prophet, messenger after messenger) like you (Prophet Moses) from among their own brothers (Isaac and Ishmael are brothers and descendants and brethren to the children of Israel and the Arabian people through Prophet Abraham who was the father of Isaac and Ishmael) and I (Allah through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel) shall put my (Allah’s) words in the mouth of the prophet, who shall speak to them (the people) everything that I (Allah) command.”

(Note 1. The words of a prophet of Allah are the words of Allah.


Gospel of John 7:16 Jesus therefore answered them and said, "My teaching (what Jesus says) is not mine (not made by Jesus), but rather his (Allah) who sent me (Jesus, as the prophet and messenger of Allah).

(Note 1. Jesus confirmed Jesus is a prophet of Allah.

Allah sends prophets to deliver messages from Allah.

See Torah Deuteronomy 18:18.


Gospel of John 12:49 For I (Jesus) from myself have not spoken; rather, the Father (Allah) who sent me (Jesus as the messenger of Allah), he (Allah through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel) has given me (Jesus) commandment, what I (Jesus) should say, and how I (Jesus) should speak. 

(Note 1. Jesus confirmed Jesus is a prophet of Allah.

Allah commands a prophet of Allah in the words the prophet speaks and in what the prophet does. See Torah Deuteronomy 18:18.


Gospel of John 14:24 One who does not love me (Jesus who is the messenger of Allah) will not keep my word (which Allah has asked Jesus to deliver). And the word (of Allah) that you are hearing (Jesus deliver) is not mine (from Jesus, because Jesus is only the messenger who delivers the message), but (the message Jesus is delivering is from) the Father's (Allah), who sent me (Jesus as the prophet and messenger of Allah).

(Note 1. Jesus confirmed Jesus is a prophet of Allah.

Allah commands a prophet of Allah in the words the prophet speaks and in what the prophet does. See Torah Deuteronomy 18:18.


Gospel of John 16:5 But now, I (the soul of Jesus) am going to the one (Allah) who sent me (Jesus as the prophet and messenger and messiah of Allah), and none of you is asking me, 'Where are you going?'

(Note 1. Jesus is not Allah because Jesus was sent by Allah.

(Note 2. Jesus is not Allah because Jesus is a servant of Allah.

(Note 3. Jesus is not Allah because Jesus is a human prophet and messenger and messiah.

(Note 4. Jesus is not Allah because Jesus is human like the humans that came before Jesus and after Jesus.


Torah Deuteronomy 18:22 When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord (Allah), if what he says does not happen then that is the thing that the Lord (Allah) has not spoken and the prophet has spoken it presumptuously (meaning speaking for himself and not for Allah) so you should not be afraid of him (because he has said something that Allah did not tell him to say).

(Note 1. A prophet of Allah speaks in the name of Allah and correctly foretells the future.

See Torah Deuteronomy 18:18.


Gospel of Luke 13:33 Regardless, I (Jesus) would have to be continuing (doing the works Allah has command Jesus to do) on today and tomorrow and the next day. For (because) it is not possible for a prophet to be killed outside Jerusalem (because Allah through the Holy Spirit had revealed to Jesus that the plot to kill Jesus was in Jerusalem Al-Quds)!

(Note 1. Jesus confirmed Jesus is a prophet of Allah.

Jesus confirmed Jesus is a prophet of Allah and as a prophet of Allah Jesus foretold that it is not possible for Jesus to be killed outside Jerusalem meaning that it was safe for Jesus to continue working in areas that were outside of Jerusalem Al-Quds).

See Torah Deuteronomy 18:22.


Gospel of Matthew 13:57 And they were offended by him (Jesus). And Jesus said to them, "A prophet is not without honor except in his home town, and among his relatives."

(Note 1. Jesus confirmed Jesus is a prophet of Allah.

Jesus confirmed Jesus is a prophet of Allah and as a prophet of Allah Jesus explains that Jesus is respected except by the people of his town.

(Note 2. A prophet of Allah reveals whatever Allah commands the prophet to reveal.

See Torah Deuteronomy 18:18.


2-3. All the people who believed in Allah in the time of Jesus said that Jesus is a prophet of Allah.

Torah Deuteronomy 18:19 It shall happen that whoever shall not pay attention to My words (Allah’s words) which he (the prophet) shall speak in My name (Allah’s name); I (Allah) shall require it from him (meaning that Allah requires the people to listen and to obey Allah’s prophets).

(Note 1. A prophet of Allah speaks in the name of Allah.

(Note 2. Everyone who believed in Allah in the time of Jesus said that Jesus is a prophet because in Torah Deuteronomy 18:19 Allah commands the children of Israel to listen to the word of Allah that is delivered by the prophet of Allah.


Gospel of Matthew 21:10 And when he came into Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred, saying, "Who is this?"

Gospel of Matthew 21:11 And the crowds would say, "This is the prophet Jesus, from Nazareth, Galilee."

(Note 1. All the people who believed in Allah in the time of Jesus said that Jesus is a prophet of Allah.


Gospel of Luke 1:32 This man will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High (Allah, the Son of Allah meaning the Servant of Allah). And the Lord Allah will give him the throne of his father David,

Gospel of Luke 7:16 And fear took hold of all, and they praised Allah, saying, "A great prophet has been raised up among us (the children of Israel)," and, (by sending the great Prophet Jesus) "Allah has come to help his people (the children of Israel)." 

(Note 1. All the people who believed in Allah in the time of Jesus said that Jesus is a prophet of Allah.


Gospel of Luke 24:19 “… Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet powerful in deed and in word, in the eyes of both Allah and all the people;

(Note 1. All the people who believed in Allah in the time of Jesus said that Jesus is a prophet of Allah.


2-4. Jesus confirmed that Jesus is not Allah.

Gospel of John 5:30 I (Jesus) from myself (my will) am not able to do a thing (because everything has been determined by Allah who is the creator of every creation); only as I (Jesus) hear (the will of Allah as told to Jesus by the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel) do I (Jesus then) judge, and my judgment is righteous, because I (Jesus) am not seeking (to follow) my own will, but (I seek to follow) the will of him (Allah) who sent me (Jesus with guidance from the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel who is the angel that stands in the presence of Allah to deliver the will of Allah to the Earth).

(Note 1. Jesus confirms that Jesus is not Allah.

Jesus is not Allah because like every prophet of Allah before him Jesus obeys the commands of Allah.

Torah Deuteronomy 18:18 “… I (Allah through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel) shall put my (Allah’s) words in the mouth of the prophet, who shall speak to them (the people) everything that I (Allah) command.”

(Note 2. Everything on the Earth is done by Allah through the angels of Allah.

Gospel of Luke 1:19 “…I am Gabriel, one who stands in the presence of Allah and I have been sent to speak to you …”


Gospel of Luke 1:35 And in answer the angel (the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel who came in the form of a man) said to her (the virgin Mary), "The Holy Spirit (the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel who will come in the form of a dove, a body with wings, an angel) will come upon you (to deliver to your womb a soul created by Allah for your son Jesus), and the power of the Most High (Allah) will overshadow you (so that what Allah has decreed is fulfilled without failure). For this reason also, the one to be born will be called holy (the blessed), the Son of Allah (meaning the servant of Allah, the slave of Allah, the prophet and messenger and messiah sent by Allah). 

(Note 1. The power is Allah who is the creator of every creation.

(Note 2. Mary and Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the created servants of Allah.

(Note 3. Allah created the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel and Allah shows how Allah revealed Himself to humans such as Mary and Jesus through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel.

(Note 4. Allah created Jesus and there is not one creation that Allah has not created because Allah is the creator of every creation.

(Note 5. Angels including the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel may appear in the form of a man or in their true form as a body with wings (like a bird, like a dove, an angel).


Gospel of Luke 3:22 and the Holy Spirit descended on him (Jesus) in the bodily form of a dove (a body with wings, an angel) …”


Gospel of John 7:16 Jesus therefore answered them and said, "My teaching (what Jesus says) is not mine (not made by Jesus), but rather his (Allah) who sent me (Jesus, as the prophet and messenger of Allah).

(Note 1. Jesus confirms that Jesus is not Allah.

Jesus is not Allah because like every prophet of Allah before him Jesus obeys the commands of Allah.

Torah Deuteronomy 18:18 “… I (Allah through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel) shall put my (Allah’s) words in the mouth of the prophet, who shall speak to them (the people) everything that I (Allah) command.”


Gospel of John 13:3 and aware that the Father (Allah) had given all things into his hands (because every prophet and messenger of Allah is given all things since everything a prophet and messenger of Allah does is what Allah has willed them to do), and that he (Jesus) had come forth from Allah (just as every human soul has come from Allah) and to Allah he (Jesus) was going (just as every human soul is returned to Allah),

(Note 1. Jesus confirms that Jesus is not Allah.

Jesus is not Allah because like every prophet of Allah before him Jesus obeys the commands of Allah.

Torah Deuteronomy 18:18 “… I (Allah through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel) shall put my (Allah’s) words in the mouth of the prophet, who shall speak to them (the people) everything that I (Allah) command.”

(Note 1. What Jesus said and did was not from Jesus but was given to Jesus from Allah.

The originator of the message is Allah.

Jesus is only delivering the message.

Gospel of John 13:3 and aware that the Father (Allah) had given all things into his hands …”

(Note 2. 2000 years ago Jesus had the supreme authority to speak in the name of Allah and as proof that Jesus was a messenger of Allah; Allah permitted Jesus to show all types of miracles as proof that Jesus was a truthful prophet and messenger of Allah.


Gospel of John 14:24 One who does not love me (Jesus who is the messenger of Allah) will not keep my word (which Allah has asked Jesus to deliver). And the word (of Allah) that you are hearing (Jesus deliver) is not mine (from Jesus, because Jesus is only the messenger who delivers the message), but (the message Jesus is delivering is from) the Father's (Allah), who sent me (Jesus as the prophet and messenger of Allah).

(Note 1. Jesus confirms that Jesus is not Allah.

Jesus is not Allah because like every prophet of Allah before him Jesus obeys the commands of Allah.

Torah Deuteronomy 18:18 “… I (Allah through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel) shall put my (Allah’s) words in the mouth of the prophet, who shall speak to them (the people) everything that I (Allah) command.”


Gospel of John 16:3 And these (wicked) things they (who kill each other) will do, because they have not known the Father (Allah), neither me (Jesus the messenger of Allah).

(Note 1. Jesus said Jesus is not Allah.

Jesus said people are wicked because they do not know Allah and they do not know Jesus who is the messenger of Allah.

Allah the creator and Jesus the human are two different things.

Allah and Jesus is not the same thing.

Allah is the creator but Jesus is a creation just as every human is a creation.


Gospel of John 16:5 But now, I (the soul of Jesus) am going to the one (Allah) who sent me (Jesus as the prophet and messenger and messiah of Allah), and none of you is asking me, 'Where are you going?'

(Note 1. Jesus is not Allah because Jesus was sent by Allah.

(Note 2. Jesus is not Allah because Jesus is a servant of Allah.

(Note 3. Jesus is not Allah because Jesus is a human prophet and messenger and messiah.

(Note 4. Jesus is not Allah because Jesus is human like the humans that came before Jesus and after Jesus.


Gospel of Mark 12:29 (What is the most important commandment of Allah) Jesus answered, "Primary is this: 'Hear, O Israel, Yahweh is our Allah, Yahweh alone." 

(Note 1. This verse is also written “The first commandment (of Allah) is this: “Hear, O (all the children of) Israel, The LORD is our Allah, The LORD is one (Allah).”

(Note 2. Jesus confirms that Jesus is not Allah.

Jesus is not Allah because like every prophet of Allah before him Jesus includes himself with the people by calling Allah our Allah.


2-5. Jesus does not know the hour of the Day of Resurrection because only Allah knows.

Only Allah knows the hour of the Day of Resurrection.

Gospel of Mark 13:32 (Jesus who was the prophet and messenger of Allah 2000 years ago said) "But as to that day or that hour (of the Day of Resurrection), no one knows, not even the angels in heaven (the Holy Spirit and the other angels who are servants of Allah), not even the Son (Jesus who is a servant of Allah), but only the Father (Allah who is the creator of every creation). 

(Note 1. Only Allah knows the hour of the Day of Resurrection.


Gospel of Matthew 24:36 (Jesus who was the prophet and messenger of Allah 2000 years ago said) But as for that day and hour (of the Day of Resurrection), no one knows it except the Father (Allah) alone; not even the angels of heaven (the Holy Spirit and the other angels who are servants of Allah), not even the Son (Jesus who is a servant of Allah). 

Note 1. If Allah is one then the Gospel would teach that Jesus does not know the hour. 

Note 2. If Allah is three in one then the Gospel would teach both Jesus and Allah know the hour. 

Note 3. In the Gospel Jesus is not Allah because Jesus does not know the hour meaning the teaching that Jesus is Allah or part of Allah contradicts the Gospel meaning Trinity was invented after the time of Jesus and after the writing of the Gospels.

Note 4. There is only one Allah because no one is equal to Allah not Jesus and not the angels. 

Note 5. Jesus is like the angels and other creations meaning Jesus is not like Allah. 

In the Gospel Jesus is not Allah or part of Allah because Jesus does not know “the hour” because only Allah knows “the hour” meaning “Allah is one’ not three in one. 

Note 6. What does Son of Allah mean?

Son means servant of Allah. 

The Quran warns against misunderstanding the meaning of son because some Christians thought that son was a real biological son instead of correctly knowing that son means servant of Allah.


A. Jesus is the son of man meaning he is a human messenger of Allah and he is the son of Allah meaning he is the servant of Allah delivering the message of Allah so his mention with angels in Gospel of Mark 13:32 and Gospel of Matthew 24:36 means that angel messengers of Allah and human messengers of Allah both do not know the hour meaning do not confuse angel and human messengers with Allah because only Allah knows the hour but His angel and human messengers like Jesus and Moses do not know the hour meaning pray only to Allah and not to the angel and human messengers of Allah.


B. “I and the father are one” describes all the messengers of Allah because they are the word of Allah made flesh (human). For example both Moses and Jesus are the word of Allah made flesh (human) because they are delivering the word of Allah which Allah has put into their mouth to deliver as described in Deuteronomy 18:18. Everyone who obeys Allah is “one with Allah.” and in the Gospels Jesus asks Allah to also make his disciples one with Him which confirms that the meaning of we are one is to obey Allah.


C. All power is with Allah and not with the messengers of Allah like Moses and Jesus.

Gospel of Matthew 20:23 He (Jesus) says to them, "My cup you will indeed drink, but to sit on my right or on my left is not mine to grant, but is only for those for whom it has been prepared by my Father (Allah)." 

Note 1. Jesus says he can not grant a request because it is Allah (not Jesus) who determines every thing.


D. Regarding what was revealed thousands of years ago in Tanakh Jewish scripture. Allah warns that if anyone claims Allah has changed His word it cannot be true because Allah does not change His word because only humans change their word meaning if anything changes from what Allah revealed thousands of years ago in Tanakh Jewish scripture then you can know it came from humans and not from Allah.


Video 1. Did the early Jews Believe In a Triune Allah? Rabbi Tovia slams pastor John Piper. 

Progressive revelation.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EYSlIByW50 .

Video 2. Jesus is not the way! Rabbi Tovia Singer slams Church for erecting a barrier between man and Allah. The teachings by some in Christianity about Jesus did not come from Judaism but from the Greek Roman world of idol worship as seen when humans pray to Jesus and Mary and dead human saints instead of praying direct to Allah as taught by every prophet in the Jewish Scriptures.  Jesus prayed to Allah in all the four Gospels in the same way as all the Jews in his time all prayed directly to Allah.



Quran 5:116 Koran 5:116 And when Allah said, “O Jesus, son of Mary, did you say to humankind, take me (Jesus) and my mother (Mary) for two gods (that you can pray to) along side (with) Allah (so that some people believed that Jesus and Mary and Allah are partners in a Trinity because 1400 years ago and today some Christians pray to Jesus and Mary instead of Allah only or that Jesus and the Holy Spirit and Allah are partners in a Trinity so that 1400 years ago and today some Christians pray to Jesus instead of Allah only)?” He (Jesus) said, “Glorify is only to You (Allah, who is our creator), it was not for me (Jesus) to say what I (Jesus) have no right to say. If I (Jesus) said it then You (Allah) know it. You (Allah) know what is in my mind but I (Jesus) do not know what is in Your (Allah’s) Mind. You (Allah) and only You know the unseen things.”

(Note 1. Jesus is not Allah because Allah knows what is in the mind of Jesus but Jesus does not know what is in the mind of Allah.

Jesus only knows what Allah allows Jesus to know.


Quran 5:117 Koran 5:117 I (Jesus) told them (the children of Israel in Judea today in Israel and Palestine) only what You (Allah) commanded me, (saying), “Worship Allah, (Allah is) my Lord and your Lord. I was a witness (that I said these words) to them when I lived among them and when You (Allah) took me You (Allah) watched over them (and You Allah know everything they said and did). You (Allah) are the Witness to all things.


Quran 5:118 Koran 5:118 – (And Jesus shall explain that Jesus is a servant and Allah is the master by saying) “If You (Allah) punish them (it is because) they are Your  servants and if You (Allah) forgive them (it is also because they are Your  servants) then surely You (Allah) and only You (Allah) are all mighty and all wise.”


Quran 5:119 Koran 5:119 Allah shall say, “This is the day (the Day of Judgement) when benefit shall come from the truth (told) by those who have been truthful, for them are Gardens underneath which rivers flow, where they shall be secure forever (in the hereafter), Allah taking pleasure in them and they in Him (Allah). That is the great success (in the hereafter).


Quran 5:120 Koran 5:120 To Allah belong the heavens and the earth and everything in them. He (Allah) has power over all things.

(Note 1. Jesus is not Allah because Allah is greater than Jesus.

Jesus said that Jesus is not Allah because Jesus said that Allah is greater then Jesus.

Gospel of John 14:28 "… If you loved me, you would rejoice that I (Jesus) am going to the Father (Allah), for the Father (Allah) is greater than I (Jesus).


2-6. Jesus is not Allah because Allah said that Allah is not a human.

Allah warns against the belief that a human can be Allah because that is the belief in human idol worship.

Torah Numbers 23:19 (Allah said, through the month of Balaam) “Allah is not a man, that He should lie, neither (is He) the son of a man, that He (Allah) should repent (for your sins). When He has said (something) shall He not do it? Or when He has spoken, shall He not make it good. ..."

(Note 1. Jesus is not Allah because Allah warned in the Torah that Allah is not a human.

Jesus never said Jesus is Allah.

Jesus said Jesus is a prophet of Allah.

Jesus said Jesus is a messenger of Allah.

Jesus said Jesus is a messiah.

(Note 2. The belief that a human can be Allah is the belief in human idol worship.


Jewish Hebrew Bible 1 Samuel 15:29 And also the Glory of Israel (Allah) will not lie nor repent (for your sin); for He (Allah) is not a man, that He (Allah) should repent (for your sin).'

(Note 1. Jesus is not Allah because Allah warned that Allah is not a human.

(Note 2. The belief that a human can be Allah is the belief in human idol worship.


Jewish Hebrew Bible Hosea 11:9 I (Allah) will not execute the fierceness of Mine anger, I (Allah) will not return to destroy Ephraim; for I am Allah, and not man, (Allah is) the Holy One in the midst of you; and I (Allah) will not come in fury (anger).

(Note 1. Jesus is not Allah because Allah warned that Allah is not a human.

(Note 2. The belief that a human can be Allah is the belief in human idol worship.


Jewish Hebrew Bible Malachi 3:6 For I the LORD (Allah) do not change; and you, O sons of Jacob (the descendants of the children of Israel), are not consumed (destroyed).

(Note 1. Jesus is not Allah because Allah warned that Allah does not change from one form (the creator) to another form (a human creation) and because Allah does not change humans do not perish when they die.


Jewish Hebrew Bible Psalms 102:27 They (the creations) shall perish (pass away), but You (Allah) shall endure (go on) ; Yes, all of them (that are creations) shall wax (grow) old like a garment (clothing); as (like) a vesture (cloths) You (Allah) shall change them (creations), and they (that are creations) shall pass away;

Jewish Hebrew Bible Psalms 102:28 But You (Allah) are the selfsame (Allah does not change), and Your (Allah’s) years shall have no end (meaning Allah exists forever because Allah does not change).

(Note 1. Jesus is not Allah because Allah is not a creation that passes away.

(Note 2. Jesus is not Allah because Allah was never born and Allah never dies.

(Note 3. There is only one Allah because there is only one living thing (or existing thing) that was never born and never dies and that is the thing we call Allah who is the creator of every creation.


3. Is Allah a Trinity?


3-1. What is Trinity?

The Gospel does not say that Allah is a Trinity.

Humans have made their own invented idea that Allah is a Trinity.

The definition of Trinity is:

In a Trinity Allah is one, in three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The three are equal in power and glory; they are one Allah, yet distinct persons, and he/they relate together as individual persons while also acting as one Allah. They have an eternal relationship of perfect, willing submission.


3-2. Is the Trinity of Allah true or false?

If Trinity is true then the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit must be equal in power and glory.

Gospel of Mark 13:32 (Jesus who was the prophet and messenger of Allah 2000 years ago said) "But as to that day or that hour (of the Day of Resurrection), no one knows, not even the angels in heaven (the Holy Spirit and the other angels who are servants of Allah), not even the Son (Jesus who is a servant of Allah), but only the Father (Allah who is the creator of every creation). 

(Note 1. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are not equal because only Allah knows the hour of the Day of Resurrection end.

Jesus does not know the hour of the Day of Resurrection because only Allah knows.

The Holy Spirit does not know the hour of the Day of Resurrection because only Allah knows.

(Note 2. Jesus and the Holy Spirit do not have power and glory that is equal to Allah because Allah knows something that Jesus and the Holy Spirit do not know.

(Note 3. Allah is not a Trinity who shares equal power and glory with creations because only Allah knows everything.


Gospel of Matthew 24:36 (Jesus who was the prophet and messenger of Allah 2000 years ago said) But as for that day and hour (of the Day of Resurrection), no one knows it except the Father (Allah) alone; not even the angels of heaven (the Holy Spirit and the other angels who are servants of Allah), not even the Son (Jesus who is a servant of Allah). 

Note 1. If Allah is one then the Gospel would teach that Jesus does not know the hour. 

Note 2. If Allah is three in one then the Gospel would teach both Jesus and Allah know the hour. 

Note 3. In the Gospel Jesus is not Allah because Jesus does not know the hour meaning the teaching that Jesus is Allah or part of Allah contradicts the Gospel meaning Trinity was invented after the time of Jesus and after the writing of the Gospels.

Note 4. There is only one Allah because no one is equal to Allah not Jesus and not the angels. 

Note 5. Jesus is like the angels and other creations meaning Jesus is not like Allah. 

In the Gospel Jesus is not Allah or part of Allah because Jesus does not know “the hour” because only Allah knows “the hour” meaning “Allah is one’ not three in one. 

Note 6. What does Son of Allah mean?

Son means servant of Allah. 

The Quran warns against misunderstanding the meaning of son because some Christians thought that son was a real biological son instead of correctly knowing that son means servant of Allah.


Gospel of Luke 22:43 And an angel from heaven appeared to him (Jesus), strengthening him (Jesus).

(Note 1. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are not equal because Allah does not need angels to strengthen Allah.

(Note 2. Jesus and the Holy Spirit do not have power and glory that is equal to Allah because Allah does not need to be strengthened.

(Note 3. Allah is not a Trinity who shares equal power and glory with creations because Allah has no need to be strengthened.


Gospel of John 5:30 I (Jesus) from myself (my will) am not able to do a thing (because everything has been determined by Allah who is the creator of every creation); only as I (Jesus) hear (the will of Allah as told to Jesus by the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel) do I (Jesus then) judge, and my judgment is righteous, because I (Jesus) am not seeking (to follow) my own will, but (I seek to follow) the will of him (Allah) who sent me (Jesus with guidance from the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel who is the angel that stands in the presence of Allah to deliver the will of Allah to the Earth).

(Note 1. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are not equal because Allah sent the Holy Spirit and Allah sent Jesus.

(Note 2. Jesus and the Holy Spirit do not have power and glory that is equal to Allah because Jesus and the Holy Spirit are servants that are sent by Allah.

(Note 3. The will of Jesus is not able to do anything because only Allah has the power to determine everything.

(Note 4. Allah is not a Trinity who shares equal power and glory with creations because only Allah has the power to will anything and everything.


Gospel of John 14:28 "You heard how I (Jesus) said to you (the disciples of Jesus), 'I (Jesus) am going away, and will be coming to you (the disciples of Jesus).' If you (the disciples of Jesus) loved me (Jesus the messenger of Allah), you would rejoice that I (Jesus) am going to the Father (Allah), for the Father (Allah) is greater than I (Jesus, because Allah is the creator and Jesus is a created human).

(Note 1. Jesus is not Allah because Allah is greater than Jesus.

(Note 2. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are not equal because Allah is greater than Jesus.

(Note 3. Jesus and the Holy Spirit do not have power and glory that is equal to Allah because Allah is greater than Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

(Note 4. Allah is not a Trinity who shares equal power and glory with creations because Allah is greater than any creation including Jesus and the Holy Spirit.


Gospel of John 16:5 But now, I (the soul of Jesus) am going to the one (Allah) who sent me (Jesus as the prophet and messenger and messiah of Allah), and none of you is asking me, 'Where are you going?'

(Note 1. Jesus is not Allah because Jesus was sent by Allah.

(Note 2. Jesus is not Allah because Jesus is a servant of Allah.

(Note 3. Jesus is not Allah because Jesus is a human prophet and messenger and messiah.

(Note 4. Jesus is not Allah because Jesus is human like the humans that came before Jesus and after Jesus.

(Note 5. Allah is not a Trinity who shares equal power and glory with creations because Allah is the master and every creation including Jesus and the Holy Spirit are servants of Allah.


3-3. Is the Trinity of Allah true or false?

If Trinity is true then the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit must have a relationship of eternal perfect, willing submission.

Gospel of Matthew 26:39 And then after he had moved forward a little, he (Jesus) fell on his face, praying and saying, "My Father (Allah), if it is possible, remove this cup (task, duty, mission, assignment) from me (Jesus). Nevertheless (I will do), not as I (Jesus) will, but as you (Allah) will."

(Note 1. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit do not have a relationship of eternal perfect, willing submission because Jesus is asking Allah to remove the task that Allah has told Jesus to do.

If the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit had a relationship of eternal perfect, willing submission then Jesus would have known Allah’s intention but Jesus did not know Allah’s intention because Jesus asked Allah to do something if it were possible for Allah to do it.

Gospel of Matthew 26:39 “…he (Jesus) fell on his face, praying and saying, “My Father (Allah), if it is possible, remove this cup (task, duty, mission, assignment) from me (Jesus) …”

(Note 2. Jesus and the Holy Spirit do not know what is in the mind of Allah because Jesus is asking Allah a request (remove this cup) and a question (if it is possible?).

(Note 3. Allah is not a Trinity who has a relationship of eternal perfect, willing submission with creations because Allah knows what is in the mind of every creation but creations including Jesus and the Holy Spirit do not know what is in the mind of Allah unless Allah reveals it to them.


Gospel of Mark 15:34 And at 3:00 P.M. Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Elohi, Elohi, lema shevaqtani?"— which when translated is, "My Allah, my Allah, why have you forsaken me?"

Gospel of Matthew 27:46 And at about the ninth hour, Jesus cried out in a very loud voice, saying, "Eli, Eli, lema shebaqtani?" Which means, "My Allah, my Allah, why have you forsaken me?"

(Note 1. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit do not have a relationship of eternal perfect, willing submission because Jesus is asking Allah a question.

If the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit had a relationship of eternal perfect, willing submission then Jesus would have known Allah’s intention but Jesus did not know Allah’s intention because Jesus asked Allah "My Allah, my Allah, why have you forsaken me?"

(Note 2. Jesus and the Holy Spirit do not know what is in the mind of Allah because Jesus is asking Allah a question ("My Allah, my Allah, why have you forsaken me?").

(Note 3. Allah is not a Trinity who has a relationship of eternal perfect, willing submission with creations because Allah knows what is in the mind of every creation but creations including Jesus and the Holy Spirit do not know what is in the mind of Allah unless Allah reveals it to them.


Gospel of Mark 13:32 (Jesus who was the prophet and messenger of Allah 2000 years ago said) "But as to that day or that hour (of the Day of Resurrection), no one knows, not even the angels in heaven (the Holy Spirit and the other angels who are servants of Allah), not even the Son (Jesus who is a servant of Allah), but only the Father (Allah who is the creator of every creation). 

(Note 1. Jesus and the Holy Spirit do not know the hour of the Day of Resurrection because only Allah knows.

(Note 2. Allah is not a Trinity who has a relationship of eternal perfect, willing submission with creations because Allah knows what is in the mind of every creation but creations including Jesus and the Holy Spirit do not know what is in the mind of Allah unless Allah reveals it to them.


Gospel of Matthew 24:36 (Jesus who was the prophet and messenger of Allah 2000 years ago said) But as for that day and hour (of the Day of Resurrection), no one knows it except the Father (Allah) alone; not even the angels of heaven (the Holy Spirit and the other angels who are servants of Allah), not even the Son (Jesus who is a servant of Allah). 

Note 1. If Allah is one then the Gospel would teach that Jesus does not know the hour. 

Note 2. If Allah is three in one then the Gospel would teach both Jesus and Allah know the hour. 

Note 3. In the Gospel Jesus is not Allah because Jesus does not know the hour meaning the teaching that Jesus is Allah or part of Allah contradicts the Gospel meaning Trinity was invented after the time of Jesus and after the writing of the Gospels.

Note 4. There is only one Allah because no one is equal to Allah not Jesus and not the angels. 

Note 5. Jesus is like the angels and other creations meaning Jesus is not like Allah. 

In the Gospel Jesus is not Allah or part of Allah because Jesus does not know “the hour” because only Allah knows “the hour” meaning “Allah is one’ not three in one. 

Note 6. What does Son of Allah mean?

Son means servant of Allah. 

The Quran warns against misunderstanding the meaning of son because some Christians thought that son was a real biological son instead of correctly knowing that son means servant of Allah.


Quran 5:116 Koran 5:116 And when Allah said, “O Jesus, son of Mary, did you say to humankind, take me (Jesus) and my mother (Mary) for two gods (that you can pray to) along side (with) Allah (so that some people believed that Jesus and Mary and Allah are partners in a Trinity because 1400 years ago and today some Christians pray to Jesus and Mary instead of Allah only or that Jesus and the Holy Spirit and Allah are partners in a Trinity so that 1400 years ago and today some Christians pray to Jesus instead of Allah only)?” He (Jesus) said, “Glorify is only to You (Allah, who is our creator), it was not for me (Jesus) to say what I (Jesus) have no right to say. If I (Jesus) said it then You (Allah) know it. You (Allah) know what is in my mind but I (Jesus) do not know what is in Your (Allah’s) Mind. You (Allah) and only You know the unseen things.”

(Note 1. Jesus is not Allah because Allah knows what is in the mind of Jesus but Jesus does not know what is in the mind of Allah.

Jesus only knows what Allah allows Jesus to know.


3-4. Is the Trinity of Allah true or false? If Trinity is true then the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit must agree that they are all one Allah.

Gospel of Matthew 23:9 (Jesus said) and call no one on earth (including Jesus) your father (Allah), because there is only one father (Allah) for you, the heavenly one …”

(Note 1. Was Jesus on the Earth? Answer Yes.

(Note 2. Did Jesus say “call no one on earth your father (Allah).” Answer Yes.

(Note 3. Jesus was on the Earth therefore Jesus says Jesus is not Allah.

(Note 4. Why did Jesus say that no one on the Earth (including Jesus) is Allah? Answer “because there is only one father (Allah) for you, the heavenly one …”

(Note 5. No one on the Earth is Allah because everything on the Earth (including Jesus) is created by Allah.

Allah is not in one place however to make clear that Jesus is not Allah the expression “Allah in heaven” is used to show that Jesus who is on the Earth is not Allah).

(Note 6. Jesus said “there is only one father (Allah) for you, the heavenly one.” Therefore Jesus who is on the Earth denies that Jesus is Allah.

(Note 7. Jesus has made clear from his mouth that Jesus is not Allah so who does Jesus say he is?

(Note 8. Allah is not a Trinity because Jesus said there is only one father (Allah) for you, the heavenly one.”

Allah in heaven is the only Allah.

Jesus is on the Earth as proof that Jesus is not Allah and Jesus said “call no one on earth your father (Allah).”

(Note 9. Trinity was invented after Jesus left the Earth to test who believes in the one Allah of the Torah, Gospel and Quran and who believes in a human invented Allah called a Trinity that is rejected by Moses in the Torah and Jesus in the Gospel and Muhammad in the Quran.

(Note 10. Moses in the Torah and Jesus in the Gospel and Muhammad in the Quran all say there is one Allah.

(Note 11. Trinity says Allah is one, in three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The three are equal in power and glory; they are one Allah, yet distinct persons, and he/they relate together as individual persons while also acting as one Allah. They have an eternal relationship of perfect, willing submission.

(Note 12. Trinity says “Allah is one, in three persons.”

Where did the three persons come from?

Who created three persons?

Who is the real creator of the three persons in the Trinity?

Trinity does not make sense because it is a human attempt to idol worship another human called Jesus.

Jesus said the only Allah is “Allah in Heaven” because nothing that is created is Allah since every creation is created by the one Allah.

The explanation that one Allah creates every creation makes sense but the human invention of a Trinity that says “Allah is one, in three persons” is rejected by Jesus because Jesus denies Jesus is Allah and Jesus on the Earth said “call no one on earth your father (Allah)” which means do not call Jesus Allah.

Gospel of Matthew 23:9 (Jesus said) and call no one on earth (including Jesus) your father (Allah), because there is only one father (Allah) for you, the heavenly one …”

(Note 13. Allah is not a Trinity because Jesus said there is only one father (Allah) for you, the heavenly one.”


Gospel of John 16:3 And these (wicked) things they (who kill each other) will do, because they have not known the Father (Allah), neither me (Jesus the messenger of Allah).

(Note 1. Jesus said Jesus and Allah are two different things.

Jesus said people are wicked because they do not know Allah and they do not know Jesus who is the messenger of Allah.

Allah the creator and Jesus the human are two different things.

(Note 2. Allah is not a Trinity because Jesus said Allah and Jesus is not the same thing since Allah is the creator but Jesus is a creation just as every human is a creation.


Gospel of John 20:17 Jesus says to her (Mary Magdala who was one of the followers of Jesus), “Do not cleave (hold on) to me (with amazement, believe me I am not dead), for I have not yet ascended to the Father (Allah): but (instead of holding on to me) go to my brothers (followers, disciples), and tell them; “I am ascending to my Father and your Father; to my Allah and your Allah.”

(Note 1. Jesus said I am ascending to Allah who is my Allah and your Allah.

(Note 2. Jesus said Allah is my Allah and your Allah.

(Note 3. Jesus said I am ascending to Allah the Father who is my Father and your Father.

(Note 4. Jesus said Father is my Father and your Father.

(Note 5. Jesus worshiped Allah who is his Allah and your Allah.

(Note 6. Jesus worshiped Allah the Father who is his Father and your Father.

(Note 7. Jesus tells us that Allah is the Father of every human because Allah is the creator of every human.

(Note 8. Jesus said “I am ascending to Allah.”

(Note 9. Jesus said “I am ascending to my Allah and your Allah.”

(Note 10. Jesus tells us he is not Allah.

(Note 11. Jesus is created by Allah.

(Note 12. Jesus is following the orders of Allah.

(Note 13. Jesus explains that his soul shall ascend to Allah just as every human soul ascends to Allah.

(Note 14. The human body is not needed in heaven.

(Note 15. The human body is only needed on the Earth.

(Note 16. The Earth is the resting place for the human body.

(Note 17. Heaven is the resting place for the human soul.

(Note 18. Jesus tells us he is not Allah.

(Note 19. Jesus said that he is not Allah because the soul of Jesus will ascend to Allah just as every human soul ascends to Allah.

(Note 20. Jesus tells us that his Allah is the same Allah that created every human.

(Note 21. The Allah of Jesus is the same as the Allah of every human.

(Note 22. Jesus is not Allah because Allah is the creator of Jesus and every other human.

(Note 23. Allah is not a Trinity because Jesus said Jesus (the soul of Jesus) is going to Allah who is in heaven (just as every human soul is returned to heaven and to Allah). In other words Jesus is not Allah.


3-5. Why is Trinity wrong?

Every prophet, messenger and messiah including Jesus revealed that Allah is one Allah.

Trinity is impossible because when humans make a human into a god it is called idol worship.

Allah forbids idol worship in the Ten Commandments of Allah in the Torah.


Torah Deuteronomy 5:7 (In the Ten Commandments of Allah the First commandment from Allah is) You shall have no other gods but Me (The one Allah).


Torah Deuteronomy 5:8 (In the Ten Commandments of Allah the Second commandment from Allah is) You shall not make any graven (man-made image, image carved on any surface such as on wood and stone and metal and glass, engraved images such as those made by scratching or cutting to make an) image (for worship or in a place of worship), even any image that looks like anything that is above you in heaven or that is on the Earth, or that is in the water or under the Earth.

(Note 1. The belief that a created human can be Allah is called human idol worship and is forbidden by Allah in the Torah Ten Commandments.

(Note 2. The idol worship of humans disobeys this commandment as seen in the building of images and statues of Jesus and human saints which Allah has forbidden.


Torah Deuteronomy 5:9 (In the Ten Commandments of Allah the Second commandment from Allah continues) You shall not bow down to them (any human made image) nor serve them (meaning do not direct prayer to such an image, do not direct worship to such an image) because I the Lord your Allah am a jealous Allah (meaning pray to one Allah only) and I (Allah) give punishment to the father (who disobeys this command) and also to his children (who disobeys this command) and also to the third generation and to the fourth generation of them (the children of Israel) that hate me (by disobeying this command). (Continued in Torah Deuteronomy 5:10)

(Note 1. Why is Allah a jealous Allah?

Allah reveals there is one Allah therefore believing that Jesus is Allah disobeys what Allah has revealed which cannot be altered by humans inventing Trinity as a way to believe that a human is Allah.

Allah is jealous when people thank humans instead of thanking Allah who is the creator of every human and every creation.


Torah Deuteronomy 5:10 (In the Ten Commandments of Allah the Second commandment from Allah continues) - And showing mercy to the thousandth generation of them that love Me (Allah) and keep My (Allah’s) commandments.

(Note 1. The Second commandment of Allah continues stating that those that love Allah shall keep this commandment.

(Note 2. If humans lived for 100 years then the thousandth generation of humans would be in 100,000 years.

(Note 3. Allah made clear that no one can cancel the central commandment in the Torah which are the first two commandments given by Allah to Prophet Moses.


Torah Numbers 23:19 (Allah said, through the month of Balaam) “Allah is not a man, that He should lie, neither (is He) the son of a man, that He (Allah) should repent (for your sins). When He has said (something) shall He not do it? Or when He has spoken, shall He not make it good. ..."

(Note 1. Allah is not a human.

(Note 2. Allah is not a creation because Allah is the creator of every creation


3-6. What is the origin of Trinity?

The belief that a creation of Allah is Allah is called idol worship.

The belief that a human creation of Allah is Allah is called human idol worship.


The error of thinking that a human can be Allah in a Trinity of three originated from the hundreds of different statues of gods that were in the form of humans that people worshiped in the time of the Roman Empire 2000 years ago.

Trinity was adopted by the Roman Empire 292 years after Jesus left the Earth so that a new god in the form of a human could compete against the hundreds of other established statues of human gods that were idol worshiped in the time of the Roman Empire.

The belief that Allah is a human leads to a misunderstanding of the Gospel.


Knowing that nothing that is a creation can be Allah because Allah is the creator of every creation leads to the correct interpretation of the Gospel.


Gospel of John 1:1 In the beginning (before anything was created) was the Word (which Allah had decreed), and the Word (which Allah had decreed) was with Allah, and the Word (which Allah had decreed) was Allah (meaning everything is decreed by Allah).

(Note 1. Before anything was created Allah already existed.

(Note 2. Before anything was created Allah had decreed the past and the present and the future.


Gospel of John 1:2 He (meaning everything that Allah had decreed) was with Allah in the beginning (meaning Allah decreed the past and the present and the future before anything was created).

(Note 1. Before anything was created Allah had decreed the past and the present and the future.

(Note 2. The decree of the past present and future for every creation was with Allah in the beginning.


Gospel of John 1:3 Through him (Allah) all things were made, and without him (Allah) not one thing was made that has been made.

(Note 1. There is not one creation that Allah has not created therefore Allah created every creation including the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel and Jesus who is a human and a prophet who foretells the future and a messenger who delivers the Gospel and a messiah anointed as a righteous servant of Allah.


Gospel of John 1:4 In him (Allah) was life (that Allah had decreed), and (in) that life (that Allah had decreed there) was the light (of guidance) for humankind.

(Note 1. In the life that Allah created Allah included guidance for human behaviour that is delivered by the prophets of Allah who foretell the future and the messengers of Allah who deliver the Books of Allah (the Torah, Gospel and Quran).


Gospel of John 1:5 And the light (of guidance) shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not mastered it (because darkness is removed when the light of guidance shines).


Gospel of John 6:38 For I (the human Jesus) have come down from heaven (just as every human soul that is created by Allah comes down from Heaven) not to do my will (the will of the human Jesus), but the will of him (Allah) who sent me (Jesus as the human prophet messenger and messiah of Allah).


Gospel of John 8:58 (As evidence on the Day of Judgement to show to the people who sinned in the second temple of Allah in Jerusalem, Al-Quds) Jesus said to them, "Truly, truly I (Jesus) say to you, before Abraham was (created), I (Jesus the messenger of Allah) am (already decreed, but not yet created because everything that was and everything that is and everything that will be had all been decreed by Allah before anything had been created including Abraham and Jesus)."

(Note 1. Jesus is not an eternal partner who is equal to Allah because Jesus is a human servant and a human messenger of Allah).

(Note 2. Those in the Temple of Allah who were wicked were made to believe that Jesus was arrogantly claiming to be Allah but on the Day of Judgement those who were wicked shall be unable to show any arrogant deeds which Jesus did and that shall be proof that those who accused Jesus of the great sin of arrogantly claiming to be Allah were themselves arrogant because Jesus never said Jesus is Allah.

The proof is that Jesus prayed to Allah with them in the Temple and told them to pray only to Allah as every prophet and messenger of Allah had done before Jesus.

(Note 3. Those who were righteous and who had correctly understood the meaning of the Gospel of John 1:1 – 1:4 knew that Jesus had said that Allah created every creation including Jesus.

There is no creation that has not been created by Allah.

(Note 4. Jesus is not Allah because Jesus is a creation whereas Allah is the creator of every creation.

(Note 5. The belief that the creator is a creation is called the religion of human idol worship.

(Note 6. Jesus rejected the idea that Jesus is Allah because that is the religion of human idol worship.

Gospel of Matthew 23:9 (Jesus said) and call no one on earth (including Jesus) your father (Allah), because there is only one father (Allah) for you, the heavenly one …”

(Note 7. Jesus said that Allah is not only his Father but Allah is the Father of every human.

(Note 8. No one on the Earth is Allah because everything on the Earth is created by Allah.

Allah is not in one place however to make clear that Jesus is not Allah the expression “Allah in heaven” is used to show that Jesus who is on the Earth is not Allah.

(Note 9. The belief that a created human can be Allah is called human idol worship and is forbidden by Allah in the Torah Ten Commandments.


Torah Deuteronomy 5:7 (In the Ten Commandments of Allah the First commandment from Allah is) You shall have no other gods but Me (Allah, The one Allah, the one creator of every creation).


Torah Deuteronomy 5:8 (In the Ten Commandments of Allah the Second commandment from Allah is) You shall not make any graven (man-made image, image carved on any surface such as on wood and stone and metal and glass, engraved images such as those made by scratching or cutting to make an) image (for worship or in a place of worship), even any image that looks like anything that is above you in heaven or that is on the Earth, or that is in the water or under the Earth.

(Note 1. Jesus is not an eternal partner who is equal to Allah because Jesus is a human servant and a human messenger of Allah).

(Note 2. The belief that a created human can be Allah is called human idol worship and is forbidden by Allah in the Torah Ten Commandments.


Torah Deuteronomy 5:9 (In the Ten Commandments of Allah the Second commandment from Allah continues) You shall not bow down to them (any human made image) nor serve them (meaning do not direct prayer to such an image, do not direct worship to such an image) because I the Lord your Allah am a jealous Allah (meaning pray to one Allah only) and I (Allah) give punishment to the father (who disobeys this command) and also to his children (who disobeys this command) and also to the third generation and to the fourth generation of them (the children of Israel) that hate me (by disobeying this command). (Continued in Torah Deuteronomy 5:10)

(Note 1. Why is Allah a jealous Allah?

Allah reveals there is one Allah therefore believing that Jesus is Allah disobeys what Allah has revealed which cannot be altered by humans inventing Trinity as a way to believe that a human is Allah.

Allah is jealous when people thank humans by idol worshipping such creations instead of thanking Allah who is the creator of every human and every creation.


Torah Deuteronomy 5:10 (In the Ten Commandments of Allah the Second commandment from Allah continues) - And showing mercy to the thousandth generation of them that love Me (Allah) and keep My (Allah’s) commandments.

(Note 1. The Second commandment of Allah continues stating that those that love Allah shall keep this commandment.

(Note 2. If humans lived for 100 years then the thousandth generation of humans would be in 100,000 years.

(Note 3. Allah made clear that no one can cancel the central commandment in the Torah which are the first two commandments given by Allah to Prophet Moses and followed by Prophet Jesus and Prophet Muhammad.


Torah Numbers 23:19 (Allah said, through the month of Balaam) “Allah is not a man, that He should lie, neither (is He) the son of a man, that He (Allah) should repent (for your sins). When He has said (something) shall He not do it? Or when He has spoken, shall He not make it good. ..."

(Note 1. Allah is not a human.

(Note 2. Allah is not a creation because Allah is the creator of every creation


3-7. Is Trinity correct or incorrect?

The idea that Allah is a Trinity comes from humans who lived 292 years after the time of Jesus in 306 BH (325 CE 325 AD 325) at the First Council of Nicaea (today in Turkey) where a meeting of Christian Bishops in the Roman Empire decided that the human Jesus is Allah therefore the last revelation to humans (as foretold by Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16) would come after 306 BH (325 CE 325 AD 325) so that what is left in the world forever (as foretold by Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16) would be Allah’s answer to the question “Is Trinity correct or incorrect?”


After 306 BH (325 CE 325 AD 325) would come the last prophet and messenger from Allah with the last revelation from Allah 1400 years ago that would be in the world forever revealing that Allah is one Allah and that Jesus is a human prophet and messenger and messiah from Allah and human like every human comforter before Jesus and after Jesus.

Quran 19:93 Koran 19:93 There is no one in the heavens and the earth who does not come to the Most Merciful (Allah) except as a servant.


Gospel of John 14:16 And I (Jesus the messenger of Allah) will ask the Father (Allah, what Allah has decreed), and he (Allah, answered Jesus through the Holy Spirit that Allah) will give you (humans) another Counselor (another Comforter, another prophet messenger so), that he (the guidance of that comforter, counsellor, messenger) may be ever (forever, through what that next messenger reveals, be left) with you (humans, this is forever because that prophet will be the last messenger of Allah),

(Note 1. See the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26 – 15:27, 16:7 – 16:15 in Reference 1 at the end of the Gospel of John.


4. Who is the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit is an angel of Allah.

Gospel of Mark 1:10 And going up out of the water he (Jesus) immediately saw the heavens opening, and the Spirit (Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, Angel Gabriel) as a dove (like a bird, an angel) coming down to him (Jesus). 

(Note 1. The Holy Spirit is an angel.


Gospel of Matthew 3:16 As soon as he (Jesus) was baptized (by John the Baptizer), Jesus came up out of the water, and behold, the heavens were opened, and he saw the Holy Spirit of Allah (angel Gabriel) coming down like a dove (a body with wings, an angel), coming onto him (Jesus). 

(Note 1. The Holy Spirit of Allah is an angel of Allah.


Gospel of Luke 3:22 and the Holy Spirit (angel Gabriel) descended on him (Jesus) in the bodily form of a dove (a body with wings, an angel) …”

(Note 1. The Holy Ghost is an angel of Allah.


Gospel of Luke 1:19 “…I am Gabriel, one who stands in the presence of Allah and I have been sent to speak to you …”

(Note 1. This shows how Allah reveals himself through the Holy Spirit.


Gospel of Luke 1:35 And in answer the angel (the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel who came in the form of a man) said to her (the virgin Mary), "The Holy Spirit (the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel who will come in the form of a dove, a body with wings, an angel) will come upon you (to deliver to your womb a soul created by Allah for your son Jesus), and the power of the Most High (Allah) will overshadow you (so that what Allah has decreed is fulfilled without failure). For this reason also, the one to be born will be called holy (the blessed), the Son of Allah (meaning the servant of Allah, the slave of Allah, the prophet and messenger and messiah sent by Allah). 

(Note 1. The power is Allah who is the creator of every creation.

(Note 2. Mary and Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the created servants of Allah.

(Note 3. Allah created the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel and Allah shows how Allah revealed Himself to humans such as Mary and Jesus through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel.

(Note 4. Allah created Jesus and there is not one creation that Allah has not created because Allah is the creator of every creation.

(Note 5. Angels including the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel may appear in the form of a man or in their true form as a body with wings (like a bird, like a dove, an angel).


Quran 2:97 Koran 2:97 Say (Prophet Muhammad, to the people), who is against (Angel) Gabriel? because it is he (Angel Gabriel) who has revealed this (Scripture, the Quran) to your heart (Prophet Muhammad) by Allah’s permission, confirming what was revealed before it (in the Gospel and in the Torah), and as a guidance and good news for those who believe.

(Note 1. The Holy Spirit is angel Gabriel.


Quran 2:253 Koran 2:253 “… To (messenger, prophet and messiah) Jesus the son of Mary We (Allah through the Holy Spirit) gave signs (of his truthfulness) and strengthened him (Jesus) with (guidance through) the Holy Spirit (Angel Gabriel, the Holy Ghost) …”

(Note 1. The Holy Spirit is angel Gabriel.


Gospel of John 1:51 He (Jesus) then says to him, "Truly, truly I (Jesus) say to you, you shall all see (the truthfulness of Jesus through the miracles that Jesus will perform, miracles that would only be possible with the) heaven torn open (by the order of Allah in Heaven), and the angels of Allah ascending and descending (with commands from Allah in Heaven that the angels fulfill on Earth and) on the Son of Man (Jesus who is the human prophet and messenger and messiah who speaks in the name of Allah. Jesus can speak in the name of Allah because Allah through the angels of Allah makes known to Jesus what Allah wills and Allah through the angels of Allah makes miracles on Earth as Allah wills)."

(Note 1. In the Torah every human is the son of man (Adam).

(Note 2. The Gospel is the story of one son of man (one human) named Jesus

(Note 3. The Holy Spirit angel Gabriel is the angel of Allah who stands closest in the presence (the favour) of Allah.


Torah Genesis 28:12 And he (Prophet Jacob, Israel) dreamed, and behold (saw) a ladder (pathway) set up on the earth, and the top of it (the ladder, pathway) reached to heaven; and behold (he saw) the angels of Allah ascending and descending on it (the ladder, pathway between Heaven and Earth).

(Note 1. Allah does everything on the Earth through the angels of Allah.

(Note 2. The Holy Spirit is one of the angels of Allah.


Gospel of Luke 1:19 “…I am Gabriel, one who stands in the presence of Allah and I have been sent to speak to you …”

(Note 1. Allah does everything on the Earth through the angels of Allah.

(Note 2. The Holy Spirit is one of the angels of Allah.


Torah Deuteronomy 18:18 (Therefore) I (Allah) shall raise up for them a prophet (Prophet Joshua Yusha followed by prophet after prophet, messenger after messenger) like you (Prophet Moses) from among their own brothers (Isaac and Ishmael are brothers and descendants and brethren to the children of Israel and the Arabian people through Prophet Abraham who was the father of Isaac and Ishmael) and I (Allah through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel) shall put my (Allah’s) words in the mouth of the prophet, who shall speak to them (the people) everything that I (Allah) command.”

(Note 1. Allah does everything on the Earth through the angels of Allah.

(Note 2. The Holy Spirit is one of the angels of Allah.

(Note 3. Jesus knew the future in the same way as Moses knew the future.

(Note 4. Jesus made miracles in the same way as Moses made miracles.

See Gospel of John 1:50 comment.


4-1. Is the Holy Spirit Allah?

The Holy Spirit is an angel of Allah.

Gospel of Mark 13:32 (Jesus who was the prophet and messenger of Allah 2000 years ago said) "But as to that day or that hour (of the Day of Resurrection), no one knows, not even the angels in heaven (the Holy Spirit and the other angels who are servants of Allah), not even the Son (Jesus who is a servant of Allah), but only the Father (Allah who is the creator of every creation). 

(Note 1. Only Allah knows the hour of the Day of Resurrection.

The Holy Ghost revealed to Jesus that only Allah knows the hour of the Day of Resurrection therefore Jesus is not Allah and the Holy Spirit is not Allah because both Jesus and the Holy Spirit are created by Allah.


Gospel of Matthew 24:36 (Jesus who was the prophet and messenger of Allah 2000 years ago said) But as for that day and hour (of the Day of Resurrection), no one knows it except the Father (Allah) alone; not even the angels of heaven (the Holy Spirit and the other angels who are servants of Allah), not even the Son (Jesus who is a servant of Allah). 

(Note 1. Only Allah knows the hour of the Day of Resurrection.

The Holy Spirit revealed to Jesus that only Allah knows the hour of the Day of Resurrection therefore Jesus is not Allah and the Holy Spirit is not Allah because both Jesus and the Holy Spirit are created by Allah.


Quran 6:59 Koran 6:59 (Muhammad who was the prophet and messenger of Allah 1400 years ago said) And with Him (Allah) are the keys of the unseen (future). None but He (Allah) knows them (the future). And He (Allah) knows what is in the land and the sea. Not a leaf falls that He (Allah) does not know about. There is not a grain in the darkness of the earth or anything fresh (and green) or dry (and wilted), that is not (inscribed by Allah) in a clear record (called the Book of the Decrees of Allah).

(Note 1. Only Allah knows everything.

Humans including Jesus and Muhammad and angels including the Holy Spirit are servants of Allah they are not Allah.


Quran 7:187 Koran 7:187 They ask you (Prophet Muhammad) about The Hour (of the Day of Resurrection) and when it shall come. Say, “Knowledge of this is with my Lord (Allah) only. He (Allah) alone shall make it happen at the proper time. It lays heavily on the heavens and the earth (because of the greatness of that event). It shall come to you suddenly. They question you as if you might be well informed of it. Say, “Knowledge of it is with Allah only, but most of the people do not know that (because they think others have this knowledge).”

(Note 1. Only Allah knows the hour of the Day of Resurrection.

The Holy Spirit revealed to Muhammad that only Allah knows the hour of the Day of Resurrection therefore Moses and Jesus and Muhammad are not Allah and the Holy Spirit is not Allah because both the humans (Moses and Jesus and Muhammad) and the angels (the Holy Spirit of Allah angel Gabriel) are created by Allah.


5. Who is Allah?

The prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus was sent by Allah to remove the confusion between Jesus and Allah (see the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26 – 15:27, 16:7 – 16:15 in Reference 1 at the end of the Gospel of John).


Quran 112:1 Koran 112:1 Say, “He (the Lord) Allah is One (Allah).”

Quran 112:2 Koran 112:2 (On) Allah all (creations) depend.”

Quran 112:3 Koran 112:3 He (Allah) never gave birth nor was He (Allah) born.

Quran 112:4 Koran 112:4 And there is nothing that is comparable to Him (Allah).  


Gospel of John 12:50 And I know, that his commandment means eternal life. Therefore, what things I speak, just as the Father has said them to me, I speak them just so."


1. Explain Gospel of John 12:50.

Gospel of John 12:50 And I (Jesus) know, that his (Allah’s) commandment means eternal life (in Paradise). Therefore, what things I (Jesus) speak, just as the Father (Allah) has said them to me (Jesus through the Holy Spirit of Allah angel Gabriel), I (Jesus) speak them (words exactly) just so."


1-1. Before Jesus Allah sent Moses 3200 years ago.

And I (Moses) know, that his (Allah’s) commandment means eternal life (in Paradise). Therefore, what things I (Moses) speak, just as the Father (Allah) has said them to me (Moses through the Holy Spirit of Allah angel Gabriel), I (Moses) speak them (words exactly) just so."


1-2. After Jesus Allah sent Muhammad 1400 years ago.

And I (Muhammad) know, that his (Allah’s) commandment means eternal life (in Paradise). Therefore, what things I (Muhammad) speak, just as the Father (Allah) has said them to me (Muhammad through the Holy Spirit of Allah angel Gabriel), I (Muhammad) speak them (words exactly) just so."

See Gospel of John 12:49 comment.


INDEX of the Gospel of John.

See https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/the-gospel-of-john-chapters-1-3


303-1. The Gospel of John chapters 1–3.


303-2. The Gospel of John chapters 4–6.


303-3. The Gospel of John chapters 7–10.


You are here 303-4. The Gospel of John chapters 11–12.


303-5. The Gospel of John chapters 13–14.


303-6. The Gospel of John chapters 15–16:10.


303-7. The Gospel of John chapter 16:11.


303-8. The Gospel of John chapters 16:12–18:40.


303-9. The Gospel of John chapters 19–20.


303-10. The Gospel of John chapter 21.

Jesus said another comforter from Allah will come after him. See at the end of Gospel of John chapter 21 




The Jewish faith explained by the Quran.


The future explained in Isaiah 53.





Corrections and Questions are welcome and can be emailed to somaliahamradio@yahoo.com


The meaning of verses in the Quran and Tanakh and Gospel are on these websites.

The meaning of verses in the Koran and Torah and Injil are on these websites. 

YOU ARE HERE Allah https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran

Allah index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/index  

Allaah https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran

Allaah index https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran/index  

God https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran

God index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/index  

Q&A https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel

Q&A index https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel/index