
Unknown light


The team’s name is “Chen Shi is lonely.” The name originated from Chen Shi wanted to cooperate with others, but cannot accept that he needed to give up some of his thoughts and ideas for the team. He then remembered his Fine Art teacher saying, “The road to Art is lonely.”

展演地點 Venue:二樓水塔 Water Tower on the Second Floor

演時間 Schedule:10/17(Sat)-10/25(Sun) 10:00-18:00



What a lonely Chen Shih

⌈ 陳實好孤單⌋ 主要的隊名發想是源自於原本陳實想於他人合作,但是一想到為了團隊合作必須要捨棄自己的某些想法讓陳實覺得無法接受,也讓他想起了以前美術系的老師曾經說過⌈ 藝術的路是孤獨的 ⌋。

When we keep our distances and curiosities, the mysteries create a sense of sacredness. When we have the desire to foresee, it creates unlimited imagination and all kinds of possibilities. However, when we investigate the facts, we lose the unrestricted negative value when distanced.

團隊名單 Credit

陳實 Chen Shih 指導老師 Advisor 陳介一 Chen Chieh-Yi