《SN 1977A》


One day, an astronomical commentator discovered a flashing star in the sky. He tried to prove the existence of the star, but failed. This task was passed on to a little girl. When she grew up, the memory brings her back to a time travel.

展演地點 Venue:戲劇學院 T207

展演時間 Time:

09/22(Sun) 19:00-20:00

10/13(Sun) 14:00-15:00、19:00-20:00


《SN 1977A》Production Team


We are a group of people who are addicted to puppetry and drama. We try to make a production about space adventure and dreamworld. We want to discover what is behind the esoteric science mystery, what is inside the human-being, and how to transform this topic into a theatrical way.