
Daedra Howard

DocHub is an online PDF editor and document signing platform. DocHub lets users add text, draw, add signatures and make document templates. DocHub can integrate with Dropbox, Google Drive, Gmail and Box accounts.

Classroom Benefits:

  • Allows students to edit without messing up the original document
  • Can collaborate and share
  • Can use any document format

Additional Tips:

  • DocHub supports multiple languages
  • You can edit up to 50 documents for free every month

Videos about DocHUb

Screencast And Step-By-Step Guide

DocHub Step-By-Step Guide

Classroom Activities

First Grade English

  • Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses
      • For this standard, teachers could upload a document, specifically about any of the senses, to DocHub and have students highlight or cirle words that deal with the senses.

Second Grade English

  • Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
    • For this standard, teachers could give students a reading assignment and then upload the questions about the reading assignment to DocHub so that students could type in their answers and send it directly to the teacher rather than using paper.