You can also "publish" Docs to:
Use as webpages (especially if you do not currently have a class webpage). You can insert links to sites/pages on the WEB, other Docs you have prepared for students to use, Forms for students to fill out, etc.
As "stand alone" mini lessons or webquests that you link to, from your classroom webpage
As additional resources for students to use when studying units
For students to use as they do research
For students to use as assignments
For students to use for skill practices
For extra credit assignments
Students can "publish" Docs to:
create their own mini webpage as part of a class assignment
create a webpage to add their research, reports, etc. to the teacher's main website, as samples of student work. Teachers can link to students' published Docs and use them as part of a class website.
for electronic portfolios
Click to open a sample published Doc
You may have to sign-in to your Google account to have all the links work.