By: Taylor Acosta

  • Khan Academy is a site that was created by a man for his niece in order to help her with her math assignments. The site contains videos of many different math topics that shows how to work example problems along with how to understand the material in a different perspective.
      • Students can then choose the subject or grade level on math skills they need assistance with.
  • Khan Academy can be a very useful tool to students. It can serve as a way to tutor students on math topics they may struggle with. It can also serve as a reminder if students forget lessons from the beginning of the school year. Lastly, it can serve as a way of extra practice for students. It also allows students and teachers to pose questions or ask about ways to incorporate subjects into their lessons.

One way teachers can implement this website in the classroom is to help provide extra problems that are shown on how to work them out. This can allow the educator to walk around the classroom freely and help struggling students while Khan Academy is portraying the lesson being taught.

Another way for teachers to incorporate Khan Academy in their classroom is as a study guide. Before the test students can be required to follow along and work the problems presented all on their own in order to measure their understanding of the material before the time of the exam. This can bring up test scores since the teacher has the ability to catch the material being struggled with before the exam date.