Chairmen's Committee

Chairmen's Committee

The Computerworld Honor's Program Chairmen's Committee, led by Patrick J. McGovern, founder and Chairman of International Data Group, comprises 100 Chairmen, Presidents, or Chief Executive Officers of leading information technology companies from around the world. 

Each year the Committee identifies a new slate of organizations throughout the world whose use of information technology merits special recognition. 

The Computerworld Honors Program invites these organizations to submit selected materials to become part of The Computerworld Honors Program's Archives On-Line and of the research collections of an elite group of the world's academic and research institutions with a special interest in the history of the information technology revolution. 

Chairmen's nominees whose materials become part of one or more of those collections are designated "Computerworld Honors Laureates."

Membership on the active chairmen’s committee is by invitation only.

Honorary membership, with full rights and privileges, is also extended to the Chairmen of all companies recognized by the Program and the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American History in 1990 as "founders" of that museum's "Information Age" exhibition.

Selected on the basis of both their personal achievements and their roles as leaders of the information technology industry, the Chairmen are particularly well qualified to track the rapid changes that their technology is fostering in society today. 

Their perspectives and their companies' roles in the global information technology revolution ensure that the archives and research collections supported by the program contain the stories of achievement and positive impact on society that best exemplify the "new heroes" of the "Information Age."

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