
By Grace Lacour

Grammarly is an app that can be used on mobile devices or as an extension that can be added to any desktop. Grammarly offers spelling and grammar corrections, vocabulary suggestions, checks for plagiarism, and much more.

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. In order to download Grammarly, click the link,

2. Once on the website, click the blue "Add to Chrome" button which will be found in the upper right-hand corner.

3. After, a question will pop up making sure you want to add Grammarly to Chrome, so click the white button that says "Add Extension."

4. Next, you will be redirected to a new page where you will be required to create a new account. I recommend continuing with Google instead. You can do this by clicking the button in the bottom right corner that says "Continue with Google."

5. You will be asked to sign into your gmail account, so you should enter the email and password.

6. Then, it will bring you to a page that asks you to personalize your Grammarly account. Use the provided drop down arrows to indicate what the writing is for and the level of your writing skills. Once this is completed, click the green "Continue" button.

7. The new page it brings you to describes the types of mistakes you most likely have and how Grammarly can help you. After reviewing the page, click the green "Continue to Save Your Settings" button.

8. After, you will be asked if you want to use Grammarly for free or pay $11.66 per month with many more features than the free version. Either click the green "Continue to Grammarly it's Free" button on the left, or click the white "Get Grammarly Premium" button on the right.

9. If you chose the free version, you should be redirected to your Grammarly Home Page, but if you chose to get premium, you will be asked to enter some personal information before being redirected there.

10. On the home page, you can findan option to type or upload papers, add words to your personal dictionary, change the language settings, and a few more things.

11. Now, it's time to explore the world of Grammarly and how beneficial it is to your writing!

If words are underlined in red, they are probably spelled wrong. Hovering your cursor over the red line will provide you with spelling suggestions.
In a document, you can double click on any word to find synonyms for that it.
When searching the web, you can find the definition for any word by double clicking on it.

Helpful Videos/Tutorials

-Grammarly Tutorial- -How to add Grammarly to Microsoft Word- -Better Writing with Grammarly- -Screencast-O-Matic-

Questions and Answers

  • Who uses Grammarly?
Grammarly is used by millions of writers and over 600 corporations and universities have licensed it. 
  • How can I check my emails with Grammarly?
To check emails on the web, you can install the browser extension which is compatible to Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge.
  • What is Grammarly Premium?
Grammarly Premium offers everything the free version offers plus more. It offers vocabulary enhancement suggestions, a plagiarism detector, genre-specific writing style checks, and advanced checks for grammar, punctuation, context, and sentence structure. 

Benefits of Grammarly and Additional Information

Pros of Grammarly

  • mistakes are corrected as they happen instead of clicking a button and checking everything after the work is completed
  • explains why things are marked as wrong so you can learn and improve
  • it is able to be customized, so certain words do not get corrected

Cons of Grammarly

  • it does not work for everything, like Google Docs
  • the free version is limited and only offers features to correct spelling and grammar
This tool is beneficial in the classroom because it allows for spelling and grammar to be checked in almost every place a student would write. With it, students and teachers are able to write more professionally whether that is in Microsoft Word for a paper or composing an email. With the premium version, spelling and grammar are checked, but it also checks for plagiarism, subject verb agreement, and so much more. Many users say it it worth paying for because Grammarly makes you become more conscientious  of your writing. In turn, by using this tool, students will learn as they write, and eventually, may not even need Grammarly to assist them anymore. Also, Grammarly allows you to add words to your personal dictionary that you do want it to make as incorrect, change the language settings, and upload documents from Microsoft Word. All in all, Grammarly is worth downloading because it offers so many benefits, and any way to make writing simpler is a positive. 

Classroom Activities

United States History - High School Level


Produce clear and coherent writing for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences by:

  • conducting short and sustained research
  • evaluating conclusions from evidence (broad variety, primary and secondary sources)
  • evaluating varied explanations for actions/events
  • determining the meaning of words and phrases from historical texts
  • analyzing historians’ points of view

Students will find multiple primary and secondary sources related to historian's points of view of laissez-faire policy. These documents should be online, and in order to determine the meaning of words, Grammarly will allow them to double-click on any word to give its definition. Then, a short, 500 word, essay should be written explaining the information gathered from the sources along with the student's own opinion supported with the text. It should be written in Grammarly so mistakes will be caught.

English Language Arts - Grades 9 and 10

Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

4. Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose , audience, and task

Students will choose 2 poems by 2 different writers from 2 different time periods and compare them. The poems should be analyzed, and a short 3-4 minute speech should be written about the findings. It should be written in Grammarly, however this exercise is beneficial because with Grammarly, students will want to change every word to a "smarter sounding" synonym, but speeches are meant to be easy to comprehend. The students will need to determine when is the correct time to use certain words and phrases and when pauses should be; Grammarly will aid in all of this.