106. Hadith break the cross and kill the pigs.


18 November 2022 (1443 AH).    


Break the cross and kill the pigs. 

Break the cross and kill the pig.

Break the cross and kill the swine.

Break the cross and kill the swines.

Hadith break the cross and kill the pigs.

Hadith break the cross and kill the pig.

Hadith break the cross and kill the swine.

Hadith break the cross and kill the swines.

Hadiths break the cross and kill the pigs.

Hadiths break the cross and kill the pig.

Hadiths break the cross and kill the swine.

Hadiths break the cross and kill the swines.

Haadeeth break the cross and kill the pigs.

Haadeeth break the cross and kill the pig.

Haadeeth break the cross and kill the swine.

Haadeeth break the cross and kill the swines.

Haadith break the cross and kill the pigs.

Haadith break the cross and kill the pig.

Haadith break the cross and kill the swine.

Haadith break the cross and kill the swines.

Haadiths break the cross and kill the pigs.

Haadiths break the cross and kill the pig.

Haadiths break the cross and kill the swine.

Haadiths break the cross and kill the swines.

Hadees break the cross and kill the pigs.

Hadees break the cross and kill the pig.

Hadees break the cross and kill the swine.

Hadees break the cross and kill the swines.

Hadeeth break the cross and kill the pigs.

Hadeeth break the cross and kill the pig.

Hadeeth break the cross and kill the swine.

Hadeeth break the cross and kill the swines.

Hadis break the cross and kill the pigs.

Hadis break the cross and kill the pig.

Hadis break the cross and kill the swine.

Hadis break the cross and kill the swines.














Hadithi za Mtume Muhammad





































0. Hadith break the cross and kill the pigs.

    0-1. Hadith stories invented after the death of Prophet Muhammad contradict the Quran.

    0-2. Summary A, B, C and D of the hadith story break the cross and kill the pigs. 


Contradictions between the Quran and this hadith story in A, B, C and D. 

1. Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts the good news message from Allah for Jews and Christians delivered 1400 years ago by Prophet Muhammad in Quran 28:54, Quran 34:37 and Quran 57:28.

2. Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts Quran 5:48. 

3. Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts Quran 4:123.

4. Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts Quran 2:62.

5. Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts Quran 3:85. 

6. Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts Quran 3:64. 

7. Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts Quran 6:158 and Quran 41:8. 

8. Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts Quran 4:114 and Quran 98:5.

9. Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts Quran 5:75 and Quran 3:144.

10. Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts Quran 4:157, Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42.

11. Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts Quran 3:55.

12. Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts Quran 7:6 and Quran 5:117.

13. Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts Quran 21:95 and Quran 23:99-23:100.

14. Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts Quran 33:40.

15. Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts Gospel of Mark 13:5-13:6 and Gospel of Mark 13:21-13:23.

16. Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts Quran 2:256.

17. Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts Quran 4:159.

18. Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts Quran 9:29.

19. Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts Quran 43:61.

20. Abu Bakr explained where false hadith stories come from.

21. Umar ibn Al-Khattab explained where false hadith stories come from.

22. Conclusion. 

0. Hadith break the cross and kill the pigs


Sahih al-Bukhari 2476.

Book 46, Hadith 37.

Vol. 3, Book 43, Hadith 656..

Ibn Majah, Fitan: 33; Muslim, Fitan: 23. 

Narrated Abu Huraira:

Allah's Messenger said, "The Hour will not be established until the son of Mary (i.e. Jesus) descends among you as a just ruler, he will break the cross, kill the pigs, and abolish the Jizya tax. Money will be in abundance so that nobody will accept it (as charitable gifts). (Sahih al-Bukhari 2476. Book 46, Hadith 37. Vol. 3, Book 43, Hadith 656). 


Narrated Abu Huraira:

Allah's Messenger said, "By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, son of Mary (Jesus) will shortly descend as a just judge and a just ruler. He will break the cross, kill the pigs and abolish jizyah, and wealth will become so abundant that no one will accept it."(Ibn Majah, Fitan: 33; Muslim, Fitan: 23) 


0-1. Hadith stories invented after the death of Prophet Muhammad contradict the Quran. 

There are no contradictions in the Quran meaning any hadith story which contradicts what Allah is teaching in the Quran is a false hadith story invented after the death of Prophet Muhammad by story tellers who made a living inventing stories or repeated by people who were deceived to believe false stories. 


0-2. Summary A, B, C and D of the hadith story break the cross and kill the pigs. 

A. “The hour will not be established until …” means the Day of Resurrection will not come until after Jesus has returned and ruled on this earth. 


B.Breaking the Cross” means removing Christianity by force. 


C. Kill the pigs” means the Jews who are called animals such as apes and pigs if they violate the Sabbath Day in the Quran and through this association this hadith story means removing Judaism by force.

Torah Exodus 31:16 So the children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath and observe the Sabbath throughout their generations, as a perpetual (never ending) covenant (agreement with Allah). 

Torah Exodus 31:17 It (the Sabbath) is a sign between Me (Allah) and the children of Israel forever; for in six days the LORD (Allah) made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day He (Allah) ceased from work and rested (rested means completed the creation and this is why the Sabbath is a day of rest and remembrance of Allah on every seventh day).' 

Video. Why does the Quran call the Jews 'Apes' (in Quran 2:65, Quran 5:60 and Quran 7:166?) Rabbi Tovia Singer Responds.



D. “Abolish the Jizya” tax for non-Muslims because everyone will be in the one religion of Islam after Christianity and Judaism have been removed.

Contradictions between the Quran (below) and this hadith story in A, B, C and D (in 0-2 summary above).


1. Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts the good news message from Allah for Jews and Christians delivered 1400 years ago by Prophet Muhammad in Quran 28:54, Quran 34:37 and Quran 57:28.

A. Jews and Christians who follow their Book and also believe the Quran shall receive a double reward in the hereafter in Quran 28:54, Quran 34:37 and Quran 57:28.

B. Jews who follow the Tanakh Jewish scripture and believe the Quran are correctly observing the Torah Taurat.

C. Christians who follow the Gospels and believe the Quran are correctly observing the Gospel Injil.

D. Muslims who follow the Quran so that it agrees with the Tanakh Jewish scripture and the Gospel Injil are correctly observing the Quran.

Quran 28:52 Koran 28:52 Those (knowledgeable among the Jews and Christians) to whom We (Allah) gave the Book (the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil) before it (before the Quran was revealed), they believe in it (the revelations of the Quran meaning the Quran and the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil of Jesus Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John are in agreement with each other as proof that Allah is real and as proof no one can change the word of Allah).

Note 1. The Quran confirms the Tanakh Jewish scripture is correct and explains the story of Prophet Jesus Isa in the Gospel of Mark, Matthew, Luke and John.

Quran 28:53 Koran 28:53 And when it (the Quran) is recited to them (the Jews who truly believe the Torah Taurat and the Christians who truly believe the Gospel Injil), they (those Jews and Christians) say, “We believe in it (the Koran Quran). It is the truth from our Lord (Allah). Even before it (the Quran was revealed to us) we were of those (Jews and Christians) who submitted (to Allah. The English word submitter is the Arabic word Muslim. Islam the religion means submission and Muslim the believer means submitter. Submitter and submission for the Muslim people is in Quran 47:19 “…there is no Allah except Allah …” and submitter and submission for the Jewish people is in Torah Exodus 20:2 “.... You shall have no other gods before Me Allah” and submitter and submission for the Christian people is in the Gospel of Jesus Isa by Luke 4:8 “… You shall worship the Lord your Allah, and him only shall you serve” meaning Allah inspired the same belief of Islam which is an Arabic word meaning submission, to Allah in Judaism, Christianity, Islam and in others). - (Continued in Quran 28:54).

Note 1. The Quran confirms the Torah Taurat and explains the story of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark, Matthew, Luke and John.


Quran 28:54 Koran 28:54 They (the Jews who truly believe the Torah Taurat and the Christians who truly believe the Gospel Injil and also believe the Quran) shall be given their reward twice (in Quran 28:54 meaning twofold in Quran 34:37 meaning double in Quran 57:28) because they are steadfast (in their belief in Allah) and they repel evil with good (deeds) and they spend (in charity) from what We (Allah) have provided to them. (Jews and Christians who follow their Book in Quran 5:68 and also believe the Quran will receive a double reward in the hereafter in Quran 28:54, Quran 34:37 and Quran 57:28 meaning the reward for every good deed they do will be doubled because they believed the Quran which tells the Jewish people to follow the Torah Taurat which is their eternal covenant between Allah and the Hebrew people forever and tells the Christian people to follow the Gospel Injil which is explained in the Quran and tells the Muslim people to follow the Quran in Quran 2:40, Quran 2:41, Quran 2:62, Quran 2:106, Quran 3:93, Quran 4:123, Quran 5:43, Quran 5:47, Quran 5:48, Quran 5:69 and Quran 13:39).

Note 1. Jews and Christians who follow their book and also believe the Quran will receive their reward twice in the Hereafter.


Quran 34:37 Koran 34:37 It is not your wealth or your children that shall bring you close to Us (Allah), but the person who believes and does good (deeds). Theirs shall be a twofold reward (twice in Quran 28:54, twofold in Quran 34:37 and double in Quran 57:28) for what they (the Jews like Quran 3:113 - 3:115 and the Christians like Quran 5:82 - 5:85 who follow their Book in Quran 5:68 and also believe the Quran) did (because they believed the Quran which tells the Jewish people to follow the Torah Taurat which is their eternal covenant between Allah and the Hebrew people forever and tells the Christian people to follow the Gospel Injil which is explained in the Quran and tells the Muslim people to follow the Quran is confirmed in Quran 2:40, Quran 2:41, Quran 2:62, Quran 2:106, Quran 3:93, Quran 4:123, Quran 5:43, Quran 5:47, Quran 5:48, Quran 5:69 and Quran 13:39) and they (those Jews and Christians) shall live secure in the high dwellings (in Paradise Jannah).- (Continued in Quran 34:38).

Note 1. Jews and Christians who follow their Book and also believe the Quran will be given a twofold reward in the hereafter.


Quran 34:38 Koran 34:38 (Jews and Christians who followed their Book and also believed the Quran will receive their reward twice in Quran 28:54, twofold in Quran 34:37 and double in Quran 57:28 in the hereafter however) Those (Jews and the Christians who did not believe the Quran for example if Jews did not correctly observe the Torah Taurat by keeping the Sabbath Day which is their everlasting covenant with Allah in every generation forever or if Christians did not correctly observe the Gospel Injil where Prophet Jesus said he is not Allah "Allah is my Allah and your Allah" meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord and "Allah is my Father and your Father" meaning Allah is my Creator and your Creator in Gospel of John 20:17 and) who strive against Our (Allah’s) revelations by trying to make them (Allah’s revelations) to fail (for example Jesus is the son of Allah means Jesus is the servant of Allah delivering the message of Allah so his mention with angels in Gospel of Mark 13:32 and Gospel of Matthew 24:36 means that angel messengers of Allah and human messengers of Allah both do not know the hour meaning do not confuse angel and human messengers with Allah because only Allah knows the hour but His angel and human messengers like Jesus and Moses and angels do not know the hour meaning pray only to Allah and not to the angel and human messengers of Allah because those who do), they shall be brought to the punishment (of Hell Jahannam in the Hereafter).


Quran 57:28 Koran 57:28 All you (the Jews and the Christians in Quran 57:27 and Quran 57:29) that believe, Fear Allah and believe in His (Allah’s) messenger and He (Allah) shall give you a double portion of His (Allah’s) mercy and provide for you a Light (of righteous knowledge meaning Jews who follow the Tanakh Jewish scripture and believe the Quran are correctly observing the Torah Taurat and meaning Christians who follow the Gospel and believe the Quran are correctly observing the Gospel Injil and Muslims who follow the Quran so that it agrees with the Tanakh Jewish scripture and the Gospel Injil are correctly observing the warning from Allah in Quran 4:136 that whoever has no faith in Allah’s Books has strayed far away from Allah because the Books of Allah are the light) by which you shall walk (on the correct path in Quran 2:40 - 2:41, Quran 4:136 and Quran 28:48 - 28:49) and (in the hereafter) He (Allah) shall forgive you (of your past sins). Allah is forgiving and merciful. (Jews like Quran 3:113 - 3:115 and Christians like Quran 5:82 - 5:85 who follow their Book in Quran 5:68 and also believe the Quran will receive their reward twice in Quran 28:54, twofold in Quran 34:37 and double in Quran 57:28 in the hereafter meaning the reward for every good deed they do will be doubled because they believed the Quran which tells the Jewish people to follow the Torah Taurat which is their eternal covenant between Allah and the Hebrew people forever and tells the Christian people to follow the Gospel Injil which is explained in the Quran and tells the Muslim people to follow the Quran is confirmed in Quran 2:40, Quran 2:41, Quran 2:62, Quran 2:106, Quran 3:93, Quran 4:123, Quran 5:43, Quran 5:47, Quran 5:48, Quran 5:69 and Quran 13:39). - (Continued in Quran 57:29).

Note 1. Jews and Christians who follow their Book and also believe the Quran will be given a double reward in the hereafter.


Quran 57:29 Koran 57:29 (Jews and Christians who followed their Book and also believed the Quran will receive their reward twice in Quran 28:54, twofold in Quran 34:37 and double in Quran 57:28 in the hereafter) so that the people of the Book (the Jews and the Christians who did not believe the Quran for example if Jews did not correctly observe the Torah Taurat by keeping the Sabbath Day which is their everlasting covenant with Allah in every generation forever or if Christians did not correctly observe the Gospel Injil where Prophet Jesus said he is not Allah "Allah is my Allah and your Allah" meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord and "Allah is my Father and your Father" meaning Allah is my Creator and your Creator in Gospel of John 20:17 and that Jesus is the son of Allah means Jesus is the servant of Allah delivering the message of Allah so his mention with angels in Gospel of Mark 13:32 and Gospel of Matthew 24:36 means that angel messengers of Allah and human messengers of Allah both do not know the hour meaning do not confuse angel and human messengers with Allah because only Allah knows the hour but His angel and human messengers like Jesus and Moses and angels do not know the hour meaning pray only to Allah and not to the angel and human messengers of Allah because those who do) may know (in the hereafter) that they do not have power over anything from the bounty of Allah and that (all) the bounty is in Allah’s hand. He gives it (Allah's bounty) to whom He (Allah) wills. And Allah is the possessor of the great bounty (of Paradise Jannah).


Quran 4:40 Koran 4:40 Allah is not unjust not even as much as the weight of an atom (to people such as Jews and Christians and Muslims and all others). When any good (deed is done) He (Allah) doubles it (meaning Allah doubles the value of your good deeds) and He (Allah) gives a great reward (of Paradise Jannah in the hereafter). 

Note 1. The good news from Allah for Muslims delivered 1400 years ago by Prophet Muhammad in Quran 2:265, Quran 4:40 and Quran 33:31 is that the reward to Muslims for doing good deeds is also doubled in the hereafter meaning the reward for every good deed they do in this world will be doubled in the hereafter. 


Quran 42:15 Koran 42:15 So (Prophet Muhammad) invite (the people to Allah), and stay on the correct path as you (Prophet Muhammad) are commanded and do not follow their (the peoples) desires (concerning religion) but say, "I believe what Allah has sent down of the Book (in the Quran and in the Torah Taurat in Quran 2:41, Quran 3:3, Quran 3:93, Quran 5:43, Quran 5:44, Quran 5:68, Quran 20:133 and in the Gospel Injil in Quran 3:3, Quran 5:47, Quran 5:68 and Quran 20:133) and I am commanded that I do justice between you (the Jews, Christians and Muslims). Allah is our Lord and your Lord (meaning Allah is the Lord of the Muslims and the Lord of the Jews and the Christians). For us (Muslims is the responsibility for) our deeds and for you (Jews and Christians is the responsibility for) your deeds. There is no argument between us (Muslims) and between you (the Jews and the Christians because Allah has revealed the same message to all of us to worship Allah who created you and do good in the world and reject evil in the world). Allah shall bring us (Muslims and Christians and Jews and all humankind) together and to Him (Allah) is the final destination (in the hereafter in Quran 2:62, Quran 3:64, Quran 4:123, Quran 5:48 and Quran 5:69).”

Note 1. There is no argument between Muslims and Jews and Christians because the Tanakh Jewish scripture and the Gospel Injil and the Quran contain the same message to worship Allah and strive for all that is good.

Quran 28:51 Koran 28:51 And We (Allah) have made the Word (of Allah in the Quran) to reach them (the stone idol worshippers of Makkah Arabia) so that they might be reminded (of Allah, their creator).

Quran 28:48 Koran 28:48 But when the truth came to them (the stone idol worshippers of Makkah Arabia) from Us (Allah), they said, “Why is he (Prophet Muhammad M Mim م M-uhammad م-uhammad) not given (signs) like what was given to Prophet Moses Musa (represented by Mount Sinai S’ Sin س Sin-ai س-ai)? But did they (the stone idol worshippers of Makkah Arabia) not disbelieve in what was given to Prophet Moses Musa in the past? (Because) they say, “(They are both only books about magic) two magic (books the Torah Taurat T Ta ط Ta-urat ط-urat given by Allah to Prophet Moses Musa and the Quran Q Qaf ق Qaf-uran ق-uran given by Allah to Prophet Muhammad) supporting each other” and they (the stone idol worshippers of Makkah Arabia) say, “In all (that is in the Torah Taurat and the Quran) we do not believe.”

Quran 28:49 Koran 28:49 Say (Prophet Muhammad to the stone idol worshippers of Makkah Arabia), “Then bring a Book from Allah that gives better guidance than these two (the Torah Taurat and the Quran) so that I (Prophet Muhammad) may follow it, if you are telling the truth.”

Note 1. The best guidance is the Quran and the Torah Taurat meaning both are correctly understood when they confirm and explain each other.


2. Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts Quran 5:48.

The hadith (see D in 0-2 above claiming everyone will be in Islam) contradicts Quran 5:48 where Allah says He could have made everyone to be one community (like Islam) if Allah willed meaning Allah is teaching in the Quran that Allah has not willed that everyone be in Islam. 

The hadith (see B in 0-2 above claiming Christianity will be removed by force) contradicts Quran 5:48 where Allah has established Christianity as one of His communities until the Day of Judgement. 

The hadith (see C in 0-2 above claiming Judaism will be removed by force) contradicts Quran 5:48 where Allah has established Judaism as one of His communities until the Day of Judgement..


Quran 5:48 Koran 5:48 “... For each (community of Jews, Christians and Muslims) We (Allah) have appointed a divine law and a way (of religion). If Allah willed He (Allah) could have made you (the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims) one community. But He (Allah) tests you (the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims) by what He (Allah) has given you (in the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil and the Koran Quran to show who is best in behaviour). So strive for all that is good. To Allah you shall all return and He (Allah) shall then inform you (in the Hereafter) about (the correctness of) the religious matters in which you (the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims) argue among each other.

Note 1. Allah does not require humans to all be in one religion (Quran 5:48).

Note 2. Allah does require that every religion worship only Allah (Quran 3:85).

Note 3. Allah says if the Jews and the Christians and others worship only Allah like the Muslims worship only Allah then the Jews and the Christians and others are correctly guided by Allah (Quran 3:64). 

Note 4. Allah commands the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims to do what is good according to what Allah has given them in the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil and the Koran Quran to show which humans are the best in behaviour.

Note 5. Allah says that on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement in the hereafter every human will return to Allah and Allah shall inform them about the religious matters about which they argued.


Note 6. Allah protects the Torah Taurat for every Jewish generation until the Day of Judgement (Quran 5:48). 

See 1. Understanding the Jewish Scripture. Part 1. The Torah Taurat. 


See 2. Understanding the Jewish Scripture. Part 2. The prophets. 


See 3. Understanding the Jewish Scripture. Part 3. The writings. 


See 4. Forgiveness of sin in the Tanakh Gospel and Quran. Part 4.


See 5. Video. Torah and Injeel were corrupted? (The Quran says no). 



Note 7. Allah protects the Gospel Injil for every Christian generation until the Day of Judgement (Quran 5:48). 

Allah protects the Gospel Injil for every Christian generation until the Day of Judgement (Quran 5:48) in the following way.

Prophet Jesus Isa did not write anything because everything Prophet Jesus Isa taught by his mouth was already written in the Tanakh Jewish scripture meaning Prophet Jesus Isa did not add or subtract from what is in Tanakh Jewish scripture.

The four Gospel Injil are four reports about Prophet Jesus Isa meaning Prophet Jesus Isa never wrote anything and what he said was passed by mouth until it was written many years later.

Quran 5:68 says observe the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil and Quran 5:47 tells Christians to judge by the Gospel Injil (not by the other books in the Christian New Testament Bible because what Paul teaches contradicts what Jesus is teaching in the Gospel Injil and anything about fallen angels found in the Book of Enoch and in the Book of Revelation are all rejected in Judaism because in the Hebrew Tanakh scripture angels always obey Allah. Jewish people do not use the Christian produced Old Testament Bible because many contain wrong translations of the Hebrew Tanakh) meaning whatever in the Gospel Injil is confirmed in the Jewish Torah Taurat came from Prophet Jesus Isa and whatever contradicts the Jewish Torah Taurat came from the unknown writers who are traditionally called Mark, Matthew, Luke and John in a test from Allah described in 1 Kings 13:14 - 13:24 teaching that the word of Allah will not change and do not believe anyone or any verse in Mark, Matthew, Luke or John which contradicts the teachings in the Tanakh which Prophet Jesus Isa said is with the Jewish people forever and will never change and must be followed forever by the Jewish people in Gospel of Matthew 5:17 - 5:20 and Gospel of Matthew 23:1 - 23:3. In this way a Christian can know what came from Prophet Jesus Isa confirming Tanakh and what did not come from Prophet Jesus Isa because it contradicts the Tanakh (which is the Torah law and the prophets and the writings like the Psalms) which Jesus was teaching in Gospel of Luke 24:44.

See 1. Gospel of Mark. Injil of Isa by Mark.


See 2. Gospel of Matthew. Injil of Isa by Matthew.


See 3. Gospel of Luke. Injil of Isa by Luke.


See 4. Gospel of John. Injil of Isa by John.



Note 8. Allah protects the Koran Quran for every Muslim generation until the Day of Judgement (Quran 5:48). 

Quran 3:3 Koran 3:3 He (Allah) revealed to you (Prophet Muhammad) the Book (the Quran) of truth confirming what came before it (in the Torah Taurat and in the Gospel Injil), and He (Allah) revealed the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil. 


Quran 4:82 Koran 4:82 Do they not think about the Quran (and where it came from)? Had it (the Quran) been (revealed) from someone other than Allah surely they would have found in it (the Quran) much contradiction (within it and between it and the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil. The Quran confirms the Tanakh Jewish Scripture is correct and the Quran explains the story of Jesus in the Gospel Injil of Jesus Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John).


Quran 15:9 Koran 15:9 We (Allah) have sent down the reminder (of Allah in the Quran) and We (Allah) shall guard it (to prevent addition and subtraction in the Quran like the promise to protect the Torah Taurat in Deuteronomy 4:2 and Deuteronomy 13:1 by the command of Allah that the Torah Taurat be followed for 100,000 years which is the thousandth generation if each generation lived for 100 years in Deuteronomy 5:10 meaning forever in Deuteronomy 29:28 for the children of Israel. For the Jewish people mentioned in Isaiah 36:11 and Isaiah 36:13 the Torah is protected by Allah forever in Isaiah 59:21 like the promise that the Torah is protected forever by Allah for the Jewish people in Gospel of Matthew 5:17 - 5:20 because the Torah is the covenant agreement between Allah and the Jewish people forever in Quran 2:40 as proof that Allah does not change His word and His promises and His covenant agreements). 


Note 9. Entry to Paradise the Garden of Eden the Garden of Righteousness Jannah is not based on the question of Sunni or Shia or Muslim or Jew or Christian but it is based on your good behaviour towards all humans and creatures in this world and your relationship with Allah (Quran 5:48).

Note 10. In the sight of humans Judaism and Christianity and Sabians and Islam are different religions. 

Note 11. In the sight of Allah Judaism and Christianity and Sabians and Islam are “different communities of Allah” because they were all created by Allah for only one reason which is “to submit to Allah.”


3. Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts Quran 4:123.

This hadith contradicts Quran 4:123 meaning this hadith was invented after the death of Prophet Muhammad by people who made a living telling stories or repeated by people who were deceived to believe false stories.

The hadith in summary D in 0-2 above claiming everyone will be in Islam contradicts Quran 4:123 where Allah says the future is not based on the desires of the Muslims or Jews or Christians and says whoever does wrong among the Muslims and Jews and Christians will be punished and whoever does good will be rewarded.

The hadith in summary B in 0-2 above claiming Christianity will be removed by force contradicts Quran 4:123 where Allah says whoever does wrong among the Muslims and Jews and Christians will be punished and whoever does good will be rewarded.

The hadith in summary C in 0-2 above claiming Judaism will be removed by force contradicts Quran 4:123 where Allah says whoever does wrong among the Muslims and Jews and Christians will be punished and whoever does good will be rewarded.


Quran 4:123 Koran 4:123 (Entry to Paradise Jannah) shall not be based on your (the Muslim's) desires or on the desires of the people of the Scripture (the Jews and the Christians). (Instead) whoever does wrong (on the earth) shall earn (the punishment for the wrong) and that person shall not find any protector or helper other than Allah (in the hereafter).

Note 1. Allah will judge Muslims and Christians and Jews and every creation justly in the hereafter.


4. Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts Quran 2:62.

This hadith contradicts Quran 2:62 meaning the hadith was invented after the death of Prophet Muhammad by people who made a living telling stories or repeated by people who were deceived to believe false stories.


Quran 2:62 Koran 2:62 (In the hereafter) truly those (Muslims) who believed and those who became Jews, Christians and Sabians, whoever believed in Allah and the Last Day (The Day of Resurrection) and did good deeds, they shall have their reward from their Lord, and they shall not fear or grieve (and this is confirmed in Quran 6:158 for those in the hereafter who “believed” and did good deeds. Quran 5:69 repeats Quran 2:62 meaning stop and think about what Allah is saying in these verses confirming what is in the Hebrew Bible and the Gospel Injil of the promise of Paradise Jannah from Allah in the books of Allah on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement for those who “believed” and did good deeds. The Quran brings the same truth which Allah brought to the Jewish people in the Hebrew Bible and to the Christian people in the Gospel Injil of Jesus Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John. The Quran is a confirmer of what came before it in the same way as the Gospel Injil is a confirmer of what came before it meaning the Books of Allah confirm each other as proof Allah is real and as proof His promise is real as explained in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ3o3ybc-KA showing that without His permission no one can change His words in His Books which are with all humans today and until the Day of Judgement so that you can believe Allah is real and His promise is real).

Note 1. The Jews who believed in Allah and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah. 

Note 2. The Christians who believed in Allah and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah. 

Note 3. The Sabians who believed in Allah and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah. 

Note 4. The Muslims who believed in Allah and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah. 

Note 5. Everyone who believed in Allah and did good deeds goes to Paradise Jannah. 

Note 6. This revelation is so important that Allah has repeated it in Quran 5:69.


5. Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts Quran 3:85.

This hadith contradicts Quran 3:85 meaning the hadith was invented after the death of Prophet Muhammad by people who made a living telling stories or repeated by people who were deceived to believe false stories.


Quran 3:85 Koran 3:85 And whoever seeks a religion other than submission (to Allah Adonai Allaah Elohim G-d Allah HaShem Jehovah Yahweh YHWH which includes every human from the beginning of time until the end of time, for example stone idol worship) it shall not be accepted by Him (Allah) in the Hereafter and (such a person) shall be one of the losers (in the hereafter. The word Islam has two meanings, the general meaning is submission in Quran 3:85 meaning anyone who submits to Allah).

Note 1. The Muslim religion Islam is the religion of submission to Allah (Quran 3:64).

Note 2. The Jewish religion Judaism is the religion of submission to Allah (Quran 3:64).

Note 3. The Christian religion Christianity is the religion of submission to Allah (Quran 3:64). 

Note 4. Islam means submission and the Quran tells the Jews to observe the Sabbath Day meaning all Jews who observe the Sabbath Day are submitting to Allah which means the word in Quran 3:85 is submission otherwise it would contradict other verses in the Quran and the Quran says it has no contradictions.

This means only one word "submission" is correct because it is the word with which there are no contradictions in the Quran.


6. Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts Quran 3:64.

This hadith contradicts Quran 3:64 meaning the hadith was invented after the death of Prophet Muhammad by people who made a living telling stories or repeated by people who were deceived to believe false stories.


Quran 3:64 Koran 3:64 Say, “O People of the Scripture (the Jews and the Christians) let us come to an agreement between you and us (Muslims), that we shall worship no one but Allah, and that we shall ascribe no partner to Him (meaning, there is only one Allah, we pray only to our creator the one Allah and no one else, not to sons, not to saints, not to any idol), and that none of us shall take others for Lords instead of Allah.” And if they turn away, then say, “Bear witness that we have submitted to Him (Allah).” 

Note 1. Allah does not require humans to all be in one religion (Quran 5:48).

Note 2. Allah does require that every religion worship only Allah (Quran 3:85).

Note 3. Allah says if the Jews and the Christians and others worship only Allah like the Muslims worship only Allah then the Jews and the Christians and others are correctly guided by Allah (Quran 3:64). 


7. Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts Quran 6:158 and Quran 41:8.

This hadith contradicts Quran 6:158 and Quran 41:8 meaning the hadith was invented after the death of Prophet Muhammad by people who made a living telling stories or repeated by people who were deceived to believe false stories.


Quran 6:158 Koran 6:158 "... belief in it (Allah and the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) shall not help any soul …. if in belief (he or she) did not earn good (by doing righteous deeds in their life). ....” 


Quran 41:8 Koran 41:8 “For those who believe and do good deeds, for them is an everlasting reward (in Paradise Jannah).” 


8. Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts Quran 4:114 and Quran 98:5.

Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts Quran 4:114 promising a great reward in the hereafter for the peace maker and Quran 98:5 giving guidance to the Jewish and Christian people.

This hadith contradicts Quran 4:114 and Quran 98:5 meaning the hadith was invented after the death of Prophet Muhammad by people who made a living telling stories or repeated by people who were deceived to believe false stories.


Quran 4:114 Koran 4:114 There is no good in most of their (the people’s) private conversation except in the person who calls for charity, kindness and peace making between humans, he (the person) who does this (charity, kindness and peacemaking between humans) and seeks the approval of Allah, We (Allah) shall give them a great reward (in Paradise Jannah in the Hereafter).  


Quran 98:5 Koran 98:5 They (the Jews and the Christians) were not commanded anything (from Allah in the Torah Taurat and in the Gospel Injil) except that they (the Jews and the Christians) should worship Allah and be faithful in religion to Him (Allah) and establish prayer (only to the one Allah who created them) and give charity (to the needy people). That is the correct religion of Allah.

Note 1. Allah explains why Judaism with the Torah Taurat and Christianity with the Gospel Injil and Islam with the Quran are the same belief in one Allah who is the creator of every creation.

Note 2. Not all Christians and Jews and Muslims are the same meaning in every generation there are some Christians and Muslims and Jews who are correctly worshiping Allah.

The Christian and Jew who believed in one Allah like the Muslim who believed in one Allah and who did good deeds on the Earth will be successful (Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69).

Note 3. The sins of the prophets is a reminder to humans not to elevate the prophets instead of elevating Allah.

Moses Musa sinned by killing a man and the messiah king David Dawud sinned by adultery (represented in the story of a man who had one female sheep in the sin of ewe, the sin involving a female) and murder (represented in the story by another man who caused to die something that did not belong to him in the sin of ewe, the sin involving a female) and the messiah king Solomon Sulaiman sinned by marriage to foreign wives who brought idol worship to Israel so that every human who comes after them can know that when you repent and correct your behaviour God will forgive all your sins without a blood sacrifice in Psalm 32:5, Psalm 51:17 - 51:19 in Tanakh or Psalm 51:15 - 51:17 in a Christian Bible, 1 Kings 8:46 - 8:50, Ecclesiastes 7:20, Proverbs 24:16, Ezekiel 18:20 - 18:23, Isaiah 1:18, Isaiah 55:7, Hosea 6:6, Hosea 14:2 - 14:3 and Micah 6:6 - 6:8.

Note 4. Those Muslims in the past who elevated Prophet Muhammad after his death and those Jews who elevated Prophet Ezra in the time of Prophet Muhammad and those Christians who elevated Prophet Jesus Isa in the time of Prophet Muhammad will have problems because they elevated prophets instead of elevating only Allah (Quran 3:64 and Quran 4:123).

Appalled Christian Caller! "You call my religion idolatry?" Rabbi Tovia Singer responds.



9. Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts Quran 5:75 and Quran 3:144.

This hadith contradicts Quran 5:75 and Quran 3:144 where Jesus “passed away” meaning died a natural death 2000 years ago. 

The hadith in summary A in 0-2 above claiming the Day of Resurrection will not come until after Jesus has returned and ruled on this earth is based on a misunderstanding of Quran 4:158 made by story tellers who did not understand that after Jesus was saved in the cross he lived on the earth until his natural death in Quran 5:75 and Quran 3:144 where he passed away meaning died a natural death as proof to his people that he is not Allah.

Those who invented hadith stories about Jesus and those who were deceived to believe such stories mistakenly thought that Jesus will return to this earth because he did not die 2000 years ago.


In the Quran Jesus died a natural death when he “passed away” which means died where ever “passed away” is used in the Quran.

Allah knew how the first Muslims would feel about the death of Prophet Muhammad.

To help the first Muslims accept the death of Prophet Muhammad Allah revealed in Quran 5:75 that the messengers before Jesus Isa died and Jesus Isa and his mother Mary Maryam “both use to eat food” meaning they also both died (Allah is saying this so that the first Muslims will understand that if all the messengers died would you not also expect that Prophet Muhammad will also die). 


The same words are in Quran 3:144 except now Allah says the messengers before Prophet Muhammad have died meaning Prophet Jesus Isa who is the messenger before Prophet Muhammad has died (Allah is saying this so that the first Muslims will understand that if all the messengers died would you not also expect that Prophet Muhammad will also die).


In these two revelations the hearts of the first Muslims are comforted by Allah making it easier for the first Muslims to accept the death of the prophet. 


Passed away means died in Quran 5:75 and Quran 3:144 and in all other verses in the Quran.

The messenger before Prophet Muhammad who is Jesus Isa “passed away” meaning Jesus Isa died in Quran 3:144. 

Jesus Isa and Mary Maryam “both used to eat food” meaning they both died a natural death 2000 years ago in Quran 5:75. 


Quran 3:144 Koran 3:144 Prophet Muhammad is no more than a (human) messenger (of Allah) and (all the human) messengers (of Allah) before him (Prophet Muhammad) have passed away …” 

Note 1. Passed away means died.

Note 2. The messenger before Prophet Muhammad is Prophet Jesus Isa meaning Prophet Jesus Isa died.


Quran 5:75 Koran 5:75 The Messiah (Jesus Isa), son of Mary (Maryam), was no more than a (human) messenger (of Allah) and (all the human) messengers (of Allah) before him (Prophet Jesus Isa) have passed away. His mother was a righteous woman and they (Jesus Isa and Mary Maryam) both used to eat food (meaning Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa died a natural death 2000 years ago because both “used to eat food” meaning they are dead because they do not eat food today) …” 

Note 1. Passed away means died. 

Note 2. "They Mary and Jesus both used to eat food" means Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa both died 2000 years ago. 


In the Quran "passed away" means died.


Quran 2:134 Verse 2:134 Those people (Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and Prophet Ishmael Ismail and Prophet Isaac Ishaq and Prophet Jacob Yaqub and many generations after them have) passed away …” 

Note 1. Passed away means died. 


Quran 2:141 Verse 2:141 Those people (Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and Prophet Ishmael Ismail and Prophet Isaac Ishaq and Prophet Jacob Yaqub Israel and the 12 tribes of the children of Israel and others that) passed away (died in past generations). They shall have what they earned (of righteous rewards given to them in the hereafter) and you shall have what (righteous rewards) you earn (in this life given to you in the hereafter) …”  

Note 1. Passed away means died. 


Quran 7:38 Verse 7:38 He (Allah) shall say, “Enter into the Fire and join the nations of humans and jinn who passed away before you. …” 

Note 1. Passed away means died. 


Quran 13:30 Verse 13:30 We (Allah) have send you (Prophet Muhammad) to a nation (of people in Mecca Arabia today Makkah Saudi Arabia), before whom nations have passed away …” 

Note 1. Passed away means died. 


Quran 41:25 Verse 41:25 ”… And the Word (Allah’s decree) has come to them as it came to the previous generations of jinn and humans that had passed away (died) before them …” 

Note 1. Passed away means died. 


Quran 46:17 Verse 46:17 But (there is one child) who says to his parents, "Uff (impatiently) to both of you, are you promising me that I shall be raised up (from death to life) even though generations have passed away before me …” 

Note 1. Passed away means died. 


Quran 3:144 Koran 3:144 Prophet Muhammad is no more than a (human) messenger (of Allah) and (all the human) messengers (of Allah) before him (Prophet Muhammad) have passed away (meaning died. All the messengers before Prophet Muhammad have died so would you expect that Prophet Muhammad would live forever or expect that Prophet Muhammad will not die or believe that Prophet Jesus Isa did not die or that Prophet Moses Musa did not die or that Prophet Abraham Ibrahim did not die? See Quran 3:144, 4:157, 4:158, 5:72, 5:75, 5:117, 19:36 and 39:42 comments). If he (Prophet Muhammad) dies or is killed shall you then turn back to disbelief? The person who turns back to disbelief does no harm to Allah. Allah shall reward those who are grateful (those who are thankful for the blessing of faith in Allah). 

Note 1. Passed away means died.

Note 2. The messenger before Prophet Muhammad is Prophet Jesus Isa meaning Prophet Jesus Isa died.


Quran 5:75 Koran 5:75 The Messiah (Jesus Isa), son of Mary (Maryam), was no more than a (human) messenger (of Allah) and (all the human) messengers (of Allah) before him (Prophet Jesus Isa) have passed away (meaning died. All the messengers before Jesus Isa have died so would you expect that Prophet Muhammad would live forever or expect that Prophet Muhammad will not die or believe that Prophet Jesus Isa did not die or that Prophet Moses Musa did not die or that Prophet Abraham Ibrahim did not die? See Quran 3:144, 4:157, 4:158, 5:72, 5:75, 5:117, 19:36 and 39:42 comments). His mother was a righteous woman and they (Jesus Isa and Mary Maryam) both used to eat food (meaning Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa died a natural death 2000 years ago because both “used to eat food” meaning they are dead because they do not eat food today. The human body needs food. When Adam and Eve Hawa were created with a human body they ate food in heaven. If the human body of Jesus Isa was raised to heaven as some people claim then Jesus Isa would be eating food today which contradicts Quran 5:75 “Jesus and Mary both used to eat food” meaning Jesus and Mary both do not eat food today because they died a natural death like every human messenger of Allah before them has died in Quran 5:75 and as Prophet Jesus Isa died in Quran 3:144 which says the messengers of Allah before Prophet Muhammad have died meaning Jesus Isa died 2000 years ago because the messenger of Allah before Prophet Muhammad is Prophet Jesus Isa who lived and died a natural death 2000 years ago. Allah raises the soul to heaven not the human body. The soul is alive in heaven without a human body and without the need for food. The human body is only needed on this earth. The soul without the body for Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa are in heaven waiting for the Day of Resurrection which will come in the hereafter on a new earth after the end of this earth, the sun, the moon, the stars and the universe meaning the Day of Resurrection is after the end of this first creation. After the Day of Resurrection and Judgement the new physical human body that will be different to the physical human body will eat food in the hereafter only for enjoyment in Paradise Jannah and only for punishment in Hell Jahannam). (Even now when) We (Allah) make the revelations clear for them (that Jesus Isa is not Allah but a human by showing that the soul of Jesus Isa was raised up to Allah like every human soul is raised up to Allah by the angel of death) see how they (some among the Christians who believe Jesus Isa is Allah) are deluded (in thinking that Jesus Isa is more than a human messenger. Moses Musa describes all the messengers who will come after him including Jesus Isa in Taurat Torah Deuteronomy 18:15 – 18:22. Jesus Isa never said "I am Allah" or "worship me" or "I am a Trinity" in the Gospel of Jesus Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John and that is why such beliefs are called "deluded" meaning they are not true because they are opposite to what Jesus Isa is teaching in all the Gospels Injils that were with the Christians 1400 years ago and are still with them today and will be with them until the Day of Judgement as proof that Jesus Isa never claimed he was Allah and as proof Jesus Isa told people to pray not to him but to Allah and worship not him but worship Allah. What some people think Jesus Isa said is opposite to the meaning of the words of Jesus Isa which are recorded in all the Gospels Injils and this is why it is said that some Christians 1400 years ago had deluded ideas meaning untrue ideas that Jesus Isa was more than a human or that he was Allah or that he was a partner with Allah in a Trinity. Jesus Isa was a human who died like every human before him had died and whose soul was raised up to Allah to be in Allah’s care like the soul of every human is raised up after death to be in Allah’s care. The meaning of Quran 5:75 is that Jesus Isa died 2000 years ago like every human messenger of Allah had died before him as proof to the people in his time that Jesus is not Allah or a partner with Allah but only a human servant who delivered the message of Allah. The natural death of Prophet Jesus Isa 2000 years ago when Jesus Isa was raised up to Allah by the angel of death in Quran 3:144, Quran 5:75, Quran 5:117 and Quran 39:42 is confirmed in the Injils of Isa the Gospels of Jesus by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John which is with the Christians today as proof of the truthfulness of the Quran in the Gospel of Mark 16:19, the Gospel of Luke 24:51 and the last report of the life of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew 28:20 and the Gospel of John 21:25 which all show that Jesus lived his life on this earth after the crucifixion teaching the people that he is not Allah saying "Allah is my Father and your Father" meaning Allah is my creator and your creator and teaching the people "Allah is my Allah and your Allah" meaning Allah is my master and your master meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 until his natural death 2000 years ago in Judea today in Israel and Palestine). 


Note 1. Passed away means died. 

Note 2. "They Mary and Jesus both used to eat food" means Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa both died 2000 years ago.  

Note 3. The Quran is the last revelation so passed way in the Quran will always mean died until the Day of Resurrection. 

Note 4. If the people who “passed away” appeared today then the Quran would be in error because it would contradict the Quran which will always say they “pasted away.” 

Note 5. The Quran is the word of Allah and no one can change the word of Allah meaning when Allah says passed away it means passed away until the Day of Resurrection. 

Note 6. The word of Allah in the Quran will never change until the Day of Resurrection so the meaning of passed away will always mean passed away for readers in the present and for readers in the future. 

Note 7. If the people who “pasted away” appeared on the earth in the future then the Quran would be in error because it would contradict the Quran which will always say they“pasted away.” 

Note 8.Twisting the meaning inside the mind of “passed away” in the Quran to give it a different meaning to agree with hadith stories instead of agreeing with what Allah teaches in the Quran is the same error that some Christians do when they read the Gospel of Jesus Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John and twist the meaning of words inside their mind to agree with the letters of Paul and other books outside the Gospel instead of agreeing with what Jesus is teaching in the Gospel for example by incorrectly believing that the word “son of Allah” is a real biological son instead of its correct meaning which is “servant of Allah” in both the Gospel and the Torah. 

Note 9. Allah says in Quran 7:185, Quran 25:30, Quran 39:23, Quran 45:6 and Quran 77:50 if anything contradicts the Quran then reject it and follow what Allah is teaching in the Quran. 

Do not twist inside your mind the meaning of the words of Allah in the Quran to agree with hadith stories. 

If hadith stories agree with the Quran then accept it and learn from it. 

If hadith stories do not agree with the Quran then reject it and also learn from it.  

On the Day of Judgement Allah judges by the words in the protected Quran. 

On the Day of Judgement Allah does not judge by the words in unprotected human hadith stories. 

The Quran is the protected word of Allah including the words and actions of Prophet Muhammad which are described and protected by Allah. 

Read what Allah says in the Quran and beware of hadith stories which seek to add something that contradicts the teachings in the Quran.

Hadith which contradict the teachings of Allah in the Quran are false hadith stories.

Be careful not to mix the words of Allah with hadith stories which contradict the Quran.


Quran 77:50 Koran 77:50 In what statement (words, news, reports, information, message, hadith), after it (the verses of Allah in the Quran), shall they (the humans and the jinn) believe? 

Note 1. Quran 7:185, Quran 25:29, Quran 25:30, Quran 31:6, Quran 39:23, Quran 45:6 and Quran 77:50 asks when you have the word of Allah in the Quran what other report would you believe? 


Quran 25:30 Koran 25:30 And (on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) the messenger (Prophet Muhammad) said, “My Lord (Allah) my people have abandoned (deserted) this Quran (to follow false messages, false words, false news, false reports, false information, false statements, false hadith).” 

Note 1. On the Day of Resurrection and Judgement Prophet Muhammad will say “My Lord my people have abandoned this Quran (to follow false messages, false words, false news, false reports, false information, false statements, false hadith).” 


10. Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts Quran 4:157, Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42.

This hadith contradicts Quran 4:157 and Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42 where Jesus was saved on the cross with sleep and later died a natural death 2000 years ago as confirmed in Quran 5:75 and Quran 3:144 in 9 above. 

The hadith in summary A in 0-2 above claiming the Day of Resurrection will not come until after Jesus has returned and ruled on this earth is based on a misunderstanding of Quran 4:158 made by story tellers who did not understand that after Jesus was saved in the cross by sleep he woke up 3 days later and continued to lived on the earth until his natural death as explained in 9 above as proof to his people that he is not Allah.

Those who invented hadith stories about Jesus and those who were deceived to believe such stories mistakenly thought that Jesus will return to this earth because he did not die 2000 years ago however Quran 4:157 and Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42 say Jesus did not die on the cross but was saved with sleep on the cross and his soul was raised to Allah like every soul is raised to Allah during sleep as explained in Quran 39:42.


Quran 4:157 Koran 4:157 And they (some of the Jews of Yathrib in Arabia later Medina Arabia today Madinah Saudi Arabia) said (showing their pride and their disbelief by threatening and mocking the messenger Prophet Muhammad and his followers by boasting), "We killed messiah Jesus Isa, the son of Mary Maryam, the messenger of Allah," but (in fact) they did not kill him (on the cross) nor crucify him (to death on the cross), but it was made to appear so to them (so they believed he was dead on the cross because his body was not moving but in fact he was still alive and sleeping on the cross as explained in Quran 4:158 and 39:42) and those (Jews of Yathrib Arabia) who differ in this (in what happened to Prophet Jesus Isa on the cross) are full of doubts with no (certain) knowledge so they (the Jews of Yathrib) follow only conjecture (assumptions, speculation, guess). It is certain that they (the Jews) did not kill him (because Allah protected Prophet Jesus Isa from the death of crucifixion in 607 BH 33 CE 33 AD on Friday 3 April 33 in Jerusalem Al-Quds Yerussalem Yerushalayim in Judea today in Israel and Palestine and this is confirmed in the Gospel Injil where Jesus Isa is seen alive three days after the crucifixion teaching that he is not Allah in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 by saying Allah is my Allah and your Allah meaning Allah is my Father and your Father meaning Allah is my Creator and your Creator meaning Allah is my Master and your Master meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord as proof that no one had killed him on the cross or crucified him to death on the cross. 2000 years ago Allah saved the life of humans with sleep so that their body did not move making everyone think they were dead in the Injil Gospel of Mark 5:39 "... The child is not dead but sleeping", Gospel of Matthew 9:24 "... For the maiden meaning the girl has not died but sleeps ..." and the Gospel of Luke 8:52 "... She is not dead but sleeping". To prepare to test the faith of Prophet Jesus Isa by the threat of death by crucifixion Allah through the Holy Spirit removed from the mind of Prophet Jesus Isa the earlier events where Allah had saved people with sleep that looked like death by revealing the story of Lazarus in the Injil Gospel of John 11:11 – 11:14 where the Holy Spirit reveals to Jesus that sleep for Lazarus means Lazarus is dead. This was done so that Prophet Jesus Isa will believe he will die in the same way as Prophet Abraham Ibrahim believed his son would die. Prophet Jesus Isa passed the test of faith in Allah and Allah saved Prophet Jesus Isa like Allah saved the son of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim so that Prophet Jesus Isa could continue his life on the earth when Allah returned the soul from heaven to wake up the sleeping body on the earth as Allah had done before in the Gospel of Luke 8:54 – 8:55 “…"Damsel meaning girl, wake up!" And her spirit returned, and she stood up at once, and he ordered that she be given something to eat. This was proof that she was alive and not dead. After the crucifixion Prophet Jesus Isa was alive on the earth as proof that no one killed him on the cross or crucified him to death. After the crucifixion Prophet Jesus Isa taught the people that he is not Allah until his natural death 2000 years ago in Quran 5:75, Quran 3:144, Quran 5:117 and in all the four Gospels Injil. It is in the life of Prophet Jesus Isa after the crucifixion that Jesus told the people that he is not Allah so that no one will be able to claim in the hereafter that Prophet Jesus Isa did not tell them he is not Allah in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36). 


Quran 4:158 Koran 4:158 Allah raised him (the soul of Prophet Jesus Isa) up to Himself (Allah, to protect the life of Jesus Isa as explained in Quran 39:42 where Allah raises the soul up to Himself causing the human body on the earth to sleep and make everyone think Jesus Isa was dead because his body was not moving in Quran 4:157. Allah returned the soul of Jesus Isa causing his human body on the earth to wake up three days later as proof that no one killed Jesus Isa on the cross and no one crucified him to death on the cross. This is confirmed because Jesus Isa is seen alive three days after the crucifixion delivering the message that he is not Allah in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 by saying Allah is my Allah and your Allah meaning Allah is my Father and your Father meaning Allah is my Creator and your Creator meaning Allah is my Master and your Master meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord). Allah is all powerful (able to do all things) and He (Allah) is all wise. (2000 years ago Allah saved the life of humans with sleep so that their body did not move making everyone think they were dead in the Injil Gospel of Mark 5:39 "... The child is not dead but sleeping", Gospel of Matthew 9:24 "... For the maiden meaning the girl has not died but sleeps ..." and the Gospel of Luke 8:52 "... She is not dead but sleeping" …).


Quran 39:42 Koran 39:42 Allah takes the souls at the time of their death and (also takes the souls of) those who have not died (but are alive) during their sleep (when Allah saved the life of Jesus Isa with sleep so that his body did not move making everyone believe that Jesus Isa was dead on the cross in Quran 4:157 by raising the soul of Jesus Isa to heaven and to Allah in Quran 4:158). He (Allah) keeps those (souls) for which He (Allah) had decreed death and sends the rest (of the souls to awaken the sleeping body) for a predetermined period of time (such as when Allah returned the soul of Jesus Isa three days after the crucifixion to wake up the sleeping body of Jesus Isa on the earth in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 when Jesus Isa delivered the message that Jesus Isa is not Allah by saying Allah is my Allah and your Allah meaning Allah is my Father and your Father meaning Allah is my Creator and your Creator meaning Allah is my Master and your Master meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord as proof that no one had killed him on the cross or crucified him to death on the cross, after which they return to sleep again or die as in Quran 5:75 where Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa “use to eat food” meaning they both died 2000 years ago and Quran 3:144 where the “the messengers before Prophet Muhammad have died” meaning Jesus Isa is dead because Jesus Isa is the messenger before Prophet Muhammad. In Quran 5:117 Jesus died when he lived with the children of Israel 2000 years ago when he was raised by the angel of death). In this are signs (of Allah) for people who think. 

Note 1. Allah does not take the human body to heaven (Quran 39:42). 

Note 2. Only the human soul is raised to heaven (Quran 39:42). 

Note 3. The human body is only needed on the Earth (Quran 39:42). 

Note 4. The human body is not needed in heaven (Quran 39:42).

Note 5. The human soul is alive in heaven without a human body (Quran 39:42).

Note 6. What happened to Prophet Jesus Isa on the cross in Quran 4:157 and Quran 4:158 is explained in Quran 39:42.

Note 7. The Quran confirms what is in the Gospel Injil of Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John that is with the Christians today as proof that no one can change the words of Allah and as proof of the truthfulness of the Quran.


11. Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts Quran 3:55.

This hadith contradicts Quran 3:55 where Allah teaches that Jesus will return not in our time on the earth but only when all humans return to life on the Day of Resurrection. 

The hadith in summary A in 0-2 above claiming the Day of Resurrection will not come until after Jesus has returned and ruled on this earth is based on invented hadith stories about Jesus claiming Jesus will return to this earth because he did not die 2000 years ago.


Quran 3:55 Koran 3:55 (Jesus Isa said on the cross “my Allah my Allah why have you forsaken me” as proof that Jesus Isa is human and that Jesus Isa is not Allah in the Injil of Isa by Mark and Matthew the Gospel of Mark 15:34 and the Gospel of Matthew 27:46. This was proof that Jesus Isa had faith in Allah because Jesus Isa called out for help from Allah and it was then that Jesus Isa passed the test of faith like Abraham Ibrahim and his son had passed the test of faith in a time before him. The plan of Allah was then explained to Jesus Isa to show that Allah does not forsake humans who call Allah for help) when Allah said "O Jesus Isa I (Allah) will take you (your soul in Quran 39:42 so that your body will sleep on the cross) and raise you (your soul) to Myself (Allah in Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42 making everyone believe you are dead on the cross in Quran 4:157 because your body will stop moving on the cross) and purify you (meaning separate your soul for three days) from those who disbelieve (you are a messenger of Allah), and I (Allah) will make those who follow you (by obeying the Gospel Injil that you taught them 2000 years ago) superior (in the hereafter) to those who disbelieve (you are a messenger of Allah) on the Day of Resurrection (in the hereafter on a new earth, a new ground, a new land when all humans will see that the message you delivered in the Gospel Injil is the truth). (After 3 days Allah returned the soul of Jesus Isa to wake up his sleeping body as proof that no one killed him on the cross and no one crucified him to death on the cross in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 when Jesus Isa woke up in the place of the dead where his body was placed after the crucifixion which is the time when Jesus Isa delivered the message that “Allah is my Allah and your Allah” meaning “Allah is my Father and your Father” meaning Allah is my Creator and your Creator meaning Allah is my Master and your Master meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord so that no one can confuse a miracle of Allah with a human messenger of Allah. No one teaches people that they are not Allah unless something amazing has happened which might result in confusion. Jesus Isa woke up three days after the crucifixion and continued living with his people in Judea and Galilee today in Palestine and Israel. This was something amazing and this is the reason Jesus Isa was teaching the people that Jesus Isa is not Allah. Jesus Isa taught his people that Jesus Isa is not Allah until his natural death in Quran 5:75 where Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa “use to eat food” meaning they both died 2000 years ago and Quran 3:144 where the “the messengers before Prophet Muhammad have died” meaning Jesus Isa is dead because Jesus Isa is the messenger before Prophet Muhammad). Then (on that Day of Resurrection and Judgement) to Me (Allah) is your return (when In Quran 7:6 Allah shall question the messengers of Allah and in Quran 5:117 Prophet Jesus Isa will testify to Allah on the Day of Judgement that Prophet Jesus Isa died only one time when he lived with the children of Israel 2000 years ago in Judea today in Israel and Palestine where he was raised only one time by the angel of death as confirmation of the truthfulness of both the Quran and the Gospel Injil) and I (Allah) will judge between you (humans and explain to humans) about what (religious matters) you were differing (among each other when some of you claimed Jesus Isa was not sent by Allah and others of you claimed Jesus Isa was Allah instead of believing Jesus Isa who said Jesus Isa is a human messenger of Allah in all the Injil of Isa the Gospel of Jesus by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John which are with humans today and proved it by his righteous deeds and righteous teachings as all the messengers of Allah had also done before him).


12. Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts Quran 7:6 and Quran 5:117.

This hadith contradicts Quran 7:6 and Quran 5:117 where Allah teaches that Jesus will be questioned on the Day of Resurrection and Jesus will testify in the hereafter that he only died one time 2000 years ago when he lived with the children of Israel. 

The hadith in summary A in 0-2 above claiming the Day of Resurrection will not come until after Jesus has returned and ruled on this earth is based on invented hadith stories claiming Jesus will return to this earth because he did not die 2000 years ago.


Quran 7:6 Koran 7:6 Surely (in the hereafter) We (Allah) shall question those (people) to whom (Allah’s message) was sent and We (Allah) shall question the messengers (of Allah). 


Quran 5:117 Koran 5:117 I (Prophet Jesus Isa) told them (the Jews in Judea today Israel and Palestine) only what You (Allah) commanded me, (saying), “Worship Allah, (Allah is) my Lord and your Lord." I was a witness (that I said these words) to them (three days after the crucifixion as proof that Jesus Isa was alive and living on the earth after the crucifixion meaning no one killed him on the cross and no one crucified him to death on the cross in Quran 4:157. Allah saved his life on the cross with sleep so that his body did not move and everyone though he was dead but he was only sleeping on the cross when his soul was raised to Allah in Quran 4:158. The soul of Jesus Isa was returned to the earth three days after the crucifixion to wake up his sleeping body in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117, Quran 19:36 and Quran 39:42 so that Jesus could teach the people that Jesus is not Allah) when I lived among them (the children of Israel in Judea, today in Israel and Palestine) and when You (Allah) raised me (my soul by the angel of death in Quran 39:42 and Quran 3:144 and Quran 5:75 and Quran 5:117 and confirmed in all the four Injil of Isa the Gospels of Jesus by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John that are with the Christians today as proof of the truthfulness of the Quran) You (Allah) watched over them (the Jews in Judea 2000 years ago today in Israel and Palestine and You Allah know everything the children of Israel said and did). You (Allah) are the Witness to all things.

Note 1. Jesus Isa in the hereafter will testify to Allah that he was raised by the angel of death only one time after he had lived among the children of Israel 2000 years ago in Judea today in Israel and Palestine. 

Note 2. Jesus Isa in the hereafter will testify to Allah that after he was raised by the angel of death Allah watched over the children of Israel.

Note 3. Jesus Isa and Allah say nothing about Jesus Isa returning to this earth because Quran 33:40 prohibit any prophet from returning to this earth after the death of Prophet Muhammad.

Note 4. Jesus Isa and Allah say nothing about Jesus Isa returning to this earth because Allah through Jesus Isa have already warned humans 2000 years ago not to believe anyone who says Jesus Isa has returned to this earth in the Gospel of Mark 13:5 – 13:6 and 13:21 – 13:23.

Note 5. Jesus Isa and Allah say nothing about Jesus Isa returning to this earth because Quran 21:95 prohibit humans from returning to this earth after their death.


13. Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts Quran 21:95 and Quran 23:99-23:100.

This hadith contradicts Quran 21:95 and Quran 23:99-23:100 where Allah teaches that Allah does not return humans to the earth after their death.. 

The hadith in summary A in 0-2 above claiming the Day of Resurrection will not come until after Jesus has returned and ruled on this earth is based on invented hadith stories about Jesus claiming Jesus will return to this earth because he did not die 2000 years ago.


Quran 21:95 Koran 21:95 The people whom We (Allah) destroyed (both the righteous and the wrongdoer who have died) can never return to this world (because their souls have completed their test and are now in the care of Allah as each soul waits for the Day of Resurrection when each soul will be given a new physical body in the hereafter on a new earth, a new ground, a new land). 


Quran 23:99 Koran 23:99 Until when death comes to one of them (who were wicked on the earth) he says(in the hereafter), My Lord send me back (to life on the earth) - 


Quran 23:100 Koran 23:100 So that I may do righteous (deeds) in what is left behind (on the earth because my deeds on the earth were bad), No, it is a word (of regret that) he speaks (on the Day of Resurrection because on that Day the Earth and the first creation shall not exist except for what has been resurrected so it will be too late for him to change his behaviour) and behind him is a barrier (that does not allow the dead to return to life meaning the soul is in the care of Allah) until the day when they (who died) are raised (back to life in the Hereafter). 


14. Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts Quran 33:40.

This hadith contradicts Quran 33:40 where Allah teaches that for Islam the time of the prophets has closed meaning Allah will not send any prophet to Islam after the death of Prophet Muhammad meaning anyone claiming to be a prophet sent to Islam after the time of Prophet Muhammad is a false prophet meaning after Prophet Muhammad dies no one can use prophethood as a way to change what Prophet Muhammad has revealed. 

If Prophet Jesus returned to this earth then Jesus would be the last prophet sent to Islam meaning Jesus would be the seal of the prophets in Islam which contradicts Quran 33:40.

The hadith in summary A in 0-2 above claiming the Day of Resurrection will not come until after Jesus has returned and ruled on this earth is based on invented hadith stories about Jesus claiming Jesus will return to this earth because he did not die 2000 years ago.


Quran 33:40 Koran 33:40 Prophet Muhammad is not the father of any man among you (meaning after the death of Prophet Muhammad no person can claim to inherit religious leadership of the Muslims based on their relationship with Prophet Muhammad as a way to mislead humans away from what Prophet Muhammad has revealed), but he (Prophet Muhammad) is the messenger of Allah and the Seal (the closure) of the Prophets (of Allah on this Earth meaning Prophet Muhammad is the end of the Prophets of Allah on this Earth meaning after the death of Prophet Muhammad no prophet will be sent to this earth so that no person can claim to be a prophet as a way to mislead humans away from what Prophet Muhammad has revealed. When something is sealed it is ended and finished and closed. The time of the prophets on this earth ended and finished and closed with the death of Prophet Muhammad. Quran 33:40 confirms the warning from Allah 2000 years ago that was delivered by Prophet Jesus Isa "not to believe anyone who says Prophet Jesus Isa has returned to this earth" in the Injil of Isa by Mark Gospel of Mark 13:5 -13:6 and 13:21 – 13:23 where Allah warns that Satan Shaitan "will deceive many to believe that Prophet Jesus Isa has returned to this earth." In Quran 33:40 prophets are prohibited from coming to this earth after the death of Prophet Muhammad. There is nothing in the Quran about the Mahdi Mehdi or Dajjal Dijjal or the return of Prophet Jesus Isa to this earth because it contradicts the word of Allah in the Gospel Injil and in the Quran. Satan Shaitan cannot change the protected Books of Allah. Satan Shaitan can only hide and distort and corrupt the word of Allah in the human mind by whispering false hadith stories that contradict the Books of Allah. The deception of Satan Shaitan is so good that many people cannot see any contradiction between such false hadith stories and the words of Allah in the Quran) and Allah is aware of all things. (Allah saved the life of Prophet Jesus Isa with sleep in Quran 4:157 and Quran 4:158 making everyone believe Jesus Isa was dead on the cross because his body did not move and Allah returned the soul of Jesus Isa to this earth to wake up the sleeping body of Jesus Isa three days after the crucifixion in Quran 39:42 so that Prophet Jesus Isa could deliver the message in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 that Jesus Isa is not Allah by saying "Allah is my Allah and your Allah" meaning "Allah is my Father and your Father" meaning Allah is my Creator and your Creator meaning Allah is my Master and your Master meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord as proof that no one had killed Jesus Isa on the cross or crucified Jesus Isa to death on the cross until the natural death of “Jesus Isa and Mary Maryam who both use to eat food” meaning they both died 2000 years ago in Quran 5:75 and in Quran 3:144 where “the messengers before Prophet Muhammad have died” meaning Jesus Isa is dead because Jesus Isa is the messenger before Prophet Muhammad. In Quran 7:6 Allah shall question the messengers of Allah and in Quran 5:117 Prophet Jesus Isa will testify to Allah on the Day of Judgement that Prophet Jesus Isa died only one time when he lived with the children of Israel 2000 years ago in Judea today in Israel and Palestine where he was raised only one time by the angel of death as confirmation of the truthfulness of both the Quran and the Gospel Injil which both confirm that Allah saved the life of Jesus Isa on the cross and that Jesus Isa after the crucifixion told the people that Jesus Isa is not Allah and continued to tell them Jesus Isa is not Allah until his natural death 2000 years ago in Judea today in Israel and Palestine. All the fabricated hadith stories about Prophet Jesus Isa returning to this earth in the time of the Mahdi Mehdi and the Dajjal Dijjal all contradict both the Quran and the Gospel Injil. These fabricated hadith stories are proof of the truth of the warnings from Allah in the Gospel Injil not to believe anyone who says Jesus Isa has returned to this earth in the Injil of Isa by Mark Gospel of Mark 13:5 -13:6 and 13:21 – 13:23 and the truth of Quran 33:40 where Allah has told humans that the time of the prophets of Allah on this earth is sealed meaning closed meaning no prophet will be allowed to come to this earth after the death of Prophet Muhammad. The Quran confirms the Gospel Injil meaning Quran 33:40 confirms the Injil of Isa by Mark Gospel of Mark 13:5 -13:6 and 13:21 – 13:23 as proof that no one can change the written word of Allah. Fabricated hadith stories about Jesus Isa returning to this earth contradict the Quran and the Gospel Injil and show how Satan Shaitan only has power to distort hide and corrupt the meaning of the written words of Allah inside the human mind. Satan Shaitan gave the same deception to Christians in the false hadith story that Jesus Isa is Allah which contradicts everything that is in the four Injil of Isa Gospel of Jesus by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John that is with the Christians today as proof that Allah has protected the Gospel Injil which is with the Christians today because no one can change the written word of Allah. Humans who live for 100 years think they have more wisdom than Satan Shaitan who has deceived for millions of years. The deception of Satan Shaitan is so good that some people cannot see any contradiction between what Satan Shaitan has whispered in unprotected false hadith stories and what is said in the protected Books of Allah the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil and the Koran Quran which are with all humans today. Some people believe false hadith stories about Jesus Isa returning to this earth and other people believe false hadith stories that Jesus is Allah and some people do not believe all the Books of Allah the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil and the Koran Quran which are with all humans today. Satan Shaitan whispers to people in every religion “do not believe any book except your book” because Satan Shaitan knows that people who have no faith in all the Books of Allah that are with all humans today are the easiest people for Satan Shaitan to deceive and this is confirmed in Quran 4:136 where Allah has warned that whoever has no faith in Allah’s Books has strayed far away from Allah. In this way Allah shows who has faith that Allah has protected all His Books that are with all humans today and who believe that the books of Allah have been corrupted except their own book. The proof of Allah is that the Torah Taurat with the Jews today and the Gospel Injil with the Christians today and the Quran with the Muslims today in Quran 3:3 are protected as confirmed in Quran 6:115 and Quran 10:64. Those in every religion who believe only their Book is protected and all other humans have corrupted Books unknowingly give the proof that Allah does not exist because Allah did not protect His word in all the Books of Allah which are with humans today contradicting Quran 2:41, Quran 3:93, Quran 5:43, Quran 5:47, Quran 5:48 and Quran 5:68 as explained in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ3o3ybc-KA ). 


15. Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts Gospel of Mark 13:5-13:6 and Gospel of Mark 13:21-13:23.

This hadith contradicts Gospel of Mark 13:5-13:6 and Gospel of Mark 13:21-13:23 confirming Quran 33:40 where Jesus warns people not to believe anyone who claims Jesus has returned to this earth because Satan will try to deceive even the righteous if he can.

The hadith in summary A in 0-2 above claiming the Day of Resurrection will not come until after Jesus has returned and ruled on this earth is based on invented hadith stories about Jesus claiming Jesus will return to this earth because he did not die 2000 years ago.


Gospel of Mark 13:5 (Jesus foretold what will happen in future after Jesus has left the Earth) and Jesus proceeded to tell them, "See that no one misleads you. 


Gospel of Mark 13:6 Many will come in my name (Jesus), saying, 'I am He (Jesus),' and they will deceive many. 


Gospel of Mark 13:21 And at that time (when people will claim to be Jesus), if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Messiah (Jesus)' or, 'Look, there (is the messiah Jesus)!' do not believe it. 

Note 1. All stories claiming Jesus is returning to this earth were invented by story tellers who used the name of the prophets and the proof is those stories are opposite to what Allah and the prophets teach in the Torah and Gospel and Quran.


Gospel of Mark 13:22 For false Messiahs and false prophets will appear, and they will do signs and miracles, trying to deceive, if possible, the elect (the righteous). 


Gospel of Mark 13:23 But you, you be watchful; I (Jesus) have told you everything ahead of time (before it happens).

Note 1. Jesus says he has “told us everything” about Jesus after his natural death that will happen on this earth before it happens.

Note 2. There is nothing in the Gospel Injil or in the Quran about Jesus returning to this earth meaning the Quran confirms the Gospel.

Note 3. Jesus will return when every human returns on the Day of Resurrection. 


16. Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts Quran 2:256.

This hadith violates the freedom of religion given by Allah to every human until the Day of Resurrection in Quran 2:256. 


Quran 2:256 Koran 2:256 There is no compulsion in religion (meaning, religion must come voluntarily from the human heart and not from the fear of humans or by force) ..."


17. Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts Quran 4:159.

Some connect this hadith to Quran 4:159 however the hadith is claiming things about Christianity and Judaism on the earth in the future and in Quran 4:159 Allah is explaining how Jesus will be questioned on the Day of Resurrection in the hereafter in Quran 7:6 and Quran 5:117 in 12 above and Allah does not reveal anything except that earth is the home of Jews and Christians and Muslims and others and not the home of only one group like Islam.

The purpose of Quran 4:159 where everyone who saw and heard Prophet Jesus must have believed in him 2000 years ago otherwise Prophet Jesus will testify against them is for the people who are living in the time of Prophet Muhammad to know that everyone who saw and heard Prophet Muhammad 1400 years ago must have believed in him otherwise Prophet Muhammad will testify against them.

Today there are no prophets meaning Prophet Jesus and Prophet Muhammad will only testify about the people in their time because they will have no knowledge about any other people except what Allah reveals to them.


Quran 4:159 Koran 4:159 And there is not (one person) from the people of the Book (Quran 4:159 are not the Christians because Christianity did not exist until after the natural death of Prophet Jesus Isa on the earth 2000 years ago in Quran 3:55, Quran 3:144, Quran 5:75, Quran 5:117 and Quran 39:42 meaning Jesus Isa was not a witness when his followers abandoned Judaism and created a new religion called Christianity because Allah had decreed there will be more than one “community” of Allah on the earth so that Allah can test who is best in behaviour between and within each “community” of Allah after Allah ordered His “communities” of Judaism and Christianity and Islam to “strive for all that is good” in Quran 5:48 where Allah explains why Allah did not make only one “community” of Allah for the people of the earth. Jesus Isa was only a witness among the Jewish people. Jesus and Mary and Joseph and the twelve disciples of Jesus were Jewish. The people of the Book in Quran 4:159 are the Jews who saw and heard Prophet Jesus Isa 2000 years ago when Jesus Isa was living in Quran 3:55, Quran 4:157, Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42 and there is not one person from the Jewish people who saw and heard Prophet Jesus Isa 2000 years ago) but surely he believes in him (Prophet Jesus Isa as described in the Gospel of Luke 24:19 “… The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet powerful in deed and in word, in the eyes of both Allah and all the people” and as described in Gospel of Mark 12:29 “… Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our Allah is one Lord” and as described in Gospel of Matthew 24:36 “But as for that day and hour, no one knows it except the Father Allah alone; not even the angels of heaven meaning the Holy Spirit and the other angels who are servants of Allah, not even the Son” meaning Jesus who is a servant of Allah and as described in Gospel of Matthew 5:18 “For truly I say to you, until the sky and the earth pass away meaning until the end of the earth, not one iota, not one serif meaning not a dot of one letter, will by any means pass away from the Law meaning the Torah Taurat until everything is carried out” meaning on the Day of Judgement which is after the end of the earth and as described in Gospel of Matthew 5:19 “Therefore, whoever looses one of the least of these commandments meaning in the Torah Taurat, and teaches people the same, will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices them meaning practices the Torah Taurat and teaches them meaning teaches the Torah Taurat, this one will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.” A Jewish person living 2000 years ago in the time of the  living prophet Jesus Isa who saw and heard that prophet speak must believe) before his death (means before the death of any person who saw and heard Prophet Jesus Isa 2000 years ago he must believe in him) otherwise on the Day of Resurrection he (Prophet Jesus Isa) shall be a witness against them (in Quran 7:6 and Quran 5:117 and Quran 3:55 because Jesus Isa can only testify about what he saw when he lived before his natural death on the earth 2000 years ago in Quran 3:144, Quran 5:75, Quran 5:117 and Quran 39:42. Jesus in Quran 7:6 testifies to Allah in the hereafter in Quran 5:117 “… I was a witness to them when I lived among them ...” meaning in the hereafter Jesus Isa will testify he was raised only one time by the angel of death when Jesus Isa lived among the children of Israel 2000 years ago. Both Allah and Jesus make no mention that in the religion of Islam Jesus will return to this earth because it contradicts Quran 33:40 which forbid any prophet from coming to this earth after the death of Prophet Muhammad. Jesus Isa is a prophet wherever he may be so it is forbidden by Allah in Quran 33:40 for Jesus Isa to return to life until every human is returned to life on the Day of Resurrection on a new earth meaning a new ground in the hereafter as explained in Quran 5:117 comments. The Jews who saw and heard Prophet Muhammad 1400 years ago and mocked and threatened him by claiming “they killed Prophet Jesus Isa” on the cross in Quran 4:157 testified that they supported an unjust killing which their guardian angel has recorded against them in Quran 50:17 – 50:18 and the record of their deeds will be given to them in the hereafter in Quran 39:69. Quran 4:159 does not apply to Jews in all times because Jews who lived before the time of Jesus Isa did not know Jesus Isa and because after the time of Jesus Isa many Jews disbelieved in Jesus Isa because some Christians claimed “Jesus is Allah or part of Allah” which contradicts what Allah taught the Jews in Torah Numbers 23:19 “Allah is not a man or the son of man.” Many Jews do not know the message about Jesus in the Quran because Satan Shaitan whispers "Muslims are dangerous people and it is best to stay far away from them." However Satan Shaitan cannot succeed against the righteous among the Jewish people who follow the Torah Taurat which Allah promised to protect forever in Quran 2:40-2:41, Quran 2:62, Quran 3:113 - 3:115, Quran 5:69, Exodus 2:24, Leviticus 26:44-26:45, Deuteronomy 4:2, Deuteronomy 4:31, Deuteronomy 5:10, Deuteronomy 7:7-7:8, Deuteronomy 12:1, Deuteronomy 29:28 in Jewish Tanakh or Deuteronomy 29:29 in a Christian Bible, 2 King 13:23, Psalm 19:8-19:12 in Jewish Tanakh or Psalm 19:7-19:11 in Christian Old Testament Bible, Psalm 111:7 - 111:9, Hosea 3:4-3:5, Daniel 12:2, Isaiah 59:21 is the promise to the Jewish people mentioned in Isaiah 36:11, Isaiah 36:13 and Gospel of Matthew 5:17-5:20 meaning the Torah Taurat protects the same commandment delivered by every messenger of Allah to pray only to the one Allah who created every creation and to do good deeds in this world. The righteous Jews who do not know Jesus Isa or the Quran have been correctly guided by Allah to worship only Allah as explained by Allah in Quran 5:48 where Allah has created more than one “community’ of Allah and Allah is guiding each community through what Allah “has given them” in His protected books as explained in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ3o3ybc-KA  Jews, Christians, Muslims and others are promised Paradise Jannah in Quran 2:62, Quran 3:113 – 3:115. Quran 4:162, Quran 5:48, Quran 5:69, Quran 5:82 – 5:85 and Quran 41:8 confirming the promise in the Jewish Hebrew Bible to the Jews and in the Gospel Injil to the Christians. Quran 4:159, Quran 5:117, Quran 7:6 and Quran 39:69 show that in the time of a living prophet he can be a witness in the hereafter against people who lived in his time. Quran 3:113 – 3:115 shows that in the time of Prophet Muhammad the righteous Jews followed Judaism and believed Prophet Muhammad as explained by Allah in Quran 5:48 and those Jews were promised Paradise by Allah in Quran 3:115. Quran 5:82 – 5:85 shows that in the time of Prophet Muhammad the righteous Christians followed Christianity and believed Prophet Muhammad as decreed by Allah in Quran 5:48 and were promised Paradise by Allah in Quran 5:85. Jews and Christians have been told to follow their Books in Quran 3:93, Quran 5:43, Quran 5:47, Quran 5:48 and Quran 5:68 so that three “communities” of Allah are created and established on the earth until the Day of Judgement. Jews like Quran 3:113-3:115 and Christians like Quran 5:82-5:85 who follow their Book in Quran 5:68 and also believe the Quran will receive a double reward in the hereafter in Quran 28:54, Quran 34:37 and Quran 57:28 meaning the reward for every good deed they do will be doubled because they believed the Quran which tells the Jewish people to follow the Torah Taurat which is their eternal covenant between Allah and the Hebrew people forever and tells the Christian people to follow the Gospel Injil which is explained in the Quran and tells the Muslim people to follow the Quran is confirmed in Quran 2:40, Quran 2:41, Quran 2:62, Quran 2:106, Quran 3:93, Quran 4:123, Quran 5:43, Quran 5:47, Quran 5:48, Quran 5:69 and Quran 13:39. Today there is no prophet and every human is tested by Allah according to Quran 5:48 to show in the hereafter who is best in behaviour. Quran 5:48, Quran 3:64 and Quran 98:5 shows that Jews who follow the Jewish Hebrew Bible and Christians who follow the four Gospels Injil and Muslims who follow the Quran are correctly guided if Allah wills because those books have the same command to pray only to the one creator of every creation and to do good deeds in this world. Jews follow the Torah Taurat. Christian can know that whatever in the four Gospels contradicts the Torah Taurat came from the Gospel writers and not from Allah in a test described in 1 Kings 13:14 - 13:24 teaching that the word of Allah will not change and do not believe anyone who claims the word of Allah has changed. Muslims follow the Quran which confirms the Torah Taurat is correct and explains the story of Jesus in the Gospel. Jews, Christians, Muslims and others can come together in each generation testifying their submission to Allah in Quran 3:64 to promote peace making in Quran 4:114 as an example of good behaviour by those who know Allah to those who do not know Allah in Quran 45:14. The purpose of Quran 4:159 where everyone who saw and heard Prophet Jesus must have believed in him 2000 years ago otherwise Prophet Jesus will testify against them is for the people who are living in the time of Prophet Muhammad to know that everyone who saw and heard Prophet Muhammad 1400 years ago must have believed in him otherwise Prophet Muhammad will testify against them.Today there are no prophets meaning Prophet Jesus and Prophet Muhammad will only testify about the people in their time because they will have no knowledge about any other people except what Allah reveals to them).


18. Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts Quran 9:29.

Some connect this hadith to Quran 9:29 however the hadith is claiming Christianity and Judaism will be removed by force on the earth in the future however in Quran 9:29 Allah is teaching Muslims to live together with Christians and Jews.

The hadith is adding to the Quran teachings that are opposite to what Allah has revealed in Quran 9:29.


Quran 9:29 Koran 9:29 (Quran 2:190 And fight … those who fight you …”, Quran 2:194 “… whoever transgressed on you then you may transgress on them in the same manner …” and Quran 9:13 “… Shall you not fight a people who … began to fight you first …” meaning Allah does not allow fighting people who are not fighting you and who are not supporting people who are fighting you. It was revealed in 9 AH that the Army of the Roman Byzantine Empire will come to you if you do not go to Tabruk and secure the loyalty of the communities on the Arabian Syrian border so) Fight those who do not believe in Allah nor in the Last Day (meaning fight stone idol worshippers if they fight you on the Arabian Syrian border. Those who “do not believe in Allah nor in the Last Day” in Quran 9:18 – 9:19 are the stone idol worshippers who are to be fought in Quran 9:36 if they fight you). And (fight those) who do not make unlawful what Allah and His Messenger has made unlawful (meaning fight the Muslim hypocrites if they fight you. Those who “do not make unlawful what is unlawful” in Quran 9:47 - 9:51 and Quran 9:67 are the hypocrites who swear they are Muslim in Quran 9:56 who are to be fought “by our hands” in Quran 9:52 if they fight you). And (fight those) who do not acknowledge the religion of the truth (delivered to them 1400 years ago by a living prophet of Allah in Quran 9:33 reminding the Christians that “Allah is one Allah” not “three in one” in Quran 9:31 meaning do not pray to Mary or Jesus or saints but pray only to Allah like Moses and Jesus and Mary prayed only to Allah in all the four Gospels as explained in the Gospel of Mark 12:29 and reminding the Christians that “son of Allah” only means servant of Allah in Quran 19:93, Torah Exodus 4:22-4:23 and in the Gospel Injil of Jesus Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John and explained in Gospel of John 1:12 - 1:13. “The only begotten son” means the servant of Allah with the supreme authority to speak in the name of Allah to the people in his time as explained in Gospel of Luke 24:19 and confirmed in Torah Deuteronomy 18:15 and 18:18. Allah teaches that Jesus is not Allah or part of Allah in Gospel of Mark 13:32 and Gospel of Matthew 24:36 however 1400 year ago some Christians claimed Jesus is a real begotten son meaning a real biological son of Allah in a Christian belief called Arianism where Jesus was begotten after Allah who was not begotten and denied in Quran 19:88 – 19:93 and another belief called Trinity where Allah and Jesus always existed meaning Jesus is Allah which is denied in Quran 4:171 – 4:172. Allah reminded the Jews in Arabia that all power on the Day of Judgement belongs to Allah in Quran 9:32 and Quran 9:34 – 9:35 because among the Jews in Arabia were some who were the only Jews in history to claim they will be saved by Prophet Ezra Uzair in the hereafter. They imitated the words spoken by some Christians who claim Jesus will save Christians in the hereafter. Those among the Jews in Arabia said their words of imitation in Quran 9:30 – 9:32 as a way of saying they did not need Prophet Muhammad because Prophet Ezra Uzair will save them. However the truth about Allah is that those who believed the message delivered by Moses Musa and Ezra Usair and Jesus Isa and Muhammad all believed the same message that “Allah is one Allah” and that it is the belief in this message which is delivered by every messenger of Allah and the doing of good deeds on the earth that saves people in the hereafter if in the hereafter they “believed” as taught in Quran 2:62, Quran 5:69 and Quran 6:158 which is also in the Scripture of them who are) from among those who were given the Scripture (meaning the Christians and the Jews meaning fight the Christians if they fight you on the Arabian Syrian border and also the Jews if they fight you) until they willingly pay (the yearly tax for non-Muslims called Jizya, Jizyah, Cizye, Gaziyat instead of the religious tax paid by Muslims called Zakah, Zakat) while they are subdued (meaning while Jews and Christians are living peacefully under the authority of the living messenger of Allah and his appointed governors in lands under Islamic rule as authorized in Quran 5:48 “And to you” Prophet Muhammad “We” Allah “revealed the Scripture” the Quran “with the truth that confirmed the Scripture that was before it” in the Gospel Injil and the Torah Taurat “and” for you Prophet Muhammad to be “a guardian over it” the Quran. “So judge between them” the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims “by what Allah has revealed” to you Prophet Muhammad “and do not let their desires move you away from the truth that has come to you.” “For each” community of Jews, Christians and Muslims “We” Allah “have appointed a divine law and a way” to Allah. “If Allah willed He” Allah “could have made you” the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims “one community. But He” Allah “tests you” the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims “by what He” Allah “has given you” in the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil and the Koran Quran to show who is best in behaviour. “So strive for all that is good. To Allah you shall all return and He” Allah “shall then inform you” in the Hereafter “about” the correctness of “the religious matters in which you” the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims “argue among each other” as explained in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ3o3ybc-KA   Quran 5:48 and Quran 9:29 revealed how Muslims and Christians and Jews would live together from 9 AH during the life time of Prophet Muhammad and his governors so that the truth brought in the Quran could be compiled and written and distributed to benefit all Muslims and Christians and Jews and humankind by confirming the truth of the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil of Jesus Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John for every generation of Muslim and Christian and Jew and others until the Day of Judgement as explained in Quran 9:32 – 9:33. Around 20 years after the death of Prophet Muhammad the Quran in the form we have today was compiled and written and distributed in the same way as all Scriptures are compiled and written and distributed in their completed form after the death of a prophet by his follows. The Quran established the principle of freedom of religion 1300 years before the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Quran 2:256, Quran 3:159, Quran 4:137, Quran 5:54, Quran 10:99 – 10:100, Quran 18:29, Quran 28:54, Quran 50:45, Quran 88:21 - 88:26 and Quran 109:2 –109:6. In Quran 3:64 Allah has called for Jews, Christians and Muslims and others to come together in each generation to testify their submission to Allah meaning Allah calls for Jews, Christians and Muslims and others to help each other as brothers and sisters in the “community of Allah” so that they might give a good example of the best behaviour between humans to those in the world who do not know Allah). 


19. Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts Quran 43:61.

Some connect this hadith to Quran 43:61 by claiming this verses is about Jesus returning to the earth before the Day of Resurrection however that would contradict all the verses above meaning this verse is not about Jesus but about the Quran as confirmed in Quran 2:41, Quran 6:114, Quran 10:37, Quran 10:94, Quran 11:17, Quran 32:2, Quran 32:23 and Quran 46:10.


Quran 43:61 Koran 43:61 And it (the Quran reveals) a knowledge of the hour (meaning, the Day of Resurrection that has already been revealed in Allah’s Torah Taurat and Allah’s Gospel Injil and now in Allah’s Quran, meaning the Day of Resurrection is real, meaning this is not a story that has been invented in the Quran), so have no doubt about it (the Day of Resurrection) and follow (by believing in) Me (Allah), this is the correct path. 

Note 1. Have no doubt.in the Quran.


Quran 2:41 Koran 2:41 And believe in what I (Allah) have revealed (in the Quran) confirming that which is with you (the Jewish people in the Torah Taurat as proof to the stone idol worshipers of Makkah in Quran 6:114, Quran 46:10 and Quran 10:94 that the Quran is not an invented story) ..." 

Note 1. Believe the Quran.


Quran 6:114 Koran 6:114 “Then is it someone other than Allah that I (Prophet Muhammad) should seek as judge while He (Allah) is the one who has revealed to you (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) the Book explained in detail?” Those to whom We (Allah previously) gave the Book (the Hebrew Bible with the Jews in Quran 3:113 – 3:115 who are promised Paradise in the time of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 3:115 and the four Gospel Injil with the Christians in Quran 5:82 – 5:85 who are promised Paradise in the time of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 5:85) know that it (the Quran) is the truth sent down from your Lord (Allah). So (my people of Makkah, the stone idol worshippers of Makkah) do not be among the ones who doubt (the Quran). 

Note 1. Allah is telling the stone idol worshippers Quran 6:114 “… So (my people of Makkah, the stone idol worshippers of Makkah) do not be among the ones who doubt (the Quran). 

Note 2. Do not be among those who doubt the Quran meaning do not doubt the Quran.


Quran 10:37 Koran 10:37 And this Quran could not be produced by anyone other than Allah and it is (revealed as) a confirmation of what was before it (in the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil) and it is an explanation of what is decreed for humans from the Lord of the Worlds. In this there is no doubt. 

Note 1. Allah is telling the stone idol worshippers Quran 10:37 “… In this there is no doubt. “ 


Quran 10:94 Koran 10:94 (A person asked “how can I known that the Quran is the truth?” and the answer was revealed as follows) So if you are in doubt about what We (Allah) have revealed to you (in the Quran) then question those who have been reading the Book before you (meaning, ask any question to the knowledgeable among the Jews who know the Jewish Hebrew Bible in Quran 46:10 and ask the knowledgeable among the Christians who know the four Gospel Injil in Quran 5:47 and if you are still in doubt about what they say ask them to show it to you in the Torah Taurat in Quran 3:93 and in the four Gospel Injil in Quran 5:47). Certainly the Truth from your Lord (Allah) has come to you (meaning, you shall find that the Jewish Hebrew Bible and the four Gospel Injil confirms that what Allah reveals to you in the Quran is the truth because Allah is the owner and the protector of the word of Allah in the Jewish Hebrew Bible and in the four Gospel Injil which is with the Christians as explained in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ3o3ybc-KA  ). So do not be among those who doubt (the Quran).  


Quran 11:17 Koran 11:17 Then is the person (Prophet Muhammad) who is on a clear proof from his Lord (Allah, concerning the Quran), which is recited by a witness (angel Gabriel Jibril) from Him (Allah), and before it (the Quran) was a Book of Moses Musa (the Torah Taurat) revealed as a guide and a mercy (not correctly guided)? Those (who saw and heard Prophet Muhammad 1400 years ago) believe in it (the Quran like those who saw and heard the Gospel Injil of Prophet Jesus Isa 2000 years ago and believed in it in Quran 4:159). But whoever disbelieves in it among the sects (who saw and heard Prophet Muhammad 1400 years ago), then the Fire (in Hell Jahannam) is his promised place (in the hereafter like those who saw and heard the Gospel Injil of Prophet Jesus Isa 2000 years ago and disbelieved in it in Quran 4:159). So do not be in doubt about it (the Quran). It is the truth from your Lord (Allah), but most (of) the people (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) do not believe. 

Note 1. Allah is telling the stone idol worshippers Quran 11:17 “… So do not be in doubt about it (the Quran). It is the truth from your Lord (Allah) …”


Quran 32:2 Koran 32:2 the revelation of the Book (the Quran) in which there is no doubt is from (Allah) the Lord of the Worlds.

Note 1. Allah is telling the stone idol worshippers Quran 32:2 “… there is no doubt is from (Allah) the Lord of the Worlds.


Quran 32:23 Koran 32:23 We (Allah) gave Prophet Moses Musa the Scripture (the Torah Taurat) so (people of Makkah) do not be in doubt about receiving it (the truthful revelations of Allah in the Quran mentioned in Quran 32:2 and Quran 32:22). And We (Allah) made it (the truthful revelations of Allah in the Torah) guidance for the Children of Israel.  

Note 1. Allah is telling the stone idol worshippers Quran 32:23 “… do not be in doubt about receiving it (the truthful revelations of Allah in the Quran mentioned in Quran 32:2 and Quran 32:22) …”


Quran 46:10 Koran 46:10 Say, "Have you (the stone idol worshippers of Makkah) considered that if it (the Quran) is from Allah, and you disbelieve in it, and a witness from among the Children of Israel testifies to its similarity with earlier Scriptures (in the Jewish Hebrew Bible), and he believed (the Quran), while you (the stone idol worshippers to whom the Quran is sent) are arrogant? Allah does not guide people who are wrong doers. 

Note 1. Allah is telling the stone idol worshippers to believe and not to doubt.


See. Muslims in the first 350 years believed the Torah Taurat.



20. Abu Bakr explained where false hadith stories come from.

Abu Bakr who lived in the time of Prophet Muhammad shows that some hadith stories regarded as trustworthy and recited after the death of Prophet Muhammad were in fact untrustworthy hadith stories. 

Hadith story 0. 

It has been narrated that Aishah (the wife of Prophet Muhammad) said, my father (Abu Bakr) collected the hadīth (stories of the Messenger of Allah), which was five hundred texts. 

He spent that night so sleeplessly and restlessly that I was sad for him. 

I therefore asked, ‘Are you moving restlessly due to an ailment or information that you received?’ 

In the morning, he asked me to fetch him the collection of hadīth that he had put with me. 

When I fetched them, he set fire to them. 

As I asked for the reason, he replied, ‘I anticipated that I would die while I still have this collection among which there might be reports of a man that I deemed trustworthy while he was the opposite; therefore, I would be the narrator of such false reports.’ 

(Recorded in 1. Al-Dhahbiy: Tadhkirat al-Huffādh 1:5, 

Recorded in 2. Al-Qāsim ibn Muhammad (died in 1029 AH): al-I`tisām bi-Habl-illāh al-Matīn 1:30, 

Recorded in 3. `Abd al-Ghaniy `Abd al-Khāliq: Hijjiyyat al-Sunnah 394).

If hadith you believed was true you later understood cannot be true you would not be able to sleep. 

Who is the man Abu Bakr deemed trustworthy while he was the opposite meaning untrustworthy? 

Abu Bakr does not name him. 

The trusted man was not related to the prophet. 

The trusted man is someone Prophet Muhammad trusted and therefore all Muslims trusted during the life of Prophet Muhammad. 

The trusted man was invited to eat in the house of Prophet Muhammad and therefore it was thought that this trusted man had direct knowledge about the sayings of the prophet. 

The trusted man did not recite hadith stories during the life of Prophet Muhammad. 

The trusted man made a living reciting hundreds of hadith stories after the death of Prophet Muhammad. 

The trusted man is someone who recited more than the five hundred hadith stories that Abu Bakr had collected after the death of Prophet Muhammad. 

Abu Bakr could not sleep because like Muslims today he understood that many hadith stories are opposite to what Allah and Prophet Muhammad teach in the Quran. 

Any hadith story that is opposite to what Allah and Prophet Muhammad teach in the Quran is a false hadith story. 

The hadith stories collected by Abu Bakr were from a man Abu Bakr considered trustworthy. 

When Abu Bakr understood that this trustworthy man was in fact untrustworthy Abu Bakr destroyed his 500 hadith story collection. 

The destruction of these 500 hadith stories show that these stories where not stories that Abu Bakr heard directly from the prophet. 

Abu Bakr says these stories came from a trusted man. 

These stories were collected after the death of Prophet Muhammad by Abu Bakr from a man who was trusted to have direct knowledge of the sayings of the prophet because that trusted man was invited to eat with the prophet. 

In the later part of the life of Abu Bakr he began to understand that these stories were untrustworthy because they were opposite of what Allah and Prophet Muhammad teach in the Quran. 

After the death of Prophet Muhammad the trustworthy man showed he was untrustworthy by inventing false hadith stories as a way to make a living. 

These are hadith stories which cannot be true because they teach something that is opposite to what Allah and Prophet Muhammad teach in the Quran. 

These hadith stories are false hadith stories because they contradict the stories of Allah and Prophet Muhammad which are protected in the Quran.


21. Umar ibn Al-Khattab explained where false hadith stories come from.

Why did Umar ibn Al-Khattab who lived in the time of Prophet Muhammad collect all hadith story books in his time and burn them? 

The following hadith shows that Umar thought that hadith books were not the fairest and the straightest of Allah’s most beloved books meaning some hadith was not fair and some hadith was not straight meaning hadith was interfering with the correct understanding of what Allah and Prophet Muhammad say in the Quran as Muslims today also understand when they find false hadith stories which teach the opposite to what Allah and Prophet Muhammad teach in the Quran. 

Hadith story 1. 

It has been narrated on the authority of al-Qasim ibn Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr that Umar, after he had received news confirming that people started to hold (or write) books, denied and disliked the matter saying, ‘O people: I have been informed that you have started to hold books. Allah’s most beloved books must be the fairest and the straightest. 

Now, I order you all to bring me all the books that you hold so that I will decide about them.’

Thinking that `Umar wanted to correct and submit the books to a certain criterion, all people brought their books to him. Instead, he set them all to fire and said, ‘This is a false wish just like that of the Christians and the Jews.’ 

(Recorded in Abd al-Ghaniy `Abd al-Khāliq: Hijjiyyat al-Sunnah 395). 

Note 1. ‘This is a false wish just like that of the Christians and the Jews’ means ‘This (human writing) is a false wish (desire) just like that of the (human writing of the) Christians and the Jews.’ 

The following hadith (with my comments added in the brackets) explains why Umar thought that hadith books that existed in his time were not the fairest and the straightest of Allah’s most beloved books meaning hadith was interfering with the correct understanding of what Allah and Prophet Muhammad say in the Quran. 

Hadith story 2. 

According to Ibn Sa’d, in his al-Tabaqat al-Kubra, Umar said, ‘This (hadith) is a Mishna (meaning human writings) just like that of the Christians (for example the priests who invented the idea that Jesus Isa is Allah and Jesus Isa will return to this earth in Christian writings that are not in the Gospel Injil) and the Jews (for example the rabbis who described Armilus who is King Amulius and represents Romulus the founder of Rome in Jewish writings which are not in the Torah Taurat and was misunderstood by some Christians as an anti christ and by some Muslims as a false messiah called the Dajjal Dijjal).’ 

(Recorded in Ibn Sa`d: al-Tabaqāt al-Kubrā 1:140). 

See 1. When a prophet dies Satan Shaitan whispers stories that contradict the Books of Allah. 

The description of the Dajjal Dijjal is Armilus. 

“… In Rome there is a splendid marble statue of a beautiful girl which god himself made in the beginning of the world. Through sexual intercourse of evil men, or even of Satan himself, with this statue, a terrible creature in human form was produced, whose dimensions as well as shape were equally monstrous.” … “Armilus is bald-headed, with one large and one small eye, deaf in the right ear and maimed in the right arm, while the left arm is two and one-half ells long.” 

Reference https://jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/1789-armilus


See 2. Anti Messiah (anti Christ) is not in the Quran.

Anti Messiah (anti Christ) is not in Tanakh Jewish scripture.

Anti Messiah (anti Christ) is in Christianity.

Armilus in Judaism is not an Anti Messiah (anti Christ) but represents Romulus the founder of Rome In the Roman story of Amulius.

In Judaism Armilus represents the defeat of Rome in the end of days and was misunderstood by Christians as an anti Messiah (anti Christ) however there is no anti Messiah (anti Christ) in Tanakh Jewish scripture or in the Quran.

Hadith stories about the Dajjal in Islam are not confirmed in the Quran meaning such hadith stories were written after the death of the prophet.


See 3. A better way to understand hadith stories.



Hadith test. 

Are these hadith useful in religion? 

Yes. These hadith explain where false hadith came from. 

Hadith stories are false if they teach something that is opposte to the teachings of the stories of Allah and Prophet Muhammad which are protected in the Quran. 

When a prophet leaves the earth Satan Shaitan whispers false hadith stories that hide, distort and corrupt the correct understanding in the human mind of the words of Allah and his prophet which are recorded in the Books of Allah. 

When Prophet Jesus Isa left the earth Satan Shaitan whispered “Jesus Isa is Allah” which cannot be found in the Gospel Injil as proof that Allah has protected the Injil of Isa the Gospel of Jesus by Mark, Matthew. Luke and John which is with the Christians today in the same way as Allah protects the Quran which is with the Muslims today.


Hadith information.

Hadith 0. Aishah (Aishah bint Abu Bakr, born 8 BH 614 CE, died 57 AH 678 CE) wife of Prophet Muhammad. 

Hadith 1. Al-Qasim ibn Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr. 

Aishah (Aishah bint Abu Bakr, born 8 BH 614 CE, died 57 AH 678 CE) taught her nephew Qasim ibn Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr (born 38 AH 662 CE, died 108 AH 730 CE). 

Many Hadith are quoted through Qasim.

Al-Qasim ibn Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr was one of the seven most famous jurists in Madinah and was considered as the most knowledgeable among them. 

He was highly influential in disseminating early traditions of hadith, fiqh (jurisprudence) and tafsir (exegesis) of the Qur'an. 

Hadith explaining why hadith books were destroyed by Umar ibn Al-Khattab were narrated by Aishah to her nephew Al-Qāsim ibn Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr. 

Hadith 2. Ibn Sa`d (Abu Abd Allah Muḥammad ibn Sa‘d ibn Mani‘ al-Baṣri al-Hashimi katib al-Waqidi, born 168 AH 784 CE, died 230 AH 845 CE) was trained by teachers such as Al-Waqidi who was a biographer writing about Prophet Muhammad and an early historian who wrote some of the earliest and most detailed history books on Islam. 

Ibn Sa’d wrote the Book of the Major Classes (Kitab Tabaqat Al-Kubra) about the life of Prophet Muhammad, his Companions and Helpers, and those who fought at the Battle of Badr and about the following generation called the Followers who received their traditions from the Companions.


22. Conclusion.

When a dishonest story teller makes a living by telling stories for his meals he will need to invent stories because no one is interested to hear the same story twice.  


a. When Abu Bakr in 20 above who lived in the time of Prophet Muhammad wrote down hadith stories that were recited to him after the death of Prophet Muhammad by a man who visited him during meal time he began to understand that some of these stories contradicted what Allah teaches in the Quran and one night he could not sleep because he understood that it was impossible for him to trust stories which came from a man who recited stories contradicting the Quran and therefore he destroyed his collection of 500 hadith stories so that Allah in the hereafter will not blame him for passing on false hadith stories.


b. When Umar ibn Al-Khattab in 21 above who lived in the time of Prophet Muhammad heard that after the death of Prophet Muhammad people were writing hadith stories he ordered everyone who had written books or had a book of hadith to give it to him and he destroyed all those books in a fire because like Muslims today he found that many of these stories contradicted what Allah teaches in the Quran meaning they were false hadith stories and he did that so that Allah in the hereafter will not blame him for allowing the passing on of false hadith stories during his period of leadership of the Muslim community. 


Quran 17:88 Koran 17:88 Say (Prophet Muhammad), "If humans and jinn (such as Satan Shaitan) came together to help each other to produce something like the Quran, they could not do it." 

Note 1. In the hereafter Satan Shaitan might boast he obeyed Quran 17:88 by whispering hundreds of false hadith stories which teach the opposite to what Allah and Prophet Muhammad teach in the Quran. 

Note 2. Hadith break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts the Quran.

The hadith “break the cross and kill the pigs” contradicts Quran 2:62, Quran 2:256 (see Quran 4:123, Quran 5:48 and Quran 9:29), Quran 3:55, Quran 3:64, Quran 3:85, Quran 3:144 (see Quran 5:75 and see “passed away” always means died in Quran 2:134, Quran 2:141, Quran 3:144, Quran 5:75, Quran 7:38, Quran 13:30, Quran 41:25 and Quran 46:17), Quran 4:114, Quran 4:123 (see Quran 2:256, Quran 5:48 and Quran 9:29), Quran 4:157 (see Quran 39:42), Quran 4:158 (see Quran 39:42), Quran 4:159 (see Quran 7:6 and Quran 5:117), Quran 5:48 (see Quran 2:256, Quran 4:123, Quran 5:48 and Quran 9:29), Quran 5:75 (see Quran 3:144 and see “passed away” always means died in Quran 2:134, Quran 2:141, Quran 3:144, Quran 5:75, Quran 7:38, Quran 13:30, Quran 41:25 and Quran 46:17), Quran 5:117 (see Quran 7:6), Quran 6:158, Quran 7:6 (see Quran 5:117), Quran 9:29 (see Quran 2:256 and Quran 5:48), Quran 21:95 (see Quran 23:99-23:100), Quran 23:99-23:100 (see Quran 21:95), Quran 28:54 (see Quran 34:37 and Quran 57:28), Quran 33:40 (see Gospel of Mark 13:5-13:6 and Gospel of Mark 13:21-13:23), Quran 39:42 (see Quran 4:157 and Quran 4:158), Quran 41:8, Quran 98:5, Gospel of Mark 13:5-13:6 and Gospel of Mark 13:21-13:23 (see Quran 33:40) meaning this hadith story was invented by story tellers after the death of Prophet Muhammad and repeated by people who were deceived to believe false stories. 


c. What does the Quran say about information that contradicts Allah in the Quran? 

Quran 77:50 Koran 77:50 In what statement (words, news, reports, information, message, hadith), after it (the verses of Allah in the Quran), shall they (the humans and the jinn) believe?  

Note 1. Quran 7:185, Quran 25:29, Quran 25:30, Quran 31:6, Quran 39:23, Quran 45:6 and Quran 77:50 asks when you have the word of Allah in the Quran what other report would you believe? 


Do not twist inside your mind the meaning of the words of Allah in the Quran to agree with hadith stories. 

If hadith stories agree with the Quran then accept it and learn from it. 

If hadith stories do not agree with the Quran then reject it and also learn from it. 

On the Day of Judgement Allah judges by the words in the protected Quran. 

On the Day of Judgement Allah does not judge by the words in unprotected human hadith stories. 

The Quran is the protected word of Allah including the words and actions of Prophet Muhammad which are described and protected by Allah. 

Read what Allah says in the Quran and beware of hadith stories which seek to add something that contradicts the teachings in the Quran.

Hadith which contradict the teachings of Allah in the Quran are false hadith stories.

Be careful not to mix the words of Allah with hadith stories which contradict the Quran.


d. When Allah tells Prophet Muhammad what happened after his death what will Prophet Muhammad say to Allah on the Day of Judgement? 

Quran 25:30 Koran 25:30 And (on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) the messenger (Prophet Muhammad) said, “My Lord (Allah) my people have abandoned (deserted) this Quran (to follow false messages, false words, false news, false reports, false information, false statements, false hadith).” 

Note 1. On the Day of Resurrection and Judgement Prophet Muhammad will say “My Lord my people have abandoned this Quran (to follow false messages, false words, false news, false reports, false information, false statements, false hadith).”

Video: Obsession with false hadith culture Is corrupting Islam



e. Misguidance.

When people are taught how to twist the words of Allah to agree with hadith stories which teach the opposite to what Allah teaches in the Quran instead of teaching people to ask the question "does this hadith story agree with the teachings of Allah in the Quran" the result can be people who follow the mistakes of other people instead of people who are led by the teachings of Allah in the Quran.

In Christianity some people follow the story that Jesus is Allah which is not in the four Gospels however because they believe something from outside the Gospel they twist every verse in the Gospel to show that Jesus is Allah even when Jesus prays to Allah in all the four Gospel Injil and even when Allah says in the Gospel that both Jesus and the angels do not know "the hour" because only Allah knows

In Islam some people follow hadith stories which teach the opposite to what Allah and Prophet Muhammad teach in the Quran as shown in the reference below and like some Christians they also twist every verse of Allah in the Quran to agree with some thing that came from outside the Quran.

In this way some Christians and some Muslims have beliefs which contradict the teachings of Allah in the  Gospel and in the Quran.


f. The danger of believing false stories.

People who believe false stories invented by other humans after the death of a prophet can be made to believe other false stories invented by humans as seen in some Christian cults and some Muslim cults who followed stories supporting their killing of people and their killing of themselves.


g. Education.

Teaching people to ask "is this story contradicting the teachings in the books of Allah" will help protect people from other people who are following false stories instead of following the stories in the books of Allah.

Corrections and questions are welcome and can be emailed to somaliahamradio@yahoo.com 


The meaning of verses in the Quran and Tanakh and Gospel are on these websites.

The meaning of verses in the Koran and Torah and Injil are on these websites. 

YOU ARE HERE Allah https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran

Allah index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/index  

Allaah https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran

Allaah index https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran/index  

God https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran

God index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/index  

Q&A https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel

Q&A index https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel/index