Brennen Gaudet

What is CrashCourse?

CrashCourse is a YouTube channel started by two brothers that wanted to make learning fun. The channel provides courses on various topics taught in quick 10-15 minute videos. These videos are meant to be easily understood and can be used to reinforce what has been taught or to learn about new subjects.

Step-by-step Instructions

1. Search for in your preferred browser.

2. Once on YouTube, type "CrashCourse" into the search bar at the top.

3. Click on the channel that appears with the same icon as pictured above. (It should be the first option.)

4. Once on the CrashCourse channel there are multiple tabs to choose from.

  • Click on "Videos" to navigate through posted content in order of the date it was posted.
  • Click on "Playlists" to navigate through the playlists posted by the created of the channel. (Each playlist contains a specific subject matter.)
  • Click on "Channels" to view other channels that have been recommended due to their similarity. (These channels may provide additional educational content.)
  • Click on the magnifying glass icon to search for specific videos if you already have an idea of what you would like to learn about.

5. Once you have found the video or playlist that you wish to watch, click on the thumbnail or title to open it.

6. Enjoy your educational video!


Introduction to the Channel

Introduction to Study Skills

Example Lesson

Benefits of using crashcourse in the classroom:

~ Reinforces the material covered in a lesson

~ Provides an alternative teaching strategy for those students that may have not understood

~ Can be assigned as homework

~ Whether assigned as homework or used in class, it can spark educational discussions between you and your students

Sample Classroom Activities

  1. RL.11-12.3 - Analyze the impact of the author’s choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of a story or drama, including how the author develops character and setting, builds the plot and subplots, creates themes, and develops mood/atmosphere.
    • 11th Grade English
    • The teacher will have students organized into multiple groups of three or four individuals. They will have 15 minutes to discuss and debate what they believe the meaning of The Great Gatsby is and how the author intended for this meaning to be show through his work. Once the time period is over, the teacher will play the CrashCourse literary analysis video that corresponds with the novel. After having watched the video, the students will then have 10 minutes to readdress their stances in the debate based on the analysis that they just viewed.
  2. Science-- HS-LS1-8 - Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about (1) viral and bacterial reproduction and adaptation, (2) the body’s primary defenses against infection, and (3) how these features impact the design of effective treatment.
    • 10th Grade Biology
    • The teacher will carry out a typical lesson on the human immune system; however, following the initial teaching/modeling period, he or she will play the CrashCourse videos that address this topic. After learning about the immune system and how it functions, the students will take the new content and use their school iPads to research a virus or bacterial infection. The teacher will then instruct the students to write a brief description of their illness and how the body reacts to it, applying what they've learned through their research and the earlier lesson (including the CrashCourse videos).

Navigating through Crashcourse tutorial:

Apr 29, 2018 5:16 PM.webm

Additional Information:

~ CrashCourse is also available in the Apple App Store and as its own standalone website.

~ You can access the website by clicking here.