Google Apps

Ronald Dupuy

These apps allow you to use the various Google tools such as Google drive, Google Docs, Google Slides, and Google Sheets right on your phone.

Google Docs App

The Google Docs app lets you access all of your Google Docs documents, and edit them all from your mobile device!

Lets get started!

Once you've opened the app, you can click any of your Google Docs documents to edit. If you want to create a new document, simply click on the + at the bottom right of the screen.

Create a new Document

Once you've clicked the button to create a new document, you can choose to either create a new document, or pick a template to start with.


If you decided to start with a template, a list of various templates will appear for you to choose from.

Name it!

Once your new document is made, be sure to name it so you can distinguish it from any other documents you may have!

Inside the document

Once you've named your document, you can begin to work on it. From here you can type anything you may need right from your phone.

Google Slides

The Google Slides App allows you to access all of your Google Slides data from your phone. From here, you can edit and create slideshows and powerpoints.

create a new slide or edit a previous one

You can start by either choosing from one of your previous slides you've worked on, or by creating a new one. To create a new slide, just click the + icon in the bottom right corner

To template or not to template

From here you can create a new presentation from scratch, or you can start with a template. Simply click 'choose template' to bring up a list of templates to pick from, or click 'New presentation' to continue.


If you decided to start with a template, just pick one from the list that follows. Once you've picked a template, you can get started on your presentation!

Name it!

Once you've created your new presentation, it's time to name it. Give your presentation a name so that you can distinguish it from your other presentations.

Edit your presentation!

Once you've selected a presentation, or created a new one, it's time to edit your presentation.

Google Sheets

Google Sheets allows you to edit and create Google Sheets documents right from your phone!

Make a sheet!

Once you've opened the app, you can edit a previous document in Google Sheets, or you can create a new one. Just click the + icon at the bottom right corner to create a new spreadsheet.

template or not?

Once you've clicked the + icon, you can decide whether to create a new blank spreadsheet, or to use a template.


If you decide to use a template, simply pick one from the list the app provides you.

NAme it!

Before you can begin working on your spreadsheet, be sure to name it so that you can distinguish it from your other spreadsheets.

Get to work!

Once you've selected a spreadsheet, you can now edit it just as if you were at your computer!

Google drive

Google drive acts as a cloud storage for users to store various files and documents. From Google drive, a user can access their various documents and files across multiple devices.

Lets begin!

Google Apps

From Google Drive, you can select any of the other google apps to create a new document.

Upload Files

To upload pictures, videos, or files directly from your mobile device, just click upload.

create a folder

To create a new folder to organize your files and documents in Google Drive, click Folder.

Once you name your folder, you can put various documents, sheets, slides, pictures, or videos inside of it.

take a picture

Instead of uploading an existing picture directly to the Google Drive, you can take a new picture right from the app.

USEFULNESS in a classroom

The Google Apps are very useful in the classroom setting. Some classrooms have computers available, but not all of them do. Those that do may not have enough computers for every student in the class. Some schools use tablets instead of computers, in which case the Google Apps are necessary if they are to use any of these Google features. While not all classrooms will have access to computers, most students do have a cellular or mobile device. With these apps, students can work on assignments from their phones. This is also particularly useful for teachers who may find themselves in a pinch without access to a computer. They can just download the apps and work on future presentations from there.

Sample Classroom activity

The students must separate into groups and choose one or two aspects of a particular literary work, such as symbolism of the Russian Revolution in the book, Animal Farm.

Another possible activity is having the students create a file in Google Drive to use as a portfolio for all of their written work in a class.