
Project Hippo potamus 01


By displaying live recording images during every intervals, experimenting the concept of audience perspective,narrowing the gap between audiences and actors, as well as distorting the boundary between the stage and the reality. We attempt to explore the possibility of “theatre isn’t just resembles reality, it is becoming of it itself”. Four actors with each unique personality, delivering their own stories, it reflects our dilemma in this information overwhelming era. People appears to be connected to each other, then, at the same time unrelated, what an ambiguous relationship.

展演地點 Venue:OK便利商店 OK Mart

展演時間 Time:10/4(Fri)-10/6(Sun) 18:00-18:30


Hippo Potamus


Our team members are consist of theatre enthusiastic students from Theatre Department, New Media Department and Animation Department. Inspired by the “spy animals”, we produce an environmental documentary drama, bringing the audience to experience the multi-angle theatre combined with video images.