Book Creator

By: Cami Guidry and Hollie Crabtree

This app is a way for teachers and students to create books. It is a different way for teachers to deliver material, and students can create projects and learn in a variety of different ways. This app has lots of features such as different book styles, fonts, colors, themes, recordings, photos, and stickers. This is an app that allows students to be very creative and is a fun, different way to discover new topics and lessons in every subject. The possibilities are endless.

Videos On How To Use This Amazing App

Step By Step Guide:

  1. Create an account as a teacher using your gmail
  2. Select the grade and subject you teach
  3. Name your library
  4. Press new book to start
  5. Select the format of your book or comic
  6. Get started creating
    1. Use camera feature
    2. Use pen feature (with the cheat)
    3. Use Importing features
    4. Use recording feature
    5. Use shapes
    6. Use different themes

Informational Video

*Shhh... It includes a cheat


This app is beneficial for the simple reason that it is a new, fun, creative way to teach and learn lessons. Technology, like IPads and Chromebooks, are being placed into classrooms all over the U.S; therefore, this app can be a way to integrate this technology into the classroom. This is also a way for students to listen to stories, learn grammar, math, science, and social studies; it is an app that is great across the curriculum. Students will have the availability to create their own books or comic books based on information learned in class, and they can work in groups to complete them too. This can be another way to create book reports, projects, and more. This can help students with different learning styles, because of the multiple features that are present, such as the recorder for listening, resulting in a differential way of learning. This app is indeed beneficial to classrooms across the US in every subject.

Additional Information that could be helpful...

  1. Lots of Themes/backgrounds
  2. Make a comic or any style book
  3. Add text
  4. Draw pictures
  5. Insert photos
  6. Embed YouTube videos
  7. Add maps
  8. Record lessons for students to listen to at their desk to fill out worksheets with the book. (like an online textbook made by you)!
  9. Cheat the system- create different styles on Microsoft or Google Docs and insert them as pictures for cool designs.
  10. Record your or your students readings
  11. Free version has 1 library and gives the user 40 books.
  12. Paid version gives the user 3 libraries and 60 books each for $60 per year or for $120 per year, you could get 10 libraries with 100 books each.
  13. Ways to Save: email it, airdrop to mobile device, use ICloud, Dropbox, Google Drive, save as a movie file, or print it.
  14. Upload/publish it to the web too!!
  15. Go to this website for great ideas on how to use this in your classroom:

pros and cons


  • easy to use for students and teachers
  • can be used for every subject
  • provides a wide range of learning
  • friendly for students with learning disabilities
  • Many ways to share the books


  • limited on styles, formats, and other abilities
  • have to pay for more books and libraries


1. Am I able to join a library on the iPad so the books are accessible from the computer?

* Install Chrome on the iPad and access the app online at instead.

2. Why won't online versions open in Safari ?

* The makers are focusing on Chrome right now; therefore, this is the best way to access the app.

3. How to combine books?

    1. Click the Books button beneath any book.
    2. Choose Combine books.
    3. Select the books you want to combine - choose them in the order you want them to display in the book.
    4. Click Next.
    5. Give the new combined book a name. You can also change the author name if you need to. Then click Create Book.
    6. You'll see your new book appear on the bookshelf, with an auto-generated front cover - you can edit this if you need to.

4. I want the students to create a page that will later be combined into one class book, do they need to create a title page and page 1 of the book or could the title page be used as the page to combine?

* You can just create the title page. But remember that every new book starts with 3 pages, so you may want to get kids to delete the two they don't use before they send it to you. Also, make sure everyone is using the same page layout.

Book creator ACTIVITY: MATH

3.MD.E.9 Solve word problems involving pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and bills greater than one dollar, using the dollar and cent symbols appropriately.


The teacher will make an interactive story that would be full of word problems for the students to figure out. It would be in a story format. The story would be about a boy and a girl buying Christmas gifts for their family, and they have only so much money to spend. At each location the boy and girl need to figure out how much money it cost and how much to give the cashier. The students in the classroom would try to figure it out at their desk before the next page which shows what happened. After, the students will be able to make their own word problem on a shared book, and the end result would be a class story with money word problems.


W.2.3 Write narratives in which they recount a well-elaborated event or short sequence of events, include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide a sense of closure.


The students will create a story/book about their favorite vacation. It will be written beforehand throughout the week, and once written, the students will get on the IPads and make their story. It will include the place they went, who went, two activities they did, if they liked it or not, and a closing. It will also include pictures and videos if they would like. This is similar to writing an essay, except it is in a cool, creative form.