
Super random interactive machine



We plan to install a Claw Machine in the center of Egret Grassland, and use it to reflect the current consumer economy phenomenon of Taiwan, revealing the absurdity and hollow side of the reality. This empty hollow of consumer economy is further forged with the machine lighting alone in a dark surrounding during the night.

The merchandise from the Claw Machine and Gachapon (Toy Capsule Machine) are often without decent value, they are sometimes made up of pirated items or plush toys. For our installation, the content of the machines will be open to any artists who is interested to participate and manage.

展演地點 Venue:鷺鷥草原/美術學院門口 Egret Grassland/ Fine Arts Department Entrance

展演時間 Time:9/21(Sat)-10/13(Sun)


Jia-kwei Jia-kwai


「夾鬼夾怪」取名的由來,顧名思義與妖山混血盃的展演使用「夾娃娃機」有關,「夾鬼夾怪」批判夾娃娃機風潮在夾什麼鬼東西,或者,另外一方面,由我們創造一些鬼東西,莫名其妙讓大家夾的鬼東西 。

“Jia-kwei Jia-kwei” is a TNUA art group established in 2019 by artists of different disciplines. These artist members are each multi-talented, their skills include from design, photography, installation, biological device, videography, painting to curating, they have vast experience in exhibition and related activities.

The name “Jia-kwei Jia-kwei” is derived from the Claw Machine used in the Genie Lab project. It criticize the phenomena of people playing claw machine for random prizes. So why not, let us create these so-called random prizes instead, and let them catch’em all!