
Route of Infection


Infection is a path with probability. When a foreign object intrude an environment, it will trigger the local ecology reaction mechanism, the immune system is then activated for self-defense purpose. The dancer will play the role of the host of this space, and as the space is entered by foreign participants, a reaction and communication is triggered to identify each other’s intention. Until the process is complete, this reciprocal movement will keep carrying on.

展演地點 Venue:研究大樓R101 Research Building R101

展演時間Time :9/27(Fri) 19:30、10/2(Wed) 19:30、10/4(Fri) 19:30、10/8( Tue) 19:30


Kentucky Grandpapa‘s Egg Tart


Our team is formed by 7 new media students and 2 dance students. By using low frequency wireless technology, dancers are able to move freely without restriction in this space. The virtual individual interface is also used so that participants and audiences may experience the interaction between virtual and reality.