303-6. The Gospel of John chapters 15–16:10.


21 July 2021 (1442 AH).

The Gospel of John with comments according to the Quran.

The Gospel of John explained by the Quran.

The Gospel of John with comments according to the Quran, Torah and Gospels.

The Gospel of John with comments according to the Koran.

The Gospel of John explained by the Koran.

The Gospel of John with comments according to the Koran, Torah and Gospels.

The Gospel of John.

The Gospel according to John.

Understanding the Gospels.

Throughout the Gospel Jesus is teaching the Torah in the same way as every prophet in the Jewish Scripture is teaching the Torah.

The word of Allah in the Gospel is everything that does not contradict the Tanakh Jewish Scripture.

Whatever contradicts the Tanakh Jewish Scripture did not come from Jesus but from the unknown writers of the Gospels.

The Gospels are a test to show who understands Allah in the Tanakh Jewish Scripture as described in 1 Kings 13:14 - 13:24 teaching that the word of Allah will not change and do not believe anyone who claims the word of Allah has changed.

See https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/the-gospel-of-mark-1-5

303-1. The Gospel of John chapters 1–3.


303-2. The Gospel of John chapters 4–6.


303-3. The Gospel of John chapters 7–10.


303-4. The Gospel of John chapters 11–12.


303-5. The Gospel of John chapters 13–14.


You are here 303-6. The Gospel of John chapters 15–16:10.


303-7. The Gospel of John chapter 16:11.


303-8. The Gospel of John chapters 16:12–18:40.


303-9. The Gospel of John chapters 19–20.


303-10. The Gospel of John chapter 21.

Jesus said another comforter from Allah will come after him. See at the end of Gospel of John chapter 21



The Jewish faith explained by the Quran.


The future explained in Isaiah 53.


The symbols of the Abrahamic religions.

Upper: Christianity (left), Islam (right).

Lower: Judaism (left), Baha’i (right).

Thanks to Wikipedia.

The Gospel of John.

(Thanks to David Robert Palmer DRP).

Sam Voron SV comments and notes have been added to the DRP verses.

The SV comments and notes and the DRP verses are two different and independent works.

(In the SV comments and notes some verses have comments in brackets added by SV to explain their meaning).

The Gospel of John chapter 15 and 16.

You are here: 303-6. The Gospel of John chapters 15–16:10.


303-7. The Gospel of John chapter 16:11.


303-8. The Gospel of John chapters 16:12–18:40.


"I am the vine, you are the branches."

Gospel of John 15:1 "I am the true vine, and my Father is the farmer.


1. Explain Gospel of John 15:1.

Gospel of John 15:1 "I (Jesus) am the true vine (from Allah because Jesus delivered the message from Allah in the Gospel 2000 years ago), and my Father (Allah) is the farmer (who picks the fruit meaning it is Allah who decrees all judgement on the Day of Judgement).

Quran 39:69 Koran 39:69 And the earth (meaning, the land in the hereafter) shall shine with the light of its Lord (Allah, when Allah shall come to judge men and women on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) and the Book (of their good and bad deeds) shall be shown. (In the judgement of each person) the Prophets (the messenger of Allah in the time of that person or the messenger of Allah that the person claimed to follow) and the witnesses (the Holy angels including the Holy Spirit and humans) shall be brought and it (the good and bad deeds of men and women) shall be judged between them (the Prophets and the witnesses and the Book of their good and bad deeds) with (the) truth (as Allah decreed) and they (those who are judged) shall not be wronged (by any incorrect judgement of what they did during their lifetime on the Earth).

(Note 1. The prophet who is the messenger of Allah that each person claimed to follow or who lived during their time will be present at their judgement on the Day of Judgement.

1-1. Before Jesus Allah sent Moses 3200 years ago.

I (Moses) am the true vine (from Allah because Moses delivered the message from Allah in the Torah 3200 years ago), and my Father (Allah) is the farmer (who picks the fruit meaning it is Allah who decrees all judgement on the Day of Judgement).

1-2. After Jesus Allah sent Muhammad 1400 years ago.

I (Muhammad) am the true vine (from Allah because Muhammad delivered the message from Allah in the Quran 1400 years ago), and my Father (Allah) is the farmer (who picks the fruit meaning it is Allah who decrees all judgement on the Day of Judgement).

2. Why is Jesus not Allah?

2-1. Jesus is not Allah because Jesus is the vine (messenger) but Allah is the farmer who decrees everything including all judgement on the Day of Judgement.

Gospel of John 15:1 "I (Jesus) am the true vine (from Allah because Jesus delivered the message from Allah in the Gospel 2000 years ago), and my Father (Allah) is the farmer (who picks the fruit meaning it is Allah who decrees all judgement on the Day of Judgement).

Quran 39:69 Koran 39:69 And the earth (meaning, the land in the hereafter) shall shine with the light of its Lord (Allah, when Allah shall come to judge men and women on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) and the Book (of their good and bad deeds) shall be shown. (In the judgement of each person) the Prophets (the messenger of Allah in the time of that person or the messenger of Allah that the person claimed to follow) and the witnesses (the Holy angels including the Holy Spirit and humans) shall be brought and it (the good and bad deeds of men and women) shall be judged between them (the Prophets and the witnesses and the Book of their good and bad deeds) with (the) truth (as Allah decreed) and they (those who are judged) shall not be wronged (by any incorrect judgement of what they did during their lifetime on the Earth).

(Note 1. The prophet who is the messenger of Allah that each person claimed to follow or who lived during their time will be present at their judgement on the Day of Judgement.

2-2. No one including Jesus knows the hour of the Day of Resurrection because only Allah knows.

Gospel of Mark 13:32 (Jesus who was the prophet and messenger of Allah 2000 years ago said) "But as to that day or that hour (of the Day of Resurrection), no one knows, not even the angels in heaven (the Holy Spirit and the other angels who are servants of Allah), not even the Son (Jesus who is a servant of Allah), but only the Father (Allah who is the creator of every creation).

(Note 1. Only Allah knows the hour of the Day of Resurrection.

The Holy Ghost revealed to Jesus that only Allah knows the hour of the Day of Resurrection therefore Jesus is not Allah and the Holy Spirit is not Allah because both Jesus and the Holy Spirit are created by Allah.

Gospel of Matthew 24:36 (Jesus who was the prophet and messenger of Allah 2000 years ago said) But as for that day and hour (of the Day of Resurrection), no one knows it except the Father (Allah) alone; not even the angels of heaven (the Holy Spirit and the other angels who are servants of Allah), not even the Son (Jesus who is a servant of Allah).

(Note 1. Only Allah knows the hour of the Day of Resurrection.

The Holy Spirit revealed to Jesus that only Allah knows the hour of the Day of Resurrection therefore Jesus is not Allah and the Holy Spirit is not Allah because both Jesus and the Holy Spirit are created by Allah.

Quran 6:59 Koran 6:59 (Muhammad who was the prophet and messenger of Allah 1400 years ago said) And with Him (Allah) are the keys of the unseen (future). None but He (Allah) knows them (the future). And He (Allah) knows what is in the land and the sea. Not a leaf falls that He (Allah) does not know about. There is not a grain in the darkness of the earth or anything fresh (and green) or dry (and wilted), that is not (inscribed by Allah) in a clear record (called the Book of the Decrees of Allah).

(Note 1. Only Allah knows everything.

Humans including Jesus and Muhammad and angels including the Holy Spirit are servants of Allah they are not Allah.

Quran 7:187 Koran 7:187 They ask you (Prophet Muhammad) about The Hour (of the Day of Resurrection) and when it shall come. Say, “Knowledge of this is with my Lord (Allah) only. He (Allah) alone shall make it happen at the proper time. It lays heavily on the heavens and the earth (because of the greatness of that event). It shall come to you suddenly. They question you as if you might be well informed of it. Say, “Knowledge of it is with Allah only, but most of the people do not know that (because they think others have this knowledge).”

(Note 1. Only Allah knows the hour of the Day of Resurrection.

The Holy Spirit revealed to Muhammad that only Allah knows the hour of the Day of Resurrection therefore Moses and Jesus and Muhammad are not Allah and the Holy Spirit is not Allah because both the humans (Moses and Jesus and Muhammad) and the angels (the Holy Spirit of Allah angel Gabriel) are created by Allah.

Gospel of John 15:2 Every branch in me bearing no fruit, he removes, and every branch bearing the fruit, he cleans, so it may bear more fruit.


1. Explain Gospel of John 15:2.

Gospel of John 15:2 Every branch (disciple) in me (Jesus) bearing no fruit (those who reject the message of Allah delivered by Jesus in the Gospel), he (Allah) removes (that person from Allah’s mercy on the Day of Judgement), and every branch (disciple) bearing the fruit (those who accept and obey the message of Allah delivered by Jesus in the Gospel), he (Allah) cleans (them of their sins by removing their sins and strengthens their faith in Allah), so it may bear more fruit (by gaining more followers, who are believers in Allah and the messenger of Allah).

1-1. Before Jesus Allah sent Moses 3200 years ago.

Every branch (disciple) in me (Moses) bearing no fruit (those who reject the message of Allah delivered by Moses in the Torah), he (Allah) removes (that person from Allah’s mercy on the Day of Judgement), and every branch (disciple) bearing the fruit (those who accept and obey the message of Allah delivered by Moses in the Torah), he (Allah) cleans (them of their sins by removing their sins and strengthens their faith in Allah), so it may bear more fruit (by gaining more followers, who are believers in Allah and the messenger of Allah).

1-2. After Jesus Allah sent Muhammad 1400 years ago.

Every branch (disciple) in me (Muhammad) bearing no fruit (those who reject the message of Allah delivered by Muhammad in the Quran), he (Allah) removes (that person from Allah’s mercy on the Day of Judgement), and every branch (disciple) bearing the fruit (those who accept and obey the message of Allah delivered by Muhammad in the Quran), he (Allah) cleans (them of their sins by removing their sins and strengthens their faith in Allah), so it may bear more fruit (by gaining more followers, who are believers in Allah and the messenger of Allah).

Torah Deuteronomy 18:18 (Therefore) I (Allah) shall raise up for them (the children of Israel) a prophet (Prophet Joshua Yusha followed by prophet after prophet, messenger after messenger) like you (Prophet Moses Musa who delivered the Torah Taurat 3200 years ago when you were at Mount Sinai Horeb today in Egypt) from among their brothers brethren (The children of Israel are brothers and brethren to each other. The children of Esau are brothers and brethren to the children of Israel through Jacob Yaqub Israel who is the brother of Esau. The children of Ishmael Ismail are brothers and brethren to the children of Israel through Isaac Ishaq who is the brother of Ishmael Ismail and the father of Jacob Yaqub Israel. Esau and Ishmael Ismail are not one of the children of Israel. The children of Ishmael Ismail are the brethren and brother of the children of Isaac Ishaq which include the children of Israel in the same way as Allah says the children of Esau who are not the children of Israel are the brethren of the children of Israel in Torah Deuteronomy 2:4 – 2:8 and Prophet Moses Musa says the children of Esau who are not the children of Israel are the brother of the children of Israel in Torah Numbers 20:14. Those who descended from Prophet Abraham Ibrahim are brothers and brethren to each other and brothers and brethren in the religion of Allah because this is the religion of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim) and I (Allah through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel Jibril) shall put my (Allah’s) words in the mouth of the prophet (meaning prophet after prophet, messenger after messenger), who shall speak to them (the people) everything that I (Allah) command him” (to speak to you. Note that all the prophets and messengers of Allah are mentioned in Torah Deuteronomy 18:18. In Torah Genesis 25:9 “Isaac Ishaq and Ishmael Ismail his sons buried Abraham Ibrahim” meaning the children of Isaac Ishaq and the children of Ishmael Ismail are brothers and brethren to each other meaning the Hebrews and the Arabs are brothers and brethren to each other meaning the Jews and the Muslims are brothers and brethren to each other meaning everyone who follows the religion of Allah are brothers and brethren to each other as confirmed in Torah Deuteronomy 18:15, 18:18 - 18:22 and Quran 5:68 and Quran 7:157);

Torah Deuteronomy 18:19 It shall happen that whoever shall not pay attention to My words (Allah’s words) which he (the prophet) shall speak in My name (Allah’s name); I (Allah) shall require it from him (meaning that Allah requires the people to listen and to obey Allah’s prophets).

(Note 1. A prophet of Allah speaks in the name of Allah.

(Note 2. A messenger of Allah speaks in the name of Allah.

(Note 3. A messiah of Allah speaks in the name of Allah.

2. Why is Jesus not Allah?

See Gospel of John 15:1 comment.

Gospel of John 15:3 You are now clean, because of the word which I have spoken to you.


1. Explain Gospel of John 15:3.

Gospel of John 15:3 (Allah through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel reveals to the heart of Jesus that) you (the disciples of Jesus) are now clean (of sins by Allah removing your sins and strengthening your faith in Allah), because of the word (of guidance in the Gospel) which I (Jesus the messenger of Allah) have spoken to you (the disciples of Jesus).

1-1. Before Jesus Allah sent Moses 3200 years ago.

(Allah through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel reveals to the heart of Moses that) you (the disciples of Moses) are now clean (of sins by Allah removing your sins and strengthening your faith in Allah), because of the word (of guidance in the Torah) which I (Moses the messenger of Allah) have spoken to you (the disciples of Moses).

1-2. After Jesus Allah sent Muhammad 1400 years ago.

(Allah through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel reveals to the heart of Muhammad that) you (the disciples of Muhammad) are now clean (of sins by Allah removing your sins and strengthening your faith in Allah), because of the word (of guidance in the Quran) which I (Muhammad the messenger of Allah) have spoken to you (the disciples of Muhammad).

2. Why is Jesus not Allah?

See Gospel of John 15:1 comment.

Gospel of John 15:4 Abide in me, and I in you. Just as the branch is not able to bear fruit from itself, unless it abides in the vine, in the same way neither are you, unless you abide in me.


1. Explain Gospel of John 15:4.

Gospel of John 15:4 Abide (remain) in me (Jesus, by following the message of Allah that was delivered by Jesus in the Gospel), and I (Jesus, your teacher shall remain) in you (the disciples of Jesus). Just as the branch is not able to bear fruit from itself, unless it abides (remains connected) in the vine, in the same way neither are you (the disciples of Jesus), unless you abide (remain) in me (Jesus, by following the message of Allah that was delivered by Jesus in the Gospel).

1-1. Before Jesus Allah sent Moses 3200 years ago.

Abide (remain) in me (Moses, by following the message of Allah that was delivered by Moses in the Torah), and I (Moses, your teacher shall remain) in you (the disciples of Moses). Just as the branch is not able to bear fruit from itself, unless it abides (remains connected) in the vine, in the same way neither are you (the disciples of Moses), unless you abide (remain) in me (Moses, by following the message of Allah that was delivered by Moses in the Torah).

1-2. After Jesus Allah sent Muhammad 1400 years ago.

Abide (remain) in me (Muhammad, by following the message of Allah that was delivered by Muhammad in the Quran), and I (Muhammad, your teacher shall remain) in you (the disciples of Muhammad). Just as the branch is not able to bear fruit from itself, unless it abides (remains connected) in the vine, in the same way neither are you (the disciples of Muhammad), unless you abide (remain) in me (Muhammad, by following the message of Allah that was delivered by Muhammad in the Quran).

2. Why is Jesus not Allah?

See Gospel of John 15:1 comment.

Gospel of John 15:5 "I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who abides in me and I in him, this one bears much fruit, for without me you can produce nothing.


1. Explain Gospel of John 15:5.

Gospel of John 15:5 "I (Jesus) am the vine; you (the disciples of Jesus) are the branches. The one who abides (remains) in me (Jesus, by following the message of Allah that was delivered by Jesus in the Gospel) and I (Jesus, your teacher shall remain) in him (the disciple of Jesus), this one bears much fruit (by gaining more followers, who are believers in Allah and the messenger of Allah), for without me (Jesus who was sent by Allah to deliver the Gospel) you (the disciples of Jesus) can produce nothing.

1-1. Before Jesus Allah sent Moses 3200 years ago.

I (Moses) am the vine; you (the disciples of Moses) are the branches. The one who abides (remains) in me (Moses, by following the message of Allah that was delivered by Moses in the Torah) and I (Moses, your teacher shall remain) in him (the disciple of Moses), this one bears much fruit (by gaining more followers, who are believers in Allah and the messenger of Allah), for without me (Moses who was sent by Allah to deliver the Torah) you (the disciples of Moses) can produce nothing.

1-2. After Jesus Allah sent Muhammad 1400 years ago.

I (Muhammad) am the vine; you (the disciples of Muhammad) are the branches. The one who abides (remains) in me (Muhammad, by following the message of Allah that was delivered by Muhammad in the Quran) and I (Muhammad, your teacher shall remain) in him (the disciple of Muhammad), this one bears much fruit (by gaining more followers, who are believers in Allah and the messenger of Allah), for without me (Muhammad who was sent by Allah to deliver the Quran) you (the disciples of Muhammad) can produce nothing.

2. Why is Jesus not Allah?

See Gospel of John 15:1 comment.

Gospel of John 15:6 If someone does not abide in me, he is thrown aside like the branch that is withered; they gather such and put them in the fire; and it is burned.


1. Explain Gospel of John 15:6.

Gospel of John 15:6 If someone does not abide (remain, stay) in me (Jesus, by following the message from Allah that Jesus delivered in the Gospel), he (that person who rejects the Gospel) is thrown aside (by Allah) like the branch that is withered (dead); they (the people) gather such (dead branches) and put them in the fire; and it is burned (just like the angels will gather the people decreed by Allah for punishment in Hell fire in the Hereafter).

1-1. Before Jesus Allah sent Moses 3200 years ago.

If someone does not abide (remain, stay) in me (Moses, by following the message from Allah that Moses delivered in the Torah), he (that person who rejects the Torah) is thrown aside (by Allah) like the branch that is withered (dead); they (the people) gather such (dead branches) and put them in the fire; and it is burned (just like the angels will gather the people decreed by Allah for punishment in Hell fire in the Hereafter).

1-2. After Jesus Allah sent Muhammad 1400 years ago.

If someone does not abide (remain, stay) in me (Muhammad, by following the message from Allah that Muhammad delivered in the Quran), he (that person who rejects the Quran) is thrown aside (by Allah) like the branch that is withered (dead); they (the people) gather such (dead branches) and put them in the fire; and it is burned (just like the angels will gather the people decreed by Allah for punishment in Hell fire in the Hereafter).

2. Why is Jesus not Allah?

See Gospel of John 15:1 comment.

Gospel of John 15:7 If you abide in me, and my sayings abide in you, ask whatever you will, and it will happen for you.


1. Explain Gospel of John 15:7.

Gospel of John 15:7 If you (the disciples of Jesus) abide (remain, stay) in me (Jesus, by believing that Jesus is a messenger sent by Allah), and my sayings (by believing the Gospel so that the Gospel) abide (remain, stay) in you (the disciples of Jesus, then), ask whatever you (the disciples of Jesus) will, and it will happen for you (the disciples of Jesus, just like it happened for Jesus meaning that Allah will allow miracles to the disciples of Jesus just as Allah allowed miracles to Jesus as proof that both Jesus and the disciples of Jesus speak the truth because such miracles are only possible if Allah were with Jesus and with the disciples of Jesus).

1-1. Before Jesus Allah sent Moses 3200 years ago.

Where is proof that Allah was with Moses?

1. Allah through Prophet Moses turned the hand of Moses leprous (white as snow) and when Prophet Moses showed his hand again it was normal.

2. Allah through the rod of Prophet Moses swallowed the rods of the Egyptian magicians.

3. Allah through Prophet Moses turned the river of Egypt into blood.

4. Allah through Prophet Moses brought the plague of frogs to Egypt.

5. Allah through Prophet Moses brought the plague of gnats (mosquitoes) to Egypt.

6. Allah through Prophet Moses brought the plague of flies to Egypt.

7. Allah through Prophet Moses brought death to all the cattle of horses, asses and camels in Egypt.

8. Allah through Prophet Moses (Musa) brought boils with blisters on all the Egyptian people and the beasts in Egypt.

9. Allah through Prophet Moses brought a hail storm that destroys every Egyptian person, beast and crop that was in the open fields.

10. Allah through Prophet Moses brought the plague of locusts to Egypt to eat all the vegetation and fruits that the hail had not destroyed.

11. Allah through Prophet Moses brought the plague of thick darkness that Egyptians could feel and nothing could be seen for 3 days.

12. Allah through Prophet Moses took away the life of every first born Egyptian and every first born of cattle in Egypt which Allah said shall never happen again.

13. Allah through Prophet Moses divided the waters of the Red Sea to make a dry path across the Red Sea for the Children of Israel to escape from the Pharaoh and his Army.

14. Allah through Prophet Moses made the waters of the Red Sea drown the Pharaoh and his Army when they chased after the Children of Israel across the path that Allah had divided.

15. Allah through Prophet Moses made food fall out of the sky every morning.

16. Allah through Prophet Moses made water come out of a stone.

The power shown by Moses, Jesus and the other prophets, messengers and messiahs were given to humans by Allah as a sign of their truthfulness.

Quran 2:253 Koran 2:253 The messengers We (Allah through the Holy Spirit revealed to Prophet Muhammad) endowed with gifts, some (with) more (gifts) than others. To some of them (like Prophet Moses) Allah spoke and to others (like Prophet Enoch) He (Allah) raised their rank (of honour). To (messenger, prophet and messiah) Jesus the son of Mary We (Allah reveal to Prophet Muhammad through the Holy Spirit that Jesus) gave signs (of his truthfulness) and (Allah) strengthened him (Jesus) with (guidance through) the Holy Spirit (Angel Gabriel, the Holy Ghost). …”

Quran 13:38 Koran 13:38 And We (Allah) sent messengers before you (Prophet Muhammad), and We (Allah) gave them wives and children (and you Prophet Muhammad are a human like them), and it was not for any messenger to bring a sign except by Allah’s permission (because a messenger is only the servant of Allah). For every period of time there is a decree (a Book brought through a messenger that reveals Allah’s judgements and explanations as a guidance to strengthen the faith of the people who believe that Allah is the creator of every creation).

Quran 7:133 Koran 7:133 (Moses warned the Pharaoh with many miracles but the Pharaoh did not believe) So We (Allah) sent them (the Pharaoh of Egypt and his people) the flood, the locusts, the lice, the frogs and the blood as a succession of clear signs (plagues one after the other from Allah to them). But they were arrogant and became a guilty people (because they ignored Allah’s warnings).

(Note 1. The Quran is confirmed in Torah Exodus 4:5 – 4:7, 7:8 – 12:29).

Quran 17:103 Koran 17:103 And he (the Pharaoh) pursued them (the Children of Israel) out of the land (and across the Red Sea which Allah had divided to make a dry path that allowed the children of Israel to escape) and We (Allah) drowned him (the Pharaoh) and those with him (the Egyptian Army, when Allah returned the Red Sea to its normal position and drown the Pharaoh and his Army).

(Note 1. The Quran is confirmed in Torah Exodus 12:37 – 12:42, 13:17 – 14:31).

1-2. After Jesus Allah sent Muhammad 1400 years ago.

Where is proof that Allah was with Muhammad?

How does Allah show the truthfulness of the messenger who came after Jesus?

Allah allowed the Dome of the Rock shrine to be built as a memorial on Allah’s Holy Temple Mount in Jerusalem Al-Quds to confirm the truthfulness of the messenger that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26 – 15:27, 16:7 – 16:15 (see in Reference 1 at the end of the Gospel of John).

Only Allah has the power to bless what is on Allah’s Holy ground on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Al-Quds as a sign for all who have eyes to see and a sign for all who have hearts that understand.

The Dome of the Rock (Masjid Qubbat As-Sakhrah) was completed in 72 AH (691 CE, 691 AD, 691) on the Temple mount in Jerusalem, Al-Quds, Palestine today in Israel and Palestine as a confirmation from Allah that Muhammad is the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus.

37 years after Jesus left the Earth the second House of Allah on Allah’s Holy Temple Mount in Jerusalem Al-Quds in Judea was destroyed by the Roman Empire as a sign from Allah confirming the warnings that had been delivered by Jesus.

69 years after Prophet Muhammad left the Earth the Dome of the Rock shine was completed on Allah’s Holy Temple Mount in Jerusalem Al-Quds in Palestine today Israel and Palestine as a sign from Allah confirming that Muhammad is the prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus.

Where is proof from Allah that Muhammad is the prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus?

Where is proof that Allah has blessed Prophet Muhammad?

Where is proof that Allah has blessed the Quran?

Where is proof that Allah has blessed the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, Al-Quds?

Some Christians confused Jesus with Allah and as Jesus prophesied in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26 – 15:27, 16:7 – 16:15 (see in Reference 1 at the end of the Gospel of John) Allah sent a messenger after Jesus.

Allah confirmed the prophet after Jesus by permitting the building of the Al-Aqsa mosque on the Holy ground of the First and Second Temples of Allah in Jerusalem (Al-Quds), Palestine, today Israel and Palestine.

Only Allah has the power to bless what is on Allah’s Holy ground on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Al-Quds as a sign for all who have eyes to see and a sign for all who have hearts that understand.

The Al-Aqsa Mosque (al-Masjid al-Aqsa, the Farthest Mosque, Al-Aqsa, Bayt al-Muqaddas) was established in 85 AH (705 CE, 705 AD) as confirmation from Allah that Muhammad is the prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus.

Jerusalem, Al-Quds in the time of Jesus is the location on the Temple Mount (Temple Mountain, Mount Zion, Mount Moriah, Har HaBayit, Haram Al-Sharif, Bait ul Muqaddas, The Sanctuary) where the Second Temple of Allah stood on top of the First Temple of Allah which had earlier been destroyed.

37 years after Jesus left the Earth the second House of Allah on the Temple Mount was destroyed by the Roman Empire as a sign from Allah confirming the warnings that had been delivered by Jesus.

73 years after Muhammad left the Earth the Al-Aqsa mosque on the Temple Mount was established on top of the destroyed first and second Houses of Allah as a sign from Allah confirming that Muhammad is the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus.

Quran 6:92 Koran 6:92 And this (Quran) is (also) a Book which We (Allah through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel revealed to Prophet Muhammad) have blessed and revealed, confirming what was revealed before it (in the Torah and in the Gospel) so that you (Prophet Muhammad) may warn (of Allah’s reward and punishment in the hereafter to those that live in) the mother of towns (Mecca) and those around her (in Arabia today in Saudi Arabia). Those who believe in the Hereafter believe it (the Quran) and they are careful (to remember to observe) their worship (of Allah).

Quran 30:30 Koran 30:30 So direct yourself (Prophet Muhammad) towards the religion (the belief in one creator) for which He (Allah who is the one and only creator) has created (religion for) humans. No one can alter what Allah has created (in religion, in the Torah, the Gospel and the Quran). That is the right religion (belief), but most people do not know (this).

2. Why did Allah allow the destruction of the first and the second Houses of Allah on the Temple Mountain in Jerusalem Al-Quds?

Quran 17:4 Koran 17:4 And We (Allah) decreed for the Children of Israel in the scripture (the Torah, the Jewish Hebrew Bible), "Twice you shall commit corruption on earth and you shall reach (the sin of) great arrogance.”

(Note 1. Why did Allah destroy the First and Second Houses of Allah in Jerusalem, Al-Quds.

In Quran 17:4 Allah gives the reason for the destruction of the first and the second Jewish temples in Jerusalem, Al-Quds.

Torah Deuteronomy 4:25 (Moses revealed), when you (the children of Israel) shall have generations of children and you shall have been a long time in the land (of Canaan, today Israel and Palestine), and shall deal corruptly, and make a graven image (as an idol) in the form of any (created) thing, and shall do that what is evil in the sight of the Lord your Allah, to provoke Him (Allah).

Torah Deuteronomy 4:26 I call heaven and earth to be a witness against you on this day that you shall soon utterly perish from off the land (of Canaan, today Israel and the Palestine) to which you go across Jordan to possess; you shall not be on it (the land of Canaan) for a long time but (you) shall be completely destroyed (as a nation).

Torah Deuteronomy 4:27 And the Lord (Allah) shall scatter you (the children of Israel) among the peoples and you shall be left few in number among the nations, where the Lord (Allah) shall lead you away (from the land of Canaan).

Torah Deuteronomy 4:28 And there you shall serve (false) gods, (idols) that are the work of the hand’s of men (who build idols) made from wood and stone (wooden idols and stone idols) which (are false gods that) cannot see nor hear nor eat nor smell (because they are only wood and stone)

(See the reason for the destruction of the Temple of Allah in:

The Jewish Hebrew Bible Ezekiel 8:1 – 8:18.

The Jewish Hebrew Bible Isaiah 1:1 – 1:31.

The Jewish Hebrew Bible Jeremiah 7:1 - 7:34.

Torah Deuteronomy 4:29 But from there you (the children of Israel) shall seek the Lord your Allah and you shall find him, if you search for Him (Allah) with all your heart and with all your soul

Torah Deuteronomy 4:30 In all your distress, when all these things have come to you (the children of Israel), in the end of days (The Day of Judgement), you shall return to the Lord your Allah and listen to His (Allah’s) voice (meaning Judgement).

Torah Deuteronomy 4:31 For the Lord your Allah is a merciful Allah; He (Allah) shall not fail you nor (shall Allah) destroy you (the children of Israel) nor (shall Allah) forget the covenant (agreement) with your fathers which He (Allah) swore to them (to keep).

(See the Jewish Hebrew Bible Isaiah 2:1 - 2:4).

Quran 17:5 Koran 17:5 So when the time for the first of the two (decrees of Allah) came, We (Allah) sent Our (Allah’s) servants whose military power against you (the Children of Israel) penetrated into your homes, and it was a promise (of what would happen and it was) fulfilled.

(Note 1. The destruction of the First House of Allah in Jerusalem, Al-Quds.

Quran 17:5 describes the complete destruction of the first Jewish temple in Jerusalem, Al-Quds that had been built by Prophet King Solomon.

(Note 2. The First House of Allah in Jerusalem, Al-Quds.

Prophet King Solomon built the first Holy Temple in Jerusalem, Al-Quds in the United Kingdom of Israel and Judah today in Israel and Palestine around 1582 BH (960 BCE, 960 BC) but on 1209 BH (587 BCE 587 BC) the first Holy Temple in Jerusalem, Al-Quds in the kingdom of Judah today in Israel and Palestine was destroyed by King Nebuchadnezzar of the Babylonian Empire today in Iraq.

The first Jewish Holy Temple in Jerusalem, Al-Quds in the kingdom of Judah was burned to the ground and the Jews were taken as slaves to Babylon today in Iraq.

This was the fall of the Southern Kingdom of Judah.

The result of adopting idol worship and corruption was that the 12 nations of the children of Israel disappeared from what is today Israel and Palestine and the children of Israel were taken as slaves to Babylon and some migrated to Egypt.

(Note 3. In Quran 17:4 Allah gives the reason for the destruction of the first and the second Jewish temples in Jerusalem, Al-Quds).

(Note 4. What is the arrogance that led to the destruction of the First and Second Houses of Allah?

Arrogance is the pride in humans that makes them think that they do not need Allah so they forget Allah and they think only about them selves.

Arrogance is over confidence in humans and neglect of Allah.

Arrogance leads to rejecting the messengers of Allah.

Arrogance leads to idol worship.

Quran 17:6 Koran 17:6 Then We (Allah) again gave you (the Children of Israel) victory against them (your enemies) and helped you with wealth and children and increased population.

(Note 1. The Second House of Allah in Jerusalem, Al-Quds.

The second Jewish Temple was re-built by 1137 BH (515 BCE 515 BC) on the site where the first Jewish Temple had been destroyed in Jerusalem, Al-Quds today Israel and Palestine.

Prophet Ezra made the second return of Jewish exiles from Babylon today in Iraq to Jerusalem, Al-Quds in 1080 BH (458 BCE, 458 BC) and Prophet Ezra helped to rebuild Jerusalem, Al-Quds and teach the Torah.

Quran 17:7 Koran 17:7 (And Allah said), “If you do good then it is good for yourselves, and if you do evil then it is (evil) for yourselves.” So, when the time for the second (promise) came (Allah sent your enemies) to sadden your faces by entering the (second Jewish) Temple (in Jerusalem, Al-Quds) just as they (your previous enemies had) entered it (the first Jewish temple that they destroyed) the first time, by conquering you (again) with (another enemy who brought) the total destruction (of the second Jewish temple in Jerusalem, Al-Quds in Judea today in Israel and Palestine).

(Note 1. The destruction of the Second House of Allah in Jerusalem, Al-Quds.

Quran 17:7 describes the complete destruction of the second Jewish temple in Jerusalem, Al-Quds in Judea today in Israel and Palestine.

(Note 2. What happened 540 years before the time of Prophet Muhammad?

Prophet messenger and messiah Jesus was on the cross in 607 BH (Friday 3 April 33 CE, Friday 3 April 33 AD) around 540 years before the time of Prophet Muhammad.

This is the date from astronomical calculations for the Lunar Moon eclipse that caused the blood red Moon colour called “the Moon of blood” that was reported to have occurred on the day of the crucifixion of three men on 3 crosses in Jerusalem (Al-Quds).

Prophet messenger and messiah Jesus came as a warner from Allah to the children of Israel saying, “Do not use the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, Al-Quds for money making activities, the Holy Temple is only for the sincere worship of Allah.”

Did the leaders of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, Al-Quds correct their sin or did they want to kill Jesus?

Were the leaders of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, Al-Quds interested in earthy matters or were they interested in Allah?

Prophet messenger and messiah Jesus was telling them that the way they behaved showed that the leaders of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, Al-Quds loved earthy matters more than they loved Allah and they loved themselves more than they loved their people.

(Note 3. The destruction of the Second Temple of Allah in Jerusalem, Al-Quds.

The Roman empire destroyed the second Jewish Holy Temple in Jerusalem, Al-Quds in Judea by burning it to the ground on 569 BH (70 CE, 70 AD) on the Hebrew day and month of the 9th of Av.

The first Jewish Holy Temple in Jerusalem, Al-Quds had also been destroyed on the same Hebrew day and month of the 9th of Av.

This was 37 years after Prophet Jesus left the earth and around 500 years before the time of Prophet Muhammad.

The second Jewish Holy Temple in Jerusalem, Al-Quds was destroyed on the same day and month of the destruction of the first Jewish Holy Temple in Jerusalem, Al-Quds.

(Note 4. The ruins on the Holy Temple Mountain.

Only part of the outer western wall on the Holy Temple site known as the Temple Mount in Jerusalem (Al-Quds) remains today.

Part of the Western Wall survived the destruction of the second Jewish temple in Jerusalem, Al-Quds but the Temple itself was totally destroyed.

The Western Wall of the Temple grounds is also called the Wailing Wall, Crying Wall, Kotel, Kotel HaMaaravi, Al-Buraq Wall.

The Western Wall would have been one of the signs among the ruins of the destroyed Jewish Temple that existed on the night when Allah took Prophet Muhammad in the miracle journey from Mecca, Arabia today in Saudi Arabia to Jerusalem, Al-Quds, Palestine today in Israel and Palestine).

In Quran 17:1 Allah says Prophet Muhammad was shown the signs of Allah at the blessed site so the Western Wall would have been among the signs of Allah that were buried in the ruins.

Quran 17:8 Koran 17:8 (Then Allah said), It may be that (in future) your Lord (Allah) shall have mercy on you (the Children of Israel, which was fulfilled when Allah returned the children of Israel to Palestine in 1367 AH, 1948), but if you repeat (the sin of arrogance) We (Allah) shall repeat (the punishment), and We (Allah) have appointed hell as the home (in the hereafter) for the disbelievers (who ignore this message).”

(Note 1. Quran 17:60 Koran 17:60 “.... We (Allah) warn (people) and make them afraid (of the punishment in Hellfire) but (for some people) it only increases them in nothing but greater disobedience against Allah.

(Note 2. See the Jewish Hebrew Bible Isaiah 2:1 - 2:4).

3. Why is Jesus not Allah?

See Gospel of John 15:1 comment.

Gospel of John 15:8 In this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit, and show to be my disciples.


1. Explain Gospel of John 15:8.

Gospel of John 15:8 In this (the granting and showing of miracles in the time of Jesus) my Father (Allah) is glorified (honoured), that you (the disciples of Jesus) bear much fruit (by gaining more followers, who are believers in Allah and the messenger of Allah), and show to be my disciples (the faithful disciples of Jesus).

1-1. Before Jesus Allah sent Moses 3200 years ago.

In this (the granting and showing of miracles in the time of Moses) my Father (Allah) is glorified (honoured), that you (the disciples of Moses) bear much fruit (by gaining more followers, who are believers in Allah and the messenger of Allah), and show to be my disciples (the faithful disciples of Moses).

1-2. After Jesus Allah sent Muhammad 1400 years ago.

In this (the establishment of the Dome of the Rock memorial where Muhammad ascended to Heaven on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem Al-Quds in Palestine today in Israel and Palestine and the establishment of the Quran at the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Al-Quds in Palestine today in Israel and Palestine) my Father (Allah) is glorified (honoured), that you (the disciples of Muhammad) bear much fruit (by gaining more followers, who are believers in Allah and the messenger of Allah), and show to be my disciples (the faithful disciples of Muhammad).

2. Why is Jesus not Allah?

See Gospel of John 15:1 comment.

Gospel of John 15:9 "Just as the Father has loved me, I also have loved you; abide ye in my love.


1. Explain Gospel of John 15:9.

Gospel of John 15:9 "Just as the Father (Allah) has loved me (Jesus), I (Jesus) also have loved you (the disciples of Jesus); abide (remain, stay) ye (you) in my love (by following the message from Allah in the Gospel that was delivered by Jesus).

1-1. Before Jesus Allah sent Moses 3200 years ago.

Just as the Father (Allah) has loved me (Moses), I (Moses) also have loved you (the disciples of Moses); abide (remain, stay) ye (you) in my love (by following the message from Allah in the Torah that was delivered by Moses).

1-2. After Jesus Allah sent Muhammad 1400 years ago.

Just as the Father (Allah) has loved me (Muhammad), I (Muhammad) also have loved you (the disciples of Muhammad); abide (remain, stay) ye (you) in my love (by following the message from Allah in the Quran that was delivered by Muhammad).

2. Why is Jesus not Allah?

See Gospel of John 15:1 comment.

Gospel of John 15:10 If you keep my commandments, you are abiding in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and am abiding in his love.


1. Explain Gospel of John 15:10.

Gospel of John 15:10 If you (the disciples of Jesus) keep my commandments (which Jesus has given to his disciples), you (the disciples of Jesus) are abiding (staying) in my love (by obeying what Jesus has said), just as I (Jesus the messenger of Allah) have kept my Father's (Allah’s) commandments and (I, Jesus) am abiding (staying) in his (Allah’s) love.

1-1. Before Jesus Allah sent Moses 3200 years ago.

If you (the disciples of Moses) keep my commandments (which Moses has given to his disciples), you (the disciples of Moses) are abiding (staying) in my love (by obeying what Moses has said), just as I (Moses the messenger of Allah) have kept my Father's (Allah’s) commandments and (I, Moses) am abiding (staying) in his (Allah’s) love.

1-2. After Jesus Allah sent Muhammad 1400 years ago.

If you (the disciples of Muhammad) keep my commandments (which Muhammad has given to his disciples), you (the disciples of Muhammad) are abiding (staying) in my love (by obeying what Muhammad has said), just as I (Muhammad the messenger of Allah) have kept my Father's (Allah’s) commandments and (I, Muhammad) am abiding (staying) in his (Allah’s) love.

2. Why is Jesus not Allah?

See Gospel of John 15:1 comment.

Gospel of John 15:11 These things I have spoken to you, so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.

Gospel of John 15:12 This is my commandment: that you love one another, as I have loved you.


1. Explain Gospel of John 15:12.

Gospel of John 15:12 This is my commandment: that you (the disciples of Jesus) love one another, as I (Jesus) have loved you (the disciples of Jesus).

Gospel of Mark 12:30 And you shall love the Lord your Allah with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength: this is the first commandment (of Allah).

Gospel of Mark 12:31 (Prophet Jesus continued speaking and he said) and the second (commandment of Allah) is this, You shall love your neighbour as (you would love) yourself. There are no other commandments (from Allah that are) greater than these (two commandments from Allah).

Gospel of Luke 6:35 But love your enemies, and do good and lend, expecting nothing, and great will be your reward (in the Hereafter), and you will be children (loved servants) of the Most High (Allah), for he (Allah) is kind to the unthankful and evil (in this life but not in the next life).

1-1. Before Jesus Allah sent Moses 3200 years ago.

This is my commandment: that you (the disciples of Moses) love one another, as I (Moses) have loved you (the disciples of Moses).

Torah Leviticus 19:18 (And Allah spoke to Moses saying) You shall not take vengeance (revenge, retaliation, punishment), nor bear any grudge (complaint, resentment) against the children of your people, but you shall love your neighbour as (you would love) yourself: I am the LORD (Allah and this I have commanded).

1-2. After Jesus Allah sent Muhammad 1400 years ago.

This is my commandment: that you (the disciples of Muhammad) love one another, as I (Muhammad) have loved you (the disciples of Muhammad).

Quran 5:45 Koran 5:45 (And in the Torah) We (Allah revealed through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel to Prophet Muhammad) gave all the laws, the life for the life, the eye for the eye, the nose for the nose, the ear for the ear, the tooth for the tooth, these are the laws of retaliation for giving wounds that are equal to what were unjustly inflicted. Whoever forgoes it (Whoever gives the mercy of not retaliating) shall be rewarded by (Allah) cancelling some of the sins of the person (that had the right to retaliate but did not retaliate but instead they followed in the way of Allah’s recommended mercy). Whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed are wrong doers.

Quran 45:14 Koran 45:14 Say (Prophet Muhammad) to those who believe (that) they (should) forgive those who do not expect the Days of Allah (in the hereafter, meaning forgive the disbelievers, forgive the non believers, forgive the stone idol worshippers in Mecca, forgive the people who do not believe in Allah) so that He (Allah) may reward (the righteous) people for what they earn (in reward for the hereafter by obeying Allah’s command that the believers among the humans forgive the disbelievers among the humans in this life in the same way that believing humans in this life wish Allah to forgive the believers in the next life).

(Note 1: Later verses that Allah revealed in the Quran during a time of war with stone idol worshippers in Mecca, Arabia today Saudi Arabia do not cancel the revelations Allah revealed earlier in the Quran just as the verses that Allah revealed in the Torah during a time of war with stone idol worshippers in Canaan today Israel and Palestine do not cancel the revelations Allah revealed earlier in the Torah.

All of Allah’s verses carry a message of wisdom for humankind.

Some verses give guidance in times of war and other verses give guidance in times of peace.

The correct interpretation of each verse in the Books of Allah (the Torah, Gospel and Quran) gives knowledge and wisdom and guidance to whoever Allah wills.

Quran 64:14 Koran 64:14 All you who believe, “…. If you pardon (what people have done) and overlook (the faults of people), and forgive (people) then Allah is forgiving and merciful (to you).

The way of Allah is forgiveness.

The cause of Allah is forgiveness.

The example of Allah is forgiveness.

Righteous are those who forgive.

The way of the Quran is forgiveness.

The cause of the Quran is forgiveness.

The example of the Quran is forgiveness.

The good doers are those who forgive.

The way of Prophet Muhammad is forgiveness.

The cause of Prophet Muhammad is forgiveness.

The example of Prophet Muhammad is forgiveness.

The best of creations are those who forgive.

Allah forgives those who forgive.

Allah rewards those who forgive.

If you pardon what people have done and overlook the faults of people and forgive people then Allah is forgiving and merciful to you (Quran 39:53, Quran 42:43, Quran 45:14 and Quran 64:14).

1. Allah forgives you if you forgive others (Quran 39:53, Quran 42:43, Quran 45:14 and Quran 64:14).

2. Love your neighbour (Quran 42:43).

3. Love your enemy (Quran 41:34 – 41:36, Quran 42:43 and Quran 60:7).

4. Forgive your enemy (Quran 41:34 – 41:36 and Quran 42:43. Allah will forgive even those who mocked Prophet Muhammad and those who plotted to kill Prophet Muhammad if they repent and ask Allah for forgiveness in Quran 8:30 – 8:33).

5. Forgive your neighbour (Quran 42:43).

6. Forgive disbelievers (Quran 45:14).

7. Forgive believers (Quran 49:10).

8. Forgive Jews (Quran 5:13).

9. Forgive the killer (Quran 5:45 and Quran 85:10).

10. Exploding bombs in crowds is forbidden by Allah (Quran 48:25).

11. Fighting today is not in the cause of Allah (Quran 48:25 comments).

12. If you pardon what people have done and overlook the faults of people and forgive people then Allah is forgiving and merciful to you (Quran 39:53, Quran 45:14 and Quran 64:14).

2. Why is Jesus not Allah?

See Gospel of John 15:1 comment.

Gospel of John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this: that one lay down one's life for one's friends.


1. Explain Gospel of John 15:13.

Gospel of John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this (there is no greater love than this): that one lay down one's life for one's friends (that a person gives their life to save the life of a friend).

1-1. Before Jesus Allah sent Moses 3200 years ago.

Greater love has no one than this (there is no greater love than this): that one lay down one's life for one's friends (that a person gives their life to save the life of a friend).

Torah Leviticus 19:18 (And Allah spoke to Moses saying) You shall not take vengeance (revenge, retaliation, punishment), nor bear any grudge (complaint, resentment) against the children of your people, but you shall love your neighbour as (you would love) yourself: I am the LORD (Allah and this I have commanded).

Mishnah Sanhedrin 4:5, Babylonian Talmud Tractate Sanhedrin 37a Whoever destroys a soul, it is considered as if he destroyed an entire world. And whoever saves a life, it is considered as if he saved an entire world.

1-2. After Jesus Allah sent Muhammad 1400 years ago.

Greater love has no one than this (there is no greater love than this): that one lay down one's life for one's friends (that a person gives their life to save the life of a friend).

Quran 5:32 Koran 5:32 From that time (humans were warned not to murder and) We (Allah) decreed on the children of Israel (through the inspiration of the teachers of the Jewish Talmud and confirmed for the Muslim in Quran 6:151) that whoever kills a soul (kills a life, kills a person) it is as if he has killed all of humankind (so that humans understand the great value and preciousness of one human life and to warn humans against the great evil of killing one human soul) unless it is in retaliation for murder or for misbehaviour in the land. And whoever saves it (saves a life, saves a soul, saves a person) it is as if he has saved all of humankind (so that humans understand the great value and preciousness of one human life and to teach humans the great goodness in the saving of one human soul). Our (Allah’s) messengers came to them (the children of Israel) with clear arguments but still after that many of them continued to commit great crimes (by killing humans unlawfully) in the land (so this is a message from Allah to the human not to commit the great crime of killing human life but instead to work to save human life).

Note 1. In the Judgment of Allah the saving of one human life is a great deed because in the Judgment of Allah it is like saving every human life on the earth.

Note 2. On the Day of Judgment whoever saved a life will be rewarded with a reward fitting for a person who had saved all humankind if Allah wills.

Note 3. On the Day of Judgment whoever destroyed a life will be punished with a punishment fitting for a person who had destroyed all humankind if Allah wills.

Note 4. Human life is equal in the sight of Allah. Those who save all human life are among the righteous if Allah wills.

Note 5. Human deeds are not equal in the sight of Allah. Those who do good deeds to all people are among the righteous if Allah wills.

Note 6. The saving of one life in this world no matter if that person is Muslim or non Muslim or the saving of one life by guiding a person to goodness so that they are successful in the hereafter is a great deed of goodness in the sight of Allah.

Note 7. Whoever kills a person it is a crime equal to killing all of mankind.

Note 8. Whoever saves a life has done a deed that is equal to saving all of mankind.

Note 9. Whoever kills an innocent life has committed a terrible crime in the sight of Allah.

2. Why is Jesus not Allah?

See Gospel of John 15:1 comment.

Gospel of John 15:14 You are my friends, if you practice the things I am commanding you.


1. Explain Gospel of John 15:14.

Gospel of John 15:14 You (the disciples of Jesus) are my friends, if you practice the things I (Jesus) am commanding you.

1-1. Before Jesus Allah sent Moses 3200 years ago.

You (the disciples of Moses) are my friends, if you practice the things I (Moses) am commanding you.

1-2. After Jesus Allah sent Muhammad 1400 years ago.

You (the disciples of Muhammad) are my friends, if you practice the things I (Muhammad) am commanding you.

2. Why is Jesus not Allah?

See Gospel of John 15:1 comment.

Gospel of John 15:15 No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his lord is doing. But you I have called friends, because all things that I have heard from my Father, I have made known to you.


1. Explain Gospel of John 15:15.

Gospel of John 15:15 No longer do I (Jesus) call you (the disciples of Jesus) servants, for the servant does not know what his lord (Master) is doing. But you (the disciples of Jesus) I (Jesus) have called friends, because all things that I (Jesus) have heard from my Father (Allah), I (Jesus) have made known to you (the disciples of Jesus).

(Note 1. All things that Jesus does Jesus heard Allah tell Jesus to do because 2000 years ago Jesus was the messenger of Allah.

Allah through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel made revelations to the heart of Jesus.

Torah Deuteronomy 18:18 (Therefore) I (Allah) shall raise up for them a prophet (Prophet Joshua Yusha followed by prophet after prophet, messenger after messenger) like you (Prophet Moses) from among their own brothers (Isaac and Ishmael are brothers and descendants and brethren to the children of Israel and the Arabian people through Prophet Abraham who was the father of Isaac and Ishmael) and I (Allah through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel) shall put my (Allah’s) words in the mouth of the prophet, who shall speak to them (the people) everything that I (Allah) command.”

Gospel of Luke 1:19 “…I am Gabriel, one who stands in the presence of Allah and I have been sent to speak to you …”

Gospel of Luke 1:35 And in answer the angel (the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel who came in the form of a man) said to her (the virgin Mary), "The Holy Spirit (the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel who will come in the form of a dove, a body with wings, an angel) will come upon you (to deliver to your womb a soul created by Allah for your son Jesus), and the power of the Most High (Allah) will overshadow you (so that what Allah has decreed is fulfilled without failure). For this reason also, the one to be born will be called holy (the blessed), the Son of Allah (meaning the servant of Allah, the slave of Allah, the prophet and messenger and messiah sent by Allah).

(Note 1. The power is Allah who is the creator of every creation.

(Note 2. Mary and Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the created servants of Allah.

(Note 3. Allah created the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel and Allah shows how Allah revealed Himself to humans such as Mary and Jesus through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel.

(Note 4. Allah created Jesus and there is not one creation that Allah has not created because Allah is the creator of every creation.

(Note 5. Angels including the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel may appear in the form of a man or in their true form as a body with wings (like a bird, like a dove, an angel).

Gospel of Luke 3:22 and the Holy Spirit descended on him (Jesus) in the bodily form of a dove (a body with wings, an angel) …”

Quran 2:97 Koran 2:97 Say (Prophet Muhammad, to the people), who is against (Angel) Gabriel? because it is he (Angel Gabriel) who has revealed this (Scripture, the Quran) to your heart (Prophet Muhammad) by Allah’s permission, confirming what was revealed before it (in the Gospel and in the Torah), and as a guidance and good news for those who believe.

Quran 2:253 Koran 2:253 “… To (messenger, prophet and messiah) Jesus the son of Mary We (Allah through the Holy Spirit) gave signs (of his truthfulness) and strengthened him (Jesus) with (guidance through) the Holy Spirit (Angel Gabriel, the Holy Ghost) …”

1-1. Before Jesus Allah sent Moses 3200 years ago.

You (the disciples of Moses) are my friends, if you practice the things I (Moses) am commanding you.

All things that I (Moses) have heard from my Father (Allah), I (Moses) have made known to you (the disciples of Moses).

(Note 1. All things that Moses does Moses heard Allah tell Moses to do because 3200 years ago Moses was the messenger of Allah.

Allah through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel made revelations to the heart of Moses.

1-2. After Jesus Allah sent Muhammad 1400 years ago.

You (the disciples of Muhammad) are my friends, if you practice the things I (Muhammad) am commanding you.

All things that I (Muhammad) have heard from my Father (Allah), I (Muhammad) have made known to you (the disciples of Muhammad).

(Note 1. All things that Muhammad does Muhammad heard Allah tell Muhammad to do because 3200 years ago Muhammad was the messenger of Allah.

Allah through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel made revelations to the heart of Muhammad.

2. What does “Allah gave Jesus all things” mean?

Gospel of John 3:35 The Father (Allah) loves the Son (the willing servant who 2000 years ago was the prophet messenger and messiah Jesus), and has given all things into his hand (because every prophet and messenger of Allah is given all things since everything a prophet and messenger of Allah does is what Allah has willed them to do).

(Note 1. Why did Allah gave Jesus all things on the Earth?

2000 years ago Jesus had the supreme authority to speak in the name of Allah and as proof that Jesus was a messenger of Allah; Allah permitted Jesus to show all types of miracles as proof that Jesus was a truthful prophet and messenger of Allah.

3. Why is Jesus not Allah?

See Gospel of John 15:1 comment.

Gospel of John 15:16 You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and appointed you, that you go and bear fruit, and that your fruit might abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, it may be granted to you.


1. Explain Gospel of John 15:16.

Gospel of John 15:16 You (the disciples of Jesus) have not chosen me (Jesus), but I (Jesus the messenger of Allah who is guided by what is revealed by Allah through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel to the heart of Jesus) have chosen you (the disciples of Jesus), and (in this way Allah through Jesus who is the messenger of Allah has) appointed you (the disciples of Jesus so), that you go and bear fruit (by encouraging righteous in humans through the preaching of the word of Allah as Jesus did), and that your fruit (the teaching of righteousness in the world by preaching the word of Allah as Jesus did) might abide (stay and grow in the world), so that (because of your good works in the world) whatever you ask the Father (Allah) in my name (Jesus, when a human says “I pray to Allah in the name of Jesus who is the messenger of Allah”), it (your request) may be granted to you (by Allah because you obeyed Allah and you obeyed Jesus who was sent as the messenger of Allah).

(Note 1. All things that are given to Jesus were given to Jesus by Allah.

Gospel of John 17:7 Now they (the disciples of Jesus that Allah gave to Jesus) are persuaded that all the things you (Allah) have given to me (Jesus) are indeed from you (Allah, and not an invention that comes from Jesus so they believe in Allah and they believe that Jesus is a messenger sent by Allah);

(Note 2. Praying to Allah “in the name of Jesus” was for the disciples of Jesus.

Praying to Allah “in the name of Jesus” was for the disciples of Jesus when they asked Allah for permission to show miracles in the same way as Jesus asked Allah for permission to show miracles.

Gospel of John 15:17 These instructions I (Jesus) am giving you (the disciples of Jesus so that Allah may grant you the power to show miracles and continue the work exactly as Allah had commanded Jesus to do and), so that you will love one another.

(Note 3. Today all pray should be directly to Allah because Jesus prayed directly to Allah.

(Note 4. No one today has the power of the miracle of drinking poison and living as Jesus and his disciples were granted by Allah 2000 years ago because today humans who do this will die.

The proof that the miracles granted to the disciples of Jesus were only in the time of the disciples of Jesus is that today no one can drink deadly poison and live as a sign of their faith in Allah.

Those who try to deceive people sometime use a medical antidote (cure) but it is dangerous because there is no antidote (cure) for many poisons.

Some people have died by drinking poison as a challenge and a test for Allah to recognise their faith and the same has happened to some people who have handled snakes (serpents).

It is Allah who tests humans.

It is not for humans to test Allah by making such challenges.

Jesus said that those who believe in Allah will be able to do many things in the name of Prophet Jesus but today no one can drink deadly poison and live as a sign of their faith in Allah.

The Gospel of Mark 16:17 and 16:18 is the sign that the new prophet mentioned in Gospel of John 14:16 has arrived because today no human has the ability to drink deadly poison as a proof of their faith in Allah because the days of the prophets has ended meaning the prophet after Jesus has come and left the final word of Allah on the earth forever in the Quran revealing that Jews and Christians who follow their Book and also believe the Quran shall receive a double reward in the hereafter in Quran 28:54, Quran 34:37 and Quran 57:28.

Jews who follow the Tanakh Jewish scripture and believe the Quran are correctly observing the Torah Taurat.

Christians who follow the Gospels and believe the Quran are correctly observing the Gospel Injil.

Muslims who follow the Quran so that it agrees with the Tanakh Jewish scripture and the Gospel Injil are correctly observing the Quran.

Gospel of Mark 16:17 And these signs will accompany the ones (the disciples of Jesus) who believe: in my name they will drive out demons, they will speak in new tongues,

Gospel of Mark 16:18 they will pick up serpents, and should they drink something deadly it would in no wise hurt them; they will lay their hands on sick ones, and they will have health again."

(Note 5. The miracles of today are deceptions because only the miracles in the times of the prophets and the miracles promised in the future hereafter are genuine miracles.

Do not confuse the past and the future with the present.

The miracles of today are deceptions because only the miracles in the times of the prophets and the miracles promised in the future hereafter are genuine miracles as revealed in the Torah, Gospel and Quran and such miracles cannot be compared to anything today because of the special purpose for which Allah made those miracles for the past and for the future possible.

When people today say they can drive out demons and speak in tongues and pick up deadly snakes and heal people by putting their hands on them they are showing that what Jesus and his disciples did was nothing special because they are doing the same thing except they cannot drink poison which proves that what they do is false and is not like what Jesus and his disciples did.

Gospel of Matthew 7:21 "Not everyone saying to me, 'Lord, Lord (Jesus, Jesus the human messenger of Allah),' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one doing the will of my Father (Allah, who is the creator of every creation) who is in heaven (meaning the kingdom of heaven over which Allah is the creator and the ruler of every creation).

Jesus said that those who believe in Allah will be able to do many things in the name of Prophet Jesus but today no one can drink deadly poison and live as a sign of their faith in Allah.

The Gospel of Mark 16:17 and 16:18 is the sign that the new prophet mentioned in Gospel of John 14:16 has arrived because today no human has the ability to drink deadly poison as a proof of their faith in Allah because the days of the prophets has ended meaning the prophet after Jesus has come and left the final word of Allah on the earth forever in the Quran revealing that Jews and Christians who follow their Book and also believe the Quran shall receive a double reward in the hereafter in Quran 28:54, Quran 34:37 and Quran 57:28.

Jews who follow the Tanakh Jewish scripture and believe the Quran are correctly observing the Torah Taurat.

Christians who follow the Gospels and believe the Quran are correctly observing the Gospel Injil.

Muslims who follow the Quran so that it agrees with the Tanakh Jewish scripture and the Gospel Injil are correctly observing the Quran.

(Note 6. Where is the proof that the next prophet after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26 – 15:27, 16:7 – 16:15 has arrived? (See in Reference 1 at the end of the Gospel of John).

In the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15 Jesus said that the next Comforter (prophet and messenger) after him will leave Allah’s revelations on the earth forever meaning the prophet and messenger that will come after Jesus will be the last prophet.

In the Gospel the ability of humans to drink deadly poison and live is described as a sign of faith in Allah

Today no one can drink deadly poison and live therefore the time of miracles and prophets has ended meaning the last revelations from Allah which Jesus said would come after him and stay on the earth forever means the last prophet after Jesus has come and left the last of the revelations of Allah on the Earth forever.

Gospel of Mark 16:17 And these signs will accompany the ones (the disciples of Jesus) who believe: in my name they will drive out demons, they will speak in new tongues,

Gospel of Mark 16:18 they will pick up serpents, and should they drink something deadly it would in no wise hurt them; they will lay their hands on sick ones, and they will have health again."

1-1. Before Jesus Allah sent Moses 3200 years ago.

You (the disciples of Moses) have not chosen me (Moses), but I (Moses the messenger of Allah who is guided by what is revealed by Allah through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel to the heart of Moses) have chosen you (the disciples of Moses), and (in this way Allah through Moses who is the messenger of Allah has) appointed you (the disciples of Moses so), that you go and bear fruit (by encouraging righteous in humans through the preaching of the word of Allah as Moses did), and that your fruit (the teaching of righteousness in the world by preaching the word of Allah as Moses did) might abide (stay and grow in the world), so that (because of your good works in the world) whatever you ask the Father (Allah) in my name (Moses, when a human says “I pray to Allah in the name of Moses who is the messenger of Allah”), it (your request) may be granted to you (by Allah because you obeyed Allah and you obeyed Moses who was sent as the messenger of Allah).

(Note 1. Today humans should pray to Allah directly as Moses and Jesus and Muhammad did and thereby avoid the error of human idol worship.

1-2. After Jesus Allah sent Muhammad 1400 years ago.

You (the disciples of Muhammad) have not chosen me (Muhammad), but I (Muhammad the messenger of Allah who is guided by what is revealed by Allah through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel to the heart of Muhammad) have chosen you (the disciples of Muhammad), and (in this way Allah through Muhammad who is the messenger of Allah has) appointed you (the disciples of Muhammad so), that you go and bear fruit (by encouraging righteous in humans through the preaching of the word of Allah as Muhammad did), and that your fruit (the teaching of righteousness in the world by preaching the word of Allah as Muhammad did) might abide (stay and grow in the world), so that (because of your good works in the world) whatever you ask the Father (Allah) in my name (Muhammad, when a human says “I pray to Allah in the name of Muhammad who is the messenger of Allah”), it (your request) may be granted to you (by Allah because you obeyed Allah and you obeyed Muhammad who was sent as the messenger of Allah).

(Note 1. Today humans should pray to Allah directly as Moses and Jesus and Muhammad did and thereby avoid the error of human idol worship.

Gospel of John 15:17 These instructions I am giving you, so that you will love one another.


1. Explain Gospel of John 15:17.

Gospel of John 15:17 These instructions (which Allah has given to Jesus) I (Jesus the messenger of Allah) am giving you (the disciples of Jesus), so that you (the disciples of Jesus) will love one another.

1-1. All things that are given to Jesus were given to Jesus by Allah.

Gospel of John 17:7 Now they (the disciples of Jesus that Allah gave to Jesus) are persuaded that all the things you (Allah) have given to me (Jesus) are indeed from you (Allah, and not an invention that comes from Jesus so they believe in Allah and they believe that Jesus is a messenger sent by Allah);

For this the world hates you.

Gospel of John 15:18 "If the world hates you, be assured that it hated me first, before you.


Explain Gospel of John 15:18.

Gospel of John 15:18 "If the world hates you (the disciples of Jesus), be assured that it hated me (Jesus the messenger of Allah) first, before (they hated) you (the disciples of Jesus).

Gospel of John 15:19 If you were of the world, the world would like its own; but because you are not of the world, and indeed rather I have chosen you out of the world, for this the world hates you.


Explain Gospel of John 15:19.

Gospel of John 15:19 If you were of the world (following the people of the world), the world would like its own; but because you are not of the world (because you are followers of Allah), and indeed rather I (Jesus the messenger of Allah who obeys what Allah through the Holy Spirit of Allah angel Gabriel reveals) have chosen you (the disciples of Jesus) out of the world, for this (following Allah and Jesus who is the messenger of Allah) the world hates you (the disciples of Jesus).

Gospel of John 15:20 Be mindful of the word that I said to you, 'A servant is not greater than his lord.' If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they took my word to heart, they will take yours to heart also.


1. Explain Gospel of John 15:20.

Gospel of John 15:20 Be mindful of the word that I (Jesus) said to you, 'A servant (the disciples of Jesus) is not greater than his lord (their teacher Jesus).' …”

(Note 1. The relationship between Allah and Jesus.

'A servant (Jesus) is not greater than his lord (Allah).

1-1. Why is Jesus not Allah?

Gospel of John 14:28 "You heard how I (Jesus) said to you (the disciples of Jesus), 'I (Jesus) am going away, and will be coming to you (the disciples of Jesus).' If you (the disciples of Jesus) loved me (Jesus the messenger of Allah), you would rejoice that I (Jesus) am going to the Father (Allah), for the Father (Allah) is greater than I (Jesus, because Allah is the creator and Jesus is a created human).

(Note 1. Jesus is not Allah because Allah is greater than Jesus.

1-2. Why is Allah greater than Jesus?

Gospel of John 14:28 "… If you loved me, you would rejoice that I (Jesus) am going to the Father (Allah), for the Father (Allah) is greater than I (Jesus, because Allah is the creator and Jesus is a created human).

(Note 1. Allah is greater than Jesus because the soul of Jesus which is a creation is going to Allah who is the creator.

(Note 2. The soul of Jesus is a creation that is going to Allah who is the creator of every human soul.

(Note 3. No one can be greater than the creator.

(Note 4. Every soul is created by Allah and returns to Heaven and to Allah.

(Note 5. Gospel of John 10:29 “… he (Allah) is greater than all …”

Gospel of John 10:29 My Father (Allah), the one who gave them (the followers of Jesus) to me (Jesus who is the messenger of Allah), he (Allah) is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them (the followers of Jesus) from the Father's (Allah’s) hand (because what Allah has decreed no one can alter).

(Note 6. Quran 19:93 Koran 19:93 There is no one in the heavens and the earth who does not come to the Most Merciful (Allah) except as a servant.

Gospel of John 15:20 Be mindful of the word that I (Jesus) said to you, 'A servant (the disciples of Jesus) is not greater than his lord (their teacher Jesus).' …”

(Note 1. The relationship between Allah and Jesus.

'A servant (Jesus) is not greater than his lord (Allah).

Gospel of John 20:17 “… 'I (Jesus meaning the soul of Jesus) am ascending to my Father (Allah) and your Father (Allah); to my Allah and your Allah.

(Note 1. The Allah that created Jesus is the same Allah that created every human.

(Note 2. The Allah that created Jesus is the same Allah that created every creation.

(Note 3. Every soul is created by Allah and ascends to Heaven and to Allah.

Quran 19:93 Koran 19:93 There is no one in the heavens and the earth who does not come to the Most Merciful (Allah) except as a servant.

Gospel of John 15:21 But all these things they will do against you because of my name, for they do not know the One who sent me.


1. Explain Gospel of John 15:21.

Gospel of John 15:21 But all these things they will do against you (the disciples of Jesus) because of my name (Jesus the messenger of Allah), for they do not know the One (Allah) who sent me (Jesus as the prophet and messenger sent by Allah).

1-1. Before Jesus Allah sent Moses 3200 years ago.

But all these things they will do against you (the disciples of Moses) because of my name (Moses the messenger of Allah), for they do not know the One (Allah) who sent me (Moses as the prophet and messenger sent by Allah).

1-2. After Jesus Allah sent Muhammad 1400 years ago.

But all these things they will do against you (the disciples of Muhammad) because of my name (Muhammad the messenger of Allah), for they do not know the One (Allah) who sent me (Muhammad as the prophet and messenger sent by Allah).

2. Why is Jesus not Allah?

See Gospel of John 15:1 comment.

Gospel of John 15:22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would have no sin; but now, they have no excuse for their sin.


1. Explain Gospel of John 15:22.

Gospel of John 15:22 If I (Jesus the messenger of Allah) had not come and spoken to them (the leaders of the second House of Allah on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem Al-Quds in Judea today in Israel and Palestine), they (those leaders) would have no sin; but now (that their sin has been explained to them), they (those leaders) have no excuse for their sin.

1-1. Before Jesus Allah sent Moses 3200 years ago.

If I (Moses the messenger of Allah) had not come and spoken to them (the Pharaoh and his advisors in Egypt), they (those leaders) would have no sin; but now (that their sin has been explained to them), they (those leaders) have no excuse for their sin.

1-2. After Jesus Allah sent Muhammad 1400 years ago.

If I (Muhammad the messenger of Allah) had not come and spoken to them (the leaders of the stone idol worshipers in Mecca Arabia today in Saudi Arabia), they (those leaders) would have no sin; but now (that their sin has been explained to them), they (those leaders) have no excuse for their sin.

2. Why is Jesus not Allah?

See Gospel of John 15:1 comment.

Gospel of John 15:23 One who hates me also hates my Father.


1. Explain Gospel of John 15:23.

Gospel of John 15:23 One who hates me (Jesus who is the messenger of Allah) also hates my Father (Allah, because Allah sent Jesus).

1-1. Before Jesus Allah sent Moses 3200 years ago.

One who hates me (Moses who is the messenger of Allah) also hates my Father (Allah, because Allah sent Moses).

1-2. After Jesus Allah sent Muhammad 1400 years ago.

One who hates me (Muhammad who is the messenger of Allah) also hates my Father (Allah, because Allah sent Muhammad).

2. Why is Jesus not Allah?

See Gospel of John 15:1 comment.

Gospel of John 15:24 If I had not done works among them which no one else has done, they would have no sin; but now they have both seen and hated both me and my Father.


1. Explain Gospel of John 15:24.

Gospel of John 15:24 If I (Jesus the messenger of Allah) had not done works among them (the leaders of the second House of Allah on the Temple Mountain in Jerusalem Al-Quds in Judea today in Israel and Palestine) which no one else has done (to show them their sins), they (those leaders) would have no sin; but now they have both seen and hated both me (Jesus the prophet and messenger of Allah) and my Father (Allah).

1-1. Before Jesus Allah sent Moses 3200 years ago.

If I (Moses the messenger of Allah) had not done works among them (the Pharaoh and his advisors in Egypt) which no one else has done (to show them their sins), they (those leaders) would have no sin; but now they have both seen and hated both me (Moses the prophet and messenger of Allah) and my Father (Allah).

1-2. After Jesus Allah sent Muhammad 1400 years ago.

If I (Muhammad the messenger of Allah) had not done works among them (the leaders of the stone idol worshipers in Mecca Arabia today in Saudi Arabia) which no one else has done (to show them their sins), they (those leaders) would have no sin; but now they have both seen and hated both me (Muhammad the prophet and messenger of Allah) and my Father (Allah).

2. Why is Jesus not Allah?

See Gospel of John 15:1 comment.

Gospel of John 15:25 But so that the word written about them in the law might be fulfilled, 'They hated me without a cause.'


1. Explain Gospel of John 15:25.

Gospel of John 15:25 But so that the word written about them in the law might be fulfilled, 'They hated me without a cause (has been understood in three ways).'

Jewish Hebrew Bible Psalms 69:5 They that hate me without a cause are more than the hairs of my head …”

Gospel of John 15:26 "When the Counselor has come, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of Truth, who flows forth from the Father, he will bear witness about me.


1. Explain Gospel of John 15:26.

Gospel of John 15:26 "When the Counselor (Comforter) has come, whom I (Jesus the messenger of Allah will pray to Allah so that Allah) will send to you (as has happened throughout history when one comforter is followed by the next comforter who are all sent) from the Father (Allah, with), the Spirit of Truth (the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel), who flows forth (out from Heaven and) from the Father (Allah), he (the messenger with the Holy Spirit, the prophet with the Holy Spirit, the comforter with the Holy Spirit, the counselor with the Holy Spirit) will bear witness about me (Jesus, just as every human messenger of Allah bears witness to the human messenger that was sent before him and the human messenger that will come after him).

(Note 1. A prophet of Allah prays to Allah asking that his people be guided and Allah through the Holy Spirit confirms that another prophet will be sent as guidance and as a comfort for those who believe. See Gospel of John 14:16).

Gospel of John 14:16 And I (Jesus the messenger of Allah) will ask the Father (Allah, what Allah has decreed), and he (Allah, answered Jesus through the Holy Spirit that Allah) will give you (humans) another Counselor (another Comforter, another prophet messenger so), that he (the guidance of that comforter, counsellor, messenger) may be ever (forever, through what that next messenger reveals, be left) with you (humans, this is forever because that prophet will be the last messenger of Allah),

(Note 1. A prophet of Allah prays to Allah asking that his people be guided and Allah through the Holy Spirit confirms that another prophet will be sent as guidance and as a comfort for those who believe).

Gospel of John 16:9 (Allah is sending another Comforter, Counselor, prophet and messenger after Jesus to explain the word of Allah) concerning sin (wrong doing), because they (the wrong doers) do not believe in me (Jesus who is the prophet and messenger and messiah);

Torah Deuteronomy 18:18 (Therefore) I (Allah) shall raise up for them a prophet (Prophet Joshua Yusha followed by prophet after prophet, messenger after messenger) like you (Prophet Moses) from among their own brothers (Isaac and Ishmael are brothers and descendants and brethren to the children of Israel and the Arabian people through Prophet Abraham who was the father of Isaac and Ishmael) and I (Allah through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel) shall put my (Allah’s) words in the mouth of the prophet, who shall speak to them (the people) everything that I (Allah) command.”

(Note 1. Allah’s revelations are made through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel to the heart of the messenger of Allah).

Gospel of Luke 1:19 “…I am Gabriel, one who stands in the presence of Allah and I have been sent to speak to you …”

Gospel of Luke 1:35 And in answer the angel (the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel who came in the form of a man) said to her (the virgin Mary), "The Holy Spirit (the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel who will come in the form of a dove, a body with wings, an angel) will come upon you (to deliver to your womb a soul created by Allah for your son Jesus), and the power of the Most High (Allah) will overshadow you (so that what Allah has decreed is fulfilled without failure). For this reason also, the one to be born will be called holy (the blessed), the Son of Allah (meaning the servant of Allah, the slave of Allah, the prophet and messenger and messiah sent by Allah).

(Note 1. The power is Allah who is the creator of every creation.

(Note 2. Mary and Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the created servants of Allah.

(Note 3. Allah created the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel and Allah shows how Allah revealed Himself to humans such as Mary and Jesus through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel.

(Note 4. Allah created Jesus and there is not one creation that Allah has not created because Allah is the creator of every creation.

(Note 5. Angels including the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel may appear in the form of a man or in their true form as a body with wings (like a bird, like a dove, an angel).

Gospel of Luke 3:22 and the Holy Spirit descended on him (Jesus) in the bodily form of a dove (a body with wings, an angel) …”

Quran 2:97 Koran 2:97 Say (Prophet Muhammad, to the people), who is against (Angel) Gabriel? because it is he (Angel Gabriel) who has revealed this (Scripture, the Quran) to your heart (Prophet Muhammad) by Allah’s permission, confirming what was revealed before it (in the Gospel and in the Torah), and as a guidance and good news for those who believe.

Quran 2:253 Koran 2:253 “… To (messenger, prophet and messiah) Jesus the son of Mary We (Allah through the Holy Spirit) gave signs (of his truthfulness) and strengthened him (Jesus) with (guidance through) the Holy Spirit (Angel Gabriel, the Holy Ghost) …”

1-1 Why is the Counselor not the Holy Spirit?

Why is the Comforter not the Holy Spirit?

Gospel of John 15:26 "When the Counselor (Comforter) has come … (this shows that the Counselor has not yet come, this shows that the Comforter has not yet come)”

(Note 1. The Holy Spirit is not the Counselor (Comforter) because the Holy Spirit had already come during the time when Jesus was with the disciples of Jesus because it was through the Holy Spirit that both Jesus and the disciples of Jesus were able to make miracles during the time Jesus was on the Earth.

(Note 2. Gospel of John 15:26 reveals what will happen after Jesus has left the Earth when a new Counselor (Comforter) will be sent.

(Note 3. The Counselor is also called the Comforter because the Comforter reveals the existence of life after death which is “a comfort” to the world.

(Note 4. Jesus is a comforter, prophet and messenger and Jesus reveals that like every other prophet and messenger that Allah had sent before Jesus another messenger of Allah (the Counselor, the Comforter) will come after Jesus.

Quran 5:14 Koran 5:14 And from those who say, “We are Christians”, We (Allah revealed through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel to Prophet Muhammad, that Allah) took their covenant (agreement to follow what Allah had revealed through the Holy Spirit to Jesus in the Gospel) but they (some of the Christians) forgot part of what was revealed to them (in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26 – 15:27, 16:7 – 16:15 where Prophet Jesus said that another prophet shall come after him and instead of praising Allah and waiting for the next messenger from Allah some of the people forgot that Jesus promised another messenger from Allah shall come after Jesus and they made Prophet Jesus into a Allah and prayed to the created human Prophet Jesus instead of praying to Allah who created every creation. When humankind built the tower of Babylon, mistakenly thinking that they could use it to look at Allah in the heavens, Allah divided the people into many groups) so We (Allah through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel, reveal this to Prophet Muhammad, that Allah, again did something similar when humans mistakenly believed they could pray to created humans such as the human prophet, messenger and messiah named Jesus and other human saints as a way to reach the invisible Allah, so Allah) caused hostility and dislike (among the Christians until they divided into many opposing Christian denominations and Christian sects) until the Day of Resurrection when Allah shall inform them (some of the Christians) about what they used to do (against Allah by praying to what Allah had created instead of praying to Allah who is the creator of every creation).

(Note 1. Divisions in Christianity that created many different Christian sects have also occurred in Judaism and Islam).

(Note 2. Divisions in religion occur when people listen to misguided humans instead of correctly understanding what Allah has revealed in the Torah, Gospel and Quran).

Quran 30:30 Koran 30:30 So direct yourself (Prophet Muhammad) towards the religion (the belief in one creator) for which He (Allah who is the one and only creator) has created (religion for) humans. No one can alter what Allah has created (in religion, in the Torah, the Gospel and the Quran). That is the right religion (belief), but most people do not know (this).

Quran 98:5 Koran 98:5 And they (the Jews and the Christians) were not commanded anything (from Allah) except that they (the Jews and the Christians) should worship Allah and be faithful in religion to Him (Allah) and establish pray (only to the one Allah who created the creation) and give charity (to the needy people). That is the correct religion of Allah.

1-2 Why is the Counselor not the disciples of Jesus?

Why is the Comforter not the disciples of Jesus?

Gospel of John 15:27 And you (the disciples of Jesus) also will bear witness (to the words I have spoken) because you have been with me (Jesus) from the beginning (of the work of Jesus as a prophet and messenger of Allah).

(Note 1. The Counselor (Comforter) is not a disciple of Jesus because when Jesus was with his disciples the Counselor after Jesus had not yet come.

Gospel of John 15:26 "When the Counselor (Comforter) has come … (this shows that the Counselor has not yet come, this shows that the Comforter has not yet come)”

(Note 2. As well as the Comforter who will come to bear witness after the time of Jesus, the disciples of Jesus will also bear witness because the disciples were with Jesus from the beginning.

(Note 3. In the time of Jesus the disciples of Jesus will bear witness but in a time after Jesus Allah will send a new messenger who will also bear witness.

1-3. What does the expression “in the name of Jesus” mean?

Every prophet confirms what was sent by the prophet before him.

Every messenger of Allah confirms what was sent by the messenger of Allah before him.

The next prophet after Jesus shall confirm what Jesus revealed in the Gospel and provide further explanation and guidance.

In the name of Jesus means in the name of Jesus who is the prophet and messenger of Allah.

1-4. How will the comforter bear witness about Jesus?

Every comforter reveals to humans that there is only one Allah who is the ruler of the Heavens and the Earth and all that exists between them.

The next prophet with the final revelation from Allah will remind humans that there is only one Allah who is the ruler of the Heavens and the Earth and all that exists between them.

Jesus is a creation.

Allah created Jesus.

Allah sent Holy Angels to care for Jesus on the Earth.

Allah sent the Holy Spirit to reveal the will of Allah to Jesus.

Jesus prayed to Allah.

Jesus said Allah is one Allah.

Jesus gave all thanks to Allah.

Allah revealed that Jesus and the angels do not know the time of the Day of Resurrection because only Allah knows.

Jesus said another comforter (prophet messenger) will come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26 – 15:27, 16:7 – 16:15.

Making a human to be Allah is called idol worship which Allah has forbidden.

1-5. Where is the proof that Prophet Muhammad is the comforter after Jesus?

See Gospel of John 14:16 comment.

See Gospel of John 15:27 comment.

Gospel of John 15:27 And you also will bear witness, because you have been with me from the beginning.


1. Explain Gospel of John 15:27.

Gospel of John 15:27 And you (the disciples of Jesus) also will bear witness, (to the words I have spoken) because you have been with me (Jesus) from the beginning (of the work of Jesus as a prophet and messenger of Allah).

1-1. After the time of Jesus a new comforter will bear witness.

Gospel of John 15:26 "When the Counselor (Comforter) has come, whom I (Jesus the messenger of Allah will pray to Allah so that Allah) will send to you (as has happened throughout history when one comforter is followed by the next comforter who are all sent) from the Father (Allah, with), the Spirit of Truth (the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel), who flows forth (out from Heaven and) from the Father (Allah), he (the messenger with the Holy Spirit, the prophet with the Holy Spirit, the comforter with the Holy Spirit, the counselor with the Holy Spirit) will bear witness about me (Jesus, just as every human messenger of Allah bears witness to the human messenger that was sent before him and the human messenger that will come after him).

(Note 1. A prophet of Allah prays to Allah asking that his people be guided and Allah answers through the Holy Spirit confirming that another prophet will be sent as guidance and as a comfort for those who believe. See Gospel of John 14:16).

Gospel of John 14:16 And I (Jesus the messenger of Allah) will ask the Father (Allah, what Allah has decreed), and he (Allah, answered Jesus through the Holy Spirit that Allah) will give you (humans) another Counselor (another Comforter, another prophet messenger so), that he (the guidance of that comforter, counsellor, messenger) may be ever (forever, through what that next messenger reveals, be left) with you (humans, this is forever because that prophet will be the last messenger of Allah),

(Note 1. A prophet of Allah prays to Allah asking that his people be guided and Allah through the Holy Spirit confirms that another prophet messenger will be sent as guidance and as a comfort for those who believe).

Gospel of John 16:9 (Allah is sending another Comforter, Counselor, prophet and messenger after Jesus to explain the word of Allah) concerning sin (wrong doing), because they (the wrong doers) do not believe in me (Jesus who is the prophet and messenger and messiah);

1-2. In the time of Jesus the disciples of Jesus will also bear witness.

Gospel of John 15:27 And you (the disciples of Jesus) also will bear witness (to the words I have spoken) …”

1-3. The comforter is not the Holy Spirit.

The comforter who will come after Jesus is not the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit was already with Jesus and with the disciples of Jesus when Jesus and his disciples were doing miracles with the permission of Allah through the Holy Spirit in the time of Jesus.

1-4. The comforter is not one of the disciples of Jesus

The comforter who will come after Jesus is not one of the disciples of Jesus because Jesus revealed that the comforter would not come until Jesus had left the Earth.

1-5. The two who will bear witness to the life of Jesus are the disciples of Jesus in Gospel of John 15:27 and the next comforter (counselor, prophet and messenger of Allah) after the time of Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16 and 15:26.

Quran 5:14 Koran 5:14 And from those who say, “We are Christians”, We (Allah revealed through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel to Prophet Muhammad, that Allah) took their covenant (agreement to follow what Allah had revealed through the Holy Spirit to Jesus in the Gospel) but they (some of the Christians) forgot part of what was revealed to them (in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26 – 15:27, 16:7 – 16:15 where Prophet Jesus said that another prophet shall come after him and instead of praising Allah and waiting for the next messenger from Allah some of the people forgot that Jesus promised another messenger from Allah shall come after Jesus and they made Prophet Jesus into a Allah and prayed to the created human Prophet Jesus instead of praying to Allah who created every creation. When humankind built the tower of Babylon, mistakenly thinking that they could use it to look at Allah in the heavens, Allah divided the people into many groups) so We (Allah through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel, reveal this to Prophet Muhammad, that Allah, again did something similar when humans mistakenly believed they could pray to created humans such as the human prophet, messenger and messiah named Jesus and other human saints as a way to reach the invisible Allah, so Allah) caused hostility and dislike (among the Christians until they divided into many opposing Christian denominations and Christian sects) until the Day of Resurrection when Allah shall inform them (some of the Christians) about what they used to do (against Allah by praying to what Allah had created instead of praying to Allah who is the creator of every creation).

(Note 1. Divisions in Christianity that created many different Christian sects have also occurred in Judaism and Islam).

(Note 2. Divisions in religion occur when people listen to misguided humans instead of correctly understanding what Allah has revealed in the Torah, Gospel and Quran).

1-6. Where is the proof that Prophet Muhammad is the comforter after Jesus?

See Gospel of John 14:16 comment

See Gospel of John 16:7 comment.

The Gospel of John chapter 16.

Gospel of John 16:1 "These things I have spoken to you so that you may not fall away.


Explain Gospel of John 16:1.

Gospel of John 16:1 "These things I (Jesus the messenger of Allah) have spoken to you (the disciples of Jesus) so that you may not fall away (in your faith in Allah and the messenger of Allah).

Gospel of John 16:2 They will cause you to be put out of the synagogue; but an hour is coming such that everyone who kills you will reckon to be offering up religious service to Allah.


1. Explain Gospel of John 16:2.

Gospel of John 16:2 They (who do not believe that Jesus is a prophet and messenger of Allah) will cause you (the disciples of Jesus) to be put out of the synagogue; but an hour (time) is coming such that everyone who kills you (the disciples of Jesus) will reckon to be offering up religious service to Allah.

(Note 1. Jews killing Jews 2000 years ago.

This is a prophecy where Jews who believe one thing (that Jesus is not a prophet and messenger of Allah) will kill Jews who believe another thing (that Jesus is a prophet and messenger of Allah) and in such killings where people have committed no crime but only have a different opinion for which Allah gives no permission to kill; such killers will use the name of Allah to kill innocent people without Allah’s permission as a way of hiding their wrong doing from themselves and from other people.

1-1. Christians killing Christians.

In the history of Christianity; Christians who believe one thing (for example that Jesus is Allah) killed Christians who believed another thing (for example that Jesus is a prophet and messenger of Allah) and in such killings where people have committed no crime but only have a different opinion for which Allah gives no permission to kill; such killers have used the name of Allah to kill innocent people without Allah’s permission as a way of hiding their wrong doing from themselves and from other people.

1-2. Muslims killing Muslims.

In the history of Islam; Muslims who believe one thing (for example that the rightful leader after Muhammad was Abu Bakr) and Muslims who believed another thing (for example that the rightful leader after Muhammad was Ali) killed each other for no crime but only because they had a different opinion for which Allah gives no permission to kill; such killers have used the name of Allah to kill innocent people without Allah’s permission as a way of hiding their wrong doing from themselves and from other people.

Gospel of John 16:3 And these (wicked) things they (who kill each other) will do, because they have not known the Father (Allah), neither me (the messenger of Allah).

Quran 33:40 Koran 33:40 Prophet Muhammad is not the father of any man among you (meaning after the death of Prophet Muhammad no person can claim to inherit religious leadership of the Muslims based on their relationship with Prophet Muhammad as a way to mislead humans away from what Prophet Muhammad has revealed), but he (Prophet Muhammad) is the messenger of Allah and the Seal (the closure) of the Prophets (of Allah on this Earth meaning Prophet Muhammad is the end of the Prophets of Allah on this Earth meaning after the death of Prophet Muhammad no prophet will be sent to this earth so that no person can claim to be a prophet as a way to mislead humans away from what Prophet Muhammad has revealed. When something is sealed it is ended and finished and closed. The time of the prophets on this earth ended and finished and closed with the death of Prophet Muhammad. Quran 33:40 confirms the warning from Allah 2000 years ago that was delivered by Prophet Jesus Isa "not to believe anyone who says Prophet Jesus Isa has returned to this earth" in the Injil of Isa by Mark Gospel of Mark 13:5 -13:6 and 13:21 – 13:23 where Allah warns that Satan Shaitan "will deceive many to believe that Prophet Jesus Isa has returned to this earth." In Quran 33:40 prophets are prohibited from coming to this earth after the death of Prophet Muhammad. There is nothing in the Quran about the Mahdi Mehdi or Dajjal Dijjal or the return of Prophet Jesus Isa to this earth because it contradicts the word of Allah in the Gospel Injil and in the Quran. Satan Shaitan cannot change the protected Books of Allah. Satan Shaitan can only hide and distort and corrupt the word of Allah in the human mind by whispering false hadith stories that contradict the Books of Allah. The deception of Satan Shaitan is so good that many people cannot see any contradiction between such false hadith stories and the words of Allah in the Quran) and Allah is aware of all things. (Allah saved the life of Prophet Jesus Isa with sleep in Quran 4:157 and Quran 4:158 making everyone believe Jesus Isa was dead on the cross because his body did not move and Allah returned the soul of Jesus Isa to this earth to wake up the sleeping body of Jesus Isa three days after the crucifixion in Quran 39:42 so that Prophet Jesus Isa could deliver the message in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 that Jesus Isa is not Allah by saying "Allah is my Allah and your Allah" meaning "Allah is my Father and your Father" meaning Allah is my Creator and your Creator meaning Allah is my Master and your Master meaning Allah is my Lord and your Lord as proof that no one had killed Jesus Isa on the cross or crucified Jesus Isa to death on the cross until the natural death of “Jesus Isa and Mary Maryam who both use to eat food” meaning they both died 2000 years ago in Quran 5:75 and in Quran 3:144 where “the messengers before Prophet Muhammad have died” meaning Jesus Isa is dead because Jesus Isa is the messenger before Prophet Muhammad. In Quran 7:6 Allah shall question the messengers of Allah and in Quran 5:117 Prophet Jesus Isa will testify to Allah on the Day of Judgement that Prophet Jesus Isa died only one time when he lived with the children of Israel 2000 years ago in Judea today in Israel and Palestine where he was raised only one time by the angel of death as confirmation of the truthfulness of both the Quran and the Gospel Injil which both confirm that Allah saved the life of Jesus Isa on the cross and that Jesus Isa after the crucifixion told the people that Jesus Isa is not Allah and continued to tell them Jesus Isa is not Allah until his natural death 2000 years ago in Judea today in Israel and Palestine. All the fabricated hadith stories about Prophet Jesus Isa returning to this earth in the time of the Mahdi Mehdi and the Dajjal Dijjal all contradict both the Quran and the Gospel Injil. These fabricated hadith stories are proof of the truth of the warnings from Allah in the Gospel Injil not to believe anyone who says Jesus Isa has returned to this earth in the Injil of Isa by Mark Gospel of Mark 13:5 -13:6 and 13:21 – 13:23 and the truth of Quran 33:40 where Allah has told humans that the time of the prophets of Allah on this earth is sealed meaning closed meaning no prophet will be allowed to come to this earth after the death of Prophet Muhammad. The Quran confirms the Gospel Injil meaning Quran 33:40 confirms the Injil of Isa by Mark Gospel of Mark 13:5 -13:6 and 13:21 – 13:23 as proof that no one can change the written word of Allah. Fabricated hadith stories about Jesus Isa returning to this earth contradict the Quran and the Gospel Injil and show how Satan Shaitan only has power to distort hide and corrupt the meaning of the written words of Allah inside the human mind. Satan Shaitan gave the same deception to Christians in the false hadith story that Jesus Isa is Allah which contradicts everything that is in the four Injil of Isa Gospel of Jesus by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John that is with the Christians today as proof that Allah has protected the Gospel Injil which is with the Christians today because no one can change the written word of Allah. Humans who live for 100 years think they have more wisdom than Satan Shaitan who has deceived for millions of years. The deception of Satan Shaitan is so good that some people cannot see any contradiction between what Satan Shaitan has whispered in unprotected false hadith stories and what is said in the protected Books of Allah the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil and the Koran Quran which are with all humans today. Some people believe false hadith stories about Jesus Isa returning to this earth and other people believe false hadith stories that Jesus is Allah and some people do not believe all the Books of Allah the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil and the Koran Quran which are with all humans today. Satan Shaitan whispers to people in every religion “do not believe any book except your book” because Satan Shaitan knows that people who have no faith in all the Books of Allah that are with all humans today are the easiest people for Satan Shaitan to deceive and this is confirmed in Quran 4:136 where Allah has warned that whoever has no faith in Allah’s Books has strayed far away from Allah. In this way Allah shows who has faith that Allah has protected all His Books that are with all humans today and who believe that the books of Allah have been corrupted except their own book. The proof of Allah is that the Torah Taurat with the Jews today and the Gospel Injil with the Christians today and the Quran with the Muslims today in Quran 3:3 are protected as confirmed in Quran 6:115 and Quran 10:64. Those in every religion who believe only their Book is protected and all other humans have corrupted Books unknowingly give the proof that Allah does not exist because Allah did not protect His word in all the Books of Allah which are with humans today contradicting Quran 2:41, Quran 3:93, Quran 5:43, Quran 5:47, Quran 5:48 and Quran 5:68 as explained in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ3o3ybc-KA ).

Note 1. Allah saved Jesus Isa from death on the cross in Quran 4:157 and 4:158 so that Jesus Isa could continue his life and then die 2000 years ago like every human before him and after him has died in Quran 5:75 and 3:144. The natural death of Jesus Isa 2000 years ago is proof to the people in his time that Jesus Isa is human like every other human and he is not Allah or an equal partner with Allah.

Quran 5:75 Koran 5:75 The Messiah (Jesus Isa), son of Mary (Maryam), was no more than a (human) messenger (of Allah) and (all the human) messengers (of Allah) before him (Prophet Jesus Isa) have passed away (meaning died) they (Jesus Isa and Mary Maryam) both used to eat food (meaning Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa died a natural death 2000 years ago because both “used to eat food” meaning they are dead because they do not eat food today ..."

Note 1. In Quran 5:75 "they used to eat food" means Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa are dead.

Quran 3:144 Koran 3:144 Prophet Muhammad is no more than a (human) messenger (of Allah) and (all the human) messengers (of Allah) before him (Prophet Muhammad) have passed away (meaning died) ….”

Note 1. The messenger before Prophet Muhammad is Prophet Jesus Isa meaning Prophet Jesus Isa is dead..

Gospel of John 16:3 And these things they will do, because they have not known the Father, neither me.


1. Explain Gospel of John 16:3.

Gospel of John 16:3 And these (wicked) things they (who kill each other) will do, because they have not known the Father (Allah), neither me (Jesus the messenger of Allah).

1-1. Before Jesus Allah sent Moses 3200 years ago.

And these (wicked) things they (who kill each other) will do, because they have not known the Father (Allah), neither me (Moses the messenger of Allah).

1-2. After Jesus Allah sent Muhammad 1400 years ago.

And these (wicked) things they (who kill each other) will do, because they have not known the Father (Allah), neither me (Muhammad the messenger of Allah).

2. Jesus denied that Jesus is Allah.

Gospel of John 16:3 And these (wicked) things they (who kill each other) will do, because they have not known the Father (Allah), neither me (Jesus the messenger of Allah).

(Note 1. Jesus said Jesus is not Allah.

Jesus said people are wicked because they do not know Allah and they do not know Jesus who is the messenger of Allah.

Allah the creator and Jesus the human are two different things.

Allah and Jesus is not the same thing.

Allah is the creator but Jesus is a creation just as every human is a creation.

See: Who is Allah? Who is Jesus? Who is the Holy Spirit? Is Allah a Trinity? See in the Gospel of John 12:49 comment.

Gospel of John 16:4 But these things I have spoken to you, so that when the hour of them comes, you might remember them, that I told you. "And I have not told you these things from the beginning, because I was with you.


How does Jesus know the future?

How could Jesus know what Jesus knew?

How did Jesus know what Jesus knew?

How could Jesus do what Jesus did?

Torah Deuteronomy 18:18 (Therefore) I (Allah) shall raise up for them a prophet (Prophet Joshua Yusha followed by prophet after prophet, messenger after messenger) like you (Prophet Moses) from among their own brothers (Isaac and Ishmael are brothers and descendants and brethren to the children of Israel and the Arabian people through Prophet Abraham who was the father of Isaac and Ishmael) and I (Allah through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel) shall put my (Allah’s) words in the mouth of the prophet, who shall speak to them (the people) everything that I (Allah) command.”

The Torah, Gospel and Quran explain how Allah through the Holy Spirit revealed knowledge to Jesus 2000 years ago in the same way as Allah through the Holy Spirit has revealed knowledge to the other prophets and messengers and messiahs of Allah throughout human history.

Jesus knew what Jesus knew in the same way as Moses knew what Moses knew.

Jesus did what Jesus did in the same way as Moses did what Moses did.

Jesus knew the future in the same way as Moses knew the future.

Jesus knew the past in the same way as Moses knew the past.

Jesus made miracles in the same way as Moses made miracles.

Jesus gave warnings in the same way as Moses gave warnings.

See Gospel of John 1:50 comment.

The Holy Spirit will finish my work.

Gospel of John 16:5 But now, I am going to the one who sent me, and none of you is asking me, 'Where are you going?'


Explain Gospel of John 16:5.

Gospel of John 16:5 But now, I (the soul of Jesus) am going to the one (Allah) who sent me (Jesus as the prophet and messenger and messiah of Allah), and none of you is asking me, 'Where are you going?'

(Note 1. Jesus is not Allah because Jesus was sent by Allah.

(Note 2. Jesus is not Allah because Jesus is a servant of Allah.

(Note 3. Jesus is not Allah because Jesus is a human prophet and messenger and messiah.

(Note 4. Jesus is not Allah because Jesus is human like the humans that came before Jesus and after Jesus.

(Note 5. Allah is not a Trinity who shares equal power and glory with creations because Allah is the master and every creation including Jesus and the Holy Spirit are servants of Allah.

See: Who is Allah? Who is Jesus? Who is the Holy Spirit? Is Allah a Trinity? See in the Gospel of John 12:49 comment.

Gospel of John 16:6 Instead, because I have spoken these things to you, sorrow has filled your heart.

Gospel of John 16:7 But I am telling you the truth: it works out better for you that I go away, for if I were not to go away, the Counselor would not come to you. Whereas if I go, I will send him to you.


1. Explain Gospel of John 16:7.

Gospel of John 16:7 But I (Jesus) am telling you the truth: it works out better for you that I (Jesus) go away, for if I (Jesus) were not to go away, the Counselor (the next Comforter, the next prophet and messenger) would not come to you (because a new messenger cannot come until the old messenger has departed). Whereas if I (Jesus the messenger of Allah) go, I (Allah revealed through the Holy Spirit to Jesus) will send him (the next Counselor, the next prophet and messenger of Allah) to you (just as Allah sent the messenger Moses with the Torah before Allah sent Jesus with the Gospel).

1-1. Jesus is a Comforter.

Jesus is a Comforter because Jesus delivered the word of Allah in the Gospel which is a comfort to the world.

Jesus is a Counselor.

Jesus is a prophet and messenger of Allah, a prophet because Jesus speaks in the name of Allah and reveals the future and a messenger because Jesus delivered the Gospel.

1-2. Jesus revealed that Allah will send another Comforter after Jesus.

Jesus revealed that Allah will send another Counselor after Jesus.

Jesus revealed that Allah will send another prophet and messenger after Jesus.

Gospel of John 14:16 And I (Jesus the messenger of Allah) will ask the Father (Allah, what Allah has decreed), and he (Allah, answered Jesus through the Holy Spirit that Allah) will give you (humans) another Counselor (another Comforter, another prophet messenger so), that he (the guidance of that comforter, counsellor, messenger) may be ever (forever, through what that next messenger reveals, be left) with you (humans, this is forever because that prophet will be the last messenger of Allah),

Gospel of John 16:9 (Allah is sending another Comforter, Counselor, prophet and messenger after Jesus to explain the word of Allah) concerning sin (wrong doing), because they (the wrong doers) do not believe in me (Jesus who is the prophet and messenger and messiah);

1-3. How can Jesus know that Allah will send another Comforter?

How can Jesus know that Allah will send another Counselor?

How can Jesus know that Allah will send another prophet and messenger?

Jesus who delivered the Gospel knows that Allah will send another comforter (prophet and messenger) after the time of Jesus in the same way as Moses who delivered the Torah knew that Allah will send another comforter (prophet and messenger) after the time of Moses.

Torah Deuteronomy 18:18 (Therefore) I (Allah) shall raise up for them a prophet (Prophet Joshua Yusha followed by prophet after prophet, messenger after messenger) like you (Prophet Moses) from among their own brothers (Isaac and Ishmael are brothers and descendants and brethren to the children of Israel and the Arabian people through Prophet Abraham who was the father of Isaac and Ishmael) and I (Allah through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel) shall put my (Allah’s) words in the mouth of the prophet, who shall speak to them (the people) everything that I (Allah) command.”

Gospel of John 16:8 And when he has come, that one will refute the world concerning sin, and concerning righteousness, and concerning judgement;


1. Explain Gospel of John 16:8.

Gospel of John 16:8 And when he (the next Comforter, the next Counselor, the next prophet and messenger) has come, that one will refute the world concerning sin (wrong doing), and concerning righteousness, and concerning judgement (meaning the next comforter will oppose wrong doing in the world by revealing Allah’s word concerning wrong doing and promoting righteousness and giving Allah’s judgement);

2. Why is the Comforter not the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit is not the Comforter because the Holy Spirit was already on the Earth in Jesus and in the disciples of Jesus who were doing miracles during the time of Jesus.

Gospel of John 16:8 And when he (the next Comforter, the next Counselor, the next prophet and messenger) has come, …”

3. The comforter is a prophet from Allah who gives judgement about what is correct and what is incorrect.

Jesus is a prophet of Allah who foretells the future and a messenger of Allah who delivers the Gospel.

The revelation of the comforter after Jesus will be left in the world forever because the messenger of Allah who comes after Jesus will be the last prophet and messenger of Allah and therefore his revelations will stay in the world forever.

The words of Allah stay in the world forever therefore the Torah delivered by Moses and the Gospel delivered by Jesus and the Quran delivered by Muhammad will all stay in the world forever.

The Torah and Gospel and Quran confirm that there is only one Allah and Allah is the creator of every creation.

Gospel of John 8:26 I (Jesus the messenger of Allah) have many things to say about you, and to judge (between what is good and what is evil as revealed in the Gospel). But the one (Allah) who sent me (Jesus the messenger of Allah) is true (meaning Allah reveals the truth through Allah’s messenger Jesus), and I (Jesus), what things I (Jesus the messenger of Allah) hear from him (Allah through the Holy Spirit), those are the things I (Jesus the messenger of Allah) speak in the world."

(Note 1. Allah sent Jesus 2000 years ago).

Torah Deuteronomy 18:18 (Therefore) I (Allah) shall raise up for them a prophet (Prophet Joshua Yusha followed by prophet after prophet, messenger after messenger) like you (Prophet Moses) from among their own brothers (Isaac and Ishmael are brothers and descendants and brethren to the children of Israel and the Arabian people through Prophet Abraham who was the father of Isaac and Ishmael) and I (Allah through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel) shall put my (Allah’s) words in the mouth of the prophet, who shall speak to them (the people) everything that I (Allah) command.”

Gospel of Luke 3:22 and the Holy Spirit descended on him (Jesus) in the bodily form of a dove (a body with wings, an angel) …”

Quran 2:253 Koran 2:253 “… To (messenger, prophet and messiah) Jesus the son of Mary We (Allah through the Holy Spirit) gave signs (of his truthfulness) and strengthened him (Jesus) with (guidance through) the Holy Spirit (Angel Gabriel, the Holy Ghost) …”

3-1. Before Jesus Allah sent Moses 3200 years ago.

I (Moses the messenger of Allah) have many things to say about you, and to judge (between what is good and what is evil as revealed in the Torah). But the one (Allah) who sent me (Moses the messenger of Allah) is true (meaning Allah reveals the truth through Allah’s messenger Moses), and I (Moses), what things I (Moses the messenger of Allah) hear from him (Allah through the Holy Spirit), those are the things I (Moses the messenger of Allah) speak in the world."

3-2. After Jesus Allah sent Muhammad 1400 years ago.

I (Muhammad the messenger of Allah) have many things to say about you, and to judge (between what is good and what is evil as revealed in the Quran). But the one (Allah) who sent me (Muhammad the messenger of Allah) is true (meaning Allah reveals the truth through Allah’s messenger Muhammad), and I (Muhammad), what things I (Muhammad the messenger of Allah) hear from him (Allah through the Holy Spirit), those are the things I (Muhammad the messenger of Allah) speak in the world."

Torah Deuteronomy 18:18 (Therefore) I (Allah) shall raise up for them a prophet (Prophet Joshua Yusha followed by prophet after prophet, messenger after messenger) like you (Prophet Moses) from among their own brothers (Isaac and Ishmael are brothers and descendants and brethren to the children of Israel and the Arabian people through Prophet Abraham who was the father of Isaac and Ishmael) and I (Allah through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel) shall put my (Allah’s) words in the mouth of the prophet, who shall speak to them (the people) everything that I (Allah) command.”

Quran 2:97 Koran 2:97 Say (Prophet Muhammad, to the people), who is against (Angel) Gabriel? because it is he (Angel Gabriel) who has revealed this (Scripture, the Quran) to your heart (Prophet Muhammad) by Allah’s permission, confirming what was revealed before it (in the Gospel and in the Torah), and as a guidance and good news for those who believe.

4. How does a messenger of Allah save the world?

4-1. Allah sent Jesus 2000 years ago.

Gospel of John 12:47 "And if someone hears my sayings (in the Gospel) and does not keep (obey) them, I (Jesus) do not judge him (because the behaviour of each human has already judged them). For I (Jesus) did not come in order to judge the world, but to save the world (by delivering the word of Allah in the Gospel as a light for rejecting sin and as a light for promoting righteous human behaviour and as a light for the judgement of good and evil and right and wrong).

4-2. Before Jesus Allah sent Moses 3200 years ago.

"And if someone hears my sayings (in the Torah) and does not keep (obey) them, I (Moses) do not judge him (because the behaviour of each human has already judged them). For I (Moses) did not come in order to judge the world, but to save the world (by delivering the word of Allah in the Torah as a light for rejecting sin and as a light for promoting righteous human behaviour and as a light for the judgement of good and evil and right and wrong).

4-3. After Jesus Allah sent Muhammad 1400 years ago.

"And if someone hears my sayings (in the Quran) and does not keep (obey) them, I (Muhammad) do not judge him (because the behaviour of each human has already judged them). For I (Muhammad) did not come in order to judge the world, but to save the world (by delivering the word of Allah in the Quran as a light for rejecting sin and as a light for promoting righteous human behaviour and as a light for the judgement of good and evil and right and wrong).

Gospel of John 16:9 concerning sin, because they do not believe in me;


1. Explain Gospel of John 16:9.

Gospel of John 16:9 (Allah is sending another Comforter, Counselor, prophet and messenger after Jesus to explain the word of Allah) concerning sin (wrong doing), because they (the wrong doers) do not believe in me (Jesus who is the prophet and messenger and messiah);

1-1. Why did some people not believe Jesus 2000 years ago?

You (Prophet Jesus) can only warn the person who follows the messenger (of Allah) and (who truly) fears in their heart the most kind (Allah) so give them (the believers) the news of forgiveness and a great reward (to them from Allah in the hereafter).

1-2. Allah sent Moses before Allah sent Jesus.

Why did some people not believe Moses 3200 years ago?

You (Prophet Moses) can only warn the person who follows the messenger (of Allah) and (who truly) fears in their heart the most kind (Allah) so give them (the believers) the news of forgiveness and a great reward (to them from Allah in the hereafter).

1-3. Allah sent Muhammad after Allah sent Jesus.

Why did some people not believe Muhammad 1400 years ago?

Quran 36:11, Koran 36:11 – You (Prophet Muhammad) can only warn the person who follows the messenger (of Allah) and (who truly) fears in their heart the most kind (Allah) so give them (the believers) the news of forgiveness and a great reward (to them from Allah in the hereafter).

1-4. Moses, Jesus and Muhammad are prophets and messengers of Allah.

Quran 36:11, Koran 36:11 – You (Prophet Muhammad) can only warn the person who follows the messenger (of Allah) and (who truly) fears in their heart the most kind (Allah) so give them (the believers) the news of forgiveness and a great reward (to them from Allah in the hereafter).

Comment 1. The sin of arrogance.

Disbelief in Allah and the messengers of Allah in the Torah and Gospel and Quran comes from arrogance.

2. Why is Allah sending a new comforter?

Why is Allah sending a new counsellor?

Why is Allah sending a new prophet and messenger?

Allah is sending a new messenger Jesus said because “they (some of the people) do not believe me” and because after the time of Jesus some people would claim that Jesus is Allah and therefore they did not believe the Gospel.

Quran 5:14 Koran 5:14 And from those who say, “We are Christians”, We (Allah revealed through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel to Prophet Muhammad, that Allah) took their covenant (agreement to follow what Allah had revealed through the Holy Spirit to Jesus in the Gospel) but they (some of the Christians) forgot part of what was revealed to them (in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26 – 15:27, 16:7 – 16:15 where Prophet Jesus said that another prophet shall come after him and instead of praising Allah and waiting for the next messenger from Allah some of the people forgot that Jesus promised another messenger from Allah shall come after Jesus and they made Prophet Jesus into a Allah and prayed to the created human Prophet Jesus instead of praying to Allah who created every creation. When humankind built the tower of Babylon, mistakenly thinking that they could use it to look at Allah in the heavens, Allah divided the people into many groups) so We (Allah through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel, reveal this to Prophet Muhammad, that Allah, again did something similar when humans mistakenly believed they could pray to created humans such as the human prophet, messenger and messiah named Jesus and other human saints as a way to reach the invisible Allah, so Allah) caused hostility and dislike (among the Christians until they divided into many opposing Christian denominations and Christian sects) until the Day of Resurrection when Allah shall inform them (some of the Christians) about what they used to do (against Allah by praying to what Allah had created instead of praying to Allah who is the creator of every creation).

(Note 1. Divisions in Christianity that created many different Christian sects have also occurred in Judaism and Islam).

(Note 2. Jesus said “Allah is one Allah” but after the time of Jesus some humans invented an idea that three people can be one Allah.

To believe that three people are one Allah is to say one plus one plus one is One instead of Three.

The word Trinity means three.

Nothing that is created is Allah because Allah is the creator of every creation.

The belief that a human is Allah or a partner with Allah is the religion of human idol worship that results in people praying to dead people who have no power to hear prayer because that power belongs only to Allah.

Jesus prayed only to Allah. The believers of Jesus follow what Jesus did and they pray only to Allah.

Moses prayed only to Allah. The believers of Moses follow what Moses did and they pray only to Allah.

Muhammad prayed only to Allah. The believers of Muhammad follow what Muhammad did and they pray only to Allah.

Quran 5:47 Koran 5:47 Let the people of the Gospel Injil (the Christian) judge by what Allah has revealed in it (in Quran 5:46 which is the Gospel Injil of Jesus Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John which was with them 1400 years ago and will be with them until the Day of Judgement confirming Quran 5:68 which tells the Christian they have no guidance until they observe the Gospel Injil and confirming Quran 5:48 where Allah has given each community of Allah meaning the Jews and Christians and Muslims its laws ordering them to do good as a way to test them until they return to Allah for judgement in the hereafter. This means Allah is protecting the Torah Taurat with the Jews and the Gospel Injil with the Christians and the Quran with the Muslims because Quran 5:48 says “Allah could have made everyone to be in one community” but Allah has created three communities of Allah or more and is “testing them” by what Allah “has given them” in their Books of Allah. Jews and Christians will find the Quran answers most of the religious questions about which they have disagreed among each other. The Quran guides you to the correct religious interpretation of what is with you today in the Torah Taurat and in the Gospel Injil. This means Allah protects the Torah Taurat that is with the Jews as shown in Quran 3:93 “… Bring the Torah Taurat here and recite it as evidence if what you say is true" and Quran 5:43 “How is it that they come to you for judgment when they have the Torah Taurat in which Allah has already revealed to them judgment …” and the Gospel Injil with the Christians as shown here and in Quran 5:68 and Quran 5:48. Allah protects the Quran with the Muslims and the Torah Taurat with the Jews and the Gospel Injil with the Christians as proof Allah is real until the Day of Judgement as explained in Quran 5:48). Whoever does not judge by what Allah revealed are the defiantly disobedient.

Note 1. Allah has never revealed that Allah is a Trinity.

Note 2. Allah has revealed in the Torah and Gospel and Quran that one Allah is the creator of every creation meaning Moses and Jesus and Muhammad are all created by Allah meaning they are not Allah who is the creator of every creation meaning they are only messengers of Allah who are delivering the message of Allah meaning it is not their message that they are delivering because they are not Allah.

Quran 61:6 Koran 61:6 And (mention) when Prophet Jesus son of Mary said, “Children of Israel, I am the messenger of Allah to you, confirming what was (revealed) before me in the Torah, and bringing good news of a messenger (the Comforter Prophet Muhammad) who shall come after me (the Comforter Prophet Jesus, and), whose name shall be praised (by those who recognise that he is the prophet of Allah who Prophet Jesus said shall come after him in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26 – 15:27, 16:7 – 16:15). But when he (the Comforter Prophet Muhammad) showed them clear proofs (from Allah), they (who do not recognise him) say, “This is only a deception” (a fraud, while those who recognise him called him Ahmed “the one who is praised” because he confirmed the Good News from Allah of the life after death which is “a comfort” to the world).

(Note 1. Gospel of John 14:16 And I (Jesus the messenger of Allah) will ask the Father (Allah, what Allah has decreed), and he (Allah, answered Jesus through the Holy Spirit that Allah) will give you (humans) another Counselor (another Comforter, another prophet messenger so), that he (the guidance of that comforter, counsellor, messenger) may be ever (forever, through what that next messenger reveals, be left) with you (humans, this is forever because that prophet will be the last messenger of Allah),

(Note 2. Allah will sent another comforter who like Jesus will be a prophet who reveals the past and the present and the future about the hereafter and who like Jesus is a messenger who will deliver a message (like the Torah and the Gospel in the Quran) as the messenger of Allah.

See the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26 – 15:27, 16:7 – 16:15 in Reference 1 at the end of the Gospel of John).

(Note 3. Just as 2000 years ago some Jews in the time of Jesus did not recognise Jesus as a messenger of Allah in the same way 1400 years ago some Jews and Christians in the time of Muhammad did not recognise Muhammad as a messenger of Allah.

(Note 4. Since no one can change the word of Allah this means that the Torah and Gospel and Quran will stay in the world forever. It is the interpretation and understanding in the mind of humans of the word of Allah that changes through human history.

Quran 61:7 Koran 61:7 And who does more wrong than the person who invents a lie about Allah (by saying things about Allah such as Allah is a Trinity which is not in the Torah or the Gospel or the Quran) when that person has been invited (by the messenger of Allah) to submit (sincerely) to (the will of) Allah? Allah does not (correctly) guide the people who do what is wrong.

(Note 1. Allah has never revealed that Allah is a Trinity.

(Note 2. Allah has revealed in the Torah and Gospel and Quran that there is one Allah only who is the creator of every creation.

(Note 3. If Jesus is in a Trinity with Allah then who created Jesus? It Jesus was created then Jesus is not Allah.

(Note 4. If the Holy Spirit is in a Trinity with Allah then who created the Holy Spirit? It the Holy Spirit was created then the Holy Spirit is not Allah.

(Note 5. Only Allah has existed eternally and only Allah is the creator of every creation including the creator of the Holy Spirit and the creator of Jesus.

(Note 6. Allah is not a creation but the creator therefore every creation is a servant of Allah because Allah is their creator.

Quran 61:8 Koran 61:8 They (the people who do wrong) wish to extinguish the light of Allah (in the Torah, Gospel and Quran) with their mouths (by saying things about Allah that are not true) but Allah shall perfect His (Allah’s) light (of guidance in the Quran) no matter how much the disbelievers (who worship stone statues in Mecca, Arabia today in Saudi Arabia) dislike it.

(Note 1. They (the people who do wrong) wish to extinguish the light of Allah (in the Torah, Gospel and Quran) with their mouths (by saying things about Allah that are not true) but Allah shall perfect His (Allah’s) light (of guidance in the Quran) no matter how much the disbelievers (who claim that Allah shares power in a Trinity) dislike it.

Quran 61:9 Koran 61:9 It is He (Allah) who has sent His (Allah’s) messenger (Prophet Muhammad) with the guidance and the religion of truth so that He (Allah) may make (Allah to be) the religion (of the people) however much the (stone) idol worshippers (in Mecca Arabia) may dislike it (when they reject the Torah, Gospel and Quran and continue to kill unwanted new born females by burying alive female babies as sacrifices to human made stone statues which they claim are gods).

(Note 1. It is He (Allah) who has sent His (Allah’s) messenger (Prophet Muhammad) with the guidance and the religion of truth so that He (Allah) may make (Allah to be) the religion (of the people) however much the idol worshippers (who pray to wooden images of Jesus) may dislike it (when they reject the Torah, Gospel and Quran and continue to pray to human made wooden statues in the image of the human Jesus whom they claim is god).

Gospel of Matthew 23:9 (Jesus said) and call no one on earth (including Jesus) your father (Allah), because there is only one father (Allah) for you, the heavenly one …”

(Note 1. Jesus said that Allah is not only his Father but Allah is the Father of every human.

(Note 2. No one on the Earth is Allah because everything on the Earth is created by Allah.

Allah is not in one place however to make clear that Jesus is not Allah the expression “Allah in heaven” is used to show that Jesus who is on the Earth is not Allah).

Quran 5:73 Koran 5:73 They (some Christians) have certainly disbelieved (in Allah) by saying, “Allah is part of a Trinity”, since no one is Allah except the one Allah (who created everything). If they (some of the Christians) do not stop from what they are saying (when they say that Allah is part of a Trinity), then a painful punishment (in the hereafter) shall fall on those of them who disbelieve (that Allah is the creator of every creation and that nothing that has been created can be Allah because the worship of anything or anyone that Allah has created is called idol worship).

Quran 5:75 Koran 5:75 The Messiah (Jesus), son of Mary, was no more than a messenger and (as proof) there were (many) messengers that had (come and) gone away before him (Jesus). His mother was a righteous woman and they (Jesus and Mary) both used to eat food (as proof that they were like every other human). (Even now when) We (Allah) make the revelations clear for them (the Christians, even after that) see how they turn away (by continuing to mistakenly pray to Jesus who is the messenger of Allah instead of praying to Allah who is the creator of Jesus and every other human).

Note 1. In Quran 5:75 "they used to eat food" means Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa are dead.

(Note 1. Prophet Muhammad and the Christians 1400 years ago.

After Prophet Muhammad revealed that Jesus was a human like every messenger before Jesus some Christians continued to believe that Jesus was god and they mistakenly prayed to what Allah had created.

Gospel of Luke 24:43 And he (Jesus) took it (the broiled fish), and ate it in front of them (to prove that Jesus is human. Jesus is not Allah because Allah does not eat food. Jesus is human because Jesus eats food).

(Note 2. Prophet Muhammad and the stone idol worshipers 1400 years ago.

After Prophet Muhammad revealed that stone idols have no power some stone idol worshippers continued to believe that stone idols were gods and they mistakenly prayed to what humans had created from stone.

(Note 3. Prophet Muhammad and the Jews 1400 years ago.

After Prophet Muhammad revealed that Jesus was a prophet messenger and messiah some Jews continued to reject Jesus.

See: Who is Allah? Who is Jesus? Who is the Holy Spirit? Is Allah a Trinity? See in the Gospel of John 12:49 comment.

Gospel of John 16:10 concerning righteousness, because I am going to the Father and you will be observing me no longer;


1. Explain Gospel of John 16:10.

Gospel of John 16:10 (Allah is sending another Comforter, Counselor, prophet and messenger after Jesus to explain the word of Allah) concerning righteousness, because I (the soul of Jesus) am going to the Father (Allah, just as every human soul is returned to Allah) and you (the disciples of Jesus) will be observing (seeing) me no longer;

2. Righteousness.

Quran 5:75 Koran 5:75 The Messiah (Jesus), son of Mary, was no more than a messenger and (as proof) there were (many) messengers that had (come and) gone away before him (Jesus). His mother was a righteous woman and they (Jesus and Mary) both used to eat food (as proof that they were like every other human). (Even now when) We (Allah) make the revelations clear for them (the Christians, even after that) see how they turn away (by continuing to mistakenly pray to Jesus who is the messenger of Allah instead of praying to Allah who is the creator of Jesus and every other human).

Note 1. In Quran 5:75 "they used to eat food" means Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa are dead.

Note 2. Mary the mother of Jesus is given as an example of righteousness).

Quran 27:59 Koran 27:59 Say (Prophet Muhammad), “Praise is to Allah and peace (freedom from evil in the hereafter) is on His (Allah’s) servants whom He (Allah) has chosen. Who is the best (to give your prayers to), Allah (the creator of every creation) or those (creations of Allah that people mistakenly pray to such as Prophet Jesus and Prophet Ezra and stone idols and wooden idols and saints and angels who are all the creations of Allah with no power to hear prayer) which they (mistakenly) associate as being partners (with Allah, partners who they mistakenly believe have the same power as Allah to hear prayer)?”

(Note 1. As a way of rejecting the need for Prophet Muhammad some Jews in Yathrib, Arabia claimed 1400 years ago that Prophet Ezra would save the Jews in the hereafter in the same way as some Christians claimed that Jesus would save the Christians in the hereafter.

(Note 2. Claiming that humans can save humans in the hereafter replaces Allah with the religion of human idol worship.

(Note 3. Claiming that humans are partners with Allah replaces Allah with humans and is called the religion of human idol worship.

(Note 4. Ezra the son of Allah means Ezra the servant of Allah.

1400 years ago some of the Jews in Yathrib Arabia today in Saudi Arabia claimed that Ezra would save the Jews from Hell fire in the Hereafter as a way of rejecting the need for Prophet Muhammad in the same way as 2000 years ago some of the Jews in Jerusalem Al-Quds in Judea today in Israel and Palestine claimed that they were faithful to Moses who was the prophet and messenger of Allah 3200 years ago as a way of rejecting the need for the prophet and messenger of Allah named Jesus.

However Moses said that a prophet and messenger of Allah would come after Moses.

Torah Deuteronomy 18:18 (Therefore) I (Allah) shall raise up for them a prophet (Prophet Joshua Yusha followed by prophet after prophet, messenger after messenger) like you (Prophet Moses) from among their own brothers (Isaac and Ishmael are brothers and descendants and brethren to the children of Israel and the Arabian people through Prophet Abraham who was the father of Isaac and Ishmael) and I (Allah through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel) shall put my (Allah’s) words in the mouth of the prophet, who shall speak to them (the people) everything that I (Allah) command.”

(Note 5. Jesus the son of Allah means Jesus the servant of Allah.

1400 years ago some of the Christians claimed that Jesus would save the Christians from Hell fire in the Hereafter as a way of rejecting the need for Prophet Muhammad in the same way as 2000 years ago some of the Jews in Jerusalem Al-Quds in Judea today in Israel and Palestine claimed that they were faithful to Moses who was the prophet and messenger of Allah 3200 years ago as a way of rejecting the need for the prophet and messenger of Allah named Jesus.

However Jesus said that a prophet and messenger of Allah would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26 – 15:27, 16:7 – 16:15 (see in Reference 1 at the end of the Gospel of John).

Gospel of John 14:16 And I (Jesus the messenger of Allah) will ask the Father (Allah, what Allah has decreed), and he (Allah, answered Jesus through the Holy Spirit that Allah) will give you (humans) another Counselor (another Comforter, another prophet messenger so), that he (the guidance of that comforter, counsellor, messenger) may be ever (forever, through what that next messenger reveals, be left) with you (humans, this is forever because that prophet will be the last messenger of Allah),

Quran 43:57 Koran 43:57 And when (Jesus) the son of Mary is given as an example (of a god whose statue was made out of wood and worshipped by some Christians) the people (of Mecca, Arabia) laughed,

Quran 43:58 Koran 43:58 And (the stone idol worshipers of Mecca, Arabia) said, “Are our gods (whose statue is made out of rock) better, or is he (Jesus, whose statue is made out of wood better)? They make no (real) objection (because what they compare are both the idol worship of things or people that are created by Allah who is the one that creates every creation, they do nothing) except to argue. They are an argumentative people.

Quran 43:59 Koran 43:59 He (the prophet and messenger Jesus) is no more than a servant (of Allah) on whom We (Allah) bestowed favour and We (Allah) made him (Jesus) an example (of righteousness) for the Children of Israel.

(Note 1. Jesus the son of Mary is given as an example of righteousness).

3. Righteous works.

Gospel of John 10:38 And if I (Jesus the messenger of Allah) am doing them (the righteous works of Allah), even if you do not believe me (Jesus), believe the (righteous) works, so that you may acknowledge and know that the Father (Allah) is in me (Jesus, through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel who reveals the word of Allah to the heart of Jesus), and I (Jesus) in the Father (Allah, because every truthful messenger speaks in the name of Allah exactly what Allah has decreed them to speak)."

3-1. Before Jesus Allah sent Moses 3200 years ago.

And if I (Moses the messenger of Allah) am doing them (the righteous works of Allah), even if you do not believe me (Moses), believe the (righteous) works, so that you may acknowledge and know that the Father (Allah) is in me (Moses, through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel who reveals the word of Allah to the heart of Moses), and I (Moses) in the Father (Allah, because every truthful messenger speaks in the name of Allah exactly what Allah has decreed them to speak).

3-2. After Jesus Allah sent Muhammad 1400 years ago.

And if I (Muhammad the messenger of Allah) am doing them (the righteous works of Allah), even if you do not believe me (Muhammad), believe the (righteous) works, so that you may acknowledge and know that the Father (Allah) is in me (Muhammad, through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel who reveals the word of Allah to the heart of Muhammad), and I (Muhammad) in the Father (Allah, because every truthful messenger speaks in the name of Allah exactly what Allah has decreed them to speak).

Torah Deuteronomy 18:18 (Therefore) I (Allah) shall raise up for them a prophet (Prophet Joshua Yusha followed by prophet after prophet, messenger after messenger) like you (Prophet Moses) from among their own brothers (Isaac and Ishmael are brothers and descendants and brethren to the children of Israel and the Arabian people through Prophet Abraham who was the father of Isaac and Ishmael) and I (Allah through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel) shall put my (Allah’s) words in the mouth of the prophet, who shall speak to them (the people) everything that I (Allah) command.”

Gospel of Luke 1:19 “…I am Gabriel, one who stands in the presence of Allah and I have been sent to speak to you …”

Gospel of Luke 1:35 And in answer the angel (the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel who came in the form of a man) said to her (the virgin Mary), "The Holy Spirit (the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel who will come in the form of a dove, a body with wings, an angel) will come upon you (to deliver to your womb a soul created by Allah for your son Jesus), and the power of the Most High (Allah) will overshadow you (so that what Allah has decreed is fulfilled without failure). For this reason also, the one to be born will be called holy (the blessed), the Son of Allah (meaning the servant of Allah, the slave of Allah, the prophet and messenger and messiah sent by Allah).

(Note 1. The power is Allah who is the creator of every creation.

(Note 2. Mary and Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the created servants of Allah.

(Note 3. Allah created the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel and Allah shows how Allah revealed Himself to humans such as Mary and Jesus through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel.

(Note 4. Allah created Jesus and there is not one creation that Allah has not created because Allah is the creator of every creation.

(Note 5. Angels including the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel may appear in the form of a man or in their true form as a body with wings (like a bird, like a dove, an angel).

Gospel of Luke 3:22 and the Holy Spirit descended on him (Jesus) in the bodily form of a dove (a body with wings, an angel) …”

Quran 2:97 Koran 2:97 Say (Prophet Muhammad, to the people), who is against (Angel) Gabriel? because it is he (Angel Gabriel) who has revealed this (Scripture, the Quran) to your heart (Prophet Muhammad) by Allah’s permission, confirming what was revealed before it (in the Gospel and in the Torah), and as a guidance and good news for those who believe.

Quran 2:253 Koran 2:253 “… To (messenger, prophet and messiah) Jesus the son of Mary We (Allah through the Holy Spirit) gave signs (of his truthfulness) and strengthened him (Jesus) with (guidance through) the Holy Spirit (Angel Gabriel, the Holy Ghost) …”

5. Righteousness saves the human soul in the Torah delivered by Moses and the prophets and the writings.

The person who does what is right is righteous in the Torah and the Gospel and the Quran.

The person who does what is right has a righteous soul in the Torah and the Gospel and the Quran.

The Torah is a guide to righteous human behaviour from the time of Moses and the prophets that followed.

Torah Deuteronomy 4:8 And what great nation is there, that has statutes and ordinances so righteous as all this law, which I (Allah) set before you this day?

Torah Deuteronomy 6:24 And the LORD (Allah) commanded us to do all these statutes, to fear the LORD our Allah, for our good always, so that He (Allah) might preserve us alive, as it is at this day.

(Note 1. Allah gives life to every human for a short time on the Earth.

(Note 2. Allah gives life to every righteous human forever in Paradise in the hereafter.

(Note 3. In the time of Jesus the Jewish sect known as the Pharisees believed in life after death based on the Torah and the prophets and the writings.

Torah Deuteronomy 6:25 And it shall be righteousness for us, if we observe to do all this commandment before the LORD our Allah, as He (Allah) has commanded us.

Torah Deuteronomy 16:18 Judges and officers you shall make in all your gates, which the LORD your Allah has given you, tribe by tribe; and they shall judge the people with righteous judgment.

Torah Deuteronomy 16:19 You shall not extort (force unfair) judgment; you shall not respect persons (to make unfair judgement in their favour); neither shall you take a gift; because a gift blinds the eyes of the wise (to make fair judgement), and pervert (leads astray) the words of the righteous.

Torah Deuteronomy 16:20 Justice (righteousness), justice (righteousness) you shall follow, so that you may live, and inherit the land which the LORD your Allah has given you.

(Note 1. Allah gives land to every human to inherit for a short time on the Earth.

(Note 2. Allah gives land to every righteous human to inherit forever in Paradise in the hereafter.

Jewish Hebrew Bible Psalms 37:9 For evil-doers shall be cut off (punished); but those that wait for the LORD (Allah), they shall inherit the land (of Paradise).

Jewish Hebrew Bible Psalms 37:11 But the humble shall inherit the land (of Paradise), and delight themselves in the abundance of peace.

Jewish Hebrew Bible Psalms 37:18 The LORD (Allah) knows (all about) the days (of the lives) of them (people) that are wholehearted (sincere in righteousness); and their inheritance (of Paradise in the hereafter) shall be forever.

Jewish Hebrew Bible Psalms 37:21 The wicked borrow (from other humans), and do not pay back (to humans what they borrowed); but the righteous deal graciously, and give (back what they owe to other humans).

Jewish Hebrew Bible Psalms 37:22 For such (righteous people) as are blessed by Him (Allah), (they) shall inherit the land (of Paradise in the hereafter); and they (the wicked people) that are cursed by Him (Allah) shall be cut off (punished in the hereafter).

Jewish Hebrew Bible Psalms 37:29 The righteous shall inherit the land (of paradise), and dwell (live) in there forever.

Jewish Hebrew Bible Proverbs 11:4 Riches do not profit (humans) on the day of wrath (Allah’s anger towards the wicked on the Day of Judgement); but righteousness delivers (humans) from death (Allah’s mercy to the righteous on the Day of Judgement).

Jewish Hebrew Bible Daniel 12:2 And many of them (humans) that sleep (dead) in the dust of the earth shall awake (be resurrected from death back to life), some to everlasting life (in Paradise), and some to reproaches (criticism for how they lived their first life) and everlasting abhorrence (loathing in Hell Fire).

6. Righteousness saves the human soul in the Gospel delivered by Jesus.

The person who does what is right is righteous in the Gospel and the Torah and the Quran.

The person who does what is right has a righteous soul in the Gospel and the Torah and the Quran.

The Gospel is a guide to righteous human behaviour from the time of Jesus and it includes the Torah.

Gospel of Luke 6:35 But love your enemies, and do good and lend, expecting nothing, and great will be your reward (in the Hereafter), and you will be children (loved servants) of the Most High (Allah), for he (Allah) is kind to the unthankful and evil (in this life but not in the next life).

6-1. The Gospel of Luke 6:35 in the Quran.

Quran 5:45 Koran 5:45 (And in the Torah) We (Allah revealed through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel to Prophet Muhammad) gave all the laws, the life for the life, the eye for the eye, the nose for the nose, the ear for the ear, the tooth for the tooth, these are the laws of retaliation for giving wounds that are equal to what were unjustly inflicted. Whoever forgoes it (Whoever gives the mercy of not retaliating) shall be rewarded by (Allah) cancelling some of the sins of the person (that had the right to retaliate but did not retaliate but instead they followed in the way of Allah’s recommended mercy). Whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed are wrong doers.

Quran 6:90 Koran 6:90 Those (Prophets and messengers that bring faith in Allah) are guided by Allah so follow their guidance. Say (Prophet Muhammad, to the people), “I ask no reward from you for this (the Quran). It is a reminder (from Allah) to (His) creatures.”

Quran 42:23 Koran 42:23 That is the Good news (of Paradise) that Allah gives to His (Allah’s) servants who believe and do good deeds. Say (Prophet Muhammad), “I do not ask you any payment for this (Quran) except (for you to show) kindness to those with whom you are related.” Whoever does a good deed We (Allah) shall increase that person’s good (reward) because of it (the good deed). Allah is forgiving and appreciative (towards Allah’s obedient servants).

Quran 45:14 Koran 45:14 Say (Prophet Muhammad) to those who believe (that) they (should) forgive those who do not expect the Days of Allah (in the hereafter, meaning forgive the disbelievers, forgive the non believers, forgive the stone idol worshippers in Mecca, forgive the people who do not believe in Allah) so that He (Allah) may reward (the righteous) people for what they earn (in reward for the hereafter by obeying Allah’s command that the believers among the humans forgive the disbelievers among the humans in this life in the same way that believing humans in this life wish Allah to forgive the believers in the next life).

(Note 1: Later verses that Allah revealed in the Quran during a time of war with stone idol worshippers in Mecca, Arabia today Saudi Arabia do not cancel the revelations Allah revealed earlier in the Quran just as the verses that Allah revealed in the Torah during a time of war with stone idol worshippers in Canaan today Israel and Palestine do not cancel the revelations Allah revealed earlier in the Torah.

All of Allah’s verses carry a message of wisdom for humankind.

Some verses give guidance in times of war and other verses give guidance in times of peace.

The correct interpretation of each verse in the Books of Allah (the Torah, Gospel and Quran) gives knowledge and wisdom and guidance to whoever Allah wills.

Quran 64:14 Koran 64:14 All you who believe, “…. If you pardon (what people have done) and overlook (the faults of people), and forgive (people) then Allah is forgiving and merciful (to you).

Quran 76:9 Koran 76:9 (Saying), “We feed you, for Allah’s approval (of us). We desire no reward or thanks from you (the needy, the orphan and the captive) –

Quran 76:10 Koran 76:10 We fear from our Lord (Allah) a distressful Day (of Judgement).

Quran 76:11 Koran 76:11 So (in the hereafter) Allah shall save them (who are the righteous among the humans) from the evil of (the hell fire on) that Day (of Judgement) and give them (the light of) radiance (in their appearance and in their righteous knowledge) and happiness (in Paradise).

7. Righteousness saves the human soul in the Quran delivered by Muhammad.

The person who does what is right is righteous in the Quran and the Torah and the Gospel.

The person who does what is right has a righteous soul in the Quran and the Torah and the Gospel.

The Quran is a guide to righteous human behaviour from the time of Muhammad and it includes the Torah and the Gospel.

Quran 2:62 Koran 2:62 (In the hereafter) truly those (Muslims) who believed and those who became Jews, Christians and Sabians, whoever believed in Allah and the Last Day (The Day of Resurrection) and did good deeds, they shall have their reward from their Lord, and they shall not fear or grieve (and this is confirmed in Quran 6:158 for those in the hereafter who “believed” and did good deeds. Quran 5:69 repeats Quran 2:62 meaning stop and think about what Allah is saying in these verses confirming what is in the Hebrew Bible and the Gospel Injil of the promise of Paradise Jannah from Allah in the books of Allah on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement for those who “believed” and did good deeds. The Quran brings the same truth which Allah brought to the Jewish people in the Hebrew Bible and to the Christian people in the Gospel Injil of Jesus Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John. The Quran is a confirmer of what came before it in the same way as the Gospel Injil is a confirmer of what came before it meaning the Books of Allah confirm each other as proof Allah is real and as proof His promise is real as explained in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ3o3ybc-KA showing that without His permission no one can change His words in His Books which are with all humans today and until the Day of Judgement so that you can believe Allah is real and His promise is real).

Comment 1. Who goes to Paradise Jannah?

Note 1. The Jews who believed in Allah and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah.

Note 2. The Christians who believed in Allah and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah.

Note 3. The Sabians who believed in Allah and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah.

Note 4. The Muslims who believed in Allah and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah.

Note 5. Everyone who believed in Allah and did good deeds goes to Paradise Jannah.

Note 6. This revelation is so important that Allah has repeated it in Quran 2:62

In Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 the promise of Paradise Jannah is not for those who “believe” but only for those who “believed” meaning who died (past tense) because it is not until the time of death that your true belief or disbelief and your good and evil deeds are judged,

Allah repeated Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 two times because it is only with Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 that there are no contradictions within the Quran and between the Quran and the Torah Taurat and between the Quran and the Gospel Injil as proof in Quran 4:82 to the Jews in the time of Prophet Muhammad who are promised Paradise Jannah in Quran 3:113-3:115 and to the Christians in the time of Prophet Muhammad who are promised Paradise Jannah in Quran 5:82-5:85 and to the stone idol worshippers 1400 years ago who are not promised Paradise Jannah in Quran 3:85 and to all people today and in the future that the Quran is from Allah because the Quran contains no contradictions.

If Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 did not exist then it would be proof that the Quran was not from Allah because without Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 the Quran would contradict its self and contradict the Torah Taurat and contradict the Gospel Injil.

Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 is good news for Jews, Christians, Sabians, Muslims and all the people in the world confirming they will all come together again in a life after death.

Quran 3:76, Koran 3:76 (Near to Allah is) the person who fulfills their promise and stays away (from evil). Allah loves those who stay away (from evil).

Quran 3:145 Koran 3:145 No one can die except by Allah’s will and at an appointed time. Whoever desires a reward in this world We (Allah, revealed through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel to Prophet Muhammad) give it to them and whoever desires a reward in the Hereafter We (Allah) bless them with it. We (Allah) reward the grateful (those who are thankful for the blessing of faith).

Quran 4:123 Koran 4:123 It (entry to Paradise in the hereafter) shall not be based on your (Muslim) desires or on the desires of the people of the Scripture (the Jews and the Christians). (Instead) whoever does wrong shall earn (the punishment for the wrong) and that person shall not find any protector or helper other than Allah (in the hereafter).

(Note 1. Humans who say we will go to Paradise because we are Jewish or Christian or Muslim are expressing their own human desire.

(Note 2. Humans will not go to Paradise simply because they claim to be Jewish or Christian or Muslim instead whoever does wrong will answer to Allah for their wrong doing.

(Note 3. Jesus confirmed that humans will not go to Paradise simply because they claim to be Jewish (and later Christian or Muslim).

Gospel of Matthew 7:21 "Not everyone saying to me (Jesus), 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one doing the will of my Father (Allah) who is in heaven.

Quran 5:69 Koran 5:69 Those (Muslims) who believed (in Allah), and those who became Jews and Sabians and Christians and whoever believed in Allah and the Last Day and did good deeds (in their life), they shall have no fear and they shall not grieve (in the hereafter).

Quran 6:54 Koran 6:54 When those who believe in Our (Allah’s) revelations come to you (Prophet Muhammad) say, “Peace be on you.” Your Lord (Allah) has promised His (Allah’s) mercy to whoever does evil through ignorance and repents afterward and then does the right thing, (for those that repent) He (Allah) is forgiving and merciful.

Quran 22:17 Koran 22:17 Those who believed (who followed the Quran), and those who were Jews (who followed the Torah Taurat), and Sabian Sabeans and Christians (who followed the Gospel Injil) and Zoroastrians Magi Majus and idol worshippers, Allah shall judge between (each one of) them (humans) on the Day of Resurrection. Allah is the witness to all things.

Quran 25:70 Koran 25:70 (There is punishment in the hereafter) unless the human repents (by asking Allah for forgiveness) and believes (in Allah) and does righteous work then Allah shall change their evil deeds to good deeds (meaning then Allah shall forgive their sins). Allah is always ready to forgive and (Allah is) merciful.

Quran 45:22 Koran 45:22 And Allah has truly created the heavens and the earth so that every soul may be repaid by what it earned (in this life). And they shall not be wronged (in Allah’s judgement of them in the hereafter).

Quran 40:11 Koran 40:11 They (who are in Hell fire Jahannam) shall say, “Our Lord, You (Allah) gave us death twice (meaning we were lifeless before sexual conception and at death as explained in Quran 2:28), and You (Allah) gave us life twice (at sexual conception and at resurrection). Now we confess our sins. Is there any way to go out (of Hell fire Jahannam)?

Quran 40:12 Koran 40:12 (It shall be said), "(You are in Hell fire) because when prayer was (conducted) only to Allah (who is the creator) you disbelieved, but when partners (creations such as stone idols) were associated with Him (Allah) then you believed (more in what was a creation than in Allah who is the creator). The decision (about you) is only with Allah (who is the creator and who is) the highest and the greatest (thing on which the existence of every creation depends).

(Note 1. On the Day of Judgement the prophet messenger or messiah shall be witnesses for or against those who lived in their time and those who later claimed to follow their teachings.

Quran 45:15 Koran 45:15 So whoever does a good deed it is for their soul, and whoever does an evil deed it is against it (their soul). And to your Lord (Allah) you shall be returned (and judged for what you did in this life).

Quran 46:33 Koran 46:33 Have they (the humans) not seen that Allah who created the heavens and the earth was able to make their creation easily (without getting tired) and is able to give life to the dead (just as Allah gives birth to life that had not existed before)? He (Allah) is able to do all things.

Quran 76:11 Koran 76:11 So (in the hereafter) Allah shall save them (who are the righteous among the humans) from the evil of (the hell fire on) that Day (of Judgement) and give them (the light of) radiance (in their appearance and in their righteous knowledge) and happiness (in Paradise).

Quran 74:38 Koran 74:38 Every soul shall be responsible for their deeds

Quran 74:39 Koran 74:39 Except the companions of the right (the righteous, who shall receive the record of their deeds in their right hand and who shall be admitted to Paradise with their bad deeds forgiven by Allah).

Quran 92:15 Koran 92:15 None shall enter (Hell) except the most unfortunate (wrongdoers).

Quran 92:16 Koran 92:16 (Such as) those who have rejected (Allah) and turned away (from Allah. And so Allah shall also reject them and turn Allah’s mercy away from them).

Quran 92:17 Koran 92:17 But the person who is righteous shall avoid it (the punishment in Hell).

Quran 95:8 Koran 95:8 Is Allah not the best of judges?

Quran 98:7 Koran 98:7 And those who believe and do righteous deeds are the best of creations (because they have obeyed Allah, their creator).

Quran 98:8 Koran 98:8 Their reward is with their Lord (Allah) in gardens of eternity under which rivers flow (in Paradise) in which they shall live for ever. Allah being very pleased with them and they being very pleased with Him (Allah). That shall be for whoever feared their Lord (Allah).

Quran 99:6 Koran 99:6 On that Day (of Resurrection) people shall depart (after they have been judged) and separated (into the righteous and the wrong doers) and be shown (to Hell or to Paradise depending on) their deeds (in their first life).

Quran 99:7 Koran 99:7 So whoever did (a) good (deed) that was even equal to less than the weight of a tiny ant shall see (the good result of) it (in the hereafter).

Quran 99:8 Koran 99:8 And whoever did (an) evil (deed) that was even equal to less than the weight of a tiny ant shall see (the evil result of) it (in the hereafter).

Quran 100:11 Koran 100:11 And on that Day (of Judgement) their Lord (Allah) shall be fully aware of every single thing concerning them (and what they did in their first life before they were resurrected into their second life. Allah knows the difference between what humans say and do in public and what they truly believe).

Quran 101:6 Koran 101:6 Then the person whose scales are heavy (with good deeds that they did during their life on the earth) –

Quran 101:7 Koran 101:7 They shall be in a pleasant life (in Paradise).

Quran 103:2 Koran 103:2 Humans are lost (from the mercy of Allah) –

Quran 103:3 Koran 103:3 Except those who believe and who do righteous deeds and who encourage each other to the truth and encourage each other to have patience.

INDEX of the Gospel of John.

See https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/the-gospel-of-john-chapters-1-3

303-1. The Gospel of John chapters 1–3.


303-2. The Gospel of John chapters 4–6.


303-3. The Gospel of John chapters 7–10.


303-4. The Gospel of John chapters 11–12.


303-5. The Gospel of John chapters 13–14.


You are here 303-6. The Gospel of John chapters 15–16:10.


303-7. The Gospel of John chapter 16:11.


303-8. The Gospel of John chapters 16:12–18:40.


303-9. The Gospel of John chapters 19–20.


303-10. The Gospel of John chapter 21.

Jesus said another comforter from Allah will come after him. See at the end of Gospel of John chapter 21



The Jewish faith explained by the Quran.


The future explained in Isaiah 53.


Corrections and Questions are welcome and can be emailed to somaliahamradio@yahoo.com

The meaning of verses in the Quran and Tanakh and Gospel are on these websites.

The meaning of verses in the Koran and Torah and Injil are on these websites.

YOU ARE HERE Allah https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran

Allah index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/index

Allaah https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran

Allaah index https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran/index

God https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran

God index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/index

Q&A https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel

Q&A index https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel/index