Examples Of some Google Earth Notifications:
a co-editor shares a place with you
a new street image is available for a place you visited before
a link to a new place you've discovered in Google Earth
notifications about popular places that are trending with people's searches
notifications about types of places you specify (in settings) such as restaurants, museums, parks
new places that have been added to Google Earth
places related to your interests (based on your searches)
iPad and iPhone:
Turn on notifications
Open the Google Earth app
Tap Menu > Settings.
Under "Notifications," choose an option:
For updates about new interactive tours, turn on Stories from Voyager.
For updates about cool places around the world, turn on Places of Interest.
Turn off notifications
Open the Google Earth app .
Tap Menu > Settings
Turn off the notifications you don’t want to receive.
Turn on notifications
Open the Google Earth app .
Tap Menu > Settings
Under "Notifications," choose an option:
For updates about new interactive tours, turn on Stories from Voyager.
For updates about cool places around the world, turn on Places of Interest.
Turn off notifications
Open the Google Earth app
Tap Menu > Settings
Turn off the notifications you don’t want to receive
You can search for the following:
These are ways you can look up locations:
City and state: Willowview, PA
City and country: London, England
Street name: Newbury Street, Boston
Entire address: 221B Baker St, London, NW1 6XE
Zip or postal code: 12212
Longitude and latitude: 18°28’59"N 69°56’21"W or 18.4830556, -69.9391667
General places: Museums in Italy
Taken From Google Earth Help