Google Sites is a web page creation tool created by Google to make creating websites easy for everyone, not just the tech savvy! Google Sites allows you to create a professional website without having to code it yourself. You can work on it yourself, or add others to help get your website up and running. Google Sites allows you to customize your website with themes or even add calendars, pictures, videos, charts, etc.

Step By step guide

  1. Go to Google Sites by typing in your web browser to open Google Sites. If you are not logged into Google already, a page will come up for you to log in. If you do not have a Google account you will have to create one.

2. Click New Google Sites

3. In the bottom right, click create (the button with the plus sign)

4. Add content--- can add text box, images, embed videos, or upload items, change them, add pages and sub-pages

5. Name your Site

6. To publish, at the top right click PUBLISH

Step 2. Click New Google Sites

Step 3. Click Create (plus sign)

Videos here!


Part 1: How to Create and Publish a Google Sites Page

How to Create Google SItes Webpage and How Publish .webm

Part 2: How to Customize Google Sites Page

May 10, 2018 7:41 PM.webm


  • Instructors can encourage and monitor collaborative work, and it allows students to learn from one another creating teamwork and facilitation skills.
  • It is easy to use and there is no download required, only need Internet access.
  • Publishing and sharing are easy. Google sites can be shared with others in the class to encourage discussion, peer review, and feedback.

Additional info

  • Google Apps for Education user receive over 10GB of storage for files, images, and attachments.
  • Google Sites' permission settings lets you designate owners, viewers, and collaborators for your site; you can make your Google Site available to just a few people, your entire school, or the whole world.
  • Google Sites can also be rendered from mobile devices.


  1. Is Google Sites free? Yes! Google Sites is free to anyone with a valid Google account.
  2. Can I change the name of my site? Yes
  3. Can I edit Google Sites offline? No, you cannot edit or work on your Google Site offline.
  4. Do I need any Software or application to work with Google Sites? No, all you need is a web browser!

Pros and Cons


  • Free!!
  • No coding or training required
  • Will support non Google users


  • Few themes/templates
  • People have to be the owner or editor of the page to leave comments which can hinder collaboration and prevents discussions
  • Many people feel it is not purpose build

Classroom activities

Activity #1 Students will construct an informational websites based on their favorite novels they read through out the semester. Each website will have to contain a main page based on a summary of the novel and sub-pages for each of the following: timeline of sequenced events and explanations, a character information page, and story plot graph (exposition, conflict, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution).

11th Grade- English

Louisiana Student Standards:

WHST.11.2a Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content. Introduce a topic; organize complex ideas, concepts, and information so that each new element builds on that which precedes it to create a unified whole; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., figures, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension.

RI.11.3 Analyze a complex set of ideas or sequence of events and explain how specific individuals, ideas, or events interact and develop over the course of the text.

Activity #2 Student will pick an explorer recently talked about in class and make a website describing how this explorer impacted america. Students will include a timeline of important events from birth to death.

Fourth Grade

Louisiana Standards:

4.1.1 Construct timelines of historical events

4.2.1 Explain how early explorations affected the expansion of boundaries and development in the United States