
Voice From Dream Project I


"Dream" is a fleeting experience, it exists temporarily as we fall into slumber. It is forgotten so easily, however, it represents the hidden part deep down in us. "Sleep talking" is real but at the same time illusionary, compare to dream, it is much more difficult to be forgotten, and it connects the dream and reality, evidence of the dream’s existence. In this “Voice from Dream” project, the artist reimagines and recreates another dream realm through the participants’ dream and sleep talking experience.

展演地點 Venue:藝大書店2F TNUA Arts Bookshop 2F

展演時間 Time:9/28(Sat)-10/13(Sun)


Lee Lo-Yi


Born in 1994 in Taiwan, Lee Lo-Yi is currently a master degree student at the TNUA New Media Department. She went to Germany as an exchange student at Kunsthochschule Kassel from 2016 to 2017. At the same time she participated in documenta 14 as a performer and in the Wave of Films Festival in Manila. In 2019, she joined the 41st Golden Harvest Awards for Outstanding Short Films in Taiwan. Her current artworks explore the human mind through videography and experimental film.