
Christy LaGrange

What is PebbleGo?

Pebble Go is a safe search engine that can be used by students ranging from PreK-3rd grade. With PebbleGo, these students have the opportunity to explore different educational categories and topics involving Science and Social Studies. The website offers four databases: PebbleGo Animals and PebbleGo Science, PebbleGo Biographies and PebbleGo Social Studies. This website helps to increase student's reading and research skills, and can be used to help students with certain disabilities such as speech and reading disorders, as well as dyslexia. It can also help students who have visual impairments by providing read-along audio and word-by-wrod highlighting options. It includes videos and interactive elements to capture students attention and helps them to receive a better learning experience!

Instructions on how to use PebbleGo:

First, type in into your search engine.

Once you get to the website, you can log in using an already made or new PebbleGo account, Capstone account, or Google account.

Once you are logged into or have signed up for access to the website, you can choose to search four of the main domains of the website (Animals, Science, Biographies, and Social Studies.

Once you have chosen a domain to search, you can now explore the many topics under that domain. For example, if you choose the Science domain, you have the opportunity to search for topics or subjects involving Earth and Space Science, Physical Science, Life Science, and more.

Once you have chosen one of these topics, you have the opportunity to either type a specific topic that you are looking for into the search engine, or you can continue to click on each subtopic or category under the domain to learn different facts about each subject!

Videos on how to use PebbleGo:

Screencast on how to use PebbleGo:

May 10, 2018 11:29 PM.webm

Benefits of Using PebbleGo in a School Setting:

PebbleGo is a great way for students to search for educational topics in a safe and monitored environment. It is great for students who may struggle in learning Reading, Science, and Social Studies, and it can also be used as a study tool for the content or material learned in class. It can also serve as a great research tool for students who are curious about the world around them!

Most importantly, this tool is also great for students with disabilities. This website has the ability to help students with speech, language, and visual impairments or disorders, by reading the text to them and allowing them to respond and personally interact with the website in order to learn information.

Sample Classroom Activities:

3rd Grade Social Studies

{3.8.3-Describe the basic concepts of supply and demand and explain how competition affects the prices of goods and services}

*Each student in the class will be given fake money ($3), that will be used to buy the items that the teacher will introduce to the whole class.

*The teacher will begin the lesson by raising up five or more of the same random items to show to the whole class. The class will then decide whether or not they want to spend their money on buying the item.

*The teacher will begin by showing items that are considered to be less appealing to the students, to show that there is more supply then there is a demand for the item.

*As the items become more interesting and appealing to the students, the students will see that everyone in the class will begin to want to purchase the same items. This causes a problem, because there is now more demand then there are supplies.

*After this demonstration, the teacher will split the students up into groups of three and have each group read the Supply and Demand subtopic featured under the topic, All about Money, under the Social Studies section of the PebbleGo website.

2nd Grade Science:

{2.2.10-Identify natural disasters, predict where they may occur, and explain their effects on people and the environment}

*The teacher will place all of the students into pairs and will have them read the Tornado subtopic under the topic Extreme Weather under the domain Science on the PebbleGo website.

*After the students finish reading this section the teacher will provide the students with the supplies needed to make a tornado in a two-liter bottle. (Supplies include 2- two liter bottles, tape, water, and paper towels)

*The teacher will then give each group a set of directions and will have them work together to follow it in their groups step-by-step to make one bottled tornado per group.

*Once each group is finished making their tornadoes, they will present their finished product to the class.