211. Isaiah 7:14 explains how Jesus was put in the Christian Septuagint and in modern Christian Old Testament Bibles.


25 January 2021 (1443 AH).     



The children of Prophet Isaiah.

The children of the prophetess (the wife of Prophet Isaiah).

1. Young woman or virgin in Isaiah 7:14?

2. The first son of Prophet Isaiah is Shear-Yashuv meaning a remnant shall return in Isaiah 7:3 

3. The second son of Prophet Isaiah is Immanuel in Isaiah 7:14 - 7:16 and Isaiah 8:8 and Maher-shalal-hashbaz in Isaiah 8:1 and Isaiah 8:3 - 8:4.

     Names given to the children of Prophet Isaiah are prophecies in Isaiah 8:18 concerning Judah in Isaiah 7:14 - 7:16 and Northern Israel in Isaiah 7:9 and Syria in Isaiah 7:8 and the Assyrian Army outside Jerusalem in Isaiah 8:7 - 8:8.



The prophecy is that when the young woman who is with child gives birth in Isaiah 7:14 then what is revealed in Isaiah 7:15 and Isaiah 7:16 will happen and the name of the child will be a reminder to the people that "Allah is with us" meaning do not fear the threat from the combined forces of Syria and Northern Israel who are threatening the kingdom of Judah and remember the prophecy in Isaiah 7:14 - 7:16.


1. Young woman or virgin in Isaiah 7:14?

a. The Hebrew word “Almah” means young woman and says nothing about their virginity. 

Young woman (Almah) can be virgins or not virgins. 

Married young woman (Almah) and unmarried young women (Almah) can be virgins or not virgins.


b. The Hebrew word “Betulah” means virgin.

A virgin (Betulah) can be married or not married.


c. The Hebrew word Almah means young woman in Isaiah 7:14.

The Hebrew word Alma means young woman  in Isaiah 7:14. 

The Hebrew word Betulah means virgin and is not in Isaiah 7:14.

The Hebrew word Betula means virgin and is not in Isaiah 7:14.

Are rabbis truthful?

Where is proof that the Hebrew Bible has been wrongly translated in Christian bibles meaning the rabbis are telling the truth.

1. In 2011 the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops removed “virgin” in Isaiah 7:14 and put “young woman” in the New American Bible (Revised Edition).

Google Isaiah 7:14 New American Bible (Revised Edition).

2. If you read the next verse in Isaiah 7:15 the child that is born will not know the difference between good and evil until he is older meaning Isaiah 7:14 was never about Jesus who never sinned but is about the son of Prophet Isaiah again showing that the rabbis have been truthful.

3. Betulah meaning virgin is not used in Isaiah 7:14.

Betulah meaning virgin is used in Isaiah 23:4; Isaiah 23:12; Isaiah 37:22; Isaiah 47:1 and Isaiah 62:5.

Almah meaning young woman is used in Isaiah 7:14.


How Jesus was put in the Christian Septuagint Bible and in modern Christian Old Testament Bibles.

Young woman was removed and replaced with virgin in Isaiah 7:14.

The Christian Septuagint and many modern Christian Old Testament Bibles (a virgin) changed the Jewish Scripture (the young woman) in Isaiah 7:14.

The Christian Septuagint and Christian Old Testament Bibles are not used in Judaism.

In Judaism the Jewish Scripture is called the Tanakh and sometimes has different verse numbers or different words compared to the Christian Old Testament Bible.


The Septuagint. 

The Septuagint LXX Bible.

The original Septuagint written by Jews translated only the Torah meaning only the five books of Moses from Hebrew into Greek but not the other parts of the Jewish Scriptures such as the Psalms and Isaiah and the other prophets and writings in the Tanakh.

That original Septuagint written by 72 Jewish scholars who only translated the Torah was destroyed by fire in the library in Alexandria Egypt before the birth of Jesus.

When Christians translated the Jewish Scriptures they called it the Septuagint.

All Septuagint Bibles after the death of Jesus are Christian productions and not Jewish translations.


1-1. How Jesus was put in the Christian Septuagint Bible and in modern Christian Old Testament Bibles.

The Christian Septuagint Bible put Jesus in the Jewish Scripture by deleting “young woman” in Isaiah 7:14 and replacing it with “a virgin.”


1-2. The Hebrew word for young woman is “Almah” as used in Isaiah 7:14 and Proverbs 30:19 and Exodus 23:16.


1-3. The Hebrew word for virgin is “Betula” which is not used in Isaiah 7:14 and Proverbs 30:19.


1-4. The Hebrew word for young woman and virgin are two different words.

The word “young woman” gives gender information but no sexual information.

The word virgin gives sexual information.

Both words are included in Exodus 23:16 to give both gender information and sexual information.


Exodus 23:16 And the young woman was very fair to look upon, a virgin, and no man had known her …”


1-5. The same Hebrew word for young women “Almah” in Isaiah 7:14 is used to describe an adulterous women in Proverbs 30:19 - 30:20 meaning the Hebrew word used in Isaiah 7:14 is not virgin but young women.


Proverb 30:19 The way of an eagle in the air (leaves no trace); the way of a snake on a rock (leaves no trace); the way of a ship in the sea (leaves no trace); and the way of a man with a young woman (leaves no trace).


Proverb 30:20 So is the way of an adulterous woman (who leaves no trace of what she has done); 

Note 1. The behaviour of a young woman with a man is compared to an adulterous woman who leave no trace of what they have done.

Note 2. This young woman in Proverb 30:19 - 30:20 is different to a young woman who has a virgin birth or a normal birth which both leave traces of blood and a baby.

Note 3. Most Christian Bibles that wrongly translate young woman as “virgin” in Isaiah 7:14 correctly translate this same Hebrew word as “young woman” in Proverb 30:19 however a few still translate it wrongly as “virgin.”  


1-6. Gospel of Matthew 1:23.

Matthew 1:23 Behold a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, Allah with us.


1-7. The Christian Septuagint Bible and many modern Christian Old Testament Bibles Isaiah 7:14. 

Isaiah 7:14 (Christian Septuagint Bible and many modern Christian Old Testament Bibles) Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; behold, a virgin shall conceive in the womb, and shall bring forth a son, and you shall call his name Emmanuel (meaning "Allah is with us"). 


1-8. Naming a son Emmanuel meaning "Allah is with us" is a Jewish tradition of naming sons using the attributes of Allah as shown below.


Elihu meaning “He is my Allah” is the name of men in Job 32:2, 1 Samuel 1:1, (1 Chronicles 12:21 which in the Christian Bible is 1 Chronicles 12:20), 1 Chronicles 26:7 and 1 Chronicles 27:18. 


Eliab meaning “Allah is Father” is an attribute of Allah and the name of men in Numbers 16:1, (1 Chronicles 6:12 which in the Christian Bible is 1 Chronicles 6:27). 


Elzaphan meaning “Allah shelters” is an attribute of Allah and the name of men in Exodus 6:22 and 2 Chronicles 29:13. 


Elisha meaning “The Lord is salvation” is an attribute of Allah and the name of men in 1 Kings 19:16. 


Eleazar meaning “Allah has helped” is an attribute of Allah and the name of men in Exodus 6:23 and 1 Samuel 7:1. 


Gedaliah.meaning “The Lord has made great” is an attribute of Allah and the name of men in 1 Chronicles 25:3 and Jeremiah 38:1. 


Hezekiah meaning “mighty Allah” or “strong Allah” or “Allah strengthens” is an attribute of Allah and the name of men in 2 Kings 18 – 2 Kings 20, Isaiah 36 – Isaiah 39, 2 Chronicles 29 – 2 Chronicles 32 and Proverbs 25:1. 

Jewish children are often given names that contain the name of Allah in the hope that their child will reflect the goodness of Allah..

The Jewish name Hezekiah means Allah strengthens.

The Jewish name Tovia means Goodness of Allah.

The Jewish name Elienai means Allah is My Eyes.

The Jewish name Jehoiada means Knowledge of Allah.

The Jewish name Hananiah means Gracious Lord.

The Jewish name Elisha means Allah is Salvation.

The Jewish name Elijah means Yhwh Allah.

The Jewish name Gedalia means Great Allah.

The Jewish name Jesse means the Lord Is.

The Jewish name Elihu means Allah Is He.

The Jewish name Eliab means Allah is Father.

The Jewish name Eli means Allah Is.

The Jewish name Eliezer means Help of Allah.

The Jewish name Netanyahu means Allah Gives.

The Jewish name Isaiah means Salvation of the Lord.


1-9. The Jewish Scripture and some modern Christian Old Testament Bibles Isaiah 7:14.

Isaiah 7:14 Therefore the Lord, of His own, shall give you a sign, behold the young women (the wife of Prophet Isaiah) is with child, and she shall bear a son (see Isaiah 8:3 where the prophetess has this son through intercourse with Prophet Isaiah meaning this is not a virgin birth), and she shall call his name Immanuel (meaning Allah has told the wife of Prophet Isaiah to name her son “Allah is with us.” The names of the children of Prophet Isaiah and his wife who is also a prophet are a prophecy as explained in Isaiah 8:18 that shows the people through this name Immanuel that “Allah is with us" meaning Allah will protect the kingdom of Judah from its enemies” and this prophecy that "Allah is with us" means the Davidic kingdom of Judah will not be destroyed by the joint alliance to take Judah that was made between the King of Syria and the King of northern Israel and this is explained in the prophecy which continues in the two verses that follow in Isaiah 7:15 - 7:16 and in Isaiah 8:7 - 8:8). 


Isaiah 8:18 I (Prophet Isaiah) and the children whom the LORD (Allah) has given me (Prophet Isaiah) shall be for signs (of Allah) and for portents (prophecy) in Israel from the LORD of hosts, who dwells on mount Zion. 

Note 1. The names given to the children of Prophet Isaiah are a reminder to the people in his time of his prophecies concerning Judah and Northern Israel and Syria.


1-10. The sign is not the conception of the child but the maturity of the child as explained in Isaiah 7:15 - 7:16. 

The sign must be something that can be seen and no one can see a virgin birth meaning a virgin birth is not a sign because no one can see it. 

The prophecy is that when the young woman who is with child gives birth in Isaiah 7:14 then what is revealed in Isaiah 7:15 and Isaiah 7:16 will happen and the name of the child will be a reminder to the people that "Allah is with us" meaning do not fear the threat from the combined forces of Syria and Northern Israel who are threatening the kingdom of Judah and remember the prophecy in Isaiah 7:14 - 7:16.


Isaiah 7:15 Cream and honey shall he eat, when he knows to reject evil and choose the good (meaning the near future will be good and the sign will be that the child will eat well and this will happen when the child is old enough to know to reject evil and choose good which is the same child described in Isaiah 8:4 before he can say “My father and My mother” which is when the prophecy in Isaiah 7:16 and Isaiah 8:4 is fulfilled). 


Isaiah 7:16 (This is the sign) Yes, before the child shall know to reject evil and choose the good (meaning when the child is still being weaned meaning breast feed which might be for 1 to 3 years), the land whose two kings you have dread shall be abandoned (meaning the near future will be good because the threat from King Rezin of Aram Syria and King Pekah of the northern kingdom of Israel who joined together to fight Judah will not succeed because both kings will be killed and the sign will be that this will happen before the child who is named Immanuel is old enough to know to reject evil and choose the good which is the same child described in Isaiah 8:4 before he can say “My father and My mother” which is when the prophecy in Isaiah 7:16 and Isaiah 8:4 is fulfilled).


See Video. Counter-missionary crash course – Penina Taylor (Reply 2 one for israel messianic Jews Jewish voice).

From 7 minutes and 00 seconds 7:00 what is the sign in Isaiah 7:14?



1-11. Gospel of Matthew 1:23 and the Christian Septuagint Bible and many modern Christian Old Testament Bibles changed Isaiah 7:14. 

The word “virgin” is a deliberate mistranslation of young woman.

“And she shall call” (she) is mistranslated “and they shall call” (they).

“Is with child” (present tense) is mistranslated “shall be with a child” (future tense).

“Behold the young woman” is mistranslated “behold a virgin.”  


1-12. Why would the Holy Spirit quote from a Greek translation containing errors when Allah quotes the original Hebrew Scripture to every Jewish prophet? 


1-13. If Christians took translations which were incorrect and believed those translations were correct it means those Christians were not inspired by Allah. 

If they were inspired by Allah they would have known those translations were not correct.

Why would Allah inspire anyone to believe translations which are wrong? 

When humans believe wrong translations they are making up their own stories meaning they are not teaching the stories of Allah.

Video 1. What's wrong with the Virgin Birth prophecy and what is it really referring to? 1673 2 Guys explore Christianity.



Video 2. Was Jesus Genealogy traced through Mary? Rabbi Tovia Singer. 1442.

Paul and the earliest Gospel which is Mark both know nothing about a virgin birth.

Paul in Galatians 4:4 says Jesus was born from a woman, born under the law meaning Torah meaning Jesus is born Jewish because religion is passed through the mother.


A. Gospel of Luke 3:23 says the genealogy is of Joseph.

Luke 3:23 cannot be the genealogy of Jesus because Jesus had no biological father.

In Gospel of Luke 3:31 the genealogy of Joseph is through Nathan however the messiah is through Solomon in Psalm 132:11, 2 Samuel 7:12, 2 Samuel 7:13, 2 Samuel 7:14, 2 Samuel 7:16 and 2 Samuel 7:17.


B. A Jewish man has no son so he marries one of his daughters to his Egyptian slave whom he frees; however this is a forbidden marriage meaning the descendants of this marriage are not recognized because they came from a forbidden marriage.

In Deuteronomy 23:8 and Deuteronomy 23:9 a child born from an Egyptian may not enter the assembly of the Israelite until the third generation meaning an Egyptian convert to Judaism could only marry another convert to Judaism  until the third generation (this is only about the ancient Egyptians and not about Egyptians who are Arabs today).

In 1 Chronicles 2:34 is a list of those who descended from an Egyptian in an illicit family line given as a warning for the Israelite to avoid forbidden marriages like those in Deuteronomy 23:8 - 23:9 which says that children from such marriages may not enter the assembly of the Israelite until the third generation meaning these descendants are not from the House of Judah or the House of David because they descended from a forbidden marriage which happened in their first generation and not in  their third generation  as required in Deuteronomy 23:8 - 23:9 (this is only about the ancient Egyptians and not about Egyptians who are Arabs today).


Video 3. Shocking revelation on Matthew’s virgin birth corruption of Isaiah – Rabbi Tovia Singer

What can bring about the coming of the messiah?



Video 4. Christian challenges Rabbi Tovia Singer: All scholars know Matthew used more reliable Septuagint!

The Christian Septuagint Bible put Jesus in the Jewish Scripture by deleting “young woman” in Isaiah 7:14 and replacing it with “a virgin.” 



Video 5. Tovia Singer refutes claim that Isaiah predicted Jesus’ virgin birth.

Matthew 1:23 and Isaiah 7:14 - 7:16.

If someone is born from a virgin birth it is not a sign because no one can see the difference between a virgin birth and a normal birth because both look identical.

The sign is not a virgin birth but the maturity of the child.

The same word for young women is used to describe an adulterous women in Proverbs 30:19 - 30:20 meaning the word used is not virgin but young women.

The Christian Septuagint Bible put Jesus in the Jewish Scripture by deleting “young woman” in Isaiah 7:14 and replacing it with “a virgin.”



Video 6. Rabbi Tovia Singer reveals church used the “Septuagint” to conceal corruption of Jewish Scriptures.



Video 7. Counter-missionary crash course – Penina Taylor (Reply 2 one for israel messianic Jews Jewish voice).

From 5 minutes and 5 seconds to 34 minutes and 15 seconds. 5:05-34:15 see where did the idea of a virgin birth come from in Christianity?



See 8. Almah Wikipedia. 

Scholars agree that it has nothing to do with virginity. 



See 9. Does the Hebrew word Alma really mean “Virgin”? 



See 10. How do Missionaries paint the virgin birth Into the mouth of Rashi? 



See 11. Dual Prophecy and the Virgin Birth. 



See 12. Controversial Bible Revision: about that ‘virgin’ thing.

In 2011 the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops removed “virgin” in Isaiah 7:14 and put “young woman” in the New American Bible.



2. The first son of Prophet Isaiah is Shear-Yashuv meaning a remnant shall return in Isaiah 7:3 

Isaiah 7:3 Then the LORD said to Isaiah: 'Go now to meet Ahaz, you, and Shear-Yashuv your son (Shear-Yashuv, Shear-Jashub meaning “a remnant shall return.” The names of the children of Prophet Isaiah are a prophecy as explained in Isaiah 8:18 that shows the people through this name "a remnant shall return" means that Allah shall save those who return to Allah) …”

Note 1. The sons of Prophet Isaiah were given names associated with the prophecies of Prophet Isaiah for example the name of the first son is Shear-Yashuv meaning a remnant shall return.


Isaiah 46:3 Listen to Me, O house of Jacob, and all the remnant of the house of Israel, that are borne from the birth, carried from the womb: 

Note 1. Message to the remnant of Israel.


Isaiah 46:4 Until to old age I (Allah) am the same, and until to grey hairs I (Allah) will carry you; I have made (you), and I will bear (you); I will carry (you), and will deliver (you).

Note 1. Message to the remnant of Israel.


Isaiah 46:5 To whom will you liken Me (Allah), and make Me (Allah) equal (to anyone), and compare Me (Allah to anyone), that we may be alike? 

Note 1. Message to the remnant of Israel.


3. The second son of Prophet Isaiah is Immanuel and Maher-shalal-hashbaz in Isaiah 7:14 and Isaiah 8:3.

The second son of Prophet Isaiah will be called by his mother Immanuel meaning “Allah is with us” meaning “Allah will protect the kingdom of Judah from its enemies” in Isaiah 7:14 and by his father he will be called Maher-shalal-hashbaz” meaning to hasten loot, speed the spoils in Isaiah 8:3 which is the prophecy that is written for everyone to see in Isaiah 8:1 and explained in Isaiah 8:4.

Hasten loot, speed the spoils is the prophecy of Isaiah in both his verses and in the name of his son that two kingdoms which are the kingdom of Syria led by King Rezin and the Northern kingdom of Israel led by King Pekah who both joined together to fight Judah were doomed to failure and destruction meaning Judah would be safe from their threats.


Isaiah 7:14 Therefore the Lord, of His own, shall give you a sign, behold the young women (the wife of Prophet Isaiah) is with child, and she shall bear a son (see Isaiah 8:3 where the prophetess has this son through intercourse with Prophet Isaiah meaning this is not a virgin birth), and she shall call his name Immanuel (meaning Allah has told the wife of Prophet Isaiah to name her son “Allah is with us.” The names of the children of Prophet Isaiah and his wife who is also a prophet are a prophecy as explained in Isaiah 8:18 that shows the people through this name Immanuel that “Allah is with us" meaning Allah will protect the kingdom of Judah from its enemies” and this prophecy that "Allah is with us" means the Davidic kingdom of Judah will not be destroyed by the joint alliance to take Judah that was made between the King of Syria and the King of northern Israel and this is explained in the prophecy which continues in the two verses that follow in Isaiah 7:15 - 7:16 and in Isaiah 8:7 - 8:8). 


Isaiah 8:1 And the LORD said to me (Prophet Isaiah): “Take a large scroll and write on it in common script (which every person will understand that Allah has decreed): To hasten loot, speed the spoils (as explained in Isaiah 8:3-8:4)..


Isaiah 8:3 And I (Prophet Isaiah) went into the prophetess (the wife of Prophet Isaiah meaning Isaiah 7:14 is not about a virgin birth) and she conceived (and the King of Judah in Isaiah 7:14 saw that she was pregnant with a child whom the prophetess would name “Immanuel” in Isaiah 7:14 meaning “Allah is with us” meaning Allah will protect the kingdom of Judah from its enemies as explained by prophecy in Isaiah 7:15 - 7:16), and bore a son. Then the LORD said to me (Prophet Isaiah you): “Call his name Maher-shalal-hashbaz” ("to hasten loot" and "speed the spoils" meaning to "hasten loot" which is the destruction of the threat to the kingdom of Judah from Damascus, and "speed the spoils" which is the destruction of the threat to the kingdom of Judah from the northern kingdom of Israel which is prophesied in Isaiah 8:4. The names of the children of Prophet Isaiah and his wife who is also a prophet are names that reminded people who lived in the time of Isaiah of the prophesies of Allah that were given to Isaiah so that the people would know that their protection is from Allah as explained in Isaiah 8:18).

Note 1. This prophecy is made in the fourth year of King Ahaz (Seder Olam ch. 22) and since it is impossible to have two children one after the other in one year it means that Immanuel which is the name Allah said his mother will name him is the same son which Allah told Prophet Isaiah to symbolically name Maher-shalal-hashbaz. 

Note 2. The sons of Prophet Isaiah were given names associated with the prophecies of Prophet Isaiah for example Immanuel meaning “Allah is with us” means Allah will protect the kingdom of Judah from its enemies as explained in the prophecy in Isaiah 7:14-7:16. 

Immanuel was also given the symbolic name Maher-shalal-hashbaz” meaning to hasten loot (the downfall of the king of Syria in Damascus prophesied in Isaiah 7:8) and speed the spoils (meaning the downfall of the king of the northern kingdom of Israel in Samaria prophesied in Isaiah 7:9) and prophesied in Isaiah 8:1 and explained in Isaiah 8:3-8:4.


Isaiah 8:4 because before the child (who was not yet born and will be named Immanuel by the prophetess who is the wife of Prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 7:14 and in Isaiah 8:3 when Immanuel is born Allah tells Prophet Isaiah to also name him Maher-shalal-hashbaz meaning "to hasten loot" and "speed the spoils") shall have knowledge to cry: “My father and My mother” (which is the child in Isaiah 7:14 and the prophecy given to King Ahaz about the young woman who is pregnant with a child and bears a son fulfils the prophecy in Isaiah 7:15 - 7:16 and Isaiah 8:4 which represent 2 to 3 years meaning what is told to King Ahaz as a sign from Allah in Isaiah 7:14 - 7:16 King Ahaz will see happen in a few years when), the riches of Damascus (taken by the king of Assyria in 2 Kings 16:9 in the fourth year of King Ahaz of Judah and prophesied by the first part of the name given to Immanuel the son of Isaiah which is Maher-shalal "to hasten loot" which is the downfall and looting of Damascus prophesied in Isaiah 7:8) and the spoil of Samaria (which Samaria was made to pay as tribute to Shalmaneser the king of Assyria in the fourth year of King Ahaz of Judah and prophesied by the second part of the name given to Immanuel the son of Isaiah which is Maher-hashbaz meaning "speed the spoils" which is the looting of the Northern kingdom of Israel in Samaria prophesied in Isaiah 7:9) shall be carried away in front of the king of Assyria.


Isaiah 8:7 ” … the king of Assyria and all his glory; and he shall come up over all his channels, and go over all his banks;  


Isaiah 8:8 And he (the king of Assyria) shall sweep through Judah overflowing as he passes through he shall reach even to the neck (Jerusalem); and the stretching out of his wings (Army) shall fill the breadth of your land (Judah), Immanuel (meaning “Allah is with us.” The names of the children of Prophet Isaiah are a prophecy as explained in Isaiah 8:18 that shows the people through this name Immanuel that “Allah is with us" meaning Allah will protect the kingdom of Judah from its enemies” and this prophecy that "Allah is with us" means that the Davidic kingdom of Judah will be saved by Allah in the time when the Assyrian Army is stopped by Allah outside the walls of Jerusalem in the time of Prophet Isaiah and King Hezekiah).


Isaiah 8:9 Join together O you peoples (who plot against Judah) and you shall be broken in pieces; and listen all you (people) of far away countries (who plot against Judah); gird yourselves (with might against Judah) and you shall be broken in pieces; gird yourselves (with might against Judah) and you shall be broken in pieces. 


Isaiah 8:10 Take counsel together (and plot against Judah) and it shall be brought to nothing; speak the word (against Judah) and it shall not stand; for Allah is with us.

Note 1. The prophecy “Allah is with us” in Isaiah 8:10 is confirmed in the name of the son of Prophet Isaiah who was named Immanuel in Isaiah 8:8. 


Isaiah 8:18 I (Prophet Isaiah) and the children whom the LORD (Allah) has given me (Prophet Isaiah) shall be for signs (of Allah) and for portents (prophecy) in Israel from the LORD of hosts, who dwells on mount Zion. 

Note 1. The names given to the children of Prophet Isaiah are a reminder to the people in his time of his prophecies concerning Judah and Northern Israel and Syria and Assyria.

Another example of a mother and father giving different names to their son is found in Genesis 35:16 - 35:18 where before Rachel died after a painful birth she called her son Ben-Oni meaning "son of my pain" but Jacob his father called him Benjamin meaning, "son of (the end of) days" because Benjamin was the last born of his 13 children (12 sons and 1 daughter) meaning Benjamin was born in Jacob’s old age (end of days).

Video 1. Shocking revelation on Matthew’s virgin birth corruption of Isaiah – Rabbi Tovia Singer

What can bring about the coming of the messiah?



Video 2. 1040 - Christians claim the Jews are WRONG and that PROPHECY has DUAL MEANINGS that Point to JESUS!

The Christian claim that Matthew 1:23 is quoting Isaiah 7:14 in the Tanakh Jewish scripture.

The Christian claim that Isaiah 7:14 is a dual prophecy.

In Judaism Isaiah 53 is about the righteous among the Jews including the messiah but in Christianity Isaiah 53 is only about the messiah.



Video 3. Bible Questions? 

Call-in LIVE with Rabbi Tovia Singer 855-95-BIBLE (855)952-4253

Isaiah 7:3 the first son Shear-Yashuv. 

Isaiah 7:14 the second son Immanuel. 

Isaiah 8:3 the second son Immanuel is also “to hasten loot, speed the spoils.”

Isaiah 8:7-8:8 Immanuel. 

Isaiah 8:18 The names of the children of Prophet Isaiah are prophecies. 



Video 4. Isaiah—Part 5—Rabbi Tovia Singer explores the most debated passage in the Bible: Isaiah 7:14.

In Isaiah 7:10 Prophet Isaiah is called Allah.

In the Tanakh prophets and angels and judges are called Allah when they are speaking the word of Allah or doing the work of Allah or represent Allah.

Matthew 1:23 changed the word of Allah in Isaiah 7:14.

1. “Young woman” in Isaiah 7:14 was changed to “virgin” in Matthew 1:23.

2. “The” young woman in Isaiah 7:14 was changed to “a” virgin in Matthew 1:23.

3. The young woman “is” with child in Isaiah 7:14 was changed to a virgin “shall bring forth” a son in Matthew 1:23.

4. And “she” shall call his name Immanuel was changed to and “they” shall call his name Emmanuel  in Matthew 1:23.



Video 5. Isaiah—Part 6—Who was Immanuel? Rabbi Tovia Singer reveals signs of salvation in the Book of Isaiah. 

How to study scripture. Isaiah chapter 8. 

Prophet Isaiah married a prophetess to show Allah is with the Davidic southern kingdom of Judah to whom Isaiah is preaching and Allah gives names to the children of Isaiah which are prophecies such as “the remnant will return” and “Allah is with you” and “hasten loot, speed the spoils.” 

Prophet Hosea married a prostitute to show the adultery against Allah committed through idol worship in the northern kingdom of Israel to whom Hosea is preaching in Hosea 1:2 and Allah gives names to the children of Hosea which are prophecies such as “I am not going to have pity on you” and “you are not my people.”.


Video 6. Gospels battle to produce Jesus’ virgin birth myth. Rabbi Tovia Singer.

In Judaism all humans are the children of Allah.

Deuteronomy 14:1 you are children of the Lord your Allah.

However in the Roman Greek world the son of Allah was a real biological divine son of Allah like Alexander, the Caesars, Hercules, Ptolemies, Remus and Romulus because it was said that they came from virgin births.


Video 7. Can the Jewish Scriptures save Christianity from the Virgin Birth? Rabbi Tovia Singer Responds.

Jesus born to a virgin cannot be the Messiah who inherits the House of David. Rabbi Tovia Singer exposes torturous Church responses.


Corrections and questions are welcome and can be emailed to somaliahamradio@yahoo.com 


The meaning of verses in the Quran and Tanakh and Gospel are on these websites.

The meaning of verses in the Koran and Torah and Injil are on these websites. 

YOU ARE HERE Allah https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran

Allah index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/index  

Allaah https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran

Allaah index https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran/index  

God https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran

God index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/index  

Q&A https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel

Q&A index https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel/index