By: Lindsay Chenier

What is Kahoot!?

Kahoot! is a website that can be reached from any device, whether it be a laptop, phone, or tablet. Kahoot! is a game-based learning program and it allows teachers to create fun learning games for students based on multiple choice questions.

Step-by-step guide

Go to this website

  1. Click Sign up in the top right hand corner, then fill in the information.
  2. You can choose to use it for free, pay $1, or pay $3.
  3. Once you get in, you can use any of the quizes available, or you can create your own.

Here are the steps to create your own.

  1. Click Create in the top right hand corner/.
  2. You can create a quiz, discussion, jumble, or survey.
  3. If you click on quiz, then create a title and description, once you do that, click on "Ok go" in the top right hand corner.

Click on "Add Question" and fill out the information, to select the right answer, click on the check mark next to the correct answer.

  1. Continue until you have completed the quiz.
  2. Once completed, save and publish it. It also gives you the option to edit, preview it, play it, and share it.

For the students to play it, they will need to:

  1. Go to
  2. Type in the Game Pin that it gives the teacher.

How to use Kahoot! In the classroom


Kahoot Tutorial

How to play Kahoot! - tutorial

Recording #4.mp4

Sample classroom Activities

Standard: 1. OA. A. 1 - Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions (e.g., by using objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem).

The teacher will review simple addition and subtraction word problems by using Kahoot!

Link -

Standard: 7.2.1 - Identify and describe the impact of key events, ideas, and people that led to the American Revolution.

After teaching the lesson on the American Revolution, the students will watch the play Hamilton. The goal is for the students to understand the American Revolution, watching the play will help them to do that. After watching the play, they will take a short quiz on some things that happened in the play to make sure they were paying attention.

Link -

Pro's and con's


  • It is a great tool for learning and reviewing material


  • The only con about this tool is that it only shows a shape on the viewers side, rather than showing the answer choices.
  • You are only allowed 95 characters to write a question and only 60 characters for the answers.

some faq and Answers

  • Who and what is behind Kahoot!?
    • Alf Inge Wang, a professor at the Norwegian University of Technology came up wit the idea for Kahoot! in 2006. The technology is based on the research done by Wang's student at the time, Morten Versvik, the other co-founders Jaime Brooker, Johan Brand, and Asmunt Furuseth joined Versvik to work on the UX and design of Kahoot!.
  • Is Kahoot! free? How does Kahoot! make money?
    • Kahoot! is free, for they want to enable having a free product for schools and stay true to their mission of unlocking the deepest potential of every learner globally.