By: Courtney LeBoeuf

What is Thinglink?

It is a free and user friendly digital tool that provides users with the ability to turn any image into an interactive graphic. Create multiple “hot spots” on specific parts of an image and turn that image into a multimedia launcher. Include video, record audio or provide a link to any website with the click of a button. Easily embed an interactive ThingLink graphic into any blog or website. It even includes virtual tours that can be created. ThingLink is a truly amazing tool that allows users to pack a lot of content into a small space.

1) When you first get on the website click the "Start Now " button.

Step by step

2) Once you click the start button you will have to create an account. This can be a new account or sign in through a servie that is linked to Thinglink.

3) You will have answer a couple of question to finish setting up your account.

4) Once you have successfully created your account it will have a turtorial video for you to watch.

5) After watching the the turtoril video it will take you to your account. From your account you can see projects that have already been made to get ideas on your own project.

6) This is a picture project that allows you to click the different numbers and letters to get information about the country.

7) This is a virtual tour project that allows you to move around the room and click the different icons that play music and tells you what that specific picture is about.

Videos on Thinglink

sample classroom activities

Science: Grade 1

1-LS1-1: Use tools and materials to design a solution to a human problem by mimicking how plants and/or animals use their external parts to help them survive, grow, and meet their needs.

The teacher can make a Thinglink with a picture of an animal and have them click the aimals and it would tell the students how it protects itself.

English: Kindergarten

L.K.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

The teacher can create a Thinglink where the students learn different noun and verbs and make them plural.

Pros and Cons


  • embed links to Wikipedia, YouTube, audio files, text, images, blogs, websites, iTunes, Facebook
  • simple and intuitive
  • simple addition of Thinglink to blog or web page
  • statistics re: views, hovers, and clicks
  • add tags at any time
  • upload with one click from Flickr, photo collections
  • multiple uses for teachers and students


  • code must be embedded on web page or blog
  • Thinglink code does not extend to new pages of blog

Benifits of using this tool

I think that this tool would be very benifical fo rin class use. It would allow for students to be interactive during lessons and may show better attention to the subject matter. Also, students could get assigned projects to do using Thinklink. It would be educational and fun for the students. It is also something different from the normal classroom tools so more teachers may be interested if one teacher starts using it.


1) How do you share and embed on thinglink?

There are several different ways you can share a ThingLink. The first is to share the direct link to your ThingLink. You can find this link by clicking on the ‘Share’ button on the right side of your image, then clicking on the ‘Link’ tab in the popup box. Make sure to click the ‘Copy’ button to copy the link, then paste it wherever you’re sharing it.

2) Is Thinglink free?

There is a free verson with lemitted features. If you want more features you can pay $35/year.

Screencast: Viewing Samples